What if the stomach pulls during pregnancy. Not obstetric pain. Causes of pain in the lower abdomen

Many expectant mothers may feel a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy. They are somewhat similar to mild pains before the onset of menstruation. At the bottom, pain can occur already in the very early stages of pregnancy. Quite often, women can confuse this sensation with premenstrual syndrome.

Sometimes bloody discharge can join the painful sensations. They are not abundant and may be reddish or brown in color. If a girl does not know that she is pregnant, then she may think that her period has begun.

During pregnancy, there are other symptoms that are also similar to those of PMS - nausea, breast tenderness, odor rejection, irritability, change in appetite. You should know that a clear sign of pregnancy is a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen.

If the pulling pains are strong enough, and the gestation period is more than two weeks, then in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor. During pregnancy, any painful sensations should be taken into account. It is better to once again consult a doctor and make sure that pregnancy is not in danger, than then blame yourself for inaction.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. Is this normal?

For what reasons, in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman can pull the lower abdomen and how should one react to this condition? If the pain is not severe and there is no bloody discharge, then this condition is considered absolutely normal and in this case there is no need to worry. In the uterus, blood circulation increases, as the fetus develops in it. This process does not cause strong painful sensations. To get rid of the pain, you need to take a no-shpa pill and try to relax.

Doctors say that the first three months of pregnancy are the most dangerous. During this period, the bulk of miscarriages occurs. Very often, the cause of spontaneous abortions cannot be determined. In women, pregnancy proceeds in completely different ways. Some try to take care of themselves, do not do any hard physical work and eventually lose their children, while others do hard work and, as a result, give birth to healthy children.

When do you need to see a doctor?

  • If painful sensations are accompanied by bloody discharge, and it does not matter what color they are. In some cases, they may be pinkish, and some pale, brown, and so on. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance. So that the pregnancy does not end, you do not need to close your eyes to such symptoms, but you need to urgently respond. Bloody discharge with severe pain may indicate a violation of the course of pregnancy, for example, placental abruption. With a timely appeal to a medical institution, this process can be established, doctors prescribe a pregnant woman to take the necessary drugs. Also, a frozen pregnancy can manifest itself in a similar way.
  • If the pain is increasing. In case of pain, you take an anesthetic (best of all, no-shpu) and lie down to rest, but after a while the pain does not subside and the stomach continues to pull. This is an alarming signal, as this may indicate about. You need to call an ambulance, and while waiting for her, take a comfortable position and try to relax.
  • If painful sensations are felt in a certain area of ​​the abdomen (right or left). To allay fears and worries, it is better to do this.
  • If the pain is constant and intense. A situation is considered normal when a woman feels a pulling slight pain, and she gives her only a little discomfort. A woman can do her own thing. And if the pain is intense, highly distracting and causes severe discomfort, then you need to seek the advice of a specialist. If a woman guesses about her pregnancy, but has not yet been to a gynecologist's appointment, then intense pain can talk about. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, then this condition can provoke a rupture of the fallopian tube and severe bleeding. In some cases, the outcome can be fatal.
  • Together with pulling pain, vomiting is present and. Symptoms can occur with appendicitis. If the doctor confirms such a diagnosis, then the pregnant woman is operated on, and no harm is done to the health of the mother and child. If nausea and vomiting occur due to toxicosis, then the doctor selects a special diet for the woman.

Sometimes the lower abdomen in the late stages of pregnancy can pull for very harmless reasons - it can be bloating, constipation, flatulence. But there are also quite dangerous reasons that cause abdominal pain. You do not need to ignore them, they require an urgent visit to a specialist.

These reasons include:

  • Sprain. During pregnancy, a number of changes occur in a woman's body. These changes include a sprain of the round ligament. This process is accompanied by aching pain in this area. The pain can be given to the right side of the pelvis. The ligaments become tense due to the increase in the size of the uterus. The round ligament can spasm, and this process is accompanied by pain. To reduce discomfort, you can lie down and relax. It is important to know that you need to lie on the side that does not hurt.
  • Premature birth. Premature birth can be talked about if the uterus begins to be active for up to thirty-seven weeks. This process is accompanied by pulling and cramping pains in the lower abdomen. The pain can be localized in the lower back. In some cases, there may be spotting. The cervix begins to open actively, when it opens completely, labor begins. To stop this process, you urgently need to go to the hospital.
  • Appendicitis. Inflammation of appendicitis can occur at any time, including during pregnancy. Do not hesitate. The later you go to a hospital, the more difficult the appendicitis will be.
  • Discrepancy of the pubic symphase or dysfunction of the pubic articulation. This condition is accompanied by pain of varying intensity in the center of the pelvis.
  • Adhesions, intestinal obstruction, genitourinary infections. These conditions can also provoke a pulling abdominal pain in late pregnancy.

What should be done for pulling pains during pregnancy?

If you have a pulling pain in the lower abdomen and at the same time have additional symptoms (which were mentioned above), then you need to do the following:

  • Lie down, relax, calm down and raise your legs up.
  • Make an appointment with your doctor. If the pain is severe and you cannot get to the hospital on your own, then call an ambulance.

Also, during the period of bearing a baby, you should adhere to some rules:

  • Try to lead a healthy lifestyle. You need to eat right, the diet should contain a lot of fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to minimize the use of those foods that provoke strong gas formation (such foods contain a lot of fiber).
  • Spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, move more.
  • You don't need to overexert yourself. Work should be alternated with rest. Also, do not do work that requires a long-term raising of hands (for example, hanging clothes), as this can affect the condition of the pregnant woman.
  • If any painful sensations arise, then you should lie down, relax and raise your legs on the pillow.

In any case, if pain occurs during the period of bearing a child, you should consult a doctor. It's better that way anyway. If the pain does not stop for a long period of time and, moreover, is accompanied by bloody discharge, then in this case you need to call an ambulance.

Every woman carrying a baby needs to be able to recognize body signals. For example, the most common problem is pulling pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy.

There are many reasons for sudden pain. Some require immediate hospitalization, others are physiological in nature and do not need permission.

Why pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy

First, let's look at the physiological causes of pain. After a woman noted that her lower abdomen pulls during pregnancy, but besides this indicator there are no accompanying symptoms, the reasons may be:

  • Stress, anxiety, stress on the nervous system
  • Increase in circulating blood volume
  • Overstrain of the ligaments of the uterus
  • Physical exercise

Mild pain in the lower abdomen

In stressful situations and excessive stress on the nervous system, the lower abdomen begins to pull in a pregnant woman. This aspect has a direct relationship with mental stress. Perhaps you are too close to your heart to perceive the events taking place around you.

To solve the problem, you need to take a motherwort tincture, take a lying position on your back, put a blanket or pillow under your feet. With an elevated leg position, an increase in blood flow to the brain occurs, which will have a positive effect on gas exchange in tissues, blood vessels will expand, and blood pressure will normalize. Motherwort tincture has a sedative (calming) effect on the nervous system and the human body.

With an increase in the volume of circulating blood, it can not only pull the lower abdomen. Very often, pregnant women lose consciousness, which is associated with increased stress on the cardiovascular system and a drop in blood pressure parameters. This is a physiological process that does not require urgent assistance. Of course, if it did not come to a fainting state.

Otherwise, it is necessary to provide emergency care for the pregnant woman. Put the patient on her back with raised legs, increase the access of fresh air, unfasten the clothes in the neck area and bring cotton wool soaked in ammonia to the nose.

The uterine ligaments support the suspension of the uterus. During the period of gestation, the uterus increases in size, exerting a load on the ligaments. This process is physiological. There is only one treatment - if unpleasant sensations arise, the position of the body should be changed. You can ask a family member to massage the legs to relieve pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

After lifting weights, many women notice that they begin to pull the lower abdomen. Physical activity is categorically contraindicated during pregnancy. If the discomfort is not intense and is not accompanied by dizziness and bleeding, the problem can be cured with rest.

When to sound the alarm

If a woman notes that in addition to pulling the lower abdomen during pregnancy, there are other symptoms, it is necessary to seek help as soon as possible. When is the intervention of specialists necessary?

So, you noticed that it pulls in the lower abdomen and this is accompanied by:

  • Severe back pain
  • Nausea, dizziness
  • Painful urination
  • Stitching pains in the anus
  • Bloody discharge

urgently need to call emergency help. If at least one of the above symptoms is present, you cannot hesitate.

Let's take a closer look at what the above symptoms may indicate.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

If a woman notes severe back pain, this may be a signal of an inflammatory process in the kidneys. During the period of gestation, the abdominal organs are squeezed due to the enlargement of the uterus. With prolonged squeezing of the kidneys, there is a violation of the normal functioning of organs and stagnation of urine. As a result, pyelonephritis develops.

The disease is accompanied by a rise in temperature, malaise and weakness. For diagnosis, it is necessary to pass a urine test according to Nechiporenko. It is not difficult to hand over it. It is necessary to collect an average portion of urine for analysis.

If a pregnant woman pulls the lower abdomen and at the same time she experiences frequent urge to urinate - this may be a manifestation of cystitis. In this case, at the end of the act of urination, there is pain in the lower abdomen. Treatment is selected by a urologist. The causative agent of the disease is bacteria that enter the bladder through the urethra ascending. The provoking factor is hypothermia.

Ectopic pregnancy and placental abruption

Ectopic pregnancy occurs in women with obstruction or congenital underdevelopment of the fallopian tubes, the presence of adhesions, inflammation that could occur after an abortion and other reasons. In this case, the fertilized egg is attached to the fallopian tube. The egg cell develops, the tube increases in size, which eventually leads to its rupture.

Such a pregnancy cannot be saved, therefore it is important to contact an antenatal clinic as soon as possible in order to terminate it in the safest and most gentle way. The main symptom of an ectopic pregnancy is pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, radiating into the anus. Nausea, vomiting and general malaise often join. Such a pregnancy is dangerous with rupture of the tube and bleeding.

An alarming signal of the normal course of pregnancy is a nagging pain in the abdomen and a bloody discharge. Spotting discharge lasting up to 3 days, which occurs in the early stages of gestation, is considered the norm. But if the blood is red and at the same time strongly pulls the lower abdomen, hospitalization is necessary. These manifestations can be a symptom of an incipient miscarriage and detachment of a normally located placenta.

If the abdomen pulls during pregnancy from 30 to 40 weeks and the pain is cramping, periodic - this is a symptom of the onset of labor. Normally, urgent labor occurs between 37 and 42 weeks. The contractions gradually escalate, become longer, and the time between them decreases. During the normal course of labor, amniotic fluid is ejected, but often the process of childbirth begins with bloody discharge and pulling pains in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region.

In this case, you cannot hesitate! Urgently to the maternity hospital! If the term of labor has not yet come, but the woman notes cramping pains and discharge or leakage of amniotic fluid, this is a sign of premature labor that has begun. A child born prematurely is under the close supervision of doctors. To maintain vital signs, the baby is placed in an incubator. All conditions (temperature, humidity, oxygen supply) are created there for nursing a premature baby.

Digestive system diseases

Pulling the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman can be due to the pathology of the digestive system.

Among them:

  • Appendicitis
  • Upset stomach or intestines
  • Pancreatitis

With appendicitis, a pregnant woman pulls the lower abdomen and pricks the right side. In addition, vomiting, nausea and dizziness occur. Appendicitis is very often exacerbated during pregnancy. This is due to the compression of the appendix of the cecum. When blood circulation is impaired, inflammation of the appendix occurs. Treatment is prompt. It is impossible to ignore the attacks of appendicitis, because this can lead to rupture of the appendix and the development of peritonitis.

Flatulence, bloating, diarrhea and constipation are faithful companions of a pregnant woman. With increased gas production in the intestine, a pulling pain in the lower abdomen occurs. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet and avoid the intake of foods that increase gas formation.

Pancreatitis in pregnant women is associated with nutritional deficiencies. You should avoid eating fatty, smoked, spicy and salty foods. To improve the functioning of the pancreas, it is necessary to take enzymes.

It is worth remembering that pain is the body's response to an irritant or provoking factor. In the normal course of pregnancy, there should not be any special discomfort.

Almost all women have a little stomach during pregnancy, and sometimes pregnant women are faced with this not the most pleasant sensation at a fairly early stage. The feeling of pulling the lower abdomen during pregnancy is especially frightening for expectant mothers. We have all heard that pulling pains, especially in early pregnancy, can mean a threat of miscarriage. But an experienced doctor will never jump to conclusions. The reasons for this obscure pain are many and varied, let's see why it happens and when it is worth panicking. Where do pulling pains in the lower abdomen come from during pregnancy? Sources of pain can be divided into those that are associated with the child, and those that do not affect him and the obstetric situation in general. The second group of reasons is not dangerous at all. Why does the stomach pull during pregnancy for obstetric reasons? This sensation is generated by the contracting muscles of the uterus, and when you put your hand on your stomach at a later date, you can feel how it turns to stone. A hard belly and uterine tone can be dangerous for a baby. But much more often the reasons are not at all dangerous, and they are different at different stages of pregnancy. Many pulling pains in the lower abdomen are regarded even as a sign of pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy, stomach pulling? 2 strips on a pregnancy test and a pulling pain in the abdomen are so common that these sensations are regarded as the first signs of pregnancy. Why does the stomach pull during pregnancy in the first weeks? Responsibility for the baby that lives in my mother’s "belly" makes a pregnant woman listen with special care to her own feelings and the slightest manifestation of pain or discomfort causes real panic - how is my baby there? Is everything all right with him? Is there a threat to his comfortable existence? Early pregnancy, belly pulling, causes In early pregnancy, the belly usually pulls as if it were before menstruation, these vague sensations can raise anxiety about the risk of termination of pregnancy. This fear is natural and has a basis, if at the same time pink or brown discharge appears from the vagina, it is quite possible that the baby is really in danger. Why does the lower abdomen normally pull at an early stage during pregnancy? These pains are associated with blood flow to the uterus, increased blood circulation here. In most cases, they are physiological and can be regarded as signs of pregnancy, the stomach is pulling for a non-dangerous reason, but nevertheless, consultation with a gynecologist in the presence of these complaints is necessary. Despite the fact that the symptom, when the lower abdomen pulls, is regarded by most as a sign of pregnancy, this can speak not only of the norm, but also of the pathology. Normally, it pulls in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy, not only because of the rush of blood to the uterus, but also because of swelling and stretching of the uterine ligaments. They need to have time to stretch after the rapidly growing uterus, and discomfort may occur. Pulling the stomach at the beginning of pregnancy is not normal all the time, it is enough just to lie down and relax in order for the unpleasant sensations to pass. When do you need to be wary? - If you have an early pregnancy, your stomach pulls, and at the same time the discomfort does not go away even while lying down, it is not removed with a no-shpa pill, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage. In this case, pulling pain increases rapidly and is also accompanied by bloody discharge. One advice - do not tolerate a single extra minute, call an ambulance. - In the first weeks of pregnancy, the stomach pulls in some cases due to the fact that the embryo is attached in the wrong place, for example, in the fallopian tube. This is an ectopic pregnancy. Since only one tube is affected, right or left, pulls to the left or right in the lower abdomen. It is important that these pains are intense and persistent. That is, if normally in the first trimester of pregnancy the stomach pulls almost imperceptibly, you can continue to do your own thing, distracting from these sensations, with ectopic pain is obsessive and interferes with life. A rupture of the fallopian tube during an ectopic pregnancy is dangerous with massive bleeding, and even the death of the mother, therefore, the earlier the diagnosis is made, the better for you. If you are pregnant in the early stages and feel that your stomach is pulling, visit your doctor as soon as possible and make sure 100 percent that the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy that threatens your life is out of the question. Agree, than guessing and suffering - is everything okay with me, is my stomach pulling normally during pregnancy - it is easier and safer to undergo a simple medical examination, including an ultrasound scan, and dispel your own fears, continuing to calmly enjoy your interesting position, which, to Unfortunately, it does not always spoil us with perfect well-being. - If at the beginning of pregnancy, the lower abdomen pulls, and you notice any spotting (pink, brown, pale, it does not matter), you need to consult a doctor immediately, this happens with an ectopic and frozen pregnancy, and with the threat of miscarriage. The stomach pulls during pregnancy, not only for obstetric reasons, there may be other problems that are not related to the ongoing pregnancy. Sometimes pain occurs for physiological reasons other than the fetus and uterus. The fact is that with early toxicosis, intestinal function is often sharply impaired, vomiting and nausea, flatulence is common, and intestinal spasms may well bother you. These causes of pulling pains are not obstetric and are not dangerous to the health of the baby and mother, of course, only if they do not increase and do not become very pronounced. Does the stomach pull at the end of pregnancy, is it normal or pathological? Even if you manage to avoid discomfort in the early stages, with the growth of the abdomen, you will inevitably find out if the stomach is pulling during pregnancy and how it happens. All women have to face this. The growth of the uterus and the increase in the weight of the child stretches the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, if you have your first pregnancy and they are elastic enough, they will cope with supporting the tummy for a long time, and you will only feel that the abdominal muscles are pulling. During pregnancy with the second, third child, the muscle tone is weakened, and this can cause the tummy to sag, this is especially noticeable if the pregnant woman has a narrow pelvis, and the sagging belly feels like pulling down. During pregnancy, all women are advised to wear a prenatal brace, it prevents excessive stretching of the tummy muscles and relieves discomfort. A little later, when the pregnant uterus is significantly enlarged and gains an impressive weight, discomfort can be caused by stretching of the ligaments that support the uterus. In this case, a pregnant woman will feel that her abdominal muscles seem to be pulling, there may be pain on the sides of the uterus, which disappears when changing posture. Just in case, every expectant mother needs to know the signs of such a formidable condition as premature placental abruption, which can happen at a later date. For premature placental abruption, a situation is also characteristic when the lower abdomen is pulled during pregnancy. Most often, in this case, the appearance of bloody discharge is possible - from very scarce to abundant. Take care of yourself - any brown, dark, or scarlet spotting, whether the stomach is pulling or not, requires immediate medical attention. Sometimes the abdomen pulls a little during pregnancy due to a scar on the uterus after a previous cesarean section or an existing other postoperative suture, for example, after a previous appendicitis operation. The last weeks have brought discomfort to literally everyone. The baby is already very large, so it is difficult for you to get out of bed, you cannot sit for a long time, the baby rests on the ribs and pulls the upper abdomen, pulls the stomach when walking. Pregnancy is coming to an end, and in the last weeks you may be faced with such a phenomenon as the harbingers of childbirth. If you are 37-40 weeks old, your stomach regularly pulls, and it is like labor pains - giving birth soon. Good luck to you.

When the long-awaited pregnancy comes, many expectant mothers are worried and cannot understand why the stomach pulls during pregnancy. Thoughts come to mind that something went wrong.

The fact is that such sensations in pregnant women are considered harmless only in two periods - during implantation of the ovum in the first week after conception and just before childbirth, when painful sensations signal the onset of contractions. If during pregnancy the stomach pulls during the periods described above, you need to consult a gynecologist. But first, listen to your body.

In the early stages

At the beginning of pregnancy, pulling abdominal pains are felt by many women. Unpleasant sensations are associated with the fact that the fertilized egg passes through the fallopian tubes and is implanted into the uterine cavity. The uterus reacts to this process with a rush of blood and begins to increase in size. The uterine ligaments are stretched under the pressure of a rapidly growing organ. All this is accompanied by an unpleasant sensation in the lower abdomen.

Abdominal pain can occur when the digestive tract is not working properly. During pregnancy, expectant mothers sometimes have an irresistible desire to eat foods that are incompatible with each other. This can cause constipation, bloating, dysbiosis, flatulence, or pain in the stomach and intestines.

If there is discharge and pulls the lower abdomen, this may indicate a frozen pregnancy or miscarriage. Also, such symptoms are characteristic of an ectopic pregnancy, when a fertilized egg gets stuck in the tubes of the uterus.

With an ectopic pregnancy, the pain gets worse over time, often accompanied by vomiting or even fainting. This condition is dangerous for a woman's life, so you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Often, in the early stages of pregnancy, the stomach pulls in chronic diseases of the genitourinary system (for example, with inflammation of the bladder or ovaries).

At a later date

In the second or third trimester, the uterus grows vigorously, squeezes the ligaments, stretching the abdominal wall and expanding the pelvis. At this time, it is very beneficial to attend special sports activities. Regular exercise will strengthen the muscles involved in labor and stretching due to the enlarged abdomen.

The stomach pulls during pregnancy and in the last month, when the body prepares for the upcoming birth: the uterus trains, the elasticity of the ligaments improves. The baby himself is getting ready - his head gradually sinks lower into the pelvic cavity. All this is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen. If you regularly wear a special prenatal brace, you can avoid stretching the muscles and skin of the abdomen.

If the abdomen pulls at a later date, the doctor may diagnose premature detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall. This condition is dangerous for the fetus, as it deprives it of the necessary beneficial components and oxygen. Placental abruption is accompanied by red, brown or brown discharge.

If from about 38 weeks painful sensations occur at regular intervals, you most likely have contractions. Take a shower, get your bags ready and call an ambulance.

When to call a doctor

Let's summarize when it is imperative to consult a doctor:

  • The painful sensations are of an increasing nature and do not disappear after taking the no-shpa pill. In this case, it is imperative to call for medical help, and before the arrival of doctors, lie down and try to relax.
  • The lower abdomen pulls and the pain is very intense and constant. Normally, a pregnant woman can feel a slight pulling pain, in which she calmly goes about business. If obsessive painful sensations haunt and distract, you should definitely visit a gynecologist.
  • The pain is localized in a specific area of ​​the abdomen (right or left), then an urgent ultrasound may be needed.
  • If discharge appears and the lower abdomen pulls, it is imperative to call an ambulance. Discharge can be pinkish, brownish, pale. Doctors can stop the pathological process by prescribing the necessary drugs.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen are accompanied by vomiting or nausea.

Every woman experiences pregnancy differently. If the abdomen pulls, painful sensations must be carefully monitored, paying attention to the intensity and frequency of pain. If the pain intensifies, you need to see a specialist.

Any pregnant woman listens anxiously and with interest and looks closely at the state and changes in her body as the little man develops in it. Each organism and each pregnancy are individual, and it is impossible to say with certainty what kind of sensations a woman will experience at one time or another. However, there are conditions that should alert you. This article will talk about pulling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, about their causes, methods of elimination and when to immediately seek medical help.

Why pulls the stomach during pregnancy

Any woman would like her pregnancy to be easy, carefree and without complications. However, the modern living conditions of people, the influence of poor ecology, frequent stress, bad and harmful products increasingly lead to the fact that it is becoming more and more difficult to bear a child absolutely without problems.

It is not uncommon for women to complain of obsessive pulling pains in the lower abdomen - they can be both constant and periodic, at rest and during physical activity, in the early period and in the later period. We want to reassure you right away: such pains are not always a consequence of the pathology of pregnancy. Their nature is different. Consider the physiological and pathological reasons why the lower abdomen pulls during pregnancy.

Norm: physiological reasons

If a woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen, then this may be due to the fact that:

  • the size of the uterus increases and its walls stretch;
  • increased blood circulation in the uterus;
  • the pelvic organs are displaced.
Painful sensations in the lower abdomen, similar to those experienced by a woman, are also a characteristic sign that she is pregnant.

There are often pulling pains during repeated pregnancy in women, whose first were carried out by the section method. So, scars on the uterus and abdomen will make themselves felt, which will grow and stretch with them. Sometimes the cause of pain can be other scars that remain as a result of surgery for other problems, for example, when removing appendicitis.
It is important to understand that normally pains appear periodically and usually go away if a woman lies down in a horizontal position, relaxes, takes a warm shower or bath.

A possible reason for pulling the stomach during late pregnancy is training contractions of the uterus. A few weeks before childbirth, the uterus will begin to prepare for labor, making false contractions, or, as they are called in medical practice, Braxton Hicks contractions. At this time, it hardens, petrifies, tenses. At the same time, the pregnant woman, as a rule, does not feel severe pain - only slight discomfort.

This condition can be periodic - a couple of times a week or a day and vary in duration.

Important! Any painful sensations, even minor ones, must be notified to the gynecologist, who monitors the course of pregnancy, during a routine examination. Only a specialist can judge the norm or pathology of pain.

Also, pain can be observed as a result of physiological changes in other organs of the small pelvis, which are not responsible for carrying a baby. For example, when there may be disturbances in the intestines. You can find out what exactly this organ is the cause of pain by concomitant symptoms - nausea, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea, spasms.

Sometimes in the third trimester, a woman may experience acute pain in the lower abdomen when changing body position, sudden movement, excessive physical exertion, sneezing, coughing. The harmlessness of such a condition will be evidenced by the short duration of painful discomfort.
The above reasons do not pose a serious danger to the life and health of the mother and baby.

Pathology: dangerous condition

The following signs may indicate pathology at the moments when the stomach pulls during pregnancy in the early stages:

  • pain does not go away for a long time;
  • observed constantly in only one area of ​​the abdomen;
  • the pains are growing.
Painful sensations of a similar nature, which are most often observed in the center of the abdomen, and are also accompanied by pulling pains in the sacrum region, and are a symptom of the fact that there is a threat of natural termination of pregnancy, i.e., miscarriage. They can be observed both in the first trimester - up to the 12th week, and in the second - from the 12th to the 23rd week (very rare).
Pulling persistent pain in the early period, localized in one area of ​​the abdomen - on the left or on the right, may indicate improper attachment of the embryo to the fallopian tube, i.e., an ectopic pregnancy. With this pathology, pain is also usually observed constantly and intensifies over time. Both miscarriage and ectopic development of the embryo are fraught with a risk to a woman's health, since they are accompanied by profuse bleeding. In the latter case, with the untimely detection of a pathological pregnancy, the fallopian tube ruptures.

In the third trimester, the development of severe pulling pains may be a sign of placental abruption - its premature separation from the walls of the uterus. Although this threat of termination of pregnancy can happen at any time.

Did you know? Unfortunately, according to statistics, about 10% of all pregnancies end in miscarriages. However, in most cases, a natural interruption occurs at a time when the woman does not yet know that she is carrying a child..

In addition, severe pain can be with disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, including constipation, with infections and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, kidney stones and gallstones, appendicitis, with a history of gynecological diseases. Therefore, it is very important to examine and treat diseases before pregnancy.

When to sound the alarm and see a doctor

As we have already said, any alarming changes and manifestations in the body should be brought to the knowledge of the gynecologist during a planned visit.
Only he, on the basis of anamnesis, examination or additional ultrasound examination, can determine with the highest degree of probability why the stomach hurts during pregnancy.

Important! Bleeding is considered severe when one pad is required in less than an hour.

However, there are a number of indications when an ambulance should be called immediately:
  1. When severe pain is accompanied by bloody discharge or discharge of an uncharacteristic color from the vagina, this is already a serious symptom that may indicate the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, the threat of termination of pregnancy, a frozen fetus, placental abruption.
  2. Burning and painful urination.
  3. When vomiting opened.
  4. If a pregnant woman is shivering or has a high fever.
  5. With a sharp pain that does not pass for a long time.
  6. With increasing pain.
  7. With the spread or migration of pain to other parts of the body.
  8. If pain is accompanied by discharge of amniotic fluid.

In case of severe pain, before the arrival of an ambulance, it is better to take a horizontal position and lie on your right side.
You can drink "No-shpu", "Drotaverin", put a candle "Papaverine" in the anus. There can be no talk of any heating pads on the stomach - this is strictly prohibited.

How to reduce pain in the lower abdomen

So, we have considered the main causes of pulling pains, now let's talk about what to do if the stomach hurts during pregnancy. The advice below can only be used if the doctor has determined that the pain accompanying your pregnancy is physiological in nature. He should also advise you on what medications you can take to relieve pain and in what doses. You should not take pills based on information from the Internet or on the advice of relatives and friends. We advise you to adhere to the recommended lifestyle for pregnant women, proper nutrition and some exercises that in no way can harm either the course of pregnancy or the condition of the baby.

Did you know? In world medical practice, childbirth has been recorded, which occurred at the 22nd week. The girl was born with a height of 24 cm and a weight of 284 g, but she was completely healthy. The largest toddler who survived was a newborn born in Italy with a weight of 10.34 kg.

Rest and psychological state

Relaxing warm showers and baths are shown to women preparing to become mothers.

If the pain is obsessive, it is better to take a comfortable position, relax, go to bed, sleep.

Proper nutrition

A significant aspect of a successful pregnancy without discomfort is proper nutrition. It is important not only in the context of the benefits for the child, but also for the state of the gastrointestinal tract of the pregnant woman herself.

It is useful to eat fractionally, to introduce more foods that contain fiber into your daily diet. Reduce on the menu dishes that can provoke bloating: with legumes, cabbage, some fruits, as well as fried, spicy and smoked. All products must be fresh and purchased not in dubious stores or in spontaneous markets. If there is no edema, then drink enough liquid, but not soda.
It is advisable to completely exclude the use of food from fast foods, strong tea and coffee, alcohol, products containing dyes and preservatives.

Physical activity and special exercises

Long walks and staying in the fresh air (at least two hours a day), not tiring climbing stairs, and light homework help to get rid of painful sensations in the abdomen. If there are no contraindications, then positive impressions during travel are recommended.

Also, pregnant women are shown daily gymnastics, fitness, water aerobics (in the absence of contraindications from a gynecologist). However, the set of exercises should not include those in which the breath is held, jumps, sharp bends and turns of the body are carried out.

Among the exercises that will help relieve pain in the later stages, one should remember the "Kitty": a woman takes a knee-elbow position and bends her back. This exercise also helps to relieve pain during actual contractions.
If the doctor comes to the conclusion that the frequent abdominal pain that accompanies a pregnant woman is the cause of the sprains of the uterus, he will recommend the woman to wear a special bandage. In this case, the bandage will need to be correctly sized.

Did you know? The record holder for the number of births is the Englishwoman Elizabeth Greenhill - she gave birth 38 times. As a result, her family was replenished with seven boys and 32 girls. A Russian woman gave birth to the largest number of children at the end of the 17th century - she had 67 of them.

To feel at ease during pregnancy, follow these simple tips:

  1. Regularly attend antenatal clinics and scheduled ultrasounds to adjust the tactics of pregnancy management and exclude its pathologies.
  2. Do not hesitate and do not forget to inform the gynecologist about any, even minor, changes in the body, the appearance of which worries you.
  3. Do not take medications without first talking to your doctor. Remember - self-medication is dangerous not only for you, but now for your baby as well. Even taking sedatives either has to be prescribed by a specialist.
  4. Also, don't buy until after consulting your gynecologist. Incorrectly selected in size, it is able not to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman, but to harm.
  5. Give up tight clothes and heels for the period of bearing a child - the latter can cause the tone of the uterus.
  6. Avoid strenuous physical activity. Everything you do should be comfortable and enjoyable for you.
  7. To avoid getting an infection into the urinary tract, it is better to refuse to swim in open water.
  8. If possible, sleep at least eight hours a day and rest during the day.
  9. Check with your doctor before planning your trip. Avoid traveling to exotic countries. Refuse active recreation.
  10. While on the road for a long time, change your body position more often, stretch your legs and back if possible.
Pregnancy is a wonderful and unforgettable time for every woman.
However, its successful course and timely completion very much depends on the behavior of the woman herself: her lifestyle, nutrition, psychological mood, planned consultation with a doctor and passing all the necessary research. A woman at this time should be attentive to herself and the condition of the child and notify the gynecologist of all changes in the body. We have described the cases when she should sound the alarm. Knowing them and providing timely medical care in a large number of cases allow you to save the child and the mother's life.