How to make paper horns. Caucasian horn made of paper and foil. Polymer clay kid's horns

© laurenconrad

To consolidate the holiday mood, we suggest you make a simple but very effective New Year's costume. Rather, a New Year's decoration that will make the festive evening much more fun. Such deer antlers will come in very handy for a children's matinee. And adults do not have to dress in a deer costume from head to toe. It is enough to dilute your festive look with such a headdress to create a spectacular and cheerful look.


What you need:

  • plastic hoop,
  • pipe cleaners,
  • brown paper bag cut into pieces,
  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • paint (color optional),
  • wire,
  • faux fur in two contrasting colors,
  • hot glue gun.
© laurenconrad


  1. Create a frame for the horns by attaching the pipe cleaners to the plastic hoop. Twist them together, linking one chimney after one, thus creating branches on the horns. They can be made in any size and height.
  2. Cut the paper bag into strips. Mix the glue and water in a 1: 1 ratio in a bowl to make it easier to dip the strips into the glue. Dip paper strips in glue and wrap around chimney cleaners. To dry the horns faster, you can blow dry them. But if you are not in a hurry, it is better to leave them overnight so that they dry completely.
  3. Once the horns are dry, you can start painting them. In this case, black and white paints were used to create the gray.
  4. Leave the horns to dry and start creating the ears (instructions below).
© laurenconrad


  1. Cut out two large ears from the dark brown fur, and the inner part of the ears from the light fur (it should be smaller). Using a hot glue gun, attach the underside of the light side of the lugs to the dark side.
  2. Bend the wire so that it follows the contour of the ears, leaving some spare wire at the bottom.
  3. Bend the dark ears so that they completely cover the wire and glue them down, applying good pressure to secure the result.
  4. Using the spare wire that remains on the ears, attach the ears to the hoop below the horns.

The antlers are ready!

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Not sure how to make goat horns with your own hands? Read the article. It offers many options: both flat and volumetric. They are easy to make, and can be used for paper sculptures or decorating a kid on a postcard, and for a fancy New Year's costume. Using the presented technologies, it is easy to make horns of various shapes, suitable not only for a goat. Read, study, choose, do.

Materials and tools

If you know how to make do-it-yourself goat horns from fabric, but there is no time for this, there is an alternative quick way - use a regular sheet of paper. In addition, you will need the following:

  • Pencil and eraser.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue (for complex options, you can use a heat gun, if you have one).

From a limited set of tools, it is easy to make beautiful and realistic horns.

How to make do-it-yourself goat horns out of paper?

The photographs given in the article clearly demonstrate that several options can be made:

  • Cut out flat products to the appropriate shape.
  • In the same configuration, make elements from the corrugated edge of a disposable paper plate.
  • Twist the volumetric parts in the form of cones.
  • Create more realistic paper ribbon horns.
  • Use the papier-mâché technique.

So, there are many ways. Choose for yourself how to make goat horns with your own hands. The first ones on the list above are the simplest ones. It will take a couple of minutes to make them. The last two options will take a little more time, but the result will be much more effective and realistic.

The simplest method

We will describe in more detail the technology of how to make goat horns with your own hands quickly and easily. Work like this:

All is ready. You can try on the product for your paper goat.

Instant volumetric horns

Below is another way to make do-it-yourself goat horns out of paper. The photo demonstrates the construction. It is made in the form of an ordinary cone.

This is the easiest method for producing voluminous horns. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Draw two identical circles on the paper. Their radius will be equal to the height of the horn.
  2. Cut out the details.
  3. Make a notch from the outside circle to the center of the radius on either side on both blanks. You can cut out a sector to make the horn thinner and without too much overlap.
  4. Roll up the cones and glue the seam.
  5. You can trim the pieces from the bottom.

This is how, in a couple of minutes, simple volumetric horns are easily made.

A difficult but beautiful option

Below is a way to make do-it-yourself goat horns from paper of a more realistic look than the previous ones. The technique is as follows:

  1. Prepare a strip of paper, preferably thin paper (length and width depend on the size of your horns).
  2. Make a blank in the form of a cone using the technology of the previous version, or make a base from plasticine of a more complex shape. If you have an object with a suitable configuration, such as real horns or a child's toy of the correct size, use it.
  3. Begin wrapping your blank with paper tape in a spiral, gluing the places where one layer overlaps the other.
  4. After the glue has dried, remove the horns from the base. To facilitate this procedure, it is worth first, before pasting with paper, cover the workpiece with cling film and do not wind the tape too tight.

How to fold paper horns?

You can make goat horns with your own hands using paper-plastic methods, when a blank of a certain shape is cut out with marking of future fold lines. You will end up with a box-like structure, only of a rather complex shape. The same option is easy to assemble from three separate parts.

The seams are glued, or the elements are connected with adhesive tape. In the second case, you will have to cover the surface with some material, for example, glued napkins, threads, or use a beautiful decorative adhesive tape that matches the color, or paint.

The only drawback of this product is that it will turn out to be somewhat angular, although this can be compensated for by a decorative layer of glue and paint applied over the threads.

Papier-mâché horns

If you are still undecided on how to make do-it-yourself goat horns out of paper, you may like this option the most. The manufacturing technology is simple, but it takes a certain amount of time, so it will not work to build horns in a few minutes using this method. The meaning of the work is as follows:

  1. Take any volumetric workpiece. If nothing suitable is at hand, mold it yourself from plasticine. This is convenient because you can choose the size and shape you want.
  2. Prepare many pieces of paper. You can use only white, although magazine or even newspaper is suitable for the first layers. Pick up the pieces by hand or cut with scissors.
  3. Before gluing, it is worth wrapping your workpiece with cling film, so that it will be easier to remove the paper-glue "shell" later.
  4. Take PVA glue or prepare a paste and apply a layer to the workpiece.
  5. Place the pieces of paper randomly in any direction.
  6. After the first layer has dried, repeat the steps as many times to obtain a sufficient thickness of the object.
  7. Remove the manufactured "shell". If it is very difficult to do this and you are afraid of damaging the product, make an incision on one side, and then, after removing, glue with one or more layers of paper.

This way you can make horns of any shape. After drying, the paper mixed with the glue becomes hard and strong enough. If you want to speed up the process of gluing, you can mix the pieces of paper with the glue before applying to the surface. Only in this case, the parts should be smaller so that the paper lays down neatly and evenly and does not bristle.

How to make goat horns on the head?

If you are preparing a child for the Christmas tree and are sewing a fancy dress for a goat, lamb, or other horned character, you can use any of the presented methods for creating horns. You only have to prepare an additional part - a rim on which the manufactured elements will be fixed. A purchased plastic version is well suited as a frame, preferably one that already has horns in its design, for example, on springs made of tinsel or rain. In this case, you just need to fix your paper products on the finished frame.

If you just have a decorative headband for your hairstyle, you will have to create the elements of the frame for the horns yourself. To do this, it is better to take a strong wire and fix it in the appropriate places on the rim. Its surface will need to be decorated to match the color of the suit. You can, of course, do without a blank frame at all, and make it yourself from thick paper or cardboard.

So, you have seen how to make horns. Choose the appropriate option. Use the technique for both crafts and fancy dress for goats and other horned characters.

Devil costume horns can be made from red or black paper. To do this, cut out the cones and glue them. These horns can be sewn to a hat or bandana, or glued to the rim.

To make paper horns, draw triangles with rectangular stripes on the underside with a pencil (strips are needed for attachment). There should be 2 triangles - make sure that they are the same size (if you want to achieve a comic effect, you can make horns of different sizes and colors). Cut the triangles along the contour and glue the cones from them. If you don't have colored paper, it doesn't matter, just color it in with markers or felt-tip pens. Attach the finished horns to the cap or to the hair with the help of invisible strips.

DIY horns made of plasticine and fabric

Another option for making horns is plasticine or plastic horns. A big plus of such horns is that the material is elastic and the horns can be given the desired shape. Form the horns out of plasticine or plastic and wrap them with cloth or foil. Make sure that the horns are well wrapped on all sides so that the hair does not stick to the clay. To make the horns easy to put on, attach them to the headband with glue. You can also make the headband yourself from thick cardboard by covering it with a fabric of a certain color.

Do-it-yourself horns from your own hair

Don't be alarmed, you won't have to sacrifice your hair. In the sense that you don't have to cut them off. Select 2 strands so that the future horns are symmetrical. Comb the strands and fix them with gel (the stronger the fixation of the gel, the better). You can use colored varnish in combination with a strong hold varnish or foam or hair mousse. Styling wax is also suitable. The disadvantage of this method of making horns is that it is suitable only for owners of short hair.

DIY horns: an option for craftsmen

The manufacture of such horns requires a sewing machine. But if desired, such horns can be sewn without it. You will need a fabric (fleece or any fleecy) of the color you need, a linen elastic band to match the fabric, cotton wool (for stuffing horns), thread (in the color of the fabric), a needle, and scissors.

We outline the fabric: we draw 4 triangles - this is the basis for future horns. We fold the triangles right side to each other and sew, remembering to step back 0.5 cm from the edge. At the same time, do not sew a wide bottom so that the horns can be stuffed with cotton. Turn the horns to the front side, stuff them with cotton. Cut the elastic as long as needed to match the circumference of the head, adding lengths for the ties. Sew the horns symmetrically to the elastic.

If you want to add coquetry to the image of the imp, then the horns can be embroidered with lace or initially used for the rim of lace with an elastic band. The horns can also be glued to the rim. If you are not sure if the horns are well-sewn, decorate them with rhinestones or sequins to hide blemishes.

If horns are part of a Halloween costume, complement them

In the kindergarten, at the matinee, the children prepared the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats" (the little goats in the end turned out to be not seven, but much more, but this is not important). Parents were told to dress up little artists in black and white, and prepare horns as a recognizable element of clothing. The question arose, how to make horns for a goat? The easiest and fastest option seemed to make paper horns for a goat.

Materials (edit)

Headband - base (smooth, no decor), paper, paper glue.

Actually, making paper horns is very simple. You just need to cut out two squares with a side of 8 - 10 cm, depending on the desired height of the horns.

Fold a cone out of a square, as you fold a bag for seeds. Glue the edge so that the cone does not unfold.

cone - blank for horns

Since the cone was rolled up from a square, and not according to a special pattern, at the base of the cone we got a protruding corner. We just need it. If the corner protrudes strongly, then we use it immediately, if not enough, then we cut it so that this protruding corner wraps around the rim and sticks to the cone on the other side. This will secure the horns to the rim.

Instead of glue, you can secure the paper with tape.

So we answered the question of how to make horns for a goat. You can try on and go to the matinee!

How to make horns out of paper

Do-it-yourself Maleficent horns: template, materials, step-by-step instructions

For any carnival, an upcoming holiday or corporate party, a fascinating and unusual image is needed. Chanterelle and squirrel characters nowadays seem too commonplace. Each person wants to stand out from the crowd and attract all the views of others. For such themed parties and carnivals, the image of the sorceress Maleficent is perfect. In this article, we will show you how to make the horns of a formidable witch with your own hands.

Maleficent's menacing heroine

Maleficent is a fictional character, an evil witch. Translated from English as "harmful", "harmful". She gained fame thanks to the 1959 cartoon Sleeping Beauty. In 2014, Walt Disney Pictures released a film of the same name. The main role of the protagonist in the motion picture was played by Angelina Jolie. Maleficent's character was designed by animator Mark Davis. He borrowed the image of a woman in a black robe with tongues of flame from a Czechoslovak book. Mark gave the image a demonic look. The character has become like a large vampire bat.

The animator wanted to create a sense of anxiety and threat when looking at Maleficent. To enhance the intimidating impression, Mark added a pair of horns, as he believed that the fictional character should have resemblance to evil spirits. Maleficent, played by Jolie, fell in love with the audience. Fans began to create carnival costumes for themselves on Halloween. Every dedicated fan knows how to make Maleficent's horns to take on her mystical appearance. Horns are an integral part of the heroine's image. They give a special charm to the whole mysterious image of the main character.

Horn frame

To make Maleficent's horns with your own hands, you need skill and a rich imagination. To create you need a regular headband. Horns will be attached to it. To create the base, you need to use small wires. They should be bent and wrapped with tape, corrugated paper or foil.

With these materials, the horns can be bent into the desired shape. You can also build a full-fledged frame from wire. Such horns will be more stable and durable. Let's consider several ways. Thanks to a detailed description of each, it will be possible to understand what the easiest way to make Maleficent's horns.

Plaster horns

Consider how to make Maleficent's horns from plaster. To do this, we need a previously prepared base, dry gypsum or alabaster. For the manufacture of the base, we use durable cardboard. Wrap the wires with paper and fix them firmly at the base. Create the required curved shape. We dilute the powder with water in a container until a homogeneous slurry. It is necessary that the mixture is not too runny. Stir so that there are no lumps left. Then we apply it to the prepared frame. We coat it completely and put it to dry in a warm place without drafts. It takes 24 hours to dry completely.

Little tricks

After drying, it is necessary to sand the horns with sandpaper to smooth out all the roughness and unevenness. Then we attach the resulting frame with tape to the rim. For more realism, the horns need to be painted with spray paint. But to save time, you can add black dye directly to the gypsum mix. The result will be great Maleficent horns. You can make them with your own hands for a Halloween carnival costume or a themed party. Unlike paper horns, gypsum props are more durable and not afraid of rain (within reasonable limits).

Foil horns

To make Maleficent's horns from foil, you will need, in addition to the main material, scotch tape, black electrical tape. You can use baking foil. We wrap the frame with shiny hard paper and create the necessary shape. With dark electrical tape wrapped over the foil, we achieve the desired color and rigidity of the structure.

You can use masking tape for the first layer of wrapping. And for the final one - pieces of leather or leatherette. The material is lubricated with glue and pressed to dry completely. The resulting horns are placed on the rim. To prevent them from flying off, you can use transparent tape or silicone glue. The second option is preferable. After the attachment, the bonding points can be wrapped with black electrical tape.

Paper horns

Even the most dedicated fan will not be able to walk with heavy horns all day long. Therefore, for special occasions when it is necessary to be in a suit for a long time, you can make Maleficent's horns out of paper. To do this, you need thick cardboard or paper folded in several layers. Several circles are drawn on paper. Their radius should be equal to the height of the horns. Then the parts are cut out with sharp scissors.

Small cuts should be made along the radius from the outer circle to the center. The cones are rolled up, and their seam is glued. Then the upper part of the cone is cut off and rolled up narrower. The resulting workpiece is pasted over with black electrical tape. Then small holes are made at the bottom of the workpiece for the rim. The bezel is gently pushed through the tapered arms and fixed. For greater realism, the horns can be pasted over with leather or cloth.

From scrap materials

Maleficent's horns with their own hands from disposable cups. To do this, you will need a wire, two cups, an old hat, scotch tape, scissors, electrical tape, a bezel, foil or paper. Holes are made at the bottom of the cups so that a wire can be passed through them. In order to determine what size horns are needed, the wire is stretched to the required length. Then the same piece of wire is measured, folded in half and cut off. A measured wire, folded in half, is threaded through the bottom of the glass. The same procedure is performed with the second glass. A small tip is folded back and fixed with tape from the inside of the container. Holes are cut in the cap in those places where the glasses will be located. The wire is now given the desired curved shape. Using transparent tape, the containers are attached to the rim. Then, using foil, paper or cardboard, the horns are given a volumetric shape and pasted over with black electrical tape, after which they are fixed on the rim. Horns are threaded through the holes in the cap along with the rim.

Plasticine horns

To make Maleficent's horns with your own hands from this material, you will need, in addition to him, cardboard, a bezel, tape, wire or wire frame. The wire must be bent and coated with plasticine.

To keep everything tight, plasticine is spread in several layers. Then cut the cardboard into small strips. Each strip should be longer than the previous one. Then the cardboard is tightly fixed to the material and wrapped in black electrical tape. The resulting structure is attached to the rim.

From fabric

Making Maleficent's rag horns. Pattern from paper for a fabric base - a pattern of horns. It is applied to the leatherette and two absolutely identical parts are cut out. Then they are sewn together and turned inside out so that the seams are inside the horn. The horn is stuffed with cotton or batting and the lower part is sewn up. To make the part hold its shape better, you can insert a piece of wire inside.

The same procedure is repeated with the second horn, then the finished parts are sewn to the holder. You can use a headband with cat ears. Then holes are cut out on the hat and horns are threaded through them.

How to make horns with your own hands - a master class

Lately, antlers have become a popular accessory for photo shoots and boho weddings. This stylish detail is used with pleasure on postcards and in illustrations, in costumes and in the interior. If you urgently need antlers, and there is no deer who will drop them for you, I will show you how to make antlers with your own hands.

In many cultures, the deer is identified with light and creation. The ability of this animal to shed and grow new horns has always seemed like a miracle, so deer have become a symbol of renewal and a new beginning.

The historic entrance of the horns into interiors, as wall accessories, was noted at the beginning of the 19th century and exclusively in the homes of aristocrats. And this part was massively used in the so-called Alpine style.

How to make antlers - materials and tools

It will take us about an hour to make deer antlers with our own hands. They are done in 2 stages. It takes about 30 minutes for the workpiece to be pasted over with paper. After the glue has dried, it takes another 20 minutes to paint the finished product. Length: 32 cm.

  • Aluminum wire - 1 m
  • Pliers
  • Sintepon or other filler - cut about 25 x 10 cm
  • Masking tape 3 cm wide or foil
  • PVA glue
  • Paper or newspaper
  • Brush
  • Acrylic paints in different colors.

How to make horns with your own hands - work progress

I will show you how to make papier mâché horns. If you plan on dyeing them darker, you can use newspaper, and if the horns are lighter, thin white paper is better. Typically thinner is the white paper sold for writing, not printers. But if there is none, a tighter one will work too. It just needs to be crumpled longer to make it more pliable.

1. Take an aluminum wire and shape it into a deer antler using pliers. To form horns, you can find a picture of real ones on the Internet, enlarge it and simply repeat the outlines.

2. For now, it doesn't look very much like antlers. To add volume, we tear off small strips of padding polyester, wrap them around the wire and secure with masking tape. If masking tape is not available, foil can be used. There should be more at the base of the padding polyester. The closer to the tip, the less filler is needed.

3. Now we take the paper, mash it well and tear it into small strips.

4. We smear each strip with PVA and gradually glue the workpiece over. It is better to glue the horns in 2-3 layers so that they are strong enough.

5. After the glue is dry, you can start painting. Traditionally, the tips and middle are dyed brighter. You can separate areas to paint with masking tape, or draw borders with a pencil if the surface is not completely flat.

In order to be able to paint all the details at once, the horns can be hung on a ribbon.

Let the paint dry and enjoy the result.

I made another larger antlers and gave them a worn effect.

Diy deer antlers - ideas for use

With a little imagination, antlers can be played in completely unpredictable ways and find many uses for them.

  • Arrange a funny photo session with friends
  • Make flower stands out of horns
  • Decorate with horns a wedding arch at a wedding
  • Make deer antlers a boho bouquet element
  • To fit into the central composition of the table or use in serving
  • Make a jewelry stand
  • Use as curtain holders
  • Decorate with horns a wreath on the door
  • Use as wall decoration
  • Put on the horn wedding rings for a photo shoot
  • Hang Christmas decorations or decorative elements on the horns
  • Use as a costume piece.

And many more stylish ideas that just come to your mind.


There are many more interesting things:

How to make do-it-yourself goat horns out of paper (photo)?

Materials and tools

  • Pencil and eraser.
  • Scissors.

The simplest method

  • Draw the shape of one horn on a piece of paper or newspaper.
  • Cut out the template. This will be your stencil.
  • Take a disposable paper plate or sheet of the appropriate size and trace around your workpiece.
  • Flip the template over or simply place it side by side if the paper is double-sided and trace again. Also cut out.

  1. Cut out the details.

A difficult but beautiful option

How to fold paper horns?

Papier-mâché horns

How and from what to make horns for a goat or ram mask

How to make a mask - goat horns and ram horns?

If we need to play the role of a goat, and we don’t want to wear a mask, then in some cases we can do with a simplified version - designate the character with fake horns.

What and how to make horns?

To the goat mask, as we have already said, you can cut flat horns from strong cardboard. Such horns, together with a mask, look quite convincing. But if there is no mask, you should try to make the horns larger. Again the question arises - how?

The easiest way is to make a fold in the middle of the cardboard horn and several cross folds along the length.

Such horns look very realistic, and, by the way, due to the fold in the middle, they become much stronger. However, I am showing a goat half mask as an example, but it is possible without it:

Goat mask horns

What other options are there?

I suggested a topic - to come up with a mask of a ram or goat with voluminous horns for fourth grade students. Basically, all the same, the guys tried to roll up narrow long bags-cones, and this clearly does not correspond to the classic image of a goat. Goats have curved horns, and rams have twisted horns. It is impossible to tighten the paper cone without crushing it. In addition, the horns have a relief in the form of transverse stripes on the surface.

Therefore, I came up with this option: let's try to make horns from paper folded with an accordion. And we will give the shape as follows: we will string this accordion on a wire and we will bend it as we need.

For the first experiment, I used a strip of paper a meter and a half long. This strip, when I folded it, turned out to be insufficient, I had to put on more.

I put it on from both ends, and in the middle left a free loop of wire - we put it on the head with a hoop - clasping it from behind through the back of the head, and from the sides the hoop rests on the ears

These horns look quite convincing - the topic is worth developing. For large and luxurious horns, I cut strips of three meters - of course, I had to glue them from separate pieces. First, I pierced it with an awl, and then, into the resulting through hole, I brought a wire. The ram's horns are curved in a spiral. For beauty, mask the wire hoop with a wide cardboard strip.

I told you the principle itself. The exact dimensions of all parts are selected individually, depending on the situation and on the parameters of a particular actor.

Another variation on the same theme: remember how we made a paper snail. Fasten the accordion-folded paper tape on a low but wide support cone.

I have already strung such a "horn" on a thread so that the accordion does not fall apart, and after laying the "turns" I sewed it to the support cone with the same thread.

How to make goat horns - option 3

For the mask of a goat, you can also make "type-setting" horns - according to the same principle by which dragons were made from foam rubber.

It is best to use multi-colored foam rubber, for example, from household dishwashing sponges.

We cut two or three such sponges into pieces of different sizes. These pieces of foam are then threaded onto the wire rim described above, like a kebab on a skewer. For a change, you can intersperse pieces of foam rubber with scraps of cardboard, isolon or foil:

So far we have come up with such options for horns for you, but this is not the limit. The New Year is not coming soon, and, undoubtedly, we will come up with a lot more on the theme of the goat and ram mask. Subscribe to updates of the blog - "Iso" and "manual labor" for children by mail]

Read more about making carnival masks with your own hands:

Goat, cow, ram and giraffe masks

Goat mask

Tags: carnival masks for children, make a mask with your own hands

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Marina Novikova

How to make maleficent, demon, satyr or goat horns

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How to make do-it-yourself goat horns out of paper (photo)?

Hobby October 29, 2015

Not sure how to make goat horns with your own hands? Read the article. It offers many options: both flat and volumetric. They are easy to make, and can be used for paper sculptures or decorating a kid on a postcard, and for a fancy New Year's costume. Using the presented technologies, it is easy to make horns of various shapes, suitable not only for a goat. Read, study, choose, do.

Materials and tools

If you know how to make do-it-yourself goat horns from fabric, but there is no time for this, there is an alternative quick way - use a regular sheet of paper. In addition, you will need the following:

  • Pencil and eraser.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue (for complex options, you can use a heat gun, if you have one).

From a limited set of tools, it is easy to make beautiful and realistic horns.

How to make do-it-yourself goat horns out of paper?

The photographs given in the article clearly demonstrate that several options can be made:

  • Cut out flat products to the appropriate shape.
  • In the same configuration, make elements from the corrugated edge of a disposable paper plate.
  • Twist the volumetric parts in the form of cones.
  • Create more realistic paper ribbon horns.
  • Use the papier-mâché technique.

So, there are many ways. Choose for yourself how to make goat horns with your own hands. The first ones on the list above are the simplest ones. It will take a couple of minutes to make them. The last two options will take a little more time, but the result will be much more effective and realistic.

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The simplest method

We will describe in more detail the technology of how to make goat horns with your own hands quickly and easily. Work like this:

All is ready. You can try on the product for your paper goat.

Instant volumetric horns

Below is another way to make do-it-yourself goat horns out of paper. The photo demonstrates the construction. It is made in the form of an ordinary cone.

This is the easiest method for producing voluminous horns. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Draw two identical circles on the paper. Their radius will be equal to the height of the horn.
  2. Cut out the details.
  3. Make a notch from the outside circle to the center of the radius on either side on both blanks. You can cut out a sector to make the horn thinner and without too much overlap.
  4. Roll up the cones and glue the seam.
  5. You can trim the pieces from the bottom.

This is how, in a couple of minutes, simple volumetric horns are easily made.

A difficult but beautiful option

Below is a way to make do-it-yourself goat horns from paper of a more realistic look than the previous ones. The technique is as follows:

  1. Prepare a strip of paper, preferably thin paper (length and width depend on the size of your horns).
  2. Make a blank in the form of a cone using the technology of the previous version, or make a base from plasticine of a more complex shape. If you have an object with a suitable configuration, such as real horns or a child's toy of the correct size, use it.
  3. Begin wrapping your blank with paper tape in a spiral, gluing the places where one layer overlaps the other.
  4. After the glue has dried, remove the horns from the base. To facilitate this procedure, it is worth first, before pasting with paper, cover the workpiece with cling film and do not wind the tape too tight.

How to fold paper horns?

You can make goat horns with your own hands using paper-plastic methods, when a blank of a certain shape is cut out with marking of future fold lines. You will end up with a box-like structure, only of a rather complex shape. The same option is easy to assemble from three separate parts.

The seams are glued, or the elements are connected with adhesive tape. In the second case, you will have to cover the surface with some material, for example, glued napkins, threads, or use a beautiful decorative adhesive tape that matches the color, or paint.

The only drawback of this product is that it will turn out to be somewhat angular, although this can be compensated for by a decorative layer of glue and paint applied over the threads.

Papier-mâché horns

If you are still undecided on how to make do-it-yourself goat horns out of paper, you may like this option the most. The manufacturing technology is simple, but it takes a certain amount of time, so it will not work to build horns in a few minutes using this method. The meaning of the work is as follows:

  1. Take any volumetric workpiece. If nothing suitable is at hand, mold it yourself from plasticine. This is convenient because you can choose the size and shape you want.
  2. Prepare many pieces of paper. You can use only white, although magazine or even newspaper is suitable for the first layers. Pick up the pieces by hand or cut with scissors.
  3. Before gluing, it is worth wrapping your workpiece with cling film, so that it will be easier to remove the paper-glue "shell" later.
  4. Take PVA glue or prepare a paste and apply a layer to the workpiece.
  5. Place the pieces of paper randomly in any direction.
  6. After the first layer has dried, repeat the steps as many times to obtain a sufficient thickness of the object.
  7. Remove the manufactured "shell". If it is very difficult to do this and you are afraid of damaging the product, make an incision on one side, and then, after removing, glue with one or more layers of paper.

This way you can make horns of any shape. After drying, the paper mixed with the glue becomes hard and strong enough. If you want to speed up the process of gluing, you can mix the pieces of paper with the glue before applying to the surface. Only in this case, the parts should be smaller so that the paper lays down neatly and evenly and does not bristle.

How to make goat horns on the head?

If you are preparing a child for the Christmas tree and are sewing a fancy dress for a goat, lamb, or other horned character, you can use any of the presented methods for creating horns. You only have to prepare an additional part - a rim on which the manufactured elements will be fixed. A purchased plastic version is well suited as a frame, preferably one that already has horns in its design, for example, on springs made of tinsel or rain. In this case, you just need to fix your paper products on the finished frame.

If you just have a decorative headband for your hairstyle, you will have to create the elements of the frame for the horns yourself. To do this, it is better to take a strong wire and fix it in the appropriate places on the rim. Its surface will need to be decorated to match the color of the suit. You can, of course, do without a blank frame at all, and make it yourself from thick paper or cardboard.

So, you saw how to make goat horns with your own hands. Choose the one that suits you best. Use the technique for both crafts and fancy dress for goats and other horned characters.