Summary of OD on the development of speech and preparation for teaching literacy in the senior group on the topic: "Air transport". Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory speech therapy group on the topic "Transport

Reinforce children's perception of vehicles.

  • Consolidate knowledge of the names of individual modes of transport and their location (water, sky, earth).
  • Develop the general speech skills of children, exercise in the coordination of speech with movement.
  • Develop thinking, teach riddles to guess.
  • Develop the ability to play in a team.
  • Promote the development of prolonged smooth speech exhalation.
  • Be able to create a plot composition.

Preliminary work.

Conversations on the topic "Transport" (train, car, plane, ship), examining illustrations, repetition of A. Barto's poems "Airplane", "Ship", drawing "Rails for a train", applications "Car", "Ship", modeling "Airplane".


A toy hare, themed toys and handouts on the topic "Transport", a bowl of water and paper boats, a sheet with the image of clouds, waves, roads.

Course of the lesson

Organizing time.

Vospe: Guys, what a wonderful morning. Guests came to our class. Let's smile at the guests and say hello.

Children: Hello.

Vosp: Now look at me with your eyes.

Hello, the sky is blue! (hands up)

Hello, the sun is golden! (draw a circle with their hands)

Hello, light breeze! (shake hands over head)

Hello little flower! (bend over)

Hello morning, hello day

We are not too lazy to say hello.

Main part.

Vosp: You know, guys, a forest dweller promised to come to visit us.

Guess who it is?

What a forest beast

Got up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass-

Are the ears bigger than the head?

Children: Hare.

Vospe: Right! And here he is (knock on the door), come in, Zayinka, do not be shy.

Hare: Hello guys. How long did it take to get to you. As soon as I got out of the forest onto the road, everything around began to hum, to make noise. Do you know what it was?

Vosp: Guys, we know that we have transport. So let's tell the bunny everything in order. Today we will be traveling by all means of transport.

And on what? - guess the riddle. Listen carefully:

Iron huts

Clung to each other.

One of them with a pipe

Lucky for everyone?

Vosp: What is it?

Children: Train.

Vp: Guys, who will show us the train?

Comes out baby

What is it? (train)

What it is? (pipe)

What it is? (wheels)

How is the train going? (chug-chug)

Which road does the train take? (by rail, on rails)

Vospe: Right. The train travels only on rails. And if the railway is over, will the train go?

Children: No.

Vosp: Here we are now going to go by train.

The teacher invites the children to line up one after another.

You will be trailers, and I will be a locomotive.

The locomotive beeps, the train begins to move.

An outdoor game "Train" is being held.

Chug-chug! Chug-chug!

The train is racing at full speed.

The locomotive hummed and drove the trailers.

Chuh-chu! Chuh-chu!

I will rock you far!

Arrived (hiss: Sh-sh-sh)

Vp: Well done, guys! But the railway is over, which means that the train does not go further, and our journey must continue on a different transport.

Which one? Guess the riddle:

Four wheels, rubber tires,

Motor and brakes

So what is this?

Children: Car.

Vosp: Who will show us the car?

A child comes out.

What is it? (a car)

What does the machine do? (rides)

What kind of car is this? (passenger)

And who does the car carry? (of people)

Where do the cars go? (on the way to)

How do cars honk? (bbc)

What if the car is stuck in a ditch and skidding? (dzzzz-dzzzz, dzhzhzh-dzhzhzh)

Who drives the car? (chauffeur)

Vospe: That's right, chauffeur. Do you want to be chauffeurs? Do we need to go further?

A game from the series "Tell poems with your hands" is being played: "We are chauffeurs."

Children sit on high chairs.

Let's go, let's go by car, (imitate the movements of the steering wheel)

Press the pedal, (the leg is bent, stretched)

Gas turn on, turn off, (turn an imaginary lever)

We look intently into the distance (put palms to forehead)

The wipers clean off the drops - (bend your arms at the elbows in front of you, open your palms, tilt your arms to the right and left)

Right, left - purity,

The wind ruffles my hair. (wiggle fingers overhead)

We are chauffeurs anywhere! (thumbs up)

Vp: Well done, we did everything. Did you guys like being chauffeurs?

Vp: But guys, we drove, we drove, we got to the river. The car will be out of luck further than us.

There is water all around, only water ... (spread your arms to the sides in wave-like movements)

What will we sail there? (fold your palms in the form of a boat)

Children: On the boat.

Vospe: That's right, the ship is also transport.

Who wants to show the boat?

A child comes out.

What is it? (boat)

What does the boat do? (floats)

Where is the sail of the boat?

Where do the ships sail? (on water)

Pay attention to a basin of water and a boat floating in it.

Vosp: Look, the boat is not moving. In order for it to float, it needs a wind, and it will float.

The teacher is blowing on the boat. Invites children to blow too.

Children are blowing on the boat.

Breathing exercise "Breeze".

Vp: Our boat sailed, well done!

We crossed the river. But our journey ends and we have to go back.

But do not pass, do not pass, there are mountains everywhere on the way (interlace your fingers and raise your hands in front of you in the form of a slide). What kind of transportation will help us get over the mountains?

Guess the riddle:

Silver, very fast,

He went flying.

And appeared in the bright, pure sky?

Children: Airplane.

Who will show the plane?

A child comes out.

What is it? (airplane)

And how does the plane hum? (ooh ooh ...)

Show me what wings the plane has.

Where do planes fly? (in the sky)

Vosp: Then let's get on the plane and fly.

A physical minute "Airplane" is being held.

Hands to the sides - forward

Our plane flew


Turned around, turned around

And landed on the ground

Well, here we are back. Our journey is over. What guys did we travel on today?

Children: (train, car, boat, plane).

And how to call all this, in one word?

Children: Transport

On the easel there is a blank for a collective composition: a sheet with clouds representing the sky, waves representing water, a road.

Vosp: Guys, clouds are the sky, waves are water, and there is a road below.

Let's remember with you:

Where do planes fly? (in the sky)

Where do the ships sail? (on water)

Where do the cars go? (on the way to)

Well done, everything is correct. We're talking about transportation today. Look, I have planes, cars, and boats here (shows a picture of a transport). This is transport.

Take one picture at a time and stick it where it should be.

Didactic game "Rides, floats, flies".

Children choose a picture for themselves with the image of a vehicle, attach it to the place where the place corresponding to this particular type of transport is depicted (road, sky with clouds, water).

Well done guys, they did everything.

Lesson summary.

Vosp: Guys, today we had an interesting lesson.

Did you like it? (Yes)

Let's remember what we did today in class? (We traveled, solved riddles, played.)

And you Bunny, did you like traveling with us?

Hare: Yes, I liked it, you are great!

Vosp: You see, Bunny, how much you learned today.

Tell all forest dwellers about transport, what it is, so that they know and are not afraid to come to visit us.

Hare: Okay, I'll definitely tell you. But I came to visit you with a treat.

The bunny distributes candy to the children.

Well, now it's time for me to go home to the forest. Goodbye.

Children: Goodbye, Bunny.

Vosp: So guys, everyone's been doing great today. Well done! Say goodbye to all the guests.

Thank you children and guests for coming to us today!

Software content: to clarify the ideas of children about the variety of vehicles, professions in public transport;

activate the names of vehicles and their parts in speech; to acquaint children with the rules of speech behavior during embarkation and disembarkation and travel in public passenger transport; develop the skills of polite conversation; in the course of the game, achieve automatic implementation in speech; develop auditory attention, memory; enrich the dictionary with polite expressions regarding the situation and age of the speaker; stimulate the application of rules of conduct in passenger public transport.

V. Help the fabulous character get to our kindergarten through the maze.

Here they are, finally! (Shows portraits of fairy-tale heroes.) What delayed you so much on the road? Let's listen to Dunno's story.

Dunno. I was in a hurry to see you. I ran, ran ... I saw the bus I needed and hurried to it. And the bus didn't stop near me ...

V. Guys, where did Dunno have to wait for the bus to get on it? (At the bus stop.) Where do they board the plane? (At the airport.) Where can we take the train? (On the platform of the station.) To the ship? (On the quay of the seaport.) Etc.

Emelya. And I was driven from my stove by an evil uncle in uniform with a striped stick. He shouted that my stove does not slow down at an intersection, that I do not look at any light odds. And I watched! I looked in all directions, but I don't know these "odds"!

V. Oh, Emelya! It is very dangerous to drive like this. Now the guys will tell you about the traffic light. (Answers of children.)
And now we will play the game "Unusual traffic light".

All children - pedestrians (or cars) - line up. An adult marks their way to another part of the room with the movement of his hands, and he himself stands in the middle of the path, he is a traffic light.
"Traffic light" names an object (quality, category), in the presence of which children can safely cross (run over) the road.

For example: "The road is open for those who have yellow in their clothes." Children calmly walk past a traffic light, showing and naming this yellow item: “I have a yellow bow. And I have a yellow button, etc. " The rest of the children are trying to run past the "Traffic Light", and he catches them. Whoever gets caught is a fine: name the item of this color.

  • in the name of which vehicle there is the sound "a";
  • who will name the car part;
  • who will say a polite word, etc.

V. Let's listen to the story of the postman Pechkin.

Pechkin. I really love my bike. But it’s so far to go to you, and it’s still cold on a bike. So I decided to take the bus. At the bus stop he was waiting for him as it should. But they didn’t let me on the bus with my bicycle.

V. Guys, are you familiar with this situation? Why was Pechkin not allowed on the bus? (There are a lot of passengers, the bus is cramped, the bike is big, etc.) What advice can we give him in such a situation? How do people transport their small vehicles - bicycles, kayaks, scooters, etc.? (On the trunk of a car ...)

Absent-minded. And I found the bus stop correctly, got on the bus correctly, but there were many other people, they did not get off at the bus stop where your kindergarten is. So I passed by - I could not get off this bus.

V. What was the Absent-minded person to do in such a situation? (Ask who gets off at the next stop, and ask them to skip to the exit.) How, for example, will you say that, Vanya? And you, Tanechka? Of course, one of the rules of behavior in transport is to prepare in advance for the exit. Drivers and conductors often warn about this.

Absent-minded. I wanted to bring you an interesting game "Different Cars", but I mixed up all their details, and I can't add it myself. Will you help me?

V. Our guys will help you put together all the cars from the parts. (Distributes cut pictures of cars to each child.) Do you know the names of these parts? Tell me, what parts does your car consist of, Kolya?

Pinocchio. And I know what to ask the conductor or the driver when to leave. Only I asked, asked, but they could not answer me.

V. How did you ask?

Pinocchio. At what stop should I go to the children in kindergarten? And they began to tell that you have many kindergartens here in the city, many children ... They all asked some kind of address. I do not have that.

V. Guys, why couldn't the passengers help Pinocchio? What is an address? Do you know the address of your house, our garden? How should you ask?

Winnie the Pooh. And here I am again stuck in the narrow aisles of the bus, like the Rabbit in the hole. Nobody wanted to let me through. And so I turned my paws and that way ... And the passengers began to scold me: "Do not push, do not growl."! How can I get out if I see my stop?

V. Guys, explain to Winnie the Pooh how to get ready for the exit? (Be so kind as to let me go to the exit, please.) Of course, Vinnie, you've completely forgotten the polite words!

Cinderella. Dear Winnie the Pooh! You rode with me in the same bus and puffed and pushed so loudly that I accidentally stepped on the little Dwarf with my crystal slipper. I was very embarrassed. I even forgot how to apologize to him.

V. Don't be sad, Cinderella. We will help you find the expressions you need in this situation. (Listens to several options for children's answers.)

Dwarf. It’s a crystal slipper, but it’s not very pleasant when someone steps on you. But I have forgiven you, Cinderella, long ago. It was also difficult for me to ride this bus. I saw Cheburashka and wanted to call him, tell him a funny story. But he did not hear anything, with his big ears he slapped all the passengers in the face. I just collapsed with laughter.

Cheburashka. Yes, you were funny! You fell from laughter, and I fell from the fact that this bus was jerking all the time forward and backward. And I, too, fell on the passengers first forward, then back ... I wanted to get to you to talk, but so many people stood in the aisle that I had to shout back to you.

V. In my opinion, the passengers did not like your behavior on the bus? Guys, why were the passengers around the Gnome and Cheburashka unhappy? (You must not make noise in public transport, and you must hold on to the handrails while driving.)

Pinocchio. All the seats beside me were occupied, and I wanted to look at the road. I'm interested! So I climbed faster into the seat when it was free. And then this old woman Shapoklyak pushed me away and sat down herself. I never saw my stop.

Shapoklyak. Don't you know, you stupid wooden boy, that old women need to give way in transport ?!

Pinocchio. Well, I can't see the road!

V. Calm down, please, dear guests! Do not swear. Now the guys and I will discuss this difficult, but very common situation. Guys, who do you think is right? (Both are right and both are wrong.)

Who in such situations gives up a seat to whom?

Let's play Bus. (Children sit on high chairs arranged in the shape of a bus.) Who will be the driver? What will you do? Who is the conductor? You help passengers to take seats, purchase and validate a ticket, find the desired stop.

V. Our fairytale heroes go back to their fairy tales. What do you remember most from meeting them? Let's say goodbye to them politely.

Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech in the second junior group

On the topic: "Transport"



Summarize knowledge on the topic "Transport",

To form the ability to form adjectives from nouns,

Improve the sound culture of speech,


Develop logical thinking, speech,

Hand motility.


Foster discipline, a sense of responsibility for what is happening, friendliness.

Dictionary activation:

Airplane, helicopter, car, boat, bicycle, etc., on land, on water, in the air, etc., small, metal, rubber, etc., signal, traffic light, pedestrian, driver, pedestrian crossing, transport, etc.


Subject pictures on the theme "Transport", 2 individual cards for tracing and shading (boat, car, plane; "Traffic lights", layout of the road section and attributes for it (small cars, toys, traffic lights).

Preliminary work:

Conducting conversations about traffic rules, road signs, traffic lights.


1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Listen to riddles and guess them:

What kind of bird is this: does not sing songs,

Nests are not twisted, people and cargo are lucky. (Airplane.)

Without acceleration, it soars up,

Reminds a dragonfly,

Goes flying

Our Russian ... (Helicopter.)

Swam on the water

And she took us with her. (A boat.)

This horse does not eat oats,

There are two wheels instead of legs.

Sit astride and ride it

Only better drive. (Bike.)

The teacher shows a picture for each answer.

2. Didactic games and exercises.

1) Show and name.

The teacher shows pictures depicting types of transport, specifies their components, purpose. Then he gives each child a picture of one type of transport and explains the rules of the game.

Educator: I will talk about a car, a boat or an airplane. If this vehicle is in your picture, pick it up and name it.

2) "Continue sentences."

The train goes on rails, and the bus goes on (ground).

The tram is big and the bike is (small).

An airplane flies across the sky, and a steamer floats on (water).

The bus goes, and the plane (flies).

3) “What, what? ".

Metal door; she (what) is metal.

Rubber wheels; they (what) - ...

Oars made of wood; they (what) - ...

4) "What we hear, we repeat."

Educator: The streets are noisy from traffic. Let's remember and pronounce the sounds that we hear:

Car tires rustle along the road: Ш - Ш - Ш.

The car got stuck in a ditch and skidded: DZZZ - DZZZ, DZZZH - DZZZH.

The pilot starts the aircraft engine: R - R - R - R - R.

The plane flew: U-U-U.

They start a motorcycle, and it crackles louder and faster: D-D-D, D-D-D.

Children begin to pronounce slowly at first, and then with acceleration.

A train is passing by: CHUKH - CHUKH - CHUKH - CHUKH.

Fiekultminutka "Pilot and planes".

At the command of the educator, "the motors start up" - the children pronounce "r - r - r - r" as they exhale, hold the "steering wheel" and take off "w - w - w - w". arms spread like wings and turn on bends - "y - y - y - y", "planes" circle and land on landing - "wow - wow - wow" (children squat).

5) "Circle and color."

Children on an individual piece of paper circle the boat (plane, car, etc.) and paint it.

6) "Color the traffic lights."

Children, modeled on the teacher, paint one window at each traffic light with yellow, red or green.

3. Conversation "Traffic signals".

Educator: Where are the cars moving? (On the way to.)

What cars have you seen?

Why do cars stop? (For people to cross the road.)

When do cars stop? (When drivers see a red traffic light.)

What color are the traffic lights? (Yellow, red, green.)

What traffic signal can people cross the road to?

What do the rest of the traffic lights mean?

The teacher demonstrates the plot pictures.

4. Outcome of the lesson.

Educator: What kind of transport do you know?

Where can he move?

What games did we play? What did you paint?

What signals does a traffic light have?

Gracheva E.A., teacher speech therapist.

Correctional educational:

  1. Consolidation of the vocabulary and knowledge of children on the topic "Transport".
  2. Clarify the concepts of various types of transport (land, water, air, underground, railway), as well as the names of some professions in this area, consolidate the knowledge of children about the details of transport.
  3. Acquaintance of children with new words (airfield, astronaut, starship; pier, port; railway station; fiberglass).

4. Continue to teach:

Correctly use the comparative degree of adjectives,

Form adjectives from nouns,

- form verbs in an affix way,

Make misspelled sentences

Precise use of prepositions

  1. Continue to teach children to compose a descriptive story according to the algorithm (scheme).

Correctional and developmental:

  1. Development of visual and auditory attention and memory, phonemic processes (syllabic structure and syllabic analysis)
  2. Logical thinking.
  3. Development of constructive praxis.
  4. Development of tempo-rhythmic components.
  5. Development of articulatory, fine and general motor skills, directed air jet.

Correctional and educational:

  1. Fostering interest in professions in transport, respect for them.
  2. Formation of skills of cooperation, a sense of camaraderie, benevolence, mutual understanding.

Preliminary work: conducting preliminary exercises on the development of speech and the surrounding world on the topic "Transport", learning poems on the topic, looking at books and illustrations on the topic, guessing riddles, playing role-playing, board-printed games on this topic, exercises in constructive praxis.

Equipment: table mirrors, pictures with various types of transport, threads for marking runways, paper airplanes, soft modules and cards with diagrams for making aircraft and rocket models, a piece of cloth depicting the sea (river), origami models of yachts, ships, steamers, boats , skipping ropes for depicting rails, numbers with fastenings for carriages, small toy cars, a track for the game “We went and went”, garages, a large toy truck, an algorithm for a descriptive story, a disc with musical excerpts.

Course of the lesson

1.Organizing time.

Speech therapist: What are we going to do today?

Children: As always, we will try,

Listen attentively,

Don't be afraid to answer.

Psychological attitude.

If you think

Before answering,

Then everything will be clear to you, children.

Articulatory gymnastics.

Conjugate repetition of children with a speech therapist:

To speak clearly and beautifully

Clean and unhurried

We need to try

Practice exercises for the tongue and lips.

Let's imagine that our mouth is the garage, our lips are the garage door, our teeth are the garage lock, and our tongue is the car.

Let's show how tightly the garage is locked (grinning teeth),

The lock on the control panel opens and closes (teeth in a grin close and open).

We opened the garage and the lock, we see in the mirror, there is our car.

Before we leave the garage, what do we need to do?

That's right - start the engine. We start - d-d-d-d-d.

The car drove out of the garage, stopped (exercise "Spatula").

The motor is running - d-d-d-d-rrrrrrrrr.

And she drove through the streets: first she turned left, then turned right, etc. (the tongue moves from one corner of the lips to another, lips in a smile, the lower jaw is motionless).

Up the hill ... (drove in), down ... (moved out) and again ... (3 times the tongue moves up to the lips, down to the chin, lips in a smile, the lower jaw is motionless).

A car arrived at a gas station. For what? To fill up with gasoline.

We open the fuel tank near the car (exercise "Pipe"), pour gasoline there (drawing in air along the tongue rolled up with a groove).

The car is filled, you can go.

2. Message of the topic.

Our tongues were in the role of machines, and you probably guessed what will be discussed today in the lesson?

Yes, about transport.

We will continue to learn to separate it into different types, learn new words related to transport, make sentences and stories about transport.

3. Securing the passed material (air, ground, underground, water, railway, passenger, cargo, passenger)

Pictures are posted, the game "Find an extra picture", explain why.

Boat, bike, motor ship

Tram, trolleybus, truck

Minibus taxi, passenger car, subway train

Airplane, helicopter, steamer

Train, electric train, boat

Taxi, bus, train

3. Presentation of new material.

What is the main job of transport? (Carries goods and passengers, and special transport helps people of different professions). Today we have a journey, we will move on an imaginary vehicle.

On the blackboard pictures - an airplane, a steamer, a train, a passenger car

What type of transport does the plane belong to? (To an air mode of transport. What profession is needed to fly an airplane? (Pilot). So, what are we going to become now? (Pilots).

We board our imaginary planes. We start the motors (Rrrrrrr). Spread their wings, flew. (Uuuuuuuuuu).

See how many planes there are? Where did we arrive? (To the airfield).

I wonder which airfield we arrived at? You know? And I don’t know, I see a note, read it and, probably, find out where we got to.

I read a deformed sentence (Arrived, Moscow, at, airfield, you)

Development of the force and direction of the air jet.

Choose your own paper airplane. We will send them flying by the force of an air jet, each along its own path, because at the airport there must be a strict order, each plane takes off only in its own runway. Let's see whose plane will fly further.

Guys, you probably know that there is such a profession - astronaut. How do astronauts go into space? (On rockets). Right. And to get to distant planets and stars you need starship... Why do you think it is called that?

The place where rockets and starships are stationed, where they are being prepared for flight is called…. Who knows how? (Cosmodrome).

Constructive prakis. Drawing up a volumetric figure (soft modules) according to the pattern on the card.

We will now split into two teams. One team will be pilots and will build an airplane on the model, and the other will be astronauts and will build ... (Rocket). Let's get started.

Game “Finish the sentence)

Let's compare an airplane and a rocket.

The plane is flying high, and the rocket ... (above).

The plane flies quickly, and the rocket ...

The plane is flying powerful, and the rocket ...

The plane is flying big, and the rocket ...

The plane is flying heavy, and the rocket ...

The plane flies spacious, and the rocket ...

The plane is flying long, and the rocket ...

The plane flies far, and the rocket ...

Let's look at the board. Name the next mode of transport. (Steamer). What type of transport does it belong to? (To the water). Who swims, works on the ship? (Sailors). Who is the most important on the ship? (Captain).

The ship has the main parts - bow, stern, sides. Let's all draw a ship together, I will be the captain.

If I say left hand drive, what should I do? (Turn left). - If I say the right rudder, what should I do? (Turn right). If I say - full speed ahead, what should I do? (Swim forward). The steamer departs. We give a signal, buzz (Oooooooo)

On the floor is a piece of blue cloth depicting a river, a “pier” with two boats, then a “port” with paper yachts, steamers, boats.

You and I ended up at the river.

- What do we see? (Boats, yachts, steamers). The place where water transport moors in small quantities is called pier, and if there are many of these ships and they are large, then this place will be called port.

Do you want to know which port we arrived at? Let's find out by reading the note.

Speech therapist reads a deformed sentence (Arrivals, cities, in, Sochi, port, you)

Children make up a sentence, pronounce it in turn.

Exercise "What is it made of, what is it?"

Let's pay attention to the boat.

What is it made of? (From paper). So what is she? (Paper).

If the boat is made of rubber, it will be ...

If the boat is made of metal, it will be ...

If the boat is made of plastic, it will be ...

To make a plastic boat even stronger, glass is added to the plastic and a material is obtained fiberglass, and the boat will turn out ... (fiberglass).

On a magnetic board - a train

Name the next mode of transport on which we will continue our journey. (Train). What type of transport does it belong to? (To the railway).

Why is it called that?

Who runs it? (Driver). The first car in an electric train is called a locomotive, it has a motor that works with electricity, so the whole train and locomotive and the cars that it pulls with it are called an electric train. I will be the driver and the locomotive, and you will be the wagons.

I will give you the carriage numbers. We have numbering from the head of the train.

You stand between the locomotive and the second carriage, what kind of carriage will you be? (First).

You will be the second car. Where do you belong? (Behind the first car). How else can you say? I stand between the first and third carriages.

You are the third car. Where should you be?

You will be the fourth carriage. Where do you belong? (Behind the third car). How else can you say? I am standing in the last carriage.

What is the train moving along? (On the rails), be careful, you cannot get off the rails, otherwise there will be an accident. Go. (Chuh-chuh-chug).

Look how many people (dolls) are, they are probably waiting for the train. What do you think, the place where passengers wait for the train, meet their visiting relatives and friends, what is the name? (Railway station)

Do you want to know which city we arrived at the station? Let's find out by reading the note.

I read a deformed sentence (Arrivals, cities, at, Chelyabinsk, station, you) "Load a word with the required number of syllables into the carriage."

The dolls were waiting for our train, they want us to deliver the cargo to the next station. Look at the pictures in their hands. What we will carry on our train, name in one word (Tank, taxi, bus, bicycle are transport).

Let's start loading. We load a vehicle into the first carriage, in which one syllable, in the second a word with two syllables, in the third with three, in the fourth with four.

Children divide words into syllables together, distributing cards among themselves.

On a magnetic board - a passenger car

What is the next mode of transport on which we will end our journey. (A car). What type of transport does it belong to? (A passenger car, it refers to land transport).

Who drives passenger and freight transport? (Driver). What else can you call it? (Chauffeur).

Game "We drove and we drove". Formation of verbs from a verb drive prefixed (affix) way.

We take each one a car. Now who are we? (Drivers).

We drove, drove, to the hill ... (arrived),

We drove, drove, to the pit…. (arrived),

We drove, drove, to the river ... (arrived),

We drove, we drove, to the house ... (arrived),

Into the yard ... (drove in), so ... (arrived).

The place where the cars are parked is called .... (Garage). Put your cars in garages.

Want to know where the garages are? Let's find out by reading the note.

Speech therapist reads a deformed sentence (located in the street, in, garages, Cosmonauts)

Let's take a look at what's in the largest garage.

What car is there? (Truck). Look, here is a diagram of the story about the car, we will compose a story about it. Please note that this is a toy car.

Drawing up a descriptive story according to plan:

What is the name of the vehicle?

What parts does it consist of?

What sets it in motion?

Where does this transport go?

What is it used for, what is it transported for?

Who operates this mode of transport?

Now let's make a story about a real truck.

11. Reflection.

Listen to excerpts from the songs.

First, listen to the end, then answer what kind of transport we are talking about. What type of vehicle does this vehicle belong to?

What did you enjoy doing? Which game did you like the most?

Thank you guys!