How to pull a splinter out of your finger? How to pull a splinter out of a finger in a small child? How to pull out a splinter in a child - all ways

Splinters on children's arms and legs are not at all uncommon, because little researchers are always trying to touch and study everything on their own. To most parents, dealing with a splinter to a doctor does not seem like the best idea. Moreover, there are many ways to quickly get a splinter from a baby as painlessly as possible on your own. We will talk about them in this article.

A few facts about splinters

A splinter is a sharp foreign body that penetrates under the top layer of the skin. This usually occurs during outdoor play and activities with wooden or glass or metal objects.

Often splinters penetrate the baby's skin while playing in the sandbox or in the country, in nature.

The foreign body can be very small, the child will not even feel it. It is these tiny splinters that usually come out on their own, the body knows how to reject them quite quickly and painlessly. But if the splinter is noticeable, it gives the baby pain or discomfort, if it has entered deeply, then it is necessary to pull out the “intruder” as soon as possible in order to avoid inflammation, suppuration, and the addition of a bacterial infection.

All manipulations with the damaged area should be carried out exclusively with clean hands previously washed with soap and water. Wash and, if possible, pour boiling water over all the “tools” that you plan to use during manipulations. If it is not possible to treat with boiling water, wipe the items with an antiseptic.

First of all, you should assess your strengths and the extent of the problem. If the splinter has gone too deep, and redness and swelling have formed above it, you should not try to cope with it yourself. It is better to go to the nearest emergency room.

If the splinter has entered where there is an accumulation of nerve endings, then anesthesia is indispensable. Therefore, it is also desirable to remove a foreign body from under the nail in a medical facility. If a child “acquired” a splinter a few days ago, but the fact of its presence became known only now, when the affected area got sick, inflamed and festered, you will have to use some pharmaceutical preparations with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

It is advisable to start any method after the child has been given a steaming bath, this is especially important if the foreign body is stuck in a place that is hard to reach for tools - under the nails and in the heel.

For the bath you will need warm water, baby soap and a little baking soda. The duration of steaming is about 10-15 minutes.

Effective Ways

Fine needle

This is a traditional method familiar to everyone since childhood, for which a sharp thin needle is used. Do not use sewing needles for manipulation. It is better to use a needle from a disposable sterile syringe. Antiseptic (alcohol or "Miramistin") you need to treat your hands, needle, tweezers and the injured part of the skin.

With a needle, gently pry the skin directly perpendicularly over the splinter, introducing it horizontally under the uppermost layer of the epidermis, and slightly tear it, then catch the tip that appears with tweezers and, as carefully as possible, without squeezing, so as not to break, take it out. Then the injured finger or palm is again treated with an antiseptic. For several days, you should carefully monitor the extraction site so as not to miss signs of a possible infection.

Inflammation, redness, swelling, the appearance of pus are all signs that it is time to apply an antibiotic ointment (for example, Levomekol) or go to the doctor.

This method has several big disadvantages. Firstly, a sterile needle and antiseptics are not always at hand. Secondly, not every child will voluntarily agree to be poked with a needle in his finger. If a one-year-old child can still be held somehow with the help of other family members, then for an older child it is best to choose an alternative method, without the use of a needle.


A great way for a small child who "collected" several small splinters at once, for example, when falling. The affected area should be treated with an antiseptic, trying not to press on the places where foreign bodies enter the skin, so as not to drive them deeper. The skin must be allowed to dry, after which stick on the affected area a piece of wide tape.

With a sharp movement, peel off the adhesive tape. The lion's share of small splinters will remain on it. The procedure must be repeated until all small splinters are removed.

The method is definitely not suitable for deep splinters, as well as for babies up to a year old, since their skin is very vulnerable, and manipulations with adhesive tape will cause the baby more suffering than the splinters themselves.

Also, this method cannot be used if there are areas with abrasions around small splinters, this will cause pain and increase the risk of infection of the wounds.

drinking soda

A deep splinter that has settled in a hard-to-reach place, for example, in the heel or in the center of the palm, which cannot be reached with a needle or other means, you can try extract with regular baking soda, which is in the kitchen of every housewife. About half a teaspoon of warm water is taken per tablespoon of soda, soda gruel is made and applied to the splinter site. A cotton pad or piece of gauze is placed on top and gently fixed with a patch.

After one and a half to two hours, the skin under the garter will swell greatly. A splinter with a slight pressure on the sides in most cases easily comes out by itself.

If she did not come out, then it will be very easy to get her out of softened skin with a sterile needle. Manipulation will not cause pain if done correctly.

Cons of this method are that soda, which is quite aggressive in nature, on the delicate skin of a baby can cause an allergic reaction, and the probability of taking out a deep splinter is not one hundred percent.


A child of school age and a teenager can have a deep splinter removed with iodine. To do this, moisten the wound with an antiseptic applied to a cotton swab every three to four hours. If the splinter is wooden, then as a result it will “burn out” and come out.

The method is very doubtful, and definitely not suitable for use in children under 12 years of age.

The child's body is too quickly able to accumulate iodine coming from the outside; in a baby, this method of extracting a banal splinter can cause more serious consequences than inflammation and suppuration of the wound, for example, an overdose of iodine. And this is a form of sadism and barbarism.

PVA glue

Parents of babies will definitely like this method, since it does not have such a strong traumatic effect as all of the above. In order to remove a splinter from under the skin on the arm, leg of a small child, you need to apply a little PVA glue.

When the glue dries, carefully remove it. Often a splinter comes out with it, because its tip is firmly glued. The downside of this method- the probability of breaking off a splinter when only a part of it, which was located closer to the surface of the skin, comes out.

A definite plus- the psychological comfort of the baby, since no one will force him to walk with a bandage for several hours and poke needles into the injured place.

Ichthyol ointment

If the question arises of how to remove a splinter from a child's finger without using any traumatic devices, then you can consider such a well-known drug as ichthyol ointment. It is applied to the damaged area, put on top of a cotton pad, bandage, if necessary, fixed with a plaster. After 10 hours, the bandage is removed, the splinter is very likely to come out even when removed.

Cons of the method consist in the unpleasant smell of the ointment itself, the child will definitely not like it. In addition, children do not like fixed bandages, especially for such a long time.

It is also important to observe all safety measures regarding this drug. Do not apply it to the skin of a child who is under 6 years old.

Despite the fact that many parents claim to have used ichthyol ointment for one-year-old babies, manufacturers indicate that such experiments can be dangerous. "Ichthyolka" can not be licked, eat. Make sure that the child does not get access to the contents under the bandage.

Salty water

A "fresh" splinter, which the child received no more than an hour ago, can be removed with the help of salt water. Dissolve table salt in a glass (250 ml of water 2.5-3 tablespoons of salt). The water should be hot, but not so hot that a child's finger cannot be in it.

A leg or arm is lowered into salt water (depending on the place of injury), held for about 15 minutes. Then the splinter will easily come out with a slight slight lateral pressure, like a pimple. Significant minus method lies in the fact that it will be quite difficult to keep a restless child near a glass of salt water for more than 3 minutes, and the time interval here is crucial.

Birch tar/banana peel

This is a method based on the imposition of compresses. "Pulling" properties banana peel And Birch tar. With these components, one by one or combining them together, you need to apply a compress to the damaged, injured skin at the point of entry of the splinter. The compress is covered with cling film, tied with a bandage and left overnight.

In the morning, the foreign body is usually at the very top, at the entry point, and the splinter can be easily removed with tweezers. Convenience of the way in that both bananas and tar are readily available ingredients. Minus- in the fact that traditional medicine is not yet able to clearly explain the "pulling" effect of banana peels. Therefore, this method is considered more popular, which means that there are no guarantees that it will help in the morning.

It's amazing how such a small "thing" as a splinter can bring such big problems and inconvenience. No wonder, because with its penetration under the skin, numerous bacteria enter, which in the future lead to problems. Therefore, if correct and consistent actions are not taken in time to remove it, this can lead to serious complications. So how do you get a splinter out of your finger?

Possible consequences

To begin with, let's figure out what the untimely removal of a splinter can threaten. Quite often, faced with such a problem as the penetration of a piece of wood, glass or metal under the skin, most people ignore it, arguing that the body itself will get rid of the unwanted "guest". But such actions often lead to serious problems, including blood poisoning.

It should be remembered that if an infected splinter penetrated under the skin, and there was no timely visit to the doctor, this could threaten sepsis, which would lead to urgent amputation of the damaged part of the leg or arm.


If a piece of glass has penetrated under the skin, its presence is quite easy to determine by throbbing pain, this is due to the fact that the foreign body with a sharp end presses on the nerve endings. If such a problem is ignored, inflammation can develop, which will lead to swelling and subsequent suppuration. The infection will spread rapidly through the bloodstream, possibly leading to blood poisoning.

If the foreign body that penetrated the skin turned out to be uninfected, and the area around it did not turn red, in this case you can remove it yourself. So how to pull a splinter out of your finger correctly and quickly?

Basic rules for the removal of a splinter

As a rule, the smaller the chip that has penetrated, the more pain and problems it brings, so below we will look at how to pull a splinter out of a toe or hand if it is “settled” shallowly.

If the scenario has become more complex, for example, a splinter or a splinter is deeply stuck under the skin, in this case it is better to use the help of doctors, they already know exactly how to pull a splinter out of a finger without consequences.

Steps to take before visiting a doctor

  1. Treat the chip penetration site with iodine as often as possible.
  2. Take a small container, pour boiling water into it (the water should be as hot as you can handle), add a few teaspoons of salt. Place your injured finger there and hold until the water cools.
  3. Take a piece of bread. Sprinkle generously with salt and chew until mushy. Apply the crumb to the adhesive tape and apply to the damaged area. The holding time of the compress should be at least 6 hours.

Folk remedies

Oddly enough, but folk methods for the removal of splinter are quite effective. Therefore, below we will offer several effective traditional medicine. So, how to pull a splinter out of a finger with folk remedies?

Ichthyol ointment

This method is effective if you are interested in the question of how to pull a splinter out of your finger without pain. This ointment is sold without a prescription. Apply a small amount of "ichthyolka" to the damaged area and keep at least a day. Seal the smeared area with adhesive tape. The splinter will come out on its own. The disadvantage of the ointment is a very unpleasant odor and a rather oily consistency.

How to pull a splinter out of a child's finger?

In this case, all of the above methods apply. The only important nuance is keeping calm. Do not shout or be nervous, otherwise the problem will worsen even more. If the baby is not given in any way, try to persuade him, tell him how strong and brave he is, how mom and dad will be proud of him if he suffers a little. If this method does not work, occupy it with something, and during the game, try to pull out a foreign object from a small finger. Remember that your hands and the hands of the baby must be clean at this moment, otherwise you can get an infection. These rules apply only to a slightly stuck splinter, but if a splinter or a splinter has penetrated deep under the skin, do not expect miracles, consult a doctor, he knows exactly how to pull a splinter out of a child’s finger without consequences.

If the child is very small, what to do in this case?

If the problem has touched a very small crumb, then you should act with extreme caution. First, disinfect the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide or a conventional antiseptic. After that, call a doctor. In the meantime, the doctor is driving, place the baby's finger in warm water with salt and soda. If the splinter does not come out, try attaching an aloe leaf or a crumb of bread to your finger (these methods are described above).

Smile at the child so that he feels your support, distract him with something. If the splinter has entered shallowly, try to remove it yourself, but only if the baby is calm or sleeping. Otherwise, wait for the doctor.

In order not to often think about how to pull a splinter out of a finger in a small child, think about what you can do to stop this situation in the future. To do this, exclude from the field of view and access of the crumbs objects that may pose a danger to him. Be careful, because a fragile children's body is quite hard going through such situations.

A small child is often injured because of the restlessness and mischief that are characteristic of the first years of life. Broken knees, bruises and splinters are the most common and unpleasant injuries in children. If you did not follow the child during the game, and a small tragedy has already happened, take care of the proper care of the wound in order to avoid dangerous consequences. If a broken knee can simply be smeared with iodine, then not all parents know how to pull out a splinter from a child.

Their main mistake is neglecting such a problem as a splinter in a baby. Firstly, it gives the child mild discomfort or even severe pain, and secondly, an unextracted small splinter can provoke suppuration and blood poisoning. The consequences of a small injury can be sad. If the head of a splinter sticks out of the skin, then you can eliminate it yourself, but if it has gone deep into the flesh, you must definitely go to the hospital.

Preparing for removal

  • needles;
  • tweezers;
  • manicure scissors.

Each of the listed tools must be treated with a disinfectant: alcohol, Sterillium solution or other disinfectant. You can boil for 3 minutes. After you managed to get the splinter, you need to disinfect the wound site. Lubricate it with iodine or diamond solution. To make sure that the infection has not been introduced into the wound, check the site of the chip for a week. If you notice redness or inflammation, do not delay a visit to the doctor.

Pulling out a splinter with tweezers or a needle causes fear in a small child, and it is often difficult to persuade him to undergo the procedure. In order for the operation to be painless and the baby does not have bad memories, experts advise steaming a finger or heel before removing the thorn. Not every kid will sit through the “Spa procedure”, but for the sake of the analgesic effect, try to persuade him.

Baths can be made of 2 types:

  1. Soda + salt. Dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda and table salt in 300 ml of water. You can add a couple of drops of essential eucalyptus oil or use a decoction of chamomile instead of water (chamomile has an antiseptic and soothing effect). The bath must be hot. The finger should be held until the water has completely cooled.
  2. Baby soap. Grate half a bar of baby soap and stir in 2 tbsp. in 300 ml of water. Hold your finger until completely cool.

How to pull out a splinter

If you decide to carry out a small operation yourself, you need to know how to properly pull out a splinter. There are three most common ways:

  1. The traditional way (with tweezers or a needle). If you use a needle or tweezers, be sure to decontaminate the instrument and lubricate the affected skin area with an antiseptic. If the splinter is very small, then use a magnifying glass. It is important to firmly grab the piece sticking out of the finger with tweezers, pull only the “growth” of the chips, be careful that the splinter does not break.
  2. Plaster or tape. In order not to frighten the child, use the method without a needle. Stick a piece of plaster or adhesive tape on the disinfected area of ​​​​skin so that the head of the thorn sticks to it. Gently peel off the patch so that the splinter stretches out with it. Be sure to watch at what angle it was driven.
  3. Ichthyol ointment. A painless and cheap way to remove a splinter in a child. It is necessary to lubricate the wound with ointment and seal it with a plaster. It cannot be removed for 10-12 hours, so it is better to do it at night. After such a compress, the splinters crawl out on their own without much effort. The only negative of the procedure is the pungent smell of ichthyol.

If the child is still very small, then the compress option is not suitable, since the baby will simply remove the patch. The best option for this case is steaming in a solution with baby soap. The main advice to mom: do not convey your experience to the child.

During the procedure, be calm and smile, distracting the child with conversations and jokes. Then it will not be so scary and not so painful.

If the splinter is deep

If a sliver is clearly visible under the skin, but its head is not visible on the surface, then some folk wisdom should be used:

  • Cut open an aloe leaf. Apply a piece of pulp on the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heel or finger. Secure it with a plaster or bandage. After two hours, the splinter will appear, and it will be easy to remove it with tweezers. In addition, aloe juice has an antiseptic property, which immediately disinfects the wound.
  • Lubricate the foreign body penetration site with tar for 20 minutes. The tip should soon emerge from the wound.
  • Tar can be replaced with pine tree resin. It must be warmed up before application. Keep the "ointment" for 30 minutes.
  • Dilute a teaspoon of soda with water until a slurry is formed. Place it on the inflamed area and cover with a band-aid. In half an hour you will be able to see the head of the thorn.
  • You can tape or glue a piece of bacon or a banana peel to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot or arm. The child will perceive the second option more readily. "Uninvited guest" after a while will appear on the surface of the skin.

When to see a doctor

There are situations when it is better not to test folk methods, but immediately contact a traumatologist. Do not try to remove splinters that have fallen under the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes and on the face. If the splinter is not wooden, but metal or glass, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. When trying to remove a glass splinter, you can crush it under the skin. If the thorn is stuck too deep under the skin or consists of several pieces, be sure to take the baby to the traumatology. If you have removed the thorn and noticed that after a while the puncture site begins to redden or swell, also do not delay a visit to a specialist: the infection has entered the body and blood poisoning may develop.

If you are sure that a splinter can be removed painlessly and without a threat to health, choose the right tactic of behavior. Don't panic and don't show your fear to your child. Then he will completely entrust you with the operation. But remember that a small splinter can cause big trouble. If you see that the problem is more serious than you thought, do not be lazy and do not be afraid to take the child to the hospital. Self-medication is a very dangerous decision, especially when it comes to children's health.

Young children are very mobile and inquisitive. Sometimes children's activity leads to small annoyances, such as abrasions, cuts or burns. Most often, parents of young children are faced with such a problem as splinters.

You can plant a splinter anywhere - on the playground, in the playroom, and even at home. If it is not pulled out in time, an inflammatory process can begin with the formation of pus, so all parents should know how to properly and quickly remove a splinter.

It is imperative to remove a splinter of any origin, otherwise the consequences can be very serious.

If a piece of wood or glass gets under the skin, on the surface of which bacteria and microbes live, the inflammatory process will begin very quickly.

Dangerously! Some parents prefer to wait a bit until an abscess forms on the affected area so that the splinter is removed naturally along with pus. In no case should this be done, since the child may die from a rapid blood poisoning.

Another danger of getting a splinter under the skin is tetanus. If a small child is not given a tetanus vaccine on time, the chance of developing paralysis and death will be almost 50%.

Glass splinter in a small child

When glass elements get under the skin, it is not always possible to diagnose the pathology visually, therefore, if the finger or hand of the child is swollen, reddened, and acute localized pain is determined by palpation, it is urgent to contact the surgeon on duty.

Important! Untimely assistance can lead to serious inflammation and the development of gangrene. In this case, the child will need amputation of the affected limb.

How to painlessly remove a splinter with a needle: the traditional way

If the child is calm and not afraid of the needle, you can use the classic method and pull out the splinter with a needle. If the tip is sharp and sticks out well from the wound, the use of tweezers will be effective.

How to remove a chip from a finger safely?

  • Before pulling out, you need to treat your finger with an antiseptic (for example, Chlorhexidine). If there is no antiseptic composition at hand, alcohol or vodka will do.
  • In the same way, you need to process the instrument and the hands of the person who will carry out the manipulations (wash them thoroughly before that). If possible, it is advisable to boil the tweezers for 3-5 minutes.
  • Using tweezers or a needle, gently pick up the tip of the splinter and pull it, following the “growth” line. It is important to ensure that the chip does not break off.
  • After the foreign body is removed, it is required to disinfect the finger.

If the splinter is very small, or the parents have poor eyesight, a loupe (magnifying glass) can be used.

How to pull out a splinter without a needle?

Not all children allow a splinter to be pulled out with a needle, so in some cases other painless methods may be needed. Most of them require tools that are available in almost every home, so it is important for a mother to know them in order to respond quickly in an emergency.

Ichthyol ointment

This method is suitable for children over 3 years old, to whom you can explain what mom is doing and why this is necessary. Ichthyol ointment has a pungent odor, so younger kids will simply remove the compress without letting the splinter come out.

Preparing a compress is very simple:

  • a small amount of ointment is applied to the clean skin of the finger in the affected area (no need to rub it!);
  • on top, the ointment is sealed with a plaster;
  • the compress is left for 10-12 hours.

If time permits (for example, the child got hurt in the evening), it is better to do a compress at night. In the morning, the splinter will easily come out by itself.

Plaster or tape

The method will be effective only if the tip of the sliver “looks out” well from under the skin. You can remove a splinter in this situation using a band-aid or stationery tape. It is enough to glue a piece of plaster on a splinter, fixing its tip, and pull it sharply up (along the “growth” of the chip).

Before carrying out manipulations, it is required to thoroughly wash your hands and treat the surface with a disinfectant solution.


If you can’t pick up a splinter, you can try to steam your finger in water. As additives for the preparation of the solution, you can use (the ingredients are indicated per 500 ml of hot water):

  • baby soap (grate half a piece and mix with water);
  • salt (6 tablespoons);
  • soda (2 tablespoons) - can be used along with salt.

The water for the solution should be hot, but not scalding. The child's finger must be dipped in water and held in it for about 10 minutes. After this procedure, the sliver is removed on its own within a few hours.

Folk methods and means

Folk recipes are used when it is not possible to pull out a splinter using traditional methods due to the fact that it is deep in the skin or in the heel and cannot be picked up with tweezers.

To get the tip of the splinter out, you can use one of the following methods.

  • Tar.

If there is natural tar in the house (no additives), it can be used to remove a splinter. It is enough just to treat the affected area and hold the product for 15-20 minutes.

  • Vegetable oil.

Lubricate the wound with any vegetable oil and leave for a few minutes. During this time, prepare a solution: for a glass of warm vodka - 3 tablespoons of table salt. Without wiping off the oil, dip your finger into the solution. Splinters come out 20-30 minutes after the procedure.

  • Baking soda.

Prepare a slurry of baking soda by adding a little water to it. The resulting composition is applied to the site of the lesion and sealed with a plaster. Leave the compress on for several hours.

  • Resin.

The resin of coniferous trees is another remedy for removing a foreign body. Before use, it needs to be slightly warmed up, then lubricate the splinter and leave for 15-30 minutes.

  • Aloe.

A clean leaf of aloe must be cut lengthwise and applied to the wound. The sap of the plant has excellent antibacterial and disinfectant properties, therefore, after its use, antiseptic treatment is not required. You need to keep aloe for several hours. To prevent the compress from falling off, you can fix it with a bandage or gauze bandage.

  • Potato or banana.

Attach a few pieces of raw potatoes or a banana peel to the sore spot (can be replaced with lard). After a few hours, the tip of the splinter will come out of the wound, and the splinter can be easily picked up with tweezers.

Treatment of the wound after removal

After removing the splinter, a dull aching pain may remain - this indicates that the wound is empty (when it "sits" in place, the pain is acute). It is important to carry out antiseptic treatment after the foreign body is pulled out.

What do we have to do:

  • dip your finger into a potassium permanganate solution for a few seconds (or wipe it with hydrogen peroxide);
  • apply an antibacterial ointment containing an antibiotic;
  • seal the affected area with a bactericidal plaster.

It is important to ensure that the child does not remove the patch for at least 2-3 hours.

In this video, the doctor gives advice on removing a splinter in children at home.

When is medical attention needed?

Parents should know that it is possible to remove a splinter on their own only if the inflammatory process has not begun.

It can be identified by the following features:

  • redness around the splinter;
  • swelling of the affected area (swelling of the finger);
  • severe soreness;
  • abscesses and blisters with signs of purulent contents;
  • discharge of blood or thick fluid at the location of the splinter.

Important! In all the cases listed above, a qualified trauma surgeon should remove the foreign body. The same applies to splinters made of glass or metal.


To reduce the risk of splinters getting under the skin, the child needs to be explained in what places you can play, what you can touch with your hands and how to behave if trouble does happen. The child should know that if he has a splinter, it is urgent to tell his mother or any of the adults about this.

Parents also need to monitor their children's clothes: they should fit in size and not hang out so that the child does not cling to the edges of boards and other objects, as in attempts to unhook, he will touch these objects with his hands.

To pull out a foreign body from a child, you do not need to have special knowledge in the field of medicine, but all parents need to know the basic rules and safety precautions. Timely assistance will help protect the baby from complications and unpleasant consequences, so you need to act quickly and confidently.

Good day! Glad to welcome you back to my blog. The day before, my child drove a splinter into his palm. The sultry heat is exhausting, we decided to take a walk with the family on the river bank. Running across the bridge is our favorite pastime. But I didn’t even suspect that in half an hour I would have to meticulously study the topic of how to get a splinter from a child.

I was scared, more than him

The most interesting thing about this situation is that the problem bothered me more than my offspring. A beautiful and juicy splinter, with a sharp tip peeking out of the palm. I was terrified. The first thought is to call a familiar doctor. I called, the doctor listened to me carefully and told me what needs to be done:

  1. First, the doctor asked what exactly was stuck: metal shavings, glass, or a wooden splinter (we had the latter).
  2. Then he advised me to gently wash my hands and disinfect the wound, which we did.
  3. Try to remove the foreign body with tweezers or a needle (by this time we were already at home and had all the necessary items at hand).
  4. Be sure to treat the wound after with a solution of brilliant green or any other antiseptic.

What can be used as an antiseptic? Ideally, it is better to treat the tweezers or needle with a solution of pure alcohol or chlorhexidine. You don't have it at home? And so I didn't have it. But I was lucky - I found a cologne with a terrible smell, but the right degree. My baby had a hard time agreeing to the procedure. But he was convinced.

Having carefully disinfected the wound, she picked up the edge of the splinter with tweezers and pulled it out. Once again, after thoroughly rubbing the wound, I finally calmed down.

While we were driving home, I studied the network about a question that interests me. And I drew conclusions that were useful to me later. But more on that later.

Baths with soda and salt. A lot of positive reviews have been written about this method. And indeed, when we drove a splinter in the leg for the second time, we had to put the child in a basin of hot water with a magic solution. The skin steamed out, it was much easier to pull this little thing out of the leg. Again, without a needle - with tweezers. Previously, he twisted it in his hands, pinched not only himself, but also me. I smiled happily, with all my appearance showing the baby that I was not in pain at all. They believed me, we started the operation. The verdict for this method is yes, it works!

Some sources strongly recommend the use of medical glue. I'm sure you can get anything with it. But for some reason it was not in my first aid kit. Is there one in your first aid kit?

But in the desk lay a brand new roll of tape. If the splinter is in the form of a thorn from a plant, then this method can be considered one of the best. Since the thorns break easily, they are difficult to pick up, but they stick well to tape. And the child is not afraid.

Leave small splinters as they are and do nothing with them. This, by the way, is one of the advice of the doctor I called. But it is quite difficult for a responsible and decent mother to decide on such a thing.

I was scared to imagine that my baby would walk with them, sleep, exist with a tree under his skin. How can this be? Attention, this only applies to splinters from plants and from wood.

But the doctor was right. A small splinter will not harm the baby if it does not bother him in any way. You can apply iodine to the wound several times a day, it will either come out on its own or dissolve as a result of the action of the drug.

Ichthyolka and aloe leaf in section. Ichthyol ointment not only disinfects, but is also able to soften tissues, thereby pushing a foreign body to the surface.

The aloe leaf has a similar effect. But such a compress is difficult to fix on the body of a mobile, one-year-old baby.

Therefore, this method can be used during sleep. And in the morning, calmly get a harmful splinter.

Get a splinter from a fidget

All children, as a rule, are mobile, impressionable and timid. What I did to successfully complete the extraction operation:

  1. To begin with, she chatted the child well. I turned on his favorite cartoons on the computer.
  2. Neutralized with a good sedative, in our case, candy is a win-win option.
  3. While the baby diligently ate the candy and watched his favorite cartoon, I managed to get close to the cherished heel. The second time, she was the one who got hurt. Next on the list is disinfection. Then, carefully, without a needle, she pulled out a splinter from the heel tweezers.
  4. The kid woke up only at the moment when his mother was already diligently rubbing alcohol on her favorite heel, when everything was over.

But I note, if your child is too restless, leave him alone for a while. A splinter will not cause harm, at least nothing terrible will happen in a couple of days. And when he forgets a little about her - boldly act.

Another great tip is to do all the manipulations when the baby is sleeping.

When we urgently run to the doctor

Splinters from the heels, palms and small butts are taken out by a traumatologist. If you do not have a traumatology department, contact an ambulance. A doctor's consultation is necessary in the following cases:

  • when a splinter on the face;
  • splinter deep under the nail, extract it deep from under the nail better for a specialist;
  • if the foreign body is metal shavings or glass;
  • the place where the splinter penetrated became very reddened, swollen, the crumbs had a fever.

Get even deep a splinter at home for both a baby and a one-year-old baby is easy. Try to use tweezers if you can pick it up. And after any such incident, always remember the famous expression: "Calm, only calm." Then everything will work out.

See you,
Elena Selivanova