Children's drawings on the theme of early spring. We draw spring with children in stages with paints. How to draw early spring, spring in the forest with paints in stages for beginners? Educational games for children

Speech therapy classes on topics related to seasonal changes are facilitated by specially selected visual material. If you use, for example, children's pictures Spring in the village, Spring awakening of nature, It smelled in spring, then even 4-year-olds will be able to identify signs of a certain season in the images and tell about them.

Pictures for preschoolers

There are several types of images, each of which is indispensable in speech development classes with children from 4 years old.


To enrich your vocabulary, you should select beautiful images on a white background, made as realistic as possible. It can be:

  • spring;
  • first flowers;
  • birds in the spring.

All drawings must be accurate with all details. It is very good if the picture tells the child the signs that are distinctive for a particular object or phenomenon. For example, painted rubber boots should shine, but leather ones shouldn't. These features are usually taken into account when designing visual material for speech therapists. If you could not find a special set of pictures with signs of spring, then you can print them from the Internet.


Drawing up descriptions of the picture should be carried out using large illustrations. It is advisable to find those on which there are several characters, each of which is busy with something. You can use thematic kits for kindergarten in pictures on topics:

  • Spring came
  • Spring in the city
  • Birds in the spring.

For children 5-7 years old, you need to take pictures showing the gradual seasonal changes in each season. So the March speech therapy classes are devoted to the meeting of winter with spring, and the May ones - the latest signs of spring.

A series of spring drawings for speech therapy sessions with children do not always depict a logical sequence of events. For example, a few pictures on the theme of the First Day of Spring will help a preschooler talk about the seasonal changes that can be seen from the beginning of March in the forest, village, parks, city.

Children help adults

Caring for nature

Outdoor games

March 8

Fauna in the forest

Story series

The pictures collected in the series help to discuss seasonal changes. For example, a story on the theme “The onset of spring” or “We meet the beauty of spring” is easier to compose, describing images of one place (streets, meadows, rivers) in March, April and May. The ability to visually see the awakening of nature, its gradual changes helps children to make more complete, consistent descriptions. Small series of subject pictures should be matched to the themes of “spring”, “Spring bloom”, “Spring worries of people”. They help the child:

  • use more verbs and descriptive adjectives;
  • formulate causal relationships;
  • build complex sentences.

Any series of pictures for children should be of excellent quality, bright and detailed.

Picture games

Images of changes in nature, the features of the life of people and animals with the arrival of a new season - all these drawings can and should be used for didactic games with children.

  • What do I see?

Plot pictures are useful for games for attention and the ability to make an accurate description. The presenter thinks of any object shown in the figure, then makes a verbal description of it. If the other player was able to guess, then he becomes the leader.

  • Spring is red

If you take a portrait of a Spring girl, then you can ask the child to compose a story on her behalf. Let him talk about her attire, habits, worries. If several children are playing, then it is more interesting to answer in a circle, complementing each other.

  • Smelled of spring

Lay out object pictures with tree leaves (birch, linden, mountain ash, etc.) and spring flowers (crocuses, lilies of the valley, daffodils, etc.) in front of the children. Ask to describe one without mentioning the name of the one on it. Other players should take the card that the leader is talking about as soon as possible. The winner is determined by the number of "correct" cards.

  • Here I am!

All the players sit down in front of the cards on which are drawn different animals, plants, birds. The task of the players is to choose as many images of those who wake up in the spring as possible. The game goes in a circle, each child says: “Good morning, bear! You slept all winter. " or “Good morning, starling! You just arrived from warm countries. " The winner is the one who collects the most cards.

  • Spring came

Children look at the plot picture and name (in turn) as many signs of the awakening of nature, the arrival of a new season. The one who answers last wins.

Drawing is one of the few ways available for a small child to express themselves and demonstrate their inner world to others. In the process of creating an image on paper, the baby learns to concentrate, focus and accurately draw thin lines, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the development of his intellect, as well as spatial-figurative and abstract thinking.

In addition, it is in the drawings that little boys and girls express their attitude, emotions and associations that a particular phenomenon arouses in them. Often, it is much easier for children to reflect their thoughts on paper than to formulate and convey in words.

It is for these reasons that children's visual arts are encouraged in all schools and kindergartens. In these institutions, exhibitions and competitions of works by pupils and students are often held, timed to a specific topic. In particular, the seasons are a favorite theme for creating personalized masterpieces.

With the arrival of each of them, boys and girls are very often given the task to draw how the child sees the changes taking place in nature. This can be done in various ways. In this article we will tell you what can be children's drawings on the theme of "Spring" with paints and pencils, and what associations are most often evoked in children and adults this time of year.

Children's drawings about spring in pencil and paints

Of course, in such drawings, children try to reflect what they see on the street while walking. Most often, the arrival of spring is associated in babies with the appearance of a bright sun in the sky, melting of snow and ice, the appearance of the first green leaves and grass, the return of migratory birds to their native places, and so on.

As a rule, children's drawings on the theme "Early Spring Has Come" are a landscape in which the transition from a cold snowy winter to a warmer season is clearly traced. At the same time, a bright sun is shining in the sky, the first snowdrops are breaking through from under the snow, and the fast river, which is no longer bound by a thick layer of ice, carries away the remaining small ice floes.

In addition, the arrival of spring can be associated with the Shrovetide holiday for kids, since on the last day of Shrovetide week, adults and children see off the cold winter and meet the next season. Although this holiday is mostly celebrated in February, it is inextricably linked with the onset of spring and can be used as the main idea of ​​children's drawing.

In early spring, International Women's Day is also celebrated - 8 March. On this day, it is customary to give women beautiful flowers and gifts, so a child can create a beautiful one with his own hands and hand it over or You can draw it with pencils, paints or any other tools immediately on a sheet of cardboard or on paper, which should later be glued to a cardboard base postcards.

In general, the "flower" theme is the main idea of ​​all such drawings. It is in spring that nature begins to play with new colors, and all plants come to life. The vast majority of flowers bloom and bring great joy to adults and children.

A drawing about spring in kindergarten can be an image of a single flower, bouquet or composition, as well as any plot situation associated with the onset of this time of year. So, a child can portray himself while walking with his mother and describe all that is happening at this time with nature.

In our photo gallery you can see examples of drawings made by children on the spring theme.

So we are on the eve of that time of the year when everything is waking up around. Children are eagerly awaiting the appearance of the warm sun, the blossoming snowdrops in the numerous snow thawed patches. Every day, nature seems to come to life: buds appear on the trees, soft green leaves of grass make their way from under the ground. What a beauty all around! Here, not only children, but also adults rejoice, watching everything that happens around.

The kids still cannot explain why the snow turns into water, where the streams come from on the roads. But it's not a problem. Parents can answer all of these questions.

If there is a desire for your child to effortlessly and in the shortest possible time remember all the phenomena that occur in the spring season, use special spring pictures for children. You can use them to teach your children to see signs of seasonal changes in:

  • in the behavior of people and animals.

First, tell us what is typical for each spring month, what are the holidays -

  1. Cosmonautics Day,
  2. Easter…

Only then move on to educational games.

For example, show your child a picture of children assembling a birdhouse in a tree. Ask him to carefully consider everything and tell what is depicted on it. So the baby will be able not only to develop his speech, significantly replenishing his vocabulary, but also to learn how to observe the changes in nature that are characteristic of this season of the year. Then you can ask questions about the spring theme. For example, what are the first spring flowers called, or what changes occur to trees in spring? Play the following game with your child. Show him one large picture of spring and 3 small animal cards. Arrange them on the table in no particular order. Ask your child a leading question by looking at these cards. For example, what changes are observed with the bunny in the spring. The child must find the appropriate card and attach it to the big picture about spring. This is how the child learns what changes are taking place in the life of animals at this time of the year. In kindergarten you can play loto with children. The teacher distributes to children across the playing field. And he carefully mixes the small cards, and alternately showing them, asks who needs this card. The child whom she approached takes the card from the teacher, closes one square on the playing field with it and explains his actions. Here I have compiled a selection of spring-themed pictures for children, as well as various spring games. All materials can be downloaded free of charge.

A selection of pictures on the spring theme

Related picture books

More good materials on the topic: "Spring" can be downloaded below: "" - didactic materials from the publishing house Karapuz:

Presentation: "What is spring?"

Educational games for children

In addition, here you can download many educational games and tasks about spring for children for free. Thematic pictures on the theme of spring. Mindfulness assignments for children. Here you need to find the differences in each line. A game to develop the child's logic on a spring theme. Games for the ratio of objects by size. Here you need to sort the items from smallest to largest. Sorting game. Here you need to sort insects and flowers into two columns. The task for the development of fine motor skills in babies.

When it got warmer outside the window, the snow began to melt, and inspiration appeared, it's time to take paints with the child and draw spring.

Spring, which everyone is looking forward to after a frosty and snowy winter, brings not only changes in nature, but also changes in human mood. It becomes uplifted, joyful, you want to be renewed, like nature, you want to create and create. And then the children were given the task to draw early spring, so that you can combine your creative impulses with its implementation.

How to draw early spring with children in stages with paints for beginners?

Several options are offered simple, feasible for children.

Early spring is swelling buds on trees and bushes, which are getting larger every day and are about to turn into young leaves or flowers. Therefore, you can first draw a branch using a wider brush, and then draw small shoots and leaves on the branches with a thinner brush.
To make the drawing bright and life-affirming, the leaf on which the branch is drawn can be pre-painted, for example, in blue.

Children's drawing of spring with paints: steps 5-7.

Children's drawing of spring paints.

Early spring is the first flowers.
We draw a snowdrop, a tulip, any other flower with petals around the core. For children, such simple drawings will turn out well. Children will be happy to draw a cheerful bright sun over the flowers. Older people can add an insect to the drawing, which will bring the image to life.

Spring flowers in stages: tulip.

Spring flowers in stages: snowdrop. Spring flowers in stages: daffodil.

You might also suggest painting a landscape, such as hills, from which snow is gradually but steadily melting. Therefore, in some places it will be necessary to leave white in the picture, and somewhere else to paint over the hill with a dark brown color. Again, let the bright yellow sun shine over the hills and ravines, bringing the long-awaited warmth closer.

Spring landscape.

An interesting option is to create a drawing in a non-traditional form just with paints and brushes, but, for example, by dipping a small diameter of the bottom of a plastic bottle into paint. So, the branch is pre-drawn. Then the bottom, which has bulges, is as if imprinted on it, a very elegant and beautiful pattern is obtained, and the child is also interested in using different methods of creating it.


How to draw in stages the spring in the forest with paints?

  1. Spring should be painted with bright colors - blue, yellow, brown.
  2. The composition of the picture is determined, for example, a forest standing in the distance and a field in front of it.
  3. The horizon line is marked, and it is not necessary that it be in the middle of the sheet.
  4. The contours of the forest are outlined against the background of the sky, shades for the trees are chosen. Trees can be painted in a circular motion with a brush. We remember the rule: the further away the object, the more vague its image should be, and vice versa.
  5. The sky is painted with thinned blue paint.
  6. I also detail the trees with a thicker brown paint. By mixing blue and bright yellow, you can get a gentle green tint of young foliage.
  7. Now we paint melting snow, we make clearings in the forest with the help of brown paint.

How to draw spring with gouache quickly?

  1. Take a sheet of paper and gouache paint. Mix white and blue colors, paint over about a quarter of the sheet. It will be the spring sky.
  2. Mix white, blue and red paints to get a lilac-purple hue, and in a circular motion at the top of the picture we make the outlines of the forest in the distance.
  3. Apply some white or blue paint on top to create volume.
  4. In the foreground, blue and white paint can be used to depict a melting shapeless snowdrift.
  5. Add yellow paint to the center of the picture, separating it from the forest image and from the snowdrift with white stripes.
  6. Add more detail to the forest by painting in richer blue on the trunks and branches of the trees in the forest. Add green young sprouts on top of the yellow background in the center.
  7. When finished with the background, wait until the drawing is completely dry.
    Next, you can draw birch trees, they are just preparing to wake up in early spring after winter. First draw out their outlines.
  8. Cast shadows on the white outlines of the birches with blue paint.
  9. Then add texture to the birch bark by mixing black and white paint.
  10. Draw twigs for the birch trees, put black paint on the trunks to finish the bark.
  11. Finish the drawing by adding brown and white paint to the ground to show that somewhere the snow has already melted, and somewhere else it is preserved in a shapeless form.

Spring in gouache.