How easy and simple to clean the pores on the face at home. Facial masks for cleansing pores at home

How to clean the pores on the face at home? The answer is quite simple - you need to moisturize and cleanse your skin every day.

How to clear pores on face

It is impossible to get rid of this problem once and for all, but the application of some rules will help reduce the size of the defect:

  1. Cleansing. Pores clogged with sebum lead to the growth of bacteria and the formation of acne. Therefore, it is necessary to cleanse the face daily. To do this, regularly wash your face with special products that are combined with the type of skin. After cleansing, apply moisturizer;
  2. Exfoliation. With it, you can remove dead epidermal cells that clog pores. Use the scrub once a week to improve skin texture. The most effective peeling is the one that contains salicylic or glycolic acid;
  3. Face masks. They remove excess fats and therefore reduce their size;
  4. Microdermabrasion. This procedure reduces comedones and exfoliates the face well. It should be carried out only in beauty salons by professionals.

How to clear the pores on the nose

Learn how to use makeup correctly so that it does not harm you. For example, many girls simply mask oily sheen with compact powder. It is not recommended to do this, because the pores can be polluted. And this provokes new secretions of the sebaceous glands. The external effect is deceptive.

To get rid of the defect, remember a few rules:

  1. Replace plain paper napkins with matting ones. They are more effective and can unclog pores very well. If you notice shine on your nose, apply this tissue to the oily area. It will keep makeup and eliminate fat;
  2. Wear sunscreen to protect your nose from the strong UV rays. The epidermis will cease to shine even in the sun, and fat will be produced much less;
  3. Use cosmetics correctly. Replace heavy powder with light products that will allow the face to breathe;
  4. Do not apply cosmetics in several layers, this will clog the pores and the skin will be deprived of oxygen;
  5. Wash properly. Give up soap, use special products, milk, gels. Do not wash your face with hot water, it should be at room temperature.

There are a couple of effective methods that will help you clean the pores on your nose well.

If you apply them regularly, over time you will notice that the face has become better, and the pores are less polluted:

  1. Hot steam is the best assistant in the fight against pollution. To do this, boil water, prepare a bowl. You will also need a blanket or large towel. Move the boiling water to the bed, then cover your face with a blanket, but do not burn. Leave a small gap between the bed and the blanket for air to come in. After steam treatment, it will be easier to clean the nose with special products. You can also go to the sauna or bath. The effect will be the same, but even more useful;
  2. Contrasting washing keeps the epidermis in good shape. Alternately wash your face first with cool, then warm water several times a day. Water dries, so don't forget to use moisturizers;
  3. Hot compress. To do this, take a small towel soaked in hot water and place it on your face. Hold for 5-10 minutes, after that you can clean the skin;
  4. Sea water is a great helper in the fight against a dirty face. Take a spoonful of salt in a glass of warm water, mix well and rub your nose with this liquid. Then wash with water;
  5. Oatmeal peel. To prepare it, take honey, low-fat kefir and oatmeal. Mix everything in equal proportions and get a viscous mass. Massage the mixture onto your face, then remove with a mattifying cloth. After the procedure, lubricate the face with baby cream.

How to clear pores at home

To cleanse, mix salt or sugar with makeup remover. Apply the resulting mixture on your face and massage gently. Cleanse your face with this remedy once a week.

Make a scrub with coffee and heavy cream. To do this, mix the ingredients in equal proportions and grease them with your face. Use the mask 2 times a week to remove dead skin particles.

Black clay perfectly cleanses the pores. You can buy it at any pharmacy, it is inexpensive. Simply dilute the clay with water until a slurry is obtained and apply to the skin of the face. When dry, it turns gray. Then wash it off first with warm, then cool water.

Masks for cleansing pores at home

Oatmeal Cleansing Mask: Take 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, moisten it with water or milk and apply to the skin. The mask clears blockages on the nose and saturates it with essential trace elements.

Recipe with dairy products: chop the shell of a boiled egg, and mix with a tablespoon of cottage cheese. Put the face on and hold for 15 minutes, then rinse. This method is great for people with dry skin.

Recipe with gelatin: dilute its powder with an equal amount of milk, heat in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved and wait for it to cool. Apply the mask on your face and wait for it to dry. After that, carefully remove the dried film, and wipe the face with cream.

Cleansing masks can be prepared with olive oil: grate half a fresh cucumber, squeeze the juice. Mix the resulting slurry with a spoonful of olive oil and apply on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Recipe with cabbage: mash sauerkraut and apply on the face. Its acid dissolves fat and whitens the skin.

How to clean pores from sebaceous plugs

The best way to deal with sebaceous plugs is to keep the skin perfectly clean. Use any means, the main thing is that they moisturize the skin and do not provoke peeling. For prevention, visit cosmetologists, they can carry out mechanical cleaning, which eliminates all comedones.

The use of professional products will improve complex skin care if used regularly. A single application of corrective pencils for only a couple of days will improve the situation. You can radically change the condition of your skin for the better if you reconsider your diet and lifestyle. It is advisable to give up bad habits.

09 03.16

The gray tone of the skin of the face, the presence of inflammation, acne and blackheads are the consequences of blockage of pores with sebaceous secretion, cosmetics and dust from the environment, which is why periodic cleaning of pores at home or in special salons is required.

Of course, we will mainly talk about home methods.

For this purpose, various masks, scrubs, as well as special tools and entire devices are used.

Fundamental rules

For effective cleansing of pores, certain rules must be observed:

  • Any procedures should be carried out on previously cleansed facial skin from makeup and other cosmetics. To do this, it is enough to wash yourself using a gel or foam for washing.
  • Scrubbing of the skin allows you to remove dead skin cells of the epidermis and surface contamination of the dermis.
  • Since the pores require deep cleansing, it is necessary to steam the skin first.
  • After the skin has been prepared, you can proceed to the main procedure.
  • However, before applying a cleanser, it must first be tested in order to avoid possible allergic reactions.
  • Cleaning should be carried out no more than once a week, and after the procedure, it is necessary to take measures to narrow the pores.
  • You should not use cosmetics immediately after cleansing, as the skin should rest and the pores close.


To open the pores in the salons use special equipment. At home, an effective method is the steaming procedure.

Take a terry towel, moisten with hot water and briefly apply to the face, then remove. Repeat this procedure about 3 times. During this time, the skin will steam out and the pores will open.

Another way is to open the pores over steam. Take medicinal herbs like chamomile and boil it in a small saucepan. While the broth has not cooled down, you need to bend over the steam, covering your head with a towel, wait 15 minutes.

Steam allows the pores to open, at the same time it has a beneficial effect on the dermis.

After steaming, this decoction can be used as a lotion, or frozen into ice cubes.

Cleaning methods

There are a huge number of ways for deep cleaning of pores, both folk and hardware. The main task is to choose the right method for you.

mechanical cleaning

After steaming, you can clean the pores mechanically, that is, by squeezing out both simply with treated fingers, and using a special tool - a metal loop (a more hygienic method, since it can be disinfected and processed after each comedone).

Mechanically cleaned pores must be treated with a disinfectant using a cotton swab.

Gelatin film mask

The film mask has an excellent property to cleanse the skin of various impurities, smooth out wrinkles, remove dead skin cells of the epidermis and improve complexion.

You can prepare such a mask at home using natural ingredients.

In a water bath, it is necessary to bring a tablespoon of gelatin, a tablet of activated charcoal and 2 tablespoons of milk to a homogeneous state. After cooling, the mask is applied to the face and left until completely dry.

The mask must be applied to the cleansed face, neck and décolleté in an even layer (with the exception of the eyelids and lips).

After applying the product, it is necessary to relax all facial muscles.

Remove the mask-film gently from the bottom up, and the remnants are washed off with warm water.

Masks with gelatin are very effective. This is just one of the options, actually out of many.

Clay mask

To clean clogged pores, you need to dilute a tablespoon of clay suitable for you with warm water until a creamy consistency is reached, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and mix thoroughly.

Apply the mixture in a thick layer on the face and wait until it dries completely. Remove the mask with cool water.


Clearing clogged pores is very easy. To do this, just use a soda scrub. So, we need foam from baby soap and a small amount of baking soda. We apply foam on the face, then take soda, and, with light movements, massage directly over the foam, observing the massage lines.

We pay special attention to the black dots on the nose. The procedure should last no more than a couple of minutes, and you should not press too hard and stretch the skin. Avoid the area around the eyes.

Hardware cleaning

Beauty salons use ultrasonic devices for cleaning. A special device creates sound waves that propagate through the dermis and free the pores from comedones, while improving blood and lymph circulation, and skin tone also increases.

This device can be purchased and used at home, but this is quite an expensive pleasure.

Also, instrumental methods include vacuum cleaning, the essence of which is deep cleansing of the pores on the face under the influence of a vacuum created by a special device.


A soft brush, special or toothbrush, allows you to delicately remove various contaminants. To do this, it is enough to apply cleansers with it and massage lightly. The brush must be soft and clean.

This method is not suitable for dry and sensitive skin. And for oily and problematic, such cleaning should be carried out no more than 1 time per month.

Care after

After the cleaning has been carried out, the skin must be additionally moisturized, nourished and it is imperative to carry out a procedure to narrow the pores.

Moisturizing mask

A mask of 2 tablespoons of herculean flakes brewed in a glass of boiling water will help restore the water balance. After 15 minutes, drain the liquid, and add a teaspoon of honey, lemon juice and aloe juice to the oatmeal. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes.


As a nourishing mask, you can use a mixture of grape oil in the amount of 5 ml, 20 ml of carrot juice, 30 g of melted honey and half a chicken yolk.

Honey masks nourish the skin down to the deep layers of the dermis, but it should be borne in mind that honey can cause an allergic reaction, so you should first check the skin for sensitivity.

For narrowing pores

How to narrow and close enlarged pores after cleansing? You can wipe your face with an ice cube, or you can use a clay mask. It is enough to dilute a little clay with warm water until a creamy consistency is obtained, then apply to the skin and wait for it to dry completely. Rinse off with lukewarm water and treat the dermis with lotion.

With proper and regular cleansing, the skin looks healthy and fresh, and age-related changes become less obvious.

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Until we meet again, your Evgenia Shestel


Before cleansing, remove any remaining make-up from your face and wash your face thoroughly. For best results, steam your skin. You can do this with a container of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and lower your face over the dishes. For oily skin, the procedure can last up to 10 minutes. For dry skin, 3 minutes is enough. In order to make the procedure more pleasant and beneficial, add a drop of essential oil or an infusion of herbs, such as chamomile and sage, to the water. A contraindication to this procedure is the presence of spider veins, skin diseases and hypersensitivity.

For deeper pore cleansing, mix fine salt or sugar with makeup remover milk or another facial cleanser. Take a small amount of the resulting product and gently massage your face, avoiding the sensitive areas around the eyes and lips. Pay the most attention to heavily soiled areas of the skin. Do not use this scrub in the presence of inflammation and acne. This procedure can injure the skin and spread the infection.

Use a scrub made from ground coffee and sour cream or heavy cream. To do this, mix the ingredients in the proportion you need and gently rub your face. There are a large number of options for preparing scrubs from improvised means. Choose the one that works best for you and use 2-3 times a week to unclog pores, renew skin and remove dead skin cells. When choosing a factory-made scrub, rely on the type of skin. For dry, products with a more oily and soft texture are suitable, which will not injure and dry even more. Owners of oily skin are suitable products without oils, but with harder abrasive particles.

After cleansing the pores with a scrub, apply a pore-reducing mask to your face. To do this, mix raw yeast with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and milk in equal proportions. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Very effective is the mask and milk. Mix a tablespoon and a tablespoon of milk and heat the mixture in the microwave. Apply the mixture on heavily soiled areas of the face for 15 minutes. Remove the resulting film. All pollution, even deep ones, will remain on it.

Black clay perfectly cleanses the pores. You can buy it at any pharmacy or large store for little money. Dilute the clay with water until a sufficiently thick slurry is obtained and apply to the skin of the face. When the mask dries and turns gray, wash it off first with warm and then cool water.

After the cleansing procedure, wash your face only with cool water and gently pat the skin with a towel without causing unnecessary injury. Effectively tightens pores and prevents increased contamination of pores using a special tonic. It can be purchased or homemade. Use green tea, aloe juice, or diluted lemon juice as a tonic.


Wash your hands thoroughly before cleaning. This will protect the skin from infections.


  • How to clean the pores on the face at home?

Tip 2: How to clean your face at home in 2019

Which of the women does not dream of a beautiful and even skin of the face. During the day, your skin is exposed to street dirt and dust, which interacts with constantly released sweat and oil. Without daily proper cleaning of the face, you will not succeed in any way.


Before you start cleaning, do not be too lazy to clarify the type of your skin. It can be normal, dry, oily, and even mixed, when the T-zone is replete with oily pores, and the skin around the eyes remains dry and prone to formation. Dry skin needs to be cleaned very gently with gentle products, but oily skin can be subjected to a more thorough cleaning.

The easiest way to clean the skin is with ordinary masks. Ordinary oatmeal can be a great way to do this. Brew 1 tablespoon of hercules with a small amount of boiling water so that a thick slurry forms. Cool the porridge and apply it on the face with massage movements. Leave the oatmeal on your face for 15 minutes, then wash it off with water. The effect will amaze you in the literal sense of the word. You will not only remove dirt from your face, oatmeal is rich in vitamins and minerals, it will clean out clogged pores, exfoliate dead skin particles, complexion and slightly dry the skin.

If you have very dry skin, brew oatmeal instead of water with milk, add a little honey to the mask before using.

Black dots in the T-zone can form with any type of skin. To get rid of them, steam your face over a basin of hot water for 10-15 minutes. Take the cream, add one teaspoon of salt and soda to it. Rub the contaminated areas of the skin with massaging movements. But be extremely careful, try not to get the mixture on the skin

Contamination of the skin of the face usually occurs as a result of factors such as environmental influences (dust), the use of cosmetics with a dense or oily texture (foundation, powder, correctors) and improper care of it. Blockage of pores causes dull skin color and leads to the development of inflammatory processes. Regular use of homemade pore cleansing masks made from special natural ingredients will prevent the appearance of blackheads and pimples, and restore a healthy radiant look to the face.

Deep cleansing of the dermis allows you to saturate the skin cells with the necessary amount of oxygen, which is the main and necessary condition for their normal functioning. Enrichment of facial skin with oxygen enhances regeneration processes, eliminates irritation and flaking. Gentle methods of cleaning pores from impurities of varying degrees are widely used in hardware cosmetology. However, home cleansing procedures are in no way inferior to salon ones in terms of efficiency. You just need to choose the right recipe and follow the rules for making the mask.

Among cleansing face masks, film masks (made from egg white and gelatin at home) are very popular. Due to their powerful "sticky" properties, they not only draw out impurities from the pores, but also remove dead cells from the skin. This awakens her, and she begins to actively recover.

The frequency of cleansing procedures using masks depends on the type of skin and its condition. So, for normal skin, one cleansing mask per week is enough. Dry epidermis needs to be cleaned in this way only once every two weeks. Oily skin needs this cleanse twice a week.

The residence time of the mask on the face is usually no more than 20-30 minutes, depending on the degree of exposure to the constituent components of the mask. Immediately after the cleansing procedure, it is necessary to apply a nourishing mask on the face or simply cover the skin with a rich nourishing cream.

A hot compress is also a quick and effective method for clearing pores.

To do this, a clean towel is moistened in boiling water, then carefully squeezed out and covered with a face. You need to stand until the towel cools down. Repeat the action 2-3 times. Just five minutes of this procedure is enough to improve the appearance of the skin. After the first contact of the hot compress with the skin of the face, you need to wash with warm water to clean the steamed pores, and after the second - with cold water to narrow them.

Stages of cleaning pores with masks

  1. Degrease the epidermis, remove surface contaminants with a cosmetic lotion.
  2. Steam the face, affecting the skin with steam.

To make this activity more pleasant and useful, you can drop any essential oil into hot water or throw aromatic herbs.

  1. Remove the keratinized layer of the dermis with a light peeling or scrub.
  2. Apply a cleansing mask to towel-dried skin. Avoid areas around the eyes.
  3. Lie down and relax for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Remove the mask with a damp cloth, wash your face with warm water.
  5. Apply a nourishing mask or ready-made cream with nutrients.
  6. After removing the nourishing mask, soothe the treated facial skin by wiping it with a cotton swab soaked in a tonic.

The effect of masks that cleanse the pores

If a cosmetic product prepared at home for the purpose of deep cleansing of the skin is chosen correctly, and the instructions for use are followed, then most likely the result will be as follows:

  • the pores, freed from accumulations of dust and sebaceous secretion, will noticeably narrow, which will have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin;
  • the cleansing effect of masks extends not only to the surface layer of the dermis. The active components of the home remedy will effectively cleanse the deep layers of the skin;
  • after the mask, oxygen will quickly begin to penetrate into the intercellular space, and this, in turn, will normalize all the energy and metabolic processes of the skin;
  • the accompanying ingredients of the cleansing mask will saturate the skin with all the necessary vitamins and microelements, as well as improve microcirculation.

Cleansing pores at home is a rather laborious process and requires a careful attitude. Do not expect amazing results from just one mask. Radiant skin with cleansed and narrowed pores is the result of numerous procedures. Although, some noticeable improvements may come after testing the first mask: slightly clogged pores will become smaller, and unaesthetic blackheads will become lighter. But to achieve the ideal result requires patience and striving for perfection.

As you know, the skin is an excretory organ, and harmful substances occupy its surface. Moreover, this happens around the clock, which means that it is necessary to resort to the help of cleansers at least twice a day. Yes, yes, at night metabolic processes are accelerated, so in the morning a simple rinsing with cool water will not be enough. By the end of the day, the task becomes more complicated: it is important to eliminate pollution not only of internal, but also of external origin. This must be done in three stages: first, remove decorative cosmetics - this is make-up removal. Then proceed to detoxification, that is, remove fats, silicones, dust. Finally, toning. If the first two stages can be combined, then the last one will always be independent, although for some reason many are still convinced that the tonic is a cleansing product. And this is not the only misconception.

All cleansing products can be divided into two groups: basic (they should be used daily) and additional (they will only be needed a couple of times a week).

Funds for every day

Mousse (foam)

Helena Rubinstein Pure Ritual Care-in-Foam

pros: pleasant tactile sensations and economical consumption.

Minus: a limited number of active components are placed in such a texture, so do not expect super results.

Designed for: girls with sensitive skin.


Biphasic liquid

Divage, Make Up Remover 2 in 1

A plus: Ideal for removing waterproof cosmetics.

Minus: Do not use every day, otherwise slight redness may appear around the eyes.

Designed for: those with dry skin, because the formula of the product is based on oils.

Micellar water

Garnier micellar water

A plus: universal and most gentle product, can be used instead of tonic.

Minus: does not wash off sebum well, so the feeling of 100% cleanliness is not guaranteed.

Designed for: Those who try to avoid contact with tap water and wear contact lenses.

Emulsion (fluid)

Pharmatheiss Skin in Balance Pure Skin Cleansing Fluid

pros: gentle cleansing and many ways to use: can be applied both directly on the face and on a cotton pad; it is allowed both to wash off the remains with water, and not to touch them.

Minus: not the best option if you have oily skin.

Designed for: dry to normal skin.

Milk (cream)

Oriflame Love Nature 2-in-1 Cleanser

pros: delicate effect, does not require rinsing.

Minus: if you do not use a tonic after it, you will get clogged pores, and the cream applied at night will remain a dead weight.

Created for: sensitive skin.


Yves Rocher Sebo Végétal Cleansing Gel

A plus: Strongest daily product ever, cleans almost squeaky.

Minus: not suitable for the area around the eyes and sensitive type of epidermis.

Designed for: All skin types except dry skin.


Decleor, Aroma Cleanse Fresh Matifying Lotion

pros: Restores pH balance, eliminates cleanser residue and acts as a conduit for creams.

Minus: alcohol is sometimes found among the components, and it dries the skin and causes irritation.

Designed for: High achievers who never miss a step of grooming.


Clarins Lotion Tonique Camomille

A plus: express cleanser and toner at the same time.

Minus: it is better not to get carried away with it, otherwise the skin will lose its fresh and healthy look.

Designed for: those who go on a short trip and do not want to pay for excess baggage.

Hydrophilic oil

Bobbi Brown Soothing Cleansing Oil

A plus: removes even stage make-up and thick waterproof make-up.

Minus: the product has a specific texture, which, if you are not used to it, may seem greasy and not the most pleasant.

Designed for: Fans of bold, layered makeup.

Means of additional purpose

Purifying mask

GlamGlow Powermud Dualcleanse Treatment

pros: opens pores and draws out impurities, exfoliates the upper stratum corneum.

Minus: girls with rosacea are better to forget about versions with a warming effect.

Created for: those who do not have enough time for a beautician once a month.


Lumene Cleanser & Scrub Clear It Up! 2 in 1 Deep Purifying Daily Scrub & Wash

pros: accelerates cellular regeneration, evens out color and intensively cleanses.

Minus: If natural ingredients are used as abrasive particles, there is a risk of scratching. Choose a product with synthetic granules.

Designed for: normal, combination and oily skin types.


Ahava Time To Clear Facial Mud Exfoliator

pros: the face does not need to be rubbed, acids or plant enzymes break the bonds between the cells, after which the keratinized particles themselves leave their homes.

Minus: if used thoughtlessly and too often, you can get age spots.

Designed for: All skin types, especially dry skin.


Guinot Gommage Eclat Parfait

A plus: this closest relative of the scrub works very delicately, because there are less abrasive particles in it. Easy to use: apply, let dry and roll up.

Minus: provides only superficial cleansing.

Designed for: absolutely all girls.

Technical means

Do you want more? Then gadgets and other innovative care items will help you.

Mesh for whipping foam

Arsoa Face Care Foaming Net

This know-how turns soap into thick foam. It is understood that then you will apply the mass on your face and wait a couple of minutes. The result is a gentle yet deep cleansing.

Felt mittens (or loofah sponges)

The Body Shop Loofah Pad

Replace scrub. They are not used dry: either wet the face with water or apply a foaming product.

Brush with rubber bristles

Avon Cleansing Brush

"Sweeps" impurities from the pores and gives a soft scrubbing effect. Works in tandem with the gel: just drop the product onto the brush.

Device for daily facial cleansing based on ultrasonic technology

Before the procedure, wash your face so that the wave produced by the device breaks the liquid into hundreds of drops. They, moving at great speed, will remove dead cells and cleanse the pores.

Vaporizer (steam generator)

Hot steam expands the pores, preparing them for cleansing. Handle the device with great care if you have rosacea, acne, heart problems, pressure. It is recommended to resort to his help no more than twice a month, and for the first time this should be done, armed with the advice of a cosmetologist. At the end, do not forget to apply a product that narrows the pores: cream, lotion or tonic.

Device for microdermabrasion

Rubica, apparatus for diamond microdermabrasion Diamond Microdermabrasion System Classic Line

The action of this device is comparable to the effect of a scrub, that is, it cleans purely mechanically. Pour abrasive powder on the brush (it comes with the kit) and massage your face with it. This option is much more aggressive than ultrasound and is recommended for aging skin, fighting pigmentation and post-acne.

Salon techniques

ultrasonic cleaning

The operation scheme is the same as that of a similar home device, only the salon unit uses different frequencies and gives a better effect. The apparatus operates at the level of the upper layers of the epidermis, so the method is considered very gentle.

Mechanical (manual) cleaning

The beautician wields his hands, then a spatula. The procedure is painful, but copes with the task with a bang. Immediately after the face does not look the best, but after a day or two the redness goes away. An unconditional contraindication is rosacea.

Superficial peeling

The main active elements are acids in a small concentration, which penetrate only into two or three upper layers of the epidermis. The method is atraumatic and involves a short rehabilitation period.

Median peeling

The substance "eats" the entire stratum corneum, leaving intact living cells. The method is indicated for aging skin, and is also suitable for girls with acne marks and age spots.

Deep peeling

It removes everything superfluous to the level of the basement membrane, that is, blood dew, as cosmetologists say. It gives a powerful rejuvenating effect, but due to trauma, it is used less and less.

vacuum cleaning

Acts like a vacuum cleaner: a special tube draws out impurities, and at the same time provides lymphatic drainage massage. The main plus is painlessness, the minus is the lack of effectiveness in case of strong comedones.