How to properly protect yourself from the sun's rays? How to protect yourself from the sun

You will need

  • - sunscreens;
  • - cosmetics with a protection factor;
  • - hat;
  • - clothes made from natural materials;
  • - moisturizing cream.


To protect your skin, try not to go outside unnecessarily in summer from 12 to 15 hours, and in especially hot weather - from 11 to 17.00. At this time, the sun is most active. And even more so, do not sunbathe at such hours, otherwise you risk getting not only a severe burn, but also heatstroke.

Limit sun exposure in windy conditions. Due to the fact that the wind will cool your skin, you will not notice how you burn. Also, do not be under the scorching sun with wet skin, as water droplets act as lenses and increase the effect of ultraviolet radiation. Coming out of the sea - be sure to dry yourself with a towel.

Use good sunscreen. Today in stores you can find a wide variety of lotions, creams and sprays with different UV protection factor (SPF). Choose the one that suits your skin type. It is also important to use a product that protects not only from UVB rays that cause burns, but also from UVA rays that penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, contribute to premature aging and increase the risk of skin cancer.

Wear wide-brimmed hats. Such a headdress is ideal in the summer, as it protects not only the face, but also the shoulders from ultraviolet radiation. Fortunately, today this accessory is back in fashion. Caps or panama hats can be an alternative to a hat.

Protect your skin with clothing. In the desert, it is no coincidence that travelers are fully clothed and wrapped in scarves - this protects the skin from the bright sun and prevents the body from dehydration. It is better to wear clothes with long sleeves made of natural fabrics - cotton or linen in hot summer. This will protect your hands from the negative effects of UV light. In addition, the natural material allows the skin to "breathe", so you will not be hot in such things.

Moisturize your skin with special products. After prolonged exposure to the sun, be sure to apply a moisturizer to your skin to soften it and nourish it with vitamins. Without such care, the skin can lose firmness over time and become dry.

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Helpful advice

When it is not possible to apply sunscreen to your face, use cosmetics with a UV protection factor.

From summer we all expect not only joy, but also a beautiful tan. But, nevertheless, the sun not only gives a fashionable and beautiful tan to the skin, but also destroys it. To prevent the appearance of unnecessary wrinkles, flaking and pigmentation, but at the same time to acquire a beautiful tan, the skin must be prepared for the summer sun.

Drink more than you eat

Drink a sufficient amount of not boiled, but spring or mineral water. Most of the water should be drunk before 11 am. The water temperature must be at room temperature. You need to drink at least 2 liters a day.

Tidy up immunity

If you have just suffered an illness or have had a lot of physical activity, then in the near future it is better to give up tanning. At the very beginning of summer, start taking immunity-boosting agents. Among folk remedies - this is a decoction of wild rose, fruit drinks from hawthorn, cranberry, raspberry.

Saturate the body with vitamins and minerals

Take a closer look at the summer menu. Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals Increase the amount of oils in your daily diet. It is also a good idea to periodically apply the oil to the skin as a mask.

Use sunscreen

Even if you are just going outside when the sun is shining, be sure to apply sunscreen on exposed areas of the body half an hour before leaving the room. It is worth choosing a cream based on your skin type. After prolonged exposure to the sun, be sure to use a moisturizing cream with vitamins. And do not forget to carefully read the composition of the cream when buying.

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Preventive measure
If you understand that you have been in the sun for a very long time and feel that your skin is burned, then take 2 aspirin tablets. You should not wait until the skin turns red and the temperature rises.

No soap!
Sunburned skin is dry and needs extra hydration, so don't use any drying products like soap and shower gel, or take a hot bath or shower.

Take a soda bath
A warm bath with the addition of baking soda will help you to cool slightly and relieve the unpleasant sensations from burnt skin. The water temperature should be no higher than 36-37 degrees, and the amount of soda added to the bath should be ¼ of a glass. The baking soda solution will help relieve inflammation and soothe the skin. Soak in a soda bath for no more than 10-15 minutes, after which do not wipe yourself off, but let the moisture dry on its own. This will help the skin soften better.

In this article, we will tell you a few facts that will make you immediately go to the store for a jar of sunscreen.

Last year, the UK was diagnosed with melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, in 55 out of 10,000, according to the Center for Cancer Research (UK).
Moreover, the incidence of skin cancer in people over 55 has increased by 155% over the past 20 years; in people under 55 years of age, there is also a tendency to an increase in the incidence of 63%. According to the latest research, sunscreen is still neglected by many people; there is evidence that some funds are not as effective as they are positioned; and we are also warned about the emergence of new types of radiation. In this article, we will discuss these studies with experts in the sun protection field.

Don't even think about once a day sunscreen.

In May this year, a consumer protection study tested four once-a-day sunscreens and found that after 6-8 hours their SPF dropped by an average of 74% to SPF 8. Such products are simply ineffective, since they are easily erased by exposure to sweat, during swimming and exercise. Any product must be applied in the morning and repeated at lunchtime.

New types of radiation

Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays are known to damage the skin, and the sun's A (UVA) rays cause sunburn and cancer. The latter are dangerous even on cloudy days, because they penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, causing premature aging and melanoma. A sunscreen factor (SPF) depends on its protection against UVB, while its overall rating - a maximum of 5 points - is determined by its exposure to UVA. However, UV radiation only accounts for 7% of solar radiation and 50% is infrared radiation (IR). It is infrared radiation that triggers the formation of free radicals and their penetration through the skin. Most sunscreens will not affect it in any way.
Although there is no evidence that infrared radiation causes the development of skin cancer, dermatologists advise protecting against it with the help of special means.
Data collected over the past 12 months has shown that blue-spectrum visible light or high-energy visible light (HEVL) may be behind the pigmentation or freckles that appear on dark skin. In the past, dermatologists have asked people with dark skin to use a wide spectrum of sunscreens that protect against both UVB and UVA. Recent studies have shown that in dark-skinned people, HELV leads to melasma, a skin defect associated with increased pigmentation.

Choose your sun protection level wisely

It is illegal in the UK to manufacture products with an SPF of more than 50, as the sun protection potential of the product increases very little after the SPF 30 mark. Products with SPF 30 protect against 98% of UV-B rays, and products with SPF 50 - from 98.8%. This means that if you apply enough SPF 30, you will get the protection you need. Please remember that there is no international labeling system for HEVL or IR-protected items.

Better more

Only 14% of men and 30% of women use sunscreen, and even when using, they apply only half of the required amount. It is necessary to use 2 milligrams of the product per 1 square centimeter of skin. She also recommends using about one teaspoon of sunscreen for the face and neck, six teaspoons for the rest of the body, and three to four teaspoons to protect the baby.
Melanoma in men most often forms on the back, and in women on the lower legs, an area that is usually neglected when it comes to sun protection, especially if the woman prefers to play sports outdoors in the summer.
Protecting children from the sun is paramount, as five serious burns before age 18 will double the risk of melanoma in the future. But be careful, according to Dr. Mahto, the skin of babies under 6 months is very sensitive and thin, sunscreen should not be applied to it, babies should be kept away from the sun.

Top Tips for Successful Sunbathing

  • Use an SPF 50 sunscreen when exposed to active sun for long periods of time.
  • If you plan to be in the sun for a long time, apply the cream twice: half an hour before going out, and then repeat the application outside.
  • Apply sunscreen generously and frequently, 6-8 teaspoons of lotion each. Reapply after swimming, even if your product is waterproof, after using a towel, heavy sweating, or whenever there is a chance of rubbing it off your skin.
  • Take short-term sunbathing from March to October to replenish your vitamin D deficiency.
  • It is impossible to get enough vitamin D if you sit by the window on a sunny day, you just need to go outside with open arms and legs to stimulate vitamin production

Children under 5 and older adults should be given vitamin D supplements if they rarely get out in the sun.

You can find sunscreen in every vacation suitcase. The main thing is to use them correctly. In this article, we'll show you how to protect yourself from the sun and dispel ten myths.

The sun protection theme is a good example of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Even 20 years ago, the only remedy that Russians associated with exposure to the open sun was sour cream. The Western cosmetic concerns that came to Russia were faced with a complete lack of knowledge about the dangers of the sun, which is necessary for the sale of SPF products. 20 years later, sunscreens are regularly used by every third resident of Russia.

The first products with the SPF label - and, in fact, the term itself - appeared in the 1970s in America, before that the topic of sun protection had not been publicly raised.

In ancient Egypt, the Sanskrin recipe was available only to the highest nobility: herbal extracts, mineral chips, clay and oil. And in the 1940s, the American Medical Association received a top-secret request from US military command to develop sunscreen for soldiers. Its formula, which was revolutionary at the time, was declared a military secret. Today, information on this topic is available to everyone, but the number of myths associated with sun protection has not diminished over the years.

Myth one - products with SPF 100 are three times more effective than SPF 30

SPF 50, 50+, 70 and even 100 - manufacturers of sunscreens are organizing a real race to the numbers, and white-skinned tourists are sure that, having smeared with "fifty", they will be able to spend the whole day on the beach. But it’s not that simple. To determine the degree of protection of the cream from sunburn, scientists select 20 people and find out at what level of solar radiation each of them gets burned, without any protection from the sun. Then the cream is applied to the subjects' skin and the "burn time" is measured again. This indicator is divided by the first, and the result obtained is the SPF factor. Simply put, SPF does not characterize at all the time, but the amount of UV radiation: the factor "20" allows a person to painlessly withstand a 20 times higher dose of ultraviolet radiation than without it. This number, naturally, cannot increase infinitely. Products with SPF 15 absorb on average 93.3% of rays, SPF 30 - 96.7%, SPF 50 - 98%. In a word, the difference between the “thirty” and the “fifty” is small, but between the “fifty” and the potential “hundred” there is practically no difference at all. That is why in many countries it is forbidden to indicate SPF above 50 on the label of sunscreens: in fact, this is just a marketing trick, which can also be misleading - such a cream is renewed less often and behaves less carefully in the sun: large numbers soothe.

Myth two - dark skin does not need sun protection.

A bit of physics: solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface is divided into two spectra - UVA rays and UVB rays. The UVAs responsible for tanning are considered to be more harmless, although they also cause allergies and pigmentation problems in large quantities. But UVB is definitely harmful, as it provokes photoaging, burns and the development of skin cancer. Naturally dark skin contains a lot of melanin and partly inhibits the UVA attack, but dark-skinned people are not immune to melanoma, allergies and overheating caused by UVB rays. They need to use a protectant with an SPF of about 20 and similarly avoid open sun from 11 am to 5 pm.

The third myth - SPF blocks the synthesis of vitamin D and prevents sunburn.

The misconception that sunscreen prevents tanning is one of the most common and dangerous. Most of these creams will protect against harmful UVB rays, but will allow UVA to pass through, which can cause sunburn. Since it has become known in recent years that UVA's are not 100% safe either, it is considered good practice to add some protection against them as well. The optimal ratio of UVB and UVA filters in sunscreen is three to one. This means that a little tan will be taken away from the buyer, but at the same time they will provide maximum safety.

Vitamin D is more complicated: until recently, it was believed that sunscreens interfere with its production to one degree or another. And this is not good, because the "vitamin of the sun" is necessary for the health of bones, joints and all tissues of the body. Only in 2013 was a major study published by the London Institute of Dermatology, which proved that SPF does not interfere with the benefits of the sun. Scientists conducted an experiment for which 700 people were sent to a beach in Spain. They were divided into two groups: during the week some sunbathed without sunscreen, others used it. As a result, it turned out that the level of vitamin D in the body of all participants increased approximately the same, that is, the SPF of the second group did not interfere.

The fourth myth - most SPF products cause allergies and irritation, which means they spoil

There are two ways to protect yourself from the sun: physical and chemical. This, of course, is not about secret military operations, but about very specific ingredients in creams and lotions.

Physical filters are solid particles that only work on the surface of the skin, without penetrating it. Manufacturers usually use zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. "Physical" creams and lotions are characterized by a rather heavy texture and rich white color.

Chemical filters, which appeared about ten years ago, immediately found wild success: they are light, fragrant and well absorbed. Penetrating into the dermis, ultraviolet light does not attack cells, but chemicals, including avobenzone and octinoxate. Their content in cosmetics can be only 1-2%, this is enough for reliable protection.

Despite the fact that chemicals are much more pleasant to use, physical filters are much safer and rarely cause allergies, since they do not penetrate the skin. If a beautiful cream with a light texture and chemical SPF causes redness, you should buy a product based on zinc oxide.

An important point: only lotions with a physical filter are suitable for long-term doing nothing on the beach. Chemicals begin to oxidize after just a couple of hours in the sun and turn into dangerous free radicals.

Myth 5 - it is enough to apply waterproof sunscreens once a day.

The sad truth is that most people use SPF 30 sunscreens so incorrectly that the effect drops to SPF 4. One of the biggest mistakes is not to repeat the application.

sunscreen throughout the day. The producers themselves are partly to blame for this, claiming that their products reliably protect "24 hours".

In fact, the inscription waterproof only means that the cream protects you from ultraviolet radiation and during swimming. Any sunscreen has a lifespan of two hours on land and about forty minutes in water, then it must be reapplied. If you dry yourself off with a towel, play beach volleyball, or lie on the sand, you should re-smear immediately.

The sixth myth - a thin layer of cream is enough to protect from the sun.

In order for funds with SPF to work properly, they will have to be allocated a separate budget. After all, the consumption of sunscreen recommended by doctors is 2 mg per square centimeter of skin. There is no need to calculate the formula on a calculator: an adult needs, on average, two tablespoons of Sanskrin for the body and a teaspoon for the face. When reapplying, use exactly the same amount. A product with a physical filter should be applied on a day cream, and with a chemical one, on the contrary, before normal care.

The seventh myth - SPF products start working immediately after application.

Sipping sunscreen while sipping a cocktail on the beach is a very bad idea. SPF products start working only 20-30 minutes after application, so you need to use them in advance. Experts advise not to rub the cream into the skin, but to distribute it in an even layer and allow it to be absorbed - this way the protection will be better. All sunscreen should be applied to clean, dry skin, ideally thoroughly exfoliated with a light scrub or exfoliation.

Myth eight - closed clothes and hats protect better than any cream.

Cool, light clothing and a hat are necessary in hot climates, but they will not protect you from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Oddly enough, the best protective properties are those that are completely unsuitable for the beach: dense, dark, non-stretch and made of synthetic fabrics, such as nylon or polyester. But the SPF of such tissues will still be less than that of a good cream - no more than 20.

Many brands of clothing, especially Australian ones (the ozone layer that absorbs ultraviolet light over Australia is very thin), offer weightless beach suits with sunscreen impregnation - you should pay attention to them if you plan to spend a lot of time in the sun, and you don't want to be smeared with cream every hour.

Myth nine - a combination of special products and decorative cosmetics with SPF will enhance protection

Nowadays, manufacturers consider it good form to add sun protection to any cosmetics - foundation, powder and even eye shadow. But contrary to popular belief, factors from different products do not add up: lotion-30 and powder with SPF 8 will not provide protection at 38. The difference in composition, texture and chemical formulas does not allow solar cosmetics to cooperate. Only the strongest remedy will work - the one with a higher SPF. In addition, the SPF factor in cosmetics does not exceed 10-15 and, as a rule, saves only from UVB rays. Sun-protection cosmetics are great for city runs from the car to your home or office, but on the beach you need to use special creams.

Myth ten - competently using SPF products, you can be in the sun as long as you like.

No protective agent protects from the sun and blocks ultraviolet light completely, so the body still gets at least a little harm. And for the whole day on the beach, the dose of radiation becomes quite high. In addition, no sunscreen will be insured against heatstroke. The American Academy of Dermatology officially recommends not spending more than three hours in the open sun, even if sunscreen is properly applied.

Moderate sun exposure is beneficial for a healthy body. A light tan is a great beauty product that goes with most women. In addition, the sun's rays enhance metabolism, improve the supply of oxygen to the skin, have a positive effect on the circulatory and immune systems, promote the production of vitamin D by the body, and relieve depression. However, excess sun can cause significant harm. Therefore, protection of the skin from the sun is essential.

The solar spectrum includes various electromagnetic rays. Some are perceived by us as light, others as heat. We do not see or feel ultraviolet radiation. Two types of ultraviolet rays reach the earth. Long-wavelength rays of type A (UVA) penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, damaging the structure of cells and can cause neoplasms. They pose the greatest danger to the skin. Shortwave type B (UVB) rays cause sunburn (pigmentation) and, in extreme cases, skin burns. Sunburn is a way to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun's rays. It indicates that the skin is damaged. So a strong tan is not a sign of health, but rather the opposite.

The intensity of ultraviolet radiation increases in summer, as it approaches the equator and ascends to altitude, so special precautions must be taken in the southern regions and in the mountains. Ultraviolet rays are reflected off water, sand, snow and concrete and can be harmful as a result, even when skiing in winter. The damage that ultraviolet radiation does to the skin accumulates, so you need to remember to protect yourself from the sun, not only when sunbathing on the beach, but also when going to work or walking in the park. The skin is especially vulnerable when, after many months when it has been closed, it is exposed to direct sunlight.

Excessive sun exposure is detrimental to the skin. It ages prematurely (in people who have sunburned in the sun for a long time in their youth by the age of 35-40, the skin acquires signs of aging), becomes rough, flabby and wrinkled, and skin cancer may develop in the future. The risk of developing skin cancer doubles if a person has two or more severe sunburns at a young age.

Since most people want to relax by the water in the summer, we want to remind you how to properly sunbathe.

  • Remember that the most beautiful and healthy tan is a light, golden tan.
  • Increase your sun exposure gradually. In the early days, sunbathe early in the morning or in the shade.
  • During the period of the most intense radiation - from 12 to 15 hours - it is necessary to exclude solar procedures. Please note that this is only suitable for Russian conditions. In the USA, for example, experts recommend avoiding sun exposure from 10 am to 4 pm.
  • It is easy to get burned in windy conditions as the wind cools your skin and you may miss the moment when you need to get out of the sun.
  • Do not sunbathe with wet skin, as water droplets play the role of lenses that enhance the effects of solar radiation.
  • It is better to sunbathe not lying down, but moving: in this case, the tan will lie more evenly.
    After the beach, shower and lubricate your skin with moisturizer, milk, or after-sun cream.
  • If you are burnt out, grease the burned areas with sour milk, cologne, vodka, potato juice or chamomile infusion.

The best skin protection from the sun is special sunscreens... They must protect the skin from both type A and type B UV rays, that is, they must be broad-spectrum (most creams provide protection only against type B rays). Their active ingredients reflect and / or absorb ultraviolet rays before they penetrate the skin. In addition, a good sunscreen should also be moisturizing and contain antioxidants.
Each sunscreen has its own protection factor, which is indicated by the letters SPF and a number, for example, SPF-15. The numbers show how many times longer you can spend in the sun compared to the time you can safely spend in the sun without protection. This time depends on two factors - the intensity of solar radiation in a particular place and the type of skin. So, people with hypersensitive skin (often redheads, with freckles, their skin never sunbathes, but burns) can safely stay in the bright sun for 5-10 minutes, blondes with pale, sensitive skin - 10-20 minutes, dark - brown-haired and brown-haired women with normal skin - 20 - 30 minutes, with brown and dark hair and dark skin - 40 minutes. Accordingly, if you sunbathe in 20 minutes, then a product with an SPF-8 degree of protection will allow you to stay in the sun for 160 minutes. However, this indicator applies only to ultraviolet rays of type B, and to rays of type A, these agents are able to counteract to a much lesser extent. So none of these products are able to provide one hundred percent protection from the sun and their effective action only lasts for a limited period of time. Therefore, never use these products to extend your sun exposure.

When buying sunscreen, pay attention to the expiration date and remember that if kept in a warm place, its protective properties will quickly be lost. Some of the cosmetic products currently in production - make-up bases, powders, lipsticks - already have SPF filters in them, but they are designed for short-term sun exposure (for example, when you are walking down the street). However, if you expect to be in the sun longer, you will need to apply special sunscreen creams.

Skin type / First days / Subsequent days
Very sensitive / SPF20-30 / SPF15-20
Sensitive / SPF12-15 / SPF8-12
Normal / SPF8 / SPF6-8
Dark / SPF6 / SPF4-6

Cream with SPF-factors is generously applied to the irradiated areas of the skin 20 - 30 minutes before sun exposure. Do not rub it; a visible film should remain on the skin. Reapply cream every two hours and / or after getting out of water (even if it says it is waterproof). Particular attention should be paid to those parts that burn first - the nose (70% of cases of facial skin cancer occur in this place), cheekbones, lips, ears, shoulders, chest, lower back, knees, back surface of the lower leg. If you don't have photoprotective creams at hand, you can use vegetable oil - sunflower, corn, olive. You should not use fats of mineral origin - petroleum jelly, glycerin.

Sunscreen should be used in conjunction with other protective equipment - hats, sunglasses, clothing. Polyester provides the greatest sun protection. Strange as it may seem, darker clothing protects better from the sun's rays than light-colored clothing, and knitted clothing is better than fabric clothing. Two-layer materials almost double their protective properties, while in wet matter they are reduced by a third. In hot weather, it is better to wear loose-fitting, dense fabrics. The folds of these garments seem to provide a double layer of material, almost doubling their sun protection capabilities. A wide-brimmed hat should be worn on the head. But the best protection from the bright sun is to stay in the shade.

Summer is the most anticipated time of the year. The beach beckons, promising us a beautiful and even tan. It's so nice to bask in the sun's rays, enjoy its warmth, which also stimulates the production of vitamin D. However, the influence of the sun's rays can be detrimental to our skin. Sunbathing can cause serious illness. To avoid serious consequences, it is important to know and follow the precautions.

Not only the sun, but also solarium, have a detrimental effect on our skin. Changes in texture, redness, flaking and itching are clear signs that you should be careful with tanning. The skin loses its velvety and elasticity, there is a high risk of cancer in the inflamed areas. In the salons, where the safety and health of the client is in the first place, high-quality and high-quality skin care products are used. Experts will select a solarium and the intensity of the procedure for you, taking into account your skin type.

Ultraviolet light is capable of destroying the elastin fibers found in our skin. And even if at a young age this action is almost imperceptible, this fact will make itself felt later. The destruction of the protective function of the skin is fraught with the appearance of not only benign tumors, but also those that can become a real threat to health. The statistics are not encouraging - skin cancer diseases are growing every year.
The reason for this is excessive sun exposure, especially for those with white skin.

You can get sick if:
1) your skin burns quickly (white skin or freckles)
2) you are predisposed to similar diseases
3) stay in the sun for a long time
4) live in hot climates
5) have a lot of moles

In youth, given our physiological characteristics of the body, the skin has
high ability to regenerate. Over time, this ability disappears. It is impossible to say exactly when cancer will be triggered, but it can be prevented. Do not forget about a routine examination by a doctor, both for children and adults.

Be sure to follow a number of recommendations, and you can protect your skin and health:
1) Use a cream with SPF 15 protection. Apply to skin 30 minutes before sun exposure. For the first time, you can use a product with a high ratio: SPF 40 or SPF 30. The skin will gradually get used to the sun and the level of protection can be reduced. If you are in the sun longer than usual, apply the cream every hour and after bathing. An ointment for skin cancer with SPF 15 reflects approximately 93% of the sun's rays, and SPF 30 - up to 97%. Creams, ointments protect if the sun filter contains cinnamate (octylmethyl cinnamate and cinoxate), avobenzone (parsol 1789), benzophenones (oxybenzone), salicylates, sulisobenzone, zinc oxide and titanium oxide. If it contains only three components, then the filter protects only against burns, as the main cause of skin cancer. But it does not provide protection against premature aging.
2) If you have cosmetics on your face (powder, shine, foundation), then it should also be with SPF protection.
3) Choose the right sunglasses and lenses. High quality UV protection will preserve your eyesight.
4) Dose sunbathing. For the first time, limit sun exposure to 10 minutes, then hide in the shade. Be sure to shower and apply a tanning product to your body. In the future, you can sunbathe longer, increase the time every 3 days, by 5 - 10 minutes. Take your time, do everything gradually.
5) There is a high risk of sunburn. If the skin is red and irritated, leave the sun. Continue tanning only after the inflammation has completely disappeared.
6) The most favorable time for tanning is before 10 am and after 15 pm. Because solar activity is not great, which means that the risk of getting burned or sunstroke is reduced to a minimum.
7) Examine yourself carefully for the appearance of moles, or any changes on the skin. If you notice that the mole has changed shape, has grown or changed color, see your doctor immediately.
8) In children, the skin is more delicate, which means it is more susceptible to sunlight. Take care of the child and use products with an SPF 60 level of protection. Sunbathing is strictly prohibited for children under 2 years of age.
9) If you have blonde hair and thin white skin, you can get burned easily. To avoid this, go to the beach in the morning or evening. Do not forget about hats and panamas, the skin of the face also needs to be protected. But there is an alternative to the scorching sun - autobronzing. You can easily get the shade you want.
10) When leaving the water, pat yourself dry with a towel. Water droplets on the body, like lenses, enhance solar activity
11) After swimming in the sea, take a shower. Fresh water will wash away the salt, which in combination with the sun has a detrimental effect on the skin.
12) If you notice age spots after going to the beach, we recommend that you immediately contact a dermatologist.
13) Food and herbs against skin cancer are also effective. Well quenches thirst and relieves increased skin temperature rosehip decoction. Brew and drink throughout the day. It will soften the harmful effects of the sun.
14) Cocoa butter has a protective effect and protects the skin from sun exposure. Lubricate your face and body with it, it is a worthy replacement for cream.
15) Fermented milk products relieve redness and irritation well. Sour cream, serum and kefir will help relieve itching and burning with. A decoction of chamomile flowers has the same properties.

Use for skin cancer and burns as the main causes of it. Homemade creams can help protect your skin from skin cancer and sun damage. Connect:
* Vaseline - 47 g, Spermaceti - 3 g, glycerin - 1.5 ml, water - 48 ml, perfume - 0.5 ml.
* Vaseline - 47 g, Salol - 7 g, water - 25 ml, lanolin - 25 g.

* For sunburns, apply grated raw gruel to the skin for half an hour.
* If, before going out into the sun, lubricate the skin with strongly brewed black tea, this will prevent the occurrence of burns.

Summer time is so loved and long-awaited because we can soak up sweat in the warm and gentle rays of the sun. Follow the tips for sunless tanning. Skin cancer is preventable and anyone can protect themselves. Be careful when going to the beach. Good health to you!


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