How to serve a white and gold table. Festive table setting: table decor. Table setting in style

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What is the main thing in the New Year holidays? Not gifts and not a tree. And not even champagne. The main thing is the mood of miracle and magic. Best of all, it is "caught" in preparations, which in themselves are already part of the holiday and New Year's magic.

We are in site have collected for you simple and cute ideas that will help you create a mood and turn the New Year's Eve into a real holiday for family and guests.

Christmas napkins

Delicate greenery and garlands of light bulbs

A gentle and romantic mood will be created by conifers in small pots or gypsophila twigs (everything can be bought inexpensively at a flower shop) and a garland of large bulbs.

Serving in the form of snowmen

With the help of plates, cutlery, a piece of carrots, olives and colored napkins, you can build a cute snowman in front of each guest.

Fir branches

Spruce, fir or juniper branches laid in the center of the table and decorated with candles are stylish and aromatic. By the way, as an alternative to candles, you can interweave the spruce branches with a glowing Christmas tree garland.

Apple candles

Paper snowflakes and candles in the snow

Another great idea is to spread paper snowflakes around the table, complementing them with candles and cones. Please note: candles and cones are in jars of coarse salt, as if in the snow. By the way, you can go even further and make a tablecloth from snowflakes, fastening them together with small pieces of tape. Not very practical, but for one evening, to create a snow-magical mood, that's it.

Personalized glasses with Christmas balls

If guests come to you for dinner, it will be great to make festive personalized glasses for them - like a trifle, but nice. To do this, you need to cut out multi-colored Christmas balls with a slot from cardboard and write the name of the guest on each.

List of New Year's activities

The photo shows an idea for a children's party, but it is quite possible to transfer it to an adult party by drawing a list in front of each of the guests: write a wish on a piece of paper and eat it to the chimes, dance on the table or tell Santa Claus a joke from a stool.

Glasses and balls

Why not put together the symbols of the New Year - candles, balls and glasses, of course - and make bright, sparkling and iridescent candlesticks? In addition, the work here is about 2 minutes. And how comfortable it will be to sit in this circle of warm flicker if you dim the overhead light in the room.

Candles and candlesticks of all shapes and sizes

What better way to create a New Year's mood than making a candlestick for a festive table with your own hands?

  • The “clothes” for the candles in the top left photo can be made from old sweaters (or specially knitted).
  • Floating candles look incredible in a dark room - frozen cranberries and twigs from the flower shop will help you.
  • For the candle at the bottom left, a sheet from a music book was used, but you can take a beautiful magazine page or cardboard with a picture and paste over the jar with it.
  • Red and green are the colors of New Year and Christmas, and cranberries with spruce branches will look very elegant.

Christmas trees

Multicolored Christmas trees are a fun and smart idea for decorating your table. Such a grove can be made from cones of wrapping paper or assembled from truffle candies and toothpicks, to which triangles of cardboard or colored paper with a pattern are attached with tape (you can just green).


To decorate the table, you can put a personalized cookie in the form of a heart, a Christmas tree and a Christmas ball with the initial letter of his name on a plate for each guest.

Cute little things

Sometimes detail is enough to create a mood. For example, a paper snowflake on the edge of a glass or an ice fortress made of sugar cubes.

Decorations from oranges

Oranges and cloves will fill your home with a fresh and spicy scent, and this combination of orange and brown looks really beautiful. You can simply decorate the oranges with clove stars that stick easily into the skin. Or you can make candlesticks, as in the bottom photo. Making them is easy - first you need to cut the orange peel in half and carefully remove both halves with a spoon. For a detailed guide with photos, see this

Birthday, like any other holiday, is marked not only by pleasant moments, but also by troubles. It is important to have time to prepare treats, drinks, trying to please every guest. For the right atmosphere, the setting of the table for the birthday is not of last importance, if you ignore this moment, then everything will come down to everyday gatherings. Beautiful, elegant serving of dishes in many ways creates the very atmosphere of the holiday.

Birthday table setting rules differ from restaurant ones. If the hostess first gets acquainted with the nuances of placing dishes, dishes, then she can easily organize a decent banquet in accordance with the rules of etiquette:

  1. It is worth starting preparation for the event well in advance. The first step is to find out the exact number of guests. Prepare personal sets of dishes in the appropriate quantity for your birthday.
  2. For special occasions, you must have a beautiful set of dishes to set the table. If it is clearly noticeable that the plates are from different sets, this may be incorrectly evaluated.

Decorating a table with a vase with a flower arrangement for your birthday will be quite appropriate. It is important that she does not interfere with the guests. Wicker fruit baskets are placed symmetrically on both sides of the table.

When guests sit down at a decorated table, there should be cuts, salads, sandwiches on it. Serving plates should be arranged so that everyone at the table can easily reach them. It is preferable to place two to three small salad bowls all over the table rather than one large container. Spoons should be placed in salads so that guests have the opportunity to apply the dish on their own.

To make the serving look harmonious, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. The overall composition should and be combined with the decoration of the room, dishes, decorations. It is important not to overdo it with decor.

Start preparing for the event in advance

For special occasions, purchase a beautiful set of dishes

Decorate the table with a vase with a flower arrangement

Arrange serving plates so that all guests can reach them

Be sure to put spoons in salads.

Choice of tablecloths and textiles

An original tablecloth is the basis of serving and a unifying detail of the entire festive composition. It depends on the color and texture of this accessory whether the room will look harmonious, what additional decor is required. The tablecloth with which we cover the table should be in harmony with the surrounding elements of the interior, the color scheme of the dishes.

It is best to give preference to light colors. The white tablecloth looks refined, elegant, solemn.

At the same time, colored tablecloths are also quite suitable. Plain colors or patterned along the edges are allowed. However, it should be borne in mind that overly bright, colorful tablecloths distract attention from the dishes presented, and also tire the eyes. It is advisable to choose dishes in light shades for a dark-colored product.

The norms of etiquette dictate certain conditions regarding the size of the tablecloth. Its dimensions should cover the table legs (square or rectangular shape). The ends of the product should hang on each side by about 25-30 cm. It should not go down below the chairs of the chairs.

The tablecloth should be spread according to the following rules:

  • it is necessary to open the product;
  • grab the edges of the fabric and lift;
  • after that you need to shake it and set the table abruptly.

Do not stretch the canvas at the corners. From this it can deform.

  • so that the fabric does not slip on the polished countertop, the surface must first be covered with an oilcloth;
  • it is better to choose products from natural materials, this creates a special atmosphere;
  • the presence of stains, streaks, dirt is not allowed on the tablecloth, it must be well ironed.

Among the most successful color combinations of tablecloths and napkins are:

  • table decoration in black and white shades, rose gold, in combination with a pattern (stripes, zigzags, peas);
  • flowers in design also do not lose their relevance;
  • a popular solution is a tandem of blue and white with the addition of silver.

The color scheme should be chosen in accordance with the case. For example, juicy colors and unusual prints are suitable for the birthday of young people, as well as setting the festive table in black and white shades with accents of gold or silver.

Floral prints are more suitable for a solid anniversary of a woman. Dishes with a floral pattern in combination with a vase containing the same flowers will look especially beautiful. On the anniversary of a man, the ideas of minimalism, an elegant style will become relevant. It can be snow-white tablecloths and dishes with gold edging.

Making a festive table without a tablecloth is possible only if the table top is in perfect condition. Place textile napkins under the dishes. If we talk about the color composition of the table setting, then in such a situation you will have to combine the used textiles with the shade of the table surface.

Dishes and cutlery

When textiles are chosen, you need to think about the selection of dishes. For a home holiday, sets of plates, cutlery and wine glasses are needed. According to the norms of etiquette, the following should be placed on the table:

  • plates for snacks;
  • bread plates;
  • if you plan to serve several dishes, then a dining room should be placed under the snack plate.

During the feast, the plates must be changed in a timely manner. If it so happens that there are not enough plates in the same style in the house, then you can use the alternation technique. After one dish, serve another in a different shade of plates. Or choose products in two colors and evenly distribute among the guests when serving. In such a situation, of course, it is necessary that they blend harmoniously with the rest of the design.

For cutlery, spoons, knives and forks should be provided. For dessert, you need a dessert spoon. The appliance and the plate must be placed at a distance of about 0.5–1.0 cm from each other.

Drinking containers should be designed exclusively for one type of drink. The wine glass is located on the right side of the plate, for water - on the left. As a rule, they are placed in a line, no more than three in a row.

For a children's birthday, it is best to use paper dishes. The store shelves offer a variety of bright, colorful plates and glasses with children's characters from popular cartoons. This solution is safe for babies and convenient for mom.

Types of plates

Types of cutlery

Drinking containers

Paper dishes for children's parties

The dishes on the table should be arranged according to certain rules:

  1. Portion plates are required to be placed at a distance of one centimeter from the end of the countertop and half a meter from the set for another guest. This way, guests will be able to communicate calmly and not feel embarrassed.
  2. The bottom plate is for hot dishes, it holds a deep container for the first courses, and the top is for snacks.
  3. Cutlery is also recommended to be placed according to the rules. A fork is placed on the left, a spoon and a knife on the right. All appliances are placed with the concave side up.
  4. Birthday celebrations are usually served with cold alcoholic drinks in glass or crystal glasses. On the left side of the plate, the largest wine glasses are placed in front of the guest. After that, all the necessary glasses are placed along the falling ones, in the last place - a glass.

It is important to thoroughly rinse and dry cutlery, plates and glasses. Then you should polish them, there should be no stains, streaks, smudges on the surface.

Instrument arrangement diagram

Napkins as an element of decor

Paper products are used to get your lips wet or to wipe your hands, textiles are used to protect clothing from stains. You can also decorate the table with napkins. Paper items are beautifully arranged in glasses or coasters. Textiles are laid on the table or threaded into rings for decoration. They are folded into the most intricate shapes.

Paper napkins placed in special stands can also decorate a festive table. There are many simple ways to style them beautifully:

  • fan, double fan (napkins folded in a corner and placed in a fan);
  • a bird (the role of the tail is played by beautifully laid out napkins);
  • crown (napkins rolled into a triangle are placed in the shape of a crown).

There are many ways to beautifully decorate a table using napkins, this can be called a separate art form.

Table decoration

For a modest home celebration, a festive table decoration with floral arrangements is suitable. This is one of the safest ways to create a festive atmosphere. A bouquet in the center or medium-sized compositions placed symmetrically on the surface is appropriate.

If this method of decorating the table at home is chosen, the following features must be taken into account:

  • check that none of the guests at the celebration have allergic reactions to the selected plants;
  • do not give preference to flowers with a suffocating smell;
  • when decorating the table with herbal compositions, it must be remembered that the container with flowers should be removed from the plates and treats.

On an autumn holiday, it is appropriate to use yellow leaves, rowan bouquets and other beautiful natural gifts as a decor. In the spring - branches of flowering trees, willow, artificial butterflies. Winter time can be accompanied by the addition of cones, as well as whites, blues and blues. In summer, it can be fruit bouquets and compositions.

Tips for placing your own table decor read as follows:

  • selected items must be in harmony with each other;
  • do not put excessively high decorations on the table, they will interfere with the communication of guests;
  • it is not recommended to use too many decorative details, it is important to observe the measure.

We must not forget about table decorations in the form of helium balloons. Perhaps there is no more festive accessory. Balls can be selected in shades of serving.

When preparing a festive event, it is important not only to think over the menu, but also to take into account the need for a beautiful, solemn table setting. A prudent hostess must take into account all the nuances. The original design makes no less impression than the delicious treats.

The selected items must be in harmony with each other.

Do not place tall decorations on the table

Do not use a lot of decorative details



A New Year's interior should be perfect in every way. This applies not only to the tree and decor. You need to think carefully about the decoration of the table and set it beautifully. Today we decided to figure out how to do it correctly.

1. Accuracy in details

To make a good impression on households and guests, you need to set the table as carefully as possible. The tablecloth should be clean, ironed and preferably starched. Glasses, plates and cutlery should shine and stay in place. Also, do not overload the table with decor, you can limit yourself to a few elements, for example, spruce twigs or cinnamon sticks, or make one main composition that will serve as the main decoration of the New Year's table.

2. Harmonious combinations

Crockery, tablecloth, napkins, crockery and decor should overlap in color, pattern or style. You can decorate the table in white and dilute the monotony with splashes of gold, red, green or blue. Christmas balls neatly folded in transparent vessels, candles in beautiful candlesticks or napkins can act as coloristic elements.

3. Tablecloth and napkins

For a festive New Year's table, it is better to choose a cloth tablecloth and napkins. The tablecloth should be large enough to hang from the table by at least another 20 centimeters, and the maximum length of the hanging edges should be 40 centimeters. Its color shouldn't take too much attention. Most often, white and silver tablecloths are chosen for the New Year's table, less often green, purple and red.

4. Correct serving

On the eve of the New Year, many housewives have the question of how to arrange the dishes and dishes correctly. The answers to it are not at all complicated:
Earthenware or porcelain dishes are put on the table first, then cutlery and glasses.
There should be fruits in the center of the table, and near them large dishes with meat and fish.
Salad bowls are already placed on the sides of the main dishes, and dishes with snacks and cuts are freely placed around the table so that guests can freely take whatever they want.
Do not forget about cutlery for dishes in order to avoid embarrassment at the New Year's table.

Festive table setting is not just about preparing it for a gala dinner or dinner party.

This is, first of all, the creation of a certain mood, in which the final result is influenced by the tablecloth, and the selected appliances, and napkins, and dishes.

Of course, there are some rules of etiquette, the observance of which is strictly required. But the decisive factor is taste and creativity, which, as a result, determine the aesthetics of the served table.

Table decoration

Festive table setting is the basis for any holiday and creating a festive mood for guests. Compliance with the rules of serving is necessary for any celebration. A beautiful setting of the festive table is the key to the success of the whole celebration. Over the years, a huge number of formulas and rules have been derived, which must be followed when decorating a table. Hastily arranged plates and glasses, cutlery that are only appropriate for individual cases - this is the wrong approach. You need to know a lot of nuances, thanks to which you can bring your event to the highest level.

First of all, the theme of the holiday is taken into account. Children's or adult's birthday, wedding, romantic dinner or just a get-together with friends - any occasion requires a clear thought of the future table. For an unforgettable dinner, simply delicious food will not be enough. You need to dress up the hall in which the event is held, decorate the table and convey the festive mood to your guests. The main thing in this business is not to overdo it, since a table cluttered with dishes and decorations can cause a completely opposite impression, show a lack of taste in the hostess. The main goal is to create a positive impression among the guests both about the holiday and about the hostess herself.

Classics - white plates and glass transparent glasses. They are versatile and harmoniously suit any serving.

If this is a formal or business dinner, then it is worth staying at a neutral, rather restrained style. If among the invitees there are only relatives or friends, then the serving can be made less formal and free by using decorative elements. At the same time, the elements of decor and table setting should not only be combined with each other, but organically fit the general interior of the room.

Therefore, first you need to decide on the style of the festive table. First, you need to clearly know what kind of dishes will be present on the table. It will be possible to build on this fact in the choice of tablecloths and napkins. After that, decor elements are chosen, such as napkin holders, flower vases, and more.

Serving rules

There is a certain algorithm of actions when decorating a festive table:

  1. Tablecloth. Naturally, first you need to wash and iron it so that there is not the slightest hint of stains and folds. Snow-white tablecloths look great - this is a classic option. Now more and more often they use several canvases in contrasting colors at once, they can be bright, or they can be pastel. Metallic fabric is in fashion.
  2. Arrangement of plates at such a distance from each other so that guests can sit comfortably and not offend neighbors.
  3. Unfolding cutlery. How many of them should be - directly depends on the offered dishes and the number of guests. It is not necessary to lay out a complete set of cutlery. For example, fish can be eaten without a special knife and fork.
  4. Arrangement of glassware - glasses, wine glasses and vases. Each of them is a table decoration and very functional. It is very important that these devices are polished to a high shine, without streaks.
  5. After the above steps, the turn of the napkins comes. It is best to arrange them in special rings, put them on holders or fold them figuratively individually for each guest. It is allowed to use both cloth and paper napkins.
  6. Spices must necessarily have the correct location on the table, because everyone has their own taste and, perhaps, guests will want to make up for the lack of pepper, salt or vinegar in the dish served. Spices should be placed in several places on the table so that everyone can easily get them.
  7. The last thing to put on the table is snacks.

Advice! Vases with flowers (low) will be a lovely decoration for a dinner, both family and business.


Plates often set the tone for the whole table, so they are very responsible for their choice. The gala reception requires the purchase of new dishes. There are special rules according to which plates should be placed on the table:

  1. The edge of the table is not the best place for a plate, 2-5 centimeters should be retreated from it (two fingers distance)
  2. For a particularly festive event or business presentation, it is customary to use "double plates", placing a napkin between them, in order to prevent the dishes from sliding
  3. You can put a plate for pies next to the main one. The distance between them should be no more than 5-12 cm
  4. You need to set the plates clearly in one line. This applies to both basic and patty ones.

It is necessary to arrange the plates, immediately considering that the place will be needed for salad bowls, vases and appliances.


During a typical lunch, each of us uses a minimum of appliances, laying them out in random order. But a festive event requires a special layout and a certain number of forks and knives. When serving, the knife must be placed with the blade towards the plate and on the right side. As a rule, several knives are used, so their location on the plate is very important. The table knife should be the closest, and the farthest should be for snacks, a fish knife should be placed between them. The spoon turns upside down and lies between the knives. The fork is placed on the left side of the plate. The sequence for laying out the forks is the same as for knives: dining room, fish and snack bar. They are placed upside down with cloves at a distance of half a centimeter from the plate.

Dessert cutlery may also be required. Put them in front of the plate in the following sequence: knife, fork and spoon.

Correctly laid out appliances on the festive table is a very important point.


Glassware plays a practical and decorative role. The shape of the glasses may be appreciated by some guests as comfortable, while others will simply not be able to hold them in their hands. You also need to be able to arrange such dishes correctly:

  1. glasses for juice and mineral water are placed to the right of the plate or in front of it in the center;
  2. fruit drink and leavened drink are consumed from a mug, the handle of which must be turned to the right;
  3. it is customary to drink alcoholic beverages from a glass or shot glass, depending on the type. It is necessary to maintain a distance of approx. 1 cm between glassware.

As mentioned earlier, all glassware must be polished to a shine.

Glasses made of colored glass on the "autumn" table

Using napkins for the holiday table

Snow-white, brightly decorated napkins will give a special solemnity to the table. You can make a figurine out of them or just fold it in four. You can choose napkins of the same color as the tablecloth, or contrasting with it. It is very good when napkins not only match the color of the tablecloth, but also combine with its texture. Now you can buy special sets of kitchen textiles, which include everything you need to set the table in the desired style.

Usually a starched napkin is placed on top of the plate or to the right of it. Cloth napkins are created for decorative purposes, they do not dab your mouth with them. There are paper ones for this.

Should you keep the table setting in one color?

Festive tables made in one color scheme are becoming more and more popular. Very often lately one can hear: "What color will your wedding be?" or "I'm having a raspberry birthday!"

The color of the holiday should be chosen, first of all, from your own preferences. Guests are guests, but you are the hosts of the holiday, and the choice of the color of decoration is one of the ways to express your “I” or convey your mood.

... Why not choose the color of the serving to match your eyes?

Serving in the same range is perfect for a romantic dinner. As a rule, it will not be possible to serve the table in one "pure" color. But the use of several shades is always useful. Red napkins, glasses and candles will perfectly support the duet with a snow-white tablecloth and the same plates.

It will be interesting to look at a table in a marine style. It is perfect for a home lunch and gatherings with friends in nature. In addition, much for this option is done by hand, for example, napkin holders with intricate shells.

Festive table setting on the street

The absolute lucky ones are those who have the opportunity to organize their own outdoor celebration. This can be done in your own backyard, in the country or on a rented plot. It makes no sense to describe the benefits of such a holiday. After all, this is fresh air, and stunning landscapes for photographs, and a variety of potential for organizing holiday entertainment.

You can set the table on the street in green tones - under the natural colors of nature, or, conversely, use contrast techniques. Both the first and second options will leave a lasting impression on your guests!

A blue linen tablecloth and napkins in the decoration of the festive table are suitable for celebrations in the summer garden

In addition, table setting "in nature" does not require special embellishments - all the beauties, as they say, are around. It uses either a home style or a contrast between nature and the "artificiality" of complex decorative techniques. Each event is considered individually, and so is the choice of dishes and other attributes of the festive table.

The decor of tables with lanterns with candles and tablecloths with a Chevron pattern has not gone out of fashion for many seasons in a row

Festive table for a child's holiday

Children's holiday is a theme in which the flight of fantasy never stops. Children are very fond of imagining, so you can connect the hero of the occasion to the preparation of the holiday. First you need to decide on the topic - here the child will also tell you. After all, you need to do as he likes. Ask him what cartoon or fairy tale he likes now, and then there should be no problems with the design. At this point, professional animators distinguish three types of children's holiday themes:

  1. Themes of cartoons, books and films. It can be both classic "Kolobok", "Little Red Riding Hood", and modern "Smeshariki", "Minions" and other popular cartoons.
  2. Topics of interesting professions. Here, every child will be able to feel who he wants to become: a firefighter or an astronaut, a singer or a cowboy.
  3. Historical themes. This is the decoration and setting of a children's table under the theme of pirates, knights, princesses or other characters.

Regardless of the theme of the holiday, you need to clearly maintain the color scheme of the table - no more than 2-3 colors. It is very fashionable now to put up a candy bar with sweets for guests. It can be arranged away from the main table on a coffee table or dresser. It will also need to provide for the correct design that does not conflict with the rest of the decor. You can set two tables - for children and adults, so as not to interfere with each other.

For a children's party, you will also need cutlery, plates, glasses for drinks with straws, shelves for sweets, vases for sweets, a cake stand, dishes and trays for desserts and snacks. You should not overload the table too much, first you can invite young guests to taste the main course and salads, and only after that give them plenty of sweets. You can change dishes while the kids are busy with games.

Advice! It is very convenient to use disposable bright dishes during a children's party. It does not need to be washed, and children will not be able to break it. In addition, the choice of themed sets of dishes for children's events is huge.

Every holiday, even at home, can be raised to the proper level. To do this, you need to know the basic nuances of serving, observing which guests will be satisfied with a great evening spent and the excellent taste of the hostess.

Serving begins with the tablecloth. A universal and therefore a win-win option for setting a festive table is a white tablecloth. A white tablecloth is good in any situation - for a family dinner or for a wedding.

Tables with tablecloths not snow-white, but cream, even light beige, look very nice. For a wedding, of course, it is better to give preference to a light-colored tablecloth. For Christmas, anniversary, New Year and other holidays, you can use a tablecloth of absolutely any color.

If you plan to take white and transparent dishes, then it is better to choose a white or cream tablecloth. If the dishes are colored, you need to choose a tablecloth that matches the color of the dishes. It is not at all necessary that they be the same color - it is only important to take into account the rules of color matching (for example, orange usually does not harmonize well with gray-blue, but often goes well with sand and yellow-green). Combine warm tones with warm tones, and cold tones with cold ones. Do not forget about the runner and naperon (top tablecloth) - they will decorate the table and help create the desired color accents.

Thematic table decoration


First you need to choose the style or theme of the serving and festive table decor... So, for example, you can make a "summer" table using a soft green tablecloth (green field) and yellow, red, orange or even lilac or blue dishes (flowers). In this case, the table can be decorated with wildflowers. There may be napkins in a flower. But a completely green table (green tablecloth and dishes of the same color) will look boring and even "stressful".

When creating a summer table, you can take the yellow color (the color of the sun) as a basis, combining it with white or blue (a blue tablecloth and white naperon are like a sky with a cloud, yellow plates are a symbol of the sun).

Sea serving is also considered summer. V festive table decor in a nautical style, a combination of white with blue or other shades of blue is usually predominant. Often used are textiles with white and blue stripes, marine accessories (for example, vases or shell-shaped bowls), wavy lines.


If you want to serve the "autumn table", you can choose an orange tablecloth and use dishes of one of the shades of red. The table should be decorated with floral arrangements of dried autumn leaves and twigs with lingonberries.


To decorate the "winter table" use white and various shades of blue (light blue), dilute the combination with transparent dishes (association with ice). You can decorate the table with candles in the shape of icicles, cones "in the snow", colored ice cubes.


A delicate green color prevails in the spring setting - the color of the rebirth of nature. The decor often uses motifs of the return of birds - napkins with images of birds, mini-figurines, decorative nests with eggs, etc. By the way, these same bird motifs should be taken into service when serving the Easter table. By the way, festive table setting for Easter allows for multicolor (tones, as a rule, pastel) - you can simultaneously combine pink, light green, blue, yellow and other colors when decorating, but they should not be too saturated and even more flashy.


Effective festive table setting with a combination of red and white colors (such a combination in serving and in the interior is called royal). The red and white design can be used to set the table for a wedding anniversary or Valentine's Day, that is, for a holiday associated with love. Sprinkle some confetti or rose petals on the tablecloth in the middle of the table.

To make the combination more interesting, you can add another color - black (Art Nouveau table) or, for example, chocolate ("delicious" combination a la cream with strawberries and chocolate). In general, white can be combined with any color - it will always be bright.

Women's theme

Serving festive table on March 8th, you can use a combination of white and pink. Cover the table with a white or pale pink tablecloth. The dishes can be white or juicy pink. Place transparent vases or bowls filled with rose petals around the table. In the center of the table is a large bouquet with pink roses. Cloth napkins in the color of the tablecloth can be tied with a satin ribbon and a bow can be tied: take a pink ribbon for white napkins, and a white one for pink ones.

New Year Christmas

A Christmas or New Year's table can be pretentious and solemn - accordingly, you can use white, cream colors, as well as champagne colors in the design. Crystal is required, in the edges of which the light from the blinking lights of the garland will be refracted.

However, another option is also possible. festive table setting, in which the traditional New Year and Christmas elements will be taken as a basis: a tree, Christmas decorations, Santa Claus. The tablecloth can be white (snow) or green (tree). Tie the legs of the glasses with a red or green ribbon. Coasters made of cardboard or fabric can be placed under the plates and glasses (green coasters and white dishes on a white tablecloth, white coasters and green dishes on a green tablecloth). On the table, next to each personal set of dishes, you can lay out a pair of identical Christmas balls tied with a ribbon. Of course, candles are needed on the New Year's table. You can sprinkle confetti on the tablecloth.