Divination by birthmarks: interpretation of the meaning of a large mole in an intimate place of a woman. Intimate moles: what do they mean

Sometimes both men and women develop moles in the groin area. By their nature, nevi are benign and do not require removal. However, sometimes the growth in the groin causes inconvenience to the wearer. In such cases, doctors recommend removing the nevus using one of the elimination methods.

The presence of a mole in the groin is not dangerous, but if they begin to grow or change, it will not be superfluous to visit a doctor.

Why do nevi grow?

Moles appear in the groin often with age. Sometimes they resemble birthmarks, but there is a difference. Birthmarks appear immediately at birth, and nevi form at a more mature age. A mole in the groin of men and women can occur due to the following factors:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • exposure to solar radiation;
  • the influence of toxic substances;
  • permanent injury to the skin;
  • heredity.

The formation of nevi is affected by the pigment melanin, which accumulates in the cells of the skin. Often a mole in a woman's groin occurs during pregnancy. This is due to disruptions in the hormonal background. Often, if nevi appeared precisely in the process of waiting for a child, they will disappear after his birth.

Types of moles in the groin area

HangingA benign neoplasm that has a shade of beige to dark brown. The nevus is located on a leg and rises above the skin by 1―2 millimeters. Sometimes such growths are confused with papillomas. But papillomas are caused by a virus, and moles are formed due to a number of other factors. A dermatologist will be able to clarify what kind of formation appeared on the body.
Dark spotsA pigmented mole is a neoplasm that consists of melanin and a skin membrane. Such nevi are both smooth and bumpy. The hue of the bump ranges from light flesh-colored to dark brown. Such formations in the groin are flat and convex, can form and disappear over time.


Given that a mole in the groin, in particular in the pubic part, is constantly exposed to contact with clothing, there is a risk of permanent damage. Subsequently, infection sometimes occurs, which is fraught with the occurrence of an inflammatory process and suppuration. Such symptoms can contribute to the transformation of a nevus into a malignant formation. Therefore, doctors recommend removing a mole if it appears on the penis or pubis and causes discomfort to the patient.

Removal of a mole in the groin

Surgical intervention

Surgical intervention is allowed to remove large moles in the groin.

The operation is performed using a scalpel, with which the surgeon cuts out the mole in the groin. If it is of a malignant nature, then 1-2 centimeters of healthy skin are removed with it in order to eliminate all cancer cells. They resort to surgical intervention when the formation is large and deeply located in the epidermis. Surgery has the following disadvantages:

  • scarring after the procedure;
  • long period of rehabilitation.

Removal of nevi with a laser

If the mole is on the pubis, then it can be removed using laser therapy. In the process of manipulation, a laser beam acts on the nevus, with the help of which only the formation is removed, healthy skin is not affected. If hanging moles grow, then it is better to resort to the surgical method. Laser removal of nevi has the following advantages:

  • painlessness;
  • speed of the procedure (5 minutes);
  • removal of the formation after the 1st procedure;
  • absence of scars at the site of the removed nevus;
  • fast recovery process.

Despite the fact that the removal of formations in this way has a number of advantages, there is also a disadvantage - the inability to take a sample of the build-up. It is needed for histological examination, which shows the nature of the growth (malignant or benign). A sample of a nevus cannot be taken, since in the process of manipulation, the cells on which the formations were located evaporate. Therefore, nevi are removed with a laser only in a situation when the doctor is sure that the growth is benign.

Electrocoagulation of the inguinal nevus allows you to quickly, painlessly and effectively get rid of the neoplasm.


You can also remove moles in the groin using electrocautery. During the procedure, an electric current is applied to the nevus. Sometimes, after manipulations, subtle scars remain. Pluses of electrocautery:

  • fast recovery period (no more than 2 weeks);
  • getting rid of a mole from the 1st time;
  • getting rid of any kind of pigmented area;
  • lack of blood.


During the procedure, a mole in the groin is exposed to liquid cold nitrogen. This manipulation has a disadvantage - the inability to control the depth of the freeze. Therefore, when removing nitrogen, it may not completely freeze the deep layers of the epidermis, after which the nevus will not be completely removed and after a while will begin to grow again. Therefore, if the formation was removed using cryodestruction, then another procedure may be required. But removing moles in the groin with liquid nitrogen also has advantages:

  • painlessness;
  • minimal risk of infection;
  • no bleeding;
  • quick rehabilitation.

Radio wave removal of a mole in the groin also allows you to take material for histology.

In this article:

Moles, which in medicine are referred to as nevi, can be anywhere in our body, including on the pubic part. These can be neoplasms of various shapes, sizes and colors. As a rule, they are benign, not life-threatening, but sometimes they can cause discomfort and inconvenience. This is especially true if the mole is hanging, which can be caught and injured.

Flat nevi

If the mole on the pubis is flat, it is necessary to monitor all the changes that occur to it. If you notice warning signs that are characteristic of melanoma: peeling, soreness, discoloration and size, density, bleeding, inflammation, you should consult a dermatologist. That is, nevus neoplasms in the pubic area must be monitored in the same way as for other moles on any part of the body.

Hanging nevi

Hanging nevi in ​​this area are neoplasms that have a bumpy surface and are attached to the skin on the pubic leg. The shade of such pigmented neoplasms can be varied - from flesh to dark brown. Sizes may vary too. Basically, such moles do not change throughout life and do not cause discomfort, but the danger of such neoplasms lies in the fact that they can be injured during depilation or completely cut off with a razor. As you know, any damage to the nevus can provoke the transformation of benign cells that make up the nevus into malignant ones. Therefore, if you have damaged a nevus in the intimate area during depilation, you need to treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide to stop the bleeding, and in the coming days, monitor how the wound heals. If there are no serious complications, the wound does not bleed or fester, then there is no threat to health. In the case when the place from the cut off pigment growth does not heal for a long time, it hurts, it bleeds, you need to see a doctor. It will be very good if you save the cut nevus for histological analysis.
With nevi in ​​the intimate area, especially hanging ones, one should be careful and try not to damage them.

Papilloma or mole (nevus)

Sometimes a hanging mole in the groin can be confused with a papilloma or a wart. This is especially true of small pedunculated nevi, which have a flesh-colored light color. Only a doctor who treats skin diseases can give an exact answer. This is very important, since the papilloma, which occurs due to the entry of the human papillomavirus into the body, should be treated, and the nevus, a congenital hereditary pathology, must be monitored and, if necessary, removed.

Removal of nevi

It is recommended to get rid of a nevus in such a spicy area on the body if it succumbs to frequent injuries, it is easy to catch it, or the neoplasm is large. All known methods are used to remove pigmented neoplasms: they can be eliminated with liquid nitrogen, high-frequency current, surgical excision and a laser. Removing growths in this area at home is not recommended.

The value of moles located on the pubis

A very original meaning is attributed to nevi in ​​the intimate zone by those who study them.

In men

So, a mole, which is in the intimate area of ​​a man, suggests that its owner is very sexy. This is a good-natured person who easily makes acquaintances with women. He is especially interested in conquering unapproachable beauties. Those men who have a mole in the pubic area seek women with the passion of a hunter who lures the victim into his nets. Also, a nevus in such an intimate part of the body can characterize its owner as a vain, proud person who is used to working alone, and not in a company. He approaches his business with all responsibility and seriousness.

  • If the mole is on the left, it bodes well for its owner;
  • If it is located on the right, then in the character of such a man, notes of a dictator may be hidden.

Among women

A woman's nevus in this zone characterizes her as a gifted and attractive person. The presence of a mark in this place indicates that the woman has high intellectual abilities, she is a good speaker and is gifted with the ability to convince the interlocutor. In addition, women with a nevus in the pubic part are excellent careerists, they take good care of money, spend it only on necessary needs, carefully weighing the need for this purchase. The owner of a pigment spot in the groin area dresses tastefully, always looks fashionable and stylish. She is demanding of others and requires a supportive attitude towards her. She will give children a good education and put them on their feet. They can always count on her support.

  • A mole on the right side speaks of the sexual temperament of its owner, it easily drives men in love with her crazy;
  • If the mole is hidden on the left, then this also speaks of the sexuality of its owner, but, unfortunately, she often has health problems like a woman.

Here is an interesting meaning of pubic nevi. The location of the nevus in such a hidden, piquant place can be fraught with danger, which lies in the fact that it is not always possible to notice the changes that occur with moles in time, as well as injure the neoplasm, which is also unsafe for health. Therefore, it is imperative to observe pubic nevi, and if they are located in the area of ​​increased injury, then it is better to remove them.

Most people also have moles in intimate places, how safe are they and can they be stably benign? In this aspect, one should consider what nevi are, as well as determine the causes of their occurrence, development, what should be the signs of a transition to a malignant stage and especially effective methods of treatment. What kind of education is - a mole on the labia and why they should be given special attention.

Each person has certain formations on the surface of the skin. Moles on the labia, age spots, warts are completely tiny, almost invisible and very serious - large and tend to degenerate into a malignant stage. Many medical treatises of the past consider a mole in an intimate place in women as a certain sign of sexuality, the power of female charm, a zest that is very difficult to miss without attention. In this case, nevi in ​​an intimate place can pose a significant risk of degeneration into malignant formations with a short period of development. Why is there such a dangerous degeneration and what is the main mechanism of this pathology. So, a few words about moles on the labia.

  • First of all, these are areas of excess accumulation of melanin, which is responsible for the color coloration of the skin.
  • The sizes of the spots vary considerably - these are small spots or large dark tubercles.
  • The nevus of the external genital organs is congenital and acquired.
  • Moles in intimate places are divided into benign and malignant, which is determined by the depth of their occurrence.
  • Benign moles have certain properties, but outwardly they are completely flat or may be slightly convex.

In this case, usually pigmented formations in the genital area are characterized by a normal structure. In the process of increasing, changing the shape or size, the development of localization, color fluctuations, it is necessary to urgently and immediately contact a specialist - a therapist, allergist, dermatologist.

Categories of benign nevus

To date, the coding of pathologies has been adopted in accordance with international standards for ICD-10. For example - Q82. 5. This is a congenital benign nevus, the category of which is due to the causes of the appearance of moles on the labia of women and their features:

Birthmarks tend to appear as a consequence of certain specific processes, congenital - and acquired. That is, moles on the labia do not appear by themselves, and only something should provoke their appearance.

The main reasons for the appearance of a nevus drift are the following factors:

  • First of all, experts assume the main reason is a genetic predisposition, when pigmentary neoplasms undergo the process of formation during the period of intrauterine life of the fetus.
  • Variations in changes in the background of hormones - changes in the status and level of derivatives of endocrine glands in women during puberty. And also this phenomenon can occur when the doctor prescribes the use of contraceptives, as well as during pregnancy.
  • With ultraviolet radiation, especially with excessive exposure, it contributes to an increase in the production of melanin, this, in turn, can provoke nevi at various localizations in the body region or the growth of long-diagnosed ones.
  • The appearance of nevi, especially when a mole appears on the clitoris, is often facilitated by pathology of the digestive tract, diseases of the liver, pancreas, kidneys and urinary tract.

In this case, it is extremely important to diagnose the difference between moles in an intimate place from a simple condyloma and a wide variety of warty formations. Very often, growths can become symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases. Moles, warts and other neoplasms are usually regularly and repeatedly injured, which can rightfully provoke the development of the oncological process.

Everyone is well aware of the presence of bulging or hanging growths, clinging to clothing or traumatized during sexual intercourse.

What do women's moles talk about?

In the overwhelming majority of random situations, such pigmentary formations can be benign; under the influence of a number of factors, degeneration into melanomas can manifest. But be that as it may, many women have moles on the labia, even nowadays, become signs of this or that dignity. For example:

The left labia has a small and very effective mole. This woman has an inherent charm, given to her from the first days of her life by nature. It is given to her to know perfectly well about her secret abilities, to skillfully use them in the system of solving her own goals. Usually, small, spectacular formations appear on the genitals in the groin area. At the same time, they have a lot - their rare and tender beauty is noticeable and quickly disappears. She needs to have a support group in the form of reliable friends and a stable good reputation. If she does not have time to do this, then there are risks in her old years to remain completely alone.

Moles on the right side can indeed be prophetic. The right labia can become the place where all the beauty and wisdom of life are localized; women with such a mole have everything. She may be attractive, but not highly intelligent, with high levels of emotionality. From an early age, she is destined to be different from everyone, even in her own family. She will be amazingly beautiful, in many ways surpass even the most daring expectations of men. With all its advantages, it is so interesting that, like a powerful magnet, it will tighten the most diverse representatives of the stronger sex. Adventurers and fraudsters, rich and successful, business tycoons and criminals will appear near it. Very often, in her younger years, her choice is not correct enough, because she is drawn to bright and extraordinary men, but after several mistakes, this woman stops at a calm, good and wealthy life partner. Most of the owners of moles on the right labia are epic Reiki, energetic and restless, enjoying life and all its colors, with excellent health and appetite.

In many cultures of mankind, the beauty of a woman is praised as a lifespan. Despite the fact that moles in the intimate area are deeply hidden from prying eyes and only the owner herself, a person close to her and the attending physician can know about their charms, their beauty was sung by poets and artists. Especially often there is a description of a lady's "rose" on which there is a mole - a drop of dew in Arabic poetry, treatises of Ancient China and Japan. There is even a belief here that a woman with a mole in this place will certainly give birth to talented and intelligent children. And the most rare natural phenomenon is the appearance of a girl whose crotch area is literally showered with moles. Very often they are difficult to count, they can be different in size and color, they are mostly flat, on a par with the surface of the skin of the formation. Women with similar growths, of the congenital type, have always been considered the chosen ones of the gods and possessed significant karmic abilities.

From lyrics to medicine

How aesthetic and attractive this phenomenon is - the opinion is exclusively subjective. But there is an important aspect from the field of medicine that you should definitely be aware of.

Symptoms of moles on the genitals are very minor, do not bother and cause discomfort. They are usually found when visiting a doctor. Signs indicating the degeneration of pigmented formations are as follows:

  1. An increase in size occurs.
  2. Discomfort, soreness, burning and itching in the area of ​​growths.
  3. Redness or darkening, the appearance of roughness, bumps are found, peeling, a vague outline appears.
  4. The upper covers of the nevus bleed, become moist and macerated.

Medicines and methods of treatment are chosen exclusively by the attending physician, after diagnostics as part of a consultation from a gynecologist, oncologist, allergist. The choice of treatment procedures is quite large - classical local medicines based on potent ingredients, herbs or natural bases. Cryotherapy, laser beam or directional electrical flow are widely used. The main thing is not to be treated by yourself.

A mole on a man's genitals speaks of his honest and open disposition. He values ​​love above frequent intrigues. Will be happy in marriage. Need will never settle in his house.

A mole on a woman's genitals indicates that she will be the mother of a great man. Perhaps a genius.

Mole pubic.

Man has a strong sexual appeal. He is good-natured and loves to be in companies. Potentially successful in career and finance. However, he is fickle in relationships and avoids long-term relationships. At the same time, he is attracted by inaccessibility. It runs the risk of being like a dog chasing its own tail. If he is unscrupulous in his connections, his reputation will be lost and his career ruined.

Lucky and gifted female... Attractive and intelligent. Can speak well and make a successful career. Knows how to count and make money. Likes to dress well and fashionably. She will do everything to win the respect and favorable attitude of the people around her. She will be happy and will take care of giving her children a good education, for which she will be loved by them and will always find support in the family.

Mole on the right side of the scrotum.

Man serious and responsible, but this cannot hide his bad features. Not devoid of snobbery and vanity. He is not a team player, and insists that what he has done is regarded as something exceptional, which makes him think of him as an upstart. However, he is not prone to deception. Marries a successful, well-educated woman.

Mole on the left side of the scrotum.

Fate to man with such a mark will be supportive until old age. Proud and determined, but with some dictatorial habits. He will leave his place of birth and settle in another city. His wife and children are an indispensable attribute of his happy life. They value family comfort even more than a successful career. He definitely needs to avoid divorce, as this can lead to bad consequences: he may be on the verge of bankruptcy and he will have to make every effort to avoid complete poverty.

Mole on the left labia.

Female endowed with natural charm and will skillfully use it. With its attractiveness and charm, it will bask in the rays of grateful fans. She is a matter of concern to family and friends. Money, entertainment and high patronage are piled up in this woman's life. But she cannot boast of good health and the time of her beauty is fleeting. She needs to take care of her reputation and make good friends until the moment she finds herself alone.

Mole on the right labia.

Female not endowed with great intelligence, can be emotional, capricious and intemperate in words. However, she has that "feminine" talent that brings her the love of men and promises an enviable husband. She will be dependent on future family support. Her life will consist of ups, downs and numerous difficulties. However, she is endowed with good health and knows how to enjoy life.

Mole on the foreskin.

This Man- a rarity. He is a real man. He has a strong character, discipline and responsibility. With his sense of justice, he wins the love of family, friends, colleagues and friends. Full success awaits him in life with all the appropriate attributes: financial well-being, recognition and respect. But he may not be too forward-thinking when bragging about his accomplishments. Likes to savor successes. She appreciates comfort and finds peace and happiness with her family.

Female sincere and diligent. Loves life very much. Well educated and socially active. The personality is very attractive, she loves to be stunning, tastefully and fashionably dressed. Much importance will come to beauty and image maintenance. Life can bring her some sadness (perhaps from a close relative or friend). But common sense and patience will help you cope with all difficulties. Marriage with a man-friend can be called successful.

Nevi can form anywhere on the body, the pubic area is no exception.

A pubic mole has its own characteristics, due to its location.

The owners of such marks should know them.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT ARE a guide to action!
  • Provide an EXACT DIAGNOSIS you can only a DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!


Moles formed on the pubis can be of different types, which are determined even visually:

  • vascular. Formed from the plexus of blood vessels, they have a characteristic red color of different shades;
  • non-vascular. Formed from an accumulation of pigment cells (melanocytes), depending on their number, they acquire a color from light beige to dark brown.

The above types of moles can be of any size, flat or convex:

  • flat moles. They look like a spot that does not stand out above the surface of the skin;
  • convex. They rise above the surrounding skin in the form of a hemisphere, tubercle, or are attached to the base with a leg (hanging moles).

Reasons for the appearance

A variety of factors can affect the formation of nevi:

  • Heredity. Not only the number of moles on the body is genetically determined (parents have many - children will have many), but even their location. It happens that a nevus in a certain part of the body appears in several generations in the family.
  • Insolation. Ultraviolet light promotes increased production of melanin. The result of sunbathing (both natural and artificial - in a solarium) may be the appearance of new moles.
  • Traumatic and infectious skin injuries. If in some area the integrity of the skin is often damaged as a result of trauma (abrasion, scratching) or infectious lesions, this can lead to a violation of the distribution of melanocytes. When grouped together, they form a new mole.
  • Hormonal factor. With increased production of hormones by the body during puberty or pregnancy, the production of melanin also increases. This leads to the formation of new age spots - moles. During such periods of life, you can see that they appeared in large numbers.
  • Energy factor. Traditional medicine does not consider it scientific and noteworthy. But alternative medicine advocates say moles form over organs that are experiencing problems with functioning. The diseased organ produces energy that provokes the appearance of nevi on the skin.

Sometimes it is difficult to establish a connection between the cause and the effect - the appearance of a new nevus on the skin.

But the influence of these factors is the most studied.


Do I need to delete

Removal of a mole, even located on an intimate part of the body, is not a mandatory measure.

But you should still take into account the possible risks.

  • Bulging or hanging moles in this area are potentially dangerous. They can be easily injured when changing clothes, epilating, shaving, which can provoke unwanted changes in the nevus. If you are the owner of just such a mole, it is large or you constantly touch it, it might be better to remove it.
  • Flat moles require no less attention to themselves than convex ones. Watch them. Perhaps the mole has increased or changed color, bumps or cracks have appeared on it - such changes require specialist advice.

In any case, if you intend to remove a mole or are in doubt whether it should be done, consult a doctor (dermatologist or dermato-oncologist), whose consultation will help you make the right decision.

Do not go to beauty salons to remove moles - the qualifications of the staff there are not so high as to entrust them with this important procedure.

And, of course, the worst thing you can do is try to remove the mole yourself. In this case, the risk of adverse effects is very high.

Removal methods

Modern medical institutions offer several ways to remove moles:

  • Surgical excision. This is an operation that is performed using pain relievers. The mole is removed (cut out) completely, the risk of recurrence is minimal. But there are noticeable scars or scars on the skin, which can later be smoothed out with cosmetic procedures, but it will not be possible to completely get rid of them. The removed material, at your request, will be sent for histological analysis.
  • Laser removal. The most common way. Painless, safe, not time-consuming. In addition, the laser beam is bactericidal, which means there is no risk of infection. It does not leave marks on the skin, which is why this method is so popular.
  • Cryodestruction. Peculiar, the temperature of which is very low, which leads to the destruction of nevus cells. After cryodestruction, noticeable marks may remain on the skin, which smoothen over time.
  • Electrocoagulation., a kind of "burning out". A few days after the procedure, there may be redness at the site of removal of the mole, and a trace of the procedure may be noticeable.
  • Radio wave method. Cutting out a mole with high-frequency radio waves. The method is non-contact, less traumatic. Leaves no residue, painless. The recovery period is short. In this case, the removed mole remains intact, which makes it possible to perform its histological examination.

If the nevus is benign, then it is better to use the least traumatic method to remove it.

Moles with suspected degeneration that have begun are recommended to be removed surgically, followed by histological examination of the material.

Video: "Removal with liquid nitrogen - cryodestruction"

What does a pubic mole mean

Moles are generally attributed to a variety of meanings, sometimes even fateful.

Could not ignore the marks that appeared in such a piquant area as the pubis.

It is not surprising that the main significance of moles in this area is sexuality and attractiveness to the opposite sex.

But depending on who is the owner of the nevus and where it is located, the meaning may change.

The man

  • If a mole is located in a man's intimate area, it will give him a big female admirer. He easily enters into new relationships, and just as easily ends them. Real passion in him can only be aroused by an unapproachable lady who does not pay attention to him at all. He will achieve it in all possible ways, romantic or not entirely noble, based on the circumstances.
  • If a mole is located near a man's genital organ, it means that its owner will never be left without attention from women, and even to a ripe old age he will be a great hunter of the opposite sex.
  • If the mole is in the middle of the pubic area, its meaning will be somewhat different. Such a man can be a good family man. This does not mean that there will be no temptations on his life path, but he will be able to overcome such temptations.
  • A mole on the right promises a man good luck in all matters, and on the left it can mean a self-sufficient person who, in the family, may be inclined to dictatorship.

A woman

A pubic mole in women is a sign of attractiveness and versatility.

Such women quickly make a career, have the gift of persuasion, and where they cannot use it, they are helped by charm and special energy, which allows them to achieve a favorable attitude towards them in the most losing situations.

  • A woman with a frontal pubic mole is happily married. She never ceases to admire and attract her husband even after many years of marriage.
  • Sexual temperament will be emphasized by a mole on the pubis on the right, which means hordes of fans, not all of whom, however, will be admitted into the circle of the personal life of the owner of such a mark.
  • If a girl has a mole in the pubic area on the left, it is advisable for her to have a family and children as early as possible. In the future, health problems may await her.

Prevention of rebirth

Moles located in the pubic area are sometimes difficult to observe. By the way, a mirror or a photo taken with sufficient lighting can help with this.

In the latter way, it is easier to monitor the state of the nevus, the risk of degeneration of which always exists.

  • The big enemy of moles is ultraviolet light. In pursuit of an even dark skin tone, some women prefer to sunbathe naked, which can affect the condition of the mole not for the better. After all, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the production of melanin increases, and you don't want to think about what will happen if this process gets out of control.
  • Clothes, including swimwear, also transmit ultraviolet light, albeit to a lesser extent. So during the period of the greatest solar activity (from 11 am to 5 pm) it is better to be indoors or in deep shade.
  • Frequent violations of the integrity of the skin caused by injuries, burns, the action of chemicals can lead to various disturbances in the processes occurring in the epidermis and dermis and cause the degeneration of moles.
  • And of course, in the process of epilation or shaving, you should be careful and careful so as not to hurt the nevi in ​​these areas.

Moles formed in the pubic area are no more dangerous than on other parts of the body.

But sometimes they are more difficult to observe. And you need to do this regularly. If such a mole is constantly at risk of injury, it is better to remove it so as not to worry about your health.

Video: "The whole truth about moles!"