How and when to take a pregnancy test to get an accurate result. Tests that will show an increased level of hCG in her blood

A pregnancy test is the easiest and fastest way to determine if you are pregnant even before a delay. There are many types of pregnancy tests available today with varying sensitivities. Which and how best to choose, what kind of pregnancy tests are, what are their reliability and accuracy, the principle of operation and the likelihood of error, when to do a pregnancy test, how to carry it out correctly - all the most important things about pregnancy tests are collected in one place.

How to use a pregnancy test

Despite the fact that this is a very simple device, its uniqueness and value cannot be overemphasized! Modern girls cannot imagine life without home pregnancy tests, because without leaving your home or in any place convenient for this, you can conduct express testing and urgently find out whether you are pregnant or not.

The pregnancy test is truly one of the greatest inventions of mankind! But in order for it to show a true result, it must be done correctly, in compliance with all instructions. Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to use the pregnancy test and how to carry it out correctly is attached to each package of tests, regardless of their quality and cost. But the experience of other girls and women is also of great importance in conducting such tests and reading the results! The Internet community is the best place to find out all the nuances and details. Experienced women and specialist doctors share their knowledge with girls who are just getting to know the tests, their purpose and capabilities, advantages and disadvantages.

When will a pregnancy test show you are pregnant?

In addition to the fact that a pregnancy test must be carried out without fail, adhering to the instructions and not breaking the rules, you also need to know exactly when testing should or can be done in order to get a true result.

It is not only the day of the menstrual cycle that matters here, the duration of the delay in menstruation, the time of day. Many women specially prepare for a future pregnancy, plan it, undergo a number of procedures and activities aimed at achieving their cherished goal of conceiving a child. And they are interested in when it is possible to do a test to find out if their attempt was married to success in this menstrual cycle.

Other women, on the other hand, fear a possible pregnancy and resort to various methods of terminating it. And they are also interested in when a pregnancy test should be performed after taking Postinor, after an abortion or after a miscarriage.

The answer to any question you are interested in can be found! Do not worry ahead of time: in any case, it will be as it should be!

In modern conditions, any woman is able to independently determine pregnancy without going to a gynecologist.

For this, an express test is used. How does it work and at what time is it recommended to conduct the research? This issue is worth understanding in detail.

Features of the pregnancy tests

The principle of operation of any devices for the diagnosis of an interesting situation lies in the presence of simple indicators that react with a hormonal substance - chorionic gonadotropin. HCG begins to be rapidly produced when the ovum is introduced into the uterus.

There are several types of express tests:

  1. Test strip: a marker strip containing impregnation zones is used for research. If a woman is pregnant, when urine interacts with the reagent, 2 strips will appear, and if not, only one. To conduct testing, the device is immersed in urine for 10 seconds, after which the result is expected for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Tablet test: more complex device. It looks like a flat plastic box with small windows. One of them is a urine bag, where urine is added with a pipette, and the other shows the result of the analysis. After placing the biological fluid inside the tablet, the reaction of the reagent and chorionic gonadotropin occurs, followed by staining of colorless tissue.
  3. Jet: it is an elongated device with a receiving end, where there are many microscopic tubules. Through them, urine flows into the device cassette, where the reagent is placed. There is no need to prepare a special container for testing. Bring the receiving end under the urine stream for a few seconds, and after 3-5 minutes evaluate the reaction.
  4. Digital test: it has a display where the result is displayed. If the girl is pregnant, the message "pregnant" will appear, and when not - "not pregnant". To test, place the tip of the device in urine and leave it for 3-5 seconds. Evaluate the result that appears on the screen.

Chorionic gonadotropin reagent is applied to any type of test. If a woman has enough hormone in her urine, a positive reaction will appear. Depending on the device, special designations appear: stripes, letters or signs. When there is not enough hCG in the female body or it is absent, a negative result will be revealed.

How many days after intercourse the test shows the result

As much as you want to know if you are pregnant or not, you will have to be patient and wait a bit. Chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced in the female body after the ovum is attached to the uterine wall.

After unprotected sexual contact, fertilization does not occur immediately: it should take 5-7 days. Keep in mind that with the onset of the specified time, the concentration of hCG in the urine is minimal, and the test will show a negative or doubtful result.

If you are anxious to get the result, test it right away when your expected period is delayed.

How many times is it better to do research? Experts recommend purchasing 2-3 devices for accurate confirmation of pregnancy.

How long will the result be as accurate as possible?

Undoubtedly, you are interested in the question: how quickly can pregnancy be diagnosed after unprotected PA?

Suppose a woman has a standard cycle of 28 days. A ripe egg will leave the follicle on the 14th day. When a female reproductive cell meets a sperm, conception occurs. The fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity and is implanted into the uterine wall on the fifth day.

When pregnancy occurs, if you count from the first day of the menstrual cycle, about 19 days from the date of the last menstruation, hCG begins to be produced. The concentration of the hormone doubles every day, and on days 23-25 ​​of the cycle it will reach 32 mIU / ml.

The indicated content of the substance will be just enough for an accurate diagnosis of the "interesting position". The express test will show a positive result.

When a woman goes through an IVF procedure, it is better to diagnose pregnancy no earlier than 2 weeks after embryo replanting. In case of a successful transfer of the embryo, the device will show the coveted stripes.

At what time of ectopic pregnancy the test will show the result

With various pathologies of the fallopian tubes, due to which patency is impaired, there is a threat of the development of an ectopic pregnancy. This is a condition where the ovum attaches to the tube wall, neck, ovary, or abdominal organs.

Ultrasensitive tests can diagnose fertilization within a week after implantation. However, a second, dim, pale streak will appear on the device. Sometimes the analysis shows a negative result.

With ectopic pregnancy, there is a failure of chorionic gonadotropin to enter the urine. Its content is not sufficient for normal interaction with the reagent. A few days later, when the concentration of hCG in urine should increase markedly during uterine pregnancy, the rapid test will also show a fuzzy line without becoming more noticeable.

If you find that the dynamics of the study are abnormal, this is cause for concern. Be sure to see a doctor to understand the situation and stop being nervous.

The doctor will prescribe a blood test for hCG: in the early stages of gestation, its content there is higher than in urine. The specialist will also perform an ultrasound scan to confirm the pregnancy and determine the location of the crumbs.

When is it more likely to get an accurate result?

Ovulation occurs about 2 weeks before your period. If conception occurs, after 5-7 days the fertilized egg is implanted into the uterus and begins to produce hCG. If you calculate, then the substance is produced by the day of the expected menstruation. After implementation, the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin doubles every day.

Suppose a fertilized egg is attached on the 7th day after ovulation, the hormone content increases to 2 mIU / ml. The next day, the value of the substance increases to 4 mIU / ml. By day 9, it will reach 8 mIU / ml. Even ultrasensitive tests are unlikely to be able to diagnose pregnancy, since they detect hCG at a concentration of 10 mIU / ml.

Let's continue counting. On day 11, the hCG content will increase to 32 mIU / ml, and all rapid tests can determine conception. If ovulation occurs later, a positive result will also come later.

What day to do the analysis depends on the type of express test itself and the quality:

  • when its sensitivity is 25-30 mIU / ml, pregnancy can be checked when the first day of missed period comes;
  • if the sensitivity of the express test is higher and is 15-20 mIU / ml, fertilization can be confirmed two days before menstruation;
  • at a low threshold of sensitivity, the device determines the concentration of hCG in urine in 10 mIU / mg. Pregnancy is diagnosed 4 days before the expected period, however, there is a high probability of getting a false result.

In early gestation, the effectiveness of rapid tests ranges from 97 to 99%. In order not to get a negative or questionable reaction, manufacturers recommend always testing after a delay in menstruation. If you have purchased a non-defective product, the procedure will be correct in most cases.

The specialist tells about the timing and features:


When pregnancy proceeds without pathology, rapid tests determine its onset correctly. Sometimes some women violate the instructions for use and carry out diagnostics earlier than the specified time, receiving erroneous results.

If you want to determine exactly whether conception occurred after unprotected intercourse, do the study only with the onset of a delay in the expected menstruation, when the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin rises to the required level.

When receiving repeated positive tests, be sure to contact your gynecologist to confirm pregnancy and registration.

For every woman, the birth of her baby is an incomparable happiness. But not all couples manage to become parents right away. Every unsuccessful attempt, long wait and fear have a strong impact on the mental state of the expectant mother.

A woman's body is a very complex thing, and such a complex device is associated with the function of childbirth. It is clear that if the menstrual cycle "gets lost" even for a couple of days, there is a possibility that a new life has arisen inside. But it happens that a woman has some health problems, as a result of which her period did not come on time. The simplest and best option to calm down and eliminate all doubts is a pregnancy test. But how do you figure out which is the best pregnancy test? In order not to get lost among the variety of products and find out which test is really good, you need to understand what each of them is and what they are.


The pregnancy test itself is an opportunity to determine potential conception. Doctors divide a huge number of modern tests (electronic, digital, ultrasensitive) into three main groups:

1) test strips;

2) tablet;

3) inkjet.

The most common are test strips, which are made in the form of small pieces of paper and impregnated with special reagents. After the paper strip comes into contact with the woman's urine, after a while it is possible to understand whether pregnancy has occurred (negative result when one strip appears, positive - the presence of two stripes). Plus, when using such a test, the price is low. The downside is that it is not always possible to get the correct result.

Tablet tests look like two small windows. A potential mom should enter her urine into the first window. After a couple of minutes, you will see what happened in the second window. These tests are somewhat more expensive than the strips, but they are more accurate.

Home guesses

Any of the options mentioned is a rapid pregnancy test. Gynecologists advise to carry out such tests on the fifth day after a delay in menstruation. You can choose them based on confidence in any manufacturer, material wealth, and the desire of the woman herself. Even the most expensive tests should be carried out strictly according to the instructions, because it is important to obtain reliable data. Whatever the result, you should plan a visit to the doctor, because you should only be observed by a specialist.

The conclusion from the above can be made very simple. When a woman chooses the best pregnancy test, she should pay close attention to its sensitivity, indicated on the package, and its cost. If she wants to know whether a new life has arisen in her or not yet, it is better not to dwell on cheap tests. The choice of the type of test does not affect the accuracy of determining the result, because the principle of action is absolutely the same for them. The only difference is usability.

Pregnancy is a certain state of the body, which means the birth of a baby, after a certain period of time. It can be identified by some of the symptoms.

When a woman is looking forward to the birth of her first child, she is trying to find any hints of pregnancy in all the changes in her body. Many believe that when irritability or nausea appears, that's all, they are in a position! Although, most mothers really found out about their pregnancy precisely by these signs. Of course, all this may suggest the presence of pregnancy, but, unfortunately, such signs do not always arise when determining this interesting position.

How was pregnancy recognized in women in ancient people?

A thousand years ago, ancient people were already able to recognize the first signs of pregnancy.

Ancient Egyptians, in order to find out about the woman's interesting situation, they prepared a special "test drink" for her , which consisted of a special herb and milk from the mother, who was breastfeeding the boy. If such a mixture after its use caused the woman to vomit, then this verdict was confirmed - she is pregnant!

Previously, pregnancy was determined by numerous signs

And here old Jews asked women who might have a pregnancy, walk on the soft grass. After that, they studied her tracks and made certain conclusions. But, unfortunately, the details of how exactly they could determine pregnancy by prints have not reached our days.

The main symptoms and signs of pregnancy

The real existence of pregnancy in a woman can only be confirmed tests that will show an increased level of hCG in her blood , or if the doctor listen to the baby's heartbeat in the womb, or ultrasound results ... All other methods are only possible signs and symptoms.

Accurate signs of pregnancy

Elevated hCG levels - the presence of a large amount of pregnancy hormones in the woman's blood. It begins to grow a week or 10 days after the conception process. This analysis is quite accurate in determining pregnancy. Having donated her blood from a vein to any laboratory, a woman will be able to find out about her situation, even before her period is late.

Listening to your baby's heartbeat is carried out by a gynecologist using an electronic or wooden stethoscope. The doctor can hear the baby's small heart beating in the womb at 10-12 weeks. Its heart rate is between 120 and 160 beats per minute.

Ultrasound - this is an ultrasound examination of a woman, which is preferably carried out at 7-12 weeks. With its help, you can establish the exact duration of pregnancy from 2 or 3 weeks.

The doctor can hear the fetal heartbeat with a special device

TO signs of pregnancy can include such phenomena or sensations as:

  • Small discharge in the form of a few brown drops that you can find on your panties. This may not be the start of your monthly menstrual cycle, but implantation bleeding ... It occurs as a result of the search for the uterine wall, a cell that will eventually become a child. She, as it were, "travels" through the mother's sexual passages and is looking for a suitable place for herself where she will grow and develop in the future. it one of the earliest signs which, in general, cannot always prove itself.
  • Constant fatigue and feeling of weakness... Most women who are not yet aware of their situation believe that they are simply tired or sick. But this may be true. Because the first reason for weakness is decreased immunity ... Some expectant mothers may even have a runny nose and cough.
  • Increase in basal body temperature... If you think that you will have a baby, then do not be lazy to monitor your basal body temperature during the menstrual cycle. Are you really pregnant if your the temperature will rise to 37 degrees , or abruptly will go down one day in the II-nd phase of the bleeding cycle. This process is referred to as "implantation sinking", the main reasons for which are a decrease in the production phase of the hormone progesterone in the middle of the second phase of the cycle, which is responsible for the state of temperature. Or, when the hormone estrogen begins to be released. He is responsible for lowering the temperature.
  • Sensitive breasts... In cases where at some point you have an increased sensitivity of the nipples, then it is likely that you have a pregnancy. This symptom may appear only 14 days after conception ... Your breasts can make themselves felt even with the most gentle touch. It may also slightly swell and hurt a little. Darkened skin around the nipple areola may also indicate pregnancy.
  • The emergence of noticeable tubercles of Montgomer, which are on the nipple of the breast. They are tiny lumps on the areola of the breast that resemble goose bumps ... These bumps are absolutely harmless, but their appearance can signal an interesting position of a woman.

    Nausea, intense sensitivity to certain odors- This is a classic well-known sign of pregnancy. It makes itself felt with 3rd to 8th week after the conception process ... More than half of expectant mothers met with similar and unpleasant sensations. This symptom may also appear when you are very overeating or poisoned. Therefore, do not rush to rejoice if you have such an indicator in the morning.

    Insomnia or sleep disturbance appear in many pregnant women, due to certain changes in their body. That is, despite the fact that they go to bed early, expectant mothers still do not get enough sleep. They can also fall asleep in the middle of the day , even in the workplace. If your robot is serious and responsible enough, then it is advisable for you to change it, or move to a quieter department. On this occasion, it is not worth much worried. It's just that the body gives all sorts of signs about its new status.

  • Delayed monthly menstrual cycle considered the most common sign of pregnancy. Noticing its failure, we begin to assure ourselves that we are pregnant and immediately run to the pharmacy for the test. But, in the event that a woman has an irregular bleeding cycle, then you should not rely only on a delay.
  • Lumbar pain or in the back can become quite tangible. Such unexpected "lumbago" in the lower back of the expectant mother can manifest itself throughout the entire period of bearing the baby, periodically letting itself know.
  • Unpleasant bloating may occur due to the fact that during pregnancy the woman's intestines become "lazy". He ceases to monitor well the level and process of gas formation. Also, a similar phenomenon can be felt because the intestinal walls begin to swell a little.
  • Frequent urge to urinate... Two weeks after conceiving a baby, a woman can feel frequent urge to use the toilet, at a small ... They are explained by what happens in her body change in her hormonal background - stretching of the uterus and growth of the fetus, which constantly presses on the outer membranes of the bladder.

Frequent urination can be a sign of pregnancy.

How do you know if you are pregnant without medical tests?

Do you want, but do not know how to determine if you are pregnant or not and you do not have the opportunity to purchase a medical test? Then this can be done using other methods, including folk. Many women prefer to seek help in a period of uncertainty with pregnancy precisely to the proven folk grandmother's methods. Therefore, we will reveal to you some secrets that will help you know that you are in a position without a test.

Of course, you can find out exactly about pregnancy without using a test after an appointment with a gynecologist, an ultrasound scan, or by taking daily body temperature measurements.

5 ways to find out if you are pregnant (without using a test):

Method 1 (Truthfulness 5: 5)

Take half a liter of warm water and dissolve a few potassium permanganate granules in it, until light pink in color. After that, add a small amount of your fresh morning urine there. Look, if the color of the resulting solution turns light yellow and lightens - the result is negative. If the color has not changed and small flakes have appeared, then you are 100% pregnant.

Method 2 (veracity also 5: 5)

Collect a small amount of morning urine in a clean container and add a few drops of iodine to it. Pregnancy will not be confirmed if it immediately spreads on the surface of the urine. And if the droplet lingered on the surface for some time, then your result is positive, you can start celebrating this good news.

Method 3 (degree of truthfulness 4: 5)

Prepare a white sheet of paper and wet it with your urine. After that, put a few drops of iodine on it. And watch out, if the color of the paper turns blue, then you are not pregnant. And if a bright purple or lilac shade appears, the result is positive. This method is one of the most reliable. Although there may be inaccuracies due to the different composition of the paper.

Method 4 - (truthfulness 3 of 5)

Collect morning urine in a clean bowl and pour wine into it, in a 1: 1 ratio. Then follow the result: if the resulting mixture remains light and transparent, the result will be negative. And if it turned cloudy and slightly changed its consistency, it became like cottage cheese - congratulations, you are a future mother.

In fact, the degree of truthfulness of this method is not high, due to not always high-quality inexpensive wine. It must be completely free of dyes and various chemical additives that affect the results of this test.

Method 5 (truthfulness 2: 5

Take your morning urine and place it in a container in which you bring it to a boil. Then pour it into a clear glass container. See if you are pregnant for flocculation in your urine.

This technique does not have a high level of truthfulness, because when boiling, the protein that is in the urine can simply curdle. As a result, it will be difficult for you to distinguish it from the resulting flakes.

How wonderful it would be if a woman knew right away that she was pregnant! But unfortunately, a woman does not always notice characteristic changes in her body, and pregnancy can manifest itself in everyone in different ways. Each woman is so unique that you cannot fit everyone to any specific standards in the manifestation of the first signs of pregnancy. Someone does not have them at all during the first two months, so it is all the more important, with the slightest suspicion of an “interesting situation”, to immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Fertilization of an egg can occur a day before and within a day after ovulation. A woman can feel the first signs of early pregnancy only after 7-10 days from the onset of ovulation. The "culprit" of such changes is hCG or chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that appears in a woman's urine and blood only after the embryo is attached to the uterus.

Until the moment of implantation, that is, the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, it is impossible to determine the pregnancy, and the best time for the test is the first day after the delay in menstruation. Of course, there may be many other reasons why your period never started. These are hormonal disruptions, and stress, and a shift in the cycle due to active sports, and the result of taking antibiotics or contraceptives, and finally, just a change in climate or environment.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is individual for each woman, on average it ranges from 28 to 36 days. The delay is easy to determine if every month a woman marks the beginning of her period on the calendar. For women with an irregular cycle, although they are completely healthy, it is more difficult to determine whether pregnancy has occurred in the first days of a delay in menstruation.

Increased basal temperature

Many women have come across the need to measure their basal temperature in one way or another, because it helps to establish the time of the onset of ovulation, that is, the days when the chances of getting pregnant are maximum. A high basal temperature remains throughout the luteal phase, that is, the time until ovulation.
An increase in basal temperature with a delay in menstruation can be safely attributed to the first signs of pregnancy. If the temperature is above 37 ° C for 1 week after ovulation, then pregnancy has begun. If not, then gradually the temperature drops, and menstruation occurs, as usual. This temperature is measured by means of an ordinary thermometer, in the vagina or in the rectum. It is important to measure your BT immediately after waking up, while still in bed, at the same time every day. An example of a BT graph during pregnancy can be seen in the photo.

Lack of menstruation

As mentioned above, the absence of menstruation at the right time does not always mean that a woman is pregnant. On the contrary, there are cases when menstruation still occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. Monthly bleeding during pregnancy differs from usual in color and amount of discharge.
On the other hand, even a decrease in menstruation and their rapid end is also not always an indicator of pregnancy - the duration of menstruation may be affected by various changes in the hormonal background in the female body, which have nothing to do with pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting

Most women consider nausea and feeling unwell in the morning to be the first sign of pregnancy. Of course, nausea can also occur with poisoning, stomach or liver disease, but nausea especially in the morning hours is characteristic precisely for the state of the expectant mother. It happens that toxicosis worries a woman throughout her pregnancy. At the same time, women who really want to get pregnant and who, on the contrary, are panicky afraid of this, may also feel nauseous in the morning.

Changes in taste preferences

During pregnancy, you may experience a strange sensation of changing the taste of familiar foods. You may want something unusual in food, often those products that a woman did not like before.

Breast tenderness and enlargement

From the first days of pregnancy, the breasts prepare for lactation. Over time, the breast coarsens, the woman feels soreness, engorgement. The nipples darken and become more sensitive, the venous network becomes more visible under the skin. A clear sign of pregnancy is the discharge of yellowish colostrum from the nipples. However, in some cases, discharge from the nipples may indicate a disease, so this symptom should be treated as carefully as possible.

Implant bleeding

Approximately 6-12 days after fertilization, an attentive woman may notice scanty light spotting on her underwear - this is the result of the implantation of an embryo into the wall of the uterus. Some patients do not notice any discharge, this is also considered normal.

Fatigue and sleepiness

To maintain the body of the expectant mother, the metabolism accelerates, the production of progesterone increases, which is expressed in an almost constant drowsiness and a desire to rest.

Increased natural vaginal discharge

In some women, during pregnancy, there is an increased secretion of vaginal mucus, this is also the result of the increased work of progesterone.

Emotional changes

Pregnancy is accompanied by severe hormonal changes, which are accompanied by sudden mood swings. Now you want to laugh, now you want to cry, then life is amazing and beautiful, and then it annoys everything to the smallest detail. Of course, negative emotions harm the fetus, so the expectant mother needs to understand that it's all about hormones and try not to follow their lead.

Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen

In the early stages, some patients feel pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Usually these sensations are completely natural, but it must be remembered that severe pain can indicate a threat of miscarriage, especially if the spasm in the lower abdomen is accompanied by bleeding. In addition, pain in the lower abdomen may indicate inflammation of the appendages of the uterus, kidneys, or bladder.

In addition, the following symptoms are possible:

  • With an increase in the amount of hormones, intestinal disturbances occur, which manifest themselves in the form of constipation or diarrhea. In some women, hemorrhoids may appear from the first weeks of pregnancy, but more often it develops in the second and third trimester.
  • Sleep disorders are also inherent in the expectant mother. A constant state of drowsiness is characteristic, in the early evening it already tends to sleep, although in the morning, even after a good rest, fatigue and weakness still remain.
  • Changes in the perception of odors occur. Once favorite scents start to irritate and become intolerable, and cooking can be disgusting at all.
  • Acne may appear, which in principle has never existed before, this is also the result of hormonal changes in the body. You should not despair: as a rule, by the middle of pregnancy, or in extreme cases - immediately after childbirth, pimples disappear. No special treatment is required for the skin, usually a thorough care of it with daily washing and periodic scrubbing is sufficient.
  • Headaches and migraines are, to some extent, also controversial signs of pregnancy. Pain usually goes away by the end of the first trimester.
  • During pregnancy, progesterone is intensively produced, which provokes the retention of salts and fluids in the body, which manifests itself in the form of a slight swelling of the hands and fingers.

Among the listed signs of pregnancy, the most likely include a delay in the menstrual cycle, breast enlargement, nausea and headache in the morning. On examination, the gynecologist notes an increase in the uterus with a softening of its isthmus. Cyanosis of the cervix and vaginal walls can also be determined by the doctor.

Signs of pregnancy

In order to be absolutely sure of the onset of a new and long-awaited state, a woman needs to undergo blood and urine tests and, of course, take a pregnancy test. You can do the test at home, it is informative from the first day of the delay.

But the test can give a false result, both positively and negatively. If the test is past its expiration date, kidney disease, or the use of non-morning or stale urine, the test result will be incorrect. Also, you do not need to drink a lot of water before using the test, in which case it can also show an unreliable result.

At the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, a test should be done. The procedure should be carried out in the morning using freshly collected urine. As a rule, the result is reliable from the first day of delay, if it is doubtful, the test should be repeated. If the home test is positive, you need to visit a doctor who will conduct an examination, including ultrasound, and finally confirm the presence of pregnancy.

A simple online test: are you pregnant?

  1. Does nausea bother you in the morning? Yes - 2 points, No - 0 points
  2. Do you notice changes in taste sensations and preferences? Yes - 1 point, No - 0 points
  3. Do you feel the engorgement, heaviness of the mammary glands? Yes - 1 point, No - 0 points
  4. Is there a yellowish nipple discharge? Yes - 1 point, No - 0 points
  5. Are you worried about edema? Yes - 1 point, No - 0 points
  6. Have the nipples and areola darkened, or pigmentation on the abdomen in the form of a vertical strip from the pubis to the navel? Yes - 2 points, No - 0 points
  7. Do you feel tired, do you want to sleep in the daytime? Yes - 1 point, No - 0 points
  8. Are you worried about sudden changes in mood, leaps from tearfulness to euphoria? Yes - 1 point, No - 0 points
  9. Is there a persistent increase in basal temperature? Yes - 3 points, No - 0 points
  10. Has the vaginal mucous discharge increased? Yes - 1 point, No - 0 points
  11. Do you have back pain and / or lower abdominal pain? Yes - 1 point, No - 0 points
  12. Are you annoyed by the smell of your favorite perfume? Yes - 1 point, No - 0 points
  13. Is there a delay in menstruation or a sharp change in their nature? Yes - 3 points, No - 0 points

If, after passing the test, you scored 3 or more points, you should immediately purchase an express pregnancy test and do it or be examined by a gynecologist. If pregnancy is not confirmed, it is recommended to be examined in depth, the listed symptoms may indicate the presence of hormonal changes that are characteristic not only of pregnancy, but also of some diseases. Remember! This test is for informational purposes only. Only a doctor after an examination can determine the presence of pregnancy for sure!