What is fashionable to wear. How to dress beautifully: stylist's advice (photo). The best online stores

Usually such articles are titled somewhat differently, for example, "How to develop taste?" or “How to find your style?”, but such capacious and time-consuming skills are extremely difficult to explain effectively, so I decided to limit myself to the heading “How to learn to dress modernly?” and talk about your experience in creating the optimal wardrobe.

Why modern?
When a woman thinks about the relevance of the contents of her closet, she most often operates with the terms "taste" and "style", which is greatly facilitated by the wording of critics. Well, who has not heard the expression “you have no taste!” in your address? But taste, although the category is evaluative, is very unstable and depends on many indicators, but today it is a completely different story. Modern is not “fashionable” yet, because fashion is far from accessible to everyone, both informationally and financially, it’s not yet a style, personal style is a serious job, but it’s no longer old-fashioned and definitely not “no way”. Modern - the golden mean between "fashionable" and "old-fashioned", which becomes especially important with age.
A young girl who does not know how to dress will be perceived by others as a young girl, but over the years a woman who cannot dress herself always becomes an aunt!
After reading many articles and materials on the topic “what is an aunt, and how not to become an aunt?”, I came to the conclusion that an aunt is a woman who has never learned to dress modern! Yes, "aunt" is a combination of clothes, hair and shoes, but in general, an aunt always has old-fashioned hair and makeup (when they have any) and old-fashioned clothes. If you are over 30-35 years old, and you still dye your hair in felt-tip pen red or red, wear long spade nails and think that a pencil skirt is combined only with feminine shoes, it’s time for you to think about the question “do I want I become an aunt?

But back to our topic: how to learn to dress modern?

First and foremost in this matter - time. Only cats are born quickly and fairy tales are told. There are many stylists who claim that in record time they will teach their wards to dress well, buy the right things and even save on wardrobe! And yes, this is possible, but there is no guarantee that the image chosen by the stylist will fall into the sensations and perceptions of the client, suitable things will most likely change with the course of fashion, and even saving on wardrobe ... However, this is also possible, but come to rational purchases clothes can only be by trial, error and spending. No other way.

A makeover contest was held on a well-known site. The participating girls, under the guidance of stylists, learned how to choose clothes, do makeup and take pictures effectively. Many transformations were successful, but is it possible to believe that the participant wrapped up to the ears and above in the photo on the left and the girl on the right, somehow covered up, are the same face? Will the stylist "merzlyachka" slata "walrus"? Is it true?

Time is needed not only as a segment from the point of “I don’t know how” to the point of “learned”, but also for regular classes: reading books, looking at collections and blogs, shopping and trying on. Usually, everything about everything takes about 2 years. Some have a little less, some more.

Next item - finance. The first time spending on new clothes, shoes, bags and accessories (it all depends on your appetites) will be considerable. Some stylists, when attracting clients, claim that they will teach them to spend less on clothes, but as practice shows, it is impossible to understand and feel your styles, colors, prints, fit and other nuances in a short time! There will be a lot of spending and returns, mistakes and adjustments in the atelier (fitting), unwise purchases and disappointments. This is a certain stage, a period that must be passed, otherwise nothing will work.

Women who are engaged in needlework, sew or knit, often console themselves with the thought that they will reduce spending to a minimum through self-tailoring and self-tying, but even here lies a great danger of becoming a hostage to their old taste and perception! In addition, there are very few really talented and professional seamstresses.

I know a woman who, in search of a personal style, sews for herself. For several years in a row, she has been producing dozens of identical dresses, skirts and tops, the styles of which can be summarized in two words: “robe” and “bag”. An ill-fitting dressing gown is a bag and, accordingly, a more or less fitted bag is always a dressing gown, even if it is not wrapped around, but is a one-piece sewn product. Working with ready-made patterns, she manages to reduce them to a bag with cutouts for the arms and head, and all because the desire to make it easier for herself in cutting and sewing pushes her to make the same style over and over again. And it's a dead end road. Shops in this sense, though more time-consuming and money-consuming, but more efficient.

- you can try on different models of clothes
- try on different sizes and finally understand what is a good fit and what is bad
- a thing that did not fit can be returned in the end, which cannot be done with a poorly sewn dress

Further, before you begin to analyze your wardrobe and go for new clothes, you need to prepare theoretically. This kind of knowledge can be drawn from the blogs of stylists, who often publish sensible articles and analyzes of ready-made images, from fashion magazines and style books, and, of course, from the clothing collections of popular fashion designers. The latter is the most effective method, which, especially if these collections are not just examined, but also analyzed, bears fruit already in six months - a year.

As Kamila Galiullina said, “There is no need to focus on bloggers and ready-made bows, all this is a secondary product, you need to learn from the primary source - fashion designers who create fashion.”

Analysis of a collection of clothes implies a kind of free analysis, which allows you to evaluate what style the presented clothes belong to? What era is read in its silhouettes, styles and details? What characteristic features distinguish it from the work of other fashion designers?
After reviewing several collections, you can bring most of them to a common denominator, for example, the spring-summer 2015 season is characterized by the following trends:

- 70s fashion
- cropped trousers
- denim and denim total bow
- leather
- suede
- transparency and translucency
- military style

and others.

- neckerchiefs tied like a collar
- bow belts
- light cardigans worn on one shoulder

It is not a fact that all of the listed trends and characteristic details will be picked up and take root among the people, but it does not hurt to know about them. By the way, the combination of “sandals + socks” demonstrated for several seasons in a row did not go beyond the catwalks and near-fashionable parties, but the duet “sneakers + coat” or “sneakers + dress / skirt” was generally accepted well, although after many years of dominance of the rethought in a new way of the New Look style, at first shocked many.

Rose Ball in Monaco. Princess Caroline in sneakers

In parallel with the study of theory, you can proceed to clearing out the wardrobe. Despite the many stories about things "out of time", those, in fact, simply do not exist.
Well, except for straight dark blue jeans and a black turtleneck. Otherwise, clothes and shoes become obsolete, and this always happens. If things are about 10 years old, it is most likely hopelessly outdated and you don’t need to wear it. Numerous articles with the headings "take out of the grandmother's chest and become super-fashionable" have nothing to do with reality! Fashion, even if it returns, is never repeated verbatim. In the 70s, it was fashionable to wear trapezoidal silhouettes: flared jeans and flared tunics. Today, the returned 70s do not quote hippie fashion in any way, but only build on it, and this is extremely important to understand.

When sorting out the wardrobe, you need, first of all, to give up not those things that do not seem to fit in color, length or style, but those that you do not like. Strange as it may sound, but buying clothes not because they fit / liked them, but because they are inexpensive or kind of like a village is not at all uncommon! Such things lie dead weight, taking up space in the closet and upset their owner. Vain attempts to combine them, as a rule, are futile, and everyday contemplation of inappropriate or ugly clothes only spoils the taste that is so hard to form. If the hand does not rise to throw away such things, you can simply put them in a box and push it away.

And the last point: a modern image is impossible without fashion shoes , hairstyles and makeup. And if there is actual naturalness in makeup, short nails in manicure, and slight negligence in hairstyles, you will have to master these trends. However, you can wear spade nails and hair burned with paint and argue that this is an element of personal style, but in this case you should not be surprised if you are compared with Tatyana Mikhalkova or Anastasia Volochkova, although they certainly have a personal style.

Everyone has their own understanding of the expression "dress well." Most men don't give a damn about. Indeed, he put on what came to hand, got into flip flops - and forward, to the promenade to cultural places. For such people, the word "style" is a companion of the word "metrosexual". Although they don't really know the meaning of the last word. And there are others who want to dress stylishly. Not "rooster-like", but stylish. Those are two big differences. This article is for those people. Maybe there is nothing new in it, but it will not be useless either. Yes, and it will be useful only if these tips are followed.

1. Start from scratch

If you want to start dressing stylishly, take up the sacred basics.
This does not mean that you should immediately, in one moment, give up all your clothes. Keep in mind that for appearing in the nude, your body, no matter how athletic, will be treated with batons. And they will be right.

It will not be easy for you to say goodbye to your wardrobe favorites, but know that there will be no progress with these terrible "narrows" and plaid breeches to the shin. In the end, new favorites will appear, and they will be many times better, and most importantly, they will make you look like a person, and not like extras from the New Turbo Boys.

2. Forget everything you know

You will need to understand and accept the sad fact that in your life there were no concepts of "fashion" and "style". In any case, it is called differently - the Chisinau circle of elegant fashion. You can argue as much as you like, but it's as difficult for the stylish as it is for moralists to watch Svetlana Baskova's films.
It is also important to consider that all those things and accessories that you may have considered insignificant in your image, most often play an important role.

Now, having recognized yourself as a layman and a beginner, begin to learn the basics of elegant images from the very beginning. You can even send us to hell and listen not to our wise advice, but to your girlfriend, mother, the host of the Fashion Sentence. The latter, in general, with its god-like grace causes psychedelic patterns in the eyes. Listen to anyone. But to get on the path of correction, clear your mind. If George Clooney, scoring on his glorious acting career at one time, had not recognized himself as a complete ignoramus in directing, he would not have been able to make such films breaking through enthusiastic snot.

3. Focus on the basics

Surely you already want to say: “Sedin, what kind of creature are you so boring! When will the normal advice start?!" Calm, my friend. Without this tedium, similar to the psalms of the sectarians of the "Eighth Apparition of the Sixth Coming of Sid Vicious" all further advice is meaningless.

So, where does any educational program begin? From the basics Mastering the basics (sorry for phonetic scum) is half the battle. If not half, then a quarter for sure. But be careful: the misuse or interpretation of the basis is like poking a known place into the hole of a working meat grinder. Of course, I'm talking about fingers.

4. Foundation for a solid wardrobe

So, with an elegant bucket of taste and style, we tear out the foundation for your most fashionable wardrobe within the framework of the adequacy. And what, the foundation is needed everywhere. Even guest workers do not forget about him.

This foundation will be universal clothing: white shirts, dark blue jeans, gray sweaters and other elegant, classic and unpretentious attire.
These wardrobe items are like driving around the city in a driving school: when you learn to wear it, when you get used to it, then you can add things that are more interesting.

5. Simplicity is the key to style

Remembering the god-like host of "Fashionable Sentence", you are finally convinced that extravagance is the lot of the elite, because no one takes these elite seriously. However, if that's what you're after...
Leonardo da Vinci once said, "Simplicity is the end of complexity." Keep this in mind when choosing clothes. The simplicity of the outfit is the brightest highlight for a man.

6. The main thing is that the suit fits

If a lady is cheating on you, then she is not yours, if you are not comfortable driving a car, then she is not yours. If the clothes do not sit on you, then they are not yours. It would seem that everyone knows about it. Then why is everyone wearing clothes that don't fit, in completely crazy colors? It was forgivable in the 90s, but now it seems like a different time. Come on, if your shirt hangs off your skinny body like a garden scarecrow, you don't wear it. should be fitted and emphasize your proportions, no matter how disgusting they may seem to you. It is beautiful. This is not the 16th century, and wide shirts with puffy sleeves are out of fashion. Such a shirt can only be worn if, among other things, you are wearing boots, a hat, a horse is waiting for you next to you, and you are fighting with swords for your honor. In other cases, this is inappropriate.

7. Wardrobe circumcision

If your wardrobe has a little more clothes than Philip Kirkorov wore during the years of his career, then I have bad news for you. Firstly, you most likely do not know about technological progress and about the fact that clothes can be washed. Secondly, you spend too much money on your wardrobe (and you probably don't wear even half of its contents).
Even our beloved presenter "" (we even watched the program) admits that it is not the quantity of clothes that matters, but its quality. Or maybe he didn't say it. We simply do not know a more fashionable and authoritative person.

So, your wardrobe arsenal should not be bursting with a variety of styles. If you start wearing the clothes that we recommend, you will be surprised how little you need: just a few shirts, trousers and shoes. Let the ladies accompany each of their appearances with a new dress, you have where to spend money (you will buy these same dresses for your lady). And when the robes are worn out, get rid of them, and register a new wardrobe recruit in the vacant place. No, no, you don't have to wear the same sweater for a month. But there is no need to fill the closet with a dozen curiosities and ridiculous knitted devilry.
So let your wardrobe breathe. Everything that is not worn, everything that is blurry, goes to the grandmother in the village, homeless people to the landfill or Second Hand.

8. Match it right

Combine the rest of the clothes in the wardrobe correctly. Experiment, but don't go too far. Remember that cute guys marching down the runway in thongs and bags on their heads are not role models. If in your outfit you look like a cartoon character or a traffic light, then you probably threw out the wrong things after the previous paragraph. Or put known body parts on the 4th point.

9. Into the furnace of the trend!

Many men think that in order to become more stylish, they must be aware of all the latest trends. Close friend of BroDude Valery Leontiev: “Why. Create your style! And stop calling me!"
Indeed, there is nothing to torture yourself. Moreover, the trends are not always adequate. Best create your own style in which you will feel comfortable. But no extremes!

10. Lightness

If you spend an hour spinning at the mirror and choosing an outfit, this means one of two things: either you are one of those people who, looking back, are looking for the singer Azis, or you simply didn’t put together your wardrobe correctly. The main feature of the men's wardrobe (unlike women's) is confidence. Confidence in your clothes. Everything should look like you're not putting in the effort to look good. Know your wardrobe and be able to combine clothes. Knowing what goes well and what does not, what is appropriate for a bachelor party and what is for a funeral, you will stop wasting time. Again, don't overfill with junk. This rule builds on all the previous ones. If you look like Shia LaBeouf (stretched t-shirt and acid leggings) when dressed hastily, then somewhere you made a mistake.

11. Try new things

As you develop your sense of style, you open up your wardrobe to new types of clothing. There must be things that you would never call “your own” before. It may seem strange that after the previous points calling for elegant asceticism, we are talking about some new clothes. However, things are different things. We are by no means talking about crimson pants and leopard moccasins. The great Freddie Mercury once also tried something new, and it ended for him. There are other things that are more appropriate. As we said, we will have to implement things brighter and more diverse. Remember the main rule - do not slide into extravagance. This is not so much a rule as advice. Many look great without innovation.

12. Learn to love colors

You have to find out which colors work for you, and the best way to do this is to try it out for yourself. So don't shy away from pink shirts and red sweaters. Just because they don't suit your dad doesn't mean they won't suit you.

13. Wear colors in moderation

BUT! (returning to the previous point)
You have to be very careful with flowers. Don't overdo it. Remember we talked about the cartoon character and the traffic light? That's the same. You risk wearing incompatible colors. This is a big science, in fact, few people know how to combine different color combinations. I didn't even learn.

Wear only one item at first, leaving the rest of your outfit in neutral tones. After that, you can try adding interesting lighting solutions. And if they don't look at you like you're an idiot on the streets, then everything is fine. If they do, take a step back and try again.

14. Friends are comedians

By the way, friends are guaranteed to make jokes about this. from God, everyone has the school of humor of Viktor Koklyushkin behind them. Ignore what your mom used to say, "They're just jealous." Sooner or later this will all stop. Besides, it's just a joke. We will not advise you how to calm them down, they are your friends. Yes, and our methods are automatically equated with the propaganda of violence, which is prohibited in any media.
But if on the streets it’s not ladies with frozen admiration on their faces that poke their fingers at you, but gopniks with an angry expression on their faces ... you know what to do.

Listen to the people who surround you, because the outside is always more visible. It's better, of course, to listen to advice from people who know how to dress, and not from your homeless friends who consider sandals with socks to be the height of elegance. And listen to the ladies, most of the time they know fashion better than you. And they also love to give advice in terms of outfits. Of course, some of the advice will be unfortunate, inappropriate and said in jest.

16. Be honest with yourself

If you feel uncomfortable in all your clothes, then it is better to refuse it. You can become stylish only when your appearance is in harmony with your inner state. If you are an introvert, wearing extremely loud outfits will seem strange. If you are a simple, laid-back guy, then life in a classic suit is clearly not for you. If this whole encyclical about style is not for you, just add a few touches to your image to look adequate. At least it's adequate.

17. It's for a long time

You will have to spend a lot of time to learn all these basics. Not as long as waiting for the Liverpool championship, but not as short as the next dollar growth. All these tests and experiments take a lot of time. But for the rest of your life you will be touched by yourself, how stylish and fashionable you are. And girls will love.

18. Error after error

It won't be without mistakes either. Just don’t freak out if after the hundredth attempt you look like a star of the Romanian show business. Everyone dresses badly, even the stars. Look at Madonna or the same Shaya. Are there few of them.

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Probably, any young woman over 30, who strives to dress fashionably and relevantly, at least once worried: “But am I dressed too teenage today, isn’t it funny?” After all, everyone remembers how sad pink plaid skirts or tight-fitting T-shirts look on 50-year-old ladies.

The female half website studied how famous fashionistas dress to look young, but not girly. We share our findings with you. And let's say right away: there is no advice to forget about the mini forever and switch exclusively to pencil skirts and refreshing colors. In the end, only we decide how and what to wear.

Bag and backpack: strict outlines instead of shapelessness

A shapeless large backpack or sack bag simplifies the look and gives it a teenage touch. If there is a need to carry a lot of things with you, it is better to choose a roomy bag with a clear outline, like Miranda Kerr. Or a geometric backpack - and without owls and studs - like Kate Bosworth.

Crop Tops: With High Waist Skirt

Crop tops are stylish, yes. And I want to wear it. But most of us had a belly like a board only in early adolescence. For girls over 30, it is better to wear a short top with a skirt at the waist so that only a narrow strip of skin is visible and the navel is covered - this way the stomach looks flatter. By the way, this combination creates the correct proportions of the body: it balances the top and bottom and makes the legs longer.

Skinny: with chunky shoes or heels

Skinnies have a bad habit of making their ass and hips heavier and presenting their figure in an unfavorable light. Therefore, it is better to choose a looser top and not combine them with ballet flats or other minimalist shoes. It is worth wearing high heels, ankle boots, heavy boots or sports shoes.

Tight dresses vs. fitted dresses

Tight knitted dress - only a young girl can afford this if she has a perfect body. It is worth choosing a seductively figure-hugging dress, but not tight. And if there are voluminous details in the upper part, for example, a puffy sleeve, this will give the very desired balance of top and bottom and decorate the figure.

Sports shoes with a dress or coat: simple cut

A light flowered dress and sports shoes - definitely not. Such a combination on someone over 20 years old will look ridiculous. It is better to choose a dress with a clean and simple cut, you can have a sporty silhouette. In addition, you should prefer sports-style shoes, rather than sneakers designed specifically for sports, and not classic sneakers. If you still decide on sneakers or sports sneakers, you should choose something very calm like a straight coat without unnecessary details, like Alexa Chung (below).

Shorts: loose fit, closed top, good shoes

Choose loose, thick fabrics that hold their shape well and don't wrinkle. Shorts made of lace and other thin fabrics, more reminiscent of underpants, increase the fifth point and actually go to units. Of course, the top should be loose and not too open. Another good way is to wear shorts chic. Not with flip flops, like going to the beach, but with good shoes and a bag, like Olivia Palermo (the "correct" shot on the right).

Aggressive sexy style vs. intelligent sexuality

30 with a ponytail - the time of intelligent sexuality. Neckline, lacing, high slit, short skirt - all this should be performed solo. Victoria Beckham knows a lot about restrained but spectacular sexuality, and you can safely take an example from her.

Fitted puffy dresses vs. A-line dresses

Light dresses with elastic at the waist are associated exclusively with young girls. And, honestly, let's say that they adorn few people, even Jennifer Aniston. It is worth choosing A-line dresses, fitted and not very. They draw attention to slender legs and create a feeling of fragility of the figure.

Miniskirt: thick fabric and loose top

If you read online how to dress girls over 30, you can repeatedly come across advice to throw the mini in the trash. And we strongly disagree. What if someone just discovered this miracle? In my youth, when we were dissatisfied with ourselves, I was shy, but now, on the contrary, I gained confidence. We believe: you can and should wear a mini. It's just worth applying the well-known rule: the top should be closed. Let's add one more thing: it is better to choose a slightly loose top, do not expose the stomach and no knitted skirts - only models that keep their shape (like Miranda Kerr in the "correct" photo).

Look in the mirror every day and say to yourself:"I love you". Just please don't become a narcissistic narcissist. It's okay to remind yourself of your strengths and weaknesses every day. It's good to remind yourself what to do in your life.

Surround yourself with a good group of friends. Yes it is! Get rid of those people in your life who are unkind to you. We all grow up and realize that some people are in our lives for no reason. Detaching them can be challenging, but if you think long term, it's worth it.

Refresh your wardrobe every season. It's always nice to donate things that can still be used and rid yourself of individual items that don't fit anywhere. It helps freshen up your wardrobe and lets you know what key items you need to buy this season.

Say "please" and "thank you", hold the door for the person behind you, and don't forget to write "thank you" when necessary. Why do all this? Because good manners never go out of style.

Find a good tailor in your area and use their services. It doesn't matter how much you paid for the label on your clothes. In any case, it will not look good if it does not fit your forms. Typically, fitting clothes costs between $5 and $20. When you realize how much better you look, you realize that you spent this money not in vain.

When shopping, buy the classics first. In this case, you will have a great base for the wardrobe. These individual items of clothing should fit well on you, and will become the "background" for creating a complete set of clothes. The number of fashionable things in a certain season should be reduced to a minimum. Buy only the ones you really like. Not only will this keep your closet from overflowing, it will also save you money.

Remember that you can look good with a small amount of money. Nowadays, clothes can be bought anywhere from supermarkets to boutiques. Buy things in a price range that you can afford and know what really suits you. Take your time, but learn to recognize the things that will look best on you.

Dress according to your age. This has been said before and repeated a hundred more times. 50-year-old women should not wear a tank top and miniskirt. Just like 20-year-old girls should not openly show all the advantages of their body. To dress according to your age and be sexy means to show only a hint of bare skin. Believe me, this is much more attractive than showing off your possessions.

It's always better to be overdressed; it's much better than being the only person in jeans at the party. If you walk into a room in a chic dress and cool shoes and everyone else is in jeans and T-shirts, don't even think about getting upset. People will look at you and think, "Wow, she looks amazing." Just be comfortable in your clothes and enjoy it.

When compliments are given to you, answer:"Thank you". Answers such as: “Yes, this is an old dress” or “It is unlikely that what you say is true” is not stylish and is not at all attractive. Enjoy compliments, and even if you don't believe they're true, thank the person anyway and you'll feel better. After a while, you will begin to believe that you really look good. This is a good exercise for gaining self-confidence.

Try different styles, ideas for which can be gleaned from the media, magazines, etc. e. Work on finding your style and your own self. You don’t have to imitate someone, but you can be inspired by what you see and use it to create your own unique image. Try one day to dress indie style or maybe super sophisticated. Why not be a preppy cutie or a scandalous kid? Experiment and it will lead you to your own style. When you feel comfortable in what you are wearing, then you have found your style!

“This is how they do it: simple blue jeans, white t-shirt, loafers, trench coat, classic sunglasses, and look like a million?” - As a stylist, I hear this question very often. Surely each of us has come across such girls. And the point is not at all in their appearance or the cost of things, but in their skillful combination plus natural charm and grace. Oscar-winning director Sofia Coppola is one such style icon. She dresses simply enough, but with such gloss that it is impossible to resist. It is worth disassembling her images into “quotes”, and you understand that individually these things are not so interesting. So what's the secret?

Audit yourself

While we are chasing trends, we do not have time to take a break and understand what really suits us. When you know exactly your most winning colors and shades, as well as the silhouettes of dresses and jackets, models of trousers and outerwear, your image will be transformed. You seem to rediscover yourself.

At first glance, this rule is very simple, but following it is not so easy - you want to buy what is in trend and everyone wears it, and not what suits you, but is not so relevant. Do not follow the desire to imitate someone for a reason, and after a while you will realize that you are on the right track.

Unusual accessories and natural fabrics are the basis of the wardrobe

Very often our practicality destroys us. We buy bags and shoes in classic colors and patterns and then complain about how boring we look. Do not be afraid of unusual bags. Let them be inexpensive brands, but interesting shapes (round and similar to honeycombs are the main hits of summer) and trendy colors. Let the shoes also be bright, but best of all, they are plain and without decor - so they are more likely to fit into any look. Unusual decorations will also come in handy. We are talking, for example, about bracelets of rigid shapes, large earrings, pendants - in a word, about everything that will help to place the right accents. The rule is simple: there should be something in your image that the eye can catch on. Take a look at how Meghan Markle was dressed for Christmas last year and you'll see what we're talking about.

Another important point is things from good fabrics. They always look expensive, regardless of their brand. If a demi-season coat, then from cashmere (an investment for ten years, but rather, until you get bored), if a blouse, then from natural silk, if a summer jacket, then from linen. These are basic items that will come in handy in any wardrobe, regardless of the chosen style of clothing.

UT clock (to order)

Mix & match - the principle of wardrobe formation

Don't be afraid to wear things from your mom's youth - it doesn't matter if you inherited them or found them in a vintage store or second-hand store. Among the favorites are denim, t-shirts with logos, casual dresses. Combined with the hits of the season, they look really cool.

Preppy style also looks great in everyday life. You don't have to be a student to afford to wear pleated skirts or club-like blazers. They make a great pair of basic things.

Safari style as a trendy summer landmark

Khaki, mustard, unbleached linen - have you ever thought that these boring, at first glance, shades look very cool when they get into one fashion mix? This summer (and spring) the safari style and natural colors (on the wave of general zojification) are popular, everyone has a chance to create their own unique image. And accessories - a raffia bag, a crocodile leather belt, suede sandals, aviator sunglasses and, of course, jewelry - will help with this. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to spend several salaries on one such wardrobe capsule - you will find the necessary “ingredients” in the mass market.