Divination by the hand when I get married. How to determine by the hand when you get married: Palmistry lessons. Separation or marriage

In exact science with the name palmistry the line of marriage is of great importance. A line in the palm of your hand can tell not only about the number of trips to the registry office, but also about the problems that are expected in family life.

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Where is the marriage line in the palm of your hand

To find the sign of marriage on the hand, you should find and pay attention to the area under the little finger. Between it and the ring around this finger (if any) is the line of the wedding.

Schools of palmistry, for example, indian, says that marriage lines with a similar meaning are located under the thumb. Some practitioners consider this trait name to be incorrect.

Palmistry - how many marriages will there be

Palmistry will answer the number of marriages in a few minutes. Divorces were a rarity in the old days, but they got married or got married several times - widowers remained desirable candidates for spouses.

To determine the number of marriages by hand, you need to count the signs that indicate marriage. Pronounced - a stable union, will last a long time. Almost imperceptible lines show temporary connections and relatively serious relationships that will not lead down the aisle.

If there are no marriage lines, it is necessary to study the sign that compares the signs on the palms and damage - the crown of celibacy. If relations with the opposite sex are not going well, you need to get rid of the negative, which can be a family legacy. The absence of dashes under the little finger indicates a union of convenience, without feelings.

In palmistry, the number of marriages is counted from the line of the heart. Important: if you wish, you need to pay attention to the lines of marriage, as they are interconnected.

Forks and islands - guessing at relationships

During divination, the line tells about the number of serious connections. You can learn about problems in the family, and about the details of your personal life.

A fork is a bifurcation of a dash located on the palm. The end of the line is directed towards the index finger, located further from the edge of the palm. Forks speak of disagreements and discrepancies in characters, everyday habits, outlook on life.

When a marriage ends with a fork, to divorce. The wider the ramification, the greater the disagreement expected between the spouses. The initiator will be a person with a sign on his hand. The family will constantly quarrel because of different views on every controversial moment.

Pronounced islands on the line, speaking of marital status, to divorce. This sign is heavier. In the first case, there is a chance of adequate behavior of partners, in the second, with an island, it is pointless to hope for a positive. This predicts litigation, scandals, enmity.

There is a specific mark of divorce that has appeared on the hands of people whose happiness is threatened. This is in palmistry, and it is not easy to interpret the mark.

Fortune telling by hand - a marriage line about the secrets of personal life

The great significance of the marriage line is that the trait reveals the secrets of a person. For example, a straight line says that the family will not differ from the average: problems of a different nature are foreseen in married life, but the couple does not hide serious secrets and secrets.

When the line ends with an island and bends towards the line of the heart, this is a sign of incest - a connection between relatives, for example, a brother or sister. You can check the information by looking at the hill of Venus - there is a confirmation or refutation of the relationship.

If the line gets to the sign of the Sun, crosses it - the husband will be a noble person. The man is rich, with a reputation for being solid and influential. Marriage will be important for both, but there is also a calculation.

Features on the hands that can tell about family happiness may interest a person. With the correct decoding of the signs, you can find out in advance about the troubles and try to prevent them.

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In the science of palmistry, the marriage line in the palm raises more questions than other signs and dashes on the hands. The correct interpretation will give the age at which one is destined to become a bride, and other details of family life.

In the article:

Palmistry - marriage lines and rules for their interpretation

In palmistry, marriage is read by hand: the area of ​​​​the hill of Mercury is examined, the lines are carefully analyzed. Signs between the little finger and reveal the secrets of personal life.

horizontal. Vertical, moving away from the thread of marriage. If there are no horizontal tracks, children will be born outside the registered union.

The signs that are on the right hand will tell about the future of the right-hander. For a left-hander, the left palm is predictive. The number of dashes indicates the number of marriages, barely noticeable - relationships that did not end in a wedding. Each mark is interpreted separately when it comes to the date or relationship in marriage.

The line of marriage on the hand will tell about the nature of the relationship

The line goes down and reaches the path of the heart or crosses it, indicates the suffering caused by the loss of a spouse. In the old days, the line was considered the sign of the widow. Now it is believed that unhappy love, divorce, betrayal, death of a loved one are possible.

The path denotes people who are united only by children, but there are no feelings and passions, or when a spouse lives in two families without making a choice. A line passing through a heart sign means a painful breakup or an unhappy marriage.

In palmistry, the wedding line, reaching or crossing the path of the head, is interpreted as a sign of domestic violence. The husband will humiliate the woman physically and psychologically. Marriage with assault is unhappy. Divination by hand for marriage will warn of a problem.

Divination by hand for marriage - the topic of betrayal

The marriage line on the hand is not the only thing that tells about personal life. In parallel, there is a line of lovers, which is located on the passive hand (for a right-hander - on the left, for a left-hander - on the right). The dash indicates secret connections, if it is almost back to backparallelto the path of marriage.

If the mark is below the marriage line, the secret relationship was before the wedding, but continued after the marriage. If the dash is above the marriage mark, the lover appeared after the marriage was registered. Sometimes the weakening of the marriage track speaks of betrayal. A barely visible strip speaks of boredom in a relationship, a weakening of the intensity of passion.

If the sign of the lover becomes more noticeable and thicker than the line of marriage, there will be a change of partner - a wedding with a lover.

Often betrayal is a mystery for a deceived spouse. When crossing the paths, the lover will interfere in family life. Several crossings - regular interference. They watch how the marriage line changes, which of the two paths is shorter, thicker, which signs like forks and islands are present.

Marriage line in the palm of your hand and its dating

One of the most popular questions for palmists is when will I get married? There is a simple divination from palmistry that answers a question like “how old will I get married?”.

They take a pen of any color, divide the gap from the heart line to the little finger into equal divisions. The strip of the heart corresponds to birth, and the root of the little finger corresponds to the age of 75 years. It will not be possible to determine the exact age of "marriageable", but the mark corresponding to the age of 25 years is presumably of decisive importance.

To find out a more accurate wedding date, divide the segment into smaller pieces, and the gap between the divisions by another 2–5.

Information about marriage, read by hand, is useful to a girl who dreams of personal happiness. If a person does not believe in divination, palmistry will be entertainment.

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Divination for romantic relationships is one of the most popular in palmistry. The line of Marriage tells about all aspects of this sphere of life: the age of marriage or marriage, the number and duration of unions, the nature of the relationship can be found by deciphering the signs in the palm of your hand.

Marriage line in the palm of your hand

The line of Marriage is located horizontally in relation to the entire palm. It starts on the edge of the hand under the little finger and continues to This is a small, often short strip.

Fortune telling along the line of Marriage in the palm of your hand makes it possible to find out:

  • marriage age;
  • duration of the union;
  • the number of unions;
  • the nature of the relationship between partners;
  • in the family, etc.

Important If you need to find out what is destined for a person, look at the passive.

For a left-hander, this is the right hand, for a right-hander, the left hand. It provides information not only about the number of marriages, but also about serious relationships, about how a person will behave in them. The lines on it throughout life do not change.

When you need to analyze the current situation and make a forecast, in palmistry they look at the active palm. For lefties it is the left hand, for righties it is the right hand. It reflects past experience and is a mirror of the current situation. It gives an idea not only about the relationship between spouses, but also with children. The lines in this case on it are modified in accordance with changes in the life of the individual.

Sometimes there can be several lines of Marriage. This indicates several unions (their number is equal to the number of traits). For a detailed analysis, the longest and most pronounced is taken. It reflects the emotional connection between partners and the relationship between them.

It happens that there are no lines of Marriage at all. This suggests that the person will not create a family. But he can meet with representatives of the opposite sex, have a serious relationship, but it will not come to marriage.

If there are no lines of Marriage, but a person is in a family union, then this indicates a wedding of convenience, that is, without emotional attachment, or a person will live with his partner all his life in harmony and love.

The double line of Marriage speaks of the impiety of the partner. Means that he leads a double life, torn between his wife and mistress. The more pronounced the second line, the stronger the relationship with another person. If the line has processes, then the spouse will have many other partners. And if more stripes depart from them, then this is a sign that the spouse has children from other women. If such lines are found in a woman, they are not taken into account.

Main characteristics

Marriage lines have different length, width, severity and location. If the line is long, then this indicates a long relationship, a strong marriage. In such a union there will be mutual respect, sincere love and understanding. Quarrels are rare and do without consequences.

Other variations of the Marriage line are discussed below.

  1. Relationships will not last. From marriage to divorce will take no more than 5 years. Family life will be unhappy, quarrels are regular. There is no respect and love between the spouses, because the relationship was built on falling in love. The initiator of the break in relations will be a person with a short line of Marriage.
  2. Intermittent. Indicates a decline in feelings. It means that in the life of the spouses there will come a moment when they will need to live separately, or they will not be able to keep in touch against their will for about six months or less. But after the restoration in the family, harmony, love and satisfaction with life will resume.
  3. Pointed up. Good sign. It indicates that relations between spouses will only improve over the years. There will be common interests. They will actively work on the relationship, which will make the emotional connection stronger. There will also be improvements in the intimate life of the couple.
  4. Directed downward (to the line of the Heart). He says that a person with such a trait of Marriage will endure humiliation and physical violence. The spouse can scoff, trying to control the partner in such a way. Another option is to end the relationship and divorce due to emotional burnout. The abuser by his actions negatively affects the psyche of the partner. Between them there is an emotional fading away.
  5. Straight. Family life will be calm. Quarrels are balanced by pleasant moments. Husband and wife will love each other, respect. The owner of such a feature of Marriage expects only 1 marriage. Let him not be rich in an abundance of emotions, but make both spouses happy and cheerful. The main thing is that they will not lose interest in each other.
  6. Pronounced. In such an alliance, good, positive emotions will prevail. Love will increase, happiness will increase. Spouses will always be interesting to each other, have common hobbies and achievements. They will be able to open their own business, which will function successfully and bring excellent income.
  7. Weakly expressed. Marriage is possible, but it will take place by calculation. There will be no love, understanding between spouses. In such a family, betrayal, emotional or psychological abuse will be frequent. The couple will live together for no more than 5 years, after which they will divorce with a scandal.

Sometimes the line of Marriage may have processes. If a fork was found at the end of the line, you should know that this is a bad sign. It means that the owner of such a line of Marriage is expected, or all relationships (even serious ones) will not lead to marriage at the initiative of a partner.


On the line of Marriage, there may be various signs. They provide additional information about the nature of the union and the relationship between the partners. But not all people have them.

Often found on the line of Marriage. If it consists of the lines of Marriage, health and heart, then after a while the spouse will no longer perceive the owner of such a figure. Then, in a person with a similar line of Marriage, falling in love will pass quickly, it will be replaced by complete indifference, sometimes even hatred.

If the triangle is inverted (consists of the Marriage strip and traits of children), there will be two children in the union. Respect, friendship will be present in the relationship of the couple, but there is no love, so quarrels and sandals cannot be avoided. Usually such marriages end in divorce.

Among other signs that may be present on the line of Marriage, the following are distinguished.

  1. Means that the spouses live only for financial gain. The victim can be either a man or a woman. If the line is on a passive hand, then a rich person will initiate the wedding. If the dash with the star sign is located on the active hand, the proposal will be made by a person who wants to benefit from such a relationship. The duration of such a union is determined by the length of the Marriage strip.
  2. The owner of this sign is carefree and lives one day, the partner will be able to endure him for the first 2 years. But later, financial difficulties will begin, due to which interpersonal relationships will collapse. Gradually, complete emotional exhaustion will come.
  3. Another bad sign. He talks about problems in the intimate life of the spouses. They will have to eliminate what will take 1-2 years. Against this background, quarrels and sensual impulses will become more frequent. But divorce will not come. Having a strong emotional attachment, partners will be able to find an opportunity to realize their desire to have children.
  4. Dot. Sincere love and good relations reign in the family. But suddenly one spouse dies. Possible options are a car accident or death due to ill health. The larger the dot, the sooner this will happen. A partner can become mentally unstable, but not because of a spouse. The reason will be the negative consequences of the work.
  5. Lattice. Indicates dissatisfaction in family life. The owner of this sign on the line of Marriage in a relationship will be unhappy. Can tolerate bullying and violence from a partner. He will regret what he has done, because dreams of a happy and harmonious family will not come true.

If a circle is found on the line, this indicates the presence of a lover, that is, a secret union. The sign will be present only on the active palm. Relationships in a couple will worsen, the partner will increasingly spend time with another loved one. But if the circle is weakly expressed, then the partner will tolerate this, will not resist or leave. If the sign is strongly expressed, divorce cannot be avoided.

Guessing the age of marriage

The line of Marriage in palmistry makes it possible to learn not only about the number of marriage unions, but also about the age of marriage or divorce. To do this, you need to analyze in detail the line of Influence (located on the hill of Venus) and the line of Fate (located in the middle of the palm in a vertical position under the middle finger). The age of marriage depends on their location and distance from the marriage line.

Visually, the line of marriage must be continued so that it crosses the line of fate. Further from the beginning of the second strip, the number of cm is counted, 1 is equal to 15 years. This version of fortune-telling is great for people aged 25 to 50 years.

The second way is to use and (near the little finger). The site is divided into 3 parts, starting from the strip of the heart and ending with the beginning of the little finger. Each period is 25 years. On average, the site is divided into 4 periods: 0, 25, 50, 75 years. You can divide each interval by 2 to determine the time more accurately. This method of divination is more suitable for people under the age of 30.

It is a relatively new science that has already received recognition. The first mention of it has been known since ancient times. It started as soon as numbers appeared in people's lives.

In the course of evolution in society, they realized that numbers differ not only in mathematical properties, but also in magical ones. Some experts argue that the date of birth can determine the fate of a person. So how do you know how many children and marriages there will be?

How to find out how many marriages a person will have in his life?

Many modern people are concerned about a completely normal and relevant question: how many relationships will I have? It is noteworthy that this can be found simply by the date of birth.

But, it should be noted that you can get an answer to your question with the help of an astrologer.

Only he will be able to tell exactly how many times you will get married or get married.

Date of birth and fate of a person: how to calculate the number of marriages?

It happened to every person that the relationship, for which there were very high hopes, ended in nothing - just parting. And it’s good if this happened before entering into a legal union. How not to waste your own time and energy on unnecessary relationships?

Numerology can help you with this. With the help of a simple and understandable way, she will instantly determine how similar you are to your lover. To do this, you need to use your date of birth.

Gradually add together the numbers of the day, month and year of birth of each of the couple. After that, a two-digit number must be turned into a one-digit number by addition. As a result, you will receive a figure that will be decisive in the possibility of creating a family.

For example: you were born on June 14, 1992. Then you should add the numbers in this way: 1+4+6+1+9+9+2=32=3+2=5. As a result, we get the number 5.

Suppose that in the course of a similar calculation of the constituent digits of the partner's date of birth, the number 4 was obtained. We add up all the numbers: 5 + 4 = 9. It turns out that the numerological number of your couple is 9.

Divination by the hand is considered one of the most popular methods used to find out the future of a person. Each individual line has its own meaning and can tell what lies ahead and how life will turn out. Any lines on the hand are usually recommended to be viewed on the right hand. This is explained by the fact that it is on it that all the data have a more accurate value. For example, the marriage line will tell about personal life, emotions and experiences that not each of us can admit to himself.

The marriage line on the hand is a small strip, located at a short distance from each other. The dashes begin, as a rule, under the little finger and go to the hill of Mercury. Fuzzy and unfinished - relationships that will not lead to marriage. A clear and pronounced line deserves special attention.

With the help of such a science as palmistry and having studied the strip of marriage, many things can be determined. For example, the number of serious relationships, the number of marriages, age and much more. The absence of such data in the palm of your hand may be evidence that a person is rather cold and there is no love in his life. The possibility of marriage can only be with the receipt of benefits.

Divination by hand for a date

If you want to know the exact date when you get married, then palmistry will help answer this question.

The exact answer will turn out if you are not yet 30 years old.

  • for 0 years, the line of the heart is taken
  • for 44 years, the bend of the little finger is taken

To find out not only age, but also other details regarding love relationships, it is enough to study the lines on the hand. Remember, divination involves the study of data on the right palm.

  • when the bar responsible for marriage rises, this means that the union will be unsuccessful or impossible. Often seen in widowed people.
  • when the dash goes down - either you will live longer than your spouse, or betrayal or betrayal is possible, which will bring severe pain.
  • when the line ends with a fork - you can part through your fault, but if the dashes again converge into one, then reconciliation is possible.
  • when the strip is clear and goes to the hill of Mercury, this promises a strong relationship over a long period of time.
  • branches from the strip are a sign of problems and disagreements.
  • a large number of dashes means you treat relationships thoroughly, choosing the right partner.
  • when the strip fades and goes out in the palm of your hand, then, most likely, the feelings will fade away, and you can leave.
  • the cross on the line denotes problems and obstacles in marriage.
  • an asterisk is a sign of insincere relationships built on the calculation.
  • the dot speaks of widowhood.

As you can see, fortune telling by hand is a tool that will show not only the age of marriage, but also other important data. And help in this video and photos on the Internet. Various photos will make it quick to find the marriage line in the palm of your hand, and divination is simple and enjoyable.

Palmistry is engaged in determining human destiny with the help of dashes on the hand. A detailed study of the location and bends will help you find out what fate will bring in the near future and in the distant future.

It is very important to carefully consider the entire event, devoting enough time to the rite itself.