What a compliment you can write to a guy. You look like Brad Pete. Simple and affordable compliments

It's so easy to please a person. Compliment your man every day, he is worthy of your attention and beautiful words.

Thanks for adding Holidays.ru to:

By your example, you encourage everyone to improve themselves. You prove to others that the ideal can become even more perfect.

People love the holidays and look forward to them to receive gifts. I have a holiday every day, because the best man is nearby.

When you leave, I feel very bad. It was as if they had torn off a piece of my soul, the most valuable and important part that protects me from any adversity.

You know how to find a common language with all people. They like you because you have rare qualities: kindness and honesty.

I don't need sun in the sky or rainbow after rain to see this world beautiful. It's enough for me that there is a man like you nearby.

You are so principled, honest and fair at work. It deserves respect.

I used to think that only the best men are shown in films. Now I know you and I understand how much I was wrong. The very best live next to us.

Short compliments to a man.

As usual, you outshined everyone else.

You are a wonderful professional, loyal friend and prominent man.

The best is not about you. Ideal! Here's the right word.

Nice compliments to a man.

When it is raining or snowing outside, when the cold envelops everything around, I am not afraid. I am always warm and good next to you.

Do you know that with just one little smile you make my day good? You are so cheerful!

You have an infinite amount of masculine charm! If we were on the battlefield, the opponents would have surrendered after the first negotiations.

Compliments to a strong man.

A brave, brave, strong, persistent and strong-willed man is not a fairy tale. Such a man exists. And it's you.

Next to such a strong man like you, you can afford to be a little kitten. He will easily protect you from any troubles.

For me, being close to you means being in a warm and comfortable home, guarded by hundreds of the best warriors.

Cool compliments to a man.

You are like a cartoon lion cub, just as cute and adorable on the outside, but a real lion on the inside! My friends will easily like you and will intimidate old enemies. The perfect combination.

You are a terrible person! At work, you shine with your mind, at a party you win over everyone around you, you are the soul of the company among friends and the most attractive man among others for women. It is simply impossible to compete with you!

I thought that everyone in the museum would look at the ancient sculptures of beautiful men, but I was wrong. There is only one beautiful man here who attracts everyone's attention. Even the statues are looking at you.

Not less, however, not all women master the art of choosing the right words. And if any compliment is suitable for the fairer sex, even if it resembles gross flattery (this is the story of exquisite compliments since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs - comparing a woman's eyes with diamonds, talking about her in a superlative degree), then it is more difficult with men. It is important here not to violate and not slip into outright bad manners.

So, let's start with the fact that you should never speak to a man. First: usi-pusi, babes-bunnies and appeals like "baby" and "zaya" should disappear from your vocabulary forever. Secondly, the vulgarity and platitudes from the "you're coolly dressed" series. Thirdly, questions testifying to your lack of ownership of some topic (“Who is Gaddafi?”). Of course, you do not have to know everything, but if the topics of politics and football are not your strong point, then it is better to remain silent or to get away with general phrases with a smile. For example, joke that you prefer to be an expert in another field.

Passion for astrology and occult sciences can also greatly harm you - according to statistics, only 7% of men believe the predictions of astrologers, and they simply consider women who attach importance to this to be narrow-minded.

The list of taboo includes memories of his ex, criticism of his mother, although she is three times wrong, the regularly repeated question “Do you love me?”, As well as criticism of his gifts. You should never give negative comments to any positive impulse towards you, otherwise, demanding lilies instead of roses, you risk becoming a woman who is never given flowers.

Criticism of a man in the presence of strangers, a desire not to listen to him, but to speak, as well as an attempt to take the role of a leader from the first dates are the most common mistakes that can cross out any passionate motives in a relationship.

The main thing that unites all men, without exception, regardless of status and habits, is the confirmation of their own importance. Encouraging him, raising self-esteem, supporting him is the direct task of every wise woman. At the same time, it is important not to over-praise the man, so as not to provoke megalomania.

So what does a man want to hear? What compliments can make him subconsciously reach out to you and feel comfortable and confident with you?

Firstly, any man, even the most infantile, always and in everything seeks confirmation of his strength, an assessment of "tribal" qualities, therefore even the simplest remarks from the series "You are so strong!", after he masterfully opens the lid that is not giving in to you or drives in a nail with one blow, they will be very pleasant to him. Even if he doesn't show it, you should know that it is!

Any assessment of his actions, words, gifts should be accompanied by a sincere smile and good old "Honey, that was amazing!"... When it comes to sex, you can too.

Sexual compliments are another favorite male theme. "I've never felt so good." or "It was the best sex of my life." allowed, especially if this is true and if the situation is conducive to such reverent confessions.

Laugh at his jokes. A sense of humor is the main indicator of intelligence, and therefore it is pleasant for any man to seem like a person who can surprise with his wit. “Honey, I laughed to tears! I can't forget how you said ... "

Use the experience of classics or movie masterpieces. One of the best examples of the right compliment was an episode from The Legend of Zorro, where Catherine Zeta-Jones flattered the villain to save herself: "When you're this close, my breath gets out of hand."... Any man in such a situation loses his will.

The ability to convince you to do something your way in the format of a compliment is aerobatics. Try something like: "I do not insist, you just do it better than others!"

School of Yuri Okunev

Good day, dear readers! It is often said about women that they are creatures of a subtle mental organization and that one must be able to communicate with them correctly. Agree. But the thing is that the guys are not at all as simple as the young ladies are used to thinking about them.

The strong half of humanity, with its heightened, as a rule, self-esteem also requires sensitivity in handling. Even an affectionate word must be thoroughly thought out and presented to your partner competently! For this reason, I advise you to make a list of compliments to a man in advance that the knight of your heart can really like.

On the one hand, it is extremely ridiculous to come up with some kind of rules for the exchange of pleasantries. After all, it would seem that you want to say something pleasant to your friend, boyfriend, husband - just do it and do not philosophize. But on the other hand, we want our words to appeal to the addressee. So, there is still a point to strain and analyze the partner's expectations.

So, if women in their majority most of all want universal recognition of their beauty, charm, sexuality, etc., then something completely different is more valuable for guys. They want to look strong, smart, courageous, businesslike in other people's eyes - that is, real men. In second place in terms of importance is a positive assessment of character traits. Kind, generous, forgiving, with good humor - well, just gold, not a man!

Understanding that women like you for your external qualities is also extremely important. We are all human, we all want to please each other. But the same "real man" can never be content with compliments concerning his unearthly beauty.

Therefore, we will draw one very important conclusion - first of all, your partner should talk about his positive personal, professional qualities. And only then - about the bottomless depth of his eyes and the radiance of his smile.

Now I propose to get down to specifics. How exactly, with what words to say something pleasant to him?

Kind words to your man

In case you are completely inexperienced in terms of giving out praise and admiration, I am ready to provide you with all possible support and help. To do this, I have collected quite good, in my opinion, compliments to a man - this list, of course, is the most basic. Just to show you what to talk about. But inspired by him, I hope you will be able to eloquently tell your loved one about your attitude towards him.

That he's just a dream

These can be like phrases that directly say that he is for you - there is the most desired support and support. So are abstract conclusions that lead to the conclusion that your partner is really cool.

  • You are for me the best, most beloved, most desirable, one and only!
  • You are my protection, my stone wall, behind which I can always hide from troubles, troubles, fears, bad people and events.
  • Thanks to you, I can afford the luxury of being a weak, defenseless and naive little girl. Even in my 20/40/50 years.
  • Absolutely all the qualities that define the concept of "a real man" for me are amazingly combined in you. And how do you manage to do this ?!
  • Many women have to take the upbringing of their sons into their own hands, as he understands that their husbands will not be able to instill in their children the full range of the best masculine qualities. Simply because they do not possess these qualities themselves. But I was really lucky. I really want us to have a son and that he was like you!
  • In our family, you are always the first to take a hit. All the most important decisions, all problems, all responsibility fall on you. I know that you always do so that it is good for me / us with the children first of all. You are my guardian angel, thank you, dear, for this!

About his professionalism

  • I don't understand anything about construction / management / jurisprudence, but even to me it is clear that you are a tough specialist in your field. After all, you are respected by both subordinates and leaders. Newbies consult with you, your opinion is appreciated by older colleagues. I, as your wife, are very flattered!
  • I am sure that our world is supported by professionals. It is thanks to them that people not only live for today, but also have hope for a better future. And I am happy that in my family there is you - a real hard worker and an excellent specialist.
  • I watch how you playfully solve such difficult business issues, how in a split second you make important and important decisions for a large number of people, and I just quietly admire your talent.

About spiritual qualities

  • I admire your strength of mind, breadth of soul and infinity of kindness. For me, you are vivid proof that really good people really exist. I am very glad that our children have such an example to follow as you!
  • I don't know a single person who speaks badly of you. Everyone I have ever met has always talked about you as a wonderful, sympathetic, kind, intelligent and intelligent person. I'm very pleased…
  • You know, in order to forget about the bad, to get a powerful charge of positive, I just need to talk to you for 5 minutes. You are a unique source of life-giving energy, warmth, kindness and philanthropy!

About external attractiveness

I love your strong arms. In your arms, I feel so safe and happy.

  • Well, what a charming smile you have!
  • This suit stunningly accentuates your chic athletic figure.
  • Wow, what a playful look! Young man, you are a real seducer.

By the way, since we're talking about gender relations, I can't help but advise. It contains a lot of interesting things on this topic. Read and, perhaps, the truth will be revealed to you!

That's all for now. I remind you about the opportunity to subscribe to the newsletter from the site. Just a couple of clicks - and now you are already aware of all the updates on my site. Try it.

Until next time! All peace, kindness and great love. Yours Yuri Okunev.

Irresistible compliment [Trouble-free methods of influence] Sheinov Viktor Pavlovich

Compliments to men

Compliments to men

Women cannot be disarmed with a compliment. Men - yes. This is the difference.

Oscar Wilde

If you are flattering a woman, some subtlety is needed. But with a man this is not necessary: ​​he believes in advance every compliment.

Alan Ayckborn

In this section, we will first, as thoroughly as possible, discuss compliments to men from women, then compliments between men.

It is customary to compliment women, they like it. However, men love compliments no less, it's just that their reaction is often not so noticeable.

Shortsighted people (including many women) believe that men do not need a compliment as a form of attention. In fact, 99 out of 100 men, no matter how confident they may seem, simply crave universal approval.

Moreover, if for women a compliment is a gift to their pride, constantly worried about their own imperfection, then for men it is call to action. And the compliment takes on truly magical power. There is no need for any love potion and conspiracies: a compliment said by a woman in time and skillfully designed can turn the very last bumpkin into a Terminator and tame the most inveterate Don Juan.

And all because even seemingly self-confident strong men cannot live without "feeding" approval and admiration. Moreover, a compliment is not a lie at all. This is just a slight exaggeration of the merits or sheer truth, spoken at the right time.

There is a misconception that women need compliments more than men. This is generally accepted because men in most cases hide their reaction to a compliment. Especially when they are praised for the banal "tie, watch, belt, shoes."

It is important for men to feel their importance, superiority. And they are more likely to choose those women who compliment them, raising their own worth. "This is my Slavik, I am so proud of him!" Due to the lack of a positive assessment, reproaches may arise: “No one here appreciates or loves me. I am an empty place. " It is no coincidence that the husbands of such wives, drinking with someone, often turn to him with the question: "Do you respect me?"

The English writer Henry Fielding remarked: "Tell the fool that he is very clever, and the rogue - that he is the most honest man, and they will embrace you." This statement in a grotesque way reflects the fact that men also love exaggeration and allegory, but unlike women, they react differently to them.

They are no less sensitive and not at all indifferent, they just do not “melt” from compliments, like women.

Compliments inspire men, make them stronger and more invulnerable. Approval and admiration is what they expect. Nourishment, support, recognition of dignity and evidence of their importance - all these things occupy no less important place in a man's life than in a woman's life. Artists aren't the only ones who have a constant, unquenchable need to receive testimonies of their own worth and talent. Leaders, officials, bankers, business people, employees, engineers, teachers, doctors, athletes, etc. - all of them, regardless of the level of intelligence, life experience and position in society, are united by a common feature: they need confirmation of their importance and exclusivity ...

Moreover, timely support with a compliment motivates a man to new achievements. The author had the good fortune to be convinced of this by his own example, which he described in the section “My first experience: how I became convinced of the power of compliments. What did one of them lead to. "

A compliment is always a slight exaggeration. A kind of opportunity to tell a man where to move and what to strive for. Hearing a compliment, he begins to feel an urgent need to comply, to meet expectations, not to disappoint.

Women, remember this when you get tired of waiting for an act from your man: maybe you simply did not praise him, did not encourage him, did not compliment him in time? Which would set the desired direction of his actions. By ignoring the actions of a man that you like, you help him stop doing them. Women who hope that he will guess what she wants are usually left with nothing, since men do not have intuition, the ability to understand the state of another person and observation to the extent that it is inherent in women. And the behavior that you reward has a chance to repeat itself more often. Give your man a reason to treat himself better, and he will show his best qualities in relation to you.

Compliments enable a man to feel better than other men, this sets him apart from the general row and brings him to a pedestal. Men believe compliments, rejoice at them, because their masculine pride constantly requires nourishment. And that woman who will regularly praise a man gets an incomparable advantage over everyone else, because it is especially important for a man to be the best for the woman who is next to him.

With a compliment, it's easy to highlight what sets one man apart from all others, what makes him special to you. A sincere compliment is really important. A man feels an unprecedented rise when he hears a compliment from a woman whom he himself wants to impress. Like any person, a man intuitively feels when a compliment is made out of a sense of politeness or for the purpose of manipulation, and when simply because they really want to say something pleasant to him. The greatest value for men (as well as for everyone in general) are compliments related to their success and individuality. But these are the compliments they hear least often.

Practice shows that good (and even more so - irresistible) compliments men accept very willingly and relate better to those who make them. Insofar as compliments satisfy their needs for positive emotions, self-realization and self-affirmation.

If we talk about the need for positive emotions, then she declares herself from early childhood. Here is a typical observation.

The grandmother strokes her grandson on the head and says:

Vanya is good, Vanya is smart, everyone loves Vanya ... (distracted)

Grandma, talk, talk!

Sometimes men speak directly about the need to listen to compliments. The woman writes: “Recently my boyfriend told me: 'You have never complimented me yet. And I have complimented you a thousand times. Didn't you find anything good in me? ""

Both the need for positive emotions and the needs for self-realization and self-affirmation in men are completely not satisfied, since the representatives of the stronger sex are not spoiled by compliments. Therefore, do not be afraid to overdo it with compliments - there are always not enough of them!

How to make a compliment irresistible and memorable? To do this, it is enough to master the sections of the book "The rules of an irresistible compliment", "Learning to make compliments" and "Tips for a beginner." And what should be the compliments specifically for men and how they differ from those that are given to women, we will now figure it out.

Men: access code

A real man will always achieve what a woman wants.


A compliment to a man and a compliment to a woman are "two big differences." A woman in a compliment is important in its very fact. Whatever a man praises, she can draw far-reaching conclusions that are not directly related to the object of praise. There are such craftsmen who, after a compliment on duty, already warn the mother to start purchasing food for the wedding table. It is important for men in a compliment what they admire.

Men think concretely. The feminine "you are such a good master" slips by, but "How cleverly you fixed this picture"- will definitely inspire him to further deeds. Hence the conclusion: extol his achievements, actions and deeds, and not your ideas about a man. A couple of enthusiastic compliments to homemade stools - and a lace gazebo will begin to grow in your summer cottage.

In order for a compliment to reach its goal, it is necessary to know the character and habits of the person to whom it is intended. It is very important to determine the assessment of which qualities most significant for this particular man. Maybe hammering in a nail is a common and familiar thing for him. But in landscape design, he is not yet strong, and the fact that you noticed his success in transforming the suburban area will be important for him.

Compliments to a man should be done only by evaluating his purely masculine qualities or deeds and actions that are traditionally considered masculine. Therefore, you should not compliment a man's beauty or his dressing skills. You can embarrass him, as most men consider their appearance to be the main thing in their female image, not theirs. Talk about willpower and sexuality, nobility and professional success, intelligence, success with women and his hobbies. Leave compliments about beauty and external irresistibility to ladies and male artists for whom appearance is a professional attribute.

It is very important for any man assessment of his professional qualities. AND sexual(but, thank God, the women themselves figured it out a long time ago!). And, say, the ability to cook well - no. So why praise for unburned scrambled eggs when you can find another compliment? Or let the scrambled eggs be just an excuse, and focus on something else: for example, how smart he is, what golden hands he has, whatever he undertakes, brings a creative twist to everything, etc. Why tell your employee about his beauty tie or admire the fact that the pimple on his nose has finally disappeared, showing by this his bad manners and mental callousness, if you can find a lot of other advantages in himself, his actions and successes.

Do not invent dignity, talk about what is. Agree, telling a puny programmer that Schwarzenegger will envy his biceps is at least merciless. Try to find out what qualities a man is proud of - compliments about them will be most effective. If, in response to your compliment, the man says: "I hate flattery!" - you missed and his features are for further study. Do not invent, but study - you can find many positive qualities in every person!

In a compliment to a man, it is better not to focus on the obvious advantages. Some representatives of the fair sex very often make innocent female mistakes in relationships, focusing on the physical merits of a partner. It would be more correct to focus on his hidden desires, which only you were able to discern in him. A classic example was given by Evgeny Schwartz in the play The Naked King. The First Minister says to the King: “I am an honest old man, a straight old man. Let me tell you bluntly, roughly: you are a great man! " To which the King replies: “Let me kiss you. And never be afraid to tell me the truth in my face! "

It's preferable for men to compliment concerning their business qualities, success, skills, character traits. A real man is not interested in his external data, but rather in his image, that is, the impression he makes as a whole.

A woman should compliment a man:

- When it is necessary to correct the state of mind of a man, that is, a compliment is needed as a remedy.

- When a man has low self-confidence or guilt.

- When there are difficulties in communication and it is necessary to establish a more trusting relationship.

- To increase a lively interest in each other.

- When there are difficulties in finding a partner.

- To stimulate his initiative, including sexual.

- When you want to get the greatest joy from your intimate life.

The most effective compliment to a man is compliment his achievements. What he achieved, achieved, to which he made efforts. The ideal option would be if both the compliments to his appearance and the compliments to his acquisitions will, in fact, speak of his achievements, his contribution to what he has now and what he has achieved. If you said: “You have a beautiful tie, it suits you,” it is rather a compliment to his garment. It just reflects a fact. This may be nice, but it's not enough. If it says: “You have such a wonderful tie, you know how to choose accessories and maintain style”, then this will already be a compliment to his achievements. A compliment for what he's invested in.

Compliments spoken in public and especially in front of other men are very effective. This immediately sets him apart from the crowd, and the woman stands next to him above all other women.

Even better, compliments to a man are spoken to a third person and then passed on to that man. Therefore, praise him in front of all his friends and acquaintances, so that they convey your words to him on occasion.

Compliments are so good and powerful that they're easy to get started with. If you see a man and notice something that you like about him, do not delay, tell him about it. And even if after that he will not be your prince, but you have increased your experience in mastering the art of compliment.

Secular lionesses are perfectly aware that it is enough to reward the chosen one with a couple of flattering phrases, and his credit card is about to be in their tenacious claws. Rough, even disgusting, but relevant.

Before complimenting the man, use his first name. Sounding your own name is always nice. In addition, when a man hears his name, his attention to your words increases several times.

Enrich your vocabulary and intonate phrases - men do not like lisping, and an intimately lowered voice value much more exclamations.

If you compliment a man, it should be reflected in your eyes. Delight (for example, from male wit) is conveyed not only by words - if a woman giving compliments has longing in her eyes, the man will not believe her and will be right.

A compliment can be made without words. It is enough at the right moment to just touch his hand or look at him in a special way, to smile mysteriously ... Women know how to do this, but the trouble is that they use these win-win trump cards only in the pre-run period and more for their pleasure or self-affirmation, and not to please or cheer up the one who has been chosen as a life partner. A kiss, a gentle touch, or a glance can have an even greater effect on a man than a verbal compliment. And there is no doubt that such a compliment will be appreciated and accepted with great pleasure.

Don't repeat common mistakes

In a compliment to a man, it is better not to use diminutive forms of words. Most men don't like lisping. It rather looks like ingratiating himself, and sometimes, on the contrary, like condescension.

Another common mistake: some ladies overdo it with compliments, lavishing them with or without. They are probably guided by one of two principles: either "you can't spoil the porridge with butter", or "the best decoration for a man is noodles on his ears." Both of these postulates may be true, but only not applicable to compliments. An abundance of compliments is good for women as they are more emotional. The situation is different with men. First, he quickly gets used to them and ceases to appreciate them. Secondly - and this is the main thing! - begins to suspect that you have your eye on a new mink coat in the boutique. Thirdly, why does he need new feats and achievements, if you already praise him from morning to evening? Hence the conclusion: wastefulness in terms of compliments will leave you without a man and without a new fur coat.

They should be spoken only for the cause. Otherwise, the man will soon stop believing them, and compliments will lose their magical power. If the compliment is far-fetched and too straightforward, then it causes mistrust, and men are immediately alarmed: "Again up to something ?!" (Most of the time they are of course right!) Therefore it is better to use irresistible compliments, in accordance with their rules. We will show you how to create suitable situations.

Here are three such situations. First. When retelling a movie or book you like to a man, talk about the characters in the first person - not "she", but "me". If we are talking about recognition, then it will look something like this: “And then she says to him: Darling, you are so strong and reliable, next to you I am I feel protected ... " You can weave any compliments into your story - the man's subconscious will absorb them literally: as words addressed to him, to him, and not to the character of the story. A kind of hypnosis occurs (Ericksonian hypnosis is one of the techniques of NLP; you can read about this, in particular, in my book "Psychological Influence", where NLP is described as simply as possible).

You retell a movie or book, and the man hears the compliments and takes them personally.

Second situation. If you happen to meet on the street with a man of your dreams (who is not yet aware of the happiness that has fallen on him), and he asks: "How are you?", In no case do not answer in monosyllables. Don't miss the opportunity to compliment him. Look in the eyes, smile and say, “How am I doing? The best! The sun is shining (wonderful rain, wonderful fog), you look great the day was a success and I want something unusual. " A win-win move: they said a compliment to the man, looking into his eyes. He will definitely feel sympathy for you.

The third situation is you are at home. Sit next to him when he watches football. Get his attention for a moment, look at him in love and exhale: "Darling, you are so sexy when you yell 'Goal!'" It may seem that in a state of fascination with the spectacle, he will not pay attention to these words, but rest assured, soon you will feel that he took the compliment as a guide to action.

Compliment men (like everyone else), because compliments make life brighter and improve our coexistence!

Compliments between men most natural when it comes to their business qualities and success. Moreover, timely support with a compliment pushes the man to new achievements. As for compliments on a man's appearance, special studies have been devoted to them, which have shown their predominantly negative perception. Some of the results of these studies and their conclusions are summarized below.

Research on the perception of appearances

According to a 1990 study by scientists at Binghampton State University (USA) and the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa), men often perceive compliments from women on their appearance as "acts of threat", as actions aimed at embarrassing or showing a condescending attitude towards him. That is, what was originally conceived as a courtesy can be perceived as a manifestation of superiority.

When it comes to compliments from their own gender, men often take the compliment of their appearance as a challenge. In her 2003 book Sociolinguistics: The Essential Readings, Christina Bratt Paulston writes that for heterosexual men, “complimenting another man about his hair, clothing, or figure is a huge threat, like for the speaker as well as for the listener. "

In a book titled The Psychology of Love, Michele Antoinette Paludi notes that departing from gender roles can reduce attraction between partners: affect intimate relationships ... Women have also had to experience the social consequences of behavior atypical for their gender. Both passive men and overly assertive women in a social sense seem much less attractive to those men and women who are not engaged in self-promotion. "

The desire to be the judge of someone's attractiveness is usually interpreted as an expression of masculinity that women, in the opinion of most, should not display. Moreover, it is likely that a significant number of men simply do not want to be “treated like women,” since their masculinity depends on their ability to stay above the judgments about their appearance, which are often influenced by women.

Effectsfemale compliments to men are different from the consequences of male compliments to women. In a 2006 study by scientists from the College of Humanities at Willamette University, Christopher Paris! And Peter Wogan found that young men tend to receive compliments for their professional qualities and skills, while women do. their appearance. Parisi and Vaughan also found that women find it necessary to be careful about complimenting a man's appearance because they don't want to appear "too assertive" or attract "unwanted attention."

The presence of this fear is also confirmed by a 2008 study conducted in Australia by scientists at Griffith University. The authors hypothesized that men are much more likely than women to perceive open compliments from a woman as flirting or an attempt to seduce.

This serves as another confirmation of the position of the author of the book about a clear preference for irresistible, that is, hidden, imperceptible compliments that do not meet with resistance.

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In this article, we will talk about how to properly compliment a man. I will tell you what phrases attract men, what you should not practice in a relationship, and with what words you can push away a man you like. As a result, you can increase the self-esteem of your loved one and emphasize their importance in your life.

There are many recommendations on how to properly say words of admiration and gratitude to a man. Among them, it is worth highlighting 10 key principles that underlie the competent construction of compliments.

Natural qualities

You should not invent something supernatural and hiccup some veiled and double-valued phrases, just emphasize his strength, sexuality and courage. For example, tell him the following words: "You are so strong, I feel safe with you" or "I just admire your courage, you are my hero."

Attention! Men, in comparison with women, do not pay special attention to their appearance, and therefore phrases about his beautiful eyes, hair and eyelashes will be inappropriate.

Also, men like compliments related to their hobbies and interests. The beloved will be pleased if you tell him: “you play the guitar and sing beautifully, I just fell in love with your voice”, “your passion for sports is cool, you are very sexy”.

Praise only deserved

There is no need to say compliments that he did not deserve. Every man has his own positive sides, which he wants to be appreciated. If he doesn't really like sports, then compliments about his appearance will be inappropriate, but the phrase about intelligence and a good sense of humor will come in handy.

Fake compliments are flattery, and they tend to be repulsive and questionable about the integrity of all your words and relationships in general. It will also be a confirmation that you do not see in him the qualities that he actually possesses.

Attention! It's better not to say compliments at all than to lie or say standard hackneyed phrases in which there will not be an ounce of sincerity.

Control your voice and facial expressions

There are different situations and in some of them you simply cannot do without an insincere complement. In this case, you need to prepare and work on your facial expressions and voice. If during the speech you hear notes of sarcasm or falsehood, then the compliment can even cause a quarrel or scandal.

When complimenting, try to:

  • look in the eyes;
  • control your emotions (laughter, hand gestures, smile);
  • speak boldly and confidently.

The main thing is not only to start professionally, but also to complete the compliment, and therefore you do not need to relax immediately after the speech delivered and give vent to emotions.

Don't use ambiguous phrases

Trying to disguise a compliment or present it in an original way is quite risky, because this format of information can sound like a hint of a flaw in appearance or character. For example, the phrase “You have such an interesting Facebook profile” can offend a man who has a too big nose, and the compliment “I didn't expect you to do it so quickly, you’re done” can be a hint of the slowness of the chosen one.

Also, such expressions are often perceived as sarcasm and derision, which clearly will not help build relationships and win a man's heart.

It's important to think about the compliment in advance:

  • speak it in your head;
  • pay attention to whether there is a hidden meaning in it;
  • Consider whether such a statement would be pleasing to your beloved.

Only then voice your admiration aloud.

Do not overdo it

Your compliments must be well deserved. The constant admiration on the part of a woman causes apathy and indifference in men, because they love to conquer, conquer and seek female affection.

If your lover has prepared dinner or bought you a welcome gift, then you should definitely praise him and note his attentiveness and care. You can say the following phrases:

  1. “I am very pleased that you remember what flowers I love. You are very careful."
  2. "This food is just flawless ... You have real talent."
  3. “I have dreamed about it for a long time (fur coat, trip, etc.). You are a real magician, I am happy that I met such a loving and caring man. "

After such words, he will be ready to do even more for you.

It is also useful to praise his small accomplishments in simple household chores, for example, to note his concern after he has washed the dishes or to say that he is a real master, because he was able to subdue "something" in the house.

Attention! The main rule is that everything should be in moderation. If you praise him for eating, sleeping, shopping, going to work, etc., he will begin to feel inferior or a child, and this, in turn, will repel and offend.

Use a name or an affectionate address

Studies show that men are much better at responding to compliments when they begin with a name or an affectionate address.

The expression “You are very attentive and caring” will be much more effective and presentable if it is supplemented with affectionate words “beloved”, “cute”, “bunny”, etc.

You can read about how affectionately you can call your man, and how best it is not worth it.

If you want to say such words to a man with whom the relationship is not yet so close, then you can use a simple name, for example, "Igor, you are very attentive and caring."

For unfamiliar or unfamiliar men, it is also better to pronounce the middle name.

Speak from a third person

It should be noted right away that this method will be relevant only in the first stages of a relationship.

Straightforward phrases that the chosen one delights you with his jokes or cleverness will actually become a confession of your love, and this man does not like.

At the beginning of acquaintance and communication, it is better to use third-person expressions, for example: "with such an intelligent person, you can solve any, even the most difficult, question." Such expressions should be to the point and without undue exaggeration.

Do not look for an excuse and do not oblige after

Many women only praise men after they have done something extraordinary: an expensive gift, dinner at a restaurant, a vacation trip. Also, pleasant words are often heard in honor of a birthday or February 23rd. This is the wrong approach.

Give compliments just like that, don't look for special dates or reasons. When he's dressing for work in the morning, celebrate his solidity or compliment his attentiveness when he marks your hair or makeup.

Attention! In no case should you use compliments as a way to position a man to fulfill your desire. If after the words “beloved, you are so kind and attentive to me” will be followed by “buy me a fur coat and boots”, then all your words will be nothing more than selfish flattery.

Give the compliment in person

If you want to compliment a man, then tell him personally. For this, you do not need to use notes, SMS, and even more so to convey your impression of a person through friends and acquaintances.

Remember, not only words are important, but also look, intonation, facial expressions. A man should see your interest in him and feel the importance of the act he has done.

To make a man want to do something for you, learn him.

Also, complement can be a good reason for a subsequent walk, dinner and long conversations. The note will deprive you of the opportunity to build relationships and develop them.

Do not try to compare

Men are painful to be compared with other people, even if during the compliment you want to emphasize the best sides and note its superiority.

You tell him: “You are much kinder to me than my ex,” and in your head it sounds “You are the best,” but a man hears quite the opposite. For him, your words sound like this: “I remember my ex and I think about him. So, when I thought about him, and compared you, I noted that you are better at this than he. " And believe me, there is no compliment in this.

It's hard to believe, but just three phrases, spoken at the right moment, can drive any man crazy and dispose him to even greater deeds for your sake. Little tricks from the practical psychologist Nadezhda Mayer will help you fall in love with the desired man and build a strong and long-term relationship with him.

Answers on questions

What if a man doesn't respond to compliments?

More often than not, those men for whom it has become commonplace and commonplace do not respond to compliments. To return the old delight, you need to pause and even more, make him do some crazy things in order to impress.

Should I say compliments to a complete stranger to win him over?

It is important to understand that every man is an individual to which you need to find the key. If this is a respectable and rich man who is admired by everyone, then your words will only amuse his self-esteem and completely destroy interest in you. But for a modest and closed chosen one, such a gesture will become an incentive for new achievements.

How often should you compliment?

It all depends on how the relationship is developing. The main thing is that there is a golden mean in everything. If you see that he has relaxed and is already sure that he has conquered you, then a compliment will only aggravate the situation, but for a man who doubts his decision, a couple of pleasant phrases will be a good incentive and support.

What to remember:

So, in order for your compliment to touch a man for a living and win his heart, you need to remember the following:

  1. Your compliment must be true.
  2. You should not abuse this trick and bombard the man with praises.
  3. You need to talk about your impressions in person when you meet.
  4. A compliment should emphasize the individuality of a man, but in no case compare it with someone else.
  5. The style of presenting information depends on the level at which the relationship is. At the initial stage, these should be phrases describing general character traits, but in closer relationships we can talk about the personal merits and achievements of the chosen one.

Your relationship is in your hands. Tell your lover how strong, kind, gentle, passionate, caring he is, and don't be afraid to confess your feelings. However, do not forget that it is not you who should idolize him, but he you.