How to properly paint eyebrows with paint - an interview with an eyebrowist. How to dye your eyebrows to create a natural make-up

How to paint eyebrows with paint at home? This question worries many women, because everyone wants to be beautiful, but only a few have enough time to go to the master. But now everything is fixable!

How to choose the right paint?

The choice of means for dyeing eyebrows must be approached with all responsibility - only in this case you can count on a good result. There are two basic rules in this matter.

Rule 1. Use products designed for dyeing eyelashes and eyebrows. Be sure to check if there is a corresponding inscription on their packaging.

Important! Should you dye your eyebrows with hair dye? This absolutely must not be done! It contains the strongest reagents that can ruin a good half of the hairs and damage the epidermis. If such paint gets into the eyes, the consequences will be even more dire.

Rule 2. Buy only good and proven products. Remember, experimenting with substandard drugs can cost you your eyebrows.

What paint is better for eyebrow dyeing? We offer you a small overview of the highest quality brands.

"Estel Professional ONLY looks"

A professional cosmetic brand with an affordable cost (about 150 rubles). Together with it, a set of necessary tools is sold - an application brush, a mixing container, a developing emulsion and gloves. It is consumed sparingly. It is easy to find on sale.

Important! Estel paint dyes not only the hairs, but also the skin.


This dye is characterized by a variety of shades and an affordable price. It dyes the hairs of high quality without affecting the skin. Unfortunately, there are no special tools included.


This eyebrow tint provides a rich tone, is easy to apply and lasts long enough. It is consumed sparingly. Among the disadvantages are the ability to paint the skin and the lack of accessories.

Important! Each package of paint comes with instructions for use. Having decided to dye your eyebrows at home, do not be too lazy to study it carefully. Pay special attention to contraindications and side effects. If for some reason you cannot use this or that dye, refuse the procedure - this can lead to sad consequences.

The consumption of eyebrow dye is minimal, so one tube is enough for about 4-6 months. But for the same reason, the expiration date should be checked before each procedure. Is it harmful to use expired products? Of course! Not only will this not give the desired results, but it will also cause a severe allergic reaction.

How to choose the right color?

When you decide to dye your eyebrows yourself, choose the color you want. Fortunately, this palette will not be as large as that of hair dyes. Most manufacturers offer 4 basic shades - light, black, graphite (gray) and brown. Ideally, the new color should be 1-2 tones darker than the hair. So, black is ideal for burning brunettes. Brown-haired women should stop at brown paint or mix it with black. This solution will make the eyebrows more natural, so do not be afraid of any experiments in this direction. By the way, brown paint can be light and dark, so the owners of red, golden and chocolate hair will have plenty to choose from. As for blondes, colors that are a couple of shades darker than their natural shade are suitable for them. And the last one is gray. With the help of such a paint, you can achieve the most natural shade that suits both dark and light.

Allergy test is a mandatory step

Eyebrow dyeing requires an allergic test. Do not neglect this procedure, because any paint is a chemical product that contains not only color pigments, but also many other aggressive components.

An allergy test is done 24 hours before the expected procedure. To do this, a small amount of paint is applied to the skin of the wrist or the elbow fold. If during the day on the treated area there is no redness or irritation, feel free to go to the eyebrows.

Tips to help you choose the right shape for your eyebrows before painting:

How to dye eyebrows correctly - instructions

Eyebrow dyeing at home takes place in several stages. Let's consider each of them, but first let's figure out what we need to work:

  • Coloring composition;
  • Tweezers;
  • Cotton pads or cotton wool;
  • Cosmetic pencil;
  • Brush;
  • Container for mixing paint - it is better to use ceramics or plastic, as the metal oxidizes the paint;
  • Cotton buds;
  • Fatty cream.

How is the eyebrow coloring process step by step?

Step 1. Give the arcs the desired shape by removing excess hairs. Note that it is better for blondes to carry out the correction after staining!

Step 2. Outline their outline with a white or dark cosmetic pencil. This will prevent errors during the application of the composition.

Step 3. Lubricate the skin around the eyebrows with any greasy cream - it will prevent the absorption of pigment in unnecessary areas. If ink does get on your skin, a waterproof mascara remover can help remove it.

Step 4. Mix the paint according to the instructions - 2 gr. paint + 8-10 drops of 3% oxidizing agent. Remember, the color in the container will be slightly lighter, but do not increase the dose just in case - it will become too dark.

Step 5. Apply the color to the eyebrows using a thin brush with a beveled edge and artificial fibers. Movements should be soft and depressing. Start around the middle of the arc and work your way up to the outer tip. The inner part of the eyebrow should be a little lighter, so it should be dyed last.

Advice! Paint the arcs separately - this will allow you to see and correct possible imperfections in time.

Step 6. Remove excess with cotton swabs. This must be done quickly - after 2 minutes the dye will leave a mark.

Step 7. Lie down on the sofa and wait for the right time. How long to keep the paint on the eyebrows? The exact time is indicated in the instructions, but, as a rule, it is about 10-15 minutes.

Step 8. Erase the pencil marks from the skin.

Step 9. Immediately after coloring, lubricate the eyebrows with a fat cream.

Important! The longer the paint lasts, the darker the shade will be. Therefore, to obtain a deep black color, the composition is kept for a quarter of an hour. To dye your eyebrows in a brown tone for yourself, wait 7-10 minutes.

Step 10. Remove the paint with a sponge soaked in warm water.

Advice! If you don't like the resulting color, try washing it off with lemon juice and ammonia tonic. But this can be done no earlier than 24 hours after the procedure.


Eyebrow dyeing has several contraindications:

  • Intolerance to the components of the dye;
  • Sensitive skin prone to irritation;
  • Diseases of the eyes of an infectious nature;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Frequency of painting

Many women are concerned about another important question: "How often can you dye your eyebrows with paint?" For all the attractiveness of this procedure, you should not get carried away with it. Experts recommend staining no more than 1 time per month. At the same time, the coloring pigment will fade after 1.5-2 weeks, but it is better to be patient and tint your eyebrows with a pencil or shadows than to risk their health. Over the next 2 weeks, the hairs will be able to fully recover, especially if you regularly lubricate them with special products to accelerate growth.

How to care for eyebrows after coloring?

To avoid hair loss, learn how to properly care for dyed eyebrows. This is done simply:

  • Lubricate the arches daily with burdock, olive or castor oil. Thanks to this, they will become beautiful and thick;
  • 2 times a week, make warm compresses with any vegetable oil. Warm it up to 40-50 degrees, apply on 2 cotton pads and apply to eyebrows for 10-15 minutes. Wash off the remains with water or a clean piece of cotton wool;
  • Light massage has a very good effect. It promotes increased circulation and the supply of more nutrients to the bulbs, allows the hairs to recover faster and makes them stronger and shinier. The massage is also performed using oils. A small amount is applied to the eyebrow area and rubbed in with gentle massage movements for a quarter of an hour.

So that everything comes out beautifully and does not harm your health, heed the advice of experienced cosmetologists.

Tip 1. While working, put on gloves, and cover your shoulders with a cape.

Advice 2. Before applying paint, you need to cleanse your face - preferably peeling.

Tip 3. Wipe your skin with a cotton pad dipped in a disinfectant solution - peroxide and chlorhexidine are ideal.

Advice 4. Avoid contact of the dye mixture with eyelids and eyes.

Advice 5. If it does get on the mucous membranes, wash yourself with plenty of running water. If the burning sensation and redness persist for a long time, see a doctor immediately.

Tip 6. Do everything in stages, without neglecting a single step.

Tip 7. Use only freshly prepared formulations.

Now you know how to color your eyebrows with paint at home. As you can see, this is not difficult at all. After performing several of these procedures, you will become a real pro.

It's not just eye protection against dust and infections, but also part of the look. Pay attention to your facial expressions: a flick of an eyebrow can express the entire palette of emotions, from pity to joy and surprise. Eyebrow grooming is the main point of everyday makeup. They should be monochromatic, correctly designed and at the same time look natural, so that no one would think that someone had "painted" them.

Eyebrow dyeing is a popular procedure for housewives.

Blondes and owners of naturally red hair, unlike brown-haired women, brunettes and dark-blond girls, cannot boast of expressive eyebrows due to the pallor of the hairs. Therefore, they prefer different types of eyebrow tinting, which help to highlight them.

Methods for dyeing eyebrows and eyelashes in the salon

  • Cosmetical tools. Among them are gel, powder, shadows, mascara ... Pencils and other decorative cosmetics leave a huge field for creativity every day: you can constantly change images and adapt to any hair color without much effort, using only one applicator or a brush.

Plus: If you make a mistake, it's easy to fix it with water or a damp cloth. It is possible, if they do not differ in density, to give them monotony.

The disadvantage of this method is fragility. Any rain can wash away the entire surface, let alone swim in the river.

  • Permanent makeup (for example, it is a popular service in salons. A master selects a shade and applies a solid color or imitates hairs.

Important: come to a beauty salon for tattooing, not to a tattoo parlor. Not always, in the latter case, the masters have the education of a cosmetologist.

Plus: durable. only after a couple of years.

Minus: it looks unnatural, the mistake is more difficult and costly to fix, pain and injury are possible.

Before and after tattooing:

  • Bio-coloring of eyebrows.

Coloring is the best option for women who want to stay vibrant in any situation. This is especially true when you have to go on a long hike, to the sea or to a bathhouse or sauna, where the makeup peels off, unable to withstand the high temperature and humidity. This type is optimal: it lasts for about a month, it is safe and there is always the possibility of a radical change of the image whenever you want.

Eyebrows before and after painting:

In this article, we will take a closer look at the latter option. So what does it take to successfully color your eyebrows?

We select the shape

The shape of the eyebrows determines the expression on the face. Angular arrow-like eyebrows with sharp tips make the face angry, the raised inner corners provide an expression of eternal surprise. Therefore, it is worth choosing a neutral facial expression for yourself. "Calculate" with a regular pencil.

This universal diagram shows at what angle you need to place the pencil relative to the bridge of the nose so that the highest points of the eyebrows are located exactly where it suits you best.

We select paint and color: Brow henna and other brands

Often . It was created specifically for long-lasting eyebrow dyeing that would not damage the hair follicles, scalp and the hairs themselves.

Coloring eyebrows and eyelashes has its own immutable laws, such as:

  • Do not dye your eyebrows with hair dye or eyelash dye, or vice versa. This can lead to skin irritation or hair loss.
  • It is necessary to follow the rules of protection (avoid getting pigment in the eyes or on the skin under the eyes). The effect can be not only aesthetically unpleasant, but also there is a risk of getting burned.
  • The correct choice of shade: the eyebrows should be 1-2 tones darker and richer than the hair on the head. You can be guided by this scheme:

Trying it yourself

If you don't have the time and money to go to the salon, you can perform the painting procedure at home. If all the rules are followed properly, dyeing eyebrows in the salon will not differ in any way from home dyeing.

What is needed for this:

  1. Make sure there are no inflammatory processes on the skin and eyes. If there are any, it is better to postpone painting until recovery.
  2. Prepare inventory: cotton swabs or discs, fat cream (baby or petroleum jelly), a brush and the paint itself.
  3. Remove all makeup (it is preferable to do this with special makeup remover).


Technology for dyeing eyebrows at home with henna and paint: how long the beautiful design of the eyebrows lasts

  • We prepare the paint in full accordance with the instructions. Do not try to experiment on your eyebrows if they are still dear to you!
  • Protecting the skin from paint. This is where baby cream comes in handy. The fatter the better. Smear a thick layer on the areas around the eyebrows that we do not want to paint. On the lower eyelid, put a half of a cotton pad or an adhesive plaster.
  • We apply paint to the eyebrows.

Important: before dyeing eyebrows with henna, it is necessary to test it on the inside of the wrist to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction.

The eyes must be kept tightly closed throughout the entire time (how long to keep the paint, read on the packaging - the main thing is not to overexpose!). It usually takes 5-15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the hairs.

If the paint does get in, you need to use special anti-inflammatory eye drops and rinse thoroughly.

  • At the end of staining, the remaining paint is removed with a cotton swab soaked in water. Traces of paint should remain on it. Do not worry if there is a lot of it - everything that is needed for coloring is already fixed on the eyebrows.

Care after staining: correction procedure

Eyebrow shaping with tweezers is carried out immediately after dyeing. This is done in order to remove light-colored hairs that were not visible before the procedure.

If you are unhappy with the tone and it came out darker than planned, then you can moisten a cotton swab in an alcohol solution and wipe your eyebrows.

Take care of the eyebrows, they are alone

It is important to remember to limit yourself if you want to have healthy and beautiful eyebrows. In addition to monthly color correction or in the salon, it is important to "feed" them with various vitamins: B6, E, A, D; as well as oils: castor, burdock, peach, olive; and various masks with their participation.

They can be applied using an old mascara brush, which can be washed and given new life by applying useful products daily before bed.

Few women can boast of the ideal shape and thickness of their eyebrows. Most have to make weekly corrections, plucking out excess hairs, and at least once a month to dye their eyebrows.

Fortunately, there are now many safe and easy-to-use products that allow you to quickly and accurately paint at home.

However, despite its seeming simplicity, this procedure must be carried out strictly according to the rules, otherwise the consequences can be very dire. If used improperly, you can lose most of the hairs and cause allergies. How to dye your eyebrows with dye in such a way as to improve the appearance and not harm your health?


Dyeing eyebrow hairs with permanent dyes has a number of advantages over painting them daily with a pencil or eye shadow. These benefits include paint fastness, which allows you to:

  • look well-groomed, have clear-cut appearance and within 25-30 days without adjustment;
  • during the summer heat and high humidity, do not worry that the paint will "float";
  • always and in any situation, stay wearing makeup, be it the beach, the pool or the gym.

Agree, it is very convenient to always be confident in the durability of your makeup and look attractive!


If you decide to try on yourself all the advantages of eyebrow dyeing with resistant compounds, then the first thing you need to do is choose the right shade. Going to buy paint, immediately set yourself up for the fact that you will not have such a choice as in hair products. The color range of eyebrow tinting products is small. It consists of three basic colors: black, brown and gray.

Only natural brunettes should use black paint. For red-haired women, brown-haired women and blondes, it is best to opt for brown, achieving the desired shade by increasing or decreasing the dyeing time. If the hair and eyebrows are completely light or gray, then you need to use gray colors.

Recently, eyebrow dyeing in the same color as the hair dyed has become more and more popular. However, to a greater extent, this is suitable for dark-haired and brown-haired women, with hair color as close as possible to natural shades. After all, it is quite difficult to imagine such a composition in the color of an eggplant or a ripe cherry. And it is not recommended to use hair dyes for other purposes, since the concentration of these agents is much higher than eyebrow dyes.


Do not rush and start the procedure immediately after purchasing a paint product. First, you need to prepare: decide on the shape, removing all unnecessary hairs. After that, the site of the manipulation must be disinfected with alcohol lotion. It is necessary to remove excess hairs at least a day before the planned painting, so that microdamages on the skin have time to heal.

Before using the paint for the first time, carefully study the instructions supplied with the product, and during the procedure, carefully follow these recommendations. Prepare all the necessary tools in advance.
Most often, a minimum of tools is included in the kit and is sold along with the paint, but if the manufacturer does not provide for such a complete set, you will have to acquire the tools yourself.

So, in order to paint eyebrows with paint at home, you will need the following tools and additional tools:

  • a small plastic or glass container for diluting the coloring composition;
  • a special spatula or a small thin brush for applying paint. If they are not there, you can use cotton swabs;
  • disposable rubber or cellophane gloves;
  • petroleum jelly or fat cream;
  • gauze or cosmetic wipes.

Before carrying out the procedure, the face must be free from the remains of decorative cosmetics and dry thoroughly.


After the face and tools are prepared, you can start the procedure. First, it is necessary, according to the instructions, to dilute the paint and leave it for a couple of minutes for the oxidizer to react with the dye. In the meantime, a cream or petroleum jelly should be applied to the skin around the hairs to be dyed to help prevent dye from getting on them.

Then, using a brush, the paint is applied in a thick layer to the eyebrows, starting from the widest part near the bridge of the nose. In order for it not to accidentally get into the eyes, the procedure is recommended to be carried out slightly leaning forward. The most convenient way to do this is in front of a table mirror.

On average, the duration of the procedure is 8-15 minutes. It depends on the dye composition itself, the structure of the eyebrows and the color that you want to get in the end. The longer the exposure time, the more intense the color will be. However, do not exceed the maximum staining time limits specified in the instructions.

After the time has elapsed, the coloring composition must be removed with a cotton swab and then rinsed with warm water, using a cleanser. If the paint does get on the skin around the eyebrows, you can try to remove it with a waterproof makeup remover.


In order for the eyebrows to be always not enough just one correction and coloring once a month. They need daily care that will not take long.

To maintain their thickness and silkiness, it is recommended to lubricate them with castor or burdock oil every day. The most convenient way to do this procedure is with a brush and a tube of old mascara. They must be washed from the remnants of the mascara and pour oil there.

Massage has a positive effect on the condition of the eyebrows, so the eyebrows should be combed and massaged daily. For these purposes, you can use a regular toothbrush.

Throughout the ages, poets have glorified the female gaze - crafty and simple-minded, full of secrets and temptation. And few people think about the fact that not only the inner world of a woman gives expressiveness to the eyes, but also, paradoxically, the eyebrows!

By nature, the perfect beauty of eyebrows is not given to everyone. But, as the great Chanel said (and she already knew), if by the age of thirty a woman has not become a beauty, then she is simply stupid. The modern beauties are armed with the latest achievements in cosmetology. But girls are always in a hurry somewhere, and they have no time (and sometimes the desire) to go to the salon to the master. And therefore, more and more ladies are doing such procedures at home as dyeing and eyebrow shaping. All these are not very difficult tasks, you only need to know some important details that will be disclosed in this article.

Eyebrow correction

It is carried out a few days before staining or a few days after this procedure. Since the skin is naturally injured during eyebrow correction, it is necessary to allow the micro-wounds to heal so that the paint does not cause inflammation.

To correct eyebrows, you need things that are in the arsenal of any fashionista:

  • tweezers;
  • a mirror in which the entire oval of the face is visible;
  • a long pencil in order to determine the ideal shape.

Determine the shape of the eyebrows

To do this, you need to attach a pencil to the wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. The point above the corner of the eye is the perfect beginning of our eyebrow. A conditional line should be drawn through the wing of the nose and the pupil. Where it crosses the eyebrow is its bend. Next, attach the pencil to the wing of the nose and direct it to the outer corner of the eye. Where the pencil and the eyebrow intersect is its end.

Check the symmetry of the eyebrow height

Apply the pencil horizontally to the top points of both eyebrows. Pull out the excess from the taller one. After that, again with a pencil, check if the tips are the same level. Remove excess hairs. Now you need to define the bend of the eyebrow. Extra hairs should be plucked out very carefully. It is necessary to constantly compare the eyebrows with each other during the correction process.

It must be remembered that there are no perfectly symmetrical faces in nature, so a slight mismatch in the levels of eyebrow bends is absolutely normal.

On a note

It's no secret that an oval face is considered ideal. Therefore, its happy owners do not need to correct the shape of the face and can simply shape their eyebrows with a beautiful arch. She will make the look open and emphasize the beauty of the lady.

If we are talking about an oblong face, you need to pluck the eyebrows straight. This will visually expand its overly elongated oval.

For the round type, create small raised eyebrows. If they are long, they will intensify the feeling of the "circle".

For a square type of face, it is necessary to soften in the form of eyebrows without sharp breaks. They should be long and raised high.

And, finally, the triangular type of face, or, as it is also romantically called, "heart", requires rounded eyebrows. The arch should be raised to emphasize the expressiveness of the face.

After a few days, you can safely proceed to such a procedure as eyebrow dyeing.

Eyebrow dyeing

The most popular way to save yourself some of the morning hassle is to dye your eyebrows. Reviews of fashionistas about this are simply amazing! Any girl who has tried this method will tell you how necessary such a procedure is: this way the eyebrows will become brighter, and the facial features - clear and complete.

And, lo and behold, the whole next month you will not need to correct them with a pencil in the morning, and in the evening you will enthusiastically wash off your makeup!

But, as in any fairy tale, not everything is so smooth. Eyebrow dyeing at home implies the implementation of some rules. First of all, one should take into account the contraindications to such a procedure:

  • eyebrow dyeing with paint is prohibited in case of individual intolerance to the components that make up it;
  • the presence of inflammatory eye diseases (such as uveitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis);
  • pregnancy and the time of breastfeeding is also a reason to postpone the coloring of the eyebrows, since the reaction of the woman's body during such periods has not been studied by the manufacturers of paints.

If this list does not concern the lady in any way, then she can calmly exhale and prepare everything necessary for staining.

For the eyebrow dyeing procedure, you will need:

  1. Cotton swabs (you can use a narrow brush or a washed mascara brush).
  2. Special eyebrow dye. It is possible to use a mixture of henna and basma (you need to know that dyeing eyebrows with hair dye is unacceptable, unless the manufacturer permits it, since most often their composition is not intended for use in the sensitive area near the eyes).
  3. Small container (not made of iron) and stick.

A good and harmless way is to dye your eyebrows with henna. Reviews about this method say that henna is the best natural dye.

The first stage of staining. How not to dye your skin?

It is necessary to remove the hair from the face (you can secure it with hairpins). Rub the eyebrow area with tonic, and apply vegetable oil or any oily cream on the skin around them. This ensures that the dye that gets on the skin will not be absorbed into it.

The second stage of staining. Reaction check

It is necessary to dilute the paint with the agent that is included in the kit, in strict accordance with the instructions. Carry out a sensitivity test - apply a little paint on the area behind the ear and leave for 30 minutes. If everything is in order, the paint can be used without fear - there is no allergy to it!

In the case when henna and basma are used, you should proceed as follows. Mix one teaspoon of henna with the same amount of basma. Pour the mixture with hot water and stir until a thick creamy mass is formed.

An important secret

Eyebrow dyeing with a mixture of henna and basma can give different shades. It's about proportion. Using 1: 1 results in a dark brown color. If you add more basma, you get a shade closer to black. For lighter brows, add more henna.

If immediately after staining it becomes obvious that the color is not quite yours, you can simply correct it. If it is too dark, apply henna again for 40 minutes, if it is too light, dilute the basma with water and apply it for 40 minutes.

The third stage of staining. Paint application

You need to put on gloves on your hands and start applying paint (or a mixture of henna and basma) directly to the eyebrow using a cotton swab. The paint must be distributed on the hairs of the eyebrows in the course of their growth, that is, from the nose to the temples. It should be applied as thick as possible.

The fourth stage of staining. We wait and wash off

Timed (after dyeing the first eyebrow). It should be remembered that the dye remains on the eyebrows for coloring for 5-15 minutes, and the mixture of henna and basma - 40 minutes.

After this period, you need to wash off the paint from the eyebrows using a cotton swab dipped in water.

If paint gets on the skin, wipe it off with an alcohol solution.

The fifth stage of staining. Color correction

If the color is too intense, it is necessary to thicken the eyebrows with laundry soap and remove it with water.

The result of a proper procedure such as dyeing and eyebrow shaping at home will be the same as in the salon. Eyebrows become bright and expressive. This effect lasts from 3 to 4 weeks. If we are talking about a mixture of basma and henna, then the result is much more durable - from several months to six months.

What's in the article:

Regardless of the changing fashion, eyebrows have always been considered one of the main elements of the face, because they are responsible for its expressiveness. "How to dye your eyebrows at home without making mistakes?" - this question worries many women.

Therefore, today on the site you will learn how to carry out this procedure yourself, at home, and also get acquainted with the secrets and subtleties of painting, which are used in their work by the masters of beauty salons.

Dyeing methods

Every woman tries to master the art of applying makeup. Carrying out cosmetic procedures on your own can significantly reduce cash costs.

Coloring your eyebrows at home is not difficult at all. The main thing is to master all the secrets of the skill, which will be revealed in this article. After a certain time, you will definitely master this procedure and significantly reduce the time of its implementation.

Coloring can be done in two ways: with the help of shadows or a pencil and using a special paint.

In this article, we will consider in detail all the nuances of dyeing with paint, since this method gives a long-lasting effect up to several months. You will be given two options:

  1. Staining with chemical paint;
  2. Coloring with natural remedies: henna and basma.

Choosing paint

The cosmetic industry produces eyebrow dye in the form of: powder, powder, gel or cream.

The site warns - hair dye, in this case, will not work! It contains chemicals that can have an extremely negative effect on the delicate skin in the eyebrow area. Buy dye preparations that are designed to dye your eyebrows.

The best among cosmetologists is the paint in the form of a gel.

The color gamut, unfortunately, is not very wide. You can choose between light, graphite, brown or black. To choose the right color, take into account - it should be in harmony with the color of your skin and be 1 or 2 shades darker than the color of your hair. If you want a more natural shade, you can try mixing different dye colors.

Another important factor is an allergic reaction to the chosen remedy. Even if the instructions indicate that you bought a product with the most gentle composition, do not be too lazy to do an allergy test. Before you start coloring, test the drug on another part of the body, for example, on the arm. If, after 30 minutes, you have not noticed anything disturbing, you can safely use the purchase.

And yet, if you have eye inflammations, first - cure, then - bring beauty.

Step-by-step instructions for the procedure

Naturally, before dyeing your eyebrows at home, you decided which color suits you, bought a dye and tested for an allergic reaction. Now you need to prepare the necessary tools.

  • Paint;
  • Dishes for mixing the coloring matter;
  • Mirror;
  • A brush for applying the drug (it can be replaced with a cotton swab);
  • Cotton pads;
  • Greatest face cream you have.

After that, correct the shape of your eyebrows. Remove all excess hairs. Control the removal of light, barely noticeable hairs so that they, after dyeing, do not spoil the shape of the eyebrows.

Before dyeing your eyebrows with the paint you bought, read the instructions carefully. Pay attention to how long the dye cannot be washed off.

We start to act:

  • Wash your face and cleanse your face from dirt.
  • Pin up your hair by removing it from your forehead.
  • Cover your shoulders with a cape.
  • Put on your gloves.
  • Adhering to the proportions in the instructions, dilute the paint.
  • Lubricate the skin around the eyebrows with cream.
  • Using a brush carefully, spread the color over the entire length of the eyebrow. The fatter you apply the paint, the richer you will get the color after staining.

How to properly paint eyebrows at home with paint? It should be applied from the top edge of the eyebrow, moving inward. At the same time, try not to get paint on your skin!

  • Do not wash off the dye for the time indicated in the instructions. The optimal time is from 10 to 20 minutes. Remember that over a period of time, you can adjust the intensity of the color. But, the thinner the hair structure, the faster you need to wash off the paint.
  • Lubricate a cotton pad with a greasy cream and remove the paint with it. Wipe off the paint until the cotton pad is clean.

When doing the procedure at home, try not to get paint in your eyes. If this happens, rinse them immediately with running water.

What to do for lovers of natural cosmetics

In this case, the well-proven henna and basma will come to the rescue. How to dye your eyebrows with henna at home?

This method will take much longer than staining with chemicals, but the effect will be persistent, the paint will last longer. Natural ingredients are more gentle, and, moreover, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

In order to properly paint yourself, you need to know some secrets. For coloring, pure henna is more suitable for people with red hair. A darker color is achieved by mixing henna and basma. The color intensity depends on the amount of basma. By varying the amount of this dye, shades from black to dark brown can be obtained.

Secrets of the masters of beauty salons

Finally, especially for you, a few secrets that will help make your eyebrows more beautiful and well-groomed.

If, after painting your home, you notice a darker color than you would like, don't be discouraged! There is an exit! Soap up a cotton pad urgently and remove excess paint.

After removing the dye, you can slightly correct the shape of your eyebrows. To do this, you will have to remove previously invisible light hairs, which, after the dyeing procedure, can make the eyebrows sloppy. To do this, treat the tweezers with an alcohol solution and remove them.

All cosmetologists insist that you can dye eyelashes and eyebrows no more than once a month.

Now you know all about how to dye your eyebrows at home. Do not forget to nourish them with castor, peach or olive oil after the procedure to strengthen and grow hair.

Beautiful, well-groomed eyebrows accentuate the eyes. Take care of them! When painting, do not forget about leaving, and you will always be satisfied with your appearance.