How to trigger real contractions. What really works. Taking auxiliary medications

The 38th week of pregnancy has come. Now we can say with confidence that everything went well, the baby has completely completed its intrauterine development and is ready to be born. All organs and systems are formed, the only change that continues to occur is the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. But this process will continue after the birth of the child. If the pregnancy is delayed, many women begin to be interested in the question of how to provoke childbirth. However, doctors urge you not to rush, nature knows the time better, especially since the period from 38 to 42 weeks is considered the most favorable for birth. As early as 43 weeks, the leading gynecologist during pregnancy can offer artificial stimulation. However, the topic of our article is "How to provoke childbirth on your own, at home, without harm to the baby and your own health."

The first rule is to visit a doctor.

The desire to give birth as soon as possible is understandable and logical. The woman is tired, the baby has already become quite heavy, his activity sometimes gives his mother painful sensations, and even so she wants to try on lace caps and booties. However, safety comes first! Therefore, before provoking childbirth, you need to make sure that the baby has time to roll over and take a position with the head down, which contributes to the easy and quick passage of the birth canal. That is why you need to go to the gynecologist and ask him about the position of your baby. If he has already taken a position with his head down, this is a good sign, but this is not the only criterion to consider.

Additional examination and self-examination of the condition

Before thinking about how to provoke childbirth, you need to make sure that this does not lead to a worsening of your condition. If during pregnancy you were worried about high blood pressure, kidney disease and edema, then any intervention during pregnancy is contraindicated. Even if you went through the entire pregnancy in one breath, you should carefully monitor your condition and do not use any of the methods below if there is no one nearby who could provide timely assistance if your health worsens. An absolute contraindication is the Rh-conflict between mother and child, premature placental abruption, rupture of amniotic fluid.

The best thing is natural childbirth

This rule applies to all cases. Women often ask doctors questions about how to provoke childbirth at 38 weeks, to which they receive an answer not to rush and wait a little. It is quite possible that a wonderful event awaits you tomorrow, so let the baby be born on his own, obeying the biological clock. However, if you are already impatient, you can speed up the onset of labor a little. For this, it is recommended to increase physical activity. No wonder there was a sign before: "As you prepare the nest, so the chick will appear." A woman at 9 months old had to prepare the house for meeting the baby, and at an earlier date it was forbidden to do this. Redecoration and general cleaning took several weeks, after which the woman in labor with a sense of accomplishment went to the hospital. In fact, physical activity stimulates labor.

How to provoke childbirth at 38 weeks of a modern woman? It is enough to take regular long walks, climb stairs on foot, or go swimming in the pool. The most important thing is to properly dose the load. Heavy pulling and overexertion can cause placental abruption.


It is not for nothing that this method is most often transmitted from one woman to another. Indeed, if we talk about how to provoke childbirth at 39 weeks, sex is the best way. At the same time, it is light and pleasant. This effect is achieved due to the physiological contraction of the cervix during orgasm, which entails the onset of labor, so that you can go to the hospital directly from the marriage bed. But that's not all: if you and your spouse are completely confident in each other, then it is undesirable to use a condom.

This tool is used only in cases where there is no risk of contracting various infections. Remember that in the later stages, especially if the mucous plug has already departed, the risk of pathogenic bacteria entering the fetus is very high. This is one of the most enjoyable ways in the series: "How to provoke the onset of labor." With all this, male sperm perfectly prepares the uterus for childbirth. It contains in large quantities special substances - prostaglandins. They perfectly promote the maturation and significant softening of the female cervix. Do not forget that a man at the time of intimacy should be as gentle, attentive and caring as possible, because excessive activity can provoke placental abruption.

Stimulating the production of oxytocin

If the pregnancy continues, since the previous methods did not work, then the expectant mother is already very interested in how to provoke childbirth at 40 weeks. Let's go a little deeper into physiology: all processes in our body are tied to hormones. Which of them is responsible for labor activity, cervical dilatation and contractions? It is called oxytocin, and it is his dropper that is injected into the vein of a woman in a hospital if doctors decide to stimulate labor.

However, the body is able to produce it on its own, which most often happens. If the baby is very late and the question arose of how to provoke childbirth at 40 weeks, then start performing a daily nipple massage. Firstly, it helps prepare the breasts for breastfeeding, and secondly, it stimulates the production of oxytocin and uterine contraction. If you perform a light nipple massage daily, starting from 35-36 weeks, then there is a great chance of giving birth to a healthy baby at 38 weeks.


Herbalists have long wondered how to provoke childbirth at home. At the same time, the accumulated experience allows this to be carried out quite effectively, but it must be remembered that even the safest herbs, if used incorrectly, can result in placental abruption or bleeding, so it is advisable to use them only as a last resort. In this case, be sure to consult with the doctor who leads the pregnancy.

The safest in a series of ways to induce preterm labor is to eat foods high in fresh beets and parsley. At the same time, be guided by your condition: if you feel nausea or an allergic reaction has appeared, then cancel these products. The safest herbs include shepherd's purse, barberry, nettle. Since it is quite successful to provoke childbirth at home using these herbs, it is undesirable to use them earlier than 38 weeks. Another remedy is a weak infusion of raspberry leaves. Doctors do not confirm the effectiveness of this remedy, but this does not diminish its popularity. Judging by the reviews of women, many gave birth at 38 weeks, using this drink instead of tea. Although it is quite possible that their biological clock was set this way.


There is another way how you can provoke childbirth. For this, it is recommended to eat some foods. These are pineapples that contain bromelain. It initiates and facilitates childbirth. In addition, it is recommended to consume hot spices, Mexican dishes, or food seasoned with chili. Black licorice stimulates childbirth, since it will not be possible to quickly provoke childbirth with the help of products, it should be added to food, starting at 37 weeks. It stimulates intestinal cramps, which in turn cause uterine contractions. Garlic works in about the same way, so in the absence of contraindications, be sure to eat a spicy vegetable.

In order to avoid constipation and to stimulate labor in the later stages, it is recommended to eat more foods containing fiber. The last weeks of pregnancy is the time when you need to stop eating heavy food, you should give preference to fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits. Prunes and dried fruits will help to normalize intestinal activity.

Castor oil and other laxatives

We continue the conversation about how you can provoke childbirth. One of the popular ways is to use laxatives, but be sure to consult your doctor, not all of them are harmless and can be used by a pregnant woman. What effect underlies the use of these drugs and folk remedies? The fact is that bowel movement is always accompanied by active muscular activity, in other words, contractions. Since the uterus is located very close, muscle contractions are transferred to it. But that's not all. The fact is that constipation is a common problem in pregnant women. Because of them, there is an accumulation of feces in the intestines. When it empties under the influence of laxatives, the baby's head may sink lower. The pressure of the head against the fundus of the uterus stimulates the onset of labor.

Of all the medicines, castor oil is recommended for pregnant women. This method is quite controversial from the point of view of modern medicine, but it has been practiced for a long time by many obstetricians and gynecologists. It is about taking castor oil by mouth. It is a powerful enough laxative that results in intense bowel cleansing. In turn, this entails the onset of contractions of the uterus, its opening and the actual birth. For one dose, just 50 g of castor oil is enough, which can be diluted with fresh orange or apple juice. It is very likely that the long-awaited contractions will begin immediately after taking castor oil, so if you are looking for a way to provoke labor at 40 weeks, then you can try this remedy.

However, you should be very careful. Castor oil is a very strong laxative and, if taken uncontrollably, causes severe diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration of a woman's body. Childbirth is ahead, which means you need to gain strength. Exhausted by severe diarrhea, the body cannot cope with such a load.

Reasons for stimulating labor

Putting aside banal excuses like fatigue and the desire to cuddle a newborn as soon as possible, there are reasons why stimulation of labor activity is indeed justified. These are increased intraocular pressure, leakage of amniotic fluid and allergy to prostaglandins. In addition, doctors recommend stimulation if there are scars on the uterus or the pelvis itself is very narrow. For this there is a special "Propidol-gel", which is injected into the cervix, but this can only be done if the amniotic fluid is intact. In addition, if you have more than 40 weeks of pregnancy, or more than 38 weeks in the case of multiple pregnancies, doctors themselves will begin to look for a way to stimulate contractions using special drugs. Without proper examination, their use is too dangerous, so be sure to consult a doctor.

Let's summarize

As you can see, there are many ways to speed up a meeting with your baby. But think about it, is it really necessary? If the pregnancy is going well and there is no threat to the life and health of the child, then born at 42 weeks, he will feel great. At the same time, the mother will have an extra month to sleep well and gain strength before future motherhood. After all, with the appearance of the crumbs, your restful night's sleep will come to an end. Despite the increasing severity, you can always find its advantages in this. After all, the next time you will not feel the heartbeat inside you soon, enjoy this state to the end.

If the doctors have any doubts, they will certainly be the first to offer you an adequate way to stimulate labor, and it will be definitely safe for you and your baby. Such events are held already in the hospital, where qualified specialists are ready to take delivery at any time. Today in the arsenal of doctors there is a whole set of ways to stimulate them - this is a puncture of the amniotic bladder, the introduction of oxytocin, the exfoliation of the amniotic membranes. Each of them has its own pros and cons, indications and contraindications. These methods are strictly individual, and their effect is manifested within several hours. That is why it is necessary to use them only under medical supervision. Therefore, be careful - do not harm yourself and your child by your own actions!

In this article:

The expected day of birth becomes known to a pregnant woman after the first visit to the antenatal clinic. However, over the course of nine months, this date may change several times, especially after assessing the degree of development of the fetus using ultrasound examination.

However, most women continue to focus on the DA and begin to show concern about their own health and the health of the baby as soon as they overcome the target milestone. How to induce childbirth and is it worth interfering with the natural process? Can this be done at home and how safe is it? We will consider these and many other questions in our article.

Before talking about the acceleration of labor, you should figure out what kind of pregnancy is post-term and needs artificial intervention. Normal, full-term babies can be born anytime between 38 and 42 weeks.

The reproductive system of the female body is so individual that it is almost impossible to accurately predict when labor will begin. In this matter, much depends on the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle.

So, women with a cycle of 28-30 days are much more likely to give birth in the PDR. If the menstrual cycle lasts longer, then her childbirth will be much later. In the latter case, even at 42 weeks, pregnancy may not have any signs of postmaturity.

A pregnancy that lasts more than 42 weeks is called a "post-term" pregnancy. However, only a specialist can make such a diagnosis, and this can be done only on the basis of two factors - the duration of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus.

With the help of ultrasound and CTG, it is possible to adequately assess the condition of the expectant mother and child. Based on data on the condition of the fetus, as well as on the amount of amniotic fluid and the degree of maturation of the placenta, conclusions can be drawn and a decision can be made about the need to stimulate labor. There are two ways to induce generic activity: in a hospital under the supervision of experienced specialists or independently, using folk remedies. However, before you induce labor, you need to carefully prepare.

How to properly prepare for childbirth?

Before accelerating the onset of labor, a pregnant woman should prepare for this difficult and time-consuming process. What needs to be done?

  • Before you induce labor, you need to get enough rest and sleep. This process is very tedious and can last from several hours to several days.
  • For a successful delivery, the correct psychological attitude is very important. To properly prepare for childbirth, it is recommended that you attend a psychologist at one of the parenting schools.
  • For childbirth, physical fitness of the body is no less important. To do this, throughout pregnancy, a woman must eat well, take vitamins, treat chronic diseases and maintain proper physical activity.

How do you induce labor in a hospital setting?

In order to induce labor in maternity hospitals, a number of special means and methods are used. These include not only medications, but also such manipulations as opening the fetal membrane. Each of the methods used has advantages, contraindications and risks. Before initiating labor and making a choice in favor of one or another method of stimulation, the doctor must evaluate all available indications. Often, those methods that have worked successfully for hundreds of other women, in a single case, will not give any result, but will cause a lot of side effects.

The most common method of inpatient labor induction is. This obstetric operation consists in opening the fetal bladder, thereby increasing the production of prostaglandins, which are responsible for activating labor, as well as increasing irritation and reflexive contraction of tissues in the birth canal.

This procedure is absolutely painless, since the fetal bladder has no nerve endings, and is performed in the maternity ward with a special sterile instrument. After the puncture, the amniotic fluid in front of the baby's head flows out. The rest of the water leaks throughout the entire birth process. Amniotomy is performed when the cervix is ​​ready for childbirth and is recommended for flat fetal bladder and polyhydramnios, which can cause weak labor.

If this procedure could not induce labor, intravenous administration of drugs that start labor are started. Such an intervention requires strict control over the condition of the fetus. At least every 20-30 minutes, the doctor must listen to the baby's heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope or register it with a cardiotachograph.

Stimulated labor is usually characterized by poor labor. With insufficient force of contractions, labor is artificially activated with the help of medications such as Oxytocin or Enzaprost. The drugs are administered intravenously using a soft catheter, which allows pregnant women to move freely around the delivery room, along with an IV stand. There is no need to lie still during contractions, as was the case with standard needles.

Since pregnant women respond to drug administration in different ways, the rate of administration is selected individually and, as a rule, ranges from 4 to 30 drops per minute. Oxytocin and Enzaprost allow you to quickly achieve the desired effect, and the ability to change the rate of infusion of drugs allows you to regulate the strength and frequency of contractions. These methods are contraindicated in the presence of postoperative scars on the uterus, leakage of amniotic fluid, anatomically narrow pelvis, increased intraocular pressure and asthma.

How to induce labor at home?

Many pregnant women are intimidated by the prospect of artificial drug stimulation, and they seek to induce labor on their own using long-standing natural methods. A huge number of so-called "grandmother's" funds are relatively safe and effective only when the body of a pregnant woman is fully ready for delivery. However, before initiating labor on your own, it is best to consult with your doctor.

The most common method of natural stimulation is sex. It has long been noticed that the process of labor begins much faster after intimacy without a condom. Spermatozoa containing prostaglandins have a beneficial effect on the cervix and perfectly prepare it for childbirth. However, this method requires some caution, since it carries the risk of placental detachment, due to which the fetus may die without surgery.

Women who are unsure of their partner's ideal health should also give up sex. Pathogenic microbes can enter the slightly opened cervix and, causing inflammation, harm the health of the expectant mother and baby.

Sexual intercourse can be replaced by active breast massage, especially the nipple area. The hormone oxytocin released during this process will stimulate the cervix and induce labor. At the same time, any massage movement must be done as carefully as possible, injuring her nipples and avoiding any infection that can subsequently provoke the appearance of mastitis.

You can also induce labor with safe procedures such as a warm bath, moderate exercise, or lifting light weights such as a bag of groceries or an older baby. Childbirth can be triggered by causing increased intestinal peristalsis. To do this, you can make a cleansing enema, drink a laxative, for example, a tablespoon of castor oil, or act more humanely in relation to your body, and in the last weeks before childbirth, enrich your diet with fiber-rich foods. By eating whole grain breads, a variety of cereals, and fresh vegetables and fruits, the chance of speeding up late labor is significantly increased. Raspberry tea, currant juice, and dishes with the addition of beets and fresh parsley are especially effective.

Certain scents have been proven to have the ability to stimulate childbirth, in particular, the aroma of rose and jasmine. For an aromatherapy session, you will need the essential oils of these plants and an aroma lamp. A small amount of water is poured into a special recess of this simple device, into which a few drops of one of the oils are added, and a burning candle is installed in the desired hole. Inhalation of flower vapors should provoke the onset of labor. However, before starting an aromatherapy session, you should make sure that the body is not hypersensitive to each of these components.

The approach of labor can also be accelerated with the help of such an extraordinary method as acupuncture. According to this teaching, it is possible to influence any organ of the human body through special points located on the skin. Accordingly, by acting on the point associated with the uterus, labor can be provoked. Acupuncture is a rather complicated science, so you shouldn't do it yourself. To stimulate labor, it is better to consult a specialist.

Any of the above methods can be used only when the cervix is ​​ready for childbirth and only contractions need to be provoked. It is categorically impossible to induce childbirth without a preliminary examination on the gynecological chair and the approval of the doctor, but only because the mother is tired and wants to meet the baby as soon as possible.

All women are eagerly awaiting the birth of their baby. But in order to see her baby, the lady needs to go through childbirth. and how to do so to speed up the birth of the baby? Many mothers are interested in these questions, so it's worth looking into this.

Childbirth process

If a woman has already started having contractions, she must do everything in her power to give birth as soon as possible, thus saving herself and her baby from unnecessary suffering. So, here are a few tips on how to give birth quickly. First advice: you need to get rid of any fear. Fear fetters, does not give a woman the opportunity to relax and do everything necessary to facilitate labor. Only calmness, only concentration on the main process is the key to an easy and quick birth. How to give birth quickly, second advice: you need to have some freedom of action. Often the body itself tells a woman how to make it easier, more comfortable, less painful. However, most doctors have a negative attitude to such "initiative" of a woman in labor, arguing that only they know how and when it is better to take any action. Therefore, it is better to give birth in private clinics (they are more relaxed about various "innovations"), where there is everything you need to facilitate and accelerate labor. Another tip on how to give birth quickly: you just need to prepare for childbirth. To do this, you need to learn various breathing techniques that not only relieve pain, but also speed up labor, know when and what posture is best to take. It is worth noting that all these wisdom are taught in regular courses that are better for all expectant mothers to visit.

How to give birth faster?

But there are situations when it seems that the due date has already come, but the baby is not at all going to be born. What can be done to give birth faster? There may also be some tips here. So, most mothers and gynecologists recommend "papatherapy", that is, intimacy. And it is desirable that the lady gets the maximum pleasure. This will not only relax the cervix, but also give the body a signal. The woman's orgasm will result in and, thus, labor can begin. Second tip: to give birth faster, you can stimulate the nipples. This will not harm the woman at all, even if it does not cause contractions. It will also help you prepare for breastfeeding. However, most women say that after a few nipple massage sessions, they begin to feel the expected urge of the onset of labor. Why it happens? The fact is that such stimulation causes a rush of milk to the breast, and for this, which, by the way, is also responsible for labor. Third tip: most moms advise moderate physical activity. And if they do not cause contractions, then at least they will benefit the body.

What not to do

If a woman keeps repeating to herself: "I want to give birth faster, what should I do?" - she must be able to filter all the information she receives from the outside. So, every pregnant woman needs to know what not to do if she wants to cause contractions as soon as possible. Some people may advise drinking a small amount of alcohol before bed. This is bad advice and shouldn't be heeded. You can also hear the recommendation that you need to eat spicy foods to bring contractions. The expected result from this will definitely not be, but you can earn heartburn or even gastritis.

The calculated period has passed, but nothing happened? Sometimes a small push is enough for the body to start labor. We offer some tools that you can use to attract your baby.

Before you try these remedies, be sure to consult your doctor !!!

"Grip cocktail"

Application: each midwife has her own recipe, but castor oil is a must.

Action: the mixture promotes better blood supply to the digestive system and purges the intestines. The uterus often reacts to anxiety with contractions.

Side effect: colic in the abdomen, circulatory problems! Therefore: use only in the presence of a midwife.

The effect: instant - or none at all.

Stars or cinnamon tea

Application: 200 grams of cinnamon stars per day. Recipe for cinnamon tea (twice a day): crumble two or three cinnamon sticks, pour 200 ml of boiling water, strain after 10 minutes.

Action: cinnamon stimulates blood flow to the pelvic organs. This provokes contractions.

Side effect: in case of overdose - nausea.

The effect: good - or none

Long walks

Application: comfortable shoes and go!

Action: the effect of gravity is much stronger when you are upright and in motion. The baby's head touches the pelvis, often a signal for the onset of contractions.

Side effect: overload. And here the body acts according to the principle: no contractions, until we rest again. Forced march, climbing stairs and intensive window cleaning can sometimes backfire and slow down contractions.

The effect: good - at the right dosage!

Hot tub

Application: the water in the bathroom is about 38 degrees, add a couple of drops of essential oil (Persian rose or lavender) to the water. Lie quietly in the bathroom for 10 minutes.

Action: deep relaxation. The warmth relaxes the muscles, as well as the abdominal and pelvic muscles. This relaxed environment gives the uterus the strength to fight.

Side effect: blood circulation may slow down! Therefore, take a bath only if there is someone in the apartment.

The effect: good if the uterus is already ready for contractions.


Application: choose a position in which a large belly does not interfere, for example, a "spoon". Alternative: the woman sits on the man.

Action: Relaxation and orgasm - push in the right place. In addition, the semen contains the hormone prostaglandin, which provokes the opening of the uterine pharynx.

By-effect: no

The effect: so positive that midwives and doctors advise sex as a "bio-remedy"


Application: the hormone oxytocin is injected into the elbow bend during irregular contractions or, more often, in the absence of labor, prostaglandins (more carefully prepare the uterus and the baby for childbirth).

Action: the uterus reacts to high levels of oxytocin and prostaglandin in the blood with contractions and softening of the cervix.

Side effect: painful contractions. Be sure to tell your doctor about this, you can reduce the dose of the injected substance. About 80 percent of women need epidural anesthesia because labor is painful.

The effect: a reliable way when you definitely need to cause contractions. In case of emergency, a high dose of oxytocin.


Application: if it is time for the child to be born, and the uterine pharynx is not soft enough, clinics use a candle or a gel with the hormone prostaglandin (inserted into the vagina).

Action: muscle fibers of the uterine pharynx rhythmically contract and soften - this causes preliminary contractions.

Side effect: pains that may be too severe even at the beginning.

The effect: 50 to 50. If nothing happens, you need to repeat the procedure after a while. This means you have to wait a long time in the hospital.

Clove oil swab

Application: A midwife or doctor inserts a tampon soaked in clove oil into your vagina. The procedure is performed in a hospital.

Action: substances contained in clove oil affect the uterine pharynx, that is, make it softer and more pliable. Since the consequences are unpredictable, the procedure can only be carried out in a hospital.

Side effect: no

The effect: good. A recent study found that half of the women who needed to induce contractions in the clinic needed a tampon of clove oil and did not need any other medication. The percentage of caesarean sections after using a tampon is two times lower than after using a dropper and a suppository with prostaglandin (9% instead of 18%).

Evening primrose oil capsules

Application: After a doctor's appointment - take 1 capsule of primrose oil in capsules 3 times a day for 5-7 days.

Action: the substances contained in primrose make it possible to prepare the cervix for childbirth, soften and shorten it.

Side effect: allergic reactions are possible.

The effect: good, but it takes time for its onset, but even if labor does not begin, the cervix will become more ready for other actions aimed at the onset of labor.

Foot massage

Application: a midwife or specialist massages specific areas on the foot.

Action: the blood supply to the pelvis improves, this stimulates the uterus.

Side effect: No

The effect: often very good and quick if the midwife has a lot of experience in massage

Uterine pharynx massage

Application: the midwife or doctor gently massage the uterine pharynx and try to loosen and release the end of the fetal bladder (the lower end of the fetal bladder, located behind the uterine pharynx).

Action: Stimulating the uterine pharynx prompts the body to produce more oxytocin, the hormone that causes contractions.

Side effect: uterine throat massage can be painful! Be sure to tell your doctor about it. After the procedure, there may be minor bleeding - this is normal!

The effect: effective if the uterine pharynx is already soft enough.

Elective amniotomy

Application: It is carried out only in the maternity hospital. If there is a ready cervix for childbirth, and there are no contraindications from the mother and the fetus, the doctor carefully, usually in the morning at 6-8 o'clock, opens the fetal bladder in order to stimulate labor.

Action: the outpouring of amniotic fluid causes a lowering of the head and an increase in mechanical pressure on the cervix, in addition, the release of substances that stimulate labor and the onset of contractions occurs. The procedure itself is practically painless.

Side effect: According to some researchers, this manipulation may increase the risk of a caesarean section. The anhydrous gap is lengthened, which can negatively affect the condition of the child with a long course of the first stage of labor.

The effect: Effective in most cases. It can be carried out in a number of women who are planning for a cesarean section as a preparatory stage, so that the uterus and the child take part in the birth process a little - this way the uterus will contract better in the postpartum period, and the child will adapt more easily. This manipulation can be performed in women with a high risk of developing various complications in childbirth (the so-called "planned childbirth" - when it is important to track all stages of the formation and development of labor).