Interesting online! Rainworm, separated by half, becomes two worms. Pipes come from Scotland

The food is an integral part of our lives, without which we just needless could not exist and know all the subtleties of such an extensive area as a cooking is simply impossible. Naturally, trying to find information on the preparation of a dish or use of kitchen inventory, we often face a different kind of information that, as it turned out, does not always happen to truthful.
Soda neutralizes unpleasant odors in the refrigerator
In fact, the food soda practically does not absorb odors. This myth could be called a marketing trick if it were not for her spear cost. It is better for this purpose to use activated carbon, which can also be called a budgetary agent. Start cleaning a banana need from a pet
Probably, this myth arose, because the petiole resembles a lever or a handle, with which to clean the banana allegedly more convenient. It turns out if the skin is thick, then you can simply remember the fruit. By the way, monkeys clean the bananas from the sulfur tip and do it in a couple of seconds.
Salad need to tear

It is very often you have to hear that if you cut a salad with a knife, then it will deteriorate it, and iron from it will disappear somewhere. Modern steel and ceramic knives do not at all affect the taste and benefits of salad. Just the "torn" salad looks more natural.
Bread must be stored in the refrigerator
So supposedly he worms much slower. Of course, the refrigerator helps to extend the freshness of many products, but, alas, not bread - there he dries even a little faster. Therefore, we recommend keeping bread in a breadcrumb in a polyethylene package - so the crust will lose moisture more slowly, and the bread will remain soft longer.
First - milk so that there is no taste of tea
Between supporters "Milk first" and "Milk, then" disputes do not subscribe for a long time. However, after checking and blind tasting, the tastes of drinks were identical. Perhaps this myth was not myth, but a real need for two hundred years ago, when china was so thin that he was afraid to pour hot tea.
Chicken before cooking should be washed

Recently, the British Food Standard Agency stated that it is categorically impossible to do this, since when washing meat is washed, the chances of becoming infected with Campylobacteriasis. Experts emphasize that the only reliable method for the destruction of these microbes is long-term heat treatment at high temperatures.
So that the potatoes do not germinate, it needs to be stored together with an apple
Such a council can often be found in the host forums, and the apple is recommended to take only green. In fact, the result will be exactly the opposite: the apples will highlight the gas ethylene, which only accelerates maturation and education in potatoes.
During cooking Cracks "Cryat"

As far as is known, the absolute majority of cancers do not have voice ligaments. The sound that we mistakenly accept the squeak appears due to the air located in the cancer shell. When heated, he comes out, and we hear the sound of the soul.
Kebab can be considered dietary
This statement is true, unless to compare meat according to the cooking method - in this case, it can be considered the preparation of meat on fire more dietary than roasting in oil. But if you think about what kebab is most often prepared from not the dietary pork itself, then the duality of this statement immediately becomes clear.
Compote useful storey juice
This myth is faithful regarding the fact that there are no preservatives and dyes in domestic drinks that may be present in packaged juices. However, in the recipes of a home compote is often used by an excavating amount of sugar, so during cooking its content is better minimized.
Cheese does not contribute to good dreams
Some time ago, scientists surprised the world, saying that a large amount of cheese, eaten overnight, causes nightmares. The British Council of Silverov did not allow this myth to be rooted and conducted an experiment in which 200 volunteers ate a cheese snack 30 minutes before sleep, and then reported on their dreams - none of them did not see the nightmare.
To preserve the green color of vegetables, they need to be cooked in highly salted water

Partially this myth truthful, however, the preservation of the color of vegetables is not connected in cooking with salt. The secret, it turns out that the water is not as well, and in the way the temperature is high, in which the vegetables are clicked.
Meat is better frying in its own juice
This myth concerns not only taste properties, but also some savings - allegedly, with a roasting meat, the meat loses less weight during cooking. In reality, as during a roasting in its own juice, so without it, the meat loses about the same volume.
For omelet, milk can be replaced with water
To do this, of course, it is possible, but the substitution will not pass without a trace. Experienced hostesses agree that water-based omelet is less tasty, not so fluffy and soft, like an omelet cooked on traditional milk.
Brown eggs are more useful than white

In fact, the beneficial properties of the eggs and the content of the useful substances remains the same, regardless of the color of the shell, which is determined by the chicken breed. Rather, the benefit and taste of eggs should be determined by the color of the yolk.
So that champagne does not exhale, insert a tea spoon in the neck
Very New Year's myth, who, alas, has nothing to do with the truth. When testing, the blind method was found that the spoon even contributed to the release of gas. In an experiment with a blind tasting, compared with a re-closed bottle, the least effervested champagne was recognized from a silver spoon bottle.
Do not mix "grapes" with "Wheat"
Some are used to using this rule as a reliable wanterie from the hangover, separating alcoholic beverages in the ingredient from which they are obtained. According to the results of numerous studies, scientists have come to the conclusions that the hangover arises for other reasons, in no way associated with mixing different types of alcohol.
White chocolate - also chocolate

According to experts, white chocolate is not a chocolate at all, since it is used for cooking not grated cocoa, but cocoa butter. And in this whole essence, because the classic white chocolate recipe does not imply its use. In its composition - only cocoa oil, milk powder and sugar.

The main problem of all the global theories is that after some time, there will definitely be a clever thing that will be promoted. But since we are accustomed to the fact that science does not lie, then sacredly believe Chushi, which you really need to hand. It is a pity that it becomes clear not immediately. Perhaps now we will create some kind of Lutuya crap, over which our descendants will laugh. Slavery, faith on the vessel day, search Eldorado - all this changed the world irretrievably. Alas, not for the better.

We thought that the character of a person can be read in appearance, and became superficial

We do it all the time - we know this or not. This is the reason why Jason Statham always plays the roles of brutal silent men who are a little bit in the ear. But he is a very cute and witty guy. All Wine ancient and merciless science with a funny name - physiognomy. Pythagoras, as you know, refused students who looked too smart, and Aristotle wrote that people with too broad persons are usually stupid.

The concepts of physiognomy were specifically defined only in the middle of the XVII century in the letters of the Jambattist delold the port. Nevertheless, we still believe prejudice associated with appearance.

In the XIX century, the criminalist Cesare Lombrozo made the discovery according to which the criminal element can be determined at a glance. How? According to their monkey-like appearance, rudimentary tail (remove pants with suspicious people to make sure) and tattoos. So thank you, Mr. Lombroso, for strengthened the terrible idea about what can and should be fully judged by a person on the basis of appearance. In this case, all the tattooed would have to take away from sin. It is advisable to the chamber to ugly girls and beardes.

We thought we could find the elixir of immortality, but instead invented more efficient - killer

In the early Chinese texts, elixirs that could do everything, starting with the transformation into invisibility and ending with immortality. Some elixirs would allow a simple Zabuldig to visit the world of gods, make demons and pretty women serve him. And now find a fool, who would have refused this? There are no such, since fools, and smart people believe the ancient scrolls. Therefore, alchemists worked in the dinner and Nosno, spending some lifests to create valuable elixirs. Although the mass culture taught us to the image of a medieval European, it must be said that the alchemists were everywhere and at all times.

In 850, the alchemist of the Tang dynasty created the formula, which was 75 parts of the Selitra, 15 pieces of wood coal and 10 parts of sulfur. Alas, this formula did not make it immortal, rather, on the contrary. As noted in the old text, "the smoke and the flame burned hands and the face of Alchemist along with the house in which he worked." As you probably guessed, the gunpowder was opened. The irony is that instead of the elixir of the Life of Alchemists created a real elixir of death, which is successfully used to this day. However, then he was very by the way: he helped to kill the viciously scorched Mongolian neighbors.

We believed that the air tolerates diseases, so they took care of ventilation and hygiene

London XIX century The least reminded the place in which I want to escape with stolen millions or for a dream. In the 1830s of the epidemic of typhus, influenza and especially cholera literally destroyed the city. It was so bad that even the highest class drew attention to the poverty, antisanitia and dirt in which the poor lived. So there was a theory that it was the bad smelling air that was the cause of the mass Mora of people. Such an idea seemed to be plausible to the luxury and accustomed to luxury Lordam. They say, it does not stink from us (in fact, stinking), and we will be a lot in smaller quantities - it means everything works. Of course, the whole theory is one solid nonsense, but it was this misunderstanding that was an incredibly positive impact on the world as a whole.

The theory of miasms significantly improved the sanitary situation in London. Drainage and ventilation systems began to correspond to the title of the capital of the largest empire in the world. People sacred believed that now, when it became easier to breathe, the damned mor retreat. Naive people, they fought not with the enemy.

In the 1850s, anesthesiologist named John Snow (like Bastard) suggested that the cholera who killed a part of the old woman of England was caused by no stink: microbes and infection were hiding in water. But it was too late, the theory of miasms broke out on the planet and was accepted by the scientific community, and people turned their legs and said that the air was not fresh enough.

The theory was kept until 1892, and according to the University of Buckinghamshire Chillters Stephen Hollide, the British thought after the outbreak of cholera in Hamburg. The air in London was cleaner than 50 years ago, but it is still impossible to stuff. The epidemic did not get to London, and people thought about what could be the air in no way connected with epidemics?

We believed that we are a complete product of our genetics, and invented Eugene

Conversations about biological determinism in the XVIII century led to a sustainable belief, as if all human qualities were inherited. Not only the color of the eyes, but also the type of personality, criminal inclinations and even laziness are more connected with our genetics than with the environment or other external forces.

By the end of the 1800s, Naturalist Francis Galton spoke of eugenics and breeding breeding as methods of encouraging the inheritance of good qualities and, ultimately, creating a more perfect race of people. In his work, the hereditary genius (1869) he preached false truth, as if smart people would be biologically superior to worldly loafers. One Austrian artist accepted these ideas too close to the heart - the result of the large-scale and infamous Evgenic program of the Third Reich is known to everyone.

Not only Germany distinguished himself, but also a good empire according to Ronald Reagan. In the 1920s, the United States was the first country, which centrally introduced sterilization for Eugene's goals. Under the program, not only mental sick, but also deaf, blind, epileptics and people with physical deformities fell. In some cases, marriage and joint accommodation were prohibited, a prison term could be appointed for violation. For example, for marriage with an alcoholic or a representative of another race. Many Indians and African Americans were sterilized against their will in many states, often without their knowledge, while they were in the hospital and for other reasons. What is interesting, sometimes fate solved the IQ test, which determined the suitability for childbearing. If the figure was suitable, then the doctors "gave good" to continue the genus. If the indicator was like Stallone, they could and ban.

We thought that my eyesight worked at the expense of invisible eye rays, which formed global superstitions

Probably nothing embarrassed by a person as much as an eye device. Everyone understood how they work, but no one could understand the mechanism for quite a long time. According to the ancient Greek scientists, the eyes contained inside some fire, which flowed out and looked through the world around. Something like an harmless version of the cyclope from "People X". It must be said that such a theory, despite all his absurdity, was warmly greeted by the ancient world and gave rise to such a bad and archaic dialord as the evil eye. This concept is found in many cultures and religions, since the nature of the view was not able to explore a long time.

As a result, even in the XXI century there are many people who are sacred believe that all the failures in their lives due to the fact that someone did not look at them.

Refute the most famous scientific errors:

Most of the diamonds are formed not from compacted coal. They are "born" at a depth of about 150 km, and coal deposits are located, as a rule, at a depth of about three kilometers.
- Bats are not blind. Yes, they are oriented in space with echolocation, but at the same time they see quite well.
- Blondes and red-haired will not disappear over time. Recessive genes that are responsible for hair color can be transmitted from generation to generation and through non-blondes and non-red.
- Hair and nails do not continue to grow after death. This impression arises due to the fact that the skin of the deceased person is eaten.
- in color nozzles can not be determined, bacterial disease or viral. The color of this substance may vary from transparently yellow to the dense-green in patients with the most different diseases.
- Clean water is not a very good electricity conductor. The reason why a person can get an electric blow through water is the content in it minerals, dirt and other particles that conduct electricity.
- From the frogs and the toad you can not pick up the wart, but healthy hand with a man who has warts - it is very possible. Warts in people arise from Papillomavirus, which only has people.
- Ostrich do not hide heads in the sand, even when scared. If they feel the danger, then the usual of falling to the ground and pretend to be dead.
- From the lack of oxygen, blood does not light - on the contrary, it acquires a more dark red color. Veins just seem to be blue, translucent through the skin.
- Children do not become hyperactive from sugar. In the course of several studies, it turned out that the activity of children was the same in the consumption of soda with a content and without sugar content.
- You can raise my finger joints to cause a work colleague, but arthritis will not earn. These causes of osteoarthritis are age, injury, overweight and genetic predisposition.
- If a natural product, it does not mean that there are no pesticides in it. However, the level of pesticides that in organic, that not in organic food is too small to worry about this (at least this is assured by the US Department of Agriculture).
- Stress does not play a big role in the development of chronic hypertensive disease. Strong stress can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure, but in general it does not have the main cause of hypertension. Genetics, smoking and improper nutrition play a much larger role.
- Lightning can hit the same place twice. In some high buildings, it hits up to 100 times a year.
- Lemmings do not commit mass suicides. However, during periods of migration, they really sometimes fall from the cliffs if the terrain of them is unfamiliar.
- A person is not born with all the convictions that in adulthood possesses. There is evidence that at least in several brain departments and in adulthood the process of formation of nervous tissue continues.
"Many people call a dinosaur brightosavr depicted in this picture - even Michael Cryton in the" Jurassic Park ". In fact, this is Apatosaur. The myth about the brontosaution was born 130 years ago, during the so-called "bone wars", when two paleontologists used any means in rivalry when searching for fossils.
- One gene is not the same as one protein. Many genes form many different proteins, depending on how matrix ribonucleic acid (mRNA) of the gene is located in a cell. Some genes do not form proteins at all.
- Goldfish have pretty good memory. They can remember certain things for several months.

Which we believe the truth, but in fact they are only common delusions. It turns out that the old dog can be taught new tricks, and as the leopard stains are really changing.
We offer the attention of readers 10 myths that many are considered to be true, but in fact it turns out that it is more like fiction than facts.

Ostrich hide their heads in the sand

- This is the largest bird from the famous, it can run at a speed of up to 65 km / h, and the leg impact is able to be able to bend steel rods. And in fact, the ostriches do not immerse the head in the sand as a protective mechanism. In case of danger, besides attempts to flush or fought off these birds really try to hide, but for this they fall on the sand. Thus, at a distance when an ostrich rises, his tiny head seems below ground level. But is it really immersed in the sand? Not at all.

Possos hang on the tail

While really possessed with a strong tail and extremely deftly with him appeal, in fact they do not hang on it and certainly do not sleep in such a position. The kid of opossum can drive on the tail for a couple of seconds, but adults are too heavy for such a trick. But for the purposes of Lazania on the trees on the paws of these animals there is a distinguished finger.

Touching to the tob can cause warts

The skin is a buccourt, but they cannot infect warts. The reason for their appearance is a virus inherent to man, and not the skin of amphibians. But in general, these creatures are really better not to touch, after all, similar to the warts of the bugs of some toads contain glands that produce poison, which can cause strong irritation. So be careful, kissing such frogs.

Lemmings make group suicides

From the 19th century, we believe that the lemmings are susceptible to suicidal behavior similar to the cult, and during migrations make massive jumps from the rocks. Yes, during the increase in the number of population, the lemmings are looking for new habitats and sometimes fall from the rocks, but it is wrong to consider it by group suicides. Interestingly, mass dropping from the cliff is not the strangest rumors that are forced to endure unfortunate creatures. In the 16th century, one geographer suggested that the lemmings fall out of clouds during a thunderstorm, and then transfer mass extinction when the first spring grass begins to break through the ground. Impressive.

Rainworm, divided by half, becomes two worms

First, fi. Secondly, the rainwill separated by half does not become two individuals. If the worm is blocked behind the belt, then its head part can survive and regenerate, but the tail half will die. However, the amazing flat worms of the planarium are tiny freshwater creations belonging to another type - are able to restore the whole body of a piece of size only 1/300 from the initial organism.

Red causes aggression from bulls

The widespread belief on which is based, it says that the red raincoat excites bulls and makes it pounce on the matador. In fact, a cattle does not distinguish between colors and, accordingly, does not perceive the red shade as bright. And bulls react on the movement of the raincoat and the general threat, hidden in the situation. (They should not blame them, anyone would have brought away.)
And optimism in the situation adds this photo. It shows the Spanish Torroo José Thomas during the Corrida in Catalonia, which became the last after the 2011 government ban on such events.

Bats blind

Many volatile mice are small eyes, and about 70 percent of species complement vision, helps them to hunt at night. But are they blind? In no case. Merlin Tattle, founder and president of the International Organization for the Protection of Volatile Mice, unequivocally declares: "There are no blind bats. They see excellent. " Like this.

Koala - this kind of bears

Although these incredibly glorious creatures inspired to create a set of Australian souvenirs, possess bearish appearance, in fact they are definitely not bears, but the silent animals. After birth, mother is about six months wearing a young in a bag. When he is growing up, it will challenge his mother's back or clinging to her belly, accompanying everywhere until the year. Unusually cute.

Goldfish 3-second memory

It's funny to think that every time the aquarium sailing at the walls, the goldfish makes a new journey, because we all believe that it is practically devoid of memory. But no. Studies have demonstrated that these creations are able to memorize and learn. Scientists University of Plymouth came to the conclusion that the Golden Fish Memory Cycle is about three months, and it can even teach it when lunch should be expected. In fact, there are many evidence that the fish are as smart as birds and many mammals.

Do you carry a dog, aims and children to give and got up on Dmitrovka? Then the evacuator inexpensively Western Degunino is your option. But it is better to first at all at the cottage, and then immediately home, type in repair and buff.

Understanding unique, and sometimes strange features of dog behavior plays a large role in our ability to care for them correctly. However, sometimes the things that we read or heard about dogs are not quite faithful. In this article, the list presents the ten most common myths about the best friend of the person who believe most of us.

1. Dogs do not distinguish colors

You, probably, more than once had to hear in your life that dog-blind dogs, that is, they see the world in black and white colors. In fact, this is a myth. And although the vision of dogs is different from our, they are still capable of distinguishing some colors. These include yellow, blue and purple. This means that colors available to human vision - such as red, green and orange - can not see dogs.

In the retina, the eyes of people and dogs have photoreceptors that are divided into columns and wands. However, we distinguish colors due to the presence of a small recess in the retina, which allows us to see clear details. There are no such features for dogs.

Nevertheless, they have some visual advantages. In the retina, the dog's eye has more sticks (photoreceptors responsible for night vision). This allows them to be better to see in low light conditions.

2. If the dogs are wagged with the tail, then they are satisfied

This statement is not an absolute lie. When the dog wags the tail, it can really be an indicator that she is happy and satisfied. However, this is not always the case. A person expresses emotions through facial expressions, dogs do it with a tail.

The main function of the dog tail is communication. Knowledge of what the various movements of your pet's tail indicate can help you better understand it. Some of them are rather obvious. For example, the patted tail means that your pet is afraid of something.

What about the wizzy?

If the dog wants to express happiness, she will voy not only the tail, but also the entire back of his body. Raised up the tail to which the dog slowly wags from side to the side, means that the animal is alert. In this case, you better not approach it close.

If the tail is omitted, and the dog quickly wags, it can be assumed that it is going to run or fight (depending on the situation).

3. The larger the dog, the longer she lives

In this case, the opposite is true. The average life expectancy of dogs of small rocks, such as chihuahua and dachshund, is 14-15 years old. Dogs of larger rocks (for example, Alaskan Malamut) usually live 8-10 years. The average life expectancy of dogs like senbernar, which differ in huge sizes is only 5-8 years.

This strange myth appeared due to the overall pattern, according to which the larger the animal, the longer it lives. The world's smallest mammal, a pigtime bat, has an average life expectancy of 5-10 years, while the largest mammal on the planet, blue whale, lives 80-90 years.

Scientists say that the whole thing is to use energy. Body cells of large mammals function slower and more efficient, and therefore serve longer. So why does this pattern not working for dogs?

Big dogs grow rapidly in the first year of their lives. Danish dogs (the largest breed of dogs) are five times faster than people. In view of such enhanced growth of large breeds, they are also rapidly aging.

4. Dogs do not see images on flat-screen TVs

Televisions with electron beam tubes (old models) create images at a speed of about 24 frames per second. This is due to the peculiarities of our view. The number of frames that we need to see in one second to perceive the film as a continuous image stream, equal to 16-20.

In dogs, this frequency is significantly higher and is about 40-80 frames per second. When they watch TV with electron beam tubes, they see only flicker on the screen. But what about modern TVs?

The statement that dogs do not see images on flat-screen TVs, is a lie, because they compared with old models, in one second there are a much larger number of frames. Moreover, there are irrefutable evidence that the dogs react to images flashing on plasma television screens. This means that they are able to see anything.

5. You must wake a dog if it seems to you that she dreams of a nightmare

The question "Does dreams dreams?" Until now, remains controversial. However, many are leaning towards the affirmative answer. Dogs have a rapid sleep phase that we, people, are accompanied by dreams.

The dreams are also associated with the process of postponing memories, the ability to have dogs, judging by the evidence. So what about nightmares? To begin with, we cannot be 100 percent sure that the nightmares are really shot by dogs, because we do not know whether they see the dreams at all.

When dogs whine and twitching in a dream, many people cannot stay aside. As a rule, they are simply deciding to wake up their pets.

However, for four-legged friends, it can turn into stress and serious health problems. As well as people, dogs need a certain amount of deep sleep, to have good mental health and develop normally.

Dogs usually sleep for 14-16 hours a day, but the proportion of deep sleep is negligible. When a pet sees nightmares, it seems to you, it is most likely there is an important phase of deep sleep.

6. If the nose has a wet dog, then she is healthy

In fact, a dog with a warm, dry nose can be the same healthy, like that, whose nose is cold and wet. The temperature and humidity of the dog nose varies each time. This may be associated with recent activity, environmental conditions and other factors and is not a reliable indicator of the health status of your pet.

If you notice that your dog has a dry nose, do not worry. Most likely, she just missed the sun. And in what cases is worth worrying about the health of your pet? Typically, problems are manifested in the absence of a dog's appetite or change behavior.

7. Bacon will not harm the dog

Everyone knows that dogs can not be given chocolate, but most people do not even suspect that many other products that feeds people can also harm our four-legged friends. The most shocking of them is bacon, which we love sometimes pamper our pets. In the end, bacon is meat, and meat is an integral part of a dog diet.

However, in fact, bacon is very harmful to dogs and can lead to long-term health problems. A huge amount of fat contained in bacon can lead to inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. Pancreas is responsible for the release of digestive enzymes, thanks to which the body can absorb and digest food correctly.

8. British bulldogs have a surplus muzzle due to an error made during the removal of this breed.

Chunky, broadly and powerful English Bulldog is perhaps one of the most recognizable dog breeds in the world. It is associated with the cults of British figures, the most famous of which Winston Churchill is considered.

British bulldogs, despite their fame, have a very long list of health problems, compared to other dogs. One of the most common is Brachiceflane syndrome. This disease is preferably found in dogs with short necks and narrowed nostrils. They constantly snort, snot and snoring, trying to breathe air.

Ironically, English bulldogs were displayed with a flapped muzzle in order to improve their breathing. Initially, these were fighting dogs, which were attracted to trace bulls.

Later in many regions of England, laws were adopted, according to which the bull was certainly bited before the skill, since it was believed that it was diluted by the blood of the animal and made it soft and gentle meat. The short, flat skull of the English Bulldog actually allowed him to breathe during the bulls trauma. So, British bulldogs have a surrendous face at all not because of the error made during the removal of this breed. It was made consciously and deliberately.

9. Like dogs when they hug them

So that you know, dogs do not consider hugs as a manifestation of love and tenderness, as we do, people. They consider this gesture to demonstrate domination, so they begin to worry when we hug them.

However, this is true not for all dogs. The way your dog will perceive hugs, also depends on its nature. If the dog is compressed, closes the mouth and licks the lips, then this is a clear sign that your action is confused. It does not understand what caused such behavior towards her.

10. Dogs eating grass when they are sick

Most people believe that dogs eat grass when they are sick. In fact, it is not.

Sometimes our four-legged friends may eat grass due to a state known as Picacism. It causes animals to have a craving for what contains nutrients and trace elements that they lack. Picacism may also arise as a result of boredom, because of which your dog will begin to eat strange things in food, for example, exfoliating paint.

In addition, dogs may eat grass due to territorial factors or simply because they like her taste. Anyway, the idea that dogs eat grass when they sick, is delusion.

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