Additional food for children under 3 years old. What documents are needed. Child nutrition allowance

Pregnant, lactating women, as well as children under 3 years old belong to the category of citizens of our country who, more than anyone else, need adequate nutrition. It is for this reason that in most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, such women and children are provided additional assistance if women are unable to provide themselves and their children with normal food for one reason or another. For the implementation of such support, the relevant regulations are being adopted.

The health rights of pregnant women, mothers and their children are protected by federal and local laws. Art. 52 of the Federal Law "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" of November 21, 2011, No. 323-FZ establishes the right of pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of three years to good nutrition, provided upon the conclusion of doctors in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

According to the current rules, the provision of good nutrition in kind(including through special food outlets and trade organizations) or in the form of monthly compensation established for various categories of citizens for the following periods:

  • expectant mothers - for the entire period of bearing a child, starting from the month of registration, but only after the gestational age exceeds 12 weeks;
  • women who practice breastfeeding - during the first 6 months of a baby's life;
  • to kid - during the first three years of his life.

Conditions for receiving this type of assistance

To exercise your right to receive the type of assistance in question (depending on the region - both in kind and in the form of monetary compensation), a woman who is interested in receiving it and has the right to do so must:

  • be in a state of pregnancy or be a nursing mother of a child until he reaches the age of 6 months;
  • have a child under the age of three, in whose favor it is planned to receive regional assistance;
  • permanently reside in the territory of the region, to the administrative authorities of which an application for assistance will be sent;
  • be registered with medical institutions at the place of residence in such a region;
  • prove that she is not getting adequate nutrition.

Required documents and where to go

In order to obtain adequate nutrition for this category of citizens, you should apply to the body (department) of social protection of the population either at the place of residence (registration), or at the address of actual residence. In this case, it is necessary to collect the following package of documents:

  • passport (copies of the main page with a photo and a page indicating registration, if necessary - notarized);
  • the conclusion of the medical commission on the need to provide adequate nutrition:
    • pregnant women registered with a health care institution in connection with pregnancy, with a gestational age of at least 12 weeks - a medical opinion of an obstetrician-gynecologist on the need for adequate nutrition, drawn up in an individual pregnant card in form No. 111 / y;
    • nursing mothers within six months from the date of birth, provided that the child is breastfed - a medical opinion from the district pediatrician that a nursing woman needs improved nutrition;
    • children under the age of three - the conclusion of the pediatrician, drawn up in the history of the child's development in the form No. 112 / y, that the child needs improved nutrition;
  • certificates of income of all family members for the last three calendar months before the month of application;
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate (for nursing mothers and children under three years old);
  • copies of medical insurance policies (for mom and baby);
  • a copy of a savings book or a plastic card number (when assigning a cash subsidy).

Remember that the applicant can apply to the authorized bodies not only personally, but also through their representatives. After the initial registration, that is, after being included in the lists for the right to receive adequate nutrition, it will be necessary on a monthly basis ( for each calendar month) issue a written application addressed to the head of the department of social protection of the population.

Main types of food provided

When issuing an opinion, an employee of a medical institution must indicate a set of products (according to the norms established by regional authorities) that must be issued to the applicant (applicant). On the basis of this document, in the future, a prescription will be issued with the stamp “free” for receiving additional food in kind or in the form of monetary compensation (cash benefits). This prescription is issued for 1 calendar month (starting from the month that follows the month of receiving the medical opinion).

  • for pregnant women and for those who are breastfeeding: fortified, dairy and fermented milk products, cottage cheese, vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • for babies of the first 6 months of life: dry and liquid milk formulas as breast milk substitutes;
  • for children from six months to 3 years: breast milk substitutes for older babies, fermented milk products, cottage cheese, vegetable purees, fruit purees, juices;
  • for babies with certain pathologies specialized kits can be assigned.

In some regions, local authorities decide to subsidize the provision of good food to those in need by paying a certain amount monetary compensation for these purposes.


Regions in which this type of assistance operates, implement it in different ways: some in kind (food), others in the form of monetary compensation.

Regions with sales in kind

In the form of distributed kits for good nutrition, the considered measure of social protection and public health protection is implemented, for example, in the following regions.

For nursing mothers, compensation for food is calculated from the moment of contacting a state institution until the end of breastfeeding or until the child reaches one year of age. For artificial children under one year old, payments are made from the month in which the application was signed until they reach the age of one. For children from one to three years old who do not attend preschool educational institutions, compensation is assigned from the month of filing the application until the moment the child enters kindergarten or the child turns three years old.

Food allowance

The baby food allowance for pregnant women is calculated from the moment of registration with a local antenatal clinic and application for the allowance. Payments are made up to the month in which childbirth or early termination of pregnancy occurred. The amount of food allowance for pregnant women depends on the average family income and the amount of the current minimum subsistence level.

This financial assistance is provided to absolutely all pregnant and lactating women. Of course, in order to receive it, you must submit a sick leave or other documents confirming your privileged status. This material support is entitled to receive:

Food allowance for pregnant women and a child under 3 years old in 2019

The main requirement is the availability of documents confirming the preferential status of a woman, as well as Russian citizenship. In some cases, fathers can also receive this payment - if the baby does not have a mother for any reason (she died, was convicted of cruelty to the child or for another crime against her own child). In this case, of course, additional documents will be required to confirm the father's right to receive these benefits.

Pregnant, lactating women, as well as children under 3 years old belong to the category of citizens of our country who, more than anyone else, need adequate nutrition. It is for this reason that in most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, such women and children are provided additional assistance if women are unable to provide themselves and their children with normal food for one reason or another. For the implementation of such support, the relevant regulations are being adopted.

Providing adequate nutrition for pregnant women, lactating mothers and children under 3 years of age

In order to obtain adequate nutrition for this category of citizens, you should apply to the body (department) of social protection of the population either at the place of residence (registration), or at the address of actual residence. In this case, it is necessary to collect the following package of documents:

Hello. Tell me, in 2013 I gave birth to a child, in January 2014 I applied for an allowance for full nutrition up to 3 years old (which I found out about by accident), in 2014 I received it in the amount of 300 rubles per month, and in 2015 there is no allowance, does it need to be issued every year? Is it possible to recalculate?

Payment of a nutritional allowance for a child under 3 years old

A monthly cash payment for good nutrition for children under the age of 3 from low-income families registered with medical institutions. The payment is assigned to the parent (adoptive parent, guardian, foster parent) of a child (children) under the age of three - from the month of filing an application with all the necessary documents for the period of validity of a certificate issued by a medical institution.

Basically, order registration simple, you only need to get a number of certificates from the children's and adult clinics, the registry office and go with them to one of the aforementioned authorities, that is, to work, or to the social service and wait for the receipt of charges.

Nutritional Benefit

  • a pregnant woman who has documents in her hands, the list of which will be given below, must come to work with an application for benefits, in order to provide the unborn child with adequate nutrition;
  • in turn, an unemployed woman who has given birth must apply to the social protection authorities.

This entire list is mandatory for each category of citizens. For the rest, the package of documents may differ only by the presence of a birth certificate and registration at the clinic. Read how to apply for kindergarten compensation in 2019, who is entitled to it and what size is on this page.

How to get a monthly child nutrition allowance for pregnant and lactating mothers

It will be necessary to apply for this allowance at the local department of social protection of the population. It is there that parents will be provided with a list of documents that will need to be provided to social security for registration of state support. These include the following securities:

the conclusion of the doctor of a medical institution located in the territory of the municipality at the place of residence of the applicant or at the place of stay if there is registration at the place of residence in the territory of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as a medical and preventive institution), on the need of a pregnant woman in a nutritious diet, drawn up according to an approximate form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure - for a pregnant woman;

Compensation for meals for pregnant women and children under 3 years of age, Krasnodar Territory

In case of disagreement with the decision of the department of social protection of the population, the applicant has the right to appeal it in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including to the department of social protection of the population of the Krasnodar Territory and (or) to the court.

To improve the demographic situation in the country, a presidential decree appointed payments for low-income large families for each child, starting with the third. To receive such financial assistance, you must have Russian citizenship (the child and at least one of the parents applying). In general cases, the amount of the benefit is equal to the level of the subsistence minimum in the region.

Child allowance for low-income families

A family applying for low-income status must contact the social protection authority at the place of residence. Within 10 working days after the submission of all the necessary documents, a special commission will consider the application and make a decision.

The list of food products included in the monthly set of products to ensure adequate nutrition for children under six months of age - adapted milk formulas - breast milk substitutes, for children aged six months to three years - subsequent milk formulas (breast milk substitutes for children over six months ), children's kefir, milk, children's cottage cheese, dry milk and dairy-free cereals (from the age of five months), vegetable puree (from the age of four months), meat puree, meat and vegetable puree (from the age of seven months), fruit puree (from the age of four months), fruit juice (from the age of three months).

Nutritional support for children under three years of age in 2019

So, according to the law of the Moscow region of February 27, 2006 N 26/2006-OZ "On the procedure for providing adequate nutrition for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under three years of age in the Moscow region and the order of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow region of March 14, 2006 N 80 provides full nutrition for children under the age of 3 years through children's dairy kitchens, special food outlets and stores with natural products, the list of which is approved by the central executive body of state power of the Moscow region, authorized in the field of health care.

The amount of payments for all is fixed and does not depend on either seniority, income, or any other facts. A lump sum payment is due for each newborn child and in 2014 (from January) it is paid in the amount of 13,741.99 rubles. (in accordance with the Federal Law dated 02.12.13 No. 349-FZ).

Benefits and payments for children under 3 years old

In the Russian Federation, regional and Governor's payments are provided for children under 3 years old, the amount of which differs significantly depending on the region. For example, in Moscow, in 2014, newly minted parents who are less than 30 years old receive 61,000 rubles (five living wages) for one child, 85,400 rubles for the second child, and 122,000 for the third and subsequent. But payments to children under 3 years old in the Sakhalin region - 2000 rubles, and for any family composition, even if the family has many children.

According to the law of the Moscow region of February 27, 2006 N 26/2006-OZ "On the procedure for providing adequate nutrition for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of three in the Moscow region and the order of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow region of March 14, 2006 No. 80 citizens who live in the Moscow Region and who are registered at the place of residence in health care institutions of the municipalities of the Moscow Region have the right to receive food:

  • children aged 0 to 2 years 11 months 29 days who are on mixed or artificial feeding (hereinafter - children under the age of three years);
  • pregnant women from the moment of registration in connection with pregnancy, but not earlier than the gestational age of 12 weeks;
  • nursing mothers within 6 months from the date of birth, provided that the baby is breastfed.

Distribution of nutritious food is carried out according to prescriptions of doctors with the stamp "free" through children's dairy kitchens, milk distribution points, special food outlets and shops from the month following the month of filing an application for providing a full meal.

It is possible to receive food at the place of actual residence in the Moscow region, but on condition that adequate food is not received at the place of residence in the Moscow region, confirmed by an appropriate certificate.

Nutrition for pregnant women

The need for adequate nutrition of pregnant women registered in connection with pregnancy is determined by the conclusion of an obstetrician-gynecologist or a specialist in a medical institution replacing him at the place of residence of a pregnant woman and is drawn up in an individual pregnant woman's card (form No. 111 / y).

Adequate nutrition is assigned to pregnant women for the entire period of pregnancy before childbirth, starting from the month following the month of registration with a medical institution in connection with pregnancy, but not earlier than the gestational age of 12 weeks.

Providing food for nursing mothers and children under 3 years of age

The need for adequate nutrition of nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of three years, is determined by the conclusion of the district pediatrician, or his substitute specialist of the medical institution at the place of residence of the nursing mother and child under the age of three years and is drawn up in the history of the child's development (form No. 112 / y).

Adequate food for nursing mothers is prescribed from the month following the month of receiving a doctor's opinion, and is carried out until the child reaches the age of 6 months.

Adequate food for children under the age of three is prescribed from the month following the month of receiving the doctor's opinion, and is carried out until the child reaches the age of three.

Required documents

When registering for the first time at a municipal health care institution at the place of residence, citizens or their legal representatives to be included in the Lists for receiving adequate nutrition for each calendar month draw up a written application addressed to the head of this municipal health care institution. The following documents are attached to the application:

  • for pregnant women- a photocopy of the passport page with a photo and the "Residence" page;
  • for nursing mothers- a photocopy of the passport page with a photo and the "Residence" page; a photocopy of the child's birth certificate;
  • for children under the age of three- a photocopy of the passport page with a photo and the "Residence" page, a photocopy of the child's birth certificate, a photocopy of the child's medical insurance policy.

In the conclusion, the doctor indicates a set of products (local governments establish norms for the distribution of food to pregnant women and nursing mothers, and baby food to children under 3 years old and in each municipality these sets may differ), and this conclusion is the basis for issuing a prescription with a stamp "free" for a full meal. The prescription is drawn up for a month following the month of receiving a doctor's opinion on the provision of adequate nutrition.

A list of food items included in the monthly food kit to ensure adequate nutrition for children under three years of age, pregnant women and lactating mothers.

(According to Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region dated July 4, 2006 No. 269)

Children under 6 months: adapted milk (liquid and dry) formulas - breast milk substitutes.

Children aged 6 months to 3 years:

  • subsequent milk (liquid and dry) formulas (breast milk substitutes for children over 6 months old);
  • children's kefir;
  • milk;
  • children's cottage cheese;
  • dry milk and dairy-free cereals (from 5 months of age);
  • vegetable puree (from 4 months of age);
  • meat puree, meat and vegetable puree (from 7 months of age);
  • fruit puree (from 4 months of age);
  • fruit and vegetable juice (from 3 months of age).

Note: for children, they use specialized industrial baby food products and dairy products from children's dairy kitchens; at the conclusion of the doctor, to provide food for children with various alimentary-dependent pathologies, specialized children's food products are prescribed.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers.

For additional nutritional enrichment (macro- and micronutrients) of the diet of pregnant women and nursing mothers:

  • special fortified food products for pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • cottage cheese 4-9% fat;
  • milk, kefir, fermented milk products 2.5% fat.

Funds for the provision of adequate nutrition for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of three are allocated from the budget of the Moscow region in the form of subventions (cash benefits to local authorities from the state, allocated for a certain period for specific purposes) to the budgets of municipalities of the Moscow region ...

Expenses for providing adequate nutrition for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of three years from January 1, 2016 are provided on the basis of *:

  • children under 1 year old - 597 rubles per month(previously 558) per person;
  • children aged 1 to 2 years - 453 rubles per month(previously 423) per person;
  • children aged 2 to 3 years - 377 rubles per month(previously 352) per person;
  • pregnant women - 227 rubles per month(previously 212) per person;
  • nursing mothers - 597 rubles per month(previously 558) per person.
* ) Law of the Moscow region of 28.12.2015 N 256/2015-OZ

In November 2009, the provision of the Law became invalid, according to which the monetary norms established for calculating the cost of providing nutritious food for these persons, subject to annual indexation in accordance with the law of the Moscow region on the budget of the Moscow region for the corresponding financial year, taking into account the inflation rate.

This law is valid on the territory of the Moscow region, provided that the law of the Moscow region on the budget of the Moscow region for the next financial year provides for the provision of such assistance.

Among the list of other federal and regional benefits is the allowance for pregnant women for food during the period of bearing a child. It is not provided to everyone - for processing payments or benefits in kind, good reasons are needed and some information confirming the need to purchase information products. In 2019, the amount of food allowance for pregnant women has changed, let's consider how much it has become and how to get it.

Who is eligible to qualify for maternity benefits for food

Every woman who is registered at a district clinic or antenatal clinic (therefore, this benefit is also called a supplement to maternity benefits), is in the 12-40 obstetric week of pregnancy or is breastfeeding a child up to 3 years old, can apply for benefits buying food if she needs more help.

This type of social support for pregnant women and mothers can be provided in kind (food directly) or in cash. The reason for the appointment of a food allowance for a child may be:

  1. Family financial insolvency. In this case, it is necessary to prove that either the father of the child is forced to raise the baby without the participation of the mother and needs help with buying baby food, or the mother of the child has lost the financial support of the child's father and asks for help.
  2. Medical indications. For children under the age of 12 months, the allowance can be paid without any restrictions, but after 1 year, parents need to provide certificates from a pediatrician, indicating the need to purchase special products for enhanced nutrition of the baby and the lack of sufficient income to purchase them from the parents.

For a pregnant woman, the following are eligible for food allowance:

  • full-time students;
  • women in military service;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • unemployed registered at the Employment Center (if they were fired within 12 months before pregnancy due to liquidation of the company or bankruptcy);
  • employees of companies.

The conditions for granting benefits are:

  • registration in a antenatal clinic to monitor the course of pregnancy;
  • staying for a period of 12-40 obstetric weeks;
  • Russian citizenship;
  • the average per capita family income is below the regional subsistence level;
  • provision of benefits from the moment of applying for payment, but not before registration with a gynecologist;
  • accrual of funds until the birth of the child or until the baby is 6 months old (depending on the region of residence of the woman).

Providing food in kind

Food allowance is most often provided in cash to pregnant women and mothers and in kind to children.

Food for a child under 3 years old includes milk formulas, semolina porridge, foods for the first complementary foods, fruit juices and other food products necessary for the healthy development of the child.

In-kind food is provided in the following order:

  1. Pregnant women who have consulted an antenatal clinic or a district clinic.
  2. Breastfeeding mothers.
  3. Registered children from 0 to 1 year old (milk mixtures, cereals).
  4. Children under 3 years of age, subject to the testimony of a doctor, and if the child is brought up in a poor or large family.
  5. Children who have been diagnosed with a serious, incurable or long-term illness.

The conditions for providing food to pregnant women, mothers and children should be inquired from the regional offices of the social protection authorities. The main thing is that a parent can apply for an allowance if the child is registered with him in the same living space. Therefore, if the baby is prescribed with the father, the mother will not be able to apply for payment.

Monthly food allowance for pregnant women

In addition to special benefits that would be provided specifically for the nutrition of a pregnant woman and a child, a woman has the right to issue federal and regional child benefits.

It is believed that monthly childcare benefits ( 3065 rubles for the first child and 6131 rubles for the second child or 40% of the average monthly salary of working women), a one-time payment at the birth of a child ( 16 350 rubles) and an additional payment to the maternity allowance in the amount of 613 rubles.

How long will maternity allowance be paid for food

The allowance for the purchase of baby food will be credited to the parent's account until the baby is six months old. If the child is already 12 months old, it will be possible to continue receiving payments only if the parents do not have significant income to provide him with enhanced nutrition as indicated by the doctor.

Women on maternity leave will begin to receive Food Benefit no later than 10 days from the date of filing. The payment will end at the moment the child is born.

How to apply for a maternity allowance for food

To qualify for food benefits, a pregnant woman must collect all the necessary documents (the list will be given below) and take the papers and an application to the accounting department at the place of work. Non-working women immediately after the birth of a child apply to the regional department of the social protection authorities.

You need to come to the USZN at the place of registration. A woman can submit documents to the USZN at the place of actual residence if the registration and residence addresses do not match. The child for whom the allowance is being issued must certainly be registered with the mother in the same living space. It is necessary to contact the authorized bodies personally.

The application and documents will be reviewed within 10 days. If a positive decision is made, payments will begin on the 26th day of the next month. The amount paid will depend on the region of residence of the family and on the time of indexation.

What documents are needed to apply for a maternity allowance for food

In order not to receive a refusal to pay the food allowance, it is necessary to collect a complete set of documents, which are different depending on where the papers are submitted:

  1. At the place of work:
    • birth certificate of a child from the registry office;
    • certificate of non-receipt of benefits at the place of work of the baby's father.
  2. To the local branch of the USZN:
    • application for the appointment of payments for food for a pregnant woman and her child;
    • photocopy of passport with registration stamp;
    • a certificate of the composition of the family from the passport office;
    • certificate of registration of the child in the registry office;
    • birth certificate of a child;
    • certificate from the dean's office of the university (for students);
    • work book without employment records.

Allowance for pregnant women for food in the regions

In addition to federal benefits, which are all-Russian, local benefits, called governor's, are paid in the regions. They can be spent on any needs of a pregnant woman and child, including food. In all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, benefits are provided in cash, in some regions it is possible to receive benefits in kind, in St. Petersburg, some local payments are only possible with a children's social card, from which cash cannot be withdrawn.


Hello. Tell me, in 2013 I gave birth to a child, in January 2014 I applied for an allowance for full nutrition up to 3 years old (which I found out about by accident), in 2014 I received it in the amount of 300 rubles per month, and in 2015 there is no allowance, does it need to be issued every year? Is it possible to recalculate?



I did not find information specifically for Moscow, but in other regions, it is indicated that

This allowance is issued for a child up to the age of 1 year.

And then, already from 1 to 3 years. If your child is 1 year old, have you renewed this benefit?

Monthly cash payment for adequate nutrition to nursing mothers from low-income families who are registered in medical institutions. For a nursing mother, the payment is assigned from the month of submission of the application and the necessary documents for the period of validity of the certificate (issued by a medical institution), but not more than a month when the child is one year old. If a child under the age of one year, according to a certificate from a medical institution, is transferred to artificial feeding, then the payment is provided for a month of termination of breastfeeding.

A monthly cash payment for good nutrition for children under the age of 3 from low-income families registered with medical institutions. The payment is assigned to the parent (adoptive parent, guardian, foster parent) of a child (children) under the age of three - from the month of filing an application with all the necessary documents for the period of validity of a certificate issued by a medical institution.

From one article:"Benefits for children and food for pregnant women in 2015 are paid as follows:

  • A child's food allowance is paid from the moment of birth until the age of 1 year. In this case, the child must be registered in the clinic and be artificially fed. Further, the allowance is prescribed for children aged 1 to 3 years, while the child must be registered at the local clinic. Children who are ill for a long time, have undergone surgery, or have incurable diseases are also eligible for nutritional benefits;
  • Pregnancy allowance for food is paid to women who have a pregnancy of at least 12 weeks and are registered with a antenatal clinic. The state pays this type of benefit until the end of pregnancy;
  • Allowance for nursing mothers for good nutrition is prescribed for women who feed their children with breast milk. Payment occurs until the end of lactation or when the child reaches 1 year old. "

And therefore, the age of your child? Did you apply for this allowance when the child would be of age?

Did you re-apply for benefits when your child was 1 year old?

And among the package of documents that you provided, there should have been - a certificate of income, did you not specify that you need to provide a certificate of income every six months?



According to clause 2 of the Order of the Moscow Department of Health "On the procedure for providing free food products to privileged categories of the population in Moscow" dated February 20, 2013 N 132 ( 69644 & PrintVersion = 1):

2. Persons entitled to the provision of free food in the city of Moscow include children who live in the city of Moscow:

- children from birth to 2 years of age (hereinafter referred to as children under 2 years of age);

Children under the age of 7 from large families ;

Children under the age of 15 suffering from chronic diseases (in accordance with the list of diseases approved by the Mayor of Moscow dated April 28, 1993 N 286-RM: diabetes mellitus, malignant neoplasms, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, ulcerative colitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, cirrhosis of the liver);

Disabled children under the age of 18.

Clause 8 of this Order establishes that during the initial registration with the medical organization of the state health system of the city of Moscow at the place of residence, the parents (legal representatives) of children belonging to the preferential categories in accordance with clause 2 of these Rules, in order to include them in the lists of recipients of free food products, draw up a written application addressed to the head of a medical organization of the state health care system of the city of Moscow in accordance with the form approved by this order. Attached to the application documents: a photocopy of the passport page with a photo and the "place of residence" page of one of the child's legal representatives (if there is a temporary registration in the city of Moscow, a certificate of temporary registration is provided with the obligatory entry of the child's data), a photocopy of the child's birth certificate, a photocopy of the child's health insurance policy, a photocopy of the documentation confirming the child's classification as a preferential category entitled to free food. The issuance of free food products is carried out from the month following the month of filing an application for receiving food products.

9. Citizens specified in clause 2 of these Rules have the right to receive free food from the medical organization of the state health system of the city of Moscow at the place of their actual residence, provided that they have not received free food at the place of residence (permanent registration), confirmed by a corresponding certificate.

Thus, you must not only provide a certificate confirming that you do not use this privilege at the place of permanent registration (i.e. in the Voronezh region), but at least one parent must have a temporary registration in Moscow with their children. If there is no registration, please try to attach a copy of the rental agreement for the dwelling.

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If we are talking about the appointment and payment of compensation for food to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under the age of three?

Art. 52 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Health Protection of Citizens in the Russian Federation" dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ establishes the right of pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of three years to good nutrition, provided upon the conclusion of doctors in accordance with the law subjects of the Russian Federation.

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