Brand name on gold items. Assay supervision inspection code. Metric classification

Branding jewelry

Until recently, the necessity of branding the jewelry industry was obligatory, however, a bill was proposed to the State Duma, which provides for the abolition of branding in the Assay Office. How will things now stand on this issue?

Now branding can be done in private assay offices, but they must be accredited by the Ministry of Economic Development. These are not all the changes awaiting jewelers in Russia.

The amendments to this bill provide for a complete exemption from the application of a stamp on jewelry that was produced for export. It was proposed to cancel samples on items made of silver, the weight of which does not exceed 3 grams.

At the moment, all Russian manufacturers must stamp their products in the assay office. Private jewelers pay the state duty, which ranges from 17-45 rubles for one manufactured product. The sample installation period, as well as its verification for each product, is 10 days. It is provided for by the current legislation. However, as practice shows, very often this period is delayed up to one month.

From the side of jewelers there are proposals for the creation of small private laboratories for checking and stamping items made of precious metals. In practice, it will not be possible to achieve a large number of such laboratories. The reason for this is the high cost of organizing such an institution. Only large manufacturing plants and factories can afford such expenses. After passing the accreditation, each laboratory will receive an individual code that will be applied to each test item. This will help in cases of violations to bring an incompetent laboratory to justice. It is proposed to punish such unscrupulous institutions with fines. The amount of fines is not high enough, 30-50 thousand rubles.

For export jewelery, it is suggested that no hallmarks be affixed as they do not meet the standards of other countries. And Russian manufacturers do not have the opportunity to produce products with the required brands of foreign customers, since this is prohibited by law.

Many analysts oppose this bill, as they believe that it will negatively affect the quality of manufactured products. However, more experts support these changes. Organization of your own laboratories will help to avoid huge costs for large factories and plants. It is also believed that this procedure can reduce the price of jewelry by 1.5 - 2%. This is good news for the Russian consumer.

The jewelry business should not provide for poor quality products, as people go to buy jewelry at additional costs. After all, after the purchase, the consumer can double-check the quality of the purchased product from reputable organizations, and if it does not correspond to the declared quality, then the manufacturer may get into trouble, which will lead to mass litigation.

As for silver items and their branding, taking into account the cost of silver in relation to other precious metals, the application of samples to items that do not exceed 3 grams is absolutely not cost-effective. The production of such jewelry is unprofitable for manufacturers, and its purchase, accordingly, is not profitable for the consumer, since the application of the brand increases the price of small items by about two times.

In general, the fate of this bill is not yet known, but something will definitely be done in the near future.

The sale of items made of precious metals and precious stones is carried out only if there are imprints on them of the names of manufacturers and imprints of the state assay marks of the Russian Federation. Foreign-made products imported from abroad must also have imprints of the state assay marks of the Russian Federation.

Certain types of jewelry and other household items made of precious metals and precious stones, which, in accordance with the current legislation, are not subject to the state hallmark of the Russian Federation, but are intended for sale, must have a quality certificate.

Testing and branding of jewelry and other household items made of precious metals in the Russian Federation is carried out by the Russian State Assay Office under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The sale of jewelry and other household items made of precious metals that do not correspond to any of the established samples is not allowed.

Brands for different precious metals have a different shape, but each must have an identification mark (since 1994 - the profile of a woman's head in a kokoshnik, turned to the right), a digital designation of the alloy sample and the code of the state inspection of assay supervision in the form of a letter, dot or oblique line. The presence of this mark on items made of precious metal alloys indicates the conformity of the alloy to the specified standard. The stamp in the form of a spatula is used for branding jewelry made of gold alloys; in the form of a polyhedron - for branding jewelry made of platinum alloys; in the form of a barrel - for branding jewelry made of silver alloys; in the form of a truncated oval - for branding jewelry made of palladium alloys.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs that manufacture jewelry from precious metals are required to have names registered with the territorial inspections of assay supervision and to put their impressions on the products they produce.

For example, the first sign of the 2000 name was a letter denoting the code of the state inspection, in the area of ​​operation of which the manufacturer is located, the second sign of the name was the number "0". The next two characters (letters) indicated the manufacturer's code. The last sign was the dot at the top.

Since 2001, the cipher of the nameplate is a combination of four letters of the Russian alphabet. The first character of the name-list should be the initial capital (capital) letter of the Russian alphabet - "A", which is the cipher of the first year of the third millennium. The letters of the Russian alphabet "B", "C", "D" are ciphers of 2002, 2003, 2004, respectively. The second sign of the nameplate is the capital letter of the Russian alphabet, which is the code of the state inspection, in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bwhich the manufacturer is located. The next two characters - uppercase letters of the Russian alphabet - are the manufacturer's code. All signs of the nameplate must be enclosed in a single contour, the shape of which is independently determined by the state assay supervision.

According to the state assay marks and the nameplate on the product, it is possible to determine the alloy fineness, the type of precious metal, the year of manufacture of the product, the enterprise-the manufacturer and the regional state inspection of assay supervision, which branded this product.

All jewelry made of precious metals and stones must have all-Russian articles of letters and numbers.

In commercial practice, an article is used to specify the type of product, indicating its alphabetic or numerical designation. With regard to jewelry, the first number of the article means the type of product, the second number of the article means the material of the article; the third digit of the article is the presence of an insert; the fourth digit of the article is the model number of the product.

Jewelry tests and hallmarks

The breakdown of jewelry is called the quantitative content of the metal in the alloy (i.e. how much pure precious metal is contained in 1000 units of the alloy that you hold in your hand). For example - a chain weighing 1 kg, having a fineness of 585, contains 585 grams of pure gold! The rest is copper, silver and so on. to taste. (415 grams). The stigma put by the Assay Office in Russia (and not the master himself, as some think), confirms that you are holding in your hand the item of 585 assay, in which 585 parts of pure (999 assay) gold are exactly. The master (or company) puts his own nameplate on the product, on which symbols that are of little importance to the buyer are displayed. (On new, recently manufactured products, the first letter of the nameplate is important - it means the year of manufacture: A - 2001, B - 2002 ... F - absent, Z - 2007, the second letter "M" - Moscow, further letters - the code of the master or firm).

It is very important to know! When buying jewelry, be sure to make sure that there are two brands - the nameplate and the sample. They should be clearly printed and the nameplate should be located only to the left or above the sample. The absence of a nameplate in the presence of a sample may mean the following:

1. The sample is fake and the metal is not precious - the worst option that was encountered in the old days.

2. The sample is fake, but the metal corresponds to the declared sample - a very common variant, which means that the workshop is working “in the dark”.

3. The sample is real, the product was brought from abroad and has some kind of foreign stamp (which is easy to read), then our (Russian) may not exist. This is all right. Of course, you can run into a product where both the nameplate and the sample will look like a real one, and the metal will be fake or covered with a thin layer of precious metal - to avoid this, you need to closely communicate with the seller and take all the necessary sales receipts and certificates from him. It is also a good idea to consider the nameplate and the sample with a strong magnifying glass yourself. Keep in mind that some imported gilded items have a stamp showing the sample of this particular gilding (coating), and not of what the item is made of. In Russia, a sample is not put on such products. These jewelry can be very expensive and can be confusing to the buyer as to what they are made of.

Imported jewelry (not branded in Russia) has so-called “carat” samples (see the table of translations below). Experience shows that these products are very rarely counterfeit (i.e. made of fake metal), however, the precious metal itself (gold) may be of such a composition that with the same 585 fineness (14 carats) it has a melting point close to the melting temperature of the lowest-melting solder. This creates great difficulties during repairs, and an inexperienced jeweler can ruin the product.

The following can be said about the counterfeiting of silver items: these items are extremely rarely counterfeited, because the cost of silver is not high, and even if there is a false test or just numbers like “916” or “925”, without any nameplate - this, in the overwhelming majority of cases, can be believed. Sometimes items made of base metals are silver, and the owner thinks that the whole item is silver (often this refers to cupronickel cutlery).

Nowadays, many silver items made in large quantities are coated with rhodium or pure silver to prevent tarnishing. This is very good, but if the product is repaired, the coating may come off and the thing will shine less intensely, stains will appear. The coverage will have to be restored. Until 1927, a spool sample existed in Russia. I have not seen fakes of products with a spool sample (although, of course, there are some). The sample denomination is easily converted into a modern one according to the table. Try not to buy jewelry hand-held, especially from strangers! In this case, I recommend, together with the seller, go to the nearest pawnshop and try to hand over the product on bail. If it is accepted, ask the receptionist if the sample is real and what is the nameplate. After that, refuse the deposit under the pretext that “you have to think about it” and decide with the purchase.

What is put on jewelry, what marks and how they are deciphered.

Take any contemporary piece of jewelry, unfold it and see the inside. What did you see there? That's right - some incomprehensible icons and numbers. We will try now to help you with decoding them. So what is applied to jewelry? As a rule, these are at least two hallmarks - the State Assay Mark and the Manufacturer's Mark. Let's consider each of them.

1. The State Assay Mark is applied by the State Assay Supervision Inspections in the form of a special mark. The so-called "trial". It can be applied both mechanically, as in the good old days, in the form of an embossing print, or by newfangled ones - by electrospark and laser methods. This stamp means that this piece of jewelry has been checked by the State Assay Office, the inspection confirms that the sample of the piece is not lower than that indicated on the stamp.

Since 1958, the badge of identification in the Soviet Union was a hammer and sickle against the background of a five-pointed star; since 1994, a badge of identification has been introduced - a woman's head in a kokoshnik in profile, turned to the right. Below are examples of assay marks, depending on the metal and the version of the certificate mark:





Since 1927, the following alloy samples have been established in the Soviet Union on the basis of precious metals:

samples for products made of alloys based on gold - 375, 500, 583, 750, 958;

samples for products made of alloys based on silver -750, 800, 875, 916, 925; 960;

samples for products made of platinum alloys - 950;

samples for products made of palladium alloys - 500, 850.

On foreign jewelry, a test is applied in accordance with the carat, where it is accepted that 1000 metric tests correspond to 24 carats. To calculate the metric sample from the carat, you need to follow the following formula:

K = 24m / 1000 (K-carat, m-metric)

In accordance with this, the most common foreign samples:

18 carats - 750 standard

14 carats - 583 standard

9 carats - 375 standard

Letters before numbers W (White - white gold) Y- (Yellow - yellow gold)

2. The nameplate is an imprint of the manufacturer's brand, it is placed on all jewelry made of precious metals, it must be enclosed in a single contour.

the first character is the year code:

A - 2001

B - 2002

B - 2003

G - 2004

D - 2005

E - 2006

W - 2007

I - 2008

K - 2009

L - 2010

the second character is the code of the assay office where the manufacturer is located:

Assay supervision inspections

Territorial affiliation

The symbol on the stamps


Kostroma region., R / p Krasnoe-on-Volga,



Nizhny Novgorod


East Siberian



Far Eastern







Kaliningrad region, pos. Amber





West Siberian

Novosibirsk city






Moscow region, Bronnitsy









Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug



St. Petersburg



Yekaterinburg city



Moscow city


the last characters are the manufacturer's code

3. A label is a rectangular piece of paper that is an official document. The following sizes are provided for the label: 25x35 and 25x50. The label contains information about the product. Fasten the label with a thread and a seal, the presence of which is required.

The following details are located on the front side of the label:

name and trade mark (trade mark) of the manufacturer;

the legal address of the manufacturer;

product name;

vendor code;

name and fineness of precious metal;

product weight;

price per gram;

product price;

No. OST 117300295 (transfer of this requisite to the reverse side is allowed).

On the back of the label:

size (ring, chain, bracelet);

name of the insert material;

technical characteristics of inserts (if the product contains diamonds and emeralds);

number of technical specifications (for diamonds and emeralds);

OTK stamp;

month and year of manufacture (props are applied if necessary).

According to the law, the manufacturer (seller) is responsible for everything written on the label!

A few words about the formation of the market price for precious metals. It is determined by the price on the London Stock Exchange and is measured in troy ounce (31.1 g) of pure (999.9 fine) metal. The price for today in rubles for 1 gram of pure metal, if interesting, can be found at the bottom of the page. Usually it corresponds to the estimated (purchase) value of gold (in terms of the corresponding sample) in pawnshops and purchases and ranges from 5 to 20 rubles per gram. The selling price of the finished product ranges from the purchase price to infinity (we do not consider the cost of stones in the product). Therefore, if someone offers you to buy a gold product below the purchase price from hands, then the product is either fake, or stolen, or belongs to an unreliable person. In all cases - this is unpleasant and you should think carefully! Also, the buying price of gold in a pawnshop will help you to buy the product correctly from normal people or in a store. Add to the purchase price the trade markups (which can be very high), the rating of the manufacturer and the approximate cost of the stones (inserts).

Like gold, it is not suitable for making jewelry and silverware. This metal is too soft, additives such as zinc, aluminum, copper and cadmium are used to increase the hardness of the alloy. Products with different ratios of base metal and additives must meet certain quality and proportion standards. There is a single system by which they are determined - the sample system. The sample indicates the percentage of c. It is applied to the decoration in the form of an imprint, called a stamp, a stamp on silver must be required.

The craftsmen themselves cannot set the hallmark. To exclude counterfeits, the quality of any product must be approved by the state assay office.

Stamp on silver

After the assay office determines the composition of the alloy, the product is branded. The assay mark has its own form for each country and consists of various contour shapes, drawings, letters and numbers. In our country, the official name of the assay mark is the state assay stamp. It has a fixed form, and the sale of products without is illegal.

Now the standards of the hallmark differ from those that were adopted in the Russian Empire and the USSR. In addition, the assay can vary greatly from country to country and even contain different designation options. Since the products from precious metals brought to Russia must be tested and re-branded, there are special reference books, where all possible types of impressions are indicated. Such literature is also useful for connoisseurs of antiques. This helps them determine what metal the item was made from.

Assay system history

The hallmarks that were placed on silver items from the eighteenth to the early twentieth century indicated their value. From them it was possible to determine when and where the product was made and even what kind of master worked on it. The assay system in Russia was created by Tsar Peter I. There was a special decree for gold, the assay system was called zolotnikovy.

At that time, only the master and the headman had the right to brand products. It was forbidden to sell anything made of precious metal without a stigma. Those who had the right to make impressions were even specially trained for this.

Already in the nineteenth century, special chambers were equipped for the branding of silver and other metals. The impression itself has undergone changes. It began to contain the coat of arms of the city where the item was made, the sign of the inspector (initials) and the fineness of the metal. At that time, a new assaying charter was also adopted, according to which the empire was divided into assay districts, and the brand took the form of a woman's head in a kokoshnik. The stigma also contained the initials of the head of the district and the mark. Since they began to mark the product with an indication of the place where it was made, it became possible to recognize the works of great masters.

Stamp on a silver fork

Types of hallmarks of silver in Russia

Now the most common alloys are 925 and 875 silver. Most often, the hallmarks of silver are in the form of an oval with cut off sides, the image of a woman's head in a kokoshnik, turned to the right. In the lower left corner there is a letter that indicates the place where the product was tested, the numbers on the left indicate the alloy sample. Products can also be branded as follows:

  • The main hallmarks are hallmarks called letters "A", "B", "C", "G". Their presence in the product is sufficient. The stamp of the letter "A" looks like the head of a woman in a kokoshnik in a circle, outside of which the sample may be located. The stamp of the letter "B" has the standard form described above. "C" and "D" - have a similar appearance, corresponding to "A" and "B", except that instead of a woman in a kokoshnik, they depict a five-pointed star with a hammer and sickle inside. Products made of precious metals in the USSR were branded with such impressions. They are not used now.
  • Additional hallmarks include the letters "D", "E", "Ж", "З". They have no independent meaning. By itself, this mark is not enough to determine the quality of the product, the main one should stand next to it. Now only the stamp of the letter "D" is used. It looks like a rectangle with rounded ends, inside which there is a sample designation. The “E” stamp was used to mark products that did not correspond to the declared sample. The other two have been used previously.
  • Another form of the main stamp of the letter "B" designates products intended for sending abroad. They differ from the main one in that instead of a woman in a kokoshnik, they depict a ship. enough.
  • Products can also be branded with combined assay marks. They combine the main brand with the manufacturer's "name". The stamp - "name", or the stamp of the master, indicates, in addition to the region where the product is tested, to the manufacturer himself.
  • By the 50th anniversary of October, a temporary stigma was introduced, dedicated to the anniversary in honor of the conquerors of space, it was in effect for two months in 1967.
  • Until 1994, for church items it was allowed to use only the stamp of the letter "D", without the main one.
  • Until 1997, medals and coins were branded with letters denoting the precious metal in accordance with chemical designations, with a sample next to it. If items have no artistic value, they are now branded in accordance with generally accepted standards.
  • There are several sampling systems. Now the metric is used, but until the twentieth century, the spool valve was used.

The stigma can be applied in several different ways. Most often it is applied mechanically. But if the product is thin or especially expensive, the laser type of application can be used. Since items made of precious metals are subject to abrasion, it is necessary to be especially careful with jewelry with laser markings. If exposed to constant mechanical stress, the sample may wear off.

Assay systems used around the world

In our country, the metric assay system is currently used. It shows the number of thousandths of a pure metal. If this value is divided by 10, you can get its percentage. For example, 585 gold will be 58.5%, and 925 silver will be 92.5%.

The karat system is used in many countries of the world. Most European countries and America use it. The pure metal has a fineness of 24 carats. If the alloy contains only half of it, then such a product will have a fineness of 12 carats. You can calculate the metric sample from the carat sample using the formula k * m / 1000, where k is the sample in carats, m is the metric sample.

Depending on the sample

In tsarist Russia, a spool sample was used. The spool was a weight measure that was equal to 1/96 of the Russian pound, approximately four grams.

Branding of coated products

In this case, silver can be either the base metal or act as a coating. In the first case, the product is most often covered with gold. Then two tests are put: the first - the base alloy and the second - the alloy with which the decoration is covered.

Cutlery is most often covered with silver. This was especially widespread in the USSR. Then, in parallel with the metal breakdown, the marking of the base alloy was placed. At this time, the following designations were adopted:

  • MN - cupronickel. Sometimes the designation MELKH was also encountered.
  • MSC - Neisilberg.
  • AL - aluminum.
  • NERZH - stainless steel.

In old antiques, the following was also encountered: only a sample of the coating was put, without the designation of the main alloy. This is quite dangerous, as it is possible to mistake a silver-plated item for one made of pure metal.

The following silver alloys are subject to branding all over the world:

  • 800 sample. Composition - 80% silver, the rest is copper. It quickly oxidizes and has a pronounced yellowish tint. 830 sample has characteristics similar to the previous one.
  • Fineness 875. Contains 87.5% silver. It is very often used for making tableware and decorations.
  • The 925 test is the most common. It has an optimal price-quality ratio. Possesses high anti-corrosion properties and does not have a yellow tint. Very easy to reshape. It is mainly used for jewelry.
  • 960 assay value is used by artists when working with enamel, as well as for jewelry, especially abroad.

Chronology of the use of samples in our state

  • Since 1899, on the basis of the newly introduced charter, an assay was established in the form of a woman's head in a kokoshnik, only still turned to the left, and a test in a spool system.
  • In 1908, the head was already turned to the right, and a letter was added to the brand with the designation of the assay district to which the product belonged; the sample was still spool.
  • In 1927, a new brand was introduced in the Soviet Union: it depicted the head of a worker with a hammer. And also a new system of samples was introduced - the same that is used now, metric. The assay district was still designated by the letter of the Greek alphabet.
  • In 1958, imprints were introduced depicting a star with a hammer and sickle. The letter of the Greek alphabet was replaced with the letter - Russian.
  • The prints acquired their modern look in 1994, but went along with the old ones until April 2002.

And although silver in the form of jewelry is rarely used as an investment, it is still worth paying attention to the brand when buying it. Especially if jewelry and cutlery are bought from hands, which is not recommended. It is possible to forge a sample, but it is difficult and dangerous. Therefore, it can be considered a sufficient guarantee of the quality of the metal.

How to check when buying a precious piece of jewelry for authenticity and compliance with the declared properties - the sample of the precious metal and the manufacturer? How to decipher the assay mark on a ringlet or earrings? And another question - what markings must be on a real piece of jewelry and where can you find them right away?

State assay mark

There is a heart of pure gold in Stas Mikhailov's repertoire (and even then as a metaphor), but not a precious coin and not a piece of jewelry. Gold and silver gizmos are durable and durable only due to the fact that they are made from alloys. True, the share of silver or gold in them often exceeds 95%.
The content of precious metal in products is called a breakdown. It is designated by a three-digit number, since it expresses the mass in 1000 parts of the alloy.
Sample control is the prerogative of the state. All jewelry sold or sold in Russia - whether it is domestically produced or imported - is marked with a hallmark.
Marking is not placed on:

  • coins that have passed the issue;
  • nuggets used in jewelry;
  • state awards;
  • gold leaf and silver;
  • small notches with precious metal on caskets, vases and other valuable items.

In Russia, a certain list of samples of jewelry is valid:

    375, 500, 583, 750 and 958 - for gold;

    750, 800, 875, 916, 925 and 960 - silver;

    950 - platinum;

    500 and 850 - palladium.

Deciphering the hallmark

The assay mark is made up of two designations, which can be located either side by side or separately:

  1. the identity badge of our state is either a Soviet hammer and sickle in front and a star with five ends in the background, which are still relevant as an assay mark, or the profile of a woman in a kokoshnik, unfolded to the right;
  2. test sign.


1 - Code of the state inspection of assay supervision
2 - Assay certificate mark
3 - Numerical designation of a sample of precious metal

Sketches of the hallmark on gold:

Silver assay clem sketches:

Name of the jewelry factory

The manufacturer's labeling (jewelry) must also be applied to jewelry. He is:

  • sign identifying the jeweler (company or individual entrepreneur);
  • designation of the year of manufacture.

Jewelry names are updated (in each new year), approved and registered by the Assay Office.
The plant's nameplate symbols are applied only side by side - placed in one outline.
Both markings are usually visible if they are

  • the ring is inside;
  • pendant - outside;
  • earring, chain - with a clasp.

The year of release (marking) on ​​the nameplate since 2001 is indicated by the first letter. For example, 2005 is the fifth letter of the alphabet "D".
The second letter indicates the location of the jewelry production.
And the following characters are the manufacturer's code. Following the recommendations of the Assay Office, jewelers use one or two Russian letters.

Decoding of the name

1 - code of the year
2 - code of the State Inspection of Assay Supervision, in the area of ​​operation of which the manufacturer is located
3 - manufacturer's code

decoding by year: A - 2001, B - 2002, C - 2003, D - 2004, E - 2005, E - 2006, H - 2007, I - 2008

The second indicates the inspection of the assay area: L - North-West (no change)

Assay supervision inspections


Ciphers on stamps

1. Verkhne-Volzhskaya

r / p Krasnoe-on-Volga, Kostroma region

2. Volgo-Vyatka

Nizhny Novgorod

3. East Siberian


4. Far Eastern


5. Donskaya


6. Western

pos. Yantarny, Kaliningrad region

7. Transbaikal


8. West Siberian

Novosibirsk city

9. Povolzhskaya

10. Podmoskovnaya

Bronnitsy, Moscow region

11. Caspian



13. North

Veliky Ustyug, Vologda region

14. Northwest

St. Petersburg

15. Ural

Yekaterinburg city

16. Central

Moscow city

The last characters identify the manufacturer (no change)

As you can see, by the nameplate and the assay mark you can really find out what any product intended for sale in Russia is.

A stigma in jewelry can sometimes tell a lot more than other consultants in a salon ... but only if you are savvy in this matter. Often, branding jewelry is something that can tell not only what kind of metal is in front of you, but also who made the jewelry, how long ago it was made and how long it will live.

Jewelry Samples: What Should a Buyer Know?
6 answers to important questions

A stigma in jewelry can sometimes tell a lot more than other consultants in a salon ... but only if you are savvy in this matter. Often, branding jewelry is something that can tell not only what kind of metal is in front of you, but also who made the jewelry, how long ago it was made and how long it will live.

Check the brand on the ring if you want it to serve you faithfully: after all, under the guise of a gold ring, suspicious stores can sell silver with gilding, which will soon peel off, revealing the real composition of the metal.

Since branding of jewelry made of precious metals is a mandatory procedure in Russia, Europe and Asia, the absence of a stamp in the right place should serve as a serious warning. By the way, all jewelry in our store has markings!

Question number 1. "Where do they put the brand on the earrings,
chains, pendants, bracelets? "

According to international rules, assaying and branding of jewelry should not affect their appearance... Therefore, the stamp can be placed only on the reverse side of jewelry, fasteners, or, if we are talking about products made of thin parts, on a special soldered plate of the same metal.