How to properly clean your heels with a pumice stone. Pumice brush and regular pumice for feet: rules of use and history of appearance

Which exfoliating product combines simplicity, affordability and popularity at the same time? That's right, it's cosmetic pumice.

With its help, you can remove dead skin particles, calluses and the so-called corns. In a word, a very necessary thing in everyday life. And if you think that pumice came into use only with the development of the cosmetic industry, then you are mistaken. Our great-grandmothers used it, and not without success.

Back when there was no soap...

After the eruption of volcanoes, the lava, as it cooled, turned into a porous rock, the structure of which resembles the sandpaper we know. This frozen rock is pumice. It is not known exactly when, but our forefathers noticed that it is an excellent tool for cleansing the skin. There was no soap then, and they used pumice stone for this purpose.

As you can see, the history of the use of pumice not only as a cosmetic, but also as a hygienic product dates back to ancient times. This natural substance, which has a characteristic rough surface, was used by the ancestors so masterfully that there were no scratches on the body, not to mention more serious damage or bleeding.

There is evidence that the ancient fair sex used pumice as a depilator - after all, there were no other opportunities for this then. Interestingly, this seemingly outdated method is still in demand today: many women prefer to remove hair on their legs with a pumice stone. How it's done? The method is as old as the world. First you need to steam your legs, lather them thoroughly and then move them in circular motions, which should be light, without much pressure. After that, the foam, of course, is washed off and the removed hairs go with it.

It is not known for sure whether our great-grandmothers smeared their feet with something after the procedure was completed. But modern followers of this depilation method must apply a greasy cream. And they do it right, because by doing so they prevent skin irritation.

Secrets of home use

At the same time, there are many people who consider pumice stone to be almost an obsolete relic and therefore not worthy of attention. Others are not so categorical, but they believe that it is too aggressive and can bring a lot of unpleasant minutes to the skin. Both of them are wrong. Although, let's not hide, in inept hands it can really harm ...

In order for cosmetic pumice not to become your enemy, but to gain a reputation as a reliable friend and helper, you must follow simple rules for using it at home.

So, this tool is never applied dry. You must first wash your feet, be sure to steam them, and then dry them slightly with a towel. For a bath, you can take plain water, or you can use additives that will not be superfluous at all - sea salt or starch. Some prefer to add decoctions of medicinal plants. The same chamomile, for example. Such a decoction has a great effect on the condition of the skin on the legs, removing fatigue accumulated during the day from them.

It is strongly not recommended to use pumice stone for soft and delicate skin areas. By nature itself, it was created to act on hard and coarsened areas. She removes dead cells of the epidermis very easily, in a few simple movements. However, try not to overdo it: as soon as the treatment with pumice causes a burning sensation, the procedure should be completed immediately. This means that the dead cells "ended" and she got to the sensitive layers of the skin.

There are many cases (especially in rural areas, where people work in the field for a long time and walk barefoot) when pumice is used daily. This is more of a habit than a necessity, because this tool is not recommended for such frequent use. The exception is perhaps the first two weeks, when there is a large “front of work” in the form of accumulated unnecessary skin in front of the pumice stone. Then, when it is removed, pumice should be used no more than two (sometimes three) times a week. For prevention.

The removal of corns must be said separately. They should be “dealt with” not in one fell swoop, but gradually, removing one small layer every day. Strong pressure is not welcome, as you can hook on healthy skin and provoke an ulcer. Or cause infection and inflammation.

It is important not only to use pumice stone skillfully and accurately, but also to complete the skin cleansing procedure correctly. To do this, rinse your feet with cool water and be sure to apply a skin-nourishing cream on them. By adhering to these simple tips and recommendations, you will avoid additional drying of the skin, it will not become rough.

How to choose a pumice stone for your feet?

Pumice for cosmetic purposes is natural and artificial. The manufacturers of the latter usually report what synthetic materials it is made of, so if you opt for this option, then at least do it consciously. But still, I would like to warn you against artificial analogues, since there are a lot of low-quality fakes in their assortment. Such, so to speak, pumice stones are less solid in their structure, they do not represent all the properties of a natural remedy. And they break down very quickly, not to mention the fact that they can harm the skin when used. Especially if you are allergic to the artificial material from which they are made. Hence the conclusion: if possible, choose only natural pumice!

And here's another thing we would like to draw the attention of our readers. The convenience of using this tool and the effect of it depend not only on the material and your skills, but also on its shape. Therefore, when choosing a pumice stone, “try it on” with your palm. If it is comfortable to hold in your hand, then - buy it! And, of course, take a closer look at the pores: the smaller they are on pumice, the more gently it will treat your skin, giving it health and beauty.

Mankind did not invent pumice - it is a gift from mother nature. When people wanted to and learned to keep their bodies clean, they began to use pumice stone. It was used not only to cleanse the keratinized and rough skin of the legs, but also to cleanse the entire body.

Pumice was both soap and washcloth at the same time. At that time, humanity thought little about the gentle, sparing effect on the skin ...

The modern rhythm of life sets new rules and requirements. Fashion makes new adjustments, all kinds of creams and scrubs are invented to cleanse the skin. But pumice for feet still remains in the arsenal of personal hygiene items, it is as popular as ever.

The porous, bubbly substance formed as a result of the rapid solidification of volcanic, light-colored glass is pumice. This rock is obtained from volcanic eruptions. There are pumice deposits in Kamchatka, near Yerevan, in the western United States.

The different state of minerals during a volcanic eruption form a rock of different structure and color. The gas bubbles remaining inside the boiling mass, starting to stand out, form cavities that remain in the rock until solidification. Thanks to the laws of nature, pumice turned out to be a light, porous, abrasive natural material.

Natural pumice stone for feet

I remember the time when it was very difficult to get natural pumice stone for feet. Perhaps it was only with us and this personal hygiene item was scarce only in the North.

I remember the case when my mother and I went to the south and one friend ordered to bring her an ordinary natural pumice stone for her feet as a gift.

Now the times of shortage are over - people have learned how to make artificial pumice, which is very similar to the original and in general it has the same properties. However, low-quality artificial material can break, forming sharp corners, absorb water abundantly, dry poorly, and so on.

Therefore, as before, more preference is given to natural pumice. Real pumice is more porous and lighter than its artificial counterpart. It does not break or crumble, it does not have sharp edges. This is an environmentally friendly product that does not cause allergies. Perfectly removes dead skin cells, growths, corns, small corns.

How to use a pumice stone in the bath

There is nothing easier than just cleaning your feet with a pumice stone! That's what most of us think. And in fact, not everything in this world can be explained in a nutshell.

For any cleansing, warming up the body, the presence of hot water and soap is necessary. And in the bath of this good, the box is full!

For all its innocence, pumice is an abrasive material that is used to polish the skin. The skin must be prepared, because it is subjected to intense, rough exposure.

Therefore, the skin must be steamed so that friction does not cause discomfort. Rough skin softens and can be easily removed. Foot care and the use of pumice stone in the bath are usually done at the end of the bath ceremony.

For example, I always do hot foot baths before cleaning my heels. It can be an ordinary bath with soap, a useful bath with herbs, needles or broom leaves. When the legs are steamed, you can start cleaning. Someone starts cleaning directly in the pelvis, while washing off skin plaque from the pumice.

Others, on the contrary, after warming up, dry their feet with a towel and only then proceed to cleaning. But for me personally, it cleans better in water, more useful and not so ticklish!

I draw your attention to the fact that no matter how much you want, take your time - never use natural pumice on dry skin. Exceptions in this case are modern electrical, finely abrasive devices for mechanical pedicure.

The rough texture of a pumice stone is great for cleansing rough skin surfaces. Delicate, not rough skin, it will simply hurt ...

After cleansing the heels, be sure to use a softening, moisturizing and nourishing foot cream. The cream will help the skin recover after the procedures, useful and nutritious substances, vitamins will be an additional bonus for clean, soft heels ...

As soon as the cream is absorbed, you can put on clean socks and run to enjoy life!

Does a pumice stone require maintenance?

Pumice stone can last quite a while - so I highly recommend making this item personal. Various fungal diseases of the feet, mycosis of the feet can be transmitted through personal hygiene items. Pumice takes care of the most “problematic” areas, everything gets into its pores, including pathogenic bacteria.

Be sure to rinse the pumice stone after use with running water, remember that any personal hygiene item requires care! This is the law! Pumice is porous - so it easily absorbs water, and water is the source of life for everything on our Earth, including various bacteria.

The blooming kingdom of microbes will very quickly "gobble up" your cleaning device. I will not even talk about the smell that this kingdom will exude! Therefore, dry the pumice stone, be sure to dry it! In the bath, this is very simple to do, the queen of the oven can easily cope with the task of drying.

How to choose a pumice stone for your feet

When choosing a cleaning stone, you should pay attention to several points.

  1. The wider the pores in the stone, the rougher and harder the effect on the skin will be.
  2. Fine pores in the stone are suitable for a gentle, gentle effect
  3. Choose for yourself a comfortable stone for cleaning - it should fit freely in the palm of your hand

Our legs are hard workers, they account for most of the load. Those who lead an active lifestyle, walk a lot (especially if the shoes are uncomfortable and of poor quality), the problem of rough skin on the legs is very familiar. This is how our body works, it protects what the main load falls on. Therefore, the stratum corneum of the epidermis on the legs is formed quickly.

If you do not remove it - it will grow, grow and crack. It will hurt you to walk, you will have corns and calluses. In this case, we are talking about maintaining health, and not just about attractiveness.

Think carefully, is it worth letting things take their course, do you need such problems? After all, it is enough to purchase a simple, unpretentious device - a pumice stone for cleaning the feet and, as they say - "the result on the face" - or rather on the heels! 😉

Description and properties of pumice

Pronouncing the word " pumice”, the following image is created in our mind: a piece of hewn blast-furnace slag or a bar of foamed concrete. These are all, of course, artificial materials, and they have only the most minimal similarity with real natural pumice.

Natural pumice- This is a light glassy mass, erupted by a volcano and foamed due to the gases dissolved in it. It is these gases, acting as bubbles on the surface of pumice, that prevent it from turning into volcanic glass -.

So, the frozen lava foam is the mountain rock - pumice. A pumice stone looks dense, but is actually pore-impregnated and light. In water pumice does not sink, easily crushed.

In its composition and appearance it resembles pumice slag. Their similarity is in their porous structure and light weight. But the difference is significant: in pumice, the arrangement of bubbles is small and ordered, and the chemical composition is similar to felsite.

Origin of pumice

The formation of pumice resembles the process when carbonated water breaks out of. It also resembles a volcanic eruption, but in domestic conditions. The release of gases is facilitated by a decrease in pressure. But if in the case of mineral water foam forms, then from lava - volcanic pumice, the material that is very necessary and useful.

Different pumice comes from different deposits. It is distinguished by its texture. To use pumice, it is important what its pore size is and what the nature of the glassy substance that composes it.

In terms of pore size, pumice can be finely and coarsely porous. At the same time, its structure is also divided into specific types:





Color spectrum natural pumice also varies from white to black. Black pumice contains a large amount of iron. Meets and blue pumice, it is formed by combining with nickel, calcium or titanium.

Types of pumice

There are currently two known type of pumice: natural and artificial. When choosing, preference is given to the first, since it has a number of significant advantages. Natural pumice is more porous and lighter than artificial pumice.

In addition to these characteristics, such pumice is environmentally friendly, even allergy sufferers can use it without any fear. And even if you accidentally get hurt, there will be no inflammation on the skin. natural pumice stone for feet does not break or crumble.

But not everything is so cloudless and rosy. Natural pumice also has disadvantages: it quickly absorbs moisture and dries out for a long time. As a consequence of this - microbes living in the pores. Therefore, do not forget to ensure that the pumice stone is dry.

Diverse artificial pumice. They do not swell from water and will not become a breeding ground for microbes, they retain their original shape and appearance for a long time. But the artificial pumice stone crumbles a lot, and if the skin is damaged, it will cause redness or even an inflammatory process.

Application of pumice

In important and significant industries, pumice is used. Her role is invaluable in:




    Filtration of water and fish ponds


    Metalworking and glass processing

    Tooth polishing

As for construction, it has found wide application crushed stone from slag pumice. It is used for the manufacture of lightweight concrete.

And also at isolation of concrete blocks. Micro-granular pumice- an excellent agent for cement additive, it is mixed with lime to obtain a mixture similar in structure to plaster.

Besides, slag pumice popular in oil drilling. It weighs little, but at the same time has excellent density, which is why it is used there as cement. But still, pumice has found the greatest distribution in everyday life and cosmetic procedures.

Granules or powder are ideal for removing old stains. pumice fraction a few millimetres. They will also be an excellent solution for polishing the surface, including cars and mirrors.

Pumice stone is also a key ingredient in handwash. It is added in crushed form for softening and in some toothpastes.

The value of pumice in the manufacture of various industrial parts is invaluable. An example of the use of pumice can also serve as deodorant rollers, golf balls, pewter mugs and.

Well, the most popular is the use of pumice as a means of foot care. It is relevant for all time. You do not need a newfangled scrub to soften rough skin on the legs and remove dead cells, you can just use brushed pumice stone or pumice stone.

It is indispensable in the elimination of corns and corns. Penza for heels at all times remains the cheapest and most effective way of care. And most importantly, there are no special recommendations on how how to use pumice stone.

In the age of technology has become fashionable electric pumice stone. This is a special machine called pumice stone for pedicure, which will allow you to quickly and efficiently care for your feet at home. For convenience, several special nozzles have been developed.

The speed is different, but there are also those whose roller rotates up to 30 revolutions per second. Changing the used clip is simple, just one click is enough. The handle is comfortable. The machine comes with a cleaning brush, batteries and instructions, so it will not be difficult to figure it out.

In addition to pumice for pedicure, there are pumice stone for cuticles. Reminiscent of a pencil with a thick end, before contact with the nail, it must be slightly wetted. Such a pumice stone quickly and painlessly removes unnecessary cuticles, it does not have to be trimmed.

pumice price

Buy pumice stone you can in any pharmacy in the city or other locality where you live. You do not need to go around them all, just go to and type the desired entry in the search engine. From the list below, select the one that best suits you in terms of features and price. And also choose a convenient delivery method.

On the sites you can get advice on the use of pumice, check availability and even book if you are afraid that you will not get the product you like.

You can also find the product you are interested in in the online store. pumice price not great. The cost of natural pumice is from 170 to 290 rubles. Moreover, sometimes the online store offers tempting discounts on its products. Electric pumice stones are much more expensive, their cost ranges from 700 to 1300 rubles.

Pumice- volcanic lava, a rock that has found its application in various areas of human life. It is indispensable in construction, gardening, cosmetology.

Foot pumice is used to remove the coarsened layer of the skin of the feet. Here the stratum corneum of the epidermis is formed most actively, and this is quite logical, given the loads our legs constantly withstand.

In addition, we must not forget about the quality of shoes - if it is inadequate, the heels will become rougher even faster than usual.

Who needs it and why?

Traditionally, rough skin of the feet is experienced by older people, as well as those who walk a lot. This problem is most common in men, but it is also observed in women.

A classic hygienic pedicure involves the removal of this layer of skin, and only then grinding and painting (if provided) of the nail plates.

The rough layer is most often scraped off with a pumice stone or a special blade, but the first option is considered more preferable, since with its use the horny cells come off gently and evenly. Those who use the blade are faced with the need to perform such a procedure much more often - this has long been proven in practice.

How to properly and effectively use a pumice stone for your feet?

After all, like any other hygienic tool, it requires care and timely cleaning, as well as certain standards in use. Today we will tell you about the principles by which you should choose a pumice stone, and how to use it correctly.

What is pumice, and what is the history of its appearance in cosmetology?

Contrary to popular misconceptions that pumice is another object of civilization, there is evidence that it was actively used in ancient times.

What is this product made of and made before?

When a volcano erupts, the hardening lava eventually acquires a porous texture, becomes rough, somewhat reminiscent of sandpaper. The same cosmetic pumice that you have in your bathroom or dressing table is dried lava.

History says that once upon a time she replaced soap for people, when one had not yet been invented. Indeed, it has a fairly powerful cleansing effect. Since people in those days did not yet ask questions about delicate cleansing and anointing the skin, it was enough for them to use a pumice stone and water to feel the cleanliness of the body. Also, some researchers say that with its help, ancient women first tried to do hair removal.

Like it or not, it is not known for certain, but some of the fair sex use this trick today. They act as follows - first they steam the surface of the skin of the legs, then they lather it thickly with ordinary soap or special foam, after which they begin to intensively and “finely” rub areas with unnecessary vegetation with pumice, using circular motions.

Then the instrument itself is thoroughly washed and the foam is removed from the legs, arms or armpits. We will not recommend this method to you, since it is quite aggressive, but still, the fact remains that certain ladies turn to it much more often than to the usual razor.

Our ancient ancestors knew how to use pumice so masterfully that they washed their whole body with it, and there was not the slightest hint of irritation left on it, not to mention real scratches and bleeding wounds. Now, of course, such peeling methods are not practiced on the body, but everyone loves to clean the heels with a rough “sponge”.

After all, this not only gently cleanses their surface, but also provides a kind of micromassage, so useful and pleasant after a hard day's work "on your feet."

Applying homemade pumice correctly

Those who have already figured out what exactly pumice for feet are made of are increasingly becoming convinced that this item has already outlived its usefulness, and there is simply no need to use it today, with an abundance of cosmetics and tools.

Other opponents of the heel cleaning sponge say otherwise - they have nothing against the "old" product, but they think that it can greatly harm the skin and provoke irritation on it. In fact, both are wrong. Although it is also impossible to hide the fact that in inept hands pumice really turns into an aggressive device.

Progress has given us many resources that can be used as alternatives to such tools. For example, today there is a “liquid pumice stone” for legs on sale, which is, in fact, an ordinary scrub or acid peeling. You can also use a special pedicure blade that cuts off the keratinized layer of skin on the feet. But still, it cannot be denied that pumice stone is the cheapest, most affordable, practical, versatile and effective tool in the fight for smooth heels.

A pumice stone for the feet is used according to certain principles, and if such rules are ignored, of course, its use will only harm. It is most acceptable to resort to its active use when taking a bath, when the skin of the feet is sufficiently well steamed.

One has only to intensively rub the feet to find tender pink heels after leaving the water. Roughened skin can also be removed purposefully - for this, only the legs are steamed. This usually happens during a pedicure.

Remember a few simple rules for the correct use of the tool:

  1. Pumice is never applied to dry skin (unless it is electric, finely abrasive);
  2. The sponge should not be used on delicate areas of the skin. Its rough texture is made for equally rough surfaces, and it is able to remove horny cells in just a few strokes. But those areas where there is no coarsening, it will simply hurt;
  3. You need to purchase only the pumice that is made from natural raw materials (the same rocks). Modern manufacturers make it from surrogate synthetics, so you should not use such things.

If we talk about the procedure for cleaning the heels in more detail, it should take place in several stages:

  • Steaming the legs (steam the skin of the feet in hot, barely tolerable water). Many people make simple baths, but you can add ingredients that will not be superfluous at all - remnants, sea iodized salt or potato starch. You can also turn to phytotherapeutic decoctions and infusions that have a softening, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Drying the skin with a soft cloth (it is better to take a terry towel) or a napkin;
  • Directly rubbing with pumice stone (it is important not to overdo it here, although the tool injures the skin in extremely rare cases) + washing off the removed layer;
  • Manipulations with nails (cutting, grinding, polishing, coating);
  • Lubrication of the heels with special moisturizing or nourishing creams (some women even make masks).

Electric foot pumice, on the contrary, is used only on dry skin. It is distinguished by extremely fine abrasives and there is practically no characteristic porosity in it, so it is more like the softest sandpaper.

The tool is able to clean the feet as gently as possible, while its automation provides a more thorough peeling. Of course, the feet must be clean, but it is not necessary to wet them or steam them before using the machine, and even undesirable.

How to care for pumice?

Pumice is a reusable product, and since it is intended for the care of "not the cleanest" part of our body, it also requires certain manipulations to wash and remove blockages.

How can you clean a pumice stone for your feet? It does not need to be cleaned, but you must wash the device after each use without fail. This is done under a stream of cool running water, without the use of any detergents.