How to give birth faster. Proper breathing during childbirth. What is the danger of post-term pregnancy

Women want to give birth faster because it is difficult to walk on the last dates, swelling appears, and the lower back hurts. To start and speed up the process, massage, exercise, and dietary adjustments are used.

Postterm pregnancy leads to complications in childbirth, abnormal development of the fetus. It is allowed to prepare for contractions from 38 weeks, when the uterus is ripe for the appearance of a baby.

Complications in the post-term:

  1. fetal hypoxia;
  2. deformation of the head;
  3. aging of the placenta;
  4. change in the umbilical cord.

At home, labor is stimulated on the recommendation of a gynecologist. In the early stages, there may be complications associated with the health of the newborn, unavailability of the uterus.

Labor can be provoked only for medical reasons:

  • large fetal weight;
  • opening of the neck;
  • the absence of contractions after the outpouring of water;
  • term more than 40 weeks;
  • multiple pregnancy.

In a maternity hospital, medications and tablets are used. They speed up the smoothing of the neck, cause contractions. Amniotamia is often used - a puncture of the amniotic fluid with a medical hook.


  1. term less than 38 weeks;
  2. narrow pelvis of a woman in labor;
  3. placental abruption;
  4. heart disease.

What you need to do to give birth faster:

  • massage of the nipples and breasts will help;
  • hot bath;
  • aromatherapy;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • exercise, yoga.

The procedures will not harm the fetus, they will contribute to the onset of labor. Each method is effective in late gestation.


Massaging the breasts and nipples helps to give birth faster by increasing the production of oxytocin. A pregnant woman can independently carry out the procedure, ask for help and a spouse.

How to massage the nipples:

  1. apply massage oil or fat cream;
  2. stroking, light movements to stretch the chest;
  3. the procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes;
  4. it is allowed to repeat the session 4 times a day.

Perineal massage is suitable for those who want to give birth faster. The muscles become elastic, well stretched at the time of the passage of the fetal head. The likelihood of rupture of the cervix is ​​reduced.

Perineal massage technique:

  1. take a warm shower;
  2. lie comfortably with pillows under your back;
  3. lubricate the perineum with massage oil;
  4. thumbs are inserted into the vagina with stretching movements;
  5. the duration of the session is 5-7 minutes.

The procedure is performed regularly without interruption, starting from the 39th week of pregnancy. Hands must be clean. For sensitive skin, wear medical gloves. Acupuncture, or acupuncture, stimulates the uterus, helps speed up labor, and improves blood circulation. Only an experienced specialist is allowed to supervise the process.

During the preparatory period, acupuncture is carried out:

  • to the highest point on the head;
  • on the palm of your hand, between your thumb and forefinger.

Acupuncture during pregnancy lowers blood pressure, enhances labor, eliminates pain during labor.

Physical activity

Better to choose walking, walking stairs. Fresh air will improve oxygen access to the fetus, improve blood circulation. It is allowed to carry out light general cleaning in the apartment.

Exercises will help to induce contractions:

  1. on the fitball. Jumping while sitting on the ball improves blood flow to the uterus, provokes contractile activity;
  2. climbing stairs is an easy activity. Blood flow increases. If you walk a lot, you can give birth faster, reduce pain;
  3. shallow squats, 10 sets at a time. They put a load on the muscles, contractions begin;
  4. Kegel exercises. Lying on your back strains the muscles of the vagina, hold it for 3-5 seconds and relax. Perform 100 repetitions.

Swimming in the pool can induce labor faster. Water pressure reduces swelling, improves blood flow to the uterus.

Yoga helps to give birth through breathing and posture. A position is chosen that involves the whole body at once. If a woman has never done yoga, simple and understandable exercises should be chosen.

Asanas for calling contractions:

  • The mountains;
  • Frogs;
  • Dove;
  • Crescent.

Thanks to the force of gravity, each yoga posture stimulates the uterus to contract. During the exercises, they use the breathing technique, relax, think about the pleasant. We must not forget that it is possible to provoke contractions only at full term.


Sexual relations between spouses in the last weeks of pregnancy can cause contractions and quickly give birth to a child. This is due to the fact that the semen contains the hormone prostaglandin, which softens the cervix in a short time.

  1. improves mood;
  2. provokes the release of endorphins;
  3. softens and relaxes the neck;
  4. increases blood flow to organs.

You can have sex regularly starting at week 39. Sexual intercourse does not affect the child, the fetus is protected by the amniotic membranes and is located far enough from the vagina.

The uterus becomes mature when it is completely softened and shortened. From this moment, the opening of the cervix begins, which is necessary for the birth of an infant.

Poses and tips for their use:

  • riders. The wife is on top. It is important to avoid sudden movements;
  • classic. The belly can be uncomfortable, but the woman will be comfortable;
  • On knees. Do not bend in the back, exclude deep penetration;
  • lying on its side. Does not put pressure on the abdomen.


  • the risk of premature birth;
  • bloody issues;
  • outpouring of water;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • placenta previa;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus.

If contraindicated, sex will lead to complications. During intercourse, if you experience pain, bleeding, you should stop the process and consult a doctor.


To quickly give birth to a second child, foods containing fiber are added to the diet, which stimulates the contractile activity of the uterus. There is a cleansing of the body, relaxation.

What to eat to give birth faster:

  1. parsley;
  2. beet;
  3. pineapples;
  4. chilli;
  5. seaweed;
  6. prunes;
  7. chocolate;
  8. dried apricots.

Products stimulate the intestines, cause spasms. The initiation of labor helps the body with contractions.

Chocolate leads to the production of hormones of happiness, reduces pain. It is believed that one bitter tile speeds up the opening of the neck in half. It is important to remember that sweets in large quantities cause allergic reactions.

What can you drink for childbirth:

  • currant, beetroot juice;
  • decoction of raspberry leaves;
  • dried fruits compote.

Drinks are a mild laxative. During bowel cleansing, pressure is exerted on the rectum and uterus.

How to make raspberry broth:

  1. 2 tablespoons of dry leaves pour 400 ml of water;
  2. bring to a boil, boil for 7 minutes;
  3. cool to room temperature;
  4. take three times a day, 100 ml.

A contraindication to the use of a decoction of raspberry leaves is up to 35 weeks. Substances in the plant cause uterine tone, miscarriage.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, do not eat in large portions. The amount of clean water is reduced to 1-2 liters to avoid edema. It is forbidden to eat food during labor, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Traditional and medical methods

Folk ways to give birth faster are based on the use of herbs and decoctions. Before using them, it is recommended to discuss with your doctor possible complications, side effects, contraindications.

Folk remedies:

  • Castor oil. Causes uterine contraction. A dosage of 50 ml provokes spasms, discharge of water;
  • consumption of olive oil on an empty stomach increases the elasticity of muscle tissue, reduces the likelihood of rupture;
  • raspberry leaf tea. A delicious drink prepares the uterus for childbirth. It is important to know that tea lowers blood pressure;
  • aromatherapy. Tunes mom in a positive mood, relaxes. They use lavender and orange oils.

If a woman is kept in the hospital before giving birth, and the pregnancy is more than 40 weeks, doctors prescribe medication to stimulate. The drugs act in a short time, avoiding complications.

Medication methods:

  1. amniotomy. Bladder puncture causes the outpouring of water. From this moment labor activity starts, contractions appear;
  2. Mifepristone tablets. They contain a hormone that expels the fetus from the uterus. Effective from 40 to 42 weeks of gestation. Do not affect the child;
  3. droppers. Oxytocin provokes contractions, is used to make contractions start faster;
  4. injections. Desaminooxytocin accelerates cervical dilatation.

The drugs cause contractions, the outpouring of water, so you can start giving birth faster. Spasms increase the pain, as the process proceeds at an accelerated pace. If labor is medically induced, attempts come in the next 6-8 hours.

What not to do

There are a number of restrictions during pregnancy. Compliance with the rules will make it possible to avoid complications during childbirth, early contractions and outpouring of water.

What not to do:

  • lift weights, jump and run. Increased physical activity leads to bleeding, placental abruption, premature birth;
  • in winter, ice should be avoided. Falling will adversely affect the woman's health, rupture of the amniotic fluid may occur;
  • have sex in the presence of contraindications, outpouring of water;
  • you can not drink alcohol. Champagne is believed to help start labor pains, but alcohol is prohibited;
  • use folk methods for diseases of the heart, kidneys.

Giving birth quickly is not always good, as the baby may not be ready to go out into the world. If the uterus is not mature enough, the chances of rupture are high.

How to help yourself give birth faster:

  1. follow your doctor's recommendations. The gynecologist will tell you how to provoke childbirth without harm;
  2. from the 37th week of pregnancy, begin to massage the perineum. The oil will smooth the muscles, prepare them for the process;
  3. monitor the diet. The menu should be balanced, include vegetables, fruits, fiber-rich foods.

A woman will intuitively understand when it is time to prepare for childbirth. If there are contraindications, stimulation of contractions will lead to adverse consequences, slow down the process, and cause bleeding.

Natural and medical methods of accelerating labor are used only if indicated. Massage of the breast and perineum, sexual intercourse, and light exercise will help provoke contractions. Yoga and breathing exercises will relax your body and improve your mood. From 42 weeks, it is allowed to use medications containing hormones aimed at contractions of the uterus, outpouring of water.

The question "how is the birth going" worries not only expectant mothers, but also their husbands: both those who decided to support their spouse in a difficult process, and those who are waiting for the appearance of heirs outside the hospital.

The complex process of giving birth to a baby is divided by doctors into several periods, each of which has its own tasks, coordinated actions of the woman in labor, the child, the midwife and the doctor are aimed at solving them. In some cases, the intervention of an anesthesiologist, surgeon, neonatologist, resuscitation team is required.

Mothers who are not going through childbirth for the first time are often interested in this issue, and most importantly, they want to make childbirth easy, because they are well acquainted with the sensations. We will tell you about how a baby is born, what a woman in labor feels and how to make the process easier and more painless.

Pregnancy is a natural state for women of childbearing age, during this period the body is aimed at bearing a child, therefore, the work of all organs and systems is activated, hormonal and physiological loads are sometimes too great.

Often pregnant women during this important period get tired of the "burden" of a new life developing in them and dream of childbirth, as of getting rid of it.

But childbirth, like any natural process, does not occur spontaneously. Some time before their onset, a woman begins to feel a complex of symptoms, according to which it can be assumed that delivery is near.

This is due to a change in hormonal levels, because progesterone, the hormone of preserving pregnancy, gives way to estrogen, the hormone that prepares the body for childbirth. It is he who is "responsible" for the process of "attuning" a woman to the successful birth of a baby. Future mothers rejoice at these moments, as these are the harbingers of an early acquaintance with a long-awaited baby.

Conventionally, you can divide the signs into those that can be determined independently and those that can only be seen by an obstetrician-gynecologist during examination.

Here are the signs that a woman can feel on her own:

  • short-term uterine contractions, the so-called. Their task is to train the smooth muscles of the uterus, as athletes train muscles in order to minimize stress on the body and prepare the woman's body for the birth of a child. That is why these contractions are called "training".
  • reduction in the size of the abdomen. This sign is due to the fact that the baby's head, with correct presentation, descends into the pelvis, preparing for childbirth. In this case, the uterus descends, freeing the diaphragm and lungs, breathing is easier, and heartburn is less common.
  • discharge from the genital tract. This symptom is often confused with the leakage of amniotic fluid in which the baby develops, and this worries expectant mothers. In order not to worry in vain, you can buy special tests at the pharmacy, similar to those that detect pregnancy, and determine at home whether there is amniotic fluid in the discharge.
  • weight loss by 1-2 kg and a decrease in visible edema of the extremities. If before the elastic from the socks left a visible mark, now it becomes almost invisible.
  • change in posture and gait of a pregnant woman: this sign is associated with a shift in the center of gravity and fatigue from a prolonged state of pregnancy. The head is slightly thrown back, and it is more convenient for a woman to walk in small steps, slightly springy: such a gait is called "duck".
  • an increase in the frequency of the urge to go to the toilet, a loosening of the stool (associated with the release of the birth canal so that the baby's head can freely squeeze through it).
  • pulling pain in the lower back and abdomen. Ligaments are stretched, and this is a natural process during childbirth. Many women, answering the question of how the second birth went, miss this sign, because they did not feel it: their ligaments were already prepared by the birth of their first child.

There are only two symptoms by which only a doctor can determine the proximity of childbirth: a decrease in the volume of the abdomen during the next measurement (performed in the supine position), as well as softening and partial opening of the cervix, a change in its structure from elastic to looser.

The harbingers of childbirth are not the same: for every woman, this process can take place in its own way, depending on the hormonal background, on physical fitness, moral and psychological state and other points. It is also important whether a woman is giving birth for the first time or she already has children.

In primiparas, the process of preparing for childbirth is smooth, gradual, and takes from two to three weeks. In addition, in most cases, the harbingers of childbirth generally go unnoticed.

In multiparous, Brexton-Hicks contractions come earlier, and the time after the mucous plug leaves before childbirth is reduced, so it is especially important to listen to yourself and your feelings if you are not heading to the hospital for the first time.

How is labor going? Step-by-step process

The harbingers of childbirth are becoming more tangible, training contractions are bothering more often, the time is rapidly approaching the 40th obstetric week of pregnancy. All this suggests that childbirth will begin soon.

If a woman in labor arrives at the hospital by ambulance or on her own, as she feels that the delivery has begun, then the birth is called urgent. True, in some cases it is required to go to the hospital in advance so as not to miss their beginning and to avoid complications.

Doctors conditionally divide the whole process into three periods:

  • contractions;
  • attempts;
  • birth of the placenta.

For the first time, the whole process can take even more than 12 hours, the second, third and subsequent ones take much less time. Often, future dads wonder how women are giving birth in order to decide whether to take the opportunity to attend the first birthday of their son or daughter. Many of them are afraid of pain and blood, they are afraid not to withstand the suffering of their wife and to faint if they see any medical manipulations.

In this case, it is important to determine the purpose of your stay during childbirth. Nobody asks the husband to intervene or observe the process itself "from the side of doctors." The main goal of a man should be the moral and physical support of his wife, as well as the willingness to solve some bureaucratic or technical issues (call a doctor or midwife, help fill out documents and make important decisions).

Let's talk about each stage of labor separately.


The first contractions occur quite rarely, with large and uneven periods of time, but gradually they become more pronounced and painful. During this period, the mucous plug, which closes the entrance to the uterus, may come off, if it has not been separated earlier. Most often, contractions become regular after the rupture of amniotic fluid.

In a hospital setting, in order to stimulate or speed up labor, doctors resort to a puncture of the fetal bladder. But wherever the water is poured, at home or in the hospital, pay attention to the quantity and quality.

If there are few of them, perhaps the outpouring is incomplete, and their greenish color with flakes and dark inclusions may mean that the baby is experiencing oxygen starvation, he is already uncomfortable in the womb and it is time to get out with the help of professionals.

During a contraction, a woman in labor is required to endure pain, not panic and breathe correctly. Frequent, rapid breathing will saturate the blood with oxygen, which means it will provide a comfortable state for both the mother and the baby.

The contractions are getting stronger, and after a few hours the doctor or midwife, upon examination, diagnoses a strong dilatation of the cervix: by 4 fingers, approximately 8-10 cm. This indicates the approach of the period of attempts.


Attempts are actually the expulsion of the fetus, in the language of official medicine. It is difficult to find a woman who does not know how the first birth goes: most often, expectant mothers read a lot on this topic, attend courses or practical exercises for pregnant women. But even the most theoretically trained can get confused before the beginning of the period of attempts.

In this case, midwives or a doctor come to the rescue. They will show and tell you how to push to have a baby quickly and with the least amount of problems. If all goes well, the very process of pushing the baby out will take about 25-30 minutes. It is important to direct muscle movements to the small pelvis, follow the advice of specialists and not give in to panic.

If an impressionable husband of a woman in labor is present at childbirth, at the moment of attempts he can leave the birth, because at this moment his presence is not so necessary.

Expulsion of the placenta

The placenta is a muscle sac, an organ that arises and develops during pregnancy and dies at the end of it. For 40 long weeks, the placenta fed the baby with oxygen, communicated with the expectant mother, and after a certain period of time, the “child's place” is rejected from the woman's body.

Usually, the expulsion of the placenta occurs in the next contraction after the birth of the child, but there are times when the organ does not separate on its own. In this case, the doctor can help the woman in labor to get rid of it: usually the placenta is removed manually under general anesthesia, and this entails additional sick leave days.

How is the first birth going?

If a woman is pregnant for the first time, she is more attentive to her body, to the changes taking place inside it. But, in the absence of experience, some processes are noticed by her later.

So, the first movement can be detected after 20 weeks. By the way, those who know firsthand how 3 births take place sometimes assure doctors that they felt the first fetal movements between 12 and 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Most often, the first births last longer than the subsequent ones, so you can take your time to the hospital, because there you will have to tirelessly walk around the prenatal ward in anticipation of an increase in the frequency of contractions.

Important! If you are giving birth for the first time, but previously you have had late miscarriages or premature labor for medical reasons, then your body is already ready for the delivery process, which will take much less time.

Otherwise, the first childbirth is the same as in those women who have given birth several times, if everything goes without complications.

How can you make the process easier?

Basically, women, telling, or following, note that the longest and most painful period is the first: contractions. That is why those who have experienced the birth of a child, when they get to the hospital for the second and third time, ask to anesthetize the period of contractions.

But the process can be facilitated without resorting to medical anesthesia. Let's talk about several methods.

  1. Massaging your lower back during contractions will help relieve pain. On your own or with the help of your husband, massage the sacrum with soft, wide movements of the palms. It helps to relax muscles, distracts and therefore reduces discomfort.
  2. Singing, reciting poems, or even dancing will help to distract from the painful sensations. It relaxes the body, tunes the woman in labor to a positive, helps the baby go through the difficult process. By the way, in India, women traditionally dance during childbirth a ritual dance called "bally dance".
  3. Leaning slightly forward on the couch, on the wall, or on the husband's back is very helpful and makes the contractions much easier.
  4. Do not panic, feel pain as a natural part of childbirth and experience it as a positive experience in your life: this is wise and will lead to a decrease in problems in childbirth.

The last and most important advice: you need to listen to your body and to the baby inside, do not forget to pay attention to the words and tips of experienced specialists accompanying your birth, trust yourself, your feelings and sensations.

Significant help will be provided by the presence of the child's father at childbirth: like the process of pregnancy, this is an important stage in life together, you can also live it together.

We must not forget that childbirth is a natural process, and a woman's body is prepared for it by nature itself, so there is nothing terrible or incomprehensible, it is enough to get the necessary information in advance.


When all the planned terms of childbirth pass, and the woman is still "in position", should be examined for prolonged pregnancy. If the doctors do not find this, then we can recall several harmless ways to bring the onset of labor closer without resorting to medication in the hospital.

One of these methods is sexual intercourse, which is familiar to all pregnant women. The essence of this method is that the seminal fluid of men includes prostaglandins, which are able to stimulate the onset of the labor process.

Physical activity and massage

Reasonable physical activity, such as walking, especially up the stairs, cleaning the house, especially mopping, and traveling to shops and markets, will also help you give birth faster.

Many women can be helped, mainly in the area of ​​the nipples. Nipple massage initiates the release of the hormone oxytocin, which is a powerful stimulator of uterine contractions.

Intensive cleansing enemas also initiate uterine contractions and so can give birth faster.

Stimulating labor with nutrition

Many folk remedies on this topic take as a basis the consumption of food, with the inclusion of beets and parsley. The use of small doses of castor oil also helps.

Depending on the individual characteristics of a woman, performing one or more of the listed actions is very likely to actively contribute to the onset of labor very soon.

Aromatherapy should also be tried. Effectively, breathe pink rose oil, jasmine, buy an aroma lamp, (breathe four times a day).

Traditional methods of stimulating contractions

Traditional methods recommend the following procedure: after the last meal of light food, at about 16 00-18 00, after a couple of hours, perform a salt enema (a tablespoon of salt per liter of water). Following this, drink fifty grams of castor oil, eat a small piece of black bread with salt or lemon. It is better to drink oil in three doses from a salt spoon. Acts quite quickly, maybe within an hour or less.

On the other hand, you should remember about the genetic predisposition to overmaturity - find out if your mother and grandmother gave birth a little later than forty weeks, apparently, this is your "family term", in which case it is better not to speed up labor.

If it is already a diagnosis, and the child needs help, in this case, the woman is placed in the hospital and the stimulation of labor begins. Here drugs are injected to soften the uterus, then gently stimulate labor with medication.

However, most often, the onset of labor is stimulated by opening the fetal bladder, since the discharge of water, because this procedure causes the uterus to contract rapidly. This is a simple and accessible procedure for all doctors, and it is used. But it is normal to preserve the bubble, then the progress of the child is softer.

This period in her life will be special and unforgettable. However, when childbirth, it would seem, is just around the corner, many pregnant women lose their nerves, and they increasingly begin to think about how to give birth faster and not harm themselves or the baby at the same time.

What is childbirth?

Before wondering how to give birth quickly, you first need to know what childbirth is. In simple terms, we can say that they represent a natural physiological process that ends the period of pregnancy. As a result, a long-awaited baby is born, and the so-called afterbirth is expelled from the body. But at what stage of pregnancy should you expect this exciting moment and the first long-awaited meeting with your child?

Doctors say that pregnancy is considered full-term at exactly 37 weeks, that is, 259 days, which start counting from the first day of the last menstruation. From this point on until the 42nd week (293 days), childbirth can occur at any time. If they come before the 37th week, they are considered premature, and the baby is premature. If the baby is in the womb for more than 42 weeks, it is called post-term, and childbirth is belated.

Signs indicating labor is around the corner

Naturally, every pregnant woman is concerned about how to give birth quickly and painlessly. However, this is far from the only thing that a future mother should worry about. Just before childbirth, there comes a period when the woman's body prepares for this crucial moment and portends that the baby will soon be born. If you are extremely attentive and listen to the sensations, it is impossible not to notice these signs. So, among the signs of an impending birth, the following should be noted:

- the stomach "falls";

Breathing becomes much easier;

There is frequent urination, as well as defecation;

Back pain is felt more often and becomes more intense;

Appetite changes;

Body weight decreases insignificantly (within 1-2 kg);

There are frequent mood swings;

False contractions appear from time to time.

In primiparas, as a rule, these signs appear 2-4 weeks before delivery. Right now, they are especially beginning to worry about the question of how to give birth quickly. Multiparous people feel these changes taking place in their body, directly on the eve of childbirth.

What do pregnant women need to know about the stages of labor?

Before asking doctors and friends for advice on how to give birth quickly, you must first collect as much information as possible about how this process proceeds directly. In this sense, it should be noted that it is customary to distinguish between 3 main periods:

  1. Dilation of the cervix is ​​the longest period (on average from 4 to 14 hours), starting from the moment the contractions begin and up to the outflow of amniotic fluid. Under the pressure of regular contractions, the cervix begins to open gradually. When its opening is about 4 cm, the contractions will be painful, and the interval between them will be approximately 5-7 minutes. Further, every hour the cervix will open 1 cm.
  2. Expulsion of the fetus. The beginning of the second stage of labor is marked by pushing. Although this is not the longest part of labor, it is still the most painful. It was during this period of time that women had only one thought in their heads: "How to quickly give birth to a child and press this long-awaited miracle to the breast as soon as possible?" However, in order to avoid various injuries, doctors recommend that women in labor lie on their backs and breathe correctly. The appearance of chills, spasm of the respiratory tract, as well as severe tremors in the limbs is possible. From the beginning of the second stage of labor until the birth of the baby, it takes from 20 minutes to 2 hours.
  3. Expulsion of the placenta is the shortest period of labor, which takes about half an hour on average. At this time, the so-called afterbirth (placenta, umbilical cord and membranes) departs.

What kind of childbirth can a woman choose?

Until recently, most pregnant women thought only about how to give birth quickly and at the same time not feel severe pain. However, today, for many, it is not only the duration of this process that matters, but also the maximum comfort. Thus, today, expectant mothers have the right to independently choose how and where to give birth. So, the following types of childbirth are currently practiced:

Tired of pregnancy. How to give birth faster?

It's no secret that pregnancy is very exhausting for a woman. Plus, it is accompanied by frequent mood swings, often poor health, insomnia, increased fatigue and irritability. Often women dream of seeing their baby as soon as possible by 39 weeks. "How to give birth faster?" - this question becomes the main one for every second representative of the fair sex. The fact that childbirth can be induced at home is not a myth. This is indeed the case. However, how do you do this?

First, this can be achieved through banal sex. The essence of this method lies in the fact that at the moment when a woman reaches orgasm, the uterus is toned, which can trigger the onset of labor.

Secondly, it is necessary to note such a method as nipple stimulation. How this will happen - with the lips of a partner or with the help of fingers - in fact, is not so important. In addition, this method brings double benefits: on the one hand, it is able to provoke contractions, and on the other hand, it improves the shape of the nipples, which will come in handy when breastfeeding a baby.

Thirdly, the effectiveness of such simple methods of stimulating labor as brisk walking, heavy physical activity, the use of homeopathic and phytopreparations, and the use of a number of foods, such as pineapples, should be emphasized.

Are “natural” methods of inducing labor safe?

When discussing "natural" methods of stimulation, it should be noted that without first consulting a doctor, experimenting and using them is not only wrong, but even dangerous. The consequences of such "initiative" are sometimes disastrous. Therefore, before you experience various folk methods on yourself, you need to ask your doctor for advice. He will conduct an examination and give a final conclusion on whether the body is ready for childbirth or whether it is worth having patience and waiting a little.

At the end of pregnancy, a woman's desire to give birth as soon as possible is understandable, because it just becomes physically difficult for her. However, this in no way speaks of the child's readiness to be born. Based on this, it should be borne in mind that in order to avoid further complications and the birth of an immature baby, you should not rush, but rather be patient and wait a little longer.

Medicinal methods of inducing labor

39 weeks of pregnancy is over, but the question of how to give birth faster is still relevant. For 40 weeks, the baby lives in the mother's tummy and, it seems, is in no hurry to be born. However, it sometimes happens that, for medical reasons, the doctors themselves insist on the early birth of a child. In this case, medicinal methods are usually used, provoking the onset of labor. These include:

Instead of a conclusion

No matter how strong the desire to give birth faster, to see and hug your baby for the first time in your life, you should not artificially bring this exciting, unlikely moment closer. It is possible that the impatience that was the result of the fatigue accumulated over the entire period of pregnancy can play a cruel joke and turn into the most deplorable consequences not only for the mother, but also for the unborn baby. The risk is too great and unjustified. If you had the strength to hold out and carry your beloved child under your heart for 38-39 weeks, then will another week or two change the situation? It takes quite a bit - to have a little more patience and wait.

Of course, pregnancy can be safely called the happiest time in a woman's life. However, many people want to bring the moment of the birth of a baby closer to the world for certain reasons. Some are afraid to carry babies and thereby put them at risk of medical problems. Some are simply tired of all the symptoms that are characteristic of pregnancy:

  • persistent swelling;
  • back pain;
  • toxicosis;
  • a large belly that interferes with normal movement.

This leads women to look for different methods of what to do to give birth faster. In the "secret treasury", every pregnant woman has several unconventional methods, such as:

  • rearranging furniture;
  • regular stairs;
  • general cleaning, which includes washing floors, windows and the like.

However, one should not forget that it is impossible to engage in provoking labor activity "at will". This can be done only when the child becomes physiologically mature (approximately starting from the 38th week of pregnancy and not a day earlier). In addition, the general condition of the mother's body should be taken into account, namely, it should be ready for the onset of labor.

Below we will consider the methods that can be applied by expectant mothers in order to induce contractions, their main pros and cons.

The main ways of what you need to do to give birth faster

The main methods of how you can give birth to a baby faster are presented:

  1. Through sexual intimacy. This method can be attributed to one of the most common methods. Often the gynecologists themselves advise couples to use it. Of course, immediately after sexual contact with your husband, childbirth will not begin immediately, but this will thoroughly help soften and smooth the cervix, which will lead to a decrease in the duration of contractions. If a woman manages to get an orgasm during physical intimacy, the muscles of the uterus will contract sharply. This may well provoke the onset of labor. But having sex during pregnancy must be done carefully so as not to harm the baby. The following rules must be observed:
  • choose a position during sexual intercourse such that the woman's belly and breasts are not subject to pressure;
  • artificial provision of lubrication, since it is not released during pregnancy.
  1. Thanks to the stimulation of the nipples. The onset of labor is completely dependent on the hormone oxytocin, which is very interesting, because when a woman's nipples are stimulated, the body releases the same hormone. Of course, the expectant mother can stimulate the nipples on her own, but you can also involve her husband in this activity. You do not need to pinch them too much, twist them too. You should lubricate your fingers with massage oil or baby cream, and then gently knead the nipples: first one, then the second. In time, such a procedure should take about 20 minutes. You can repeat it up to four times a day. By the way, this can not only provoke the onset of contractions, but also prepare the nipples for breastfeeding, protect against the appearance of possible cracks.
  2. Through physical exertion. Many pregnant women are convinced that this method is the most effective among all the others. But here you need to be extremely careful, because it is not difficult to overdo it in this matter. Alternatively, you can do gentle gymnastics to maintain muscle tone, maintain overall health, and skin elasticity. However, it is forbidden to lift all sorts of weights, to rearrange bulky furniture, to run up the stairs without rest. Such manipulations can lead to both the complete depletion of the female body and endanger the life of the expectant mother and baby. Such actions can lead to premature placental abruption.
  3. Thanks to olive oil. No one can say for sure that this method will help to give birth faster. However, it is definitely possible to get some benefit from its use. The oil will help increase the elasticity of the perineal tissue, which will significantly reduce the risk of tearing during labor. Drink it according to the following instructions: before meals at least three times / day, 1 tsp.
  4. Thanks to raspberry leaf tea. Raspberry leaves contain a substance that can have a tonic effect on the pelvic organs, the uterus is no exception. It is necessary to brew 3 tbsp. l. dry leaves with boiling water (1 liter), leave for about 2 hours.

The tips listed above are considered common and relatively safe. However, there are other tips that are less known among the general public of women in labor, but they can also help provoke labor and, accordingly, give birth faster. It is worth noting that they do not differ in safety, and gynecologists categorically prohibit their use in practice, so as not to harm themselves and the child.

  1. Small amount of alcoholic. A glass of red wine will help relax the nervous system - and the result will not be long in coming. But doctors oppose this theory, since it has no medical confirmation. But the fact that alcohol harms all organs and systems of the body is a scientifically proven fact.
  2. Some food items. Today, there is a theory that spicy foods are effective in stimulating the onset of labor. However, doctors also denied it. In their opinion, spicy food, at best, will lead to heartburn, and at worst, it will provoke the development of acute gastritis. For this reason, putting yourself and your child at risk is not worth it.

What can a post-term pregnancy threaten

Indeed, doctors identify a number of complications that can be caused by a post-term pregnancy:

  1. Deformed baby head. During a post-term pregnancy, the baby loses the natural ability to reduce the size of the head when passing through the birth canal. During normal pregnancy, they seem to go behind each other and thus reduce the size of the skull.
  2. The risk of developing intrauterine fetal hypoxia. It is known that every day of pregnancy, the baby needs more oxygen. And the placenta in the post-term is no longer able to satisfy this child's need. As a result, the development of hypoxia can be triggered.
  3. Changes in the umbilical cord of the placenta of a pathological nature. The placenta is characterized by aging. During a post-term pregnancy, it stops supplying the baby with oxygen in full, as well as other nutrients. This can negatively affect the child.