Clutch bag for a black dress and black shoes. Contrasts are always relevant. We select a handbag by color

A clutch is an irreplaceable item in the arsenal of any self-respecting fashionista. It is a stylish accessory, but at the same time carries a serious functional load - figuratively speaking, of course. You can't carry much in it. A clutch is a small handbag. In the minds of most, the clutch is carried in the hand. However, the presence of a chain or strap does not deprive the bag of this proud title. The clutch is a little thing for a special occasion. It is not suitable for shopping or work.

The site Stylish Thing devotes today's article to how to choose a clutch that would best suit your style, needs and the format of the event for which it is intended.

How to choose a clutch: the principles of achieving harmony of the image

The variety of clutches on the modern market is simply amazing. Designers excel in quality, creativity in finishes and shapes in these popular little handbags. When deciding on a choice, you need to proceed primarily from your individual needs.

It's one thing if you want to buy a universal thing that will help you out at corporate parties, and at banquets, and at other similar events. And it is quite another to buy a clutch for a specific outfit.

Let's start with the texture

The most popular materials for making clutches are leather, suede, satin, velvet. However, you can find clutches made of plastic, fur, and a wide variety of fabrics.

Leather clutches, of course, remain the most versatile models. They are suitable for a simple little black dress, and for a luxurious evening dress. In addition, they can complement and go well with a business suit. Unless, of course, you have to carry a laptop or a heap of documents with you.

The only thing - never try to fit the clutch into a sporty style, regardless of its finish, color and material from which it is made.

If you liked velvet or satin clutch, keep in mind that these materials are associated with luxury, so your outfit should match them. A rich evening dress will be the best company for such handbags.

Textile clutches complement a simpler evening look. In addition, depending on the finish, they can fit in and in.

Keep in mind that every material needs proper care. It is better to buy the funds necessary for this right away.

Now let's talk about the decor

Here, a truly limitless space of options opens up in front of you. Clutches can have quite laconic and modest decor - and the easier it will be for them to find application. But modern clutches can be a real piece of design art. They can be trimmed with rhinestones, bugles, beads, embroidery, feathers, fur, pearls…. You can't list everything.

Buying such stylish things, of course, is necessary for a specific dress. If your outfit is embroidered with beads, it will be appropriate to choose a clutch with a similar decor. If you are planning to decorate yourself with pearl jewelry, then pearl inclusions on your purse will make your image harmonious and logically complete. Do not overload the ensemble by mixing various decorative elements.

After all, a clutch is a very bright and noticeable accessory, and it should be in stylistic unity with your image.

As for the color….

The clutch should not merge with the dress - otherwise what is the point in it? Ideally, the clutch contrasts in color with your outfit.

Now about the shoes

The rule that shoes must be the same color as the bag is outdated. But clutch must by texture and finish. Plus, shoes and heeled sandals are the only shoes that go with a clutch. No boots, no moccasins, no ballet flats will fit.

Take care of your own comfort

Clutches are a priori small. However, in any case, think about what things you definitely cannot live without for an hour. And make sure they fit in your chosen purse. But the list of necessary things should be reduced to a minimum: the shape of the clutch should not deform as a result of your attempts to cram into it what can barely fit in your everyday bag.

In addition, remember that clutches are still advised to be held in hand, and not worn on a strap. Therefore, if it turns out to be very heavy, you will be elementarily uncomfortable.

Hopefully what are our tips on how to choose a clutch, will help you enrich your wardrobe with this charming little thing that will be used for its intended purpose, and will not get bogged down in the bowels of your wardrobe unclaimed.

A woman's bag is a must-have accessory that emphasizes the style and character of each of its owners. Walking through the streets of the city, you can find a wide variety of bags. Some are different in style and tasteful, some are completely wrong to match the clothes. diplomats, large leather bags, which are especially fashionable for the last several seasons - all these are types of one accessory, united under one word "bag".

But now let's remember about a clutch - a small handbag that can hold the very minimum of necessary things. If a woman is in no hurry to go to work, or the latter is not associated with the need to carry bulky things, then this particular accessory will become a stylish decoration for the chosen outfit.

If you go back a few decades ago, then a clutch was then called a reticule. This type of handbag is surprisingly combined with any clothes, turning an ordinary one into a stylish lady's outfit. However, for this it is necessary to properly treat how the clutch should be in each particular case.

Clutches, like everyday bags, can vary in size and appearance. It all depends on which accessory is intended for. Undoubtedly, the most beautiful clutches are easiest to see at fashion shows, parties and social events. It is there that the design samples are presented, which are literally artistic masterpieces. For such special occasions, they most often embroider with sequins, beads, small beads, flowers. According to generally accepted traditions, to create any pattern, a clutch should be made of burgundy or black material. The combination of such an exquisite accessory with a plain evening dress and well-chosen jewelry will emphasize the image of any woman and turn her into an irresistible lady.

Do not think that being a small accessory, a clutch is very inconvenient. It can be designed with a handle and a thin chain to free your hands when needed. In addition, inside it can be provided with special compartments for cosmetics, a mirror and a mobile phone. But, as a rule, the smallest and most beautiful clutches provide space only for lipstick, a phone and a small ladies' mirror.

Based on the foregoing, the desire to buy a clutch should be taken more seriously, since under one general name small handbags are combined for all occasions. It is also necessary to decide on the material, since the style of the selected handbag will depend on it, and, importantly, its cost. For example, clutches made of python, skins of wild exotic animals, and other things look very elegant and expensive.

Let's consider the most popular models.

Boxing - it is he who is chosen to attend social events and star parties. Simple shapes, small sizes, solid impenetrable body are perfect for any evening dress.

Envelope-has a clasp characteristic of the envelope and can be of different sizes, depending on work and time of day. These python clutches are especially suitable for office dress code and for a party.

Textile clutches- varied in shape and design, but in some cases they can look much more spectacular than their leather competitors.

Particularly noteworthy are the original clutches, on the creation of which many designers are diligently working. Their cost is sometimes striking in the number of zeros, but the product is worth it.

Textile or leather woven fabrics are also great for creating neat little handbags that are perfect for going out, visiting an exhibition or a café.

Summing up, we can say that a clutch is a universal product that must be present in every woman's wardrobe, and preferably not in a single quantity.

A clutch is an undoubted must-have for every girl. If you are about to attend a festive event, then this is a reason to find out on the "Beautiful and Successful" website how to choose a clutch bag for a dress.

But in everyday life there is always a place for a stylish clutch - with a dress for summer walks or for the office, with a mini or maxi, with a modest "little black" or colorful fluffy dress ...

Types of clutches

So, first you need to figure out what a clutch is and what they are.

A clutch is a small handbag, usually a flat rectangular bag (although there are exceptions). The most common clutch models:

  • Clutch envelope. The most traditional option is a rectangular handbag with a triangular or trapezoidal "overlap" on top. There are even quite large ones - those in which you can put a pack of A4 paper. They are worn both on a chain or a strap, or simply in the hands.
  • Convertible clutch. When fully unfolded, it is not a clutch, but a tote bag in the shape of a vertical rectangle. This thing turns into a clutch, bending in half. Good for everyday wear.
  • Clutch box. A small handbag with a rigid frame, usually in the shape of a smoothed parallelepiped. Most often it has a lock on top. Can be worn without a chain. This is a purely evening accessory; such clutches are richly decorated.

How can you combine a clutch bag with a dress?

A common mistake: a clutch - only for an evening dress. This is not so, clutches come in completely different styles: youth, strict business, even for outerwear!

How can you choose a clutch to match the color of your dress?

  • Firstly, there is always a win-win option - a clutch of the same color with shoes. Although this is optional! Combinations of beige shoes + beige clutch, black shoes + black clutch are good with a dress of any color. You can play in contrast - put on shoes and take a clutch in a contrasting color to the dress. But tone-on-tone picking up all three items is not worth it, this is already too much.
  • A clutch bag can be a bright color accent of an image if no more than 2-3 colors (or prints) are used in clothes and shoes. For example, with an azure dress - an orange clutch.
  • A monochromatic dress is a clutch with a print, a dress with a print is matched to a monophonic clutch.
  • A black clutch is suitable for a dress of any color, even with colored shoes. Exceptions are summer dresses in pastel shades. Although with a light dress made of dense fabric, satin, velvet or knitted, a black clutch can be combined very well!

As for the combinations of materials, the site offers the following solutions (although it all depends on specific things):

  • Clutch made of leather, leatherette - for raincoats, coats, classic dresses, suits, jeans.
  • Textile clutches - depending on the color, but they often go to summer chiffon or chintz dresses. The combination of a clutch and a dress from the same fabric (but with different prints) looks good.
  • Woven clutches (artificial straw, etc.) are uniquely for summer dresses made of natural fabrics - cotton, linen.
  • Metal or "metal" clutches - evening.
  • Clutches with sequins, embroidery, etc. - also for evening dresses.

How to choose a clutch for an evening dress?

The more solemn the occasion, the smaller the clutch is. The smallest clutches (the so-called "") are worn with evening and cocktail dresses. How to choose a clutch for an evening dress?

  • Color to color (sometimes “material to material”). Evening sets generally rarely imply multicolor and can only be set off with jewelry, and let the clutch repeat the color of the shoes and dress. At the same time, it is very good that the material of shoes and a clutch (or a clutch and a dress) is identical or similar.
  • Metal, metallic fabric or leather, solid embroidery with silver or golden sequins - these clutches can complement any cocktail or evening dress. The main thing is that they are combined with the metal of the jewelry: either gold or silver. The more expensive the dress, the more expensive the material of the clutch. For example, cheap sequins will not go under aristocratic velvet.
  • Shoes and clutch - black, beige, white, gold or silver. Almost universal set that can be worn under different dresses.

But, of course, it's best to have several clutches of different styles!

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We have already figured out which shoes are suitable for a particular occasion, so there should not be any special questions left here. What is missing? Hairstyles? But you can simply twist your clean hair into a knot, and this hairstyle will be appropriate anywhere. And we lack the most important thing: handbags! Clutch!

Do you remember Carrie Bradshaw from the infamous TV series? Somehow she was upset and, moreover, insulted by a tasteless clutch in the form of a duck in rhinestones, presented by a loved one. Indeed, this detail should not be underestimated, because a wrongly chosen clutch can cross out the whole attitude towards oneself.

The clutch is an accessory, and that says it all. Like the choice of jewelry, like makeup, like shoes, it is an important element of a holistic look. Its functionality is limited, because it can usually only hold a phone, keys, bank card, lipstick and a miniature of a fragrance: but do not put it all in your pockets, although sometimes they are included in dresses? Ladies, remember that you will be holding the clutch in your hands, so a bitten and peeling manicure will be in sight - put your hands in order, otherwise the most luxurious handbag will not save the situation.

Now to the fun part. Remember the rule of our mothers: a handbag, gloves, shoes and a hat must be the same color? Stylists have long been recommending moving away from this, although, of course, the combination of the color of the clutch with shoes is a classic. Now the accessory, worn in the hands, can be combined with a dress, not even in color, but in pattern ... but more on that below.

The basics of the basics.

  1. A strict event requires strictness in everything: the boss's birthday presupposes a “decent” restrained cocktail dress or “case”, so we also select a clutch of strict forms, without unnecessary elements and certainly without a scattering of large rhinestones.
  2. A fluffy skirt in a romantic style? A handbag, a reticule is perfect for him - this way the image will become even softer and lighter.
  3. Do you like tight-fitting models? Bulky bags are not suitable for the "second skin", take a closer look at flat models of the "envelope" type.
  4. Silver, gold and bronze are worn with an evening dress, but not a cocktail dress. The same applies to velvet, suede and fur.

Deal with the form? Moving on to color!

So, if your dress is richly decorated with embroidery, rhinestones or prints, it is best to purchase a plain clutch bag without a handle for it. A bright, noticeable lock is allowed, while a golden clasp is suitable for gold jewelry, and a white one for white metal, respectively. Combining different colors of metal is bad manners. Maybe there will be a bright red rhinestone on the clasp? Then, for example, put on a suitable harness around your neck.

We mentioned that in this case the clutch should be monochromatic: determine which color dominates the dress, and based on this, choose a handbag and, by the way, shoes. You can play on contrast, only for this we recommend arm yourself with a color wheel: colors that are located opposite each other will create a perfect contrast. Avoid close shades - this is also considered bad form.

Always be trendy and stylish: with our tips, you won't get lost! A properly selected clutch will emphasize the beauty of any dress that you can choose in the ESDRESS store!

What can you do for the sake of beauty and fashion - the girls even agree to carry with them " maxi wallet»For the sake of keeping up with fashion trends. Clutch - this is a slightly enlarged wallet or too small a handbag. It fits a maximum of a phone, lipstick, powder and a couple of other oversized women's things. Ladies carry this mini-handbag in their hands and only occasionally can they afford to hang it on their shoulder, if a beautiful chain is provided. This garment has more of a fashionable and stylish accessory than a classic handbag. Like other accessories, the right handbag decorates and complements the ladies' toilet. In order for the combination of a clutch bag with your outfit to be harmonious, you need to know some rules for combining it with various clothes.

Clutches from the world of fashion

This kind of handbags, like a clutch, have been known for several decades. Nevertheless, its relevance not only does not decrease, but also increases in recent years. It is characterized by classic sizes 5x14x20 cm that were used for the first models. Now you can find both much smaller products and rather large clutches. A true lady's wardrobe without such an important item will not be considered complete. These elegant accessories have become a real boon for advanced designers, who eagerly include them in their fashion collections in a huge number of variations. This leaves room for choice and personal preference.

All ladies who regularly go out are always interested in the question, which women's fashion clutches in 2014 are the most popular? Nobody wants to keep up with the demands and trends of fashion. It is quite easy to stay on top of success if you have the most fashionable clutches in your home collection in the amount of several pieces of different sizes and shapes, and you skillfully combine them with your numerous outfits.

It is known that the most demanded materials from which handbags are made are satin, velvet, suede or leather... But at the same time, and fur, and plastic and a variety of textiles. The most universal, of course, remain leather women's clutches , which can be combined with both a black little dress and a luxurious evening dress. Leather also perfectly complements the office style of a business suit. Textile handbags will complement the evening look without excess of officialdom, as well as casual or youth style.

You can buy women's clutches inexpensively on the World Wide Web, finding a good online store with positive reviews and the ability to deliver the product to your city.

With all the variety, handbags can be divided into the following categories :

  • Theatrical
  • Evening
  • Business
  • Everyday
  • Youth
  • Decorative
  • Transformers

The execution of products can be soft and hard. Most of the models are carried in their hands like a wallet, but today a woman's clutch bag over her shoulder is often found in stores. Moreover, it is important to say that clutches of eminent designers are not always super-expensive models, you can buy a female original clutch purse inexpensively on sales, ordering online directly from the manufacturer.

It is worth saying that men's clutch bag also has a right to exist, but it is rather a purse familiar to all of us, only with a more consonant name for the new fashion. The fashion house managed to bring the men's leather clutch into fashion Dolce & gabbana a couple of years ago, and since then, brands such as louis vuitton, Gucci, Salvatore Ferragamo also often include in their collections a men's clutch purse of small sizes, a wallet with a zipper. Looks and men say a lot about him, and if your boss has a Montblanc men's clutch in his arsenal, know that he has impeccable taste and sense of style.

How is it worn correctly: on the shoulder or in the hands?

You need to know how to wear a handbag correctly, and it can be different from model to model. English word clutch translates as “ to grab ”, Which sounds less delicate in Russian. But on the other hand, it becomes clear that, as a rule, such handbags are worn in the hands.

Such an important question as the right choice of a handbag that would not get lost at a party was asked at one time Coco Chanel ... She was a passionate admirer of them. But, suffering from ordinary female forgetfulness, she lost a lot of handbags in different places. But thanks to this problem, models with thin long straps appeared, and today the Chanel women's clutch on a chain is in great demand. And nowadays, they have been supplemented with pieces with short straps in the form of bracelets. Of course, handbags from famous designers are not affordable for everyone, since the price of the original can reach several hundred dollars. However, the beauties belonging to the elite will never think about buying a Chanel clutch or choosing something cheaper. When they see a new model that matches the next outfit, they immediately make a purchase.

If desired, the same subject can be presented in different ways. You can go to the club with clutch without strap, and for an evening visit to the restaurant, it is better to think about how to wear clutch on chain... For shopping, a bracelet strap is attached to the purse, turning it into a roomy wallet.

We select a clutch for clothes

Business suit

A strict clutch wallet will be appropriate for a business suit rectangular ... He will emphasize your business and pragmatic image, a serious look, not allowing you to turn into an overly strict lady. A clutch bag made of lace fabric will look good with a business suit. Such an accessory will play in contrast, focusing the attention of others on the wearer's femininity. Clutch bag must match the color of the suit and may include metal elements (rivets, corners, logos). Stylists recommend choosing a black leather clutch for a classic business suit.

Evening gowns

For an evening dress, you should choose handbag models that look more feminine. These can be models with a hand strap made from fabric with shiny jewelry, sequins, applique or embroidery, lacquered leather clutch will also look elegant and feminine. Quilted, pleated and other elegant models are also suitable from fabric of equal density and preferably monochromatic. For an evening dress, you can buy a black suede clutch, decorated with lurex.

Models with fur and fringe complement the evening dress, and evening clutches with rhinestones
silver or golden colors will be an important accent of an evening dress. Evening bags and clutches for an evening dress made of satin or velvet are traditionally associated with luxury, so such models will look exceptionally good in a company with a rich evening dress.

Casual outfits

Cloth clutches are better suited to casual dresses. Handbags with no frills, classic shapes are appropriate here. For fluffy dresses and skirts, the aforementioned bag models are best suited. The model of a strict form is more harmoniously combined with a sheath dress, and for tight dresses it is worth choosing an envelope clutch that matches the color.

Fashionistas who prefer clothes in bright colors are advised to pay attention to the same bright handbags. At the same time, your image should remain harmonious. It is better if the color of the clutch matches the color of the top or bottom of the outfit or, for example, shoes.

Wedding Dress

A romantic-style wedding dress is perfect for a lush wedding dress. lace clutch ... Its color should be in harmony with the shade of the dress. If the wedding dress is decorated with ribbons and flowers, then it is better to have jewelry on the purse as well. When an outfit for the bride is thought over and selected, including a spectacular clutch, then one should not forget that it is she who attracts the main attention at the celebration.

Winter clothes

For winter clothes and fur coats, there are special winter models of handbags made made entirely of fur or decorated with fur elements... They are most often soft and voluminous. Such a winter fur clutch is harmoniously combined with a fur vest. Finding fur products in stores is not easy, but you can order clutch bags inexpensively in the online store - there is a wide selection of materials, styles, colors and prices.

We select a bag for shoes

The bag will complement a woman's outfit if it is successfully matched to the tone of the shoe. High-heeled shoes go well with this accessory. At the same time, don't try to pair your purse with sneakers.

What you can't wear

Clutches do not go with folk style clothes, not appropriate their combination and with sportswear, regardless of its style, materials and finishes. A handbag with clothes of similar colors looks quite vulgar, for example, a pink dress with a red clutch. It will be correct if the color of the handbag is contrasting or, conversely, completely coincides with the color of the outfit.

We select a handbag by color

One-color outfit and clutch combinations

It has recently become very fashionable to keep a single color in clothes and accessories. Of course, this also applies to handbags, which famous designers recommend choosing the same shade with the dress. It does not at all follow from this that the image being created should not contain any other shade, but it should only be a barely eye-catching bright stroke, nothing more. In this interpretation of the toilet, a stylish clutch becomes a consonant element of a single outfit. It is very easy to buy a clutch bag in Kiev of the required color, because many shops of fashion houses have opened in the capital, where the creations of fashion designers who know a lot about today's fashionable colors are put up for sale. Moreover, you can even buy a leather clutch inexpensively if you get on sale of the collections of previous seasons, or you just successfully get a discount on the purchase of a clutch, as the second item on the check (believe me, this also happens).

If you use one dominant color and one or several shades contrasting with it, then with such a performance of the ensemble, the handbag again will not become an independent accessory. Whatever the color of the dress itself, fashion designers are looking for its perfect reflection in a handbag, creating the illusion that it is made of identical material... This idea especially inspired the creators of one of the collections, who perfectly matched the red, black and white and even mint color of dresses with impeccable clutches, repeating even the most complex tone in small details. Moreover, the shoes, which follow the general shade of the outfit, did not stand aside. When looking for an evening dress, try to go to those stores where, in addition to clothes, there are also accessories - for sure there you will find a handbag that matches the color and shape, and then you will no longer have to puzzle over where to buy a women's clutch in Moscow.

Evening options are also welcome monochrome ... Richly decorated long dresses are alien to unnecessary colorfulness. A handbag that complements such an evening decoration should play a single party with it, attracting attention to itself with only small details. The ideal clutch should be small enough to fit in the hand, and at the same time rigid, made, for example, of plastic covered with smooth fabric or hardware. The handle will be superfluous for him, since it will be discordant with a long dress. Such an accessory, decorated with beads, rhinestones or a shiny metal clasp, will be beautiful in itself, without, however, getting out of a thoughtful look.

High-end color

As a rule, the biggest problem is choosing the right accessory for short or long dresses decorated with intricate patterns or ornaments. After many experiments, most of the designers agreed that it is more appropriate and a win-win simple option here: it fits perfectly with the full ensemble. plain clutch , weathered in the dominant color of the dress ... This rule holds true when using shoes, both with graceful heels and with flat soles. The old rule, requiring the obligatory combination of the color of shoes and a clutch, is again in demand by fashion designers and returned not only to the catwalks, but also to real life.

Agree - a black leather clutch is suitable for all girls, so in order not to overpay huge amounts in fashion stores, you can simply buy clutches in bulk in Moscow, and you can do this without leaving your home. You just need to get together with the girls at the computer, go to the online store of inexpensive clutches, see a photo of a suitable clutch bag, and make a bulk order. Believe me - leather clutches in an online store will cost much cheaper than in the nearest boutique, besides, you have no time limit at home - look at different models, admire the variety of colors and shapes and make your own. And do not think that the same cheap clutches bought in bulk cannot be worn by girlfriends, because each of you can decorate this accessory in your own way (some with sequins, some with Swarovski crystals, and some may even complement it with embroidery).

When are printed handbags appropriate?

A hard or soft handbag with an elegantly applied pattern looks beautiful. But such an item will not look good at all with every dress. A more affordable and simple option is a solid color dress that perfectly complements a black and white clutch. Rigid clutches with long chains, complementing bright outfits, seem to be a more complicated solution. The silvery dress, which has a sophisticated finish, is perfectly complemented by a black clutch with asymmetrically scattered white strokes. The intricate print of the outfit is sure to carry over to the handbag. making the ensemble harmonious. A sense of proportion is very important here, because with complex combinations it is very easy to overdo it, unnecessarily burdening the image. Patterns of the same type or repeating patterns only work well on short cocktail dresses that require a bright yet harmonious look.

Contrasting pairing ideas

One of the old and tried-and-true tricks for diversifying your look is to use contrasting colors. Even a boring outfit, equipped with accessories that are not very bright, however, with strongly contrasting colors, takes on a completely different look. The designers decided to develop this theme in more detail, using a light background in casual and evening dresses. Many of them found the perfect combination of a black clutch bag with any light or just white dress. This classic combination does not require dilution with dark details at all. For example, for a closed, but light gray-blue dress, an original addition will be a rich red-burgundy clutch or a red suede clutch. When buying a bright mini-handbag, you should not bother yourself with what to wear a red lacquer clutch - you can put on a plain bright or monochrome outfit, bright red shoes and pick up such a defiant clutch, and your image will be elegant and irresistible.

As you can see, the variety of options for a harmonious combination of a clutch bag with a dress and shoes is incredibly great. Correctly navigating this variety, any girl or woman can easily decide how to choose the right clutch bag for her favorite dress. Knowing the intended purpose, you can create amazing ensembles with skillful combinations, where the handbag will be either a bright accessory that catches the eye, or an integral part of your image.