How to wash your face: everything you need to know about cleansing your skin. Secrets of preparing your face for makeup How to properly clean your face from makeup

If you only have money for one beauty product, buy something to cleanse your skin,- says Olivier Courtin-Clarence, son of the founder of the famous brand. It is fully supported by eminent experts who will tell you what to do with the purchase next:

  • Yoko Tanji - Head of Cosmetology and Training at Wamiles
  • Oleg Varaskin - cosmetologist at the cosmetology center "Epilcity"
  • Elena Grishechkina - Clinique Training Specialist
  • Elena Eliseeva - cosmetologist

Myth #1 - Skin cleansing is secondary, all the power is in the active ingredients of my cream

The basis of cosmetology is cleansing. If you do not remove the dust settled during the day from the surface of the face, the beneficial components of serums and creams will not reach the deep layers of the skin. This is especially true for residents of the metropolis. Probably everyone has seen the greyish layers of dirt on the walls of buildings in the center of big cities? Approximately the same, if we correlate the scale, our skin is also covered by the end of the working day.

Sometimes all this filth can enter into a chemical reaction with the care components, which means that it changes the action of the product and, even worse, interferes with the life of skin cells. And this is instead of healing and rejuvenating us!

Myth #2 - Washing with hot/cold water is good for you

And here it is not. The temperature of the water with which we rinse our face should be at room temperature, not exceed 22 degrees and not fall below 18. Overdo it a little - and the blood will instantly rush to the face, and the superficial muscles responsible for skin tone will relax. If this happens to them systematically, you can forget about the elasticity of the epidermis.

In addition, hot water expands holes, and this can only be beneficial to a beautician who is going to take on. If you have a tendency to rosacea, it is better to wash your face with ice water than scalding water. True, not everything is rosy here either: the cold narrows the blood vessels, which means it worsens the blood supply to the skin, the sebaceous glands can begin to work sluggishly, and the face can dry and peel off.

Myth #3 - You can forget milk and tonic in the morning

In this matter, cosmetologists are categorical and unanimous: “cleaners” should be used twice a day. In the evening, they will help to wash off makeup and free the skin from urban evil spirits. And no excuses! Even if on this day we did not put on makeup and did not get out of the house, it is necessary to thoroughly but delicately cleanse the skin before going to bed.

The sebaceous glands work around the clock, dead cells accumulate on the surface of the epidermis, which mix with sebum and bacteria. Will you have good dreams after this information if you do not remove your makeup? At night, vital activity continues, so in the morning it is also worth wiping your face with a cotton pad moistened with milk or lotion.

In the evening, you can already use two types of cleansers: first, go over the skin with milk to remove makeup, including from the eyes, and then with a classic wash. You can’t limit yourself to the latter, because such a product, unlike make-up remover, will not completely dissolve the fats that are in the composition of the decor.

Myth #4 - Toilet soap is the best at removing stains.

Well, we can agree with this, but with one caveat - the alkali with which it is stuffed instantly dries out the skin. In addition, toilet soap will never completely wash off decorative cosmetics. It makes sense to pay attention to modern products: they do not smell of alkali, they easily cope with any pollution and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

The main thing is to choose the right tool. For dry skin and those prone to dryness, creamy textures or foams are suitable. Hydrophilic oils for washing (many brands have them, for example, Lancome, Dior, Neutrogena) are also good. And do not be afraid of their texture: in this case, the oil does not clog pores, but, on the contrary, gently cleanses them. The gel-like consistency is indicated for combination and oily skin. These products are often very light, do not contain fat and are very refreshing.

Myth #5 - Sensitive skin and exfoliation don't mix.

Exfoliation is an essential part of any cleansing program. Soft peeling (and at home it cannot be different) ennobles the skin of all types. Dry, it will help to better perceive moisturizing ingredients, normal and combined will return a healthy color. Doing peels regularly, you can forget about inflammation and acne, unless they are caused by hormonal failure. Oily skin after a deep cleansing scrub will also revive: it will be freed from excess fat, dirt, dead cells.

Uneven tone? Peels have succeeded here too: they do a good job with age spots if they appeared due to ultraviolet radiation or as a response to acne. Mature ladies do not need to forget about scrubs either, because abrasive particles accelerate the process of cell regeneration, which slows down over the years.

Myth #6 - The composition of a cleansing product doesn't matter, it's not a skin care product.

The composition of any cosmetic product that comes into contact with the skin, it would be nice to study with predilection. It’s worth starting right in the store: having found lauryl sulfate, alcohol, parabens, dyes in the list of ingredients in small print, we return the jar to the shelf.

And do not underestimate the caring properties of cleansing products. For example, glycolic or salicylic acids in the composition remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. But from vitamin C and A (retinol) there is no use in this case: in order to have a positive effect on the skin, these components must interact with it for a long time, and not for a miserable 30 seconds, as happens during washing.

Myth No. 7 - Cleansing brushes are a complete replacement for high-quality peeling

Neither manual nor fashionable electric brushes can be compared, with all due respect, to a professional skin cleansing procedure. Yes, it is better to arm yourself with a typewriter than to crush the pores with dirty hands, but the epidermis will first have to be accustomed to the unit. He will most likely take the first meeting with the device with hostility and respond with irritation. However, it will pass.

Gadgets with vibrating brushes have both enemies and fans: the former believe that such devices are unreasonably expensive and injure the skin, the latter claim that the devices pull dirt and blackheads out of the skin without even stretching it. Be that as it may, you should not abandon the usual skin cleansing schemes in any case.

Myth #8 - Oily skin needs to be exfoliated every day.

In no case. This will deprive her of the protective lipid layer and force her to defend herself with all her strength - to produce sebum in double volume, driving herself into a vicious circle. Cosmetologists advise girls with dry skin to use peeling every two weeks, with oily skin - with an interval of three to four days. Recall that it is not customary to exfoliate the area around the eyes, although today some brands make peelings for it as well. However, is there any point in experimenting? Let the newfangled inventions stand the test of time.

Products with a coarse abrasive are losing their positions: instead of a scrub with apricot or grape seeds, a progressive product with acids is perfect, the main thing is to make sure that the concentration of the latter does not exceed 5%.

Myth #9 - Moisturizers should be applied to completely dry skin.

Of course, after cleansing, it would be nice to blot your face with a towel, but there is no need to wait until the skin is completely dry. If you apply some kind of cream on it, slightly damp, it will seal the drops invisible to our eyes in the upper layers and prevent them from evaporating. By the way, the same story with the tonic - even if by the time of the meeting with the cream it is not completely absorbed, the care product will only become more effective from this.

Myth #10 - It's best to cleanse your skin without water.

Our experts consider such a measure to be necessary. An allergy to a new cream or serum began, the water supply was cut off, there are no questions - we are switching to micellar. After all, it is not actually water, but a clear solution of fatty acid esters. The secret to the success of the liquid is in micelles - special molecules that, like a magnet, attract any impurities from the surface of the skin. However, even these products do not leave behind a feeling of absolute purity. Well, why not hold back! You can wash your face with tap water, ideally filtered or boiled, or stock up on bottled water.

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Decorative makeup must be removed at night, otherwise even perfect skin will quickly become unsightly. Even if a party is planned after the working day, before applying the evening make-up, it is necessary to cleanse the face and make a restorative mask.

Any means used to give the epidermis a basic tone gradually mix with the natural secretions of the skin - sweat, sebaceous secretions of the glands, etc., clog pores, disrupt gas exchange and cellular nutrition. Pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply under a layer of makeup, foci of inflammation, acne, comedones, etc. may occur.

The choice of make-up removers (the so-called make-up removers) must be approached very seriously, since there is currently a huge variety of such compositions designed for different skin types. In addition, age, individual characteristics of the epidermis, a tendency to allergies and some other parameters should be taken into account. For example, for oily skin, a light milk, washing gel or foam is suitable; dry skin, on the contrary, needs additional nutrition.

When using branded cosmetics, it is advisable to purchase a make-up remover of the same brand - a specially selected combination of cleansing and softening components will avoid unwanted complications and ensure quick removal of paint from the skin. Waterproof cosmetics are removed with special emulsions.

The traditional use of soap (children's or toilet) as a makeup remover is undesirable: earlier, when most face paints were made from natural ingredients, such a procedure did not cause concern, but now almost all makeup components are made using artificial preservatives, emulsifiers , stabilizers, etc. Soap cannot cope with complex chemical compounds, so the degree of cleaning of the epidermis cannot be achieved. In addition, the fatty acids that make up soap foam dry the skin, making it flabby, wrinkled.

All movements during the removal of decorative cosmetics from the skin should be directed strictly along natural lines in order to exclude stretching of some areas and prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.

During eye make-up removal, special care must be taken so that particles of paint from the eyelashes and eyelids do not fall on the eyeball and do not injure it. In addition, there is no layer of subcutaneous fat (fiber) on the eyelids, the epidermis has a relatively low elasticity, which increases the likelihood of early wrinkles. Due to the wrong selection of makeup remover, allergic irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye often occurs.

Removal of decorative cosmetics begins with the lips. The skin in the corners of the mouth is supported with the fingers of the left hand, gently pressing. A small amount of a pre-selected make-up remover is applied to a soft cotton pad or swab, then the lipstick is carefully removed, directing movements from the corners of the lips to the middle. It may take several swabs to completely remove the paint (especially if bright shades of cosmetics were used). Stable lipstick is removed with a specially designed product or oil composition.

Before removing the mascara, a moistened piece of cotton wool is placed on the lower eyelid under the eyelashes, then with a soft applicator dipped in cosmetic milk or emulsion (for waterproof paint), I carefully remove the makeup, directing movements from the roots to the tips. Under no circumstances should the make-up agent get into the eyes.

Ordinary mascara can be removed as follows: moisten a cotton swab or pad in a small amount of refined corn oil, wipe first the upper and then the lower eyelid in the direction from the inside of the eye to the outside, then vice versa. After that, the tampon is washed with warm boiled water, slightly squeezed and again wiped over the eyelids in the indicated way. This method is recommended for dry, irritated skin prone to allergic reactions.

Eye shadow is removed with cosmetic cream or a special eye makeup remover. Particular care should be taken when removing glitter paint - pieces of metal should not get on the mucous membrane of the eye.

After cleaning the lips and eyes, they begin to remove the main tone from the skin of the face. Dense foundation or cream powder, especially if several successive layers have been applied, is removed with a greasy agent (cream, special oil, etc.), lighter primers are dissolved in emulsions and gels.

Washing with a special foam or gel can only be recommended for young skin without visible defects and only in the warm season. In winter, all cosmetics used should contain as much fat as possible and not have moisturizing properties.

The basis of the health and beauty of the skin is its thorough cleansing from environmental pollution and makeup. How to do it correctly, what cleansers exist, and what is their difference? Are there any secrets on how to properly remove makeup? And what are the most common mistakes girls make in facial care, we will consider in this article.

Makeup removal: choose the right tool

The time when dirt was removed from the skin only with ordinary soap is long gone. Now in stores there are numerous tools in which it is easy to get confused. All of them are divided into two main groups:

1. Using water - foam, gel, soap, mousses, foaming cream. They are more suitable for owners of oily, mixed or normal skin. The newcomer is hydrophilic oil, which has already won the love of many girls. This remedy came to us from oriental beauties who know how to wash their face in order to preserve its youth and beauty.

2. For sensitive, irritated skin, products that exclude water are suitable. These are milk, oils and micellar water. Facial cleansing with oil (peach, almond) not only easily copes with waterproof cosmetics, but also eliminates dryness, heals the skin.

Additional products include tonics and lotions. In addition, there are folk remedies for washing. Our grandmothers used herbal decoctions, ice cubes, oatmeal water to maintain skin health.

How to properly clean your face: basic rules

1. Use a cleanser that suits your skin type. Be sure to apply it with light strokes. No need to rub or stretch your face.

2. To remove the remnants of the product, as well as toning, use lotion. Using a cotton pad, wipe your face along the massage lines: from the center to the auricles.

3. Applying cream, if necessary.

Thorough and daily cleansing of the face should become a habit, like brushing your teeth. Never go to bed with even a little makeup on your face. In summer, cleansing wipes or spray can be added to care.

The question of how to wash off makeup should be approached responsibly. It is extremely important to choose the right cleanser. It should suit your skin type, respond to age-related changes, take into account individual reactions. It is better to do this together with a beautician.

Good afternoon! Marina Kiseleva is with you. Not every girl, before using cosmetics, thinks about how to properly prepare her face for it. But this is a very important step. It depends not only on how the make-up will look, but also on the health of your skin. Preparing the face for makeup is usually not a big deal. It is very easy to make it at home. However, there are nuances that you need to be aware of.

Why is preparation needed?

Firstly, with proper preparation of the skin for the use of cosmetics, makeup will look much more spectacular. Second, it's good for you. This is especially true for older women. Many, applying abundant layers of foundation on the face, do not even think about its negative consequences. Preparation is the most important step. The end result will depend on it by 50%.

How to prepare your face to make-up? step by step management

Step 1. Cleansing the face

Apply makeup only on a clean face. So wash yourself well first. You can use ordinary soap, foam or milk for washing. Choose a product, paying attention to your skin type. You should not buy the so-called "station wagons", which are suitable for all its types. As a rule, they are of no use. If you are not sure what type of skin you have, then consult a beautician. It will also help you choose the right skin care products for your face. How to hide acne -.

Step 2: Moisturize

After you have cleansed your face, moisturize it with a special cream. It should also be selected according to its type. Do not rush to immediately switch to the use of cosmetics. Wait until the cream is well absorbed. Usually this is no more than 5 minutes. Only after that you can proceed to the application of the base for makeup. It is recommended to apply the cream along the massage lines. How to do a massage - tell the photo. If you perform facial massage every day, it will prevent the appearance of early wrinkles. It will be great if such an easy procedure becomes a habit for you.

By the way, the moisturizer itself can be used as a base coat. Again, it all depends on the make you want to do. If it is everyday, then it is better to refuse the base.

Step 3. Eyebrow shaping.

Of course, many will say that you can’t pluck your eyebrows before applying cosmetics. But to make a small correction will be even useful. If you notice a few extra hairs that spoil, as they say, the whole picture, then you can easily remove them with tweezers. Only the instrument needs to be disinfected first. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection. After the procedure, disinfect the area under the eyebrow with an antiseptic.

Step 4. The area under the eyes.

The skin in this place is very thin and delicate, so before using cosmetics it must be moistened with a special cream or gel.

Step 5 Lips

So that your lips are always in order, and lipstick or gloss lay down evenly, do not forget to use a hygienic product immediately before using cosmetics.

How to apply a make-up base?

Use a base before you start applying your foundation. How to properly distribute it depends primarily on the brand of product you are using. Some products need to be applied to the entire face, while others are applied pointwise to certain imperfections. For the eyes, it is best to purchase a special base that will not weigh them down. Spread the base evenly. Otherwise, further cosmetics will look messy on the face. The technique of applying the base may be different. It's best to use your fingers, but some use a brush or beauty blender. You can use whatever is convenient for you.

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