What to give a child if constipation. Physiological features of constipation in children. Psychological features of constipation in children

Experts define constipation as a clinical syndrome characterized by a violation of the evacuation function of the intestine, in which there is a systematic difficulty in defecation or the absence of stool for a long time. Constipation affects both newborn babies and older children. Finding out the causes of this pathology allows pediatricians to answer the exciting question: what to do if a child has constipation, and also to prescribe effective treatment that helps to eliminate the problem.

Diagnosis of constipation in children

According to statistics, constipation in a child is considered a common problem, because almost half of young patients entering treatment suffer from functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Much less often (only 6-8%), intestinal dysrhythmia of an organic nature is diagnosed.

The doctor conducts a clinical examination of a small patient.

To diagnose and identify the true cause of constipation in a child, a comprehensive examination is carried out, which includes:

  • collection of anamnesis: clarification of the duration and dynamics of the disease, the rhythm of defecation, stool quality;
  • clinical examination of a small patient: determination by palpation of abdominal distention, the presence of feces;
  • laboratory tests: scatology, analysis of feces for eggs of worms, for dysbiosis, general and biochemical blood tests;
  • instrumental examinations: ultrasound of the stomach, liver, pancreas, in some cases - ultrasonography of the large intestine, irrigography (radiography), rectomanoscopy, endoscopy, sphincterometry, manometry.

The examination should be carried out in conjunction with a pediatrician, proctologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist. This will determine the diagnosis and methods of how to help the child with constipation.

Important! The reason for contacting a pediatrician or gastroenterologist should be a violation of the act of defecation in infants, in which feces are released with a thin tape or stream, as it indicates a pathology of the rectum.

The importance of therapeutic therapy

Constipation in a child not only causes temporary difficulties with emptying the intestines, but also leads to the development of a chronic form of the disease, has a negative effect on the organs of the digestive tract, and the entire child's body. Ineffective or delayed treatment of constipation in children can have serious consequences.

  1. Weakness, anemia, weakening of the immune system develop as a result of a disturbance in the digestive process, which impairs the absorption of vitamins, microelements, and other nutrients.
  2. Decreased activity, lethargy, apathy, drowsiness, deterioration in appetite is due to general intoxication with feces.
  3. Spastic pains, poor circulation, inflammation of the intestinal mucous epithelium, flatulence occur due to the accumulation of feces, which stretch the intestinal walls.
  4. Chronic constipation leads to cracks, bleeding, pain, which leads to nervous and psychological disorders.

First aid for children's constipation

Modern medicine has effective remedies to help eliminate stool retention and cure constipation in a baby. The primary task of parents with recurrent stool retention is to alleviate the painful condition of the child. Although there are many modern laxatives available, doctors recommend using them as a last resort.

Rectal suppositories with glycerin or a cleansing enema are effective and safe. Suppositories are easy to use, have a quick effect and are prescribed as first aid even for newborns. In the absence of suppositories, you can give a cleansing enema. To do this, you need a glass of cool water with a small amount of glycerin. The procedure requires compliance with basic rules:

  • the pear must be boiled and disinfected;
  • grease the tip with fat cream or vegetable oil;
  • the water must be cool, otherwise it will be absorbed into the intestinal walls;
  • water should be poured in small portions so as not to cause pain and cramps.

A cleansing enema is considered an effective measure for relieving constipation, however, it only temporarily relieves symptoms without curing the disease. Therefore, it is not recommended to resort to this method often.

Treatment of constipation with complex therapy

In case of frequent defecation disorders and stool retention, it is necessary to consult a doctor. An urgent measure for visiting a pediatrician is the presence of the following symptoms:

  • sharp or cutting abdominal pain, bloating, gurgling;
  • there are signs: nausea, vomiting, weakness, fever
  • bloody discharge from the anus;
  • involuntary and insignificant discharge of feces of a liquid consistency with pronounced constipation.

Treatment of constipation in children is a complex of therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating the problem, restoring normal bowel function, and emptying it regularly. Depending on a number of factors: the child's age, the cause of constipation, the severity of the disease, the characteristics of the body, the treatment regimen is selected individually. It should be noted that complex restorative therapy is a long process that can last from several months to several years.

Unlike symptomatic treatment (laxatives, enemas, physiotherapy), doctors prescribe etiotropic therapy aimed at identifying the etiology of the disease, congenital or acquired pathologies, as well as treating the true disease, using diagnostic procedures. With complicated forms, pathogenetic therapy takes place, aimed at eliminating pathogenetic symptoms: signs of intoxication, dysfunction of organs and systems of the child's body.

Health food

An important and basic measure in complex treatment is medical nutrition, consisting of products that have a laxative effect. When compiling your daily diet, you must adhere to a dietitian. The menu for constipation in children should consist of:

  • from foods rich in fiber and coarse fiber: whole grain breads, cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs
  • from lean meat, fish
  • from vegetable oil, fermented milk products, eggs.

You should exclude heavy foods, fatty, spicy foods, legumes, cabbage, mushrooms, sweet and flour dishes, and supplement with clean water in sufficient quantities.

Many parents do not know how to feed a child with constipation, but consulting a pediatrician and nutritionist can help in solving this issue. If a child develops an inflammatory process in the intestines due to constipation, a strict diet is recommended - table number 3 or number 4.

Massage procedures

An equally important and effective method of combating constipation is a special therapeutic massage. It is aimed at eliminating intestinal hypotension, enhancing its motility, and improving functional capabilities.

Drug therapy

One of the most effective methods for helping a child with constipation is drug therapy. The appointment of laxatives should only be carried out by a doctor, since they cause resistance (addiction) and contribute to the development of allergic reactions, drug diarrhea, etc.

Drugs include laxatives based on (), which are considered safe and are prescribed even during pregnancy, as well as prokinetics and antispasmodics. (Domperidone) activate the digestive tract, and (No-shpa) relieve spasms and eliminate the syndrome. If necessary, the doctor prescribes choleretic agents (Hofitol) that stimulate the production of bile.

Treatment with traditional medicine

If a child develops persistent constipation, folk remedies will help. They are created on the basis of natural ingredients and help to normalize stool and eliminate intestinal dysrhythmia. There are dozens and even hundreds of different products, but they should be used only after consulting a doctor.

He prescribes products that are mild, laxative, painless and pleasant to the taste. Dried fruits are considered excellent natural remedies: dried apricots, prunes, raisins. Natural juices, including vegetable juices, work great. It is useful for a sick child to give beet juice for constipation, but it should be mixed with apple, carrot juice. Whatever the cause is constipation, only a doctor can help in its treatment.

It is not uncommon for babies to experience gastrointestinal problems. Their body has not yet formed completely and this process is ongoing. However, the situation is further complicated by the fact that the child is not able to complain about the problem, much less describe it accurately. Parents need to be extra careful to notice symptoms of constipation. You should also know what measures to take in this case.

Bowel problems in children usually appear due to improper diet and diet of the child or the mother who feeds him with milk. Also, congenital and acquired pathologies in a child cannot be ruled out.

Experts identify a number of reasons that cause constipation in children:

If constipation in a child of 2 years occurs regularly, then it is necessary to identify the cause of this. Often this problem occurs in children whose parents also suffer from constipation. Therefore, the cause of constipation may be a hereditary factor.

In addition, switching to artificial nutrition can cause a problem. In a number of situations, constipation occurs due to psychological reasons. The body of small children reacts vividly to any changes in the environment and lifestyle, so there can be quite a few factors. The attending physician will need to establish the reason in order to find the right treatment for a two-year-old child.

Experts divide the problem of defecation into two classes: organic and functional.

The first characteristic includes violations of the shape of the colon, which appeared due to the abnormal development of the child. Usually, in this case, constipation occurs from the very moment of birth.

Functional ones occur due to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Identification of violation

A two-year-old should have a bowel movement every day. But don't worry if there is a delay in this process. Attention should be paid to the condition of the child. If the baby is in a good mood, he has an excellent appetite and there are no deviations in behavior, then such a delay is the norm. The child has his own rhythm and this behavior can be the norm for him. First of all, it is necessary to monitor the child's mood.

Emptying of the intestines in a child should occur from 3 times a day to 3 times a week. It is quite normal for the child to behave as usual.

Constipation can be identified by the following signs:

  • Emptying does not occur for more than 24 hours (if other criteria are present);
  • Weakness;
  • Impaired appetite;
  • The feces are dense;
  • Soreness in the abdomen;
  • Restless sleep;
  • Bloating;
  • Stool in small quantities and with bloody discharge;
  • Nausea.

Danger of a problem

Parents should know what to do if their child is constipated. This problem should not be ignored as it can have consequences.

Violation of defecation is dangerous:

  • Violation of the circulatory system;
  • Intoxication;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Gas formation;
  • Mental problems;
  • Intestinal congestion;
  • Bowel cancer;

In addition, the accumulation of feces does not allow the mucous membrane to receive useful substances, provokes dysbiosis, the metabolic process is disrupted, and inflammatory processes occur in the intestines. Thus, constipation is very harmful to the entire body, poisoning it and causing malfunctioning of some systems.

Treatment methods

If you notice signs of constipation in a 2 year old baby, know what to do. It is very important to take timely measures and consult a specialist. There are many different reasons for bowel problems. Therefore, without professional diagnostics, it will not be possible to identify the appearance factor.

To get rid of the problem, the specialist must select an individual therapy. Only a doctor can choose a method of treatment, taking into account all important factors.

The main therapeutic measures are:

  • Diet adjustment;
  • Drinking regime;
  • Physical exercise;
  • Medications.


There are situations when a child needs emergency help from specialists in case of constipation.

You should see your doctor as soon as possible if your child experiences:

  • High temperature. Constipation can trigger this symptom. However, it can also be a common cold;
  • Vomiting and nausea. These signs indicate an intoxication of the body. Also, with this symptom, the body quickly loses water;
  • Blood in the stool. This factor is also inherent in other bowel diseases;
  • Pain in the abdomen causes a characteristic sound;
  • Loose stools come out with constipation.

First aid

If parents notice signs of constipation in a child, then they should know what measures need to be taken to help him. Glycerin suppositories are a good solution to help your child. It is also safe for babies. They can be used from one year of age.

A cleansing enema can also help a child. To cope with constipation, this procedure should be carried out with cold water and glycerin. It is important to set the enema correctly so that the process does not cause discomfort or harm to the child.

There are a number of tips to help you get the enema in the right way:

  • Apply oil or lubricant cream to the handpiece;
  • The enema must be disinfected in advance;
  • Do not use warm liquid. Such water will be quickly absorbed into the intestines and introduce toxins into the body. Experts advise using only cool water. Its temperature should be below room temperature;
  • Monitor the amount of water carefully. If there is more fluid than needed, the baby's intestines will stretch during the procedure. Because of this, the baby will feel pain. Experts recommend using 200 ml of water for two-year-old children, and 300 ml from 2 to 6 years old.

You should be aware that you can not often resort to this procedure. It should be recognized that the enema provides temporary relief. This measure has no therapeutic effect. Only a specialist can prescribe therapeutic measures. Thus, after the enema, it is necessary to send the child to the doctor.

The diet

A healthy diet is an important measure in combating constipation in children. It is impossible to cure a violation of defecation without proper nutrition. Let's find out how to feed your baby.

  • Give preference to mashed fruits and vegetables. These foods are loaded with beneficial acids and fiber. These components have a positive effect on intestinal motility. Older children are allowed to eat stewed, boiled, or raw foods.
  • The child needs to eat fruits and vegetables with the skin. This part contains many useful components.
  • Salads should be made with vegetable oil. It is required to exclude the use of sour cream, mayonnaise, fatty sauces. These foods cause the intestines to stop functioning.
  • Fermented milk products will bring many benefits to the child. They are able to cope with defecation disorders.
  • The child must consume a lot of fluids.
  • Whole-grain porridge has a positive effect.
  • Whole grain bran and bread can help improve intestinal permeability.
  • Eliminate fatty, spicy and fried foods from your child's diet. In addition, it is recommended to reduce the amount of potatoes, pasta, rice and semolina.

Therapeutic exercises

With constipation in a child, one should not forget about the physical activity of the baby. He needs to move all the time he is awake.

There are some simple exercises that will benefit your child:

  • Squats
  • Slopes;
  • Bending the knees to the chest;
  • Swing your legs;
  • Lifting the body.

These exercises can be offered to the child as a game. For example, squats and bends can be done if the child picks up objects from the floor.


Massage can have a strong positive effect on the baby. But it should be borne in mind that it will be useful if the problem has appeared recently. Massage will allow food to pass through the intestines more easily.

It is very easy to perform massage for a child. You should simply stroke the baby's belly clockwise.


It is forbidden to independently resort to the choice of funds. The specialist must prescribe the medication taking into account all the factors of the case. Otherwise, allergic reactions and other problems may occur. Parents should be aware that frequent use of laxatives can also cause allergies. The most dangerous use is without consulting a doctor. There is also the possibility of addiction.

Therefore, parents should find out from a specialist what drugs should be given to their child.

Usually doctors prescribe a complex treatment:

  1. Laxatives. This group includes syrups, suppositories, suppositories.
  2. Prokinetics. Motilium and Domperidone are often prescribed.
  3. Fermets. Mezim, Panzinorm and Creon are used here.
  4. Probiotics. Specialists prescribe Linex, Hilak Forte, etc.

Important! It is forbidden to use any medication without a doctor's recommendation. Improper treatment can harm your baby. The specialist will be able to choose the right tool, taking into account all the features of a particular case.


Small children who are confronted with constipation can be helped by folk recipes that have been used for a long time and have shown their effectiveness. Non-traditional methods have a mild effect on the child's body. But it is necessary to take into account the state of the intestines when choosing a remedy. Thus, the prescription should be selected again with a specialist so that the treatment does not aggravate the situation.

If the child is faced with regular constipation, along with flatulence, then chamomile infusion will help in this situation. In addition, infusion of yarrow from nettle will also have a positive effect. Berries will benefit a child with constipation.

There are several more common recipes:

Daily regime

It is necessary to teach a child from an early age to the correct mode of life. If the routine and healthy nutrition of the baby are followed, then it will be enough to get rid of regular constipation. Usually, by the age of three, the bowel movement is normal.

It is necessary for the child to develop the habit of going to the toilet at the same time. The morning period is the best time to empty your bowels. Such a measure will benefit the physiology and psychology of the baby. You should also drink a mug of water upon waking up. This measure will have a positive effect on bowel function and make it easier to cope with defecation disorders.

Remember that constipation in a child can be easily eliminated if the appropriate measures were taken in a timely manner, and the parents followed all the rules and instructions of the doctor. Do not forget that this violation causes many problems in the body, so this problem cannot be ignored.

What causes such a problem with stool in children 4-6 years old? There can be many of them. Doctors name several common causes of the trouble. This:

  1. Eating disorder. This is the main cause of constipation in children and adults. Monitor your child's diet carefully. Perhaps he eats a lot of flour, sweet. The hardening of feces is caused by rice, fatty meat, biscuits. If his menu contains few vegetables and fruits, the main sources of fiber and vitamins, then constipation will not take long.
  2. Lack of water. Parents, taking care of the child's nutrition, sometimes forget to control the amount of fluid they drink. This can be easily identified by the number of times you urinate and the concentration of urine.
  3. Taking medications. If a child is undergoing treatment that requires medication, constipation can be a side effect or the result of an overdose.
  4. Psychological problem. Often the cause of constipation is nervous excitement, stress. Perhaps this was facilitated by moving, going to kindergarten or problems in the family.
  5. Congenital or acquired bowel disease. Sometimes constipation is caused by bowel problems. In this case, you cannot do without a specialist examination and prescribed treatment.

How to identify symptoms?

It is very easy to determine the presence of constipation in children.

Pay attention to factors such as:

  • hard feces, sometimes in the form of lumps;
  • grunting of a child;
  • sitting on a potty or toilet for a long time;
  • redness of the facial skin during and after bowel movements;
  • encopresis - the presence of fecal traces on underwear, not associated with incontinence;
  • Blood in the stool or on toilet paper is bright scarlet, indicating an anal fissure.

What to do and how to help children at home?

There are several ways to deal with constipation. Many of them can be performed by parents at home without medication, for example, using an enema or folk remedies. However, the parent should be aware that in some cases, laxative suppositories are indispensable.


Many children are well helped by massage for constipation, which has a beneficial effect on digestion. To make the intestines work properly, you do not need to complete special massage courses.

You can ease the condition of a small tummy as follows:

  1. Wash and warm your hands.
  2. Make stroking movements down the abdomen.
  3. Draw a few clockwise circles around your belly button.
  4. Attach a warm diaper to your stomach and give your child a glass of kefir.


If you need to get rid of constipation urgently, then a regular enema will help.

It is done as follows:

  1. Step 1. Prepare the "bulb" for an enema, rinse it thoroughly from the inside and sterilize its nose with boiling water.
  2. Step 2. Take half a glass of boiled water, add one tablespoon of any vegetable oil to it.
  3. Step 3. Fill the "pear" with water and butter.
  4. Step 4. Put the child upside down and gently insert the nose of the "pear" into the anus, previously lubricated with baby cream.
  5. Step 5. Introduce water and oil into the rectum and ask the child to lie down for 10-15 minutes.

This time will be enough for the enema to work and the child can safely go to the toilet for a long time.


For severe constipation, it is better to use laxative suppositories. This tool will help you quickly solve the problem. What kind of candles should you choose? Pediatricians recommend using safe medications such as glycerin suppositories. This drug has many advantages:

  • Safe, do not have adverse reactions, it can be used even for babies.
  • Fast acting- the result will appear in half an hour.
  • Inexpensive and affordable. It can be bought at every pharmacy without a prescription.
  • Universal- can be used by adults.

If constipation in a child 4-6 years old is accompanied by anal fissures, then in this case it is better to use Sea buckthorn candles. They have a disinfecting effect, quickly relieve inflammation, and heal.

Folk remedies

Long-term constipation can be treated with folk remedies. Of course, children will not drink many decoctions useful in this case, however some products will suit their taste:

  1. Kefir with the addition of butter. Before going to bed, give your child a glass of kefir with the addition of one teaspoon of vegetable oil. You will see, in a few days the result will appear.
  2. Delicious pumpkin dessert. Grate the pumpkin and mix with honey. Lubricate a muffin tin with vegetable oil and add the mixture to it. Bake for 20 minutes. This dessert is only for those children who are not allergic to pumpkin and honey.
  3. Rosehip drink. Rosehip fruits have a laxative effect. Prepare tea and compote from this plant for your child. To do this, grind dry fruits on a coffee grinder, pour one tablespoon of the powder with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Then strain and sweeten.


Constipation in children can and should be prevented. To do this, you must first of all monitor the child's nutrition and observe his drinking regime.

Add laxative foods to the menu. These include:

  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkin;
  • plums;
  • apples;
  • pears.

Keep in mind that your child needs to drink plenty of water and consume liquid meals to balance the body. The menu must include first courses every day.

If constipation is accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain in the intestines, fever or vomiting, you need to call an ambulance or show the child to a pediatrician. In this case, you cannot give him any medications or carry out procedures without the doctor's permission. Such self-medication can be hazardous to health.

Constipation- This is a difficult bowel emptying or emptying that occurs less often than 2-3 days. The frequency of emptying depends on the age of the child, on the type of feeding: GW, IV or SV, and on the individual characteristics of the organism.

In Newborn Children breastfeeding bowel emptying occurs 4-6 or more times a day.
The stool in infants is of a liquid consistency, with grains resembling mustard.

Children who are on artificial feeding the stool is thicker and emptying occurs less often - 1-2 times a day.

Most constipated children suffer from mixed feeding... For this reason, you should either breastfeed or formula feed your baby, but not breastfeed with formula or breastfeed. / mix with early complementary foods / before feed, earlier 6-7 months.

How does the emptying take place:

Food passes through the intestines and all the necessary nutrients and water are absorbed from it, and the rest of the undigested waste is excreted from the body in the feces. In order for the stool to remain soft and come out easily, there must be enough water in it, and the muscles in the lower intestine must contract and relax normally. Then the stool is well formed and comes out easily. If any of the above works poorly, constipation appears.

Why does a child cry when pooping or refuses to poop.

Pooping hurts for a child suffering from constipation. Hard stools contribute to pain. Therefore, he begins to restrain it, and the longer he restrains it, the denser the stool becomes and the more difficult it is to expel it. Feces accumulate in the intestine in large quantities and it begins to stretch, and muscle tone becomes weaker. Plus, when hard stool comes out through a narrow passage, small cracks appear in it and blood may appear. This is another reason why a baby refuses to poop or cries during a bowel movement.

Constipation in a newborn and a child under one year old, fully breastfed:

The absence of a chair in a baby on full GV can be up to 7-10 days, which is normal if the baby has no temperature, good appetite, he is calm, cheerful, playful, sleeps well, soft tummy ... - this means that mother's milk is good absorbed by the child's body - no treatment is required, continue to feed as usual, but observe its behavior.

If a baby on HB has no stool and at the same time he shows anxiety, screams pulling his legs up to his tummy, he has a temperature ... - reconsider your diet:

, influence the baby's digestive tract with your milk, eat: boiled beets, prunes, oatmeal porridge, dried fruit compote, fresh kefir up to 3 days from the date of production normalizes stool, kefir with a shelf life of more than 3 days strengthens the stool, it is good to drink it with an upset stomach , also drink more warm liquid, chamomile tea, Bifidobacterium powder in bags - dilute 1 bag in 1 glass of fresh kefir and drink at night or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil for 1 glass of fresh kefir, also at night ...

If the condition does not return to normal, there is a reason to call an ambulance!

Constipation in a newborn and a child under one year old on full artificial and mixed feeding:


  • A newborn child is emptied less than 1 time per day, feces are excreted with an effort and has a hard plasticine consistency.
  • A newborn baby, when emptying, pushes, puffs, turns red and pulls its legs to the stomach. The feces come out pebbled, the abdomen is hard.
  • There may be some blood on the surface of the stool.
  • Irregular bowel movements with abdominal discomfort.
Determine the cause of constipation:
Constipation can be affected by new food intake by a baby or a nursing mother.
Or maybe you started feeding the child on GV with a mixture, or changed the mixture to the child on IV, or introduced early complementary foods, or transferred to milk of animal origin, supplemented with porridge ...?
Surely this was the reason for constipation and you should return to the previous type of feeding.

Constipation can also appear if the child took antibiotics and other medications..

If your child is an artist, with the help of a pediatrician, find a mixture that is more beneficial for your child's stool. Among other things, be sure to give your child some water during the day. Children need water on IV!

The cause of constipation can also be of an emotional nature. If a child, and indeed any person, is upset, his intestinal functions can be upset, which in turn leads to constipation or diarrhea.

If the child on GW, exclude your own consumption of food that "strengthens"- this is rice, milk, cheese, meat, bananas, boiled carrots ...
Include in your own diet laxative products- this is Chernos, peaches, apricots, pears, plums, fresh kefir with a shelf life of up to 3 days,dried fruit compote, muesli ...
If constipation is caused by taking antibiotics, drink Bifidobacterin powder diluted in fresh kefir yourself.

If the child on IV, give your child plenty of water throughout the day Is the cheapest and most effective stool softener.
If constipation is caused by taking antibiotics, under the supervision of a doctor, give your child Bifidobacterin powder diluted in water.

If the child on complementary foods / table, over 6 months, enter mashed potatoes / products with a laxative effect and excludemashed potatoes / products "fixing" the intestines, also apply more to the breast, for HS / water, for IV and older children.
If constipation is caused by taking antibiotics, under the supervision of a doctor, give the child Bifidobacterin powder diluted in water / fresh kefir.

If it doesn't help
Glycerin candles.
You can help your child cope with constipation with the help of glycerin suppositories. They are sold over the counter without a prescription. Insert it into the anus and push it further (with clean hands), then squeeze the baby's buttocks for a while until the candle dissolves. The glycerin suppository will lubricate the rectum and it will be easier for the baby to come out of solid feces.

Natural laxatives.
For young children, it is best to use natural laxatives such as: Prune juice (diluted 1: 1 with water) and give 1 to 2 tbsp. l. - up to 4 months of age and 1 glass for a child over 1 year old. A child over 6 months old. you can give prune puree.

If the introduction to your diet or diet of a child over 6 months. These foods do not help relieve constipation, here's another way:
bran- muesli softens the stool well, you can eat them yourself / give to older children, with fruits, porridge, yogurt ...:

or as recommended by your doctor.

Vent tube or enema.
If the child is suffering from severe constipation, and the above remedies do not help, make him a gas tube:

or, as recommended by a doctor, an enema:

You can buy a baby gas tube and enema at a pharmacy.

Be sure to keep trying different foods and naturally occurring laxatives so your child does not have an addiction to suppositories or enemas. And the wise organism of the child will definitely learn to react more quickly to the signals that the intestines give and the problem will become a thing of the past.


We stroke the tummy 9 times with an emphasis clockwise, then 9 times counterclockwise, then again 9 times clockwise and again 9 times counterclockwise, and finish the mass - 1 time clockwise.
A total of 37 laps are obtained.
To do this massage throughout the day, with each change of podguz.

Constipation in a child is not uncommon these days. This is one of the most common complaints parents make when visiting their pediatrician. In most cases, stool disorders in children are of a functional nature. However, this does not diminish the importance of the timely normalization of the act of defecation. So, what to do with constipation in a child at 2 years old and not only?

Doctors conditionally divide the causes of constipation into 2 groups:

  1. functional, which account for up to 90-95% of all cases of constipation. They are associated with a slowdown in intestinal peristalsis;
  2. organic are:
  • Hirschsprung's disease (violation of the innervation of the intestine, which negatively affects its motor function);
  • allergy to cow's milk proteins;
  • celiac disease (gluten intolerance);
  • hypothyroidism (insufficient functionality of the activity of the thyroid gland);
  • dolichosigma (lengthening of the sigmoid colon);
  • dysfunction of the pelvic muscles;
  • cracks in the anus and dermatitis of this area.

Constipation in medical language is called constipation.

It is important for parents to remember that if constipation cannot be relieved on their own, or it repeats itself repeatedly, it is necessary not to postpone a visit to a pediatric gastroenterologist. Such a stubborn character requires the exclusion of organic pathology.

Functional causes are usually associated with 2 critical periods:

  • potty training;
  • the beginning of visiting organized groups - kindergarten, school.

Severe constipation can also occur after the introduction of complementary foods. It is explained by the fact that the digestive system has not yet adapted to the new food, therefore it reacts to it with delayed peristalsis. It can be compared to the process of acquaintance, "examination".

When do people talk about constipation?

Before talking about how to help a child with constipation, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the definition of constipation. It is believed that children do not have to go to the toilet every day "in a big way." Lack of daily bowel movements is also a normal option, but every day is better. Where does this line go - between norm and pathology?

The Roman Criteria come to the aid of doctors and parents. To say that a newborn or older child has constipation, it is necessary to answer in the affirmative to 2 or more questions, while these symptoms must persist for at least 1 month.

Here is a list of check questions:

  1. Does your baby go to the toilet 2 times a week or less?
  2. Is there at least one episode of fecal incontinence per week?
  3. Have there been strong stool retentions before?
  4. Are there painful or straining bowel movements?
  5. Is there a blockage in the toilet due to the large diameter of the faeces?
  6. Is there a large amount of stool in the rectum?

It is also important to assess the presence of additional symptoms that immediately disappear after a bowel movement. This:

  • increased neuropsychic irritability;
  • poor appetite or fast satiety.

It is necessary to focus on such stool frequency indicators depending on the child's age:

  1. babies go to the toilet 1 to 7 times a day;
  2. children under 3 years old - 6 times a week;
  3. over 3 years old - at least 3 times every 7 days.

Symptoms of "anxiety"

Symptoms of "anxiety" are those signs that indicate the possibility of organic pathology. If they are identified, then in no case should the baby be treated on his own. It is imperative to clarify the diagnosis, and this can only be done by a doctor.

Warning signs:

  • the appearance of constipation at the age of 1 month and earlier;
  • the release of meconium masses for more than 2 days;
  • burdened heredity according to Hirschsprung's pathology;
  • ribbon-like feces;
  • feces with blood;
  • delayed physical development (the child looks younger than his peers);
  • temperature rise;
  • vomiting containing bile;
  • bloating;
  • weakening of reflexes from the legs (they show poor resistance);
  • bundle arrangement of hair along the spine.

If at least one of these signs is noted, then a pediatrician examination is required. Sometimes it may be necessary to consult a surgeon - if, within a 3-month period of conservative treatment, it is not possible to cope with constipation and there are symptoms of "anxiety".

General approaches to treatment

Parents should clearly understand how to treat constipation. This is not a quick process, so be patient. The entire treatment process is divided into 3 stages:

  1. Releasing the rectum from stagnant feces.
  2. Supportive therapy with laxatives.
  3. Gradual withdrawal of laxatives.

It is important to remember that saline laxatives (magnesium moths) should not be taken in children, because they cause serious side effects. Irritating drugs such as senna, buckthorn, etc. are not recommended. From this group, only Bisacodyl is allowed from 6 years old and sodium picosulfate - from 4 years old with a course of no more than 1 week.

Simultaneously with the 3 steps of pharmacological therapy, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that contribute to constipation. For this:

  • normalize the daily regimen with the exclusion of spontaneous snacks (there should be 5-6 full meals);
  • breakfast is obligatory;
  • develop a mode of defecation (optimally after breakfast, when intestinal peristalsis is reflexively increased);
  • exclude conditions of psychogenic stool retention;
  • increase the child's physical activity (they massage the baby's tummy or take older children to the sports sections);
  • limit school workload;
  • eliminate haste during bowel movements and create comfortable conditions for its implementation;
  • encourage effective potty sitting.

First step

What to do if a child is constipated? These recommendations apply to both a one-year-old child and older children (2 years old, 3 years old, 4, 5 years old and 6 years old). We stock up on preparations based on polyethylene glycol. They come in powder form for oral administration. They are appointed for 3-6 days, no more. The release of the rectum is necessary to increase the effectiveness of the 2nd stage of therapy.

Polyethylene glycol laxatives are high molecular weight compounds that attract water well. They swell in the intestinal lumen, thereby stimulating its peristalsis. The laxative effect develops within 24-48 hours after taking the drug. Representatives of this class are Forlax, Macrogol and others.

Polyethylene glycol laxatives should not be used in children under 6 months of age.

If polyethylene glycol is not available, then you can empty the rectum from the feces with a cleansing enema. It is not used as a first line of treatment due to the invasiveness of the procedure.

In young children, for example, a 2-month-old child, glycerin suppositories can be used for the same purpose.

Glycerin softens stool and at the same time irritates rectal receptors. Stool removal is facilitated. It used to be thought that vaseline oil could be used for the same purpose. However, now they are prohibited in pediatric practice, because the effect of its application is unpredictable. The absorption of fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E and K.

Second step

What to give? At this stage, drugs of choice with an osmotic mechanism of action, i.e. attracting water, so use:

  • Polyethylene glycol (from 5 months of age);
  • Lactulose (allowed up to 5 months).

The duration of this stage should not exceed 2 months. The initial dose should be 04, mg for each kilogram of the child's weight. Depending on the response of the body to the treatment, the dosage may be increased.

Sometimes it is necessary to add suppositories with glycerin to such therapy in a short course. The indications for this are the coprogenic component of constipation, because the accumulation of feces in the rectum and the inability to isolate them. This condition can also be observed in a two-month-old baby.

Third step

A gradual decrease in the dose of laxatives helps to relieve the child of constipation. But this should be done no earlier than a month after the complete correction of the chair. Otherwise, the body "will not remember" what normal bowel movements should be. However, it is also not worth delaying the cancellation, because addiction develops to many laxatives with prolonged use. In this rating, drugs with an osmotic mechanism of action take the last place, because act in the most physiological manner. Therefore, if you follow all the recommendations for the treatment of constipation, addiction to them will not form.

The effect of treatment in a child of 7 months, 9 months and a different age should be assessed not earlier than 2 weeks from the beginning of the second stage of treatment. If the measures taken are ineffective, then the parents should once again assess the symptoms of "anxiety" and, if necessary, show the child to the doctor unscheduled.

In most cases, within 6-12 months it is possible to normalize the stool and carry out the abolition of laxatives.

It is important to note that acute constipation, which the parents did not notice and did not start treatment on time, subsequently easily transforms into a chronic violation of defecation with all the ensuing consequences - hemorrhoids, anal fissures, etc. the habit of “going to the toilet incorrectly” was formed, and organic disorders were formed.


In addition to drug therapy, children with constipation must follow a certain diet - eat those foods that facilitate bowel movement, because they increase its contractile activity. The diet must include:

  1. vegetable fibers (vegetables, fruits, herbs);
  2. sugary substances (honey, mousses);
  3. organic acids (lactic acid products);
  4. salted dishes (salt retains liquid in the intestinal lumen);
  5. slightly and moderately carbonated mineral waters;
  6. cereals;
  7. vegetable fats;
  8. black bread;
  9. dietary fiber - cellulose, pectin (marmalade, jelly).

Kefir should be drunk only fresh. If it is stored for more than a day, then instead of a laxative effect, it demonstrates a fastening effect, because the content of organic acids rises.

For school-age children, the frequency of food intake is increased up to 5-6 times throughout the day.

It is good to include wheat bran in the diet:

  • For the first 1.5-2 weeks, one teaspoon of dry bran is brewed with 100 ml of boiling water. Then it is filtered, the baby must eat the resulting crumb.
  • The next 2 weeks take 2 tablespoons, taking into account individual tolerance.
  • The next 2 months reduce the volume to 2 teaspoons a day 2-3 times after meals.

To calculate the amount of necessary dietary fiber, you must be guided by the following formula: the child's age, expressed in years, to which the figure 5 is added. The resulting value reflects the amount of dietary fiber in grams.

Do not forget about adequate drinking regime. It is he who promotes the swelling of coarse fiber and the manifestation of its therapeutic properties in the intestine. You can drink water, compote, juices, etc.

From the food menu, exclude those products that exhibit astringent properties and slow down intestinal motility. These are the following:

  • crackers and bagels;
  • rice dishes;
  • jelly;
  • cocoa and chocolate;
  • viscous oatmeal;
  • bananas.

If the child is bottle-fed, then preference is given to mixtures with locust bean gum. It is rich in gluten. Mixtures that contain rice starch as thickeners should be avoided.

Carefully study the composition of the mixtures that you give your baby! Perhaps they are the cause of functional constipation.

It is advisable for “artificial people” a little earlier than according to age standards to introduce such complementary foods:

  1. applesauce;
  2. unclarified juices;
  3. mashed prunes;
  4. buckwheat or oat puree.

Constipation and the role of worms in its occurrence

It is believed that worms are an invasion that is very difficult to identify. Therefore, even normal fecal analyzes may not be such at all. Experts from the World Health Organization advise to conduct preventive courses of anthelmintic therapy for preschoolers. Their frequency should be 2 times a year - spring and autumn. For constipation, unscheduled deworming may be required. Naturally, you shouldn't do it yourself. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct drugs with proven efficacy and a high safety profile.

It has been proven that such biotherapy is 2-3 times more effective than monotherapy, i.e. taking one antihelmetic.

This information is for reference only and makes it easier for parents to understand the problem. It is not a guide to action. Only a doctor can calculate the required dose of the medicine, because it is she who determines the properties that are useful for the child and the toxic ones. Therefore, no self-medication!

Treatment of constipation in a child up to 6 months

Let us consider separately this type of constipation, tk. it is most often due to immaturity of reflexes. Normally, an increase in intra-abdominal pressure should lead to the opening of the anal sphincter. However, in such crumbs, this mechanism may still be in its infancy. Such constipation is called infantile dyschezia. Its treatment is fundamentally different from the treatment of constipation, because the use of laxatives can cause increased gas production and severe abdominal pain. What to do in such a situation?

The help algorithm is as follows:

  1. periodic careful introduction of the gas outlet tube;
  2. during the breaks, an enema "Microlax" is made or suppositories with an antispasmodic effect are inserted rectally;
  3. tummy massage - moderate clockwise pressure on the front wall, bending the legs at the knees and hip joints to bring them to the tummy.

What is toilet training?

Knowing why functional constipation appears in children while teaching them to hygiene skills, you can avoid this condition. It is enough just to adhere to the rules of toilet training. This is planting a child from the age of 1 year and 6 months on a potty for about 5 minutes. This should be done after eating 2-3 times throughout the day. Most often, bowel movements occur in the morning after breakfast. Thanks to such exercises, the gastroolytic reflex is trained, i.e. increased peristalsis in response to gastric distension.

It used to be practiced early planting on a pot - during the first year of life. Is this method acceptable now? What do pediatricians think about this? Now this technique is excluded from the world practice, since it does not take into account the maturity of the baby's muscles and nervous system. Usually they are ready to control the act of defecation from 2 years of age. And long-term ineffectiveness on the pot can lead to serious medical problems - prolapse of the rectum, anal fissures, urinary incontinence, etc. In addition, the child may hate the pot, and will refuse to land on it for a long time.

If you do not know if your 2-year-old baby is ready for toilet training, then contact your pediatrician. The doctor will assess the degree of his neuromuscular maturity and advise on how to proceed in your particular case.

Sometimes it happens that babies refuse to use the potty. It is recommended to stop training for 2 months, maximum 3. After that, the next attempts turn out to be very successful. It is worthwhile to be wary if this does not happen, or if the child is over 4 years old and does not go to the potty. In this case, a consultation with a neurologist is indicated.


Knowing the reasons why constipation can develop, and its mechanisms, you can effectively cope with this problem. We talked about the basic principles of helping children. However, the information provided is not a substitute for an in-person consultation with a doctor. Therefore, make an appointment with an experienced pediatrician so as not to miss more serious violations of the evacuation function of the intestine.