How to get a guy interested in a relationship. How to interest a man: the right ways

Many women, having met an interesting man, would like to become the object of his attention, but do not know what needs to be done for this.

The stereotype that a woman should not take the first step constrains the actions of the fair sex. How to interest a man so that it looks unobtrusive? How can you step up to a new relationship and continue it without fear of failure?

How to bring an acquaintance closer

First you need to get the man's attention visually. Every day he sees many women, but he should opt for you.

The look is of great importance in establishing eye contact. Looking at a man with genuine interest will elicit the reaction you need. And your languid, slightly playful gaze will create intrigue and a desire to communicate.

Besides, a smile is very important. She should be gentle, calm and benevolent. One that makes you want to see her again. It is enough to look at him, smile with the corners of his lips, and you are already on the way to the long-awaited acquaintance.


When the first contact is established, you need to interest the man in pleasant communication. Being able to keep up a conversation will make an unforgettable impression on you.

Indeed, in addition to appearance, representatives of the opposite sex value intelligence and versatility in a woman. To make him enjoy your communication, listen to the following rules.

  • Do not bore a man with topics that are not interesting to him. It is unlikely that he will be delighted with a long story about how your friend dyed her hair red, broke her nail and decided to write a book about her love affairs. Such issues are discussed only in women's companies.
  • Respect his opinion... If in a conversation with a man you have disagreements, do not try with all your might to prove that you are right. First, male psychology differs significantly from female psychology. And, secondly, everyone has a personal life experience and a view of the events taking place. It is better to avoid controversial issues.
  • Don't raise your voice. If you want to interest a representative of the stronger sex, speak calmly and measuredly. After hearing a loud statement in his address, the person is unlikely to want to continue the relationship with you.
  • Create positive emotions. So that only pleasant impressions remain from the conversation with you, be more interested in what is important for the interlocutor. For example, you can ask him about his hobby, favorite sport, or ask him to remember funny stories from life. Ease of communication with you may interest a man.
  • Do not complain... If you decide to tell him about all the hardships of your life, then perhaps this will be your last conversation. Especially men do not like it when a woman complains about her health. Long-term communication should start with positivity, not whining.


Some women in a conversation with the object of sympathy are lost, cannot support and develop the topic. Thoughts scatter, the language does not obey and, in the end, the woman is completely embarrassed, and does not remember what she wanted to say or ask.

It is easier for such ladies to communicate on the Internet when the male gaze is not riveted on them. It is easier for them to write a message, because it can be well thought over and, if necessary, corrected.

How can a shy young lady interest a man she likes? Getting over the awkwardness of speaking takes a lot of practice. By following the advice of a psychologist, you can become an interesting, confident conversation partner.

1. To make it easier to communicate with a man, you need to write on a piece of paper the questions that you would like to ask him.

On the eve of the meeting, read what you have written several times. When talking with a man, you will see a list of questions in front of you and will not forget to ask them. So you will no longer be puzzled by the question of how to interest a man.

2. Have a long "conversation" with the toy. At home, when no one is seeing, plant any toy in front of you. Tell her about yourself, about your experiences.

You will find that you are able to express your thoughts clearly and concentrate on the conversation. The next time you interact with a man, imagine that a silent teddy bear is sitting in front of you. Then it will become much easier for you to overcome the awkwardness.

3. A very effective method for overcoming shyness was invented by German psychologists. If you are interested in a man, but you are lost in his presence, try to communicate with him on Skype. In this case, you must cover the camera with a piece of paper, and tell him that you are having problems with video communication.

Having spent several such conversations, you will get to know the man better, get used to his manner of communication. After that, it will be much easier for you to communicate with him in real life.

How else to arouse the sympathy of a man

Every man loves to eat deliciously. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, treat him often with your culinary masterpieces.

You don't have to cook complicated overseas dishes for this. Delicate aromatic buns or a piece of fresh charlotte are enough. This tip is especially useful for those who have a crush on a colleague.

Do not forget to ask how he is doing, what new has happened. These questions, though trivial, mean that you are worried and thinking about him.

You should always look amazing. Clean hair, well-groomed nails and stylish clothes have always attracted members of the opposite sex. Add a delicate scent of perfume and a modest accessory to your look and you will notice how you start to attract admiring glances.

To get the person you like interested, be yourself. Naturalness and frankness remain the main qualities that are appreciated by the stronger sex. And don't be afraid to take the first step. After all, there are men who are much more shy than you.

So, the dream came true and the acquaintance happened. Now he has your phone number, he can come and call you by name. But, for some reason, he is in no hurry to strike up a romantic relationship with you. What can be done in such cases? How to captivate? And how to get a man interested in a conversation? Remember, only with your determination and effective ways you will become the winner and receive the long-awaited prize.

How to get a man interested in a conversation: topics for conversation

Passion and love... This method is suitable for daring ladies. In a conversation with a man, let him know that he is the culprit of your sleepless nights, and you are a temperamental, passionate woman and have a violent imagination. A typical man will immediately draw several pictures in his imagination, from which his blood will seethe in his veins. He will think that you are just a lover of drive and in your thoughts there is no desire to ring him.

Always keep taboo about your ex. Never talk about them, as men do not like to hear about those who were once in their place. Show by conversation and behavior that you are not a supporter of conventions and are capable of much.

If this is not enough and the man hesitates, then flirt: a play with eyebrows, an ironic promising smile, a seductive look - everything can be used. If you are brave enough, you can balance on the brink of decency and indecency. However, here you have to be careful so that he does not think of you as an easily accessible woman.

All in attention. The topic of the conversation is selected according to the interests of the man. It can be football, cars, technology. In general, everything that you yourself are not interested in. You must play skillfully, listen to the man with interest, encourage conversation and maintain an "unhealthy" interest in everything he says. Warm up his interest in a detailed story, let him enthusiastically tell you who scored who last Sunday, and how he understands motors. Your task is to groan, gasp and look at him with admiration. Soon he will understand that no one understands him as you do.

Playing on feelings... If you notice that your chosen one is a sensitive person, then it will not be difficult to lead him to a conversation about close people or to those to whom he was attached. Your task is to help him plunge into former memories. Telling you about his past feelings, he will open up and begin to trust you. Your task is to become for a while a sensitive, understanding and empathic vest.

What if he is still living on memories?

You need to apply the psychological technique "the phenomenon of transference", namely, in sincere conversations you switch his feelings to the old woman, to yourself. And even if his feelings are still fresh, this is not a hindrance to the transfer. You need to reveal him, let him tell everything he wants, just encourage him to have good memories, positive emotions, otherwise you risk getting a tub of negativity.

You may have to listen to the tirades about the lady who left him for a very long time, but you should not show the appearance that you are unpleasant or offensive. If you need this man, then you need to be patient. Just drive away jealousy from yourself, she is not your ally, who is an ally, so this is the former lover of your man. And do not be surprised, it is so. Using the transfer method, soon all the feelings experienced for her will pour out on you.

The transfer method is scientifically proven and used by psychologists, church leaders, and doctors. Having opened his soul in a conversation, the patient feels relief and gratitude to the listener, he transferred his emotional burden to the listener and received satisfaction, the main thing is to show sympathy and understanding.

Now you know how to get a man interested in a conversation, perhaps some of the ways will help you find your long-awaited happiness.

To truly intrigue a guy, you need to make him think you are charming and make him want to continue. You cannot tell him everything at once or make him recognize you in the first five minutes, or do not want to get to know you better at all - or think about you while you are somewhere far away. So how do you create the perfect combination of mystery and excitement that can intrigue a guy? Start at Step 1.


Part 1

Intriguing behavior

    Show a little interest. If a guy doesn't have something to work on, you won't get anything in return. You will not intrigue him if you treat him indifferently, and he will feel that he is not at all interesting to you. So smile at him, wave, and start a light conversation with him. Flirt a little so that he thinks you might like him, but don't let him know that you want him. Just give him enough to make him think of you and want to meet again.

    Show him that you are having a great time. If you want to intrigue a guy, then you need to make him want to be with you. If you're in his field of vision, make sure you are having a great time with your friends, laughing, chatting, or even dancing. If you are in public, let her think, “What an interesting, funny girl. It would be nice to get to know her better.” If he constantly sees that you are moping or look bored or sad, does he want to do business with you? Sure, you have to pretend you're having fun just to get his attention, but be the girl who's having a great time.

    • He should be glad to be in your path - not that you're looking for a guy to make you happy.
  1. Don't be always there. If you get to know a guy a little and he wants to spend time together, you should be happy about it, but not act like your schedule is always free. Make him wonder. Maybe you have a whole list of other interesting dates. Maybe you have some fun weekend plans with your girlfriends. Maybe you enjoy spending your Friday nights alone translating Latvian poetry into English. He doesn't have to know what you are doing, but the fact that you are not always free means that he should value the time with you and that you are a dynamic person with many activities.

    Don't give up on fallbacks. If you start dating or just hang out with him a lot, you shouldn't immediately show him how much you like him. He needs to feel special to want to date you, but don't tell him that he's the only guy in your life and you want to be his girlfriend ASAP. He needs to understand that he should offer you to date (if you want to), and not that he is the only one. This does not mean that you have to cheat - you just have to be open to any options.

    Don't push too hard. Playing hard to get can help you intrigue a guy. Even if you think he's the one, you shouldn't rush at him, tell him how sexy he is, or compliment him all the time. Most guys like to give their best; if you want him to think you deserve it, show him that the hunt never ends. Plus, many happy married couples say the key to their love is that the hunt never stops; if you want to intrigue a guy, you don't have to spread everything at once in the first five minutes.

    Don't tell him everything about yourself. If you want to intrigue a guy, then you can't let him think that he knows everything about you after the first conversation. Show him your creative side by talking to him about your poems, and then show him your knowledge of the sport by giving your opinion on who will win the FIFA World Cup next time you meet. Don't tell him your biography; let him know that you spent six months in India or were born in Alaska, over time, and not because you shared all the details of your life with him.

    Leave him to languish in anticipation. If you want to intrigue a guy, then you should leave as soon as everything is working out. Don't let a great conversation turn into a discussion of your grandmother's skin fungus; when you feel that everything is going well, tell him that it was nice to talk to and that you need to leave. Don't do it harshly if it doesn't make sense in context or might sound rude; but if you're in the hallway, for example, don't talk to him until the bell rings and you're late for class. Change a couple of phrases so that he wants to continue the conversation, and wave goodbye to him.

    Part 2

    Intriguing qualities
    1. Be independent. Men are intrigued by women who know what they want and go about their business. If a guy thinks that you are the kind of girl who will cling to him and want to do everything together, he may be overwhelmed with emotions and he will be scared. Instead, show him that you have interests, friends, and goals of your own, and that you want to do your favorite things with or without him.

      Be playful. Don't be too serious from the start. Remember, if a guy likes you, chances are that he has already envisioned a date with you, so you need to be fun, light, and have a dynamic, engaging conversation when you're together. Don't pick on him or start long, pointless conversations or show him that you're in a bad mood. Be fun, don't take yourself too seriously, and tease the guy a little if he likes it. He will be intrigued by your ability to enjoy life and have a great time.

      Be happy. Men are intrigued by strong, confident women who are comfortable in their own bodies. You don't need to make him think that you are insecure and want to fill the void in your life by meeting him, otherwise he will feel a lot of pressure next to you. Instead, show him that you like the way you look, that you love what you do, and that you are happy with the people around you in life. If you are already happy, then he will most likely be happy with you too.

      Be unpredictable. Unless you want the guy to think he can read you like an open book. Surprise him. Take an unplanned trip. Make a wheel. Show off your perfect French while talking about Paris. Show him that you can be expected, whatever, and you can always interest him. Change your outfits and hairstyles, and also keep him from getting used to your look.

      Be impressive. Show him that you are an accomplished, amazing woman. Stand out for something, for your accomplishments in sports or for your career success. Help at the homeless shelter. Make decorations. Do something unique and impressive because you love it and show him what you can do. We are not saying that you should do something just to impress the guy you are putting on this show for. Show him that you are talented, hardworking and amazing and you will intrigue him even more.

    • Don't be superficial or moody. Guys are annoyed, even such girls are angry. Always smile and be nice. This will make you even more mysterious.
    • Is there a special event coming up in your life? Is there a birthday party, a camping trip, a movie you've been waiting for is out, or is your favorite restaurant opening near your home? Incidentally mention this before the event, but do not tell him what it will be. Then, invite him the day before the holiday! He will be pleased that you invited him.
    • Don't overdo it, ignore it, or push it away. For someone to really get interested in you, you need to give them half of the information and make them beg you to tell you the rest.


    • However, don't be too mysterious. He may think that you are emo, weirdo, or hiding something. Be interesting, not mysterious.
    • Don't refuse to give him your number. 9 times out of 10, he will think that you are not interested, or will be upset when he finds out that you are playing with him. If the guy is so "intrigued" by you that he asks for your number, please him. So HIM will have to call YOU to ask you out on a date.
    • Be careful when you try not to go into details. If a guy asks you what kind of music you like, and you say: "I like rock ...", and about food: "I like Italian cuisine ..." and then: "I like ballet flats ... I like ice cream ... I like animals ..." , you may seem extremely boring. Change this. Mention that you like chocolate ice cream or that dolphins are your favorite animals. Don't make him think you don't have an opinion of your own.
    • The mystery may or may not help you get a boyfriend. It all depends on his character. Get to know him a little before trying it to decide if these tricks will work for him.

So, everything seems to be fine, but then your beau suddenly disappears. Some men don't even try to explain their sudden disappearance.

How? Why? Most of the ladies will say that for him it was just a passing hobby. But there is another option: to delve into yourself. Perhaps you did not interest the man in anything? I will tell you in what ways you need to intrigue your chosen one and whet your interest in yourself in this article.

How to attract a loved and loving man into your life

With women who are attracted by their own, everything is clear. That is, nothing is clear, but that is why they are interesting. Details in the specified link.

This method of intrigue works at first, when the man does not yet know you, but wants to know.

And you, like a closed book, should keep the line:

  • give out information about yourself to a minimum,
  • suddenly disappear and suddenly appear,
  • smile mysteriously
  • take unpredictable steps periodically.

What can I say, while you must be dazzlingly good-looking.

Are you sick? Then you should not appear in front of a man. Believe me, there will come a period when he will gladly take care of you, heal and spoon-feed you when you feel bad. But not in the first months of acquaintance.

Without makeup, with a swollen nose and a rewound neck scarf, lie at home. At this point, one of the best ways to intrigue a man is to disappear for a while.

And you do not need to show your cards that you are just sick with acute respiratory infections. You are not there, you have disappeared somewhere, are busy with something.

In this case, it would be better to communicate with the chosen one:

  • through social networks.

The less detail the better.

How to interest a man by correspondence, what questions to ask him?

If he himself is not looking for communication, he can write something unexpected and extraordinary himself.

The banal "hello, how are you" will not work. Well, he will answer that everything is fine (how else?). And that's it. It's not bad if, in response, he asks about your business. Boring, uninteresting.

But if you ask this type of question:"Do you happen to have an acquaintance who breeds Sumatran otters?" A lot of questions will immediately arise. From a simple: "Why do you need this?" to Who Are the Sumatran Otters?

Subscribe to updates and soon you will receive a lot of intriguing phrases, SMS, which
you can intrigue and generally interest any man in communication by correspondence on social networks or simply by SMS. Does not matter!

If we talk about virtual communication, it is better not to write long sentences, which sometimes there is no time to read at the present time. A couple of phrases are enough.

If the relationship lasts more than a month, you can write something sweet and pleasant, like "I miss the way you look at me."

It is better to write about sadness and longing occasionally, but all the same, such phrases sound very touching. If you have a candy-bouquet period, they will be in the subject.

You can intrigue a man by writing SMS at small intervals.

For example:

  1. The first will contain only the word "I".
  2. Wait a few seconds, send the second one with the word "want." The man is intrigued: what do you want?
  3. The next one should be sent with the word "you".
  4. Wait another 5-10 seconds and send the last SMS with the word "see".
  5. Rest assured, he smiled when he read the penultimate word.

Virtual communication is so good that you can write everything that in reality you are afraid to say. If you are modest beyond your years, try to be liberated in your correspondence with your beloved. Send him a couple of photos of sexy lingerie, asking him to choose one of them. Not for myself, of course, for you. Like, I can't make a choice what to wear.

Even if in real life you do not have such underwear, you can simply find believable photos on the Internet.

A man will undoubtedly be intrigued by this:

  • firstly, he will be interested in how you look now,
  • secondly, for what occasion do you choose underwear.

What to do to interest a man

To intrigue a man, you need to be an excellent conversationalist, communication with whom would bring him only pleasure. The male half of humanity also loves with ears.

  • Grammatically correct speech,
  • a pleasant voice,
  • attention, which manifests itself in the ability to listen,

no less valuable to us than spectacular appearance.

In the end, one can recall the beautiful and clever girl Scheherazade, who captivated the king with her stories.

Among other things, a man will be interested if you:

  • Playful. Nobody likes boring people. If you intend to plan your whole future life with your chosen one immediately after meeting, and already on the second date offer to get a mortgage or rent a house together, the man will undoubtedly run away. Be fun and carefree. After all, the moments spent together should bring joy. Do not immediately load it with your problems. You will have time to do all this after the solemn registration of marriage, but for now - you are happy with everything and wish you a pleasant time.

  • Are independent. As an addition to the first point, you should have a lot of worries (work, hobbies, communication with parents, relatives, friends) that do not require the presence of a man. You are busy with a career, renovation or playing with your nephews - a man should understand that your time is valuable. If you show that you have nothing to do without him, he will immediately lose interest. Your chosen one should think every time, do you have time for him? Then he will appreciate the time spent together, and the phrase: “Unfortunately, plans have changed,” you will rarely hear from him.
  • Sexy. Many do not quite correctly understand this word. It's not about pouting with silicone and painted in red lipstick, a revealing neckline and a short miniskirt. Such an image is rather frightening, which intrigues men. Just one bright accent and a glance thrown at a man is enough. Do you have beautiful lips? Then highlight them. And waving your eyelashes, look at your beloved, smile slightly and look away.

Sometimes just one touch is enough to intrigue a man. I do not mean some indecent touching. You can accidentally touch his shoulder while walking by, or touch his hand while talking. The male half of humanity loves gentle touches no less than women.

How to get your husband interested

It would seem that you have known each other for a hundred years, and there is nothing to intrigue the man with. And even when you do unexpected things in your opinion, he is not surprised. The advice will be simple. Review your behavior. And in a situation where he expects a scandal, keep quiet. Or, on the contrary, give your opinion.

An example from my own experience.

I'm used to my girlfriend being unhappy with something every day. Every evening she scolded me for scattered socks, TV not turned off at night, complained about my snoring and other household trifles.

And then one day, after returning from work, I found that she was sitting on the couch and reading a book. All evening she talked completely calmly, but not detached, talked about the events of the day and was interested in my affairs.

I’m so used to it that she’s having an evening quarrel that a bunch of questions popped up in my head.

  1. First, why did the girl change from anger to mercy.
  2. Second, what happens if I ask her directly about it.
  3. And thirdly, how long will her calmness last?

I was certainly intrigued by the unusual behavior.

What do I mean by all this, no need to come up with complex schemes... To intrigue a man or a guy, you can simply change the model of behavior a little. Accustomed to monotony, a man will immediately feel that something is wrong, he will be interested in finding out the cause of the metamorphosis. What if she has nothing to do with him?

And finally, about the correspondence with men. To intrigue them in this case, one article is not enough. Therefore, go to the section of the site: " SMS to beloved"; and there you will find everything you need to create intrigue, and indeed interest in your person.

I wish everyone a good mood!