How to make Christmas paper balls. How to make a ball out of paper - a diagram with your own hands. Ball of paper circles

New Year is approaching, which means it's time to think about stylish holiday decorations. You can, of course, go to the store and choose those balls and toys that are in stock. But for the next holiday, you will definitely want something new. And what, go shopping again? So there will not be enough money or free space even in the most spacious apartment. But there is a way out - you can easily make bright decorative elements yourself. So the apartment will look new every time, and the cabinets will not have to be cluttered with unnecessary boxes. Oddly enough, the brightest and most spectacular jewelry is obtained from the simplest materials: paper, cardboard and even plastic bottles. You don't need any artistic ability to make them, just follow the instructions. In this article we will show you how to make a paper ball quickly and easily with your own hands.

We create a beautiful and voluminous paper ball with our own hands

What materials can be used to make a ball:

1) Ordinary napkins. Their main advantage is, of course, availability. Use smaller napkins for small balls, and 30 x 30 centimeters for large ones. The napkin can be of any color, but it should not have any flower or Mickey Mouse designs - it will not decorate our ball.

2) Corrugated paper. Balls made of this material look very interesting, the material is quite plastic and makes it easy to create volumetric figures. Also, a big plus is that balls of a larger diameter can be made from corrugated paper than from napkins (it all depends only on the width of the roll).

3) Paper in silence. This word may seem unfamiliar to many, but you have probably already seen such a paper. It is usually used to pack some items - for example, put inside shoe boxes. But very delicate and spectacular crafts are taught from paper in bright colors. Its main advantage is translucency, so it looks beautiful when backlit. By the way, this material is also called tissue paper.

4) The last point is to highlight non-paper materials for the manufacture of decorative balls. These include fabrics that keep their shape well when folded, such as organza and tulle. White fabric balls will look very cute on a winter celebration, as they look like puffy snowflakes or snowballs. And if you make balls from orange fabric, you get tangerines! As you can see, there is no limit to imagination.

So, we looked at various types of paper (and even fabric) from which volumetric balls can be made. Further, in the master class, we will tell you how to make a ball based on napkins. Balls from other materials are made in exactly the same way.

To make a volumetric ball from napkins you will need:
  • sixteen paper napkins (if the napkins are two-layer, then you can take eight)
  • scissors
  • wire
  • stapler
  • ribbon (we will hang the ball on it)
How to make a volumetric ball out of napkins:

1) We need sixteen paper napkins - eight for each side of the ball. If you have two-layer napkins, carefully divide them into sheets.

2) We take one napkin and fold it in a "fan", fasten it with a stapler in the middle.

3) Repeat the same pattern with seven more napkins.

4) We put all the blanks in a "stack" on top of each other and connect the napkins to each other.

5) Gently round off the edges of the napkins with scissors. Make sure that while doing this they lie flat.

6) We spread the napkins in different planes. We should have half a ball.

7) Using the same scheme, we make the second workpiece.

8) Now you need to connect the two halves of the ball together with a piece of wire. Leave a small part of it free and crochet.

9) From the ribbon we make a loop to hang the ball from the ceiling or on a New Year's tree. Inside the ball, the tape will be attached to the wire hook we made in the previous step.

10) The craft is ready!

We analyze ideas for using volumetric paper balls

The simplest option is balls of one or two colors, which are suspended from the ceiling on ribbons of different lengths. Unfortunately, not every ceiling covering is suitable for such a decor - for this it must have wooden or plastic slats on which the tapes can be fixed. Most often, this method is used to decorate office space.

Single balloons can be turned into fantastic flowers to decorate the festive table with. Peonies are obtained from larger blanks, and small ones are more like a bush carnation.

Volumetric balloons look very stylish on various boxes and gift bags. Such crafts should be transported carefully so that the decoration does not wrinkle.

Related videos

You can see in more detail how to make a ball out of different types of paper in the following videos. With step-by-step instructions from experienced decorators, it's easy to deal with incomprehensible elements and easily cope with making these stylish decorations.

With the New Year approaching, each family strives to create a festive atmosphere in the house. And the main attribute of the holiday is an elegant Christmas tree. You can buy Christmas tree decorations in the store, or you can make them yourself from scrap materials. Such New Year's crafts look very beautiful and original. One of the best ways to decorate an evergreen beauty is origami paper balls.

Currently, there are a large number of origami schemes. Some of the most unusual are origami paper magic balls... It is from the simple transformation of a paper sheet into interesting figures that acquaintance with the origami technique begins. The balls made using the kusudama technique are a real work of art, as their perfect shape attracts the attention of many people.

Due to the abundance of color solutions, they may well become a decoration for a New Year tree or an extraordinary gift to loved ones. Also very popular is the modular 3D origami technique, in which a whole figure is assembled from many identical parts (models).

One sheet of paper and the rules of classic origami are used to fold each module. Due to the frictional force, the modules are held together. Simple origami consists of folding paper shapes using mountain and valley folds.

Another technique is unfolding folding, that is, a drawing showing all the folds of the finished model. Wet folding is also very popular, in the process of which paper moistened with water is used. It allows you to make smooth and expressive lines.

Origami ball made of paper: module diagram

Simple figurines

To make a simple paper ball yourself, you need:

  • paper, such as multicolored square blocks for writing;
  • scissors and glue;
  • mug or compass with a pencil.

You need to take prepared paper sheets and cut circles out of them. To make a ball, you need 32 circles with a diameter of 10 cm: 16 blue and 16 red. Each resulting circle should be bent in half. And then you can start gluing the parts together. To do this, you need to apply glue to the upper outer half of the blue circle and glue it to the lower outer part of the red element. In the same way, it is required to glue all the parts to each other, alternating colors: red-blue-red-blue. As a result, you get a stack of semicircular leaves glued together, resembling a book.

After that, you should unfold the figure and proceed to the next stage - gluing multi-colored pages of the ball together... Pages of different colors should be connected in a different pattern. The red ones need to be glued like this: open the red circle and mentally divide it into 6 parts. Grease the top and bottom of the left semicircle with glue, as shown in the picture, and leave the middle untouched. Next, you need to connect them with the first and third parts of the right semicircle. After the glue dries, you will get something like a "pocket". Similarly, connect all the red "pages" of the paper ball.

Then you need to start gluing the blue "pages". To do this, unfold one of the blue circles and apply glue to the most protruding part (second) of the left semicircle (marked with a cross in the figure). Next, connect with the symmetrically located part of the right blue semicircle. The same should be done with all blue "pages".

Then you need to fold the ball blank again with a "book" and wait for the glue to dry completely. Now you need to fan the craft and check that all the "pages" are glued together correctly. Then you should put a loop of thread and connect the first and last "pages" of the "book" with glue, forming a volumetric ball. That's all, the blue ball with a red core is ready.

By changing the place of gluing multi-colored "pages", you can get various options for a paper figure. This ball model can be used as a basis for making Christmas tree decorations and garlands.

Corrugated paper toy

If you wish to do paper balloon that looks like a flower, then you need to prepare:

  • wire;
  • a thread;
  • scissors;
  • five sheets of corrugated paper 60x40cm in size.

You need to take the paper and fold it into an accordion or on a roll. It is worth noting that the thicker the roll is, the more petals will turn out and the more voluminous the ball will come out. Then you need to fasten the "accordion" in the center with a thread or wire and cut off both end sides of the "accordion" in the form of petals, and then carefully unfold them. In conclusion, you just need to spread the petals in different directions to get a voluminous craft.

Making crafts using the kusudama technique

To make a paper flower arrangement in the shape of a ball, you need to prepare:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • simple pencil and ruler.

If you want to use the ball to decorate the Christmas tree, then approximately in the middle of the stage of fastening the flower modules you need fix the cord inside for hanging.

According to a similar scheme, it is necessary to prepare 11 more flower elements and beautifully glue them together. Floral origami ball made of paper is ready.

Christmas ball of six modules

To create a ball, it is better to use double-sided colored paper: this way the New Year's origami will turn out to be bright and beautiful. The size of the paper can be anything depending on the size of the ball you want. You will also need glue to assemble the parts together. Manufacturing technology:

Using the step-by-step instructions and origami diagrams, you can make DIY magic Christmas balls.

Attention, only TODAY!

In order to decorate your home for the holiday fashionably and at no extra cost, resourceful people make corrugated paper pompons with their own hands. Scissors, paper and a drop of imagination will help to translate the idea into an original craft. Multi-colored weightless pom-poms are useful for creating garlands, and also serve as props for a photo shoot. Learn how to make beautiful paper pompons in the article.

How to make paper pom-poms with your own hands. Materials required for work

Since our products are made of paper, we will first of all decide what kind of paper we will use to create the pom-poms. Please note that the following types of material are most convenient and "obedient" in work:

  • corrugated paper;
  • crepe paper;
  • tissue paper;
  • cigarette paper;
  • napkins.

How to make corrugated paper pom poms

All paper pom-poms are made according to the same principle. Let's take a closer look at this method. We need crepe or crepe paper. Today, crumpled paper is actively used to create crafts, although earlier its purpose was of a slightly different nature - lining for hats was laid out with corrugated paper. Crepe is a type of corrugated material with a smaller degree of compression. Crepe pom-poms are soft and airy, while corrugated products hold their shape better. Earlier, children's crafts and elements for carnival costumes were made from crumpled paper, but today they are mainly used to create stylish decorative items: flowers, garlands, interior toys.

Making paper pompons with your own hands is very simple, because in addition to the crepe or corrugated paper itself, you only need scissors and threads. If you are going to hang the finished paper balls to decorate a wall or ceiling, replace the threads with ribbon or long string. Remember that for work, choose strong, evenly colored and bright crumpled paper that does not leave colored streaks on your hands.

Lush paper pom-poms: detailed instructions

So, if all the materials at hand are ready, let's proceed to the creative part of the process. To create an original and catchy decor element, it is best to use multi-colored sheets of paper, first placing them on top of one another. Although some masters claim that it is plain pom-poms that look much more spectacular, so choose colors based on your personal convictions.

First, decide on the size of the finished product. The more luxuriant you see the pompom, the larger sheets cut the corrugated paper. At the same time, take into account that the width of the paper sheet should approximately correspond to the diameter of the finished ball. Next, paper pompons are assembled step by step like this:

  • fold the sheets of paper collected in a pile with a transverse "accordion";

  • Firmly tie the folded paper several times strictly in the middle with threads or with the dressing material that you have prepared (with a wire or tape, for example);

  • now the most creative part of the process is decorating the edges of the roll. Use scissors to shape them as you wish: round the edges, make them wavy or jagged, cut with a fringe;

  • let's move on to the most interesting thing - let's "dissolve" our paper bud. First, we stacked the crumpled paper in layers. Now carefully peel off one layer at a time, wrinkle a little and pull to the core tied with thread. Admire your creation!

Take your time and make several of these pom-poms at once. One paper ball is fine, of course, but it won't produce the same amazing effect as a few copies. Ready-made paper pom-poms can be easily assembled into a garland, hung from the ceiling one by one, or decorate an entire wall with them.

Experienced paper craftsmen went further. Check out the awesome flower pom poms made from crumpled paper!

How to make paper pom-poms in silence

To create lush festive pom-poms, as often as corrugated paper, they use tissue paper. Unlike classic crumpled paper, silence is a very delicate material. This is a thin, weightless and surprisingly airy paper, which, according to the masters, is a pleasure to deal with. The material is chosen when they want to decorate a room with very lush and large paper pom-poms.

So, to make a beautiful volumetric ball, we will prepare the following materials:

  • tissue paper (about 15 - 19 sheets for a large product, about 7 - 8 sheets for a small pompom);
  • scissors;
  • strong thread or thin wire;
  • satin or other fancy ribbon to hang the finished product.

After completing this step-by-step master class, you will get incredibly beautiful paper pom-poms in silence:

  • fold the sheets of paper into a straight stack. If you plan to get a voluminous pompom, we take more sheets. However, keep in mind that the thicker the stack of paper, the more difficult it is to work with the future product. Twist the paper in half and cut it neatly along the edge;

  • wrap the paper in "steps" of 2 - 3 cm to the end;

  • fold the paper roll in half;

  • tie a paper "fan" with a wire or thread exactly in the middle. In the same place, tie a ribbon with which you can then hang the pompom;

  • decorate the edges of the "fan" - give them a rounded, trapezoidal or pointed shape;

  • To create a pompom, begin to gently separate the paper petals from the edge to the center. Smooth out layer by layer gently;

  • when 5 - 6 layers of your pom-pom are flattened, turn it over and separate as many layers on the other side;

  • when there are very few unfolded layers left, turn the product sideways and open the last petals;

  • this is what a fluffy and cute decoration you get when all 16 layers are spread out.

When hanging pom-poms, do not limit yourself to one color and the same length of ribbon.

How to make a paper pompom in the form of a hemisphere: detailed instructions

If you wish, you can make an unusual pompom that can be used to decorate any surface. For better stability, the paper product is created not round, but in the form of a hemisphere.

You can choose paper napkins for work, but we will opt for paper muffin cups. The latter have become the object of close attention of craftswomen due to their corrugated edges, which gives the decorative element additional volume. The work plan is as follows:

  1. Fold the muffin pan into several layers so that you have a sharp angle of about 45 degrees. Do the same with all shapes. This will make the petals for the decorative flower pompom.
  2. Now bring all the petals together: alternately put the edge of one petal on the edge of another, making sure that the sharp corners of the petals converge at one point, and they themselves do not completely overlap each other.
  3. Use a hairpin or single thread with a needle to fasten the petals together.
  4. To make the fluffy hemisphere very voluminous, fill the finished circle with a few more rows of petals. Remember that all elements must be strung on a thread (hairpin).

Interior decoration with paper pom-poms

When your workplace is hidden by the foam of ready-made paper pom-poms, it's time to decide what to do with the unusual creation next. For example, paper balloons in silence are a worthy replacement for ordinary balloons, because they can be fixed in many places without worrying that the balloon will burst from careless movement.

Paper pom-poms are attached to walls, ceiling beams, chandeliers, chairs. Medium-sized pom-poms are used to decorate gift gifts like a bow, and mini-pom-poms are a great addition to large lush balls. We offer you some more interesting options for decorating a room using paper pompons:

  1. As decorative elements, white pom-poms of different sizes will be appropriate for a wedding. Such products are best made from tracing paper. They will look smart both outdoors and indoors.
  2. When relatives and friends are preparing to meet a new family member from the hospital, colorful pom-poms are also indispensable. Classic balloons burst, which often spoil the overall picture of the holiday, so it is best to "dress" the room in pink, lilac, blue, lemon and mint pom-poms.
  3. With the help of paper pom-poms, you can decorate a holiday in honor of a child's birthday. Decorate your homemade products with cartoon characters' faces even more cute.
  4. Themed parties are often decorated with paper balls: blue, blue, white and turquoise pompons will be appropriate for a nautical holiday, against the background of brown and green paper balls you can celebrate Earth Day, and red and black pompons are suitable for a gangster "gathering".
  5. Memorable photos will be unusually positive and bright if paper pom-poms are included in the frame. So that everyone can take an original selfie against the background of paper decor, they make up a special photo zone with pom-poms.

What to do with handmade paper balls, everyone can think of for themselves. We offer you a selection of photos of paper pompons for inspiration:

When the party is over, don't rush to throw away the paper pom-poms. These products can be easily folded into an accordion again and hidden until the next celebration.

We make paper pompons. Video

In this article, you will find popular craft paper balls for all occasions... For example, you have a holiday at home and you need to decorate your apartment. All crafts of varying complexity from the simplest to the most complex. Enjoy your time.

Detailed instructions on how to make a ball out of paper.

Option 1

In this master class we will tell you how do it yourself a Christmas ball out of paper. To do this, you need a sheet of white and always colored paper, scissors, glue.

Step 1. First you need to print the template in two copies (on white and colored paper) on a printer.

Step 2. Then, of course, you need to cut out the templates and lay them out in the shape of a "sun".

Step 3. Glue the cut out circle with glue in the middle, connecting all the rays at one point.

Step 4. Now let's start forming the ball. The colored template lies on white. First, we intertwine the white rays with the colored ones (see photo)

Step 5. Then you should have it so that the white rays were on top of the colored ones (see photo), now they need to be hidden again under other rays.

6 step. Such a beautiful ornament is obtained when you intertwine multi-colored rays.

7 step. At the end, we connect the rays and fix them together at one point.

Thank you for your attention! We hope you enjoyed this DIY origami version.

How to make a paper ball with your own hands.

Option 2

Here we will tell you how to make a beautiful ball out of multi-colored paper with your own hands. To do this, we need 3 sheets of different colors, a circle template, a pencil, scissors.

1. Cut 4 identical circles from the same color, and similarly with other colors. You should end up with 12 circles of the same size.

2. We fold the circles in a certain order: 2 circles of the same color (for example, 2 blue), then put 2 circles of a different color on them (for example, 2 pink), then, for example, 2 blue, and repeat in the same order. After that, we bend them in half.

3. You can put a thread in the middle if the ball should eventually hang.

4. Fasten the middle with a stapler in two places (see photo below).

5. Divide one semicircle into 3 equal parts.

6. Apply glue diagonally to the top 1/3 of the semicircle. Then glue it to the adjacent semicircle.

8. And so with all semicircles, alternating, glue all sides (see photo).

So quickly it turned out a beautiful handmade ball that you can hang on a Christmas tree or decorate the interior.

Bright volumetric balls made of paper.

Option 3

To make such a bright volumetric ball with our own hands, we need to take colored paper and scissors.

Small printable template

Large printable template

1. After cutting out the patterns, take one of the flowers and glue a long loop of thread to it.

2. Clip all templates together using the cut lines in each piece.

3. This is how it turns out from the inside.

Thank you for your attention!

Origami paper ball.

See what kind of original balls can still be made of paper.

Paper ball interesting scheme

You need to cut 8 circles of the same size, then roll up 3 edges to make an equilateral triangle. Sew one half of the line on each side. Then we begin to fasten all the blanks together. At the end, glue a loop of string. So an interesting ball is ready.

Video master classes paper balls.

This subsection contains video master classes that were not included in the detailed description.

Such a ball can be used to decorate the interior of an apartment before a festive celebration. Looks very nice on a Christmas tree.

Volumetric colored ball. Your child will love the origami assembly process. You will need thick colored paper, scissors, glue.

If you've read the article carefully, you should have noticed. A detailed description of this origami is found above.

Do not forget to share your crafts with us, send in the comments a photo of what you have done.

Surely many of you have seen wonderful decorations in the form of paper balls. They look original and impressive in any interior and immediately transform the room, creating a festive atmosphere. Depending on the theme of the event, you can choose the color and material from which these paper crafts will be made: for example, weightless balls made of corrugated paper or napkins of gentle tones are more suitable for a wedding, and bright cardboard balls for a children's party. Today we will learn how to make different types of paper balls quickly and efficiently with our own hands.

Learn to make a variety of paper balls with your own hands

To make a New Year's paper ball you will need:
  • colored paper (you can also use cardboard, but not too thick; the most economical option is plain paper for notes)
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • stationery stapler (optional)
  • glue stick or double-sided thin tape
  • sequins for decoration (optional)
How to make a New Year's paper ball:

1) To make a volumetric ball, you need to take 12 square pieces of paper of three different colors, i.e. each color we get four leaves.

2) Then we put all the sheets in a pile and cut out circles from them according to the template. Tip: You can simply use a round object, such as the bottom of a glass, and circle it.

3) Carefully cut out the resulting circles. It is better not to cut the entire stack at once, but cut out one circle at a time - this will get smoother edges.

4) We fold each circle in half and distribute it into 3 piles by color. At the same time, we fold the blanks with flat sides to each other.

5) Connect the circles with a stapler. And if it is not there, then you can simply stitch it with a thread.

6) We draw an additional template on a sheet of A4 paper, which will be needed in order to glue the circles in the right place. We apply markings and draw straight lines, aligning the ruler with the marked points and the center of the circle.

7) Next, we apply a ruler, aligning it with the line until such time that only the necessary area is smeared with glue, and we apply glue with a glue stick to the upper sector, which was limited by a ruler (glue can be applied pointwise in the place where the arrow shows 1/3 or glue small piece of double-sided tape).

8) Turn the page of our round book, glue it, move the ruler to the lower sector and repeat the procedure again.

9) We continue to glue this way until only two elements remain to be connected. Then between the sheets you need to put a thread rolled up in a loop, with which the ball can then be hung. And you can glue the remaining parts.

10) Our voluminous Christmas ball is ready and can be hung on the tree!

Kusudams will become a stylish decoration in oriental style. These are constructions made up of several elements of the same type, that is, in essence, this is a kind of modular origami.

How to make a simple kusudama:

1) The simplest kusudama resembles a cube in shape and consists of six elements of the same type that are glued together. It is better for beginners to try their hand at making this particular model.

2) So, take a square sheet of double-sided colored paper, fold it in half and again in half. Expanding back.

3) Bend the upper and lower halves to the midline and bend back. Turn the sheet over ninety degrees and repeat the same. We turn the sheet over.

4) Bend the corners towards the center and bend back. We turn the sheet over.

6) There are six such blanks to be made. When you glue them together, be sure to insert a loop of tape to hang the toy.

7) Kusudama for Chinese motives is ready!

Balls made of corrugated paper look very delicate and elegant, and making them is as easy as shelling pears, you don't even need any schemes.

To make corrugated paper balls you will need:
  • corrugated paper (you can replace it with napkins or even non-woven)
  • scissors
  • wire
  • stapler
  • ribbon
How to make a corrugated paper ball:

1) To make a ball, we need 16 square sheets of paper - they must be cut from a whole roll. You can choose the size of the square that you need.

2) We take one sheet and fold it in a "fan", in the middle we fasten it with a stapler. The edges must be rounded off with scissors.

3) We repeat the same with seven more sheets. Next, we fasten them together and gently straighten them. We have got a half of the ball.

4) Similarly, we make the second half of the ball and connect them together. Do not forget to glue a loop of tape in the center so that the ball can be suspended.

5) The volumetric corrugated paper ball is ready!

Related videos

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the videos demonstrating master classes on assembling stylish paper balls of various types.