How to draw a female body with a pencil step by step. Draw a female breast

Sergei Anashkevich reports: “I love everything unusual. And when it's also beautiful ... In general, no man has the right to pass by this post, because there will be many in it ... see the title.

On the eve of my departure to Ethiopia, I visited the studio of an unusual artist who paints pictures with her ... her breasts. She agreed not only to tell how she does it, but also to show the whole process of creation on camera especially for the readers of my blog. Probably no need to say how pleasant it is.

In general, see for yourself how a blank canvas, after touching the beloved men with the parts of a beautiful girl's body, turns into a winter landscape ... "

(32 photos total)

1. Tatiana met me fully armed: a fresh canvas on an easel, paints, a palette, auxiliary brushes - everything is at hand, it remains only to reveal ... but not all at once.

I'm sure some people recognized her, because Tanya is a blogger and her nickname in LJ dama_iz_pragi... She has been painting breast paintings for almost four years and sells them through auctions on her blog.

2. Tanya leaves for the kitchen to make tea, and I glance over her small workshop. Everything here is very ascetic so that nothing distracts my eyes - a huge plywood suitcase serves as an armchair, candlesticks - to create an atmosphere, and if you turn on the radio, you can hear music with a real tube creak ...

3. Tubes of paints are scattered carelessly on the windowsill.

5. We are drinking tea, and the Lady from Prague is interested in:

What should we draw?

Maybe winter? So tired of this Moscow slush and dullness outside the window ...

6. - Okay, - she takes off her T-shirt, - let it be winter. Snow, blizzard, covering the setting sun ... Do you like to shoot sunsets?

7. Instead of a palette - your own chest, instead of brushes - it's ...

8. A second to ...

9. The first touches of the future winter landscape.

10. The future painting appears layer by layer. True, after each layer you need to wash off the paint from the chest in order to mix new colors.

11. Now it's the white man's turn ... A blizzard appears.

13. You can look at it forever.

15. But do not get distracted, we are in the artist's studio, and she is painting a picture.

16. The artist applies some paints with a brush when she wants to accurately dose the amount.

17. And again to the canvas.

23. As you already understood, most of the time the canvas is not on the easel, but in the hands of this beautiful girl.

Many people know how to draw a flower or a tree. But the human body is far from complete. Today's article will discuss how to learn how to draw a female body. Simple steps to guide you through the steps will show you how easy it is to draw a drawing like this. Often, thanks to one technique, you can draw an incredibly graceful and balanced according to all the rules, a human body. The only caveat is that you don't need to press hard on the pencil. After all, when you start to erase unnecessary or curved lines, a visible and not very beautiful trace remains.

Step 1... So let's get started. When drawing a male figure, you need to take into account that it is less magnificent than a female one. The main distinguishing features are some box-likeness and certainty. In this case, there is muscle relief. In a man, the shoulders are wider and in combination with the rest of the body structure gives an appearance of some latent strength and agility. From the side view, you can see that the male body does not have such prominent curves as the female. Also, you should always draw a line of movement and balance of the body - then it is more convenient to draw.

Step 2... A basic overview of male body types consists of three points. The first is the “body of the builder”. That is, a large number of brightly distinguished muscles and muscles are visible. This effect is achieved with lines in the right places. In the second type, muscle mass is somewhat reduced. In addition to a whiter, narrower stance, fewer muscles are also shown. That is, fewer lines are drawn. And in the last type, the third, muscles are not shown practically at all. Just a body with certain lines of the structure of an ordinary human body and that's it. It should be borne in mind that all realism is achieved by certain lines located in the necessary places.

Step 3... From the anatomy of a person - in this case, a woman, it is always clear that the whole figure is centered on the hips and shoulders. The difference between a female and a male body is in some seductiveness of forms. The hips and shoulders of the female figure are vertically positioned in relation to each other and have practically the same width. It is best to observe the curves and balance of the body in motion. Then you can get the least open idea about all the formats and possibilities of muscle relief. For clarity, it would be best to purchase a mannequin or find a model.

Note: the height of the female body is 6-7 heads.

That is, the head height is taken six to seven times and the logical and proportional growth of a woman is obtained. A key observation when drawing a woman's body is the non-pointed, perfectly straight shoulders and proportion of the hips.

Step 4... Breast size variations are shown in frontal and lateral views. From small to large, all breasts are drawn in almost the same way. Using the same technique. It is with just one lines, only the larger the chest, the more convex the lines. For the drawings to be realistic, you need to remember the laws of physics, which have not yet been canceled. In this case, the law of gravity pushes the chest down a little. But at the same time, the nipple still sticks forward. A drawing on which the chest stands and stretches somewhat upward or completely forward will look unrealistic. And in order to give volume, you should draw a line on the frontal view as if cutting the chest in half. The nipple is located at the place of the steepest bend. It will also help when drawing clothes or accessories.

Step 5... When drawing clothes on a human body, the main issue is the bulges present under it. While knowing the differences between the genders, it won't be so difficult to outline all the bulges given that the garment is made of soft fabric. Wide hips, soft shoulders in women are due to the ability to reproduce. And broad shoulders, powerful arms and strong legs in men are the need to provide for their family.

Step 6... This step will help you draw clothes on different types of the human body. Three of the most common are taken as an example. The first is stocky, low with a round face. The second is an ordinary person: short, thin. And the third is tall, with well-developed muscular mass, broad shoulders and a narrow pelvis. It must be remembered that clothes always convey the general structure of the figure, stretching in places of bulge. And creating folds around. In the second case, there are just small folds on the chest, sides when turning.

Step 7... It is not difficult to draw a female body with a pencil, especially knowing the above rules for drawing a human body. First, you need to schematically depict the general arrangement of the hips, arms, shoulders and head.

Step 8... After that, you need to determine the shape of the face by adding a couple of curls of hair that are located on the side.

Step 10... Draw the chest with smooth lines, taking into account some downward fall. Use a thin line to indicate the depression between the breasts. Draw a barely visible but clear line for the clavicle.

Step 11... Outline the rest of the body by drawing the woman's thighs equal in width to the shoulders.

Step 12... Draw the left hand with a pencil, outline the right and carefully draw the fingers. Dress the girl in shorts and a short bodice. In principle, you can draw any clothes, but for the first time, just shorts and a bodice are enough. Draw the navel and groin lines. Draw the lines of the curves and draw the hair. The length, structure of the hair is drawn as desired.

That's it, the drawing is over. Now all that remains is to decorate the girl with pencils or paints. It must be remembered that if a realistic drawing is needed, then the colors must be selected as close as possible to the natural color of hair and skin. By shading in different directions, it is possible to achieve a colored volume for all the bulges and protrusions of the female body.

Well, after coloring, you should get something in the likeness of such a drawing of a female body

Using the same technique, you can draw almost any person. And, and, and. It may not work the first time, but you can try several times. And if you follow strictly the instructions, then soon even a child will master a lesson on how to draw a female body with a pencil.

In addition, watch another video tutorial, which shows how you can draw a female body with a pencil.

Now you can leave comments on the lesson learned.

We draw the female breast.

Step one: the basics

1.) I almost always start from the back, because this is how the general curvature of the body is visible. I start at the top and draw a smooth S-shaped line to where the back is supposed to end.

2.) I start to draw the torso from the outlines of the head, arms and waist. It is too early to draw the chest, as this is only the base.

3.) Finally, once the contours of the body are defined, I make small curves (shown in red) along the sides of the torso. Notice the small folds where the arms and chest meet.

4.) I add extra curves at the bottom and give the breasts volume. It is not necessary to completely circle the chest, you just need to give a few seductive lines. Remember that the breasts are attached to the body, and if you circle them completely, they will look flat and separate from the body.

5 & ​​6.) In these two steps I try to figure out where to place the nipples. In the sixth image, I use a little trick to define the center of each breast. To make it easier to visualize the chest in 3d, try to draw a line from the top to the bottom of the chest. Curved lines are obtained! Remember this!

7.) Since there are no people completely without fat, in the seventh image I added small curves on the hips and on the torso, just below the breasts.

8.) Breasts can be made larger on the same torso. To do this, I used the same methods to determine the position of the nipples. The larger the breasts, the lower the nipples due to weight and gravity.

9.) Small breasts on the same torso. The same rule of thumb: the smaller the breasts, the higher the nipples.

Angles and foreshortenings

It doesn't matter how small or big women can be. There is always gravity. Even in the most cartoonish styles, I take that rule into account. On the left, the breasts are like a bouncy ball and appear to be detachable from the torso. On the right, they are on the same level with the bend of the body. Remember that when the torso bends backward, the lower chest line changes. I used a rough outline to better explain the position of the chest. Remember, breasts cannot be pressed against each other all the time!

When they rise, they diverge in different directions. When the hand is raised, the chest also rises slightly. Do not forget to curl your chest and armpits with both arms raised above your head.



from left to right, small, medium and large breasts are located. Shown on the right is how they shouldn't look. Look closely and you will see a red line along each breast. It is a fold of skin between two masses of flesh. The chest in the right illustration is free of weight and does not fold. Remember, breasts have weight, even the smallest ones!

A close-up of the nipple is shown below. I often see people paint their nipples hot pink! No no no! They should match the skin tone, red, brown, orange. Honestly, I've never seen bright pink nipples, have you?

Then the nipple is shown in profile. Remember that nipples are not always tight. Sometimes they are very flat and don't bump, and sometimes they stick out boldly!


A real artist does not have to create in a certain genre, but when looking at his work, everyone will understand that this is the work of a professional. So you have to try to get your drawing appreciated. The beauty of a woman's body is unconditional, but how beautifully it didn’t go to convey this beauty on paper? Depict, for example, the chest. How to draw such a beautiful element of the female body? Maybe you have to limit yourself to schematic sketches that any teenager can draw?

Object defined

Women's breasts are a very controversial subject to paint. It can be individual in shape, splendor, nipple areoles. In each case, she is beautiful and desirable in her own way. The artist must determine his attitude to the image. Does he want the breasts in the drawing to attract attention? Interested in? Or, on the contrary, repulsed? How does he plan to work? If you plan how to draw it? Where to start? Again, should the drawing be beautiful and moderately erotic or frankly sexy? Have you decided? Then let's get down to business!

The first steps

If we draw the chest with a pencil, then there are much more chances to create the most realistic drawing. Regardless of shape and size, the female body always has roundness. Ideally, they are placed in the chest and hips, but sometimes they can well "capture" the waist and legs. But we now have a priority on the chest, and with it the upper body. Sketch out the shoulders, which are almost always curved. Remember to outline the collarbones, without which the upper body looks fake. Remember that the line of the shoulders and hips is often depicted the same. Draw the arms with a few lines and shade the navel. As a result, you marked out the area in the center of which the chest will be. How to draw next? Let's move on to the second step.

Closer to the body

In places where the chest comes into contact with the arms, natural curves appear. This is the transition to the armpits. Without such lines in the picture, it will seem that the chest is growing out of the hands, and this is, to put it mildly, strange. If we are talking about a realistic image, then we can tell you how to draw an anime chest. Remember these miniature beautiful comic book heroines? After all, they may well be considered erotic from the point of view of an ordinary person! And all because they have detailed traced all the human curves. Balance and most of the movement is supported by the waist, in particular the line of movement that runs down the center of the body. If your character moves, then the line shows how her body bends. Accordingly, it is easier for you to decide how the breasts should be positioned. By the way, when depicting men, the waist rule is also preserved. Without her, it will be much more difficult for you to draw a realistic guy.

From a rough outline

So, you have created the base for the chest. How to draw next? Make a rough sketch. No artist starts from scratch. First, he plans a pose and sketches the object. Let two balls appear in place of the chest of your heroine. The form depends on your mood and intention. You should see the whole figure, albeit a rough one. It is even possible to sketch out skeletal lines before starting to work with the pinching of the limbs and the whole body. This greatly simplifies the work, since your character will turn out to be plastic and harmonious. When depicting a male figure, remember that the shapes should be less curvy, and the lines of the body more clear and boxy. You will have to add muscle mass by reducing flexibility and plasticity. Draw the shoulders wider. This gives the impression of strength and tension.

Fundamentals of Female Anatomy

Compare the height of the heroine being portrayed and her proportions. After all, you want to get a beautiful heroine, not a hobbit on short legs without knees. The typical height of a woman is approximately equal to the height of the head in sevenfold equivalent. Women's shoulders are smooth and the waist is curved. These little things are actually very important to get a good result. Finally, it's time to move on to the chest! It can be small, medium, above medium and large. Remember gravity! Only in fairy tales can big breasts stand upright! The force of gravity acts constantly, and therefore the chest will sink down. You should not paint the breasts bulging, as if something is pushing them from the inside. Also, draw volume lines to mark the center points. This will help to further apply the clothing to the subject. This is the basic science of how to draw female breasts, but there are many nuances. In particular, are you drawing curvy breasts? Then you will probably need to draw some lines between the collarbones and the beginning of the chest. These lines will show the same volume that is typical for anime heroines.

With and without clothes

Since you started drawing such an intimate part of the body, then most likely you have long become a rationalist and stopped believing in magic. So remove it from your drawing too! The chest cannot and should not bulge forward or center under the chin. This effect can only be achieved with a special bra. This is one of the secrets of how to draw breasts correctly.

If in any angle your heroine moves with the same bulge in the chest area, then this resembles the effect of a silicone breast or simply the lack of thoughtfulness of the drawing. If you are drawing a heroine in a bra or in clothes, then the chest can be drawn with a bulge in the clothes with some schematic details. But the naked breast under the influence of gravity can sag or roll on the sides. Depending on the splendor, it can look sexy or, conversely, depressing.

When drawing the chest "in motion" do not forget about the line of the spine and waist. The heroine in the picture can raise one hand up or bend over. In this case, one breast can rise up or down, but the other will not be affected. If the chest does not move when the limbs move, then it looks strange and artificial.

Take on a pencil

The science of how to draw a woman's breast with a pencil, on the one hand, seems accessible, and on the other, daunting. After all, a pencil will not be able to convey the color and full beauty of the breast. But with the help of a pencil, you can create volume, draw details and convey the depth of the image. True, in this case, you will not do with schematic lines. Almost all body lines need to be shaded. On the chest, the work is carried out almost jewelry, since here you need to fix the shadows. Beautiful breasts give shadow at the very bottom and in the nipple area. In addition, the nipples themselves have an uneven color under different lighting conditions. They should not be much darker than the skin and should be in harmony with the skin tone. If, when drawing, your goal is to make the drawing more sexy, then add a few highlights or a couple of drops of water, which are very well conveyed with a pencil. Good luck with your creativity!