Conversation in the senior group: “Heroic deeds during the war. Abstract of the GCD lesson in the preparatory group on the topic: Heroes of the Second World War

Publication date: 04.12.15

Conversation: "Heroic deeds during the war"

Senior group

Grigorieva O.I teacher MKDOU Kindergarten "Fairy Tale"

Purpose: to continue to acquaint preschoolers with the heroic deeds of children during the Great Patriotic War.

To give an idea of ​​how the people remember and honor the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Develop a sense of pride in your heroic and invincible people. To cultivate respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers.

Today, on the eve of the Victory Day holiday, we will continue our conversation about the Great Patriotic War. We will get acquainted with the life of children during the war, with those who were very few years old in those war years.

Today will be a day of remembrance

And in the heart it is crowded from high words,

Today will be a day of remembrance

About the exploits and valor of the fathers.

Guys, what is war? When did it start? How long did the war last? And with whom was the war? Why do you think the Germans were called Nazis during the Great Patriotic War? Who stood up to defend our Motherland? Do you think children helped adults? How can children help adults? (children's answers).

Difficult, hungry and cold war years are often called military hard times - dashing, evil years. They were hard for our people, but it was especially hard for the children. Both adults and children stood up to defend the Motherland. Many children were left orphans, their fathers died in the war, others lost their parents during the bombing, the third lost not only their relatives, but also their homes, the fourth remained in the territory occupied by the enemies, the fifth in the foam of the Germans. Children fought in partisan detachments, worked at military factories, collected warm clothes for front-line soldiers, gave concerts in front of the wounded ...

(slide show of war children in factories, hospitals)

War - you are an evil stepmother!

Didn't give enough to eat

Living from the white light

It took away their joy.

War, you are an evil stepmother!

Didn't let me sleep

Raising the children early

Lifted with hard work.

We will gather all the strength

Chasing the evil old woman

No matter what she threatens the children

Hunger, death, devastation!

The children had to endure cold, hunger, the death of their relatives, but they held on and held on to the end. The war distorted the fate of not only the children who ended up at the front, but also those who were in the rear. Instead of a carefree happy childhood with fun games and fun, small children worked on machines for 10-12 hours, helped adults make weapons to defeat enemies. But they did it, they won... What do you think, can children be heroes? Which of the children of the heroes do you know?

There was a war, but life went on. At home, mothers, wives, and children were waiting for the soldiers. Soldiers wrote letters from the front, and they were answered by relatives and friends. Soldiers wrote letters on any piece of paper they came across, and then folded them in a special way. The triangle letter was a sheet of rectangular paper, folded first from right to left, and then from left to right. The remaining strip of paper was inserted inside. A stamp was not required, the letter was not sealed. On the outside, the destination and return address were written, and a clean space was also left. What do you think for what? The paper was worth its weight in gold, the message was written in the smallest handwriting, all the available space was filled. If a soldier was transferred to another unit, ended up in an infirmary or hospital, then a new address was put in place for notes. Some of these forwarded letters disappeared for a long time, finding the addressee years after the war. One of these letters I will read to you.

I show an envelope folded in a triangle.

Now I will read you a letter written by a little boy Seryozha Aleshkov.

“My name is Serezha Aleshkov. I am the youngest defender of Stalingrad. I was only 6 years old. The Nazis killed my mother. But I did my best to help the fighters: I brought them food, brought them cartridges, sang songs during breaks, read poetry, delivered mail. Once, during the shelling, the commander of the regiment, Colonel Vorobyov, fell into a dugout, I was not at a loss, I called for help. The commander survived. In 1942, I came under mortar fire, was wounded in the leg, and ended up in the hospital. I was awarded the medal "For Military Merit".

How old was Sergei? Why did the boys help the fighters at the front? Guys, why do you think Serezha Aleshkov didn’t rest between fights, but sang songs, read poetry, delivered mail? And for what Serezha was awarded the medal “for military merit?”

Phys. minute (children perform the movement in accordance with the text)

We are still preschoolers

But we walk like soldiers.

One, two, together in step,

Three, four firmer step.

Soldiers go to the parade

They are brave guys.

But this letter was written by a girl named Tanya Savicheva. Show the children that the letter is handwritten, not typed.

"My name is Tanya. Savicheva Tanya. When the war started I was eleven years old. Our family refused to evacuate, we stayed in the city to help the front. We decided to stick together until the end.

I didn’t take part in the battles, I wasn’t a partisan, but together with other guys I liberated attics, dragged sandbags, buckets of water there to put out lighters, looked after the wounded. One by one, the war took my brothers and sisters, uncle, grandmother ... mother ... I wrote all this in my diary. I died of exhaustion on the first of July in the forty-fourth year ... "

How did Tanya and her friends help the front? Why did they vacate the attics, dragged sandbags, buckets of water there? Why did Tanya die?

We are children of war. We got it from the diapers

To know the chaos of all adversity.

There was hunger. It was cold. Didn't sleep at night.

The sky blackened from burning.

From explosions and crying the earth shuddered.

We did not know children's fun.

We, the children of war, got a lot of grief.

The victory was the reward.

And the chronicle of the terrible years fit into the memory.

Pain found an echo in Echo.

Why do you think children did not know children's fun? What hardships befell their home? What was the reward for the children and the entire Russian people?

Di. "finish the sentence"

Guys, I will tell you phrases, and you will have to finish them.

This holiday of the whole country

We must remember him.

Our people defeated the enemies

And defended the Fatherland.

(Victory Day)

Defended our grandfathers

Labor and happiness on earth,

They shine brightly in honor of ... (victory)

The stars of the world on the Kremlin.

The sky lit up above us

It shone with lights.

Like flowers they bloom

This is a festive ... (salute).

For courage, courage, heroism, young soldiers were awarded orders and medals. But, unfortunately, not everyone lived to see the Victory. Many died at the hands of the enemy, hunger. The exploits of young heroes will always be remembered by people. Every year in all cities of our country and in Moscow on May 9, a festive parade takes place.

Do you think it is necessary to remember those whom we have not even seen? Guys, how is the memory of the children of the war immortalized? What are monuments? (showing monuments dedicated to the children of war)

We were born and raised in peacetime. For us, war is history, but we will always remember it.

We are against grief and war

We want to grow up happy.

Let the sun shine from above

Over the cities, us.

Guys, what do you remember about the lesson? What else would you like to know about?

I offer children stars. If you liked the lesson, I suggest putting an asterisk on the table, and if the lesson seemed difficult, then put the asterisk in a box.

Synopsis of direct educational activities on the topic "Dedicated to the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War"

Target: Formation in children of patriotic feelings, emotional and value attitude to the Motherland, to the heroes of the Second World War


    Develop a sense of pride for your country, for its heroes

    To consolidate the ideas of children that the heroes of our Motherland sacrificed their lives for us, to form the ability to capture this connection

    To consolidate children's ideas about the awards of the Second World War

    To consolidate the ability of children to rebuild from one line to two

    Continue to develop the ability of children to create teamwork, work in a team

    To develop the speech of children, the ability to coordinate words with hand movements (through pronunciation and showing with hands poems about the Victory in the Great Patriotic War)

    Develop memory and imagination

Integration of educational areas:

- cognitive development;

Speech development;

Social and communicative development;

Physical development;

Artistic and aesthetic development

Necessary materials and equipment:


Multimedia equipment for viewing photos depicting how soldiers are greeted from the war; to listen to audio recordings with songs about war and victory, Levitan's voices on the radio about the surrender of Germany

Illustrations depicting awards of the Great Patriotic War

Illustrations depicting soldiers returning to their native Earth, where they are met

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children about the events of the Great Patriotic War, about how hard it was for our soldiers to get this victory

Learning with children poems about Victory Day and their explanation, discussion. Show these poems with your hands.

Search for necessary audio recordings and illustrations

The course of educational activities:

Children go to the song "Victory Day".

Educator: - Guys, we all know that a Great holiday is coming for our country. What holiday is this? (children's answers - Victory Day) And when will our country celebrate this holiday? (May 9).

Educator: - That's right, May 9th. The day when 72 years ago, in 1945, the Soviet people learned that the long-awaited Day of Victory over fascism had come. This brutal war lasted for a long 4 years.

Guys, when we entered the hall, a song was playing. What do you think it is about? (children's answers)

What words in the song stand out to you the most? Why?

The teacher shows verses about Victory Day (on his hands) with gestures, the children recite them in chorus, also accompanying their speech with hand movements:

Victory Day

May holiday -

Victory Day

The whole country celebrates.

Our grandfathers put on

Military orders.

The road calls them in the morning

To the parade.

And thoughtfully from the threshold

Grandmothers are watching after them.

Victory Day

Holiday of peace in the country and spring.

On this day, we remember the soldiers

Those who did not return to their families from the war.

On this holiday we feel grandfathers,

Defended their native country

Giving people victory

And returned us peace and spring!

Educator: This is how on the radio the Soviet people on May 9, 1945 first learned about the Victory of the Soviet Union over Germany. And I suggest you plunge into the time when this event happened. Imagine that you are the people of that time. What would you experience when you learned about the Victory? Let's be soldiers and stand in line. I will be your commander.

So, platoon, pay off for the first or second!

Children are counted on the "first-second". The second ones take a step forward. Thus, the guys are divided into two teams. For them, on two tables are whatman paper and pre-prepared medals of war heroes made of paper. Teams make collages, 2 collective works are obtained.

Guys, we talked a lot about the heroes of the war, about what awards they received. Someone was awarded them during his lifetime, and someone received awards posthumously. But few people know that after the war it was also very difficult for our compatriots to live. I had to starve and freeze. Our guest is a resident of that time - Zoya Stepanovna Berdysheva. She came to tell us about how they lived in the post-war years

Zoya Stepanovna tells, shows a photo. Then we give her a collective work and perform the song "Scarlet Sunsets".

Abstract of the GCD for children of the group preparatory to school with ONR on the topic “Heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Marshal G.K. Zhukov

Description of the material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children 6-7 years old with OHP on the topic “Heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Marshal G.K. Zhukov".
I offer this material for educators, speech therapists, defectologists. This is a synopsis for introducing pupils to one of the heroes of the Second World War, Marshal G.K. Zhukov, fostering a sense of patriotism and pride in their country, respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
Integration of educational areas"Knowledge", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction." Introduce children to the hero of the Great Patriotic War, Marshal G.K. Zhukov. Educational:
introduce children to the hero of the Great Patriotic War Marshal G.K. Zhukov
expand children's understanding of Russian symbols (flag)
to consolidate the skills to select synonyms, signs, improve constructive praxis.
expand children's knowledge about the hero of the Second World War, about his name
desire to learn more new, interesting about the history of our country.
develop auditory memory, visual attention
to cultivate a sense of patriotism, love for one's Motherland, respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, develop respect and goodwill towards people.

Preliminary work:

Examining illustrations and postcards about the Second World War, about G.K. Zhukov, memorizing poems for the Victory Day, memorizing proverbs and sayings about friendship, names, singing songs on military topics, reading stories about the heroes of the Second World War, making postcards, panoramas with children and parents, drawing plot pictures.

Demo material:

Illustrations, photographs by G.K. Zhukov, an exhibition of books on military subjects, a set of puzzles for collecting pictures, St. George ribbons.

GCD progress
Organizing time.
Speech therapist. What holiday is coming up soon? (Victory Day is approaching)
1. There are several types of flags of different countries on the table.
Questions for children:
Which of these flags are familiar to you? (Moscow, Russian.)
What and who is depicted on the flags? (The Russian one shows tricolor stripes: white, blue, red, and the Moscow one depicts George the Victorious.)

Speech therapist. The flag has its own history. Many centuries ago, instead of a flag, people used a pole, tying bunches of grass, branches, and a horse's tail to its top. It was called a banner. The main purpose of the banner was to collect, "pull" the soldiers to protect their land.
The Moscow flag does not just depict George the Victorious.
Guess the riddle:
Both you and me
And the cat, and the pike in the sea,
and at the flower in the field, and at the oak in the forest. (name)

Speech therapist reads a poem:
Names, names, names
In our speech they sound not by chance:
How mysterious is this country
So the name is a mystery and a mystery.
What does the name George mean?
Each name has its own meaning. The name Georgiy means farmer, popularly called Yegor. A person named by this name strives to be closer to the earth, to be able and willing to protect it.

2. Game "Say it differently"
Defender of the Fatherland - warrior, soldier, fighter.
Fatherland - Motherland, Fatherland.
Brave soldier - courageous, brave, fearless, courageous, valiant.

3. The story of a speech therapist about Marshal G.K. Zhukov.
Great commander A.V. Suvorov said:
What soldier doesn't want to be a general?
Today I want to tell you about a man whose name is George and he was a marshal, four times a hero of the Soviet Union. He played an important role in winning the victory over the Nazis in the Great Patriotic War. (showing photos of Zhukov)

Little Egor was sent by his mother to Moscow to study fur art.
He was only 15 years old, but they began to call him Georgy Konstantinovich because he studied furriery with diligence and accuracy, read a lot, and studied German.
When the war of 1914 began, he decided to join the army as a volunteer, to defend the Motherland from enemies. There he was injured and was evacuated to the hospital.
After the amendment, Zhukov decided to join the Red Army. His fate was connected with the army. After 15 years of service, Zhukov became a regiment commander.
Georgy Konstantinovich studied a lot and in all the posts that he held, he worked with full dedication. Mind, diligent and persistent attitude to study, helped Zhukov to become an outstanding commander.
Demanding of himself and others, he carefully planned all military operations. Thanks to Zhukov, many decisive victories were won in the Great Patriotic War.
The country's leadership sent Zhukov to where it was difficult. He has always led the most difficult battles. It was under his command that our troops stopped the enemy, first near Leningrad (St. Petersburg), and then near Moscow.
The war was won, and, as has happened more than once in history, the Russians not only liberated their land from the enemy, but also the cities of other countries.
After the war, Georgy Konstantinovich was the commander-in-chief of the Soviet armed forces. Subsequently, he served as Minister of Defense. For courage and courage he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union four times. Possessing knowledge of military affairs, he continued to teach young soldiers military skills. This man is remembered in our country, therefore, awards have been established for especially distinguished military men: the Order of G.K. Zhukov and the medal of G.K. Zhukov.
Questions for children
First, who was Zhukov? (First a soldier.)
Then by whom? (Then an officer.)
Who became? (became marshal)

4. Exercise "Pick up signs"
Whoever he was, he always remained a soldier
A soldier (what?) - brave, fearless, courageous, brave, intelligent, valiant, executive, hardworking.

5. The game "Who has what shoulder straps?"
A sergeant has a sergeant, a lieutenant has a lieutenant, a captain has a captain, a major has a major, a colonel has a colonel, a general has a general, a marshal has a marshal.

Speech therapist. The name George defines the character of a person. You have already heard that Zhukov treated the matter responsibly, attracting with his skill and readiness to carefully and patiently listen to the interlocutor. He never betrays other people's secrets, does not tolerate lies.
There are sayings about names:
"By name - and life"
“The name of a person - his fame or celebrity - dignity,” wrote the author of the famous Dictionary I.V. Dal.

6. Exercise "Collect a portrait"
Let's take another look at the portrait of this outstanding marshal.
- Assemble a portrait of Marshal G.K. Zhukov from parts.
The children collect the portrait and leave it on the table.

7. The result of the lesson.
Children decorate Zhukov's portrait with festive military symbols.

State budgetary preschool educational institution
Kindergarten No. 64
Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Synopsis of direct educational activities

Topic: "Veterans of the Great Patriotic War"

Age: 6-7 years old

Educational field: cognitive development

Formation of a holistic picture of the world

Boytseva Ludmila Borisovna


Saint Petersburg

Abstractdirect educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic "Veterans of the Great Patriotic War", carried out in the process of direct educational activities of the teacher with children

Target: Expand children's understanding of the Great Patriotic War.



1. Consolidate children's knowledge about Victory Day;

2. To enrich knowledge about the life of people during the war at the front and in the rear;

3. Improve knowledge about veterans, their role in the liberation from the German occupiers.


1. Develop coherent speech, thinking, attention;

2. Expand vocabulary.


1. To cultivate in children a cognitive interest in the history of the country;

2. Raise love and respect for the participants in the war;

Preliminary work:

Conversations on the topic "Victory Day", listening to military songs, reading patriotic poems, making postcards.


A cocked hat letter, photographs, a magnetic board, a TV set, a presentation "The Great Patriotic War", St. George ribbons, a tape recorder, a metronome recording, a video film "Eternal Flame".

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive, socio-communicative, physical development

The course of direct educational activities

Hello guys! Say hello to our guests.

Come, please, to me.

Guys, I recently went to visit my grandfather, Yuri Ivanovich. He showed me a very unusual letter, and she wanted to show it to you. With the permission of my grandfather, I took the letter. Here it is.

The teacher shows the letterchildren.

Let's look at it in more detail.

What shape is it?

Was it recently written or a long time ago?

Who do you think wrote this letter to my grandfather?

Let's read it.

The teacher reads out an episode from a sister's letter to her brother.

So who wrote this letter?

Right. And her name was Lyudmila Ivanovna.

The teacher fixes on the board photographs of people in military uniform with medals.

My grandfather Yuri Ivanovich Dolgopolov and his sister Lyudmila Ivanovna are veterans of the Great Patriotic War. For services to the Motherland, for courage and heroism, they were awarded orders and medals. See how many of them are on the chest.

Who are the veterans?

People who participated in the war.

1st child:

Veteran - seasoned fighter

Seen a lot in my life.

He is brave in battle

Defended my country!

Today we will talk about the Great Patriotic War, about the victory of our army in it and, of course, about those whom we must definitely congratulate on the May holidays.

Guys, what do you know about the Great Patriotic War?

Take a seat on the chairs.

The teacher shows the presentation "The Great Patriotic War"

slide 1.

On June 22, 1941, people heard an announcement: "Today at 4 o'clock in the morning, without declaring war, German troops attacked our Motherland."

German planes with bombs rose from the airfields, which bombed cities, airfields, railway stations, bombs fell on children's camps, kindergartens, schools, hospitals and residential buildings.

Slide 2.

All the people, young and old, stood up to defend their beloved Motherland. Not only men went to the front, but even children often ran away from home to fight the Nazis. Young girls also aspired to the front, many were nurses, signalmen, scouts, even pilots. Relatives and friends saw them off with tears in their eyes, but with faith in victory.

Slide 3.

All those who remained in the rear worked in factories and factories. For the front, they made tanks, planes; shells and bullets were cast; sewed clothes and boots for soldiers; made bombs and guns for the soldiers.

In those days, the slogan appeared: “Everything for the front! All for victory!

slide 4.

The Great Patriotic War lasted for four years. On May 9, 1945, our soldiers reached Berlin, the capital of Germany. And there, on the main building, which was called the Reichstag, our red flag of Victory was hoisted, the color of which denotes fire and courage.

Slide 5.

Joyful news swept through all the cities of our large country. People took to the streets and congratulated each other. All participants in the battles were awarded orders and medals. The sky was lit up with fireworks that day.

There is a word in the world

Necessary and important

Like the sun

This word warms everyone.

This word is important

Warm like summer.

Peace for all peoples

Peace on the whole planet!

Who protects our Motherland from enemies?

Let us become soldiers. Stand at your chairs.

Physical education "Soldiers"

Like soldiers on parade, we walk row after row,

Left-time, right-time, look at us all!

Everyone clapped their hands - together, more fun!

Our feet pounded - louder and faster!

Let's hit the knees - quieter, quieter, quieter!

Handles, handles raise - higher, higher, higher.

Take your seats.

The life of soldiers at the front was not easy. And what qualities should a real soldier have?

But not all soldiers returned from this long war. Many died in battles defending their Motherland. In memory of them, monuments and memorial complexes were erected in all cities of our vast country.

The teacher fixes on a magnetic board images with monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

2nd child:

From the heroes of yesteryear

sometimes there are no names left.

Those who have accepted mortal combat,

became just earth and grass...

3rd child:

Only their formidable prowess

settled in the hearts of the living.

This eternal flame

bequeathed to us by him,

we keep in our hearts and in our chests.

Let for a minute

All words are silenced...

And in memory of them

Candles are lit.

Let's honor the memory of the fallen soldiers with a moment of silence.

The teacher turns on the video "Eternal Flame" with the sound of a metronome.

This year we are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer veterans who were participants in that war. To whom we owe our freedom. We thank the veterans of the Great Patriotic War for the clear and bright sky above our heads.

State budgetary preschool educational institution
Kindergarten No. 64
Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Synopsis of direct educational activities

Topic: "Veterans of the Great Patriotic War"

Age: 6-7 years old

Educational field: cognitive development

Formation of a holistic picture of the world

Boytseva Ludmila Borisovna


Saint Petersburg

Abstractdirect educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic "Veterans of the Great Patriotic War", carried out in the process of direct educational activities of the teacher with children

Target: Expand children's understanding of the Great Patriotic War.



1. Consolidate children's knowledge about Victory Day;

2. To enrich knowledge about the life of people during the war at the front and in the rear;

3. Improve knowledge about veterans, their role in the liberation from the German occupiers.


1. Develop coherent speech, thinking, attention;

2. Expand vocabulary.


1. To cultivate in children a cognitive interest in the history of the country;

2. Raise love and respect for the participants in the war;

Preliminary work:

Conversations on the topic "Victory Day", listening to military songs, reading patriotic poems, making postcards.


A cocked hat letter, photographs, a magnetic board, a TV set, a presentation "The Great Patriotic War", St. George ribbons, a tape recorder, a metronome recording, a video film "Eternal Flame".

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive, socio-communicative, physical development

The course of direct educational activities

Hello guys! Say hello to our guests.

Come, please, to me.

Guys, I recently went to visit my grandfather, Yuri Ivanovich. He showed me a very unusual letter, and she wanted to show it to you. With the permission of my grandfather, I took the letter. Here it is.

The teacher shows the letter to the children.

Let's look at it in more detail.

What shape is it?

Was it recently written or a long time ago?

Who do you think wrote this letter to my grandfather?

Let's read it.

The teacher reads out an episode from a sister's letter to her brother.

So who wrote this letter?

Right. And her name was Lyudmila Ivanovna.

The teacher fixes on the board photographs of people in military uniform with medals.

My grandfather Yuri Ivanovich Dolgopolov and his sister Lyudmila Ivanovna are veterans of the Great Patriotic War. For services to the Motherland, for courage and heroism, they were awarded orders and medals. See how many of them are on the chest.

Who are the veterans?

People who participated in the war.

1st child:

Veteran - seasoned fighter

Seen a lot in my life.

He is brave in battle

Defended my country!

Today we will talk about the Great Patriotic War, about the victory of our army in it and, of course, about those whom we must definitely congratulate on the May holidays.

Guys, what do you know about the Great Patriotic War?

Take a seat on the chairs.

The teacher shows the presentation "The Great Patriotic War"

On June 22, 1941, people heard an announcement: "Today at 4 o'clock in the morning, without declaring war, German troops attacked our Motherland."

German planes with bombs rose from the airfields, which bombed cities, airfields, railway stations, bombs fell on children's camps, kindergartens, schools, hospitals and residential buildings.

All the people, young and old, stood up to defend their beloved Motherland. Not only men went to the front, but even children often ran away from home to fight the Nazis. Young girls also aspired to the front, many were nurses, signalmen, scouts, even pilots. Relatives and friends saw them off with tears in their eyes, but with faith in victory.

All those who remained in the rear worked in factories and factories. For the front, they made tanks, planes; shells and bullets were cast; sewed clothes and boots for soldiers; made bombs and guns for the soldiers.

In those days, the slogan appeared: “Everything for the front! All for victory!

The Great Patriotic War lasted for four years. On May 9, 1945, our soldiers reached Berlin, the capital of Germany. And there, on the main building, which was called the Reichstag, our red flag of Victory was hoisted, the color of which denotes fire and courage.

Joyful news swept through all the cities of our large country. People took to the streets and congratulated each other. All participants in the battles were awarded orders and medals. The sky was lit up with fireworks that day.

There is a word in the world

Necessary and important

Like the sun

This word warms everyone.

This word is important

Warm like summer.

Peace for all peoples

Peace on the whole planet!

Who protects our Motherland from enemies?

Let us become soldiers. Stand at your chairs.

Physical education "Soldiers"

Like soldiers on parade, we walk row after row,

Left-time, right-time, look at us all!

Everyone clapped their hands - together, more fun!

Our feet pounded - louder and faster!

Let's hit the knees - quieter, quieter, quieter!

Handles, handles raise - higher, higher, higher.

Take your seats.

The life of soldiers at the front was not easy. And what qualities should a real soldier have?

But not all soldiers returned from this long war. Many died in battles defending their Motherland. In memory of them, monuments and memorial complexes were erected in all cities of our vast country.

The teacher fixes on a magnetic board images with monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

2nd child:

From the heroes of yesteryear

sometimes there are no names left.

Those who have accepted mortal combat,

became just earth and grass...

3rd child:

Only their formidable prowess

settled in the hearts of the living.

This eternal flame

bequeathed to us by him,

we keep in our hearts and in our chests.

Let for a minute

All words are silenced...

And in memory of them

Candles are lit.

Let's honor the memory of the fallen soldiers with a moment of silence.

The teacher turns on the video "Eternal Flame" with the sound of a metronome.

This year we are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer veterans who were participants in that war. To whom we owe our freedom. We thank the veterans of the Great Patriotic War for the clear and bright sky above our heads.

4th child:

Holiday of peace in the country and spring.

On this day, we remember the soldiers

Those who did not return to their families from the war.

5th child:

On this holiday we honor grandfathers,

Defended their native country

Giving people victory

And who returned peace and spring to us!

Today we talked about the Great Patriotic War. What was your mood? Why?

What new did you learn today?

Who and how do we congratulate on Victory Day?

Guys, I want to give you a St. George ribbon in memory of the military merits of our people. Tell me, what colors are on the St. George ribbon? What do they stand for?

You're right. Black represents smoke, orange represents fire. Wear these ribbons with pride, remember the military exploits of your grandfathers and great-grandfathers. About the cost of our victory.

Our lesson is over.

Boytseva Ludmila Borisovna