How to clean dirty windows without streaks. How to clean windows correctly. How to clean windows streak-free? Folk remedies

Washing windows streak-free is easier than you think. Perfect, transparent glass can be obtained even without the help of special alcohol-containing products. We will tell you how to do this in the article.

First you need to thoroughly wash off all the dirt from the glass. We heat the water, pour it into a bowl and add powder or dishwashing detergents. Or you can even use laundry soap, the main thing is the result. Armed with a sponge or rag and not forgetting to put on household gloves, we go with soapy solutions to the window. We begin to thoroughly wash the glass from the street side until the dirty streaks disappear. The outside is clean, we proceed to the inside, not forgetting to change the water. You may have to run and change the soap solution several times, it all depends on how dirty the windows are. In addition to glass, you need to thoroughly wash the frame and handles from the inside. The window is clean, now let's start removing stains. From time immemorial, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers rubbed all glass, including crystal, with a newspaper. You crumple up the old room and carefully rub the freshly washed window. It is desirable that the glass is slightly damp. When the newspaper is wet, take a new one. A brilliant result is guaranteed.

Now the life of housewives is simplified by a waffle towel or microfiber. To avoid streaks at all, sprinkle glass cleaner, for example, "Mister Muscle" or "Mister Proper" on a waffle towel. Wipe the windows thoroughly and look at the glass from different angles for streaks. Microfiber does not require the use of additional funds. Simply start by wiping the slightly damp glass with quick, light strokes. The result is a crystal clear window. Another plus of microfiber towels is that they can be washed several times, while the quality does not deteriorate. And also this towel perfectly rubs glass of cars and mirrors.

The budget options for washing windows include a solution of vinegar and water in a 1: 2 ratio. Rinse the windows with vinegar water and then clean. Wipe with a dry cloth and forget about streaks. A tricky wash with raw potatoes is also suitable here. Cut the root vegetable in half and wipe the glass, then rinse off the starch with clean water. The method is effective, but long. Special rubber scrapers, which are sold in household goods, greatly simplify glass washing. After applying them, no streaks remain. The product can be replaced with an old car wiper.

Now let's talk about cleaning products. The range of such substances is huge, choose a less "promoted" company so as not to overpay extra money. Do not worry about the cleanliness of windows, because all glass cleaners contain ethyl alcohol or vinegar, and in addition there is a considerable amount of harmful chemicals. In addition, if it is heavily soiled, the window will have to be washed with soap, and then using chemistry for rubbing. However, this tool will be indispensable for cleaning burning, greasy deposits and bird excrement.

And finally: wash the windows when there is no direct sun, so it is easier to see the stains. Choose the method of your preference and start cleaning. Good luck!

Knowing these reasons will help to avoid heavy pollution and quickly solve the problem of dirty windows.

The main factors affecting glass contamination:

  • weather: rain, hail, snow play an important role, as they strongly affect the outside. They generally leave visible stains that are difficult to remove;
  • dust that accumulates not only from the street, but also from the apartment. It must be wiped regularly and make sure that it does not fall into the gaps between the frames and does not accumulate in the corners on the windowsill;
  • in the kitchen, due to the strong temperature difference, condensation accumulates, which, when dried, forms a blurring effect;
  • repair: do not forget about the cleanliness of the glass after repair. Try to hang them with a film so that paint, glue and other mixtures do not fall on them, because if you try to peel off dried paint, for example, you can cause deep scratches;
  • smoking: this is especially true of the balcony or kitchen, where glass surfaces suffer from nicotine the most. With frequent smoking, a nicotine film forms on them.

Rain, hail, snow leave visible stains on the window
Dust must be wiped off regularly
Condensation builds up due to the large temperature difference

We must not forget about the cleanliness of the glass after repair.
When smoking, a nicotine film forms on the glass

The very first step to take is to empty the sill. You can also clean the bottom of the flower pots. Before you properly wash everything without streaks, you must not forget about the curtains. They are also a source of dust, which you will probably notice during the wash. Basically, even on the white curtain, dusty marks are not visible, but it is recommended to wash it at every wash. This also applies to blinds. During cleaning, you can spray them with antistatic agent so that dust does not accumulate again. Particular attention should be paid to mosquito nets: they get dirty very quickly regardless of the season, so cleaning should be done as needed. The best way is to simply remove and wash by hand or in a washing machine. Reinstall the mesh only when it is completely dry.

You need to pay special attention to mosquito nets: they get dirty very quickly

If you have wooden frames, then due to the high humidity in hard-to-reach places, mold may even appear. It must be removed with a bleach solution or a special mildew remover. Wipe the window sill both outside and inside from dust with a damp cloth. Cobwebs, insects, dust, and various dirt also accumulate between the frames.

If you have plastic double-glazed windows, then it is easier to wash them than wooden ones. But over time, the plastic turns yellow, spots appear. Therefore, the frames and sill can be cleaned with a mild baking soda solution to bring back the white color. It is also advisable to lubricate the creaking frames before cleaning.

So, starting the washing process, you need to prepare tools that will help us in this matter. For cleaning, wear loose, comfortable clothing that will not restrict movement.

Prepare a bowl of water, a glass cleaner (if you prefer to use household chemicals), and a few soft rags to wash the surface and then remove any excess water.

Prepare a bowl of water, glass cleaner and some soft rags

In any cleaning, it is important to comply with safety standards and work only with gloves so that chemicals do not get on the skin, cause irritation or allergies. Also, carefully read the instructions for the cleaning agents, follow all the rules specified in them. There is always information on how to wash plastic windows streak-free and achieve the best result.

Washing process

Once everything is set up, it's time to start cleaning. So, we will consider several effective methods of how to wash cleanly and without streaks.

  1. In the first step, the main task is to rinse the frames well. It is not recommended to use abrasive products such as baking soda, as it can scratch the plastic and reduce the contrast of paint on wood surfaces. This can be done with soapy water (dishwashing gel, washing powder) diluted in water. A sponge and thick, lather will do this best. If you have wooden frames, then you can rinse them with cooled tea leaves. Every corner must be wiped with special care - there is a lot of dust and dirt.
  2. After the frames are clean, proceed directly to the window cleaning. With a sponge with the same soapy solution, apply horizontal movements over the entire glass. In the second stage, this is most conveniently done with a screed. From the side of the street, you work very carefully - if the height is large, then it is better to entrust it to a professional and not risk it, or walk carefully through the places you reach. If you live on the 1st floor, then you can easily go outside and rinse the surface with a screed.
  3. Since it is possible to wash plastic windows quickly and without streaks using a screed, you need to be able to work with it. The foam is removed horizontally, after each stroke, you need to wipe the mop so that there are no soap stains. Apply moderate pressure to keep the squeegee moving smoothly and catching any excess water and foam.
  4. The best sparkling, transparent look can be achieved with a commercially available mirror cleaner. It is widely used for both mirrors and windows. Its main task is not to leave stains. You need to wash it off with a special microfiber cloth, or you can use a paper towel. If such a remedy is not found, then ammonia will add shine, which can be mixed with water and applied with a spray bottle.
  5. If the glass is very dirty, it will take time and effort to fix the situation. Since it is difficult to wash the windows correctly so that there are no streaks, it is difficult in a neglected state, more soap solution will be needed and it will be necessary to go through the glass with a sponge more carefully. You may even need a glass scraper to get rid of any dried-on dirt. Dust in small crevices can be removed with a toothpick or needle.
  6. If you have a car, you may also find a detergent for washing car mirrors - they are especially aggressive, but they wash well and work well on very dirty surfaces.
  7. There is also a wide range of special wet wipes on the market. They do well with light dirt and are more suited for weekly cleaning to keep things clean.

At the first stage, the main task is to wash the frames well.
Using a sponge with soapy water, apply horizontal movements over the entire glass
It is possible to wash plastic windows quickly and without streaks using a screed
Rinse off the product with a special microfiber cloth

In a neglected state, it will be necessary to pass a sponge on the glass more carefully
Car mirror cleaner works great on very dirty surfaces
Wet wipes are more suitable for weekly cleaning


Vinegar is a versatile ingredient that is actively used not only for food purposes, but also for household purposes. A couple of tablespoons of 9% table vinegar must be diluted in one liter of water. Perfect for cleaning windows, not only during general cleaning, but weekly. Maintains transparency and even repels insects.


A solution with starch: add a tablespoon to 1 liter of water. There is also a recipe for starch solution with ammonia. It is necessary to mix 100 ml. alcohol and vinegar, dissolve in 4 liters of water and add 30 mg. starch.

Do you know the best way to clean windows? Potatoes! At first glance, it does not inspire confidence, but in fact, even very dirty glasses can be cleaned well with a half of raw potatoes and wipe the remains with dry microfiber.

It is enough to dissolve a few small spoons in water until light pink in color. It is necessary to use a solution with potassium permanganate with care - do not allow it to get on the glass in an insoluble form.

Good advice: how to wash plastic windows so that there are no stains for those who have smokers in the household? Ammonia is good for cleaning frames. The nicotine film can be removed with a solution prepared in the following proportions. A glass of ammonia is added to 10 liters of water. To avoid a strong unpleasant smell from it, you need to choose specimens with the addition of flavors. After using this method, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment well.

If there is chalk on the farm, then it can also be successfully adapted, it was also used by our grandmothers. The only thing is that it must be in powder form. You need to prepare the mixture in the proportion of three tablespoons of powder to one glass of water. You should get a thick consistency, which should be applied to the glass and left for a while. After it dries, wipe off any residue with a dry, soft microfiber cloth or tissue. If necessary, you can walk with a commercial product for a shiny effect. You can also use powdered chalk and vodka. Dissolve these ingredients to the consistency of sour cream. This method will help to wash everything without streaks, folk remedies in this case work no worse than special gels and sprays. Also, vodka perfectly degreases surfaces.

Onions will effectively help get rid of flies. With half an onion, treat the stains until they disappear and rinse with water. Then wipe dry with a tissue.

You need to dilute a couple of tablespoons to 250 ml. water and apply the solution with microfiber.

Also, the glycerin method will do a very good job of how to clean windows quickly and without streaks. You will need to take 100 grams of glycerin per 50 grams of water and a little ammonia. After processing, an inconspicuous protective film will remain on the glasses, which will reject dust and dirt and protect against damage. This is a great option for those who have just recently made a renovation and want to preserve new materials for a long time. This film helps to facilitate cleaning and minimize scratches and other environmental effects.

In addition, there is another good recipe that prevents the appearance of abundant dust. Add one tablespoon of cornmeal per liter of water and rinse the surface with this mixture.

Knowing how to properly wash plastic windows, you need to remember to extend their service life. Severe frost adversely affects the safety of the material, and therefore it is better to take care of its protection in advance. We take 10 grams of glycerin and mix it with 200 grams of rubbing alcohol. This product should be applied to already washed, clean glass. If these products are not at home, you can replace them with 2 tablespoons of rock salt by stirring it with 250 grams of water. After processing, it is necessary to wipe everything dry. This method is mainly used during the cold season.

We use nylon tights

The answer to the question of the best way to wash plastic windows without streaks will be found by women who wear nylon tights. As strange as it may sound, if you still have old tights, you can use them for shine if there is no microfiber. Now you do not need to throw them away, it is better to save them for cleaning. Kerosene is also suitable for the same purpose. It will be enough 1 tablespoon for 3 liters of water.

If you want to give a bluish tint to the window glass, you can add a little ultramarine blue to the water and wipe the glass with a cloth soaked in such water.

Now you can easily decide what to clean the windows at home without streaks and without spending money on expensive funds. But if you still prefer ready-made products, then in a home store you will find products of any price category. As for the means for cleaning glass, the price does not play a big role, they all wash without stains. Remember to follow the instructions.

Step-by-step instructions on how to clean windows without streaks quickly

When you have prepared a window glass cleaner or one of the above solutions, you need to apply them correctly to achieve the desired result. To rinse everything well, you must first soften the dirt and dust. It is best to work with a spray bottle, since it is very convenient to wash plastic windows without streaks.

So, let's take a look at the step-by-step steps:

  • put on rubber gloves;
  • generously spray the detergent on the window glass;
  • if it is a soapy solution, immediately foam the sponge and wipe off stains, various grease drops and other contaminants;
  • we take the screed, wash off the foam with movements from top to bottom;
  • we wash everything with clean water, again we go through the screed;
  • we begin to work with paper towels or microfiber: we wipe dry, while carefully making sure that the rag does not leave lint.

Spray the product and wipe the stains with a sponge
We wash off the foam with a screed
Wipe the window dry with a microfiber

This is a simple, standard scheme of how to quickly clean windows without streaks, but it will not work for the general cleaning described above.


The main things to remember are:

  • when dealing with a decent height, choose a stable stand - it is better not to risk it and choose a bed, armchair, sturdy table or chair;
  • when working with the outside of the frames, ask someone to insure you;
  • do not step on the windowsill.

Choose a stable stand and ask someone to back you up
Do not step on the windowsill

As for the best way to clean windows without streaks, in no case choose coarse brushes. Glass is a very fragile material and the slightest careless movement can cause a decent scratch. Also forget about knives, dish scrapers, which are not designed for the job. It is not advised to use aggressive solvents, especially on plastic ones, because they eat up a special protective layer and over time the windows turn yellow noticeably.

In the age of new technologies, manufacturers are making more and more products that require minimal human intervention. Self-cleaning double-glazed windows have appeared on the market - the question of how to wash the windows without streaks will disappear by itself. This option is especially good for those who live near the road and who quickly clog their outer windows. They are covered with a film that dissolves dust, dirt and, under the influence of water, the surface remains dry without stains and traces of drops.

Cleaning should be a pleasure, only then the house will truly shine with cleanliness! It is best to clean regularly, but quickly, and not spend all day working with rags. What to wash glass without streaks can be prepared by yourself and without spending money. It is best to choose folk remedies, because they do not harm the budget, family health and do an excellent job with their tasks.

Clean windows are a guarantee of positive emotions. Without observing the proper sanitary condition of the windows, a full-fledged feeling of cleanliness is impossible. As the eyes are the mirror of the soul, so the windows are the mirror of our home. By the cleanliness of the windows, you can safely draw conclusions about the cleanliness of the owners. This article is intended to be an effective guide for those who care about the cleanliness of their windows.

How to properly clean windows

Each of us, for sure, has repeatedly asked the question: “ How to properly clean windows? " and more than once received a lot of advice aimed at optimizing this process. Despite the apparent simplicity, this procedure has a number of features, observing which you can get a better result.

what is needed to clean windows

So let's start in order.

Before you start cleaning windows, you need to carefully select all the necessary accessories and detergents. Considering the fact that the twenty-first century is in the yard, a newspaper or other types of press are no longer necessary in this responsible business. And to all the persuasion that this is a familiar and proven method, I will say firmly: "No!"

nowhere without a wiper

At the moment, the best device for cleaning windows is a wiper. This is the simplest device that cleans glass much more efficiently, even from strong dirt.

don't forget about safety

You should also stock up on a soft foam sponge or, if your windows are heavily soiled, use a hard sponge instead. In household goods stores, you can find a special microfiber cloth, the use of which does not require additional detergents. We must not forget our safety. The use of rubber gloves will help prevent the irritation of window cleaners on your skin.

choose a detergent

It remains to deal with the most important question: “What is the best way to wash windows? What detergents will most effectively cope with their task? " The answer is very simple.

Firstly, any detergent on store shelves will do, and the question of price is not fundamental in this matter: the cheapest detergent will cope with its task no worse than the products of well-known brands.

Secondly, those who are more conservative can recommend proven home remedies such as ordinary laundry soap, ammonia, or vinegar. These funds have helped to clean more than one million windows and cannot be relegated to the background. So, the list of necessary accessories is agreed, you can go to the hardware store for purchases.

preparation above all else

Means and accessories for washing windows have been bought, which means it's time to talk about how to wash windows in stages.

First, you need to free the work surface and the area adjacent to it, in order to protect yourself from unforeseen situations and make your task easier.

To this end, free the window sills from all unnecessary items, which are various glass vases, flower pots or electrical appliances.

window cleaning technique

Even if you have opted for a commercially available window cleaner, it is recommended that you wash your windows with soapy water before using them.

For this, shavings of ordinary laundry soap or dishwashing detergent are perfect.

At this stage, you need to use a foam rubber sponge, which you need to wet and squeeze out to such a degree of moisture that the water does not drain off on its own.

And since we wash windows without streaks, forgetting about it is categorically contraindicated.

After we have decided on the moisture content of the sponge, it is necessary to wet the entire surface of the glass, and then wipe the glass dry with vigorous movements, starting from the uppermost area.

Let's agree right away that the movements are horizontal.

For best efficiency, this procedure can be repeated several times, constantly changing the used rags to dry ones, in order to exclude subsequent stains with one hundred percent probability.

If before this stage your windows were not clean, then you can use the glass cleaner that we purchased in advance.

It should be noted that sunny weather is not the best time to wash windows, due to the fact that under the influence of sunlight, detergents are very quickly susceptible to drying, which is a guaranteed fact of the presence of stains on the glass.

A few words about plastic windows

Separately, it is worth talking about washing plastic windows, since this moment is associated with a large number of mistakes that are completely unjustified due to the ease of maintenance of PVC windows.

the main mistakes when washing plastic windows

First, it is necessary to exclude the use of cleaning agents that contain aggressive chemicals.

This is by no means safe, in view of the fact that such substances have abrasive properties, which will adversely affect the quality of plastic windows.

It is worth forgetting about the substances that are capable of dissolving the protective substances covering the plastic, as a result of which the surface will be prone to fading.

These substances include alcohol, gasoline and other corrosive substances.

Secondly, if you are the happy owners of plastic windows, you need to choose the right sponges for washing them.

It is forbidden to use hard sponges, which will leave scratches, which will significantly worsen the appearance of the windows.

Finally, don't even think about removing dirt with sharp objects.

Scratches left on the glossy surface of plastic frames will significantly impair the appearance of PVC windows.

and again about the wiper

For cleaning plastic windows, a previously purchased glass cleaner is again useful, which can be modified using various attachments: attachments in the form of a scraper to remove dirt, a rubberized attachment to remove excess moisture and a soft attachment for wiping.

Summing up, it can be noted that with a little effort and following all the above instructions, you will not only get an answer to the question: "How to properly clean windows?", But you can also check it in practice.

Rest assured, the result will not disappoint you!

Hello, friends! How often do you wash the windows in your apartment? I usually do this in the spring (a required part of the spring home renovation and cleaning program after winter), in the fall (after the summer season is over) and in the summer as it gets dirty.

Perhaps, against the background of impeccable, blinding cleanliness and brilliance of German windows, this will seem insufficient (during the time of living in Germany, in order not to catch the reproachful glances of German neighbors, the windows had to be washed almost every week). Most likely, the habit of washing windows once a week is such a traditional feature of the inhabitants of Germany. Clean windows for them is a matter of honor for every housewife, and they approach him with all responsibility.

Almost each of us washed the windows in our home more than once. But are we doing it right? After all, possessing some secrets, you can greatly facilitate the tedious task for many and wash the windows with high quality, completely removing stains, dirt and dust. And today we will talk about how to clean windows correctly and quickly.

In order for windows to please us with their impeccable appearance for a long time, they need to be looked after and cleaned from dirt and dust in a timely manner. And knowledge of some rules, secrets in terms of caring for them and the experience gained over the years will help to do this efficiently and quickly.

Once upon a time, in the era of wooden windows painted with oil paint, washing windows was a very laborious task, which was difficult to start without prior moral preparation. Another thing is now, when almost all apartments have plastic windows, which are much easier to care for. And the mass of modern detergents and all kinds of auxiliary tools help to do this quickly, and without much physical effort, bring your windows to shine and cleanliness without streaks.

Choosing a detergent

Window glass can be washed using modern detergents or using “grandma's methods”. The effect will be about the same. The only difference is in the organization of the cleaning process, the speed of its implementation and the amount of money spent. Of course, a regular soap solution or a solution prepared according to one of the home recipes will cost less than a special product purchased from a company that sells windows, or a detergent designed to care for glass or plastic.

With the help of special window cleaning sprays containing alcohol, you can very quickly and easily remove dirt from glass and window frames. The agent is applied to the window, and in just a couple of minutes all dirt is removed from the surface with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. In case of severe contamination, you will have to apply the product in the form of a foam or spray to the glass several times and wipe it thoroughly with a clean cloth each time.

This method is good because we do not need basins, buckets, newspapers, special efforts to eliminate stains from soap solution.

Lightly soiled plastic windows can be washed with warm soapy water with the addition of ammonia (this is an excellent solvent and easily removes all dirt). By adding a few drops of ammonia, you can clean your windows just as easily as with a spray can. True, this procedure is more troublesome.

First of all, you need to prepare a solution according to one of the recipes, for example, add 5 ml of ammonia to 5 liters of warm water, or add 5 drops of ammonia and 500 ml of glycerin to 200 ml of water.

Then wipe the glass and frames free of dirt with dry rags.

Glasses treated with such a solution are less contaminated, and in winter they are better protected from ice.

Important: ammonia should not be mixed with detergents containing bleach. Also, for cleaning windows, do not use a solution with ammonia and soda or cleaning powder with abrasive additives. This can leave white marks and scratch the surface.

It is not recommended to use dish detergents for cleaning windows. They form a large amount of foam, which will take a long time to get rid of by repeatedly rinsing the rag in clean water to avoid stains on the glass.

There are several other products that can be used to remove dirt from glass and frames:

  • a special napkin that removes well medium and light dirt and streaks
  • regular newspaper (a proven way to eliminate stains in the final part of cleaning)
  • onion juice
  • a solution of warm water with the addition of vinegar (2 tablespoons of table vinegar per liter of water). You can add a few drops of lemon essential oil to the solution. For better application of the product to the window surface, you can use a spray bottle by pouring the solution into it. After such cleaning, there are practically no streaks on the glasses. This remedy is especially effective for heavily tarnished glass.
  • for a long and stable shine of glasses, they can be wiped with a solution of water and starch (a tablespoon of starch per liter of water), rinsed with water and wiped dry. For the same purpose, a slice of raw potatoes is used.
  • Salt water helps to make the windows shine and shine.

Window cleaning tools

When starting to wash windows, you need to prepare in advance everything that we may need:

  • Bucket or bowl with prepared detergent solution and clean water
  • Foam sponges
  • Rubber gloves
  • Vacuum cleaner

This method of cleaning windows can be recommended for those who have large windows in the house or have a lot of them. First, the agent is applied to the glass using a spray gun, the dirt is removed with a microfiber nozzle. The remaining liquid is then collected by a rubber scraper attached to the vacuum cleaner. In this way, you can wash glass 3 times faster. Of course, the frame itself and the window sill will have to be washed the old fashioned way - with a cloth and water.

  • Special mop for cleaning windows with various attachments to remove excess moisture from the glass surface

When working with it, you need to adhere to certain rules: you need to wash the windows by swiping from side to side horizontally, gradually moving from the top of the window downward with a slight slope (water will flow downwards). If the glass is heavily soiled, you can first remove the dirt from the glass with a cloth, then apply the agent from a spray bottle and scrub it off with a rubber scraper.

  • Double-sided brush with rotating nozzle and telescopic handle.

It is convenient to use such a brush with a movable head to wipe the glass surface where it cannot be reached in any other way. For example, when cleaning windows from the outside that do not open, sliding windows on loggias or when the apartment is located on high floors.

A special double-sided brush is, on one side, a soft sponge covered with a protective cloth or mesh, which actually cleans the window; on the other side, a rubber strip is attached, with which the remains of soapy foam and dirt are removed.

There are also magnetic brushes on which the sponge is attached with magnets on both sides. With such a brush, glass can be washed from both sides at once. However, you can also use a regular mop by wrapping a cotton or terry towel around it. After the main wash, use another dry cloth for wiping.

  • Crumpled newspaper
  • Special wipes for wet and dry cleaning
  • Soft cotton rags
  • Microfiber rags

These rags are an irreplaceable assistant in cleaning. They help to speed up the process of washing windows as much as possible even without the use of chemical detergents, rinse well, easily remove dirt, perfectly absorb liquid, do not leave streaks, scratches, and penetrate into hard-to-reach cracks.

  • Melamine sponge is another versatile product for removing various types of dirt from all surfaces.

In order to remove, for example, stubborn stains from plastic frames, it is enough to wet the sponge in water. It is better to do this in confined areas after removing the main dirt with plain water.

  • A scraper with a blade for removing factory stickers and tightly adhered protective film from glass units, dried paint from glass.

But even if you don't have the kind of miraculous helpers that professionals use, but have a good cleaning agent and a soft microfiber cloth, you can also do the task effectively and bring your windows to a shine.

Now we know what tools and tools will help us clean the windows in our home. There are still a few more tips and tricks left to do to get the best results with streak-free, dazzling clean windows.

The main stages of washing windows

Experts recommend washing windows in cool, cloudy and calm weather. In the sun and in the heat, window glass dries very quickly after applying detergents, and stains and indelible rainbow stains remain on its surface.

It is clear that it is not always possible to adhere to this point, since we often do window cleaning and cleaning when we have free time. But if you follow a certain sequence of actions, the result will be positive in any case.

Don't try to clean all the windows in one go. It is better to wash them in turn, gradually moving from one to the other. It is more convenient to start from the inside of the window, because it is usually less dirty and easier to reach.

Step 1. Cleaning window frames (profile) and window sill

To do this, we free the window sill from all that is superfluous and remove the curtains from the cornices. We wash the glass and frame from bottom to top (it’s easier to remove dirty smudges from wet glass) by applying a sponge or a spray bottle with detergent to the frame and window sill. Then remove the remaining foam and water with a damp cloth.

Step 2. Washing window panes

With a generously moistened sponge, apply a cleaning solution to the glass and consistently process the entire surface from top to bottom. Then we remove the remaining moisture and polish the glass to a shine with a soft cloth or crumpled newspaper.

Step 3. Cleaning the blinds from dust and dirt

Dirty blinds can be cleaned with ammonia solution. To do this, the blinds must be positioned parallel to the frame. Put on your hand, like a mitten, any sock, dipping it in the solution beforehand. Wipe the plates on both sides and wipe dry.

Features of the care of plastic windows

You need to take care of the windows from the first day after their installation, but the care of the profile has its own characteristics and nuances.

First of all, after completing the installation work, remove the protective film. It cannot be left, otherwise it will be quite difficult to do this later, and sometimes even impossible. The fresh film is removed with a clerical knife, which needs, carefully and shallowly cutting the film, remove it from the inside and outside without scratching the profile.

If the film breaks and does not come off, it is possible to remove it from the plastic windows by first softening it with a construction hairdryer and detaching it from the plastic with a special scraper in small pieces. After that, rinse the plastic profile with a special tool or soapy water and remove the remaining glue.

When installing a window in a high-rise building, it is better to remove the film from the outer side of the profile in advance, so as not to risk your life trying to do this, leaning out of the window at a high altitude.

Do not forget to clean the drainage holes from dirt when washing plastic windows (if you do not do this, the glass will freeze very much in winter).

Simultaneously with washing the windows, it is necessary to take care of the fittings and lubricate all moving parts with a special grease for windows or machine oil, and rubber seals with silicone grease. It is recommended to do this twice a year (it can be combined with window cleaning), then the fittings will work flawlessly, and the rubber will not quickly deteriorate.

Hinges and locks do not need to be washed. They, like the rubber seals, can be wiped off first with a slightly damp cloth and then dry.

Window profile requires careful maintenance:

  • Do not use abrasive cleaners.

For reference: abrasive cleaners are detergents and cleaners that contain abrasives - solid particles of ground powder of pumice, quartz sand, borax, chalk, sodium bicarbonate. They facilitate cleaning in particularly dirty areas, but they can leave scratches on the surface to be cleaned.

  • Do not use products containing various aggressive chemicals (acids, solvents, acetone). They can interact with plastic and lead to unexpected results.
  • Do not allow hitting or scratching the window sill and window frame.
  • It is forbidden to clean the profile and glass with metal scrapers, hard sponges, use sharp objects that scratch the surface (screwdrivers, knives).
  • Cleaning cloths for glass and frames must be sufficiently soft.
  • Always use rubber gloves when cleaning
  • Ventilate the room well after cleaning, especially if you use strong-smelling detergents, ammonia, vinegar
  • Avoid touching your face with your hands during cleaning and avoid getting detergents in your eyes.
  • When cleaning windows outside, on balconies, on high floors and in hard-to-reach places, use special mops-scrapers and observe safety measures.

A house with windows sparkling with cleanliness and brilliance always looks well-groomed, beautiful and pleasing to the eye. In addition, through dirty glass we see the world in a somewhat distorted form, in less joyful, bright and sunny colors. A lack of sunlight exacerbates stress and leads to depression.

If you do not periodically remove dirt accumulating there with an admixture of harmful substances from the air from the glass and window sills, there is a risk that some of them may get into the room through the ventilation holes and during ventilation.

In addition to the benefits for human health and aesthetics, there is another aspect - saving electricity for lighting and reducing the cost of heating the room. Dirty windows do not allow enough light to pass through, while clean windows transmit infrared rays much better, which affects the room temperature.

So, washing the windows is not difficult, but by following these simple tips, you can do it quickly, efficiently and without streaks. Until then ...

All housewives can be strictly divided in half, for some washing windows in an apartment is a fun event, while for others nothing can be worse than this cleaning, except that rinsing dirty oily dishes in cold water.

Washing wood and plastic frames is not that problematic when approached with a good mood and a few process-enhancing things.

How to properly clean windows so that they don't leave streaks? What is the best way to wash them after a long winter? What do women think about the Karcher windshield wiper, is it absolutely necessary for high-quality window cleaning, or is it just a publicity stunt? Look for answers in this article.

Cooking clean rags and good mood

It is imperative to wash the windows with a soul so that the sun fills the apartment with light - believe me: this will instantly transform your rooms, fill them with comfort and coziness. If you are going to do this cleaning only because it was planned for a long time, and there is no real desire to do this, then you better do not take it.

Postpone your major wash until the day your mood is ready to transform your home's business card. Windows are called so for a reason - you can't hide the dirt on them from anyone. Are you a good hostess or "so-so" can be very simply determined by just looking at the glass: how often do you wash them, do you do it carefully or not?

The psychological setup is complete, now we turn to the collection of the necessary items. Dress in suitable clothing - comfortable and with plenty of pockets. Many owners do not like washing windows just because there is no hot water, but if you do not have it, then do not think that you will need too much of it.

  • Heat a kettle of water on the stove, pour it into a bucket and dilute - you get half a bucket of very warm water, this amount is enough to start cleaning dirty windows.
  • Don't forget the window cleaner - add a small cap of it (or about one tablespoon) to a bucket of water.
  • We prepare cotton rags, foam rubber soft and hard sponges.
  • It is great if you have a mop for cleaning windows (in other words: a windshield wiper, a screed) - with it, cleaning at a height, in inconvenient places will become easy.
  • Remove houseplants and anything else that might get in the way of cleaning from the windowsill.

Where to start washing plastic and wooden windows

A special liquid for washing windows may be needed only at the final stage of cleaning, when we will wash the glass, but first we need to wash the frames, especially after winter they are heavily contaminated - it is unlikely that the cleaning was complete in the cold season.

Many inexperienced housewives ask: how often should windows be washed? A good housewife always has a moment to spray the glass with a spray bottle and quickly wipe it.

But always with the onset of the first warm spring days, a major cleaning should take place, all heavy artillery will be used: a husband, children and even a vacuum cleaner. In Orthodox countries, it has long been customary to clean houses and everything around them before Easter, often our grandmothers started general cleaning from the windows so that the neighbors could see that they were preparing to celebrate the holiday in this house.

Washing windows after winter is difficult, but it is necessary to do it, try to find a way that suits you:

  • Plastic windows, which were often covered with condensation during the winter, can be cleaned well with ordinary soapy water using a hard sponge.
  • Wooden ones covered with paint will be washed off if you add a little washing powder to the water. If the wood is varnished, you should try to wash it with cold tea.
  • Aluminum frames can be perfectly cleaned with a solution of dishwashing liquid or any other detergent.

The window mop is the perfect companion

Moving on to the most crucial moment - glass washing . Change the water in the bucket, wet a sponge in it, squeeze it out so that the foamy water does not spread.

First of all, the glass should be abundantly wetted so that no dry areas remain on them. Let's wait until the dirt dissolves.

Do not be lazy to rinse the sponge from dirt and foam more often - you will have to repeatedly run the squeezed sponge over the glass before all the dirt is washed off and a special brush or mop for washing glasses and mirrors is used.

From the reviews it becomes clear that this device can serve well if you get used to using it correctly and do not expect a super miracle from it.

And we continue: with a screed (there are other names: squeegee, slip) - with a manual wiper or in the form of a mop, you need to drive all the dirt down, this is done in several movements, and after each time there is no need to rinse the wiper. After there is no dirt on the glasses, all the glasses are once again driven off with a damp sponge.

The secret to perfect window cleaning

It would seem that everything is clear and understandable, but when you have to repeat this in practice, the windows are not particularly pleasing: it was possible to clean them from the dirt, but unpleasant stains appeared.

What went wrong? The final stage is the most responsible. We prepare a lot of cotton rags for it - fifty percent of success depends on it.

Discovering the secret of perfect windows:

  • we begin to wipe from above, take the screed and carefully make horizontal (just such) movements;
  • we repeat these movements in the next section, located below, but always capture the washed area;
  • after each pass, the wiper (special mop) must be wiped dry with a dry cloth. Believe it or not, this is the secret of perfectly sparkling glasses;
  • as soon as the rag becomes wet - instantly replace it with a dry one, do not rely on chance - if you want to have the cleanest windows, then use the maximum amount of dry rags;
  • having finished wiping all horizontal sections, take a look at the windows: if some places do not suit you, then you can simply breathe and wipe them, or use special household chemicals;
  • in the end, one more clean rag is taken and wiped with it now the entire window, including the frames;
  • in the end, do not forget that clean glass and a stained window sill do not look like something, wipe it also be sure.

Many will ask: why so much effort if you can just take any glass cleaner and wipe any window in no time? This can be done in a one-room apartment, where there are not so many windows, but are you ready to spend money on expensive household chemicals if the windows are perfectly cleaned and with a minimum amount of it?

Another aspect: all drugs do not smell very good, what if someone from your family, including animals, has a serious allergic reaction? It is up to you to decide how best to clean the windows after winter, but they must certainly please all residents of the house with cleanliness and shine at any time of the year.