If the baby is in pain. In the case of feeding with mixtures, it is necessary to additionally consult a doctor regarding the selection of a different food. Video - Infant colic

Every mother is familiar with the situation when a baby, when feeding or after feeding, suddenly freezes, turns red, tightens its legs, and begins to scream piercingly. What to do if a newborn's tummy hurts? There can be many reasons for this condition. How to relieve pain and how can you help? After all, the baby is able to stay up all night, and it is unlikely that the family will be able to fall asleep until he calms down.

Common causes of a painful tummy

The main cause of tummy pain in newborns is an unformed digestive system. Up to six months, the baby often experiences severe pain due to increased gas production and bloating. Boys react especially sharply to this. There is no point in treating colic. The body gradually adapts to new foods, and will be able to digest them when the intestinal microflora is finally normalized.

Another reason why a tummy can hurt is considered food allergies. It affects children on artificial feeding and those babies who were introduced to complementary foods for up to six months. In addition to pain, the baby may develop a rash, redness on the body, bloody diarrhea or. The crumb can gain weight poorly -. With such symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor in order to find out what the child reacted to and adjust his diet.

The stomach can also hurt for other reasons:

  1. A serious problem that causes neonatal pain in the tummy is volvulus (or intestinal obstruction). It is rare in breastfed babies. The main symptoms of intestinal obstruction are absence of stool or rare bowel movements with mucus or blood clots, fever, vomiting, pallor, sunken eyes. Tummy pains are spasmodic. For parents urgently need to call an ambulance... It is impossible to hesitate with volvulus of the intestines - it threatens the life of a newborn child.
  2. Lactase deficiency, in which the lactase enzyme that breaks down milk sugar is not enough in the body. The symptoms of this condition are like allergies.
  3. Teething is not uncommon for tummy pain. The baby begins to feel upset, diarrhea with a sour stool odor, the temperature rises, the child is restless and capricious. When the tooth erupts, everything is getting better.

How to understand why a baby has a tummy ache

It is not difficult for even inexperienced parents to guess that a newborn has a tummy ache due to tightening and straightening the legs, crying loudly, anxiety and moodiness.

You don't need to worry, but you need to take action. How to understand what caused the pain, and what exactly needs to be done, depends on the accompanying symptoms and the general condition of the child.

Symptoms Cause How to help
Pain during or immediately after feeding. Constriction and extension of the legs, shrill loud crying.Colic or bloating from the build-up of gas from the carbohydrates in milk.Massage the tummy, applying a heating pad or warm diaper. The baby needs to press the legs against the tummy so that the gases can move away. It helps to solve the bloating problem.
The tummy hurts badly, the baby has poor appetite, salivation increases, allergic dermatitis, constipation or diarrhea appears, lasting more than 2 days. Profuse, frequent regurgitation. Streaks of blood, green mucus, foam are visible in the stool.intestines.

It will not be possible to cure dysbiosis on your own. You need to see a doctor who will send you for tests. Based on their results, therapy will be prescribed - taking bacteriophages, sorbents, enzymes.

On artificial nutrition, babies are transferred to a mixture with lactobacilli.

Bad breath, absence of stool for more than 3 days (with artificial feeding), anxiety of the child, obvious attempts in which he tries to defecate. Increased gas production, rumbling. A newborn's tummy is firm and puffy like a drum. . If the baby is breastfed, mommy should adjust the diet - do not eat pastries, tea, protein products. Drink dried fruit compote, chamomile tea. Children on artificial feeding require a doctor's consultation.
, heat. The tummy hurts a lot when probing.Infectious disease, enterovirus.Before the arrival of the doctor, give the baby a teaspoon of water every 5-7 minutes. If vomiting is frequent, call an ambulance.
Diarrhea with blood and mucus, stomach ache in the navel, bloating, vomiting.Dysentery - intoxication of the body due to an infection that has got into it
The tummy hurts at night, the child tries to lie on his side, tucking his legs. Fever, vomiting, diarrhea are possible. Muscle tension is felt in the right side of the abdomen.Appendicitis (rare before the age of three).Call an ambulance immediately.

When a baby has a tummy ache, in order to understand how to help, you need to observe him for a while and identify other symptoms. If there is discomfort in the tummy, but the temperature does not rise, there is no rash and the stool is normal, this is colic.

How to relieve painful symptoms

After finding out why a newborn has a tummy ache, parents can take a variety of ways to relieve their condition. You need to figure out what the baby eats. If it is on breast milk, the mother needs to track what she eats and which particular product negatively affects digestion. The artificer needs to be shown to the doctor and consider the option of transferring to another mixture.

  • With colic, a special one is used to remove gases. But you need to put it on a newborn after consulting a doctor. Dill water helps a lot. It is a weak drug with a cumulative effect. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Dill seeds are poured with boiling water (tablespoon of seeds in a glass of boiling water). The infusion is filtered and cooled. The baby is given 1-2 tsp. every 2 hours.
    You can brew chamomile. A glass of broth will be enough for a kid for a day (200 g of water for 1/5 of a teaspoon of dry raw materials). Good carminative. It can be purchased at the pharmacy, like.
  • For constipation, an enema is recommended. It is important, otherwise you can injure the delicate tissue of the rectum of the newborn. Candles can be an alternative to an enema. They are prescribed by the doctor, starting from the individual characteristics of the little patient.
  • With vomiting and diarrhea caused by poisoning, enteroviruses, infections, the body rapidly loses fluid, so the task of the parents before the doctor arrives is to solder the baby. To avoid intoxication and loss of chloride and sodium salts, you can use Regidron, Glucosolan, Gastrolit. They are taken in accordance with the instructions. Ordinary boiled or mineral water (Borjomi) can also help.
  • Bloating is removed by enterosorbents, which absorb the decomposition products of pathogenic bacteria. This is Atoxil, Enterosgel,.

The stool of a healthy child should be orange in color without any blotches. He can poop 1 to 5 times a day. When the bowel movements are green, you need to see a doctor.

Important! If the parents did not manage to understand why their child's tummy hurts, it is better not to feed the baby or give him any medication before the doctors arrive. Improper treatment will aggravate the situation and blur the picture, preventing doctors from establishing the correct diagnosis.


You can save yourself and your baby from sleepless nights by using simple preventive measures:

  • put the baby on the tummy before feeding. This will help not only for problems with the tummy, but also strengthen the muscles of the back;
  • after feeding, take the baby in your arms and keep him in an upright position until the air that has entered the stomach with food leaves;
  • circular massage of the tummy. It is done with warm palms clockwise, not pressing, but stroking the skin from the navel. It promotes the advancement and removal of gases from the intestines -;
  • nothing soothes a baby so well as pressing it against mom's warm belly. So the baby will warm up faster, fizzle out and vomit;
  • a warm diaper or heating pad should always be at hand. In winter, the diaper can be left on the battery and at the first pains, it can be applied to the baby's tummy;
  • simple gymnastics that all kids love. The baby is laid on its back. The legs are held by the ankles, unbent and bent, alternately, and then together pressing the knees to the stomach. You can use the exercise "bicycle", in which the legs of the baby seem to be pedaling;
  • with pains in the tummy in a baby, it is necessary to change its position several times. Flip on one side, then on the other. So the gazes will move away faster and will not bother him.

Remember, every baby goes through painful difficulties, the main thing for him is your care and warmth.

Due to the baby's unformed digestive system, parents are at a loss: a newborn's tummy hurts, what to do in this situation, how to alleviate the baby's suffering, how to effectively help him. The most common causes of this phenomenon, doctors call the accumulation of gases, intestinal colic, and in difficult cases - dysbiosis or infection with infectious diseases.

On the causes and treatment of increased gas production in infants.

Modern medicine is ready to help parents cope with an unpleasant phenomenon when a child has a tummy ache. In order for the treatment to give a good result, it is necessary to choose the right medicines and methods necessary for this.

1 What can provoke pain

When a baby has a tummy ache, he cannot talk about the reasons for his suffering, but his demonstrations of this state can tell parents that it is the baby's stomach that hurts. The most common external manifestations of such a deviation in the well-being of a baby are:

  • pressing and sharp straightening of the legs;
  • body bending;
  • refusal to eat;
  • irritability;
  • incessant crying.

When a baby has a tummy ache the most common external manifestation. it is believed to be incessant crying.

If a baby has frequent bouts of pain in the abdomen, it is more likely to be related to intestinal colic. Such a demonstration of symptoms is observed quite often in the first six months of a baby's life. The reason for this lies in the formation of the digestive tract, adaptation to new types of nutrition. In most cases, in infants, this phenomenon goes away on its own. Doctors advise parents to completely exclude fatty, fried, spicy, acidic foods from their diet when they experience abdominal pain in a newborn. Avoid consuming a lot of coffee and sweet pastries or other types of sweets.

If a newborn has a stomach ache, a mother who is breastfeeding should look for the reason, first of all, in herself, her diet, and daily routine. It is very important to analyze what kind of water the nursing mother drinks. In no case should you drink unboiled, carbonated water. The use of foods that provoke fermentation processes, semi-finished products and food of dubious origin is also banned.

2 Other causes of pain

Other reasons can provoke abdominal pain in an infant:

  • food allergy;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • teething.

A food allergy can appear in a baby, provided that complementary foods were introduced into his diet for up to six months, if the baby is artificially fed. This phenomenon can have a number of symptoms. In addition to the fact that the tummy may hurt, a rash may appear on the body, and. At the same time, the baby does not gain weight. In such a case, the infant must be urgently shown to the pediatrician. The doctor diagnoses the cause of this phenomenon and prescribes therapy. In most cases, the doctor will recommend adjusting the diet of the baby or nursing mother.

In children who are bottle-fed, a disease such as volvulus can be observed. A characteristic feature of this type of pathology is that the newborn's stomach hurts, gas exchange completely stops, the child cannot perform the process of defecation, feces are excreted in the form of mucus. In addition to these symptoms, a gag reflex may appear and the body temperature rises. With this type of ailment, a newborn's tummy hurts in a special way, in the form of spasms, between which the baby's well-being can be of a normal, painless nature. With such a development of painful symptoms, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance team.

With a lack of lactase, an enzyme that is involved in the breakdown of milk sugar in an infant, there may be pain and other manifestations similar to the allergic type. The baby may develop abdominal pain due to the eruption of the first teeth. Outward signs of this process are symptoms of diarrhea. If the baby is full of energy and strength, such symptoms disappear within 1-2 days immediately after the teeth erupt.

3 Determining the cause of pain

Despite the fact that doctors categorically prohibit self-medication, it is possible by the way the baby has a stomach ache, determine the cause and, with a simple form, try to solve the problem without medication before the arrival of doctors.

So, if pain in an infant begins immediately after the feeding process, he begins to cry and tighten his legs, bloating due to the accumulation of gases provoked by milk carbohydrates may be a problem. To cope with this phenomenon before the doctor's visit, simple gymnastics will help: stroking the tummy clockwise, pressing the legs to the tummy and back. You can give dill water.

In a situation where the pain is accompanied by bad breath, persistent loose stools, increased dryness of the skin, the cause of pain in the tummy may be dysbiosis, which often develops in children who are bottle-fed, when the child's body is infected with infections. You can change the infant formula, but be sure to see a doctor.

There is abdominal pain of a cramping and intermittent nature, but there is no bowel movement, there is a loss of appetite. When trying to empty himself, the baby cries in pain. This painful condition can cause constipation. To alleviate the suffering of the baby, you should remove all flour, protein foods. Give your baby more to drink.

A condition when fever, diarrhea, vomiting are added to abdominal pains can occur during infectious or inflammatory processes in the intestines. Doctors recommend giving the baby more liquid for such symptoms. If vomiting persists, call a doctor.

When abdominal pain is supplemented by diarrhea with blood, painful sensation when probing the navel, gag reflex, this phenomenon can demonstrate the development of dysentery, which has become a complication of the infection. Such symptoms require urgent hospitalization.

In children under three years of age, abdominal pain can signal about. The pain appears mainly at night, while the baby lies with his legs tucked to his stomach, he can vilify, he may vomit. Sometimes this condition can complement an increase in body temperature. If you suspect appendicitis, you should urgently call an ambulance.

4 How to help a child

Before the arrival of the doctor, adults should monitor the child's condition. If he does not have vomiting and a number of other dangerous symptoms, he can be given an enema and given as much liquid as possible. You should also resort to medications, which must be given to the baby only as prescribed by a pediatrician or infectious disease doctor. To prevent the gas from causing pain in the baby, after feeding it must be kept upright until belching, demonstrating a state in which air leaves the stomach.

In case of bloating, you must use a special gas tube, which must be sterilized and lubricated with petroleum jelly before use.

You can use a thermometer for this purpose.

If the baby is worried about spasmodic pain, it is recommended to put a warm heating pad on the baby's tummy. This will help relieve the spasm and alleviate the suffering of the baby. You can put heat on your tummy before feeding and stand for 10 minutes. This procedure will help to avoid pain after eating.

5 Medication

Without the recommendation or prescription of medications by a doctor, they cannot be used to treat newborns. But there are a number of drugs that can be used in first aid. They help relieve the condition if the baby has a tummy ache. With vomiting and diarrhea, you can give the child Gastrolit and. These medications help replace lost fluid if you have frequent gagging and diarrhea. According to the scheme indicated in the instructions, the drugs are diluted in boiled water and the baby is given a drink after each vomiting and diarrheal symptom. Simple boiled water will also help to avoid dehydration. Drinking with such indications should be frequent and abundant.

In case of poisoning and increased gas production, it is allowed to give the baby sorbents that can cleanse the intestines and stomach of the child from harmful substances. These drugs include Smecta, Enterosgel. The defoamer Espumisan has proven itself well, which doctors recommend to give to babies with severe flatulence.

Antimicrobial and immunomodulating agents can be used to restore the intestinal microflora. These include Enterol, Hilak Forte, Linex (for kids). If it is difficult to determine the cause of childhood pain, you should not feed the child until the doctor arrives, especially if he is vomiting.

With a normal state of digestion, the baby has an increase in body weight according to his age and developmental characteristics. Normally, when the baby rarely spits up after eating. The baby's good health and digestion are indicated by his good mood after eating, and there is no mucus, blood, foam in the feces, and there is no pungent odor. Throughout the entire treatment process, doctors recommend that parents not leave the baby alone. Only next to his family will he feel calmer and he will more easily endure the pain.

6 Physiotherapy for abdominal pain

Attacks of abdominal pain are aggravated mainly in the evening and at night. The kid kicks his legs, blushes, screams. Relief comes only after having a bowel movement or passing gas. To make this process go well, parents are advised to help the baby with a special massage. It is carried out not during the period of exacerbation of the child's painful condition, but during his normal state of health. Massage is similar to special gymnastics, consisting of six exercises that are performed 3-4 times a day.

Before you start, you need to put your hands on the baby's tummy. Keep your hands warm. Even if the baby continues to cry, do not remove your hands. Parental peace of mind will be passed on to the baby, and he will stop crying. This is followed by a brush to hug the baby's tummy and start stroking from top to bottom. This movement must be repeated 6 times. In order for the gases to escape better, you need to massage with one hand, the other hand should support the raised legs of the baby. The following exercise demonstrates lifting the knees up and down. You need to connect your knees, lean them against your tummy, press lightly. Hold your knees for 5-10 seconds. This will help speed up the escape of gases.

To relax the muscles, you need to stretch and shake your legs. The last exercise is to imitate the patterns of the sun and moon on the belly in the navel area. The left hand draws a full circle and the right hand draws a semicircle. This exercise is repeated 6 times. The final stage is repeated exercise with knees, and then, as a relaxing effect, the baby's hips are slightly swayed.

After the birth of a baby, his parents add not only joys, but also problems. After all, every mother wants to surround her child with warmth, care and love. And the most important desire of parents is to protect their child from all kinds of problems and diseases. Of course, this dream comes true extremely rarely, and in practice, mothers often have to deal with various ailments in the little man. One of the most common problems in the first year of life is pain in the tummy of a baby. This condition is usually accompanied by strong, prolonged crying of the child, which intensifies the feelings of the parents. To cope with pain in the tummy, you need, firstly, to understand the reasons that caused them, and then eliminate them.

Why does the tummy hurt in infants?

From the moment the child was born, he gets acquainted with the new world around him. His first food is colostrum and breast milk. Before this food enters the baby's body, his digestive tract is sterile. However, after birth, various microorganisms enter the baby's body. Some of them are useful and necessary, as they are involved in the digestive processes. So, together with breast milk, the child receives bifidobacteria, which normally colonize the intestines of the newborn, forming a natural microflora. Such microorganisms prevent pathogenic bacteria from colonizing the digestive tract. The baby's tummy, most often, hurts precisely during the period of colonization of his intestines, that is, during the formation of normal microflora. This period ends by about three months of the child's life.

The severity of pain in the tummy in infants can be different: some babies have very strong and prolonged pain, while others have almost none. Pediatricians say this can be influenced by several factors, such as caring for the baby and adequate feeding.

Artificial feeding

Manufacturers of formulas intended for artificial feeding of newborns declare that their product is useful for the baby and is almost completely identical to mother's milk. However, this is not entirely true, breast milk for a small child is a unique and necessary product. At the moment, no technology is able to accurately recreate its composition. Natural breastfeeding of a baby is a factor that significantly reduces the likelihood of tummy pain in a baby. When feeding a newborn, whose age is less than six months, the mixture may disrupt the normal composition of the intestinal microflora. This leads to the appearance of discomfort and pain in the tummy, and even a single use of the mixture can lead to such results. Infant formula does not contain the necessary spectrum of vitamins and other substances required by the baby. In addition, breastfeeding contributes to the formation of full-fledged immunity.

Improper care

The complete care of a small child includes a large number of different procedures. It is very important to establish a close bond with the baby and provide him with psychological and physical comfort. With proper care, the baby's well-being improves, and with the wrong care, the pain in the tummy can become stronger. Children who cry constantly have this problem more often.

The baby has a tummy ache, what should I do?

When colic appears in a child, pediatricians advise the following activities:

  1. Tummy massage. It should be carried out moving clockwise. Thus, intestinal motility is activated, which leads to the advancement of gas bubbles, which are the cause of colic, and their elimination.
  2. Special exercises. If a baby has a tummy ache, he needs to do gymnastics regularly. It includes bending the legs at the knees and pressing them to the stomach. Such exercises should be repeated several times throughout the day if there is a tendency to colic.
  3. Reception of Espumisan, Sub Simplex and other similar drugs. Most of the medicines recommended for tummy pain in infants are carminative. Their use is relatively safe, since they are not absorbed, they have only a local effect. Allergic reactions after taking carminative drugs are not observed. The dosage of the medicinal product is determined by the doctor. The course of treatment is usually quite long, until all symptoms disappear completely. As a prophylaxis, it is necessary to give the drug to the baby after the main feeding three times a day.
  4. Dill water. It is prepared by insisting a small spoonful of dill seeds in a cup of boiling water for one hour. The resulting infusion is given to the child every morning and evening before meals. Dill has a carminative and antispasmodic effect. A similar effect is provided by the drug Plantex, created on the basis of Chinese dill, or fennel. The effect of this drug is the same as that of dill water, but it is much easier to prepare it.

In addition to the above methods for reducing pain in the tummy in infants, there are several more rules for care that help reduce the likelihood of colic. So, after the child has eaten, he needs to be worn for some time in his arms in an upright position so that the air swallowed along with the food can escape. The baby needs to be laid out more often on a hard surface with his tummy down, this improves peristalsis and helps to remove gas from the body.

Massage and gymnastics for babies should be carried out every day, even if his tummy does not hurt. Colic is manifested by bloating, restlessness, and strong crying of the baby. When such a condition appears, you should use one of the options below:

  1. They take the baby in their arms and begin to slowly rock and soothe.
  2. The baby is held in her arms, pressing her to herself so as to lightly press on his tummy.
  3. A heating pad or a warm diaper placed on the baby's belly has a good effect.

In the event that none of these methods helped the baby, it is worth seeking the advice of a doctor. Most often, a gas outlet tube is prescribed. The first time, the procedure should be performed by a qualified medical professional, so as not to harm the baby and not injure him.

The tube is first lubricated with vaseline oil. During the introduction, you should not press hard and make sharp and rough movements, as this can lead to injury to the intestinal walls. It is possible to resort to this method of dealing with pain in the tummy in a baby only in extreme cases.

With constantly recurring colic that persists for a long time, it is worth being examined. In some cases, special treatment is required to help the baby. However, most often, by the end of the third or fourth month of a child's life, such problems disappear by themselves. By this time, the digestive organs begin to work better, and the natural intestinal microflora is formed. All this leads to the fact that the accumulating gases come out on their own.

All parents of newborns are faced with a situation where the baby is worried about pain in the tummy. This period is one of the most difficult not only for the baby, but also for his mom and dad, because often because of pain and cramps in the tummy, the child refuses to eat. It is not surprising that newly-made parents also do not get enough sleep, and mothers are in an irritable mood all the time.

To help your baby and ease his suffering, you should determine that he is really worried about abdominal pain and learn how to cope with this problem at home.

Babies cry to tell their parents about their anxiety.

Babies cannot tell caring parents what they are worried about, so they sound the alarm in the only way they can - cry.

So the baby makes it clear to the mother that he is hungry or it is time to change his diaper.

But quite often crying of a child can signal that something is hurting him and a loving mother will have to learn to recognize the baby's prompts in order to help him cope with the problem that has arisen.


Frequent belching may indicate abdominal pain.

What symptoms should you look out for in order to understand that a newborn is suffering from abdominal pain?

  • Child suddenly starts crying and be capricious, and all the ways to calm him down have no effect.
  • The baby is always in an irritated state and does not sleep well .
  • During feeding, the baby releases the mother's nipple or bottle nipple from her mouth and refuses to eat .
  • The newborn is trying pull your legs closer to the tummy or moves them intensively.
  • Baby often gives off gas .
  • The tummy looks bloated, and it is dense and hard to the touch .
  • The child's stool is broken and he has or diarrhea.
  • From the belly of a baby bubbling sounds are heard .
  • He burps frequently. , moreover, belching is not associated with a recent meal.

If the parents notice that the child has stopped or he has a fever, this is a serious reason to call the local pediatrician or go to the hospital for an examination.

Why does the tummy hurt in newborns?

As a rule, newborns under one year of age suffer from painful cramps in the tummy.

Painful abdominal cramps usually occur in children under one year old.

There can be several reasons for this problem, and in order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, you must first determine what is causing the pain in this part of the baby's body.

Possible Causes of Stomach Pain

  • Lack of enzymes ... The newborn's digestive system has not yet had time to adapt to the new diet and his stomach does not produce enough enzymes that can digest breast milk or artificial formula. This can be easily identified by the baby's feces, which contain lumps that resemble curd grains.
  • Increased gas production ... There are several reasons for this problem. Sometimes the baby is not held correctly while eating, and together with the food he swallows a large amount of air that accumulates in his intestines. The second reason is due to the fact that a nursing mother can eat improperly, eating foods that cause gas in the digestive system.
  • Often babies are worried about abdominal cramps and pain caused by colic. or due to improperly selected nutrition, in the event that the baby is fed with artificial mixtures.
  • Dysbacteriosis can also cause pain in the baby's tummy. It occurs due to the immaturity of the intestinal microflora in the newborn and through the lack of "good" bacteria in it, which help to over-poison the new type of food. With dysbiosis, there may be symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and bad breath from the baby. It is necessary to treat this disease only under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Sometimes babies suffer from pain in the tummy due to intestinal infection ... To establish an accurate diagnosis, the child should be shown to the pediatrician so that the doctor can prescribe the appropriate treatment.
  • Allergy on some foods, if the baby is fed an artificial formula, it can also cause pain and cramps in the tummy.
  • Infants may experience pain in this area. nervously ... This happens especially often if the mother of the newborn is nervous or under stress. The baby has a very strong emotional connection with his mother, so he feels the nervousness and anxiety of the most beloved person in his life. Because of this, the baby begins to worry, his body tenses, which can cause cramps and pain in the tummy.
  • In rare cases, pain in this part of the body bothers the baby due to lactose deficiency ... This is a pathology in which the newborn's digestive system does not assimilate lactose, an enzyme found in milk. Lactose deficiency is congenital and inherited.
  • If the child does not have any of the above problems, but pains in the tummy bother him quite often, then this may be a signal that he has there are disorders associated with the gastrointestinal tract , for example, after suffering a serious illness or a cold. In this case, parents should not postpone a visit to the doctor, because delay can have dire consequences, up to and including death.

Dysbiosis can cause abdominal pain in a baby.

In any case, in case of cramps and pain in the newborn's tummy, it is advisable for parents to consult with a specialist, because self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the baby.

What to do if a newborn's tummy hurts after breastfeeding

A nursing mother should pay attention to her own diet.

If the newborn suffers from pain in the tummy after breastfeeding, then the nursing mother should pay attention to your own diet ... Perhaps she eats foods that harm the baby and cause him to develop gas.

Prohibited Products

All types of baked goods are prohibited during lactation.

The list of prohibited foods during lactation includes:

  • all types of baked goods and confectionery;
  • legumes (soybeans, beans, peas);
  • chocolate candies;
  • strongly carbonated drinks, especially sweet ones;
  • White cabbage;
  • black bread;
  • salted and.

If the reason for the pain in the baby's tummy was the improper diet of the nursing mother, then after the exclusion of harmful products from the menu, this problem will most likely disappear in a few days.

How to relieve a baby of colic if they cause tummy pain

Almost all newborns up to six months suffer from colic, which can be accompanied by cramps and pain in the tummy. It is not difficult for caring parents to determine that colic has become the cause of pain in this part of the body: the baby bursts into loud crying, arches its back and presses its legs to the stomach.

Almost all newborns under six months of age suffer from colic.

Unfortunately, it is completely impossible to eliminate colic, but there are many ways that can alleviate these unpleasant symptoms and save the baby from pain attacks.

Colic remedies

  • For the prevention and relief of symptoms with colic, experts recommend the use of drugs Baby Calm or Plantex. These medicines, in the form of a tea or solution, help with bloating, relieve pain, and promote normal digestion in babies.
  • It is very popular among mothers of newborns. « ». This is a healing emulsion made from dill seeds, which can be used as early as the second week of a baby's life.
  • Medicines based on Simethicone, a substance that removes excess air bubbles from the baby's intestines, thereby relieving pain symptoms, is also widely used for colic. These are drugs « "," Bobotik "and" Sub Simplex ". A few drops of the medicine are given to the baby before feeding or used for the next attack of colic in the baby.
  • Very good for colic natural teas brewed from dill, fennel or carrot seeds... Also for this purpose, infusions of pharmacy chamomile, sage and centaury are prepared, which are mixed in equal parts.

Some teas and teas have a bitter taste, so it is advisable to add them to infant formula or expressed breast milk.

So that the baby does not have an allergic reaction to, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician before using them.

How to relieve pain in the baby's tummy when breastfeeding

If it happens that the mother does not have milk and the child is forced to switch to artificial nutrition, then parents should be very responsible in choosing a high-quality infant formula.

You should take a responsible approach to the choice of infant formula.

How can you tell if artificial nutrition is not suitable for your baby? First of all, you should closely observe the child and find out if he is allergic to this mixture. In addition to pain in the tummy, the baby may experience symptoms such as rashes or redness on the skin, or vomiting, and bloody or purulent discharge often appears in the feces. If parents notice at least one such symptom, you should immediately stop feeding this mixture and pick up food from another manufacturer.


Another problem that can appear in infants from feeding with artificial formula is volvulus.

Volvulus can cause constipation in a newborn.

Such a disease can not only cause pain in the newborn's tummy, but also provoke constipation and intestinal obstruction. Volvulus is often accompanied by high fever and vomiting. Parents at the first symptoms of this disease should call a pediatrician or take the baby to the hospital.

In order for a newborn to develop normally, gain weight and not feel discomfort in the abdomen, it is necessary to choose the right artificial nutrition for him.

Effective home remedies for cramps and tummy pain

If the baby's pain is not triggered by a serious illness, but caused by colic or after eating , then parents should know several methods with which you can relieve unpleasant symptoms.

  • When a baby cries from tummy pain, mom needs take him in your arms, hold him tightly and hold in this position for a while. The warmth of the mother's body and her gentle voice have a calming effect on the baby and help relieve pain and cramps.
  • Gives a good effect warm heating pad , laid on the baby's tummy or just a diaper heated by an iron.
  • Good for pain relief light palm massage , which is done in circular gentle movements. The main thing is that mom's hands are warm.
  • To make the baby less likely to suffer from pain in the tummy, it should be done with him every morning remedial gymnastics ... It is performed by alternately pressing and straightening the legs and arms of the baby towards the stomach.
  • If the baby suffers from pain after feeding, it is advisable to put on the tummy for a few minutes , and after eating, wear it on your hands so that it remains upright.

When the baby cries from a pain in the tummy, the mother needs to take him in her arms.

Such preventive measures should be taken as a rule and carried out every day. Then the cramps and pain symptoms in the baby's tummy will significantly decrease, and over time, they will disappear altogether.

Video on what to do if a child has a stomach ache

Your long-awaited baby was born, parents are trying to create the best possible conditions for the growth and development of their child. But after being discharged from the hospital, the baby has the first problems. Let's look at how and why can a tummy hurt in newborns?

Causes of tummy pain:

  • Colic. This is a cramping pain that occurs in the intestines of a baby. Appears in children under 6 months of age, due to an unformed independent digestive tract. It is characterized by sharp crying and bending of the legs to the stomach, while the stomach is very tense.
  • Bloating. The appearance of an increased amount of gas in the intestine. It usually occurs with artificial feeding or with a sharp transition to a mixture, or the adoption of unacceptable food by the mother, as a result of which, breast milk causes gas formation. The child screams loudly, the discharge of gases is increased.
  • Constipation. The situation when the baby cannot go to the toilet on his own, while crying. It also occurs when the mother does not eat properly or the child's abrupt transition to another food. Constipation is considered to be the absence of feces for more than a day.

How to help with tummy pain in a baby?

Every mother asks this question, you need to know, be able to and quickly respond to such situations, there is no time here, you need to act quickly. And these tips will help you.

Warmer for babies from colic

If colic occurs, you can use available tools, for example, a heating pad with warm water. Pour hot water into it, then wrap a heating pad with a diaper so as not to burn the skin and apply it to the tummy. It is undesirable to use electric heating pads, there is a possibility of a short circuit in the wiring.

If there is no heating pad, heat the diaper with an iron and put it on your stomach.

Carry the child like this, let him calm down, be with him, it takes some time, and after about 10-15 minutes the baby becomes easier.

Dill water for colic in a newborn

Dill water can also help from colic, which you can cook yourself - for this, take 1 teaspoon of dill seeds and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for about an hour, cool and give 10 ml from a bottle 3 times a day. The same water can be made from fennel, the recipe is the same. If you do not have such seeds at home, you can buy ready-made dill water at the pharmacy, only the shelf life of such water is about three days, during this time it remains sterile, or 30 days if you buy it in concentrated drops.

Plantex against colic in babies

You can also buy Plantex-solution for preparation, it consists of fennel, sold in sachets in pharmacies, one package is diluted with 100 ml of boiled water, cooled and also given 3 times a day.

Anti-bloating gas tube

If you have bloating, you can use a gas tube. Unfortunately, not all mothers know about her, but in vain. It is quite a cheap and effective remedy that is sold in a pharmacy. It is a small hollow tube, the end of which is smeared with petroleum jelly or cream and carefully inserted into the baby's anus, it is important to distract the baby, for example, with a rattle, so that he does not twitch. The gases go away instantly, sometimes with feces, the child immediately feels better.

Espumisan, Bobotik and Sub Simplex for bloating and colic

There are also drugs such as "Espumisan", "Bobotik", "Sub Simplex", which are added to milk or water and given to the child, they prevent the formation of gases in the intestines, thereby removing the discomfort and pain in the belly of the newborn.

Regarding taking medications, you need to consult with your local pediatrician for any contraindications for your baby.

You can also do a light massage of the abdomen, stroke the tummy clockwise and press the legs up to the stomach, gas will come out, but you need to do it very carefully, without causing pain to the newborn.

Tummy pain with constipation

The last cause of tummy pain in babies can be constipation. The familiar gas outlet tube can help here, sometimes feces come out along with the gases.

But, most often they use an ordinary enema, which must be delivered correctly. This requires a small rubber bulb with a narrow tip and boiled water cooled to room temperature. The child is laid on the left side, if it does not work out, you can also on the back. Children under 6 months are given about 60 ml of water, pouring it in smoothly, without sudden movements. After a few seconds, the intestines are easily emptied. Often it is not recommended to do enemas - you wash out the beneficial intestinal microflora, thereby complicating the process of digesting food.

Preventing Tummy Pain in a Newborn

Preventing pain at such a tender age is much better than treating pain that has already appeared.

  • Buy dill water in advance and let's drink it a little bit every day.
  • Massage the abdomen daily, do elementary exercises - lift the arms and legs alternately, simulate riding a bicycle with your legs.
  • Choose your food wisely, if you are breastfeeding, you will regret the crumb.
  • Go to complementary foods smoothly, choose more natural, non-allergic foods, it is better if fruits and vegetables are from your garden - without chemicals.
  • Begin to spread the baby from 2 months on the tummy, supporting his head, this will strengthen the abdominal muscles for the further development of the gastrointestinal tract, it is possible earlier if he holds the head confidently.

Over time, all the problems of the above nature will disappear on their own, be patient, but until the baby gets stronger, help him, because he is still so small and cannot do something on his own. Usually by six months, most newborns have colic and flatulence. And by the year, constipation also disappears, but keep in mind that everyone individually goes through the process of adaptation and development of the body, so it is better to be prepared and prevent the occurrence of pain than to eliminate them. I wish you success and health to your children !!!

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