What you need to know when the child goes to the garden? Child goes to kindergarten

12:00 - lunch

For many parents, the transition to such a daily routine seems difficult. If mom has a lot of housework, then she does not have time to keep track of every minute and correctly allocate time. However, if the child is familiar with such a routine, it will not be difficult for him to follow it in kindergarten, which means that life in kindergarten will cause much less discomfort.

The biggest problem for children in kindergarten is afternoon nap. Coming from a walk, the children are not at all ready to go to bed - they want to continue the game or communication. Therefore, before going to the garden, accustom the baby to sleep in the afternoon. Discuss also that if he does not want to sleep, at this time he should just lie quietly in his crib. After all, in fact, the teachers do not closely monitor whether the child is sleeping or not - they need the children to be in bed. A child will cause a lot of difficulties if, in the middle of a quiet hour, he refuses to lie in bed and act up.

Learn to fantasize

More play with the baby, teach him to come up with interesting stories and join the game. Thus, by involving other children in the game, he will be able to easily find friends, and the time spent in the kindergarten will not be a boring routine for him.

Unfortunately, modern children almost forgot how to make up stories. They manipulate toys without imagination, using them only in the way it was intended: they roll the car for no reason, collect cubes, and do not build a castle. If you show your child what kind of world can be created with the help of toys, you will captivate him and contribute to the development of his imagination. Play with the baby in the hospital, build houses for dolls, and put out fires with the help of a toy car. The development of fantasy and emotionality will also contribute to the speedy adaptation of your baby.

By the way, you can use the game as an introduction to kindergarten. Playing kindergarten, you will talk about how to behave there, what the children are doing there and who the teacher is. Create your own kindergarten, where the child will be a teacher. All toys will become children, which the child will have to follow, educate, feed and put to bed on time. If the child likes this game, and he is carried away by it, then going to a real kindergarten will be a holiday for him.

Discipline for a child

It is important to gradually prepare the child for those classes who will be in kindergarten. For example, a child should be assiduous and be able to listen. Read poetry to him, gradually increasing the reading time. Of course, at first, the baby will be distracted after the first minute of reading, but thanks to patience and perseverance, you will achieve the desired results.

Also teach your child repeat the movements after you- it will come in handy in physical education classes. Jump with him, spin in place, wave your arms and so on. To make it more interesting for the child, imitate the movements of animals, for example, “Let's jump like a grasshopper,” “Fly like a bird,” and the like.

So that the child does not get lost in the new atmosphere, teach him to be independent. Firstly, if you are going to send your baby to kindergarten soon, it's time to potty train him and take off his diaper. By the time of going to kindergarten, the child should be able to sit on the potty himself.

It is also necessary that the child knows how to dress himself, put on shoes and eat. Teach him how to use a spoon and how to behave at the table. Do not forget that the kindergarten works according to a certain schedule, and if at first the teachers will pay special attention to your baby, then he will have to eat quickly on his own. If he is distracted, playing at the table, he will remain hungry, because the time for lunch and dinner in the kindergarten is limited by the daily routine.

Therefore, in order for the baby to learn independence faster, start teaching him as early as possible: when going for a walk, let him try to dress and put on shoes himself. Help him only if he is having difficulty. Do not rush to dress the child, because in this way you deprive him of the opportunity to learn how to do it on his own.

Before sending to the kindergarten, it is very important to take care of the condition health baby. It is no secret that in kindergarten a child meets a large number of children, and he can become infected with SARS and other viruses from them. The child's immunity is not yet fully formed and is not ready for all varieties of a virus or infection. Therefore, he will be practically defenseless against a new disease for him.

So try temper child and confront his immunity with difficulties. Of course, this does not mean specifically infecting the baby with a cold so that he does not get sick anymore, but protecting the baby from any breeze and cough means lowering his immunity on purpose. Do not wrap up the child, do not close the house in cool weather. The more you protect your child, the more he will get sick in kindergarten, as his body will be completely unadapted to the new conditions of life. Breathe more air, dress your baby according to the weather, do not wrap him in forty clothes if the sun is outside. You can even start dousing or enroll in a pool. In general, try to get your child to lead a healthy lifestyle.

First time in…kindergarten

So, if you followed all the above recommendations, then your child is absolutely ready for the first trip to the kindergarten: he is independent, not afraid of people, knows how to behave correctly and perfectly understands what a kindergarten is and why go there.

It is best to carry out the first trip to the kindergarten before the start of the school year, for example, at the end of August. In this case, the child will get used to the schedule and to the teachers, and it will be easier for him to join the working rhythm. It is a very bad idea to send your child to kindergarten during the cold season. In winter and autumn, children most often get sick, which means that your baby’s unprepared body will face a real “viral attack”. Education in the kindergarten, as in any educational institution, begins in September and ends in May.

No matter how well you prepare the child, you must be ready to cry parting and whims of the child. After all, it's one thing to live at home, even if it's on the schedule of a kindergarten, but it's quite another to be among unfamiliar children with an adult aunt at the head. Therefore, the child may well refuse to go to kindergarten, he may cry and be capricious, withdraw into himself, and the like.

Although, of course, all children react differently to the first trip to kindergarten. Some very quickly join the team and do not feel any discomfort, while others can sob all day waiting for their mother. Someone will run after the teacher, demanding attention to themselves, and the cat will sit in a corner with his toy and refuse to communicate with anyone.

It is worth being prepared for the fact that after visiting the kindergarten, your child will behave differently at home. He can become aggressive, moody and nervous. This is due to the stressful situation. This behavior is purely defensive in nature and can also be dealt with.

First, spend as much time as possible with your child. Read books to him, play quiet games, hug and chat with him. He must feel that his parents do not leave him when they take him to kindergarten and will still remain with him, they will not disappear anywhere.

Secondly, minimize the load on the baby's nervous system, limit TV viewing, do not play very active games, do not take the child to visit where it will be loud and noisy. A child's defense mechanism can be regression - that is, he can behave like a baby, urinate in his pants, refuse to eat on his own and dress on his own. Do not scold him for such "infantilism", understand that during this period the child cannot understand what is happening to him, therefore he is looking for ways of salvation.

Depending on how you can help the baby get used to the new environment, as well as depending on his character traits and temperament, adaptation process can vary from one to two months. If the baby has not learned to communicate with other people or has poor health, he can get used to kindergarten for more than six months.

How to facilitate the adaptation period?

First of all, pay attention to yourself and on your behavior. If you yourself are against the fact that your baby attends kindergarten, but you have no other choice, the child will get used to the kindergarten for a very long time. He will feel your emotions and experience the same. If you do not like a kindergarten or a teacher, then be sure that your child will also go there with fear and discontent every day. But if you enthusiastically think about kindergarten as an opportunity for a child to socialize, learn new things and prepare for school, then the child will also be happy not only to go there, but also to take an active part in classes.

Now, with the advent of such a concept as "individual approach", all educators and teachers try to find the key to each child. That is why, you need to talk with the teacher and talk about the habits and favorite games of your baby. Thus, it will be easier for the teacher to find a common language with him.

If you think of kindergarten as an opportunity to learn new things and prepare for school, then your child will also enjoy going there.

During the period of adaptation to kindergarten, you can also make individual schedule kindergarten visits. You can take your child to kindergarten only for a certain time, and when he gets used to the schedule, leave him longer. Thus, the child will not experience discomfort, staying all day long and missing his mother.

If a child, even for a short time, is afraid to part with his mother - learn to say goodbye. Do not delay the goodbye, because it may result in a stream of tears, and in the end you will go home together. Clearly tell him that you are leaving for a certain time and will return to him, for example, before lunch, when he and the children will walk in the yard. Then it will be clearer to the baby when to expect you and maybe he will not worry.

Definitely needed motivate baby before going to kindergarten. It could be new friends he found in the group or a favorite toy. If there is a living corner in the kindergarten, then the child will be interested in watching animals, so he will be happy to run to kindergarten.

Return to play in kindergarten. Have your child show you how gardening works with toys and dolls. Thus, you will see how your child feels there, whether he has friends and how the teacher treats him. Such a game helps a child a lot if he still has some fears or any other hidden emotions.

The child must go to kindergarten all the time. Don't let him not go today because "I don't want" or "laziness". Even if the child sniffs, it still should not be a reason for absenteeism. The more often he visits the garden, the faster he will get used to it. You can not go to kindergarten only if the child is seriously ill and has a fever.

Discussing with the child his life in kindergarten, never do not allow yourself to criticize the teacher or speak impartially about the children- the child must respect both the children and the teacher, otherwise, his life in the team will become much more complicated. Praise him for his independence, show your pride in your son to your friends. Let him know what makes you happy by gardening.

In the event that the child for a long time, despite all your efforts, cannot get used to kindergarten, the reason may be in the wrong choice of kindergarten or teacher. It is quite possible that the teacher simply did not find a common language with the baby. It is possible that by changing the kindergarten, the adaptation will be very quick and successful.

The best age to start attending a preschool is 2.5-3 years. Previously, the psyche of the crumbs is not ready to cope with stress and communication with strangers. Until the age of three, the connection with the mother is so strong that no teacher, even the most attentive, can replace her. But sometimes the circumstances are such that the baby has to be sent to a preschool.

In order to facilitate adaptation to the nursery, play with peers more often, learn to communicate with children. Cook at home food that is as close as possible to the kindergarten menu. Knowing how to use a potty, hold a spoon, drink from a mug, put on trousers and sandals will make life much easier for your baby.

When the time comes to send the offspring to a preschool institution, every mother understands that this is an important stage in life. And it comes with a lot of hardships.


  • The desire of parents is not formed- it's scary for their child, it seems to them that the baby is sickly, not physically developed enough, peers and teachers will offend. Unconsciously, they transmit nervousness to their baby, a healthy reaction is the desire to stay at home.
  • Own memories are negative. If the parents themselves were disgusted when they visited the kindergarten, they remember how hard it was for them there, the offspring absorbs from them that this place is bad. Why go where it's bad?
  • Fear of the future. It is difficult for a mother to let go of her child, it is difficult to change her usual life, where all the time was devoted to worries. Feeling the subconscious fears of his parents, he seeks to maintain harmony in the family.
  • Great responsibility. If dad and mom attach great, often too much, importance to the development of a preschooler, expressing this with intolerance: “Natasha has already mastered the potty, but you haven’t.” Giving the baby an unbearable burden, you contribute to the development of fears. And he chooses the safest place - the house, because new trials await him in the kindergarten, with which he is afraid not to cope.

  • Poor wardrobe. The most important rule is convenience. Simple fasteners, soft natural clothing fabric. Of course, it is better when your child has self-care skills. If he dresses and shoes himself, adaptation will be much easier. Intricate clothes can cause aggression of the educator, because the offspring does not understand that the adult is angry not with him, but with small buttons. As a result, he does not want to make contact with the teacher.
  • Special child. For example, a fear of touching may appear when a child is afraid that they can become seriously ill if they touch strangers. Some children may not tolerate loud sounds well, and in the kindergarten, children are in constant tactile contact and noise. Also, the child may have trouble sleeping or be so active that adults do not have time to monitor him. In any case, know that your children are fine and do not need to be converted into kindergarten. You should create the most comfortable conditions for them, look for an institution that can provide them.

If you are going to kindergarten for the first time, you will probably meet your child's resistance. Changing the regime and social circle, even in adults, causes stress, what can we say about a three-year-old baby.

Look at the episode of Dr. Komarovsky's program, which is called "non-Sadikov's child." Perhaps, after watching it, it will be easier for you to understand the reasons for the child’s reluctance to attend preschool?

What should be done to facilitate adaptation?

Gradually accustom your child to kindergarten. First, come to get acquainted, look at the group and the locker. Play on the playground. Find out every day how he spent his day. Gradually, both of you will get used to it, and the baby will tell more and more. What did he do, what did he eat, who did he play with, etc. Reward good behavior, but do not buy gardening. Otherwise, later it will serve as a pretext for blackmail. "I'll go if you buy something."

Play situations that arise in the group. Suggest how you can respond to a particular action. So it will be easier to adapt, and he will know what to do in a given situation. Let me take my favorite toy from home, let it remind him of home. On weekends, do not break the kindergarten regime. Learn to share, interact with children.

Try playing "kindergarten" with your baby before visiting the institution

The baby needs to sleep. Organize his night's sleep so that he wakes up in the morning. Give him as much time as possible in the evening and on weekends. If you shift all the responsibility to the institution, thinking that they are doing well there, he may feel abandoned and unloved.

If you see that anxiety has increased greatly, the child shudders and does not sleep well at night, or all this is still accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, you need to urgently find out the cause of such a reaction.

What can not be done?

  • Do not threaten kindergarten for bad behavior. Moreover, do not say that you will not take it.
  • Don't leave your child last in the group. Waiting when the children have already gone home is accompanied by sad and negative emotions.
  • Don't be fooled that you're leaving for a minute. Calmly explain how the day will go, voice the main stages (breakfast, lunch, sleep). Assure of your love and promise to pick up, for example, after dinner. Of course, the promise must be kept. Support the child, sit down at his level during the conversation.
  • Be Patient, do not scold for tears and refusal of food.
  • Don't discuss especially in a negative way, dismissive of caregivers and the institution in general with children.
  • Don't drag out goodbye hug and confidently leave. Do not run away while the child is distracted, he will see that you are not there and will be scared.
  • No pills. Sedatives - for adults, of course, if there is no prescription from the attending physician. Tiny handles the situation the best he can. Give it time, everything will be back to normal when he gets comfortable.

For some tips on how to teach your child to kindergarten, see the video:

How to persuade to go to kindergarten

The child should know that kindergarten is a very important and responsible business. Everyone has their own job, mom, dad and he has a garden.

Hold back at the moment of parting, you cry - the child also cries. Show only positive emotions, joke. If the child calms down as soon as you leave, it may be better if someone else with whom he does not have such a strong emotional connection (dad, grandmother, brother or sister) takes him away. Treat with care, enjoy crafts, appliqués and brought drawings. If you refuse to get up in the morning, you can lure him with the fact that today there will be an interesting lesson with a teacher. All mothers will do something beautiful, but nothing for me.

Avoid long goodbyes in the morning

Be proud and tell everyone in the presence of a preschooler that he goes to kindergarten. Talk about how important it is and how he helps you with this.

Talk more often about how good the kindergarten is and how many interesting things there are. Beautiful toys, attentive teacher, fascinating tales. Be consistent, do not succumb to tears and persuasion, even if it seems that he cannot get used to it. He must know that it is necessary. Be firm, but without fanaticism.

Come up with something interesting. For example, on the way home, feed the pigeons or inflate balloons in a group - everyone will play and rejoice. Thus, positive emotions will be fixed.

Make a friend. Usually all the children in a group are from the same area. Meet your parents, play on the playground on the weekend, invite them to visit. Kids will make friends, will be bored and happy to see each other.

The kid does not want to go to the garden, because they offend there

He tells it himself or you noticed changes and “traces” of resentment, psychological and / or physical. If he went to kindergarten with pleasure for a long time, and then suddenly began to refuse, this is a reason to think. Discuss the situation with the child, find out in a playful way who offends him. Do not show anger, calmly clarify everything.

Conflict with children: first find out what is happening and why. Perhaps your baby is aggressive himself, and the kids are only defending themselves. Watch him when you walk in the yard, sandbox. Pay attention to how he communicates. This will help you find out the reasons for the contention.

For information on what to do in a situation where a baby is offended in a group, see the video:

It often happens that one aggressor attacks several children. Take control of the situation, he can't handle it on his own. Talk to the teacher, ask to take a closer look at the situation. Strictly talk to the culprit. Don't threaten, but tell them what not to do. Get to know his parents, perhaps together you will be able to quickly resolve the contradictions.

The next step is to contact the manager. If nothing changes, transfer the baby to another group.

Learn to defend. Of course, do not learn to fight back, otherwise the consequences will be even worse. Teach outward calm, keep your head up high, look into your eyes, speak confidently. Think of how to answer: "Don't hurt me," "I don't like it that way," "Step away."

Before taking any action, you need to understand the situation

If the problem is in the caregiver

To understand that the child is offended by the teacher, the following will help:

  • Ask about the problem, but don't assert. The question should be open, for example: “When you play around, what does Anna Ivanovna do?”
  • Drawing. Sometimes it's easier to draw than to say. Ask to draw a kindergarten, listen to explanations of who does what. This will give you some idea of ​​what's going on.
  • Games. Role-playing. Take the role of a teacher, and then offer it to your child. The way he treats you and toys is likely to take place in the group.
  • Come up with a story with your child. Let the heroes be real people from the kindergarten.
  • Assess the situation appropriately. Consider it from all sides, children have a rich imagination. He may exaggerate or copy cartoon/movie behavior.

For a few tips from a child psychologist on what to do if your child is being bullied in kindergarten, see below:

Actions when you are convinced that the teacher is guilty:

  • Conversation with the teacher. Without getting personal, ask if there was such a thing. Praise the teacher, show how you respect him for his work. Resolve conflict peacefully.
  • When the mentor does not hear you, and the complaints continue, talk to the parents of other children. Find out if they have a similar problem.
  • Contact the manager also calmly ask to check what is happening.
  • If nothing helps contact the Department of Early Childhood Education. Team up with other parents and demand a replacement teacher.

Usually, adaptation takes from one month to six months, if the baby cries all day and does not want to stay in kindergarten. Think about a private institution or a nanny, persuade your grandmother or yourself, at least for a while, give up work, because health and peace of mind are very important. After a while, try again to take the baby to the kindergarten, perhaps later everything will work out.

After a period of adaptation in kindergarten, the kids begin to miss their team at the weekend

Watch a program in which the problem of reluctance to go to kindergarten is considered in sufficient detail from different angles.

  1. The child needs to be taught to communicate with other people: both children and adults. Therefore, walk with him more often, and in crowded places: parks, playgrounds, etc. My daughter used to be shy of other kids, hid behind me and did not want to communicate. We began to walk on the playgrounds more often and the baby is already reaching out to other children, trying to play together. Often, after we pick up our son from kindergarten, we stay for a walk on his territory so that Nastenka gets used to it;
  2. For easier and faster adaptation, gradually bring the child's daily routine at home closer to kindergarten. This must be done in advance, one to two months before admission. I wrote earlier about ours, it is approximately similar to the kindergarten regime in which we enter. If you do not know the daily routine of your kindergarten, go and ask, I think the teachers will be happy to tell you;
  3. Teach your child that kindergarten is good. He should not be afraid of this institution. I constantly tell my daughter how good it is in the kindergarten, there are a lot of children, toys, good teachers. In the kindergarten they play, study, sleep, and in the evening the children go home;
  4. Do not bring your child to the kindergarten tour early in the morning when other children are brought there. After all, it is possible that he will see their tears. He may have an opinion that kindergarten is bad. He will ask you a completely reasonable question: “Since others are crying here, why should I go there?”;
  5. When the child already starts going to kindergarten, at first do not leave him in the group for more than 2-3 hours. Gradually increase the time he is there. My son went before lunch, probably a month, at least. Although many children after a couple of weeks were already left to sleep. I did not want to speed up the process of accustoming, we gradually entered into a new life. I don't know what will happen to my daughter. But we will walk part of the day until I understand that the baby is ready to stay to sleep. Still, I want to accustom the child to kindergarten without tears and stress;
  6. At first, something in the garden should remind the child of home. There must be something of your own. It could be a toy. Convince the child to take it with him to the garden and leave it there. You will see - the next day he will go to the garden with great enthusiasm. After all, he knows that a “friend” is waiting for him there;
  7. The most difficult to adapt in kindergarten are those children with whom their mother constantly sat. Therefore, try to make sure that next to your child there are some other relatives besides you - your sister, brother, etc. Previously, my daughter was almost always with me or my husband, but now she can stay for a while with my sister, my dad or mother-in-law;
  8. When taking your child to kindergarten, assure him that you will definitely come back for him. In kindergarten, the psychologist advised us (parents) to leave a key in the child's box and say that we are going to work, and after work you will come for the baby, take the key and go home together. Without a baby and a key, you still won’t be able to get home, so take the baby anyway;
  9. Take care of the fragile nervous system of the child, reduce the load on it. Try to temporarily reduce trips to the theater, circus;
  10. Teach your child self-care skills in advance. By the time a child enters kindergarten, they should be able to eat, dress, put on shoes, go to the potty, wash their hands and fall asleep on their own - they will not pump on their hands in kindergarten;
  11. While adjusting, try to spend more time with your child. Joint walks will not be superfluous. Talk to your baby, ask how his day went, praise him for his achievements. Even for the fact that he went to kindergarten!
  12. Try to develop a positive attitude towards kindergarten in your child. In his presence, do not scold, do not criticize the teacher, nanny or group;
  13. If a child suddenly refuses to go to kindergarten, let him do this little prank. However, not for long. The break should be only one or two days. These days, tell him about how many interesting things await him there;
  14. At first, when I took my son to kindergarten, I promised him that I would go to the store and buy a surprise for him. When I return from the store, I will immediately pick it up from the kindergarten. I always kept my promises, and by the time I had to pick up the child from the kindergarten, there was some kind of “surprise” in my bag - a small toy, a kinder surprise, some healthy snack (for example, marmalade) or something else. But with this method, care must be taken so that it does not develop into a constant practice. Otherwise, the baby will constantly demand gifts))

Your child is going to kindergarten! This is such a significant and exciting event, both in the life of a little man and in the life of his parents.

In this article, I will prepare you and your baby for kindergarten. How to make sure that the child adapts well to new conditions, to new people, both adults and children. We will also pay attention to those points that should be told to caregivers about your baby. To make their friendship even better!

Let's discuss such moments as vitamin therapy, hardening of the neck and legs, let's talk a little about vaccinations. This article will be informative and useful for those who are preparing for kindergarten.

Almost all children get used to kindergarten, make friends with each other with pleasure, play exciting games and learn new things. But each baby needs “his own”, individual time to get used to the new conditions.

For some children, the adaptation period takes from a couple of weeks, while others need a couple of months. The reason for such terms lies in the nature of the child. Dependence on mother, hypersensitivity to change, and of course, increased excitability of the nervous system.

The process of adaptation is better for children who communicated with different age groups of children. And children who have many brothers and sisters. Also for the guys who are not directed to all the attention and guardianship at home.

I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Educators, what are they ... Will other guys accept ... Sleep, food ...

If your child adapts easily to the new, his behavior will return to normal during the first month. By the end of the first week, the appetite will be the same as before. The child's sleep will improve in one to two weeks. And there will be no acute illnesses.

But your child may have difficulty adjusting. For a whole month, the mood will be unstable. Sleep and appetite will return to normal in a month and a half.

The most difficult option is a difficult adaptation period. Sleep, appetite, mood are grossly disturbed. Nightmares are excluded. The child will be sick for a long time in order to stay at home with his mother. If the illness is long and severe, be sure to consult a child psychologist, neurologist or psychiatrist.

In order for adaptation in kindergarten to be successful, measures should be taken in advance. Get your child interested! But don't overdo it. You shouldn't lie beautifully. This is the easiest option. Talk to your child about the kindergarten, say emotional and pleasant words. “There are so many toys!”, “There is so much fun! “When I was little, I loved going to kindergarten so much!” Tell your child interesting stories about kindergarten.

Your baby should have a kind of readiness, "readiness to go out." This includes the ability to eat and dress independently of adults. The child must be able to ask to go to the toilet, must “know and be able” to use the potty, wash his hands. Most importantly, the child must be able to express his need. The wider the range of possibilities, the better.

Wellness activities

Vitamin therapy. Most often, children go to kindergarten for the first time in warm weather. This is done in order to reduce the possibility of infection with colds and viruses. Also, a wonderful “bonus” of this time of year is fresh fruits and vegetables! Strengthen your baby's immunity!


Let's start with the legs. You can start this type of hardening by rubbing your feet with a wet cloth. And somewhere in a week you can go to the dousing itself. Procedure. Dip your baby's feet in a bowl of room temperature water for about one minute. Then rub them with a terry towel until warm.

Every day increase the procedure by one minute. Get to ten. Reduce the water temperature by one degree every third day. Important! If your child becomes ill during the procedure, the course should be interrupted. After recovery and after two weeks of recovery, start all over again.

Now let's move on to hardening the neck. The most common source of infection in childhood is the throat. Hardening will help reduce the sensitivity of the throat to factors such as cold water, ice cream, wind, low temperatures.

Procedure. After a night's sleep, have your child drink water on an empty stomach. The temperature of the water gradually decreases. Take two containers of boiled water. Place one in the refrigerator and leave the other indoors.

Dilute the water every week in the following proportions. 1 part cold - 5 parts room. 1 part cold - 4 parts room. 1 part cold - 3 parts room, etc. the amount of water depends on the age of the child. For babies up to three years old, 1/4 cup is enough. Older children can be given 1 glass at a time.

Influenza vaccinations. A very controversial topic these days. I won't say why it's important to get vaccinated, or why you shouldn't. This is every parent's business. Read the necessary information, consult with a specialist. But your decision must be justified.

At one point, I still allow myself to pay attention. Remember that in children with vaccinations, diseases are “relieved”. And such a disease as the flu is scary not only with fever, but with complications.

Now you can go directly to the psychological aspects of the adaptation of the baby in the kindergarten.

We already know that it is necessary to prepare the baby in advance. But don't sugarcoat the information. You understand what it is fraught with. Also, don't say, "Nothing bad will happen to you there." Your words can instill anxiety in the baby. Tell us about the positive aspects of being in kindergarten. “There are many toys there that are not at home”, “You will dance, sing songs and play with children”, “You will be taken care of in the garden”, “There are sandboxes, slides and swings”.

You can also help your child adapt with the help of the game! Take toys and simulate, play out a future event. Show yourself first. “Here is the Katya doll, today she is going to kindergarten. Say hello to everyone doll Katya. Here is your locker. Let's take off our jacket. Here at this table you will eat with other children. Here is your bed, here is Katya's doll, here you will sleep. You will have many new friends. And then mommy will come for you.

Further, let the child himself show the same story. Show how you will say hello in a group, how you will eat, where to sleep. You shouldn't force this kind of game. Just periodically offer it among the rest of the role-playing games.

An important role is played by the contact of your baby with his new adult - the educator!

Until the child is in the group, tell the teacher about him, about his features. How he eats and what he eats, and, of course, what he doesn't eat! What kind of baby has features of speech development. What are his possibilities. What he can do and what he can't. Is your child used to sleeping during the day?

Pay special attention to what fears the baby has, what he is afraid of, what he does not like. Thus, you will facilitate not only the work of the educator, but also pastime in the garden of your child. HABITATION IS A GRADUAL PROCESS.

Of course, according to your abilities, but first it is better to stay during the period allocated for a walk. Gradually for one - two hours in a group. Later for several hours. You can agree with the teacher, and at first be present in the group with the child.

I gave good recommendations for kids in the article “Learning to communicate correctly! (from 6 to 9 months). Although these recommendations apply to young children, the principle is unchanged, re-read. The kid should see that the mother and the new aunt have become friends, the mother liked the new aunt, she is not terrible, but simply not familiar.

Oh those fears...

And in the kindergarten, the main fear is “they won’t pick me up.” Even when you are angry, do not tell your child “I will give you to that aunt”, “I will leave the aunt here”. Hearing this is traumatic for a child. The child must be completely sure that he is LOVE, he is VALUED, he is MISSED, and he will certainly be PICKED UP from kindergarten.

Show your baby your joy after a day of separation, tell him that you missed him, and praise him for being in kindergarten.

It may happen that the child will be shy, not want to let the adult go. You can ask the teacher to come out to meet you at the door of the group, say a couple of friendly words, compliments to the child. So the baby can be distracted from sad thoughts. And the teacher will become a friend.

Important! Do not leave quietly and secretly, as if throwing a baby. Let him know it's time to say goodbye.

At home, you can come up with your own way of saying goodbye. Your special handshake, or kiss. It is possible that parting with you is the most painful thing. Then you should ask someone else to bring the baby to kindergarten for the first time (grandmother, for example).

The first days, and maybe a week or two, is an overload of new information for your baby. Reduce the requirements for the child, the house should be quiet and calm, transfer “emotionally strong” events. At this time, the child needs your support and understanding.

The game helps

The game helps not only to LEARN kindergarten, but also to ADAPT in it.

We play kindergarten. This game is therapeutic. The child will gradually respond to painful moments associated with kindergarten. With the help of the game, he is "treated". Diversify the game with toys and dolls. Give your child the role of educator.

The doll does not want to let go of her mother and is crying, let your baby calm the doll down. With the help of such a role, the child becomes closer to the adult - the educator, he no longer scares him so much. Change roles: a teacher, a nanny, a child who goes to kindergarten with joy, and one who does not like to go there, try the role of mom and dad.

You can use "home" things to calm the baby who goes to kindergarten. Let him take with him some object from home, so that something connects it with the usual. Whether it's a favorite soft toy, or a thing that belongs to mom (for example, a handkerchief, hairpin).

You can also draw a portrait of the family in the drawing or draw a “book” with things to do for the whole day, there will be a trip to the kindergarten, games, etc. and finally a joyful meeting with the parents.

Drawings, like the game, are therapeutic in nature. Draw a kindergarten, the guys who go there, what fears the baby has, what I like, what I don’t like. Drawing heals. While the child is still quite a baby, let mom or dad draw what the child tells him.

The child himself chooses the right colors of felt-tip pens, pencils, paints. Describes the mood and characters of the people who will be depicted in the picture. Thus, the baby expresses his feelings for these people, and for the situation as a whole.

"Bad and scary" drawings can be corrected. Together with your child, figure out how to make a scary picture funny. How to make an evil person or a child kind, how to cheer up a crying child.

Be sure, after you have taken the baby from kindergarten, take an interest in how his day went. When a child says that he was offended, you should not justify the offender, he says how it should have been done, say "it happens."

The best way to listen, to accept his feelings, and, of course, to reflect his feelings in words. For example, "you were very upset that the boys broke your toy, you were angry with them." After talking about the events of the day, end with positive points (the teacher was praised, delicious sweets at the birthday party, etc.).

Important! If the baby was sick for a long time or he was transferred to another group, then the adaptation process should be started anew.

There are children who are especially problematic in terms of getting used to the kindergarten. For such guys, increased nervous sensitivity and poor health, read in more detail in the article “Syndrome of early. What it is?".

Let me remind you that such babies are especially responsive to stress, have methosensitivity, they have frequent headaches, have intestinal disorders, chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, have diathesis and allergies. Because of their hypersensitivity, babies complain about prickly clothes, do not like to take a bath and shower, wash their hair, comb their hair.

Babies are whiny, restless, have difficulty falling asleep, feel bad after sleep, have poor appetite, and get very tired.

Kindergarten is a big burden for the fragile nerves of such a child. Their nervous system is “irritated” by the taste of new food, various noises in the group, new situations and feelings. From overwork, the baby is whiny, lethargic, falls asleep badly, goes to kindergarten with hysteria.

Health can be severely damaged. Sometimes they get sick for a long time. They “psychologically” fall into illness in order to be with their mother and not go to the garden. You should go for a consultation with a specialist (neurologist, psychoneurologist, psychologist). It is necessary to postpone the "admission" to kindergarten and "sit" at home until the age of five. There will be a year before school to join the children's team.

If the signs are not very pronounced, then you can try to give it to the kindergarten early.

But keep in mind that adaptation will take longer (up to six months). Also, parents should inform the teacher about the features of the “character” of the baby. So that the teacher can switch the child's activity from noisy fun to solitary reading, for example. You should be asked not to force-feed the child.

Pick up your baby early if possible. After a walk in the fresh air for an hour or two, let the baby release the accumulated tension. And at home in the evening it should be calm, do not play noisy games and do not conduct moralizing conversations.

Have a good kindergarten!

Other related information

As the child grows up in every family, the question arises: is it worth taking a baby at 2-3 years old to kindergarten? Now many mothers work at home or are on maternity leave, so they can look after the baby and raise him on their own, instead of trying to teach him to attend a not very favorite kindergarten. A fairly large number of parents prefer to hire a nanny for the baby, who not only looks after the child, but also conducts developmental classes, walks and feeds. The position of many parents is simple: why take them to a group where a large number of people and the child will not be given enough attention. Is this position correct and what do child psychologists think about this?

Why does a child need to go to kindergarten

Experts are sure that for full development, character formation and infusion into the social environment, it is better for children to grow up in a team than to constantly be at home with their mother, grandmother or nanny.

Psychologists insist that kindergarten is the best option for adapting a baby to society.

Visiting a kindergarten has its positive aspects:

  • The child learns to interact with other people. And we are talking not only about children, but also about adults, because the baby gets acquainted with several educators, a music director, a psychologist and other kindergarten employees;
  • psychologists and teachers pay attention that in a group children begin to develop faster. The secret of this is simple: a child who did not want to complete tasks at home watches his peers and wants to be the first, the best, and also strive to learn certain skills. The instinct of leadership and rivalry wakes up in him;
  • learning to discipline: a very important moment for a growing baby. Today, many parents encourage free upbringing, when everything is possible for a child. But it becomes very difficult for such children at school, where there are no games anymore, but you need to complete the tasks of the teacher. It is in the garden that children get used to discipline in a playful way, and by the older preschool age they are already aware of what can be done and what is not;
  • organization of the daily routine: doctors around the world insist that accustoming a child to a certain routine has a positive effect on his development. If the baby did not know what the regime was until two or three years old, in the garden in a few months the body will get used to the new rules. And after graduating from a preschool institution, the child will not have problems at school, because there, too, everything is on time and on schedule;
  • shows independence and character: when the mother is not around all the time, the baby begins to analyze many situations himself and make decisions for which only he is responsible.

Should I send my child to kindergarten - video

What is the reason: the child cannot get used to kindergarten

No matter how good the garden is, for a child who is just starting to visit it, this is a lot of stress. Psychologists explain: the baby is used to being constantly with his mother or other relatives, and suddenly he is left in an unfamiliar territory with complete strangers. Of course, the baby does not perceive this event in the context that he was thrown, this is not so. But some children may not like the new rules, routine, or discipline. However, not all children are hostile to preschool. Experts have found out that a child who knows from birth what a routine is, knows how to clean up toys after himself, is used to doing various exercises, will see in a group an opportunity to prove himself, make more friends and show his skills.

In most cases, children at first cry and act up, do not want to go to the garden. This is called the adaptation period. Psychologists reassure parents that for the first two to three months such behavior is considered normal. Even if the child likes the caregivers, new friends and the environment in general, he may cry and miss his parents. But later, the baby will begin to perceive the garden and will gladly run to the group.

Reasons why the baby does not want to go to the garden at 2 and 3 years old - table

2 years3 years
Often babies at this age are still breastfeeding or sucking on a pacifier. The inability to breastfeed at any time is a great stress for a baby who is used to it. The same applies to pacifiers: in most cases, educators are against the fact that the baby takes the pacifier with him to the group.Not accustomed to the regime: children who are accustomed to do everything at any moment and were not controlled by the daily routine often do not want to go to the garden. A three-year-old baby is much more difficult to accustom to a certain daily routine than a two-year-old.
Inability to do many things on their own: two-year-old children still cannot fully dress themselves, hold a spoon and collect food, some cannot even drink from a cup, but only from a bottle or drinker. Educators, of course, will help the child, but they will not have the physical ability to devote time to him alone.They do not want to eat the food offered in the garden. This problem is familiar to many parents: the older the child, the more difficult it is to accustom him to unfamiliar dishes. By the age of three, the baby has already decided on his favorite dishes, so he does not want to try something new.
Fear: Children, especially small ones, are often afraid that their mother will simply not come back for them. To do this, you should talk with the child more often, explain that in the evening the parents will definitely take him home from the group and nothing else.
They don’t like educators: perhaps the baby is simply not yet used to new adults, whom he must obey as parents. It is worth talking with the child about this, because there are situations when caregivers offend children. But a two-year-old baby still cannot fully express his thoughts. Therefore, before sending a child to a group, parents are advised to get acquainted with the educators, spend some time in the group and observe the methods of raising children. If the principles of the teacher differ from the views of the parents, it is worth finding another group or kindergarten where everything will suit mom and dad.I don’t like doing tasks: put away toys, do various exercises. You also need to get used to this, parents understand that the child needs to be accustomed to order, to develop him not only psychologically, but also physically. As soon as the baby gets used to new friends, he will want to perform all the activities with them.
Unfamiliar surroundings: children get used to their house or apartment, park or playground. But suddenly they are left on foreign territory for a long time. Do not worry, the baby will definitely perceive the kindergarten as his family, but this takes time. Psychologists recommend that at first, it is imperative to give the baby a favorite toy or several to the group: he will sleep with one, and carry the other with him to the playground. So the baby will feel not alone in a new place.

There are situations when the teachers in the group are just wonderful, but the child still does not like them. In this case, parents should talk with teachers and develop a specific plan. For example, a kid just loves to assemble a designer, let the educators take an active part in this process: they will help the baby. Children are drawn to people who are interested in the same things that they are.

Dr. Komarovsky draws attention to the fact that a two-year-old child adapts to the garden much faster than a three-year-old. Child psychologists and educators, based on numerous observations, concluded that the younger the children, the faster and easier they get used to kindergarten.

What should be a good kindergarten - video from Dr. Komarovsky

Actions of parents: how to help the child adapt in the garden

It is the task of parents to properly prepare the child for the beginning of attending kindergarten. If one morning you bring the baby to the group and leave him there, this situation will surely cause hysteria and fear in the crumbs. Therefore, there are recommendations that are voiced not only by educators, but also by child psychologists:

  • first of all, it is necessary to tell the kid what a kindergarten is, why children are brought there. The child, even though he is still small, already understands everything. The main thing is to interest the baby, explain what is interesting there, there are many new friends and toys, etc.;
  • Do not immediately leave the baby for the whole day. It is recommended to first drive the child for two hours so that the baby can play, but does not have time to miss his mother. The first week you can bring the baby in the evening for a walk. From the second week, it is better to bring the baby to breakfast and leave it no longer than two hours. At this time, children play outside. Then increase the time until lunch so that the baby gets used to eating with all the children. And only after that start leaving it for a full day. In most cases, this period takes one month, after 30 days the child can already be left from morning to evening;
  • be sure to explain to the child that the parents will come for him in the evening, so that the baby does not think that he can be left permanently in the garden. Psychologists recommend the first few days to bring the child for a few hours in the evening, so that he can see how parents pick up other children. So the baby will be calm and sure: the parents will definitely come for him in the evening after sleep and afternoon tea;
  • Before the first visit, it will be useful to tell about the educator: who is it, why this particular person should be obeyed in everything. The child must come to the group and understand that for some time of the day it is the teacher who replaces the mother or another adult;
  • the baby should constantly feel the support of the parents, because the baby perceives everything on an emotional level. Parents, grandparents should speak well of the kindergarten, encourage the child and constantly praise him. If the child constantly hears positive feedback about the garden, in his mind the group and caregivers will be associated with a very good place. And that's where his parents are taking him;
  • you need to accustom the baby to the garden gradually: in the first few days you should not force the baby to have breakfast in a group, it is better to feed him at home. A well-fed child will perceive games better and participate in them. Later, the baby will see how other children eat at the table and will definitely want to join;
  • after the weekend, children often begin to act up and do not want to go to the group. Therefore, parents are advised not to leave them all day on Monday, it is better to postpone it to Wednesday or Friday;
  • psychologists recommend coming up with your own farewell ritual in the morning: hugging, kissing or clapping your hands, telling a rhyme. This process should be quick so that the baby cannot delay the moment when mom needs to leave. The child gets used to the same actions and after a while will begin to part with his parents in the morning without tears.

Experts recommend sending children to a preschool in the summer. At this time, there is less chance that the baby will get sick. And children spend most of their time on the street, so it is easier for the child to adapt. If you start attending preschool during the cold season, your child may get sick days or weeks after starting the group trips. The child will be on sick leave for at least 7-10 days and there will be a breakdown in adaptation, because the baby will again get used to being at home. From the moment of recovery, you will have to start all over again.

Do I need to prepare my child for kindergarten?

The answer to this question is definitely yes. The success of adaptation largely depends on whether the child is ready to attend the group. Experts recommend starting preparation 4-6 months before the planned start of attending kindergarten.

How to prepare children of different ages for kindergarten - table

Nursery group, 2 yearsJunior group, 3 years
Wean the child from breastfeeding and pacifiers. This process is a lot of stress for the baby, so combining the beginning of visiting the garden and weaning and nipples is too much stress on the baby's nervous system.At this age, the child should already be able to eat on their own. If the baby still does not know how to do this, it is worth instilling in him these skills.
At this age, children drink from a cup or bottle. In the garden, the baby will only drink from a cup, so parents should teach their child this skill. Also, the baby should be able to hold a spoon and try to eat on their own.Dress and undress independently: take off and put on pants, tights, socks, mittens, sweater or T-shirt, pajamas. Put on and take off your shoes if the shoes are Velcro.
It's time to stop using diapers and potty train your baby.Go to the toilet. In the younger groups, there are already toilets for babies, not pots. Therefore, at home, you need to teach your child to go to the toilet on the toilet so that the baby is not afraid in the garden.
Show the child how to dress on their own: take off and put on pants, take off mittens, if the shoes are Velcro, the baby can also put on and take off shoes.Talk to your child more often about the positive aspects in kindergarten: how many toys there are, music activities, interesting games on the street, and a large playground. A three-year-old kid is already able to understand this information and it will definitely interest him.
To teach communication with other children: explain to the baby that you can’t offend others, you need to share toys, because they are common in the group.
To accustom the baby to order: to teach him to clean up toys after himself, not to scatter his things, but to carefully put them on a shelf. The easiest way to do this is to show by example. After all, young children copy adults all the time.

When choosing clothes for the child in the garden, parents should remember that the baby must learn to dress on his own. Therefore, it is better to buy shoes with Velcro, clothes should be without buttons, because the baby will not be able to fasten them. All things must be chosen in such a way that the child can learn to dress them himself. When educators take the children for a walk, it is extremely difficult to dress the whole group if everyone has a lot of buttons, zippers and fasteners on sweatshirts, jackets or overalls.

Kindergarten and regime

The question of observance of the daily routine remains relevant. The fact is that in the group all actions are distributed by the hour from morning to evening. Therefore, if the child is not accustomed to living according to the schedule, parents should reconsider their methods and begin to introduce the baby to the regime. It is recommended to go to a kindergarten and find out what the routine is in the group in which the child will soon go. In most kindergartens, the daily routine is the same.:

  • 7.00 - 8.00 admission of children to the group;
  • 8.00 - 8.20 charging;
  • 8.20 - 8.30 preparation for breakfast;
  • 8.30 - 9.00 breakfast;
  • 9.00 - 10.15 developing classes;
  • 10.15 - 10.30 preparation for the walk;
  • 10.30 - 12.00 walk on the street;
  • 12.00 - 12.20 preparation for lunch;
  • 12.20 - 12.45 lunch;
  • 12.45 - 13.00 preparation for sleep;
  • 13.00 - 15.00 daytime sleep;
  • 15.00 - 15.30 rise, preparation for afternoon tea;
  • 15.30 - 16.00 afternoon snack;
  • 16.00 - 16.30 classes with children in a group;
  • 16.30 - 16.45 preparation for a walk;
  • 16.45 - 18.30 walk on the street;
  • 18.30 - 19.00 parents take the children home.

Educators draw the attention of parents that the daily routine must be observed even on weekends so that the baby quickly gets used to kindergarten. So the baby will know that at home he needs to adhere to the routine.

Meals in the garden

For many parents, it becomes a problem when the child eats almost nothing in the garden. Therefore, adults should start accustoming the baby to the menu that will be offered to him in the group. You can ask the teachers what dishes are most often prepared for children. Nutrition criteria have been established in kindergartens, so the children's diet consists of:

  • dairy dishes: cereals, soups, cottage cheese casseroles;
  • first courses: soups with cereals and meat, borscht, cabbage soup;
  • second courses: buckwheat, millet porridge, vermicelli, mashed or stewed potatoes, stew, pilaf;
  • meat dishes: cutlets, stews in dishes;
  • fish dishes: fish cakes, baked fish, fish casseroles with sour cream;
  • flour dishes: bread, buns, cheesecakes, muffins, cookies, dumplings;
  • drinks: tea, compote, kefir, fermented baked milk, cocoa with milk, fruit juice.

Degrees of adaptation: how to distinguish and what to do for parents

Parents should be patient, because not every baby goes through adaptation easily and quickly without tears and whims. In most cases, this period takes one month, after 30 days the child can already be left from morning to evening: two-year-old babies can get used to the garden in 10 to 14 days, but children at the age of three often need three to four weeks.

There are situations when the first two or three weeks the baby runs to the garden with pleasure, asks to go there even on weekends, and then his mood changes dramatically. The child begins to hysteria and cry every day. Psychologists recommend that in no case do not scold him, but continue to talk with the baby and take him to the group. This situation is called delayed adaptation. Its period is no more than two weeks, and every day the child goes better to the group.

Types of child adaptation - table

DurationIt lasts about four weeks and does not depend on the age of the child.From one to three months: the older the child, the longer the adaptation period.More than six months: mainly observed in children older than three years.
Child behaviorThe behavior of the baby does not change much: in the morning it is difficult for him to say goodbye to his parents, but during the day the baby plays well with other children. At first, the child may refuse to eat, but after a few days he gets used to eating in the garden.Tantrums in the morning, tears and screams, unwillingness to communicate with other children and caregivers. But this behavior lasts no longer than 7 - 10 days. Then the child realizes that tears will not help and he will have to go to the garden. Understanding comes and tantrums stop.The baby cries not only when parting with his parents in the morning, but all day in the group. The child may have nervous breakdowns, he begins to sleep poorly at night. Doctors note that against the background of psychosomatics, the child may suffer from vomiting in the garden, often get sick, cough, or have a fever.
Recommendations for parentsYou should not delay saying goodbye in the morning, it is better to quickly say “bye” to the baby and leave the group. After the garden, be sure to be interested in how the day went and what the baby learned new.Don't go after the child. Explain more often that kindergarten is a must and it cannot be otherwise.In such cases, psychologists and educators most often recommend stopping attending kindergarten and staying at home for several months or a year. There are also children who never get used to the group even after a long vacation.

How to prepare your child for kindergarten - video

What to do if the child can not get used to kindergarten

However, there are situations when a child has already been going to the garden for two or three months, but they just can’t get used to it: every day in the morning there are whims and tears. In this case, experts recommend continuing to drive the child, but talking to him more often and more, explaining why it is important to attend preschool.

  1. Parents should be persistent, but remain calm and not lash out at the child.
  2. Children are most often attached more to their mother, so you can ask dad to take the baby to the group. This will make the breakup easier.
  3. Always ask your child with interest about his activities in the group, praise for crafts and drawings. You can select a special place on the wall and attach the baby's masterpieces to this place. Encourage the baby, say that at home you will not do this to him. Let him have an incentive to go to the garden.
  4. On weekends, stick to the regime that is in the garden. So the baby will quickly get used to the fact that it cannot be otherwise, even if he is at home.
  5. Psychologists recommend playing at home with the baby in kindergarten. Toys can be heroes. Using their example, explain why visiting a preschool educational institution is so important. The child will associate himself with the characters in the game and begin to understand the benefits and necessity of going to the garden.
  6. Try to compare your job or your dad's job to gardening. So the child will feel like an adult, that the kindergarten is his job.
  7. Praise your baby often, especially in the presence of other adults. Say that he is already so independent and big, so he goes to the group.
  8. Buy new clothes, because children love shopping. Choose together beautiful pajamas for the garden and a change of clothes for the group. But don't let me wear it at home. The kid will definitely want to show off new things in the garden.
  9. Help your child learn how to wash their hands, dress, eat, etc. on their own. The sooner the child can take care of himself, the easier it will be for him in the garden.
  10. Never scare a child with a garden as a punishment, this will only make the situation worse.

Never promise your child a certain reward for attending kindergarten. The first few days or weeks, this method may give a positive result, but only for a while. Then it will be even more difficult for parents to accustom the child and explain that it is necessary to go to the garden.

It is difficult for parents to determine if the child is pretending or if he really has such a bad time in kindergarten and has a difficult adaptation. A pediatrician, a neurologist and a child psychologist can understand the situation. If the doctors' recommendations are to stop attending the group, it is better to listen to them and not injure the child's psyche. After all, if you continue to take such a baby to preschool, he will become withdrawn, lethargic, some children even show signs of autism or, conversely, inadequate aggression towards other children and caregivers. For some children, for this reason, it is contraindicated to attend kindergarten.

What is a "non-Sadikov" child and what to do so that the baby does not become one - video

Psychologists reassure parents and never tire of repeating that the adaptation period can last two to three months, in some cases longer, and be accompanied by tantrums and crying on the part of the child. Adults should be patient with such behavior of children, but continue to insist that the baby needs to go to the garden. As soon as the child understands that he will visit the garden in any case, even with tears, at least not, addiction will go faster. The main thing is to do everything gradually and not to rush to leave the baby at once for the whole day.