How to get rid of things properly. Throwing Trash Out of Home: How to Get Rid of Unwanted Clothes

During life, each person "grows" with things. Many of them eventually lose their material value and usefulness and simply gather dust in closets, on shelves, mezzanines and balconies. But to throw them away often the hand does not rise. But scientists have already proven that clutter and the presence of unnecessary useless items in the house can negatively affect the mental health and mood of the people living in it. Even famous psychologists advise starting the fight against depression by revising your closet and the whole house. But experts in Feng Shui argue that old trash prevents the free flow of Qi energy, which is necessary for positive changes in life. If all of the above did not convince you to get rid of the accumulated junk, here are the TOP-8 reasons to throw away unnecessary things forever.

Reason 1. Rationality

Review old things for the appropriateness of their storage. Be honest with yourself if they will be useful to you in the coming years. Most people are afraid to throw away unnecessary junk, remembering years of scarcity that are already in the past. Nowadays, it is not difficult to find everything you need in the store. Therefore, leave only what you actively use, and take everything else to the trash heap without regret. In extreme cases, a suddenly needed item can be rented.

Reason 2. Mobility

Our life is completely unpredictable. And even if now you are not planning any move or change of place of residence, you cannot be sure that tomorrow there will be no urgent need for this. You may even have to move to another city. Now imagine how much effort, time and material resources will have to be spent on packing, transporting and unpacking all property, a considerable part of which is the most common trash! On the other hand, why pull extra junk into a new life? Better to start getting rid of it now.

Reason 3. Not quantity, but quality

Review your clothes. If you have a dozen blouses hanging in your closet, which after the first wash have lost their appearance, maybe you need to get rid of them? All the same, you will no longer wear them. Replace a bunch of unnecessary clothing items with a few sets of quality essentials. They will take up less space in the closet, and the problem of "nothing to wear" will be solved in the near future.

Reason 4. Minimalism

The minimalism style in home decoration is used by many designers. It seems boring only at first glance. Firstly, decor items look much more expressive and beautiful if there are few of them. Secondly, the fewer things in the apartment, the faster and easier it is to find each of them. And finally, experts have proven that order in housing contributes to the concentration of attention and rationalization of the thinking of the people living in it.

Reason 5. Saving time

In the modern world, time has a high price. Sometimes we complain that we are missing 24 hours in a day. How long did it take you recently to remember where your favorite T-shirt is? Did it take at least 15 minutes to find the book you promised your friend? If so, then it's time to think about the fact that the lion's share of your life is spent looking for your own things, and then conduct an audit and throw away all unnecessary trash without hesitation.

Reason 6. Caring for the environment

With a bunch of junk in the house, you have to throw something out every day. At the same time, many garbage bags are used, which are detrimental to the environment. It is better to collect all old newspapers, magazines and unnecessary papers at once in order to turn them over to waste paper. The less unnecessary things you have in your apartment, the less rubbish you will have to take out of it every day.

Reason 7. The law of prosperity

Feng Shui experts are confident in the existence of the law of prosperity, according to which unnecessary old things must be thrown away so that new ones appear in their place. And really, what kind of purchases can we talk about if there is no more free space in your home? You may not be an adherent of this teaching, but what prevents you from checking the operation of this law?

Reason 8. Psychological calmness

As a result of research, American psychiatrists have come to the conclusion that people who have a "gathering mania" are in a state of constant emotional stress. They spend a lot of time thinking which things should be thrown away and which ones can be left behind. Conversely, those who part with junk without regret have a more balanced and calm character. Think, perhaps, your frequent bad mood is connected with a subconscious dissatisfaction with a lot of rubbish in the apartment?

Did you get a bunch of T-shirts from your older brother? Or is the new sweater stretched out so that it looks like a tunic? Or maybe you, having worked hard enough, threw off 5 kilos, and now everything hangs on you, even throw it away? Or has a lot of things “tired” over time just accumulated in the wardrobe? In any case, the question - what to do with old things, affects absolutely everyone. Okay, if these are things worn out to the holes - it's not a pity to put them on rags and scraps, but what to do when a completely new thing is out of order? Or, for example, for the second year now you have a cardigan donated by your cousin three sizes larger? You will always have time to throw it away, but not always to do creative rework! Let's consider the simplest options ...


About fifteen years ago it was a very popular way to stand out among young people - to cut clothes in every possible way. Only earlier it was a protest action, but today it is a kind of delicacy. There was even such a technique - "chenille". When under the top layer, for example T-shirts, another fabric of contrasting color is placed and stitched with stripes (vertical, but more often horizontal), and then cuts are made between these stripes. Places of cuts can be thoroughly tousled to further accentuate the "scuffed" effect.

You don't have to be smart with all sorts of techniques, but simply cut the old thing in several places. It looks very nice on T-shirts and cotton tunics, especially if you wear a lace or contrasting color thing under them.

2.Remove all unnecessary

Sometimes it is enough to cut off the sleeves or collars from the old thing and you will have an elegant new thing. Think, perhaps, an almost new dress should not be thrown away right away - shorten it or repulse inappropriate ruffles, make a deeper neckline, or vice versa, finish off the fabric if you feel awkward in a too revealing neckline.

3.Use paint

You, in fact, only need fabric paint and a little imagination. Coloring options: you can make chaotic blots and stripes on the fabric; you can smear your lips with paint and put pretty prints; draw something simple - a tree, a heart, a face ... If you got hold of paint in a spray can - it's even easier. Spray it on the fabric from bottom to top to get a beautiful soft transition, and the new thing is ready. The last method looks very original on old, shabby vests.

4. Add details

Those things that are already boring enough and look uninteresting can be diversified with bright applique, lace, zippers, plaits, buttons, beads and beads. Squeak of fashion - beaded epaulettes with flowing fringes.

Put the wings on your back with pins? Decorate the sleeves with ethnic patterns? Difficult, but quite possible ...

6.Two in one

Place all items to be discarded in front of you. Perhaps you want to combine something? Sew on the shirt sleeves to the old T-shirt? Sewing colorful rags from an evening dress on faded jeans? Try making a stylish jacket out of a boring jacket and a worn sweatshirt, rebuffing the second with an elastic band with a hood and sewing on to the jacket.

7 when a thing is utter hopelessness

In this case, some craftsmen manage to use fabric as a material for creativity. They sew pictures, "sculpt" whole sculptures, lay out surreal installations.

8 turn clothes into an accessory

Cut the fabric into long ribbons (short ones can be sewn) and braid it into a thick braid - here's a stylish scarf for you. From knitted things you can cut out and sew mittens, a hat, warm socks. Boleros (see photo), ruffles for dresses and sundresses are obtained from ties.

9 fringe

Fringe can be used to decorate anything! Take a T-shirt, for example. We cut the bottom in vertical stripes and weave them randomly. You don't have to intertwine, because the fringe itself looks colorful.

Try cutting the entire back of your tee and tying it in knots for something very seductive in your wardrobe. Don't forget to cut off the sleeves and embellish the collar. Under such an elegant little thing, you can hem lace if you wish.

How to learn to throw away old and unnecessary things without regret

Most of us have a lot of unnecessary things at home. It happens that we accumulate them for years and even decades. Often we cannot bring ourselves to take out even outright rubbish into the trash. To get rid of old things - it's a pity to throw away , and friends or relatives do not need? How to get rid of the habit of leaving everything in reserve and getting rid of unnecessary property in time, read below.

Where did the accumulation habit come from? waste of unnecessary things

Think for yourself - after all, this is a distinctive feature of most of our people. And there are good reasons for this. Our history is full of wars and upheavals, every family in all generations suffered hardships and losses. It is not surprising that hoarding is ingrained in us, our people, at a subconscious level, are preparing for troubles and collecting everything that may be useful in a time of hardship.

The older the person, the more... This is easy to explain - just people of the older generation saw much more difficulties in life than young people. Therefore, he will not resist reproaching his parents or grandmothers for the love of trash. Just help them, and yourself at the same time, learn to look to the future with optimism.

We sell old things

If you don't want to get rid of years of accumulated junk, then don't do it! There is no need to deliberately discomfort yourself. Do it easier - sell everything you don't need. Believe me, even trampled boots or a burnt frying pan will find a buyer. If you are reading this article, then you have already matured the idea thatwhat to do with old thingsthrow it away, but selling and getting income from it is a completely different matter!

Algorithm getting money for unnecessary junk:

  • Register on Avito or Yulia. These are the most popular platforms for all kinds of sales.
  • Download the Avito or Yula application to your smartphone.
  • Take a photo of your property for sale with your phone.
  • Upload the resulting picture to Avito or Yulu through the application on your phone. Why through the phone? Then you just don't have to bother with transferring photos to a computer from a camera.
  • Search for things that are similar to what you want to sell and remember their price.
  • Set your price. If you want to sell faster, the price should be slightly lower than that of your competitors. If your product is better than others, feel free to put a higher value. If in doubt, then set the average price for Avito.
  • Enter your contacts and wait for buyers.

Caution scammers

If you decide to sell the goodness accumulated over many years via the Internet, be careful. Unfortunately, scammers often trade through Avito and similar sites. They use different schemes, you can't list all of them. But there are several popular divorces, which are often caught not only by the elderly, but also by young people.

Approximate schemes of deception on Avito and Yulia:

They call you and say that they are ready to buy your thing without looking and immediately transfer the entire amount to a bank card. But there is a problem - the person on the other end of the link needs some information about your card for reporting. Standard details such as phone and card number on the front side are not enough for them. Fraudsters ask them to provide them with a secret number on the back of the card, a code from an SMS from a bank, or a check with details from an ATM.

If something disturbs you in a conversation with customers, it is better to immediately stop communicating and block the incoming call. Otherwise, instead of making money selling trash, you can lose your money.

Or, as an option, immediately indicate in the announcement that you accept payment only in cash.

Gave a thing - improved karma

If for some reason you do not want to sell, then think about giving away unnecessary good. If your relatives and friends don’t need it, donate it over the Internet. Each city has its own groups on Vkontakte like “I will give it for free”. Just type in this name into a search engine or directly into a social network, and select communities in your city. In the group, post a photo and wait for letters with a request to donate this thing.

Or you can contact the nearest temple to you, usually in the church they collect things for poor people.

A thing you don't need can help someone, at least a little.

This option appeals to our Russian mentality. We always help everyone - relatives, friends, just acquaintances and even whole countries. A good deed will have a beneficial effect on self-esteem and self-awareness, which means it will help you personally feel a little better.

Thrown out old things - change la life is for the better

For those who believe in the Chinese wisdom called Feng Shui, it is easiest to get rid of unnecessary junk. Many people know that Feng Shui preaches that throwing out old stuff opens the door for something new and good. So do not regret unnecessary things - according to Chinese wisdom, in return, prosperity and prosperity will come to your house. Agree, a worthy reason to understand.


In addition to the above buns, after freeing your closet and home from all unnecessary things, you will have a lot of free space to again follow the original Russian tradition - to save up trash! This is a joke, of course, but there is some truth in it ...

All people are divided into two groups: those who like to accumulate old things, even if they are not used, and those who throw them away as unnecessary. What type are you? If you love collecting old stuff, you should probably reconsider your attitude towards things. No, this shiny iPhone box will never be useful to you, so you shouldn't store it carefully somewhere in the depths of your closet. And no, you will never flip through old Cosmo issues. Just throw them away without regret. Cleanse your home of unnecessary things, even if you once loved them very much. So which thing should you throw away immediately?

Wire hanger

Cheap wire hangers that appear in your home (from dry cleaners, or with new clothes) are bad for your belongings. They deform the fabric and leave traces of rust. Buy felt, wood, or hard plastic hangers instead.

Worn out boots

Are your favorite boots worn out? Throw them away. Still in good shape, but haven't you been wearing them for a long time? Give them to those who really need them.

Empty bottles from alcohol

Not going to college anymore? There is nothing to collect empty alcohol bottles if you have not lived in a hostel for a long time.

Clothes you don't wear

Give it to charity. A person less fortunate than you might wear it. The same goes for children's clothing and fancy dress, which you will never wear again.

Old toys

They can often be very expensive, which is why many parents are in no hurry to part with toys, even as children grow up. If they are not broken, donate them to charity or to friends who have small children.

Single socks

Have you created a special basket in which you keep all the socks without a pair, hoping that one day it will be lost? Trust me, this will not happen. Better if you just throw them away.

Old cosmetics

Expired cosmetic products can damage your skin, so it's best to get rid of them on time.

Expired medicines

No, you will never need these expired pills, so you shouldn't store them “just in case”. But not all expired medicines can be simply thrown into the trash. Make sure you dispose of them correctly.


You should replace your toothbrush every few months after the bristles wear out.

Refrigerated food

You know very well what we are talking about. Very often food remains in the refrigerator, which “do not reach your hands” to throw away. But you cannot just leave them there. Throw everything in the trash. Pay attention to shelf life.

Old bags from shops

Despite a kind of tradition of many people to keep a "bag of bags" in their home, in most cases they just accumulate, but are never used. Throw away any shopping bags that you have accumulated over several years, unless you really intend to use them.

CD-, DVD- and videotapes

It's already 2017 on the street. What are you keeping all those old CDs and DVDs for? Write the information you need to your hard drive to free up shelf space.

Kitchen sponges

They can be an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, so sponges should be washed or changed frequently. Not sure how to disinfect a sponge? The only remedy that will help you get rid of all bacteria is bleach.

Filters for water

The filter cartridges should be changed every few months, depending on the model, or when you notice that the water tastes bad.

Old business cards

You will never need the business cards of the company you worked for before, or the ones that you used when you were in a position. When you quit, old cards should be thrown into the trash.

Old chargers

Why do you need an old 2004 Motorola Razr phone charger? We live in the era of smartphones, so there is definitely no room in your home for old chargers.

Old magazines

Many people have been hoarding old magazines and newspapers for several years. Why do you need them? What is the likelihood that you will re-read them? Most likely, they only litter your coffee table.

Old socks and underwear

If they have more holes than they should be, throw them away without regret and buy new ones.

Old bills and receipts

If these accounts are really important, scan or take a picture and store them in a folder on your computer.

Life has become boring, monotonous, luck is not on your side, financial problems have appeared or you cannot meet your soul mate? In this case, take a look around: if at home you are surrounded by old things that have not been used for a long time, but, as a rule, it is a pity to throw them away, then this may be the reason for all the failures.

Very often, in order to let something new into the house, you just need to get rid of the old one. Do you want to learn how to properly throw away old things to attract new and good things into your life? Then read our today's publication on the website "Dream House" and be sure to try to apply the listed tips in practice.

Why you need to throw away old things periodically

According to feng shui, old things that litter the house impede the free circulation of qi energy, as a result, energy blocks are created in the house itself and in its tenants. That is why there is poor health, failure, dissatisfaction with oneself and one's life. In such a house you don't want to do anything, apathy, laziness are manifested, it is even difficult to breathe in it, and things seem to put pressure on the brain, provoking the appearance of negative thoughts.

Ideally, qi energy should look into every corner of the house, filling it and the people living in it with new vitality, giving happiness, health, peace of mind, and financial well-being. When all the corners are occupied with some kind of rubbish or unnecessary things, then the energy does not even get into these places. One has only to take and throw something out of old things, and the situation begins to change.

How to get rid of old things: where to start

As a rule, they start throwing away old things from the cabinets, but no one bothers to start, for example, with a "cleaning", a loggia, a pantry. Better yet, first get rid of unnecessary bulky things, for example, a worn out soft sofa or a crumbling chest of drawers, which no one will repair anymore. In addition, bugs and other insects that are dangerous to humans can live in old upholstered furniture. So let's get started ...

Balconies and loggias

On the balcony, find all the rubbish that was put together in case it "suddenly comes in handy", but for six months, a year or more, you have not even touched it. See what is hiding in the boxes, old suitcases and - for sure there is something to throw away, if not all! By the way, if you do not need a suitcase either, then you can also safely throw it away, the only exception can be those.

What else of the unnecessary can be found on the balcony? Look for trash in toolboxes, there, as a rule, some parts can be stored that you planned to "return" to their place, fix something, but did not do it, especially if that thing, a part from which is stored.

In general, a balcony or loggia is best used not for or unnecessary rubbish, but as a place to relax, or to equip a greenhouse there.


This is another place that might just get littered with rubbish. If you decide to throw out old things, then you need to start looking for them in the pantry.

Feel free to throw away the broken equipment stored in the pantry, for example, old or that you will no longer be able to repair, but kept in case "what if I make up my mind."

If food is stored in the pantry or closet, they need to be checked for freshness: old conservation can be safely thrown away; you also need to check bulk products and make sure that no "living creatures" have started up in them; there is no place for rotten vegetables.

Take away everything that you do not use, repair the shelves, cabinets, doors, if they are broken somewhere, glue the torn wallpaper, refresh the walls and door with new paint. After such cleaning, the pantry must be ventilated.

Cabinets and drawers

Probably, there is nothing harder than throwing away clothes and shoes, especially if it suits you very much, you still like it or remind you of some event. Clothes and shoes, like no other things, "remember" your energy, therefore, before throwing old things out of the closets, wash and dry them, wipe the shoes with a damp cloth. Things that are no longer suitable for anything are even advised to burn. Everything old that has accumulated on things, especially bad things, should neither return to you, nor pass to others. Therefore - either wash off or destroy!

You've probably already heard that you need to throw away things that have not been worn for six months, but everything here is individual, depending on the situation or at your discretion. You can throw away everything old in one fell swoop, but it happens that your hand does not rise, then the way out will be to learn how to throw away old things one by one, gradually, day after day ...

In addition to wardrobes, also check chests of drawers, ottomans, sofas, etc. What's in the built-in storage units in your bed? If it is bedding, then everything is in order, but if there are "trunks" with old things, throw them away mercilessly!

There are a lot of small drawers in furniture sets for the hallway, in children's walls and even in. They need to be checked for any unnecessary trifles: checks, receipts, vouchers with notes, old magazines and newspapers, broken pencils or written-off pens, etc. Are you still sorry to throw away all these old things? Believe me, your life will be better without them!


Another place for the accumulation of unnecessary things in an apartment or house is the kitchen. Here's how to get rid of junk in your kitchen:

  • First of all, you need to find all the chipped dishes, plates or cups with cracks, teapots and sugar bowls with broken handles - we shamelessly throw all this into the trash, not regretting it.
  • Old, unnecessary and scary utensils that you haven't used for a long time are also waiting to be thrown away.
  • Next, you need to throw out the worn out kitchen textiles - towels, an apron, replacing it with new and clean ones.
  • Go through the lockers where bulk products, cereals are stored, clean everything and put things in order.
  • Remove from kitchen cabinets everything that is out of place.
  • Check cutlery and all kinds of utensils. Feel free to throw away all those that have lost their appearance, lost functionality, broken or simply require replacement.

Also do regular and throw away unnecessary items every time to keep it as spacious, fresh and clean as possible.

What things shouldn't be thrown away

  • antiques that cost decent money;
  • things in good condition that can be sold;
  • things from which you can make crafts, decor for the interior (provided that you really do this, and not just dream of starting);
  • things that will come in handy at the dacha (here without fanaticism, so that EVERYTHING will not come in handy by accident!);
  • children's things and toys that can be passed on to someone "by inheritance."

A lot of people really need to learn how to throw away old things without hesitation and not to be sorry. Sometimes it is very difficult, but the result is worth it! When we get rid of the old, then something new will certainly come into our life, and it will certainly be pure and positive. Happy trash disposal!