Which facial treatment is better to choose. Facial gommage: what is it? Gommage coffee face mask

Greetings, my dear blog guests. Our skin is under attack every day. Judge for yourself: dust, particles of sweat and fat, stress, temperature changes, etc. Therefore, it needs to be cleaned regularly to keep it healthy and beautiful. I recommend that you try gommage for the face - what it is, I will tell you today.

Translated from French, "hommage" means "eraser". So, this procedure is aimed at cleansing the epidermis. For her, special creamy preparations can be used.

The peculiarity of such products is that they do not contain large abrasive particles.

Cleansing occurs due to the presence of special chemical components, as well as microscopic grinding elements. The most commonly used are light fruit acids. It turns out that under the influence of acid, the keratinized layers of the epidermis and pollution are removed. And small abrasives gently massage the skin.

This procedure has excellent results! During it, the pores are carefully cleaned of dirt, dust and other harmful substances. Plus, regular use helps to get rid of acne and brightens age spots.

Gommage has many advantages over scrub:

  1. Versatility- owners of any skin type can afford such a pleasure. Even for those with sensitive skin or rosacea, these treatments will not hurt.
  2. Works very gently and carefully. Unlike a scrub, it does not contain coarse abrasive particles that can scratch or stretch the skin. The principle of operation of the gommage is somewhat different from the scrub. The latter cleans the skin like sandpaper. Gommage contains biologically active ingredients that dissolve impurities.

An additional bonus from such cleaning of the epidermis is that the skin is saturated with a complex of vitamins and minerals. But these elements are extremely important for it to properly perform its functions. But that's not all. It turns out that gommage also moisturizes the skin. In addition, the composition of the cosmetic product contains special substances that prevent moisture from evaporating quickly.

If you regularly do such procedures, the complexion improves significantly. And wrinkles are smoothed out. As a result, the skin looks younger and healthier 🙂

How to use at home

The protocol for the procedure in the salon and at home is similar in technique.

The first step is to prepare the skin. To do this, you need to wash, cleansing the skin with a gel. Then the epidermis should be dried in order to apply the product to a dry surface. However, there is one nuance. If you have very sensitive skin, I recommend doing the first application of gommage on a damp surface. For example, you can use thermal water. So gommage will gently scrub the skin.

And after preparation, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of the gommage itself, bypassing the eyelid area. It is more convenient to do it by hand. After that, you can leave the cleanser as a mask. Hold up to about 10 minutes. And when rinsing, gently scrub the skin. Or, immediately after applying the cleanser, light rubbing movements can be made.

Gommage can be removed by rolling, and then you need to wash with clean water. After the procedure, I advise you to make a moisturizing face mask. . Finally, apply a soothing cream to your face.

  • owners of dry and normal skin - 1 session per week;
  • with oily skin - 2 times a week;
  • after 40 years - 2 times a week.

If you are using this remedy for the first time, I recommend that you first do the procedure once a week. So see how your skin reacts. And then increase the amount to two times.

Want to see how this procedure is performed by a professional? Watch this video.

Skin care after the procedure

Remember that after any exfoliation, special care is needed. For gentle cleansing of the skin, it is better to use foam or milk. It is desirable that protective and moisturizing components are present in the composition of the care product.

Also, don't forget UV filters. Be sure to use sunscreen at any time of the year. These can be separate creams or components included in daily products. This will protect the epidermis from sun exposure so that age spots and extra wrinkles do not form. I recommend using products with an SPF of at least 15 in winter. In summer, use an SPF of 30 or more.

Experts also advise in the next 2-3 days after gommage to refuse to visit the pool, sauna. And if you carry out the procedure in the fall-winter, protect the skin from chapping with the help of nutrients. I recently wrote about vitamin F products. They perfectly help protect the skin from wind and cold.

Which is better to buy gommage for home use

Many cosmetics manufacturers can boast that they produce cleansers. Before using any cosmetic, I advise you to read the instructions. In it, manufacturers describe the subtleties and secrets of using their product.

The main thing is to choose the exfoliant whose price matches the quality. And today I will introduce you to the products of famous brands.

Faberlic Air Stream

This gommage belongs to the Oxygen Balance series. It is designed for oily and combination skin. Recommended for use from the age of twenty.

Tube of 75 ml. The product has a dense milky texture. Gommage is easily applied to the skin. The only trouble is that it does not roll and does not dry out. It needs to be washed off with water.

Judging by what the reviews say, it's more of a peeling. It contains small abrasive particles. This tool cools and copes well with various rashes. I recommend watching a video review about the product from Faberlic.

Avon gommage mask

Packing volume 50 ml. It contains minerals from the Dead Sea. It needs to be applied in a thin layer because it takes a long time to dry. Rolls unevenly. And in some areas of the skin it remains to lie in a thin layer.

There are no strong abrasives in this product, so the mask has a mild effect. Suitable even for sensitive skin. But for the oily type of the epidermis with shine, it is recommended to choose another remedy.

Gommage "Morning coffee" from the company Organic shop

Packed in a plastic tube, volume - 75 ml. The main components of the product are kaolin, glycerin, macadamia, lemongrass, olive and green coffee oils. It has a pleasant lemon-coffee aroma. But the smell is not thermonuclear, it does not hit the nose much.

The consistency of the product is thick, so it does not spread. Enriched with tiny dark brown scrub particles. After use, the skin is taut and smooth. They write a lot about the aroma of the product itself - very invigorating and pleasant 🙂

Judging by the reviews, it can be used for both combination oily and dry skin. And here is a video review of it.

Fruity Ripe Apricot by Yves Rocher

It is packaged in plastic tubes with a convenient hinged lid. In a container of 50 ml. The consistency of gommage is thick, pearlescent. This product contains chamomile extract, orange aromatic oil, glycerin, apricot kernel powder.

When you open the tube, it initially appears to contain a lot of scrubbing particles. But don't jump to conclusions. As soon as you apply fruit gommage to damp skin, the cream will start to foam, and the blotches will melt.

However, some owners of dry skin type still complain that this gommage injures the face. And girls who have a combined type of skin note that he behaves well. Therefore, I recommend that you evaluate it yourself.

Delicate gommage from Cora

Packed in a 100 ml tube. It contains pineapple and papaya phytoenzymes, succinic and lactic acids, green tea and kelp extracts. Jojoba granules are added as scrubbing particles. And kelp extract, betaine and allantoin soothe the skin, moisturize and perfectly soften.

The smell of the product is pleasant. The consistency is a thick white cream with rare small round blue granules. Jojoba granules do not scratch the skin at all.

This gommage is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and rosacea. This is a very big plus for the manufacturer.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

333 rub.

To the store

Gommage from Cora can be done at any time of the year. As those who have tried the product write, this is a great summer alternative to acid peels. Although the remedy is less aggressive, the effect is visible - there are fewer black dots, the pores are tightened.

Peeling gommage with vitamin E from Christina

Believe me, one jar will last you a long time! The volume is impressive - 250 ml. Even if you peel every week, less than half will be spent in 6 months.

The Christina brand is the professional cosmetics used by cosmetologists. The gommage contains extracts of vanilla, grapefruit, thyme, mallow and chamomile. And there is also glycerin, Dead Sea salts and vitamins,,. The mask is a green-blue tint, the consistency is similar to a dense mousse.

Radiance of freshness from Yves Rocher

This product is from the Hydra Vezhetal series. Unlike the previous one, it is better suited for combination skin. Packed also in a plastic tube, volume - 75 ml. Ingredients: glycerin, bamboo stem extract, witch hazel hydrolate.

It is a gel-like transparent substance. The consistency is dense - does not spread. It has many inclusions of white microgranules. When massaging, such particles do not injure the skin. They are felt during the procedure, but do not cause the slightest discomfort. Rinse only such gommage need longer.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Although gommage works much more delicately than a scrub, not everyone can do it. Contraindications to such a cleansing procedure are:

  • facial wounds;
  • recent surgery;
  • skin infectious diseases;
  • allergic reaction.

Girls, do not rub your face hard when applying cleanser. Otherwise, even gentle gommage will irritate the skin, causing the appearance of spider veins. Then only a laser will help get rid of this “beauty”.

Dear guests of my blog, what kind of gommage do you use? Write your opinion. And if you have recipes for homemade cleansers, share them. Berry, fruit, milk - any proven option will do. And don't forget to subscribe for updates. And that's all for today: see you soon!

In my head, like in a washing machine when washing

Facial gommage: deep cleansing possible even for sensitive skin

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Information about facial gommage: what it is, the effect of a cosmetic procedure on the skin, its effectiveness, its main functions, rules for using it at home, the best recipes for creams and masks. Learn how to cleanse the skin with natural, soft, effective means - give it a second youth.

Everyone knows about the need for regular, preferably deep, firsthand. To remove pollution and toxins from the environment from the pores, sebaceous deposits of the subcutaneous glands, dead particles of the epithelium, many are accustomed to using store and home scrubs. The procedure itself has acquired the name of peeling and is actively carried out in beauty salons and at home to facilitate cellular respiration and improve skin condition. However, beauties with sensitive, thin, delicate skin know that peeling is contraindicated for them. The hard abrasive particles that make up the scrubs can injure, injure, scratch it. Meanwhile, the pores of even this type of skin also need to be cleansed. Here comes to the rescue facial gommage - a completely new facet of peeling which is still unknown and little known. It's time to correct this situation in home cosmetology.

The main function of facial gommage is gentle cleansing of pores from any kind of dirt, namely delicate, thin, sensitive skin.

Do you want to know the rules, secrets and subtleties of making homemade face creams? Then you

Gommage: instructions for use

Facial cleansing with gommage at home is a safe, simple, acceptable procedure for everyone. However, this does not exclude the observance of certain rules that will increase the effectiveness of the funds used and help to avoid annoying disappointment and side effects. The skin is a very sensitive organ, and it will immediately react to an incorrectly performed procedure. To be delighted, not disappointed, the cleansing gommage must be done in accordance with the recommendations below.

  1. Gommage excludes any solid particles in its composition and does not tolerate lumps: its consistency should be liquid-thick, like a cream. To achieve this, the components of gentle facial cleansers are recommended beat in a blender .
  2. Gommage products are prepared from a wide variety of products, and some of them can cause an allergic reaction when applied externally. If you do not want your face and body to be covered with a rash after a regular cleansing procedure, test products for the presence of an allergen for your skin . To do this, apply a small amount of the prepared mixture to the inner bend of the elbow or wrist. In the absence of itching, redness, spots and other manifestations of allergies, you can continue facial gommage at home.
  3. To prepare the skin for a cleansing procedure, it is necessary to steam it so that the pores are as open as possible. This is done using the usual . Chamomile is best suited for this purpose. Pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, insist under the lid for at least half an hour, strain and pour into a basin or deep cup with freshly boiled water. Pin up your hair at the crown, tilt your face, cover your head with a warm scarf or towel. Within 3-5 minutes, the pores should open. It is not recommended to wipe dry after such a procedure. You need to lightly blot your face with a paper towel (towel) and proceed directly to the gommage. If the skin is too sensitive or suffers from rosacea, this gommage step can be skipped.
  4. The product is prepared, the skin is steamed: it's time to proceed to direct cleansing. From above (from the forehead) down (to the chin) evenly apply the gommage product with your fingers or a special brush about. At the same time, do not forget to massage the skin with circular soft movements, rubbing the prepared mass into it.
  5. Now is the time to lie down, relax, rest, while the active components of gommage work on the beauty of your face. This lasts 15 to 20 minutes.
  6. During this time, the product will harden a little, turn into a harder, thicker mass, since the moisture from the mask (scrub, gel) will go into the cells. Using the pads of your fingers, gently roll the mask like a rug. You need to do this from the bottom up (from the chin to the forehead) , i.e. in the opposite direction compared to the application. Dried particles of the mask will fall down, so put something under it so as not to get dirty. Together with them, dirt, dust and other unnecessary elements that interfere with the cleanliness of your face will be removed from your face. If suddenly the gommage mask has dried up too much or you feel that the mass has stuck to the skin, in no case do not forcefully tear it off: you will injure your face. Just wash with warm water - and nothing will remain of the mask.
  7. If you decide to make your own cream gommage , it does not require rinsing, as its light, airy consistency is quickly absorbed into the upper layer of the epidermis. At the same time, you need to understand that this tool in preparation is much more complicated in technology and is used daily.
  8. A more optimal option is soft, tender, easy to prepare and does not require daily use. gommage masks , which is enough to use twice a week for those who have, once a week - owners of dry and normal skin, once every 10 days - to cleanse sensitive skin.
  9. After the product is removed from the face, you need to apply soothing cream , which will complete the procedure of home gommage.
  10. Indications. It is recommended to go to the gommage procedure regularly for owners of sensitive, dry, flaky, problematic, mature, fading, wrinkled skin, with acne and allergic rashes. In all of the above cases, gommage products will be as effective as possible, although they are suitable for any skin type.
  11. Contraindications. Despite all the softness of the action, gommage can still be harmful if there are recently stitched sutures on the face after any operation, open wounds that have not had time to heal injuries and rosacea.

Soft, gentle, effective facial cleansing gommage is a new, but already very popular and relevant procedure in cosmetology. Despite the fact that she is just starting to gain momentum, many people call her a more winning and successful alternative to scrubs. The latter are distinguished by a too harsh effect on the skin, which is why they lose to such gentle and soft gommage products.

At the same time, it is worth understanding that, like everything that has just emerged, new, young, gommage has not yet been fully studied, not all of its side effects, shortcomings and negative aspects can be identified.

Therefore, having decided on such a cleansing (even the mildest) of the face at home, you must understand that all responsibility for the results obtained will fall solely on your shoulders. In order not to completely scare you, in fairness it should be noted that there are very few negative reviews about home gommage: there are much more positive and grateful ones. Most importantly - try to follow all the above recommendations and do not experiment with recipes.

Homemade Gommage Recipes

Take homemade gommage recipes very seriously. Don't try the first remedy you come across. First, try to find out what kind of problem, for what type of skin care this recipe is designed to solve. Focus on the ones that suit you. Secondly, try to keep as few exotic ingredients as possible to which your skin is not accustomed to. This will help avoid allergic reactions.

  • Gommage for oily skin

2 tablespoons are mixed. barley flour, 1 tablespoon. rice flour and dry cream. The mass is diluted with skim milk to the desired consistency.

  • Gommage for dry skin

Mixed 2 tables. spoons of semolina, 1 table each. a spoonful of orange powder and oatmeal. The powder is easy to make yourself from dried orange peels, which are ground to a state of flour in an ordinary coffee grinder. The mass is diluted with fatty kefir to the desired consistency.

  • Gommage for all skin types

Natural oatmeal (2 tablespoons) is ground in a coffee grinder, the resulting oatmeal is poured with 2 tablespoons of warm milk of medium fat content, 1 teaspoon of natural ground coffee, used and cooled, is added.

A fairly common, albeit completely new, homemade facial peeling gommage for skin cleansing allows women to remember their lost youth and beauty. During this gentle but effective procedure, the pores are quickly, efficiently, very deeply cleansed without damaging the epidermis, as with a regular scrub peeling, to which everyone has long been accustomed. Gommage provides cells with clean, free, full-fledged breathing, maximum access of oxygen to tissues, which activates many cellular processes occurring under the skin. It's time to bring cleanliness and order to your face, regardless of your skin type - experience such an effective and gentle effect of gentle, pleasant gommage.

Peeling-gommage with special softness will remove dead skin particles from the epidermis and cleanse clogged pores. The creamy texture of the product, a set of useful, nourishing ingredients will refresh the skin, replenish it with energy and strength to fight imperfections. The procedure is suitable for delicate and sensitive skin, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon for its implementation.

What is the procedure

Gommage is a selected composition of enzymes, organic acids, plant extracts and various nutritional supplements that have an exfoliating effect and heal your skin at the same time.

The consistency of gommage resembles a cream. It is easily distributed over the surface of the face and does not cause pain. At the same time, after such a peeling, the skin acquires a healthy color, dryness and oily shine disappear.

The principle of action of gommage is simple: the acids or enzymes that make up the product break down impurities, lipid bonds between dead cells. Then the product is washed off with water, and unnecessary particles leave the skin with it.

It is impossible to use gommage simultaneously with acid peels, scrubs and rub it hard. Patients with thin, hypersensitive skin, with rosacea and inflammation on the face should be especially careful with the procedure.

Peeling-hommage also has a preferred time for carrying out: it is recommended to perform a cleansing procedure in the period from late autumn to early spring, when solar activity fades.

The benefits of gommage for the skin

Gommage can be partially attributed to chemical peels. It contains various acids that affect the skin problem, but overnight they are of minimal concentration and are not dangerous with complications.

After peeling-gommage, pleasant changes await the skin:

  • clean pores;
  • light massage guarantees improvement of blood microcirculation, prevents lymph stagnation;
  • the number of black dots is noticeably reduced, and after a course of procedures they will leave your face for a long time;
  • the shade of the epidermis is normalized, the skin looks refreshed and shines with health;
  • oily sheen disappears, pores are partially narrowed;
  • gommage has a healing effect on acne and pimples, it perfectly soothes the integument and heals the cells;
  • the skin becomes soft and tender;
  • slight lifting effect.

Do not expect cardinal changes and a significant rejuvenating effect from the procedure. Gommage is capable of slightly improving the condition of the integument, regular use of the composition will slow down aging, prevent acne on the face.

Indications and contraindications

  • excessive dryness of the integument;
  • unpleasant oily sheen;
  • frequent acne, problematic acne;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • freckles, age spots;
  • black dots, comedones;
  • clogged, enlarged pores;
  • peeling of the epidermis.

Gommage allows you to clean the skin qualitatively, without the risk of complications and side effects. The procedure can be performed at home, which makes peeling even more popular.

Despite the softness of the impact, not everyone is allowed to perform facial peeling using gommage. The restriction applies to patients with individual sensitivity to a particular ingredient, if there is damage on the face (unhealed abrasions, wounds, burns).

It is impossible to carry out cleansing when there are purulent inflammations on the face or other dermatological diseases.

Before peeling with gommage, be sure to consult with a beautician. He will be able to recommend the frequency of procedures, make useful comments and advice on cleansing techniques.

How to exfoliate at home

Gommage is a simple and effective skin cleansing method that can be performed by a specialist or independently at home. In addition, the tool can be purchased at the store or cook yourself.

Facial peeling with gommage is performed in the following order:

  1. Carefully read the instructions for the peeling product, read the contraindications.
  2. Remove make-up and particles of dust, dirt, sebaceous secretions with milk (gel) for washing.
  3. Steam the skin in any way or carry out the procedure after taking a hot bath.
  4. Rub a little peeling agent into your palms. So that its temperature is not lower than body temperature. This increases its efficiency.
  5. Spread the product over the surface of the face with light, circular motions.
  6. Leave the gommage on your face for 10-15 minutes. For more details on the exposure time, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions for the preparation. A soft film should form on the face.
  7. Roll up the film with your fingers dipped in water. Do it gently, without pressure. If you suffer from rosacea, there is inflammation on the face, then you can’t roll the remedy, just wash it off.
  8. Apply a mask with a moisturizing effect on the surface of the face, and at the end of the peeling - a cream.

After cleansing for a few days, use sunscreen before going outside. For some time, give up saunas, baths and active sports, and also avoid chapping your face.

Within 2-3 days after the procedure, treat the skin with understanding, because its protective function is weakened and sensitivity and susceptibility to aggressive external factors are increased. Set aside decorative cosmetics, and also do not carry out other types of peeling.

Frequency of cleaning

A distinctive feature of gommage is that it can be performed relatively often. Beauticians recommend adhering to the following intervals:

  • for normal skin - 2-3 times in 7 days;
  • for dry type of integument - 1-2 times in 7 days;
  • for teenage skin - 3-4 times in 7 days;
  • for mature skin - no more than 2 times in 7 days.

Please note that the suggested frequency of peeling may vary depending on the condition of the integument and the degree of the problem. However, you do not need to adjust the indicators yourself, seek help from a specialist.

Choosing and preparing gommage

The modern market for cosmetic products is very diverse, you can easily choose several suitable options for peeling. What all the same manufacturers have earned the recognition of users and cosmetologists?

The leading positions in terms of effectiveness and frequency of use were won by products from Christina, Expert Faberlic with essential natural oils, Lactolan and Clarins peeling cream. They are devoid of abrasive particles, act delicately and are safe for sensitive skin.

To ensure the safety of the product, before the procedure, read the instructions and conduct an express test for an allergic reaction.

If you do not trust the manufacturers of such drugs and are wary of finished products, you can prepare the gommage remedy yourself. We offer a simple but effective homemade gommage recipe.

To prepare the cleanser you will need:

  • 1 st. l. semolina;
  • 1 st. l. oatmeal;
  • 1 tsp crushed orange peel;
  • common cleanser.
  1. Grind all the ingredients as finely as possible.
  2. Add a cleanser so that the mass becomes the consistency of homemade sour cream.
  3. On cleansed and well-steamed skin, apply the prepared mixture liberally, do not rub.
  4. After 15-20 minutes, massage your face with your fingertips.
  5. Wash off the rest of the mixture with warm water.
  6. Fix the result with a face cream.

Homemade gommage peels do not roll as well as store bought ones. At the same time, they are absolutely natural and safe for the skin.

Facial cleansing is an important step in skin care. With gommage, along with high-quality cleansing, you get the opportunity to fill the cells of the epidermis with nutrients, and most importantly, there are no risks of harming the skin or getting burned. Regular use of this kind of cosmetic products is the key to beautiful skin without painful and dangerous cosmetic procedures.

Relatively recently, in our country, another effective facial skin care product appeared on the free market - gommage (from the French "gomme" - eraser). The word "gommage" means both a remedy and a procedure during which the top layer of dead skin cells is removed. At the same time, the appearance of the skin and its structure are noticeably improved.

Exfoliation of the skin is a natural physiological process. It can be disturbed by a lack of vitamins, improper skin hygiene, harmful environmental effects, certain diseases, and stressful situations.

The ability to independently get rid of keratinized particles decreases with age, so the skin becomes lifeless and dull, the process of gas exchange ("breathing") in the cells is disrupted and some functions are lost. This is where true friends of clean skin come to the rescue:, and gommage.

How to use facial gommage?

Gommage is one of the varieties of exfoliant (peeling). This procedure allows you to more carefully exfoliate the stratum corneum than, for example, scrubbing. There are no solid particles in the gommage, so the skin is not subjected to mechanical stress. Purification is carried out at the expense of chemically active substances that are part of the funds. Fruit acids "dissolve" and eliminate dead cells from the surface of the skin.

Micromassage, which the skin of the face undergoes when applying gommage, accelerates the processes of cellular metabolism, stimulates blood flow, improves the protective functions of the skin and eliminates congestion.

Despite the rather mild effect, gommage effectively cleanses the skin. Such a tool can be advised to owners of dry, thin, sensitive skin, as well as in the presence of obvious signs of wilting or residual acne. After the cosmetic procedure, the skin becomes renewed and noticeably refreshed.

Better perceives other cosmetics (creams, masks). Regular use of gommage makes the skin look younger, fresher and more elastic. The composition of such products, as a rule, includes substances that actively nourish and moisturize the skin, harmonize the fat and water balance, and increase metabolism. The peeling process becomes even more pleasant if the gommage contains aromatic oils.

Gommage is used as often as required by the type of skin. For oily and combination skin, it is recommended to use the product up to 3 times a week, for normal and dry skin, 1-2 procedures per week will be enough.

It is worth refusing to use gommage if you plan to go to the beach or somewhere where the sun's rays and wind will affect the skin for a long period of time.

Before applying the composition to the skin, it must be steamed. For these purposes, a bath or a warm shower is suitable. Gommage cream is applied to the skin along the massage lines with light movements. Avoid contact with eyes. Further, the gommage remains on the face for several minutes. During this time, it dries up and forms a soft crust on the surface of the skin. It is enough to run your fingers over it, and it rolls along with dead cells.

Gommage should be rolled very carefully, holding other areas of the skin with your fingertips. Care must be taken to avoid stretching the epidermis. After all the pellets are removed from the face, it must be rinsed with water. If there are lesions or pustules on the skin, it is better to refuse rolling. The product should simply be washed off with warm water.

Kobido massage is a therapeutic procedure that differs significantly from the usual facial massage.

The best gommage for the face

Gommage is a universal remedy that is suitable for all skin types. It can be used without fear even by owners of sensitive and dry skin. A good drug for the prevention of acne. However, you need to carefully consider the acquisition of gommage. It is very important that the product has been tested and passed all the necessary controls before it hits the counter of a cosmetic store.

Today gommages are produced by almost all leading cosmetic companies. When choosing a tool, you need to pay attention to its composition. Owners of particularly sensitive skin, for example, will ideally gommage, which contains sugar and ultra-refined oils.

If the peel contains algae or sea salt, then you can count not only on effective skin cleansing, but also on smoothing the complexion. These ingredients also contribute to the effective removal of excess moisture from the body.

Lovers of natural remedies will be able to make gommage at home. Such an idea will not require large financial expenses, but the effect will be no worse than using products produced by well-known brands.

Gommage for the face, reviews

Even the most effective and expensive creams cannot replace simple cosmetic procedures. Gommage, a sparing kind of peeling, has already been highly appreciated by the owners of sensitive, thin, dry skin prone to irritation, for which mechanical cleansing is contraindicated.

Most of the girls who have tried this method of getting rid of dead skin cells noted an improvement in complexion and blood circulation. The skin becomes smoother and more radiant!

Many people use gommage to prepare for the following cosmetic manipulations: body wraps, applying masks and creams. This pre-treatment significantly enhances the effect of cosmetics.

Older women with regular use of gommage note that their skin is noticeably smoothed, regeneration processes are launched. The product provides gentle cleansing, brightening and moisturizing of the skin.

Gommage makes the skin healthy and radiant, removes toxins from its cells. Every day more and more new reviews about this miracle remedy appear on the network. Girls and women are happy to replenish their stocks of cosmetics with peelings produced by their favorite company, and they are almost never disappointed in their choice!

Dead cells, secretions of the sebaceous glands, the remnants of cosmetics must be removed from the face in time for the skin to breathe and properly perform its functions. Now there are many cosmetic products aimed at solving this problem. Facial gommage is one of them. This tool is a gentle peeling that can clean the skin without injury.

What is gommage and how does it work

From French, the word "hommage" is translated as "eraser". Indeed, it performs its function similarly to a clerical attribute. It has very small natural scrubbing particles, which makes it safe in terms of skin injury. The main ingredient of this remedy is fruit acids, which act at the level of tissues and molecules. They practically dissolve dead cells, so removing them from the skin with the remnants of the product is not difficult.

The ability to exfoliate without injury makes the gommage composition the best remedy among analogues. Experienced cosmetologists often recommend using it to owners of dry, tired skin who find it difficult to find the right cosmetics. After treatment of the face with peeling, the surface becomes velvety, smoother and more receptive to masks and creams. The frequency of use of the product depends to a large extent on the type of skin and its condition:

  • If it is necessary to maintain dry and aging skin in the proper form, this method of cleansing should be applied 1-2 times a week.
  • Combination skin requires more frequent cleansing, so gommage should be applied up to 3 times a week.
  • And cosmetologists advise owners of wide pores to resort to peeling every other day or every day.

The use of gommage peels gives amazing results. The skin is cleansed, not covered with a shiny film during the day, superficial wrinkles are leveled over time and blood flow increases. Even in the owners of a gray tired face, over time, a blush appears on the cheeks and the color takes on a natural look. To achieve the desired result in a short time, gommage does not need to be supplemented with other cleansing methods. Chemical peels, scrubs are best used on other days, because together they can harm epithelial cells.

How to use: instruction

  1. Before using the product, it is recommended to steam the face well to open all the pores. To perform this stage, a steam bath on herbs (chamomile, calendula) is suitable.
  2. Squeeze out the gommage peeling from the tube, warm it on the fingertips. So the tool will not cause discomfort when in contact with hot skin.
  3. Distribute the cream with massaging movements and leave it for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Roll up the dried layer with light movements. Along with it, dead cells and dirt filling the pores roll down. It is highly not recommended to wait until the gommage composition dries well and turns into a hard crust. In the process of its removal, there is a risk of damaging the skin or stretching it.
  5. Rinse your face with clean water, pat dry with a towel.

If there is inflammation, gommage should not be rolled off, but washed off like a mask. Also, experts recommend adhering to this procedure in autumn, winter, in the first month of spring, because it should not be combined with high activity of sunlight. Starting from the second half of April, put gommage on the far shelf.

Recipes at home

Most self-care women know how to make a facial scrub at home. So they manage to maintain beauty without wasting money and time on visiting cosmetologists. Gommage for the face is also no exception. And if you have all the necessary ingredients at hand, you can quickly prepare a gentle peeling at home. There are many recipes for gommage peels for all types. For example:

For dry and sensitive

  1. In a bowl for masks, combine 1 tbsp. l. orange powder (grind a few dry peels of this fruit in a coffee grinder), 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal flour, 2 tbsp. l. decoys. Dilute the mixture with fat kefir to the desired density, stirring well. Then use it like any other gommage. It is not recommended to store such a peeling for the face at home, so it should be used immediately after preparation.
  2. Mix 2 tbsp. l. semolina, ground oatmeal with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tsp olive oil. Add the yolk, 2-3 drops of chamomile oil, 0.5 tsp to the resulting mixture. aloe juice, parsley. Let the mass stand for 15-20 minutes so that the semolina can swell. At this time, clean your face and dry with a towel. Then use the mixture, as required by the instructions. Semolina is not able to scratch the skin, like oatmeal, but this does not prevent them from removing dead cells well.

For oily

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. dry cream, rice flour with 2 tbsp. l. floured barley grains. Dilute the dry mixture with non-fat milk to the desired viscosity. Next, apply the composition on the face, hold for 15-20 minutes, roll it with your fingertips, rinse your face with clean water. This peeling will provide deep cleansing of pores at home without significant financial costs. Almost all of the listed ingredients are in every kitchen, which simplifies the task of preparing this recipe.
  2. Take 0.5 l of kefir (0.1%), apply in several layers (each layer should dry) on cleansed skin with a soft brush. Wait half an hour, roll up the mask with your fingertips. Then rinse your face with water, pat dry with a towel and moisturize with cream. This way of cleansing the face will appeal to business girls and women who do not have enough time to prepare more complex mixtures.

For combined

  1. Stir in 1 tsp. sour cream, ground salt with 1 tbsp. l. natural ground coffee. Apply the resulting mass to the skin and wait until it dries to a soft crust. Roll with your fingers, rinse your face. If you replace a simple coffee face scrub with this gommage, the effect will be no worse.
  2. In a bowl for making masks, mix 1 tbsp. l. semolina, olive oil, ground carrots and freshly squeezed carrot juice. Apply gommage to cleansed skin, leave for a few minutes, roll up. Carrot peeling removes dead cells well, moisturizes and stops the aging process.

from black dots

Melt 4 tbsp. honey in a water bath and mix with 1 tbsp. ground sea salt. In this state, apply to a clean face, without affecting the skin around the eyes, and leave for 15 minutes. Remove the composition with gentle massage movements, wash your face with clean water. With regular use, blackheads gradually become a thing of the past. However, such a remedy will not be able to cleanse the skin of acne and inflammation, therefore, to solve the problem with acne, you should contact a dermatologist.

  1. Mix 0.5 tbsp. l flour from wheat or oats with 1 tbsp. l. simple gel cleanser Beat the resulting mixture well, apply on face for 20 minutes. Roll up the film with your fingers.

Overview of the best brands

The cosmetology industry does not stand still, replenishing the "flotilla" of created cosmetics with new "ships". This is how gommages for the face and body appeared, which are used by girls and women of different ages. It is not difficult to choose such a tool now, as there are many good options from popular brands.

Cleansing from Faberlic

An excellent tool that does its job no worse than a homemade facial scrub. This gommage makes the skin smooth, moisturized and pleasant to the touch, because it gently removes dead cells and provides a light massage. Suitable for those with dry skin that needs special care. It is allowed to use girls from 20 years old, if necessary. If young skin is able to cope with problems on its own, there is no need to interfere in the process and accustom it to cosmetics, otherwise its cells will not be able to do without help in the future.

  • Ingredients: Novaftem-O2™ complex, white clay, essential oil complex. The first ingredient is responsible for saturating cells with oxygen, the second one absorbs sebum, and essential oils relieve irritation, accelerate the process of cell renewal, and increase the protective barrier of the dermis.
  • Usage: it is required to apply gommage 1-2 times a week on a clean face, so that it is easier for the active components to reach the deep layers of the epidermis. After a quarter of an hour, the film should be rolled up with your fingers, performing gentle circular movements, and wash your face.

There are no chemical hazardous ingredients in this peeling, so it is safe for any type. Many girls and women who have no time to prepare a natural face scrub choose it for many reasons. It is gentle, like a gel, carefully cleans dead cells from the surface of the skin, fills it with energy. Another big plus is the delicious aroma, invigorating like coffee.

  • Ingredients: The formula includes coffee powder, olive oil, organic green coffee bean oil, macadamia and other beneficial ingredients. Powder of ground grains provides effective cleaning of the skin, oils - its maximum hydration.
  • Usage: The gommage composition is applied to a clean face and washed off with warm water after a light massage. With regular use, the surface of the skin acquires a healthy color, and its structure is gradually leveled.

A unique gommage aimed at solving several important problems. It painlessly removes dead epithelial cells, smoothes the relief and enhances the effect of moisturizers. For those who are looking for the best face scrub, this product is a good option. The peeling contains pineapple extract, which is responsible for cleansing the epidermis, allantoin and special micro-granules. The smell is neutral. The gentle effect of the product makes it ideal for owners with very delicate skin.

Avon gommage mask

A gentle treatment formulated with Dead Sea minerals. This peeling has won the attention of many women, because it cleanses the face, stimulates metabolic processes between cells and the movement of blood flow. The use of the product does not cause redness and allergic reactions, therefore it is suitable for owners of sensitive skin. It will not be superfluous on the shelf of women whose skin begins to age. Dead Sea minerals are able to revive it and slow down the inevitable aging process at the cell level.

From Yves Rocher

This popular brand offers several cleansers that have gained popularity among women of all ages. Among them were especially noted:

  • “Shine of freshness” Hydra Vegetal “- refreshes the skin, gives it radiance, exfoliates with bamboo micro-granules.
  • Fruit gommage "Ripe Apricot" - includes powdered apricot kernels, fragrant essential oil of orange, glycerin and chamomile extract, so it removes dead cells well and soothes.
  • Air Stream "Oxygen balance" - evens out the relief, debugs the functioning of the sebaceous glands, removes dead cells, cleans the pores.


Gommage is considered the most gentle scrubbing product, but, like other products in the cosmetic industry, it has certain contraindications. For example, this remedy is not recommended for use in the presence of diseases such as psoriasis, herpes, some types of molluscum contagiosum. It is worth refraining from using and with sunburn, fresh tan. If the epidermis is devoid of elasticity, has visible signs of aging, gommage should be used very carefully, because there is a risk of stretching it even more.

To prevent this from happening, it would be better to refuse to lightly rub the peeling along the massage lines, replacing it, for example, with patting movements. In this case, the skin will be well cheered up, and the nutritional components of the gommage will get into its deep layers. For rapidly aging skin, this is extremely important, because its old cells are not able to quickly respond to care products.