What makes a child cry. Why the baby is constantly crying are alarming signals. Crying while feeding

All small children cry. Some do it rarely, while others roar almost constantly with short pauses for sleep and food. Parents in this situation feel confused and powerless, because it is far from always possible to quickly recognize the reason for the crying of the baby. We will tell you about why a newborn and a baby are crying in this material.

Crying is a way of communication

A newborn and a toddler who does not yet know how to speak needs crying as a means of communication with the world. A loud roar is the only way for a crumb to express his displeasure, signal an alarm, ask for help. And nature has foreseen everything in such a way that all people newly introduced to this world are perfectly able to handle such a formidable weapon as crying.

The first cry immediately after birth can tell an experienced neonatologist a lot:

  • Strong and confident roar the baby says that the baby is full of strength, healthy, active.
  • Lack of crying or quiet and sluggish squeak instead of loud crying- alarming symptoms that force doctors to examine the baby more closely in order to identify which pathologies prevent him from fully fulfilling the program laid down by nature.

Difficulties in interpreting the reasons for the cry and tears of a newborn from parents usually arise only in the first days and weeks after discharge from the maternity hospital. Then mothers sensitively catch in the cry of the child special intonations, changes in volume, tonality and mood. This allows them to gradually begin to understand their son or daughter without words, only through crying.

Crying itself, from the point of view of medicine, is a psychophysical reaction to an external or internal irritating factor. The roar process is associated with changes in blood pressure, respiration. Babies have very narrow airways, and loud crying sometimes allows them to make up for the lack of oxygen through strong pumping of the lungs.

Children, unlike adults, know how to cry without tears. And for all babies, crying, among other things, is a reflex reaction to pain.

As they grow older, this reflex weakens and ceases to exist, like many other infant reflexes.

In medicine, it is customary to define three main types of infant crying:

  • the main one - as a means of communication;
  • angry - as a way to give an emotional color;
  • painful - as a reflex manifestation of pain.

The usual cry the main thing, from the point of view of physiology, is characterized by pauses, blurriness, smooth intonation.

With painful crying the child begins to scream sharply and shrilly until he exhales completely, and then, after a convulsive short breath, the roar resumes.

Angry cry- a special intoned way to attract attention. At the same time, the child can actively change facial expressions, cry hysterically, mainly on exhalation. There are no piercing notes until full exhalation, as in pain, is not observed. Angry crying can be the longest-lasting of all types of baby shouts.

Most medical publications and encyclopedias, considering the issue of infant crying, distinguish another type - manipulative crying. With its help, babies who at the moment do not need to satisfy certain physiological needs can achieve their own, what they want at the moment. He is always distinguished by some artificiality, while the child does not take deep breaths and exhalations.

Crying can also be pathological and usually it is associated with serious disorders of the central nervous system, organic lesions of the brain.

There is such a thing as violent crying it is sometimes observed in patients with multiple sclerosis, pseudobulbar paralysis. But such cases are very rare.

The most common reasons

It is not so difficult to understand why a baby cries constantly if you know the main reasons why he does it. A baby can loudly notify those around him for certain reasons:


The strongest physiological factor that makes a child cry. In this case, babies usually use the so-called angry cry. This is the most common reason for roaring. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the digestive system, newborns eat often and little - their stomach is still very small. Any change in the amount of food received (usually downward) causes a violent protest in the child.

At the very beginning, if the child is hungry recently, the cry has an inviting note. If the mother does not respond and there is no food, hungry crying becomes prolonged and very emotional. They usually talk about him - crying avidly or "rolling."

To understand if the baby is hungry, it is enough to bring your finger to his cheek and slightly tickle. If he reacts to this by turning his head towards his finger, opening his mouth, and pronounced “search” movements of facial muscles, then there is no doubt that the child is definitely hungry. The op usually stops after the baby is fed. Frequent hungry crying is a reason to reconsider the diet of the crumbs. Perhaps he does not have enough breast milk to completely satisfy his hunger.

A pediatrician will help to understand this issue, who will assess the growth rate, weight gain of the crumbs, and suggest the necessary solution.


This is another strong physiological protest factor, since water is vital for a child. Babies who feed on breast milk are less likely to cry from thirst than artificial babies. If the crumbs feed on mixtures, suck out a sufficient amount of food by age, but still arrange loud "marathons" between feedings, then you need to consider thirst as the main reason.

It's easy to check the version - just offer the baby boiled warm water from a bottle or spoon. If after drinking the child calms down, the mother has no reason to worry. Distinguishing crying from thirst from hungry crying is difficult, but possible.

He, too, has an angry character, but, demanding water, the baby will not scream avidly, rather it will be more boring and monotonous crying.


Painful sensations cause reflex crying in the child. In other words, crying occurs before the urge to cry arises. Painful crying is always harsh. The screaming episode lasts until exhalation is complete, the child screams as far as the lung capacity is enough.

If the painful sensations are not very pronounced, the pain is dull and prolonged, then the crying becomes monotonous, aching, prolonged and mournful. It should be noted that different health problems cause different patterns of crying, more on this below.

Fear, fear, psychological reasons

It only seems that the newborn does not understand anything around. In fact, from the first days of their independent life, babies learn to feel and experience. As a result, a baby who is only a week and a half old is perfectly able to express boredom, fear, loneliness. Naturally, he will do all this with the help of crying.

As the gamut of emotions that will cause a cry and a tear in the child will grow, it will expand - by 3-4 months, the child begins to distinguish who exactly is with him and with affection for his mother, can cry in his father's arms. With crying, the child can accompany any mother's departure from home, as well as protest against being left alone in the nursery.

Very often, such crying quickly becomes manipulative.

The discomfort

Crying in a child can cause any violation of his ideas about a comfortable existence.

Wet or stained diapers usually cause loud protesting crying that does not stop even if the baby is picked up. In any case, the child will roar until the very change of the diaper.

Crying - plaintively and invitingly with sobbing - the baby can from the cold, if he is cold, or from the heat, if he is sweating.

Babies also feel uncomfortable in situations when the increased attention of a large number of people is shown to them. So, from overwork, in violation of the daily routine, the baby can be capricious. At the same time, crying will be aching, dreary, somewhat monotonous, with small pauses.

First of all, you need to exclude the physiological causes of the baby's roar.- hunger, thirst, discomfort. It is quite simple to calm a baby down with such a cry - the hungry one needs to be fed, the tired one should be put to bed, the wet one should be changed, the frozen one should be warmed up.

If the baby is full, he was given a drink, he is wearing dry diapers or a fresh diaper, the room is neither hot nor cold, but crying continues, you need to think about the causes of pathological pain-related sensations. And here there are so many options that it does not always make sense to understand the issue on your own. Sometimes it's easier to call a doctor.

Pathological causes of crying

While eating

Roaring while eating can be associated with a wide variety of disorders. The most common cause is a stuffy nose and impaired nasal breathing. If the baby cannot inhale through the nose, then it will be difficult for him to suck. He will throw a breast or a bottle, cry for a while, and then willingly take food again. The mother will be able to guess about such a reason by the characteristic angry puffing of her child.

The nose can be freed from the accumulated mucus with an aspirator, and vasoconstrictor drops can be applied. The problem will be solved.

When using vasoconstrictor drugs, the main thing is to remember that they can cause persistent drug addiction, so you should definitely consult your doctor.

A baby can also cry during feeding due to otitis media. In children, the auditory tube is quite interesting - it is short and more horizontal, and therefore nasal mucus and fluids easily penetrate into it. This makes otitis media one of the most common diseases at an early age.

With inflammation of the middle ear, babies cry quite commonly. At first - from hunger, and when they are offered a breast or a mixture, then, as soon as they begin to suck, they throw and are filled with a piercing cry. The fact is that during the sucking movements, the pain in the ear increases.

You can help your child by first making sure that the reason for crying is in otitis media. If you easily press your finger on the tragus (cartilage before inhaling into the auricle), then a child with ear inflammation will react sharply to such an action - the pain will intensify, crying too. If such a test gives a positive result, be sure to call a doctor and get an appointment - drops in the ear, possible recommendations for physiotherapy.

Some oral problems can also make it difficult for your baby to eat properly. For example, stomatitis. Anxiety and crying in this case will not be harsh and piercing; rather, the baby will whine, complaining of discomfort in the mouth while sucking. The child's mouth and gums are examined with clean hands, helping themselves with a small flashlight. If you find the so-called thrush in the mouth, as well as ulcers, you should definitely call a doctor and get an appointment for treatment.

A child may cry while eating because he does not like the taste of milk. For example, my mother ate garlic or something spicy, and the taste buds in the crumbs are very well developed.

With a piercing cry while eating, babies signal that air has entered the esophagus. This is possible if the baby swallows air while sucking, if the mother violates the breastfeeding technique, as well as with artificial feeding.

For artificial children, you need to use high-quality special anti-colic nipples and make sure that the baby does not swallow air. You can cope with such crying by making the child's condition easier. For this, the baby is turned into an upright position and lightly tapped on the back so that the excess of swallowed air comes out. After belching, the baby usually disappears from the feeling of pressure in the stomach and esophagus, and the crying stops.

If none of the above reasons are present, and crying while eating is constant, then you should definitely show the child to a doctor in order to examine the condition of his gastrointestinal tract in order to exclude serious pathologies, including congenital malformations.

After meal

A cry after eating may indicate that the child is suffering from infant colic. This phenomenon usually accompanies the first 3-4 months of a baby's life. Due to the imperfection of the digestive system, possible overfeeding, gas accumulates in the child's intestines, which press on the intestinal walls. At the same time, the kid cries loudly and piercingly, presses his legs, shakes his arms and legs.

A warm diaper, ironed and placed on the tummy, laid out on the stomach before meals, as this stimulates intestinal peristalsis, as well as preparations based on simethicone - "Bobotik", "Espumisan", will help to alleviate the baby's condition. It is useful to massage the baby's tummy in a clockwise circular motion.

This usually helps, but if the result does not work, you should again consult a doctor to rule out bowel problems.

In between meals

It happens that the baby wakes up earlier than his allotted time and begins to cry. If he ate well in the previous feeding, then there is no point in offering him food, this will only lead to overfeeding. In addition, many babies, when not hungry, refuse milk themselves.

The reason for such unscheduled wake-ups may well be discomfort due to a wet diaper, tight swaddling, which hinders movement, and the baby's arms become numb. Cold or heat also prevent the baby from sleeping peacefully. The fix is ​​pretty simple.

It is necessary to ensure that the room is no higher than 20-21 degrees Celsius, and the air humidity is at the level of 50-70%. Diapers should be sized and not squeezed or loose. Under them there should be no diaper dermatitis, diaper rash, irritation.

An uncomfortable climate can lead to crying attacks when changing clothes and changing diapers.

If the room is too cold, then these actions give the baby pronounced unpleasant sensations. An allergic reaction also interferes with normal sleep. Any dermatitis, accompanied by skin rashes, causes itching, discomfort, to which the child reacts by crying. Crying itself in this case has the character of a plaintive, quiet, alarming.

Uncomfortable clothes, the seams of which irritate the delicate baby skin, are also a common cause of tiny tears. If the reason for crying lies in this, then after the baby is provided with comfortable, seamless clothing made from natural fabrics, awakenings and crying will stop.

During and after swimming

There may be several reasons for such a roar. First, it is the temperature of the water. It can be unpleasant for the baby - too hot or too cold. It is best to adhere to the "gold standard" and warm your bathing water to 37 degrees.

Secondly, the reason for crying can be ordinary hunger, because many parents bathe their baby in the evening just before feeding.

In this case, it is worth revising the routine of the evening exercise, and shifting the bathing half an hour earlier, when the baby has not yet had time to get very hungry, or half an hour later, when the eaten is absorbed and will not be expelled out during water procedures.

During the massage

Babies very often react to massage by crying. If mom makes it, then roar during manipulations is less common. The invited masseur is a stranger for the child, his touch is unfamiliar to the baby, so they are not pleasant for him. A heart-rending cry during a massage may indicate that the pressing movements of an adult are carried out with excessive force, the child is simply in pain.

You should not continue the massage if the baby is crying. This procedure is wellness, and it should be enjoyable. It is worth waiting for the child to calm down and try again, replacing the pressure with stroking movements, and an angry tone with an affectionate song.

Therapeutic massage, the task of which is to correct certain pathologies (increased muscle tone is difficult to consider as a pathology, since it is characteristic of almost all newborns), always causes certain painful sensations in problem joints and muscles, crying is more than appropriate here.

If there is no way to refuse the procedures, then you just have to endure.

In the evening at the same time

This is a very common problem in families where a baby is growing up. Many parents see colic as the culprit. However, doctors are more inclined towards another explanation for this phenomenon - emotional crying. The child is tired during the day, has received new impressions, in the evening, as a rule, there are many events in his life - and massage, and bathing, and air baths. That is why evening crying, this is how systematically repeated sobbing is called, is a kind of emotional "outburst", because babies also need to somehow get rid of their worries.

In this case, the nature of crying in a child can be any- some children, tired, whine, others - hysterically screaming and bursting into tears. If a child cries before bedtime, does not calm down during motion sickness, or calms down, but not for long, you just need to treat this with understanding. Usually, the phenomenon disappears without a trace after a couple of months, when the child's nervous system becomes somewhat stronger. If the problem has dragged on, it is worth showing the baby to a neurologist, perhaps he will need to help with herbal sedatives, as well as herbal baths.

With impressionable and noisy babies in the evenings, you need to walk more in the fresh air during the day, let them express their emotions.

During urination or bowel movements

A child who cries loudly and piercingly before urinating, immediately after this action, may well suffer from acute pain that accompanies cystitis and other problems of the genitourinary system. It is imperative to pass the child's urine for analysis and show the baby to the pediatrician.

If the child is crying and pushing, it is quite possible that he has problems with stool, constipation. Usually, bowel movements for a baby should not be unpleasant. The baby grunts, but does not scream.

The appearance of screaming and tears during bowel movements always indicates that the child has health problems. It is necessary to show the child to the pediatrician, as necessary, to do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs to make sure that the child does not have obstruction, twisting of intestinal loops, that he does not have hernias.

Constant crying

A baby who cries most of the day and night definitely needs a thorough examination by a neurologist and pediatrician.

Quite often, the reason that the baby wakes up every hour, arches its back and cries loudly is increased intracranial pressure.

Heart-rending prolonged or long monotonous (on one note) crying for no apparent reason can speak of dysfunctions of the central nervous system. In other words, the child is well-fed, dry, comfortably dressed, he does not have constipation and bloating, but there is a protest.

Painful signs include roar, which is combined with:

  • disorders of motor functions;
  • violations of the position of the oculomotor muscles;
  • convulsions;
  • intermittent breathing, in which the child wheezes between crying attacks.

All of these conditions must be promptly examined by doctors. In some cases, it is worth calling an ambulance.

How to learn to understand the baby?

In fact, it is not difficult at all. As soon as mom and dad get to know their baby better, get acquainted with his preferences, character, they can quite accurately guess by the nature of crying what the child needs at one time or another.

Until the baby has mastered speech, he will have to put up with the fact that crying will be accompanied by cutting teeth, nausea, and attention deficit. Without exception, all babies want to be loved and require communication.

If not a single physiological or pathological reason for screaming has been found, and the doctors are just shrug their shoulders, you need to reconsider your style of communication with the baby, ask yourself if enough attention and affection, love and care is given to the baby.

Newborns almost never cry for no good reason. But already at 2-3 months, the child may well show his mood, emotions, fears and apprehensions. Parents should listen to their child more carefully. This does not mean that the entire family has to tiptoe and please the new family member. But all adults can know the true reasons for crying and take certain measures that correspond to the ideas of parents about upbringing.


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  • Why does a baby cry: determine and eliminate the cause

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    Digestion in a newborn in the first time after birth is only being formed. Weakness in the digestive system causes colic and cramps. Feeding causes pain and discomfort to the baby. But there are other reasons why a baby cries when feeding.

    Why does a baby cry when breastfeeding?

    During lactation, a woman should strictly monitor the quality of her own diet. Every woman in labor knows that carbonated drinks contribute to the formation of gas in the newborn's intestines, and spicy food changes the taste of milk. Flavored spices and vegetables (for example, onions, garlic, peppers) change the taste of milk, so the baby expresses anxiety and frustration by crying. Crying and screaming is the only way an infant communicates, which cannot express anxiety in words.

    When eating, a newborn may cry if a lot of air is swallowed. The air causes a pain in the abdomen, therefore, after feeding the baby, it should be raised vertically, slightly pressing it against you until it burps.

    One of the most common causes of crying is abdominal pain. In case of pain, the child screams loudly, draws his legs to his stomach, bends his body. Elimination of pain should be associated with a decrease in the amount of gas in the baby and the search for concomitant causes.

    Crying can also be caused by the amount of milk in the mother. With increased lactation, the child chokes, milk enters his nose. With a shortage, it is difficult for a child to suck out breast milk, the baby cannot satisfy hunger and is anxious.

    Breastfeeding crying

    Feeding from a bottle, an infant can produce gas just like breastfeeding. In addition, artificial people may worry about inflammation of the mouth. Mother's milk boosts the baby's immunity and protects his body in a natural way. Children on artificial feeding do not have such a natural barrier against microbes, the industrial mixture does not have such a quality. Inflammation of the oral cavity (thrush, stomatitis) can be complicated by pharyngitis, ear pain, and nasal congestion. All these symptoms require the consultation of a pediatrician.

    Nasal congestion can be a symptom of a cold or poor hygiene. A crust in the nose interferes with oxygen inhalation, and the baby is uncomfortable trying to both breathe and drink from the nipple. In order to avoid crusting, the baby's nose is cleaned daily with cotton swabs (not cotton swabs!) Soaked in petroleum jelly.

    When feeding, the newborn may have headaches (for example, due to intracranial pressure, hydrocephalic syndrome.). The pain is worse when swallowing food. For headaches, the newborn usually spits up food in a fountain.

    Crying can also be associated with teething. Before the appearance of the first tooth, the gum is usually inflamed, the child scratches it with a toy or a mother's finger. The reason may be in the short bridle. This problem can be noticed by a pediatrician.

    There can be many reasons why a baby cries when feeding. But health problems deserve special attention. If the baby is sick, he will not calm down from latching on to the nipple. A healthy child eats with appetite, and immediately falls asleep after feeding.

    Another reason why babies cry when they eat is because they don't like the taste of the mixture. The reason may be in an incorrectly prepared mixture. You need to mix it strictly according to the instructions, adhering to the dosage.

    Feeding errors

    It is wrong to think that when a child cries, he is hungry. Many young mothers immediately try to give a crying baby a breast or a bottle. But there are many more reasons why a baby cries. He can be cold, wet, scary. Therefore, in addition to physiological reasons, psychological ones should also be taken into account. Harsh sounds and noises during feeding scare the baby, he refuses to eat and cries.

    Improper feeding is a huge inconvenience for the baby. The baby cries if she cannot pick up the breast correctly. This is due to early accustoming to a pacifier, as well as alternate bottle-feeding and breastfeeding. When feeding with a bottle, the newborn has to make less effort, the mixture practically flows into the baby's mouth by itself. When breastfeeding, the baby has to apply more strength. If you can't suckle at the breast, the baby gets nervous and screams. The mother should make sure that the baby grips the nipple with the mouth and the halo around it.

    Pediatricians and obstetricians have already recognized the clock feeding system as untenable. With this practice, the child is offered food either when he has had a good hunger, or when he is still full. On-demand feeding is optimal. Within a few days after giving birth, the mother can tell how long after the last meal the newborn will want to eat again.

    Additional measures

    Dill water and special preparations to reduce gas formation help from colic in the first months of life. If your baby cries while feeding, it may be constipated. To facilitate bowel movements, it is worth massaging the tummy with gentle circular movements in a clockwise direction. If the child has not defecated for several hours, you can stimulate the anus with a cotton swab smeared with baby cream. A stick should gently irritate the anus until the baby poops. However, constant supportive measures lead to the fact that the child cannot then go to the toilet without assistance. Therefore, the same measures are resorted to in emergency cases. For the same reason, cleansing enemas should not be used frequently.

    The reasons why a baby cries may be in an uncomfortable environment. Too dry air in the room dries out the nasal mucosa, gives headaches. Periodically, you need to ventilate the children's bedroom, taking the child to another room for a while.

    You can't feed a screaming baby - this way the baby swallows air, he will be tormented by colic and bloating. First you need to try to calm the baby, and then offer him food.

    Constant crying, not only during feeding, but also during breaks between them, as well as during sleep, is a reason to be examined by a doctor.

    Your long-awaited and beloved baby has finally been born, you seem to be preparing for a meeting. But now you understand that you do not understand him a little. Why does a newborn cry constantly? How to calm a newborn? It seems that I’m doing everything for him, you will say, and his diapers are clean and well-fed and they wore a column after eating, but he still cries very often ...

    Do not worry too much, all children cry. This is simply the only way for him to convey something to you.

    A newborn baby cannot yet tell you what he wants or what worries him, so they try to convey their desire to you through crying. A newborn can cry for many reasons, but learning to understand what the newborn is asking for is not so difficult. But right away, of course, it's difficult to figure it out, and after a while you will learn how to do it. The main thing to remember is that the child cries differently depending on the situation.

    Here's some guidance on how to calm your newborn.

    1. The newborn is crying from hunger.
    The child tells you with his drawn-out cry that he wants to eat. At the same time, he may turn red and most often pulls the pens.

    In this case, of course, the baby needs to be fed, despite the fact that it is still very early in time.

    2. A newborn in wet diapers, in a wet diaper.
    The kid wants to inform you that he has already pee in a diaper or a diaper (even if it is reusable), and now he is wet and uncomfortable. They irritate the delicate skin of the newborn. And it does not matter for him whether it is day or night, it is uncomfortable in a wet one in any case. In this case, he kind of whimpers, sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker, and whimpers continuously. He may also have hiccups.

    How to calm a newborn: Just change his diapers or diaper, and if he is chilly, then cover the top with a blanket.

    3. The baby is uncomfortable in a diaper or clothes.
    He may cry due to the fact that the folds of an incorrectly swaddled diaper crush him or some small thing (a button, string, pebble, etc.) got into the diaper or clothes. Or maybe he's just tired of lying in one position and he wants to roll over. Such a cry begins with whimpers, and then he begins to scream, waving his arms and legs, trying to change the position.

    How to calm a newborn: Unfold the newborn and swaddle again, more carefully, so that there are fewer folds. Or try turning it over to a different position first.

    From the heat, the baby whimpers, the skin turns slightly red, and a rash (prickly heat) may also appear. He tries to free himself from diapers or clothes. You can measure the temperature, it can rise to 37.5 degrees due to overheating.

    How to calm a newborn: On hot days, try not to put reusable diapers on your child, use thin diapers and caps (you can also not wear a cap in the heat)

    5. The newborn is cold.
    If the baby is cold, he can cry piercingly, and then the cry becomes quieter and longer, and hiccups appear.

    How to calm a newborn: The kid needs to be dressed a little warmer. The fact that the baby is cold, you will be prompted by his cool skin of the abdomen, chest and back.

    6. The newborn cries during feeding
    During feeding, he may cry due to the inflammatory process in his oral mucosa. Or due to otitis media. With otitis media, it hurts the child when swallowing, so even if he is hungry and greedily grabbed your chest, after the first sip it will come off and start crying loudly. In this case, the crying of the child is very loud and shrill. He can throw his head back a little. With otitis media, crying can be not only during feeding, but at any time, even at night.
    Even during feeding, he may cry when his nose is clogged, and it is simply difficult for him to breathe. Especially if the baby has a runny nose.

    How to calm a newborn: For all three reasons, you must, of course, call a doctor. And from the clogged spout, you can suck off the nozzles and continue feeding.

    7. The newborn cries after feeding.
    It is quite possible that he got into the stomach and air with food, this often happens. And now he has a stomach ache. In this case, the child bends his legs to the stomach, frowns his forehead and cries pitifully.

    How to calm a newborn: First, check if you are applying the baby to the breast correctly. Does it capture the nipple halo? or just the nipple? The baby should not smack too loudly while sucking. Secondly, after feeding, do not forget to carry it in a "column" (in an upright position) until it regurgitates or just mines. 15-20.

    8. The newborn cries from intestinal colic.
    You will immediately recognize this cry, it will be very piercing and there may be breaks between the cry. He kind of asks you for help, says that he is in pain. Boys suffer from colic more often than girls. And firstborn babies are more likely to experience colic than subsequent babies. Children of anxious mothers can also experience colic. There are many reasons for colic in the abdomen: these are still immature internal systems of the child, and allergies, or maybe mommy ate something unsuitable for the baby. And a large amount of gas bubbles accumulates in the baby's tummy. These gaziks put pressure on the intestinal wall, and the baby becomes painful.

    How to calm a newborn: First, try to warm the baby a little, put his tummy to your belly, or you can warm the tummy with a heating pad, folded several times and ironed with a hot iron with a diaper. You can also give dill water or activated charcoal to drink after feeding. There are also special drugs for children that can be bought at the pharmacy, for example, "Espumezan"

    9. A child has diaper rash on the skin
    It is such irritation of the skin, due to a late diaper change or due to the fact that a diaper is put on wet skin. Deal with it simple enough. You need to closely monitor the child.

    10. The baby cries when he pees
    If this happens systematically, then the baby may have an inflammatory process in the bladder. If this is accompanied by a fever, better call a doctor.

    11. Constipation in a newborn baby - or the baby cries when pooping.
    To avoid constipation in a newborn, it is better for mother to breastfeed the baby, rather than formula. If it is not possible to breastfeed, then give your child some water throughout the day. Can you deal with constipation slightly irritating the anus of the child. To do this, lubricate the sharp tip of the thermometer with sunflower oil and insert it into the anus, about 1 cm. And move it forward and back a little. After that, the baby may be soaked or pooped. In any case, it will become easier for him and he will calm down.
    Crying during bowel movements occurs due to the irritated anus of the child. To avoid this, wash it off more often, after each time you urinate and after pooping.

    12. The kid is tired.
    Little kids get tired too. When tired, the baby not only whimpers, but also loses interest in the environment. He would have to rest, sleep for a while, but they cannot always fall asleep themselves. He needs a little help... You can shake it in your arms, you can sing a song, or you can bathe before going to bed, you can still take it out to sleep.

    13. The child is teething
    Some children are very painful to tolerate the appearance of teeth and cause discomfort. Look after the child. Is he drooling? Is he biting his fingers or something else? maybe he refuses to breast, because of pain in the gums? Also, the baby may not have appetite and sleep patterns are disturbed.

    How to calm a newborn: wash your hands well and massage gently on the baby's gums. You can give a cold ring to chew. You can smear the gums with a special ointment. Sold in pharmacies.

    14. The kid wants to communicate.
    A child, just like an adult, has a desire to communicate or not to communicate. To be alone or not to be alone. Therefore, if there are no obvious reasons for the crying of the child, and he cries despite this, just try to take it on handles and have a little chat with him. sing a song or just talk or look at him.

    15. The newborn does not want to sleep.
    If it's time to put the baby to bed, and he is capricious and, as it were, crawls out of the diaper, then he is not yet ready to go to bed. Unwrap him, let him walk a little.

    16. The newborn cries for no reason.
    This does not necessarily indicate his illness, most likely he just has an easily excitable nervous system. With such kids you need to walk more often, and in the room do not turn on loud music or TV. And take away bright lights and loud rattle toys.

    It will also be very useful to see video of Dr. Harvey Karp on how to calm a crying baby in 2-5 minutes. He will teach you how to calm your baby in just five steps. After all, newborn babies are born not yet fully developed and they need to get used to the new world around them. In the first three months of a child's life, such an adaptation takes place. Harvey Carp called this period "The fourth trimester of pregnancy." In general, be sure to look, it will help you a lot, because if your baby cries less, then you will be able to rest more, and you will need a lot of strength. 🙂

    All the children are crying. And if it is not difficult to find out and understand the reasons for crying in big children, then it is not so easy to understand why a newborn child is crying. After all, the usual methods of communication are not yet available to the baby, and he is also unable to cope with his own, even minor troubles, on his own.

    The main reasons for crying

    The main reasons for crying a newborn baby are related to the most important needs and problems for him: hunger, pain, fear, thirst, discomfort, hypothermia or overheating, overwork, desire to communicate.

    At first, parents find it difficult to understand why their little baby is crying. But, communicating with him on a daily basis, the mother begins to distinguish between the types of children's crying by intonation, volume and duration.

    How to understand the reason

    The most powerful irritants for any person are hunger, pain and fear ... Therefore, we will hear the loudest and most abrupt crying in a newborn in these situations.

    1. Crying when hunger will be loud, lingering, its intensity gradually increases and turns into a choking cry. If the child is just beginning to feel hungry, then crying will be inviting. Advice to young mothers: if the child is hungry, he will start looking for the breast as soon as it is in your arms.
    2. Crying in pain , as a rule, mournful, its intensity does not change, only sometimes there are notes of despair. If the pain has arisen suddenly, then crying will immediately be loud and loud.
    3. Crying associated with fear , starts suddenly, it is loud, sometimes hysterical. It may just stop suddenly.

    Parents should react to such crying immediately and not wait for the child to calm down on his own. In other cases, the screams will first be inviting, and then, if the baby is still uncomfortable, certain features will appear.

    Conscription cry - This is an attempt by the crumbs to declare their problems. It is quiet and short, repeated at short intervals. The kid screams for a few seconds and then waits for your reaction. If there is no answer to the “request to come”, then the crying is repeated, with each repetition the cry will be louder.

    Why does a child cry if nothing hurts and is not hungry?

    1. If wet diapers bring discomfort to the child, then the cry will be whimpering, and the baby will fidget, trying to move from the wet place. If a child is wearing an overflowing diaper, then he will show signs of discontent in his arms.
    2. If the child is cold, then crying will gradually turn into hiccups with sobbing. Your baby's skin is pale and cool to the touch.
    3. If the child is overheated, then crying is accompanied by a reddening of the face, the crumb makes flapping legs and arms, his skin is hot.
    4. When overworked, the baby begins to be capricious, cries at any attempt to entertain him, but calms down with motion sickness.
    5. If you need to communicate or contact with your mother, the baby cries invitingly and calms down when he hears the approaching footsteps.

    Knowing the underlying causes of crying can help you calm your baby down. It is enough to eliminate the reason: feed the hungry, sleepy rocked, change the diaper or clothes if necessary (if the baby is overheated or cold). Crying because of pain can be difficult, because it is not always possible to immediately eliminate its cause. But the main thing here is to be patient and behave calmly.

    Watching the video:

    Note to moms!

    Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

    Other situations

    Babies sometimes start crying when bathing, feeding and even sleeping. There are many reasons for such screams.

    Baby crying while bathing

    • Cold or hot water - the water temperature before bathing must be checked with an "elbow" or a thermometer, it should be 36-37 degrees C. (Article: child);
    • This procedure scares the baby - try to talk about each action in a calm tone while bathing and distract the child, any of your actions should be gentle and smooth (Article: The child is afraid to swim :);
    • You are insecure, your fear is transmitted to the child - stop being afraid yourself and invite someone to help you with bathing;
    • There are areas of inflammation on the child's body (diaper rash, mosquito bites, scratching) - try to prevent the appearance of wounds;
    • Add to baby's bathing water;

    Crying while feeding

    • While feeding, the baby feels pain. This happens with inflammation of the oral mucosa. (stomatitis,), with infections (sore throat, ears), with swallowing large amounts;
    • The kid doesn't like the taste. Milk changes with the abuse of strong-smelling foods or foods with a pungent taste (what). Particles of rancid milk can remain on the surface of the nipple, so the breast should be washed before feeding. The product that is used to treat the breast before feeding has an unpleasant taste and smell for the baby. (

    The baby was just born, and now he is constantly crying. And mothers, especially those who gave birth for the first time, are going crazy, because they still do not know why the baby is crying and cannot recognize the “signals” of their baby. How to determine why a newborn is constantly crying, how can you help and whether it is actually necessary to help him?

    Why does a newborn cry: the main reasons

    If adults start crying, then, most likely, they are really bad, that is, there was some kind of trouble, at the same time quite serious. As for babies, they are not so unambiguous. First of all, this is their nature: the baby begins to cry, as he cannot express his emotions and feelings in another way. Therefore, defining the crying of children and why this is happening, no need to panic. You need to be optimistic!

    However, there are more serious reasons why a baby is crying. We need to systematize them. Among the most common reasons for crying are the following.


    This is exactly the cry that stops immediately after the mother takes the baby in her arms. The kid is scared, he cannot "live" while alone in this world, therefore he begins to call for help. Instinctively, the child needs to feel the warmth and smell of mom. There is no need to worry that the child will become "tame" and spoiled. Tactile contact with mom - it is as a way to calm the baby, as well as stimulate his mental and physical development.

    Thirst and hunger

    The first thing that adults must think of as to why a baby is crying is that he is hungry. Food is a very important need for a baby, and in the first years of his life he “speaks” with crying about hunger. Fortunately, determining if your baby is hungry is fairly straightforward. You need to offer him a mixture or a breast. By the way, in the first 4-5 months, especially when the baby is breastfeeding, he has not yet developed a diet. Most mothers do not feed the child according to the regimen, but when he requires it. Therefore, it is quite logical that adults have not yet been able to adapt to the nutritional needs of their child.

    If the baby starts crying nervously and loudly, taking short breaks, then, most likely, the baby is hungry. You can offer the baby formula or breast.

    The crying of a hungry child has certain characteristics., by them it can be distinguished.

    After eating, the baby immediately calms down.

    Sleep, overexcitement and overwork

    A very common cause of crying and sometimes hysterics in a child is overexcitation of the nervous system. The baby's body is still quite weak, it is difficult for him even to control his own body. Therefore, he begins to tire quickly. And when, along with this, the child overloaded with impressions and overexcited, then the load on his body increases. As a result, the child has a strong desire to sleep, but cannot fall asleep. The consequence is a hysteria with "chokes" before going to bed, which can frighten inexperienced mothers very much.

    In order to prevent this problem, it is necessary not to forget that the baby certainly needs a sleep regimen, and it must be organized so that the child can easily relax, and that nothing interferes with the baby. Measured noise, a well-ventilated and semi-dark room - these are the main nuances.

    When the child is overexcited, overworked - wait for tears! Children “release” nervous tension by crying. Often this is precisely what causes children's tantrums before bedtime. Try not to play tricks an hour or two before bedtime..

    It is for this reason that pediatricians do not advise taking an infant up to a month (and indeed babies up to one year old) with you to noisy and crowded places, to football matches, concerts, etc. Do not invite a crowd of relatives and guests. This is harmful both in terms of overexcitation and in terms of the health of the baby (the baby does not need to get extra viruses and bacteria from strangers).

    What can be done when a child starts screaming and crying? You need to pick him up, shake him, give him a chest. Certain babies can be reassured by swaddling them tightly.


    Your baby may start crying before urinating. It's just that certain children still cannot understand what this process is, and may be frightened if they start to write. In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

    But here you need to be quite careful.... Crying is sometimes also caused by an infection of the urinary tract. Also, often in boys, fusion of the foreskin is noted, it can be diagnosed by narrowing of the urethra and a stream of urine "sideways", and in girls - an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs. The crying of a baby in these cases at first looks like a whimper, however, before starting to write, the child begins to scream and cry violently. At the same time, an increased temperature is an indicator that inflammation occurs in the genitourinary system. An urgent need to contact a pediatrician and comply with its appointment.


    When a child has small cracks in the anus, then defecation causes him pain and discomfort. You need to pay attention to such symptoms: the child is pushing, grunting, crying, frowning. As a rule, this problem appears due to frequent constipation. In the case when the baby regularly has constipation, then you need to consult a doctor and pass the necessary tests.


    Colic is one of the most common causes of crying. in children. Most often, they begin to torment infants after feeding before bedtime. In the intestines, the gases are quite painful, so the child suddenly begins to cry, shuddering, as if he had been pricked, arching and pushing hard. In certain babies, the cry begins to turn into hysterics "excitedly". Crying continues until the colic episode ends.

    In order to alleviate the baby's condition, he needs to do a “clockwise” massage of the abdomen, as well as very simple gymnastics: bend the legs and press them tightly against the stomach, lifting the ass, then straighten and align until it stops. When straightening, the child farts, which indicates that the gas is coming out and he will soon feel better.

    When colic is your "headache" every day, and the baby often cries, then you need to tell your doctor about it. Besides gymnastics and massage, he will recommend other remedies.

    Cold and heat

    Toddlers don't like being very cold or very hot. In both cases, they begin to feel discomfort. Therefore, the question arises, how to determine if the child is hot or cold?

    When the baby is overheated, then he will scatter arms and legs to the sides, whimpering sluggishly. Touch the baby: the skin will be hot. In infants 5-6 months and older, increased sweating is already likely, because the skin cover may be moist. The most important indicative are folds on his body. Sweat has collected in them.

    When the baby is wrapped up all the time, a disease such as prickly heat may appear. Red pimples itch and itch, which sometimes cover the entire body of the child. This will be another reason why the newborn is crying..

    When a child is cold, his crying resembles screams, at the end they turn into whimpers and moans. Moreover, the baby is actively pulling his arms and legs. Hiccups are often a sign of extreme coldness. In this case, it should be noted that hiccups are not all the time a symptom of hypothermia, but if a child begins to hiccup, then you need to first make sure that he is not cold. It is very easy to find out. Feel its legs and arms. When they are cold, wear mittens or socks on them. The tummy, chest and back can help determine exactly whether the child is freezing. When they are cool, you need to keep your child warm.

    Crying in a dream

    Almost all mothers noticed that a newborn baby cries in a dream. There may be several reasons for this:

    There is no need to wait for the baby to wake up completely. Take a crying baby in your arms and shake it, attach it to your chest. More often than not, this is exactly what he needs.

    Other reasons

    When all the needs of the baby are satisfied, but at the same time he continues to cry constantly, then you need to pay attention to such reasons.


    Probably, he is already small for the baby and begins to pinch his legs. It is necessary to check if the diaper leaves red streaks on his skin. When he leaves, then you need to think about purchasing diapers that correspond to the weight of the baby.

    A child can cry even if when he emptied into the diaper, or he is full of urine, and the parents will never guess to replace him. The child is quite uncomfortable lying in this diaper, and he, naturally, will fiddle and worry.


    It is necessary to regularly and carefully study the baby's body for the presence of allergic reactions. Redness and rashes may itch and cause anxiety for your baby.


    In most children, teeth begin to erupt not earlier than six months. When your baby is about 6 months old, you can slowly check his gums. Crying may well be caused by this very reason. It is easy to define "teeth": the baby will scratch his gums, put his fists in his mouth, get nervous, drool. Certain babies have fever.

    You can calm the baby in the following ways:

    • To begin with, purchase a special freezing gel for the gums, it will be able to eliminate unpleasant symptoms;
    • He also needs to purchase a special "tooth-comb" with water inside. It needs to be put in the refrigerator, the water is cooled and directly cools the baby's gums pleasantly, creating relief.

    Is it good to cry?

    On the vastness of the Internet (and many of our grandmothers also think so), one can find statements that crying for a baby is useful: this is how the lungs develop and open. However, this is not true. In fact, it is harmful to cry for a baby, this negatively affects his character and health.

    Nikolay Pavlovich Shabalov, renowned Russian neonatologist and pediatrician, MD talks in his book "Childhood Diseases" about the dangers of crying. In addition, he argues that crying (especially with "rolling") is dangerous for health, due to the fact that during a prolonged cry, the child begins to breathe shallowly, because of this, ventilation of the lower lungs is impaired, and the function of the diaphragm decreases. From the respiratory process, certain areas can even "turn off" the lung.

    When the baby is constantly crying, and even with rolling, the result is the appearance of bronchospasm, and then atelectasis will appear - this is a condition of the lungs, which is characterized in them by a partial or complete absence of air. The main complications of atelectasis are bronchiectasis, pneumosclerosis and pneumonia.

    Attention: Healthy babies don't cry for no reason! When a baby cries all the time, it is abnormal, you need to understand what is bothering him and get rid of the discomfort.

    Don't leave a crying newborn baby unattended! In addition to the reasons listed above, the baby may bump, get entangled, fall, the handle or leg gets stuck in the bed bars, the child may hit himself with a toy, etc. ... When you hear crying, then you need to go up and check why the child is crying.