Cowboy wedding in the Wild West of Moscow Region. Cowboy Wedding: Tips for Organizing

Gresham, Wisconsin

This wedding had three colors: blue, cyan and purple. Blue and blue
there were bridesmaids dresses and bouquets in their hands, in blue and purple tones
decoration of the banquet hall and other paraphernalia.

The wedding was celebrated on a grand scale: 400 guests were invited to the holiday, in their
including my husband and I. We received a wedding invitation in the mail for another one and a half
months before the celebration: - "We suggest you dress in a cowboy style. Any other
clothes that make you feel comfortable are also welcome! "

Eric and Christine have known each other since childhood, both grew up on a farm, both are lovers
horses. Christine graduated from medical school, Eric has his own business related
with construction and participates in all local rodeo competitions.
Schroeder, Christine's father, the only owner of a buffalo farm in the area, breeds
so are the horses.

In short, the cowboy-style wedding was not chosen by chance.
Both newlyweds are Catholic and the wedding took place in a Catholic church.

This was the first time I attended a Catholic wedding and I was interested in everything that
occurs during the wedding. The Catholic wedding ceremony is primarily
Mass. The priest conducting the ceremony gave a greeting speech to the address as the groom
both the bride and all those invited.

From time to time he diluted the solemnity of his words with jokes, removing unnecessary
stress and making the wedding environment easy and intimate.

The bridesmaids were in smart dresses and cowboy boots, and the guys in jeans,
but they left their cowboy hats at home that day.
Only the bride's father allowed himself to enter the church wearing a hat when he was leading his daughter
to the altar.

For Catholics, weddings and weddings are inseparable. Newlyweds put their signatures
into the registration books and exchanged rings.

There were many fresh flowers in the hall where the wedding ceremony took place.

In all my photos, the newlyweds are taken from the back, and here they are posing for a professional
to the photographer after the wedding. They say that Catholics get married only once in a lifetime.
Next to Christine, their son Aiden, the newlyweds tested their feelings for more than three years, until,
finally, did not decide to arrange a wedding and get married.

The wedding banquet took place on the picturesque lakeside in one of the resorts.

Taking into account warm weather, they decided to arrange a holiday under the awnings.

Guests and newlyweds were not lucky with the weather, it was only 8 degrees Celsius.
the rain poured down as if from a bucket, but the holiday mood did not spoil anyone.

And so they decorated the hall in which the banquet was held:

Barrel for congratulations and gift envelopes

The wedding cake

Mugs as a gift for guests with the names of the newlyweds, the date from the wedding

and the inscription: "Fill to the bottom and have fun from the heart!"

The invitees left their wishes in the guest book:

Photos and videos of the wedding published with permission from Mr and Mrs Eisenbrener.

Christine RIMMER


The small town is agitated and full of rumors of an unexpected engagement between Adora Budine and Jed Ryder. What did a well-mannered and sophisticated girl, dreaming of a respectable husband, find in the dissolute motorcyclist nicknamed the Midnight Cowboy? Adora assures herself that the reason for their marriage is only in her desire to help Jed become his sister's guardian. Their relationship cannot be called love, she said. But is it?

Daughter, I just wanted to know that you are not sitting alone and are not sad.

Adora Budeine sobbed softly. Yes, she was sad and lonely, but her mother did not need to know about it.

Are you okay honey? You have a strange voice.

Adora felt tears welling up in her eyes. She hastily pressed the pause button, raised a bottle of champagne to her lips, and took a sip straight from the neck.

The wine, frothy and effervescent, tasted excellent. Adora bought it last fall, in addition to a pair of crystal wine glasses, shortly after she met Farley Underwood, an insignificant, vile reptile. She was then in full confidence that Farley was about to propose to her. Her imagination even drew pictures of her and Farley celebrating their engagement by pouring this champagne into new glasses.

Farley, however, had no intention of proposing to her. And Adora was left alone again. Now, on her birthday, the dreadful prospect of spending the party alone over a bottle of wine awaited her. When I finish the bottle, I’ll throw it into the wall! And the glasses too, Adora decided.

Adora removed the pause mode.

The connection seems to have been interrupted, huh, Mom?


Yes, I think so.

Adora, please don't get depressed. Thirty-five is not old age. I'm sure you will definitely meet a worthy person this year.

Adora swallowed with difficulty the lump in her throat. Every summer on the eighth of August, her mother prophesied that this year Adora would certainly meet a worthy person. "

Know your family loves you. If we had the opportunity, we would be by your side on your birthday. But your sisters need to take care of their own families, and Bob and I don't have a single free minute right now. - (Bob Shanahan was the second husband of Lottie Buduyne Shanahan. Three and a half years ago, Bob met Buduyne's widow at a game of bingo. A few months later they got married.) - Imagine, we started a renovation.

At these words, Adora looked around her small, cozy kitchen with a sad look. After Farley's betrayal seven months ago, she decided to change the decor in the house to get rid of dark memories. The apartment had turned into a charming nest, but Adora was not happy about it. Even the cutest kitchens seem empty if children's laughter is not heard in them and the husband's voice is not heard asking what his beloved has prepared for dinner.

Adora, where have you disappeared?

I'm listening to you carefully, mom. You started talking about the renovation.

The living room is already ready. Just imagine: all in blue and purple tones. It turned out very nice - stylish and at the same time not loud. Bob is so proud ...

And Lottie delved into the endless story of Bob, her sun-drenched four-bedroom house, her beautiful new interior ... Adora didn't listen to her. She poured some champagne into the glass and drank it slowly, occasionally inserting "yes-yes" and "really?" Into her mother's monologue. Tears trembled on her eyelashes.

You should have seen our bathroom. Pink tiles combined with pale green. Gold-look fittings. A true work of art ...

From Bridge Street, Adora heard the sound of an approaching car, most likely a motorcycle or sports car with a powerful engine. Adora listened. The roar of the engine grew louder and louder and finally died away.

Apparently, the car was parked in the parking lot near her house. Adora thought about it. The Elegance hairdressing salon, of which she was the owner, was closed until the end of the day. So someone decided to use her parking lot. Let it not hurt anyone, Adora decided.

I sent you a little gift. Did you get it?

Such a direct question demanded a clear answer.

No mom. Not yet, - said Adora forcefully.

Daughter, have you caught a cold? You seem to have a stuffy nose.

Adora didn't mind and blew her nose loudly into her long-soaked handkerchief.

Yes mom. You're right, I caught a cold.

Oh, daughter, get well soon.

Will try.

At that moment, someone knocked on the door.

Take some medicine before bed, Lottie advised, or have some hot lemon tea. It will take off a cold as if by hand. Bob also caught a cold last week, and I ...

Listen, Mom. Somebody's knocking on the door. I will go.

But, Adora ...

I really have to go, Mom.

When you receive your gift, call me ...

I'll call you. I love you.

There was another knock on the door.

Adora guessed who had arrived: Lizzie Spooner, her closest friend. Lizzie promised to stop by after work. But now Adora didn't even want to see her.

There was a third knock on the door, louder and more persistent. With a sigh of regret, Adora rose from her chair.

Opening the door, she decided in advance to justify herself.

Look, Lizzy, I'm not in the mood to ... - began Adora and stopped short. Her guest was not Lizzie at all.

Jed Ryder stood in the doorway. Not that Adora knew him well, it's just that his mother, Lola Pierce, was Adora's only assistant in the hairdressing salon and talked a lot about her son.

Would you like to be on horseback, feel the enthusiasm and recklessness of real cowboy adventures, recharge the energy of the Wild West, learn the secret of the ancient Incas and dance the most romantic dance to country music? Then this cowboy wedding script is for you!

Cowboy wedding
A cowboy-style wedding invitation can be in the form of a postcard with a cowboy couple depicted on it, in the form of a cardboard silhouette of a cowboy hat, in the form of a toy Colt with a cardboard cowboy hat-postcard tied with a string.

Western style cowboy wedding invitation text.
All names can be changed to individual ones, suitable for a specific couple of newlyweds. Details of the dress code or illustrations of cowboy-era costumes are on the back of the invitation.

Dear friends! We're getting married!
In honor of this event, we received a wedding gift from the planet Harakum from a certain mysterious professor - one leap in time and space. We decided to solve the mystery of the ancient Incas. We invite you to join us (wedding date) after solemn registration (registry office address, time) to go to the 19th century to the Wild West and visit the ancient town (name of a cafe or restaurant) on the prairie, on the border with the Indian Reservation (address).

To be on horseback and fully armed on our journey, do not forget to wear the outfit of a real cowboy and his lady, or you can represent the law in the person of the sheriff or join the ranks of the brave Indians.

It's better to travel light, so bring your wishes and congratulations in envelopes! And the scarlet rose will be your pass to time travel.

And remember, around every corner on this day, surprises and suspense await you!

Dress code.
Indispensable attributes of a cowboy are: a cowboy hat, a checkered shirt, a red neckerchief, a huge metal buckle on a belt, jeans, boots with upturned noses, a lasso and, of course, a Colt. A cowboy's girlfriend in a chintz dress or denim, corset. Characters such as Indians, the sheriff, noble ladies in 19th century dresses and corps de ballet dancers can also be attributed to the cowboy theme.
During the official part, the bride and groom can be dressed in the style of the 19th century, and for a cowboy party, change clothes: the groom is a brave cowboy (the name of the groom) from the clan (the last name of the groom), and the bride plays the role of a beautiful spring flower (the time of birth and the name of the bride ) from an Indian tribe (surname of the bride).

At a stylized cowboy wedding party, you can use songs from the movie "The Man from Boulevard des Capuchins" and, of course, country music. The main musical instruments of this style are guitar, banjo, violin, which will sound effectively in a live performance.

Cowboy wedding day plan.
Morning. A romantic meeting of the newlyweds in a beautiful place, where their wedding photo session will take place. Official registration at the registry office.
Day. Leap in time and space. Ranch picnic or canyon horseback riding, rodeos and other cowboy events.
Evening. Cowboy party in the saloon.

Picnic at the ranch or horseback riding in the canyon.
Guests are offered to dress up in cowboy outfits, travel back a good couple of hundred years, take part in competitions and taste a steak with blood in the spirit of a real western. Music and an hourglass can become a symbol of movement in time and space. The time transfer process is best done before entering the ranch. Each guest is dressed with an accessory of the era and presented with a canvas bag, where they can put gold coins obtained in competitions. Coins can always be exchanged for more valuable trophies from a newly married cowboy couple. Post announcements about the gold rush that gripped the city and about the upcoming auction everywhere. At the end of the evening, bartenders Joe and Joe will hold an auction where cowboys can seize valuable trophies: an exclusive CD with country music and autographs of a couple in love, a piece of wild coyote hide in the form of fur slippers, a unique cocktail card from a cowboy saloon. Riding competitions and a real rodeo can take place with the participation of the guests themselves or as an exhibition performance.
The competition in agility and strength takes place between the guests: two participants stand on a long flat board, receive a sack of straw each and try to knock their opponent off the board.
Competitions can be organized in knocking down cans with a whip, throwing horseshoes and in archery (toy).
The older generation can comfortably sit in armchairs, under a blanket, watching the competitions. Hot sauce, hot meats, lemonade and whiskey are welcome! You can cook an unusual cowboy dish in a cauldron - Chili con carne.
For 6 servings:
2 cans of canned beans;
900 g peeled tomatoes;
900 g of beef;
4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
2 onions, finely chopped;
1/2 - 1 tsp hot chili powder;
1 tbsp. l. paprika;
2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
3 garlic cloves, crushed
600 ml chicken or beef broth;
sour cream, coriander.
The secret of cooking is to fry the onions thoroughly.
Cut the tomatoes, meat into 1–2 cm cubes, season with salt and pepper. Heat half the oil in a large heavy skillet and heat. Fry half of the meat for 10 minutes. until brown, remove with a slotted spoon and fry the other half. Combine with onions, chili, paprika, sugar and fry for 8-10 minutes. until golden brown. Mix with garlic, tomatoes, broth and beans. Bring to a boil, simmer, uncovered, over low heat for 1 - 1.5 hours, until the meat becomes tender. Serve with sour cream and coriander.
Everything is filmed by the masters of cinematography!

Cowboy wedding party.
When the sun begins to set over the edge of the wild prairie, everyone is invited to relax in the saloon at a real cowboy party in honor of the wedding of the most famous couple in love in the Wild West. But not only fun and relaxation awaits guests. They managed to attack the trail of the mysterious Sioux tribe, which according to legend is the keeper of the secrets of the ancient Incas, whose owners are promised the prophecy of endless happiness. It is necessary to find this tribe and unravel the mystery.

Wedding party decoration in western style.
Wood, leather, cacti, horses and whiskey are the main themes that can be used to create a Wild West atmosphere. You can use anything: signs on wooden planks, horseshoes, cartwheels, horse harness, cacti on tables instead of ordinary flowers. On the wall, you can stretch the skin, which will be told by the host of a separate legend - whoever touches this skin of a wild coyote, luck will pursue him all his life. As souvenirs, you can give out fur slippers, sewn by the Fortunata Indian tribe from a piece of this magical wild coyote skin.
Do not forget to open the cinematography for cowboys and show silent films, for example, the story of newlyweds dating.
In the saloon, it is worth serving whiskey with a wedding name label and fancy cowboy drinks based on milk, lemonade and juice under unusual names: veal joy, veal swill, cowboy soul, Indian prairie fire, etc. In addition to the cowboy-style menu, greasy jokes and anecdotes about cowboys can be hung on the walls of the saloon.

Appeals to the bride and groom exclusively in the spirit of the Wild West: the groom is a brave cowboy (the groom's name), the thunderstorm of the Wild West from the clan (the groom's last name), the bride is a beautiful spring flower (the time of the bride's birth and the bride's name), the daughter of the leader of the Indian tribe (the bride's last name) ). Newlyweds are the famous most loving couple of the Wild West. The parents of the newlyweds can be dressed up and presented as the sheriff and chief of the Indian tribe. The host encourages the guests to use cowboy words and Western-style wishes: I swear by a bloodthirsty coyote, the main hat would be intact, it's time to wet your throat, we wish you vast prairies and fat bison, wallets full of gold, rich trophies, hardy mustangs, a rich ranch, fertile lands, green pastures, pipes of peace with everyone.
Parents greet the newlyweds with a bean pie - a symbol of home, fertility and a rich life. The newlyweds treat all the guests and invite them to wet their throats.
After visiting the cowboy ranch, everyone plunged into a real cowboy life, but in order not to miss out on our time travel, it is worth remembering some of the subtleties of the world of western and country.

Cowboy quiz.

Drinking game.
- Why do cowboy boots have pointed toes and high heels?
Cowboys drove around wild horses, and therefore needed a boot with a pointed toe that easily slipped into the stirrup, and a high heel to keep it there well.
- What are chaps?
Leather covers for jeans.
- Why does a cowboy need leather covers on his legs?
Leather trouser covers were invented to prevent thorny bushes and sharp branches from tearing clothes when a cowboy chased a bull in the thicket.
- What color were most often the neckerchiefs of cowboys?
The scarves were almost always red.
- How did the cowboys use the neckerchief?
Usually, a scarf was used to cover the face to keep out dust, especially when the cowboy was riding behind a herd or herd being driven. They also bandaged their wounds, hung up a broken arm, filtered water through it for drinking, and protected their neck from the sun.
- What is Stetson?
Stetson made the first good cowboy hats, and soon his name became synonymous with the wide-brimmed cowboy hat.
- What is bakeru?
Texas cowboy.
- What is stir wrestling?
A solo rodeo view where a cowboy has to knock a young bull to the ground.
- What is a saloon?
- Who is the Wrangler? Apparently this word is used for the name of the famous brand of jeans.
Wrangler is a mastering cowboy who looks after a spare herd of horses.

Before the start of cowboy competitions - games and competitions - you can read a message from the found last descendant of the Sioux tribe. A message in the form of various objects gathered on a thread, bones, feathers, twigs, etc. The one who has passed the test, the bravest and purest heart will be shown the way to the mystery of the ancient Incas. All guests are invited to help unravel the mystery of the ancient Incas and begin the tests.
Curling the tail of the bull.
Attached to the wall are 3 posters depicting a bull, but without a tail. Three cowboy participants are invited to attach the tails of the bulls while blindfolded. Before starting the assignment, the participants are deployed several times to confuse.

Throwing tomahawks.
Competition with a game of darts. On the target in the sectors, the ranks are distributed: the most accurate, the most drunk, the novice shooter, the thunderstorm of the wild west, etc.

Eloquence competition and best fire water toast.
The host announces congratulations to friends and family throughout the evening, like a competition for the best toast with fire water in a cowboy style. Example: spacious prairies and fat bison for you!

Sharp-eyed Billy.
2-3 cowboys are called. Each of them has a tube for "spitting" paper and a basin. The most keen-eyed Billy will be recognized as the one who gets the paper into the basin more times. You can complicate the task and blindfold. You can use cardboard tubes and plastic balls from a children's game for this competition.

Catching a wild mustang. Throwing a lasso.
Cowboys line up. Plastic bottles are displayed in front of them, which are pasted over with painted wild mustangs. Cowboys throw a lasso over them. Whoever catches more bottles with the lasso is the most agile cowboy.

Competition for the most passionate heart. Declaration of love in Texas.
Only married couples are invited to participate. You can use a decoy: who celebrated a chintz anniversary - 1 year from the date of the wedding, who celebrated a paper anniversary - 2 years, who celebrated a leather wedding - 3 years, etc. If you collect information about the guests in advance, the competition will be more interesting and more active. Married couples are instructed to prepare a Texas-style declaration of love for their spouses and use the words that are written on the sheets. Words: mustang, shooter, colt, rodeo, saloon, cinematograph, wild coyote.

Competition for the best memory and funniest prairie legend.
A table game between teams - who will remember more anecdotes about cowboys, Indians, horses. Special prize for the funniest of them.

We make films for cinematography: we bring to life anecdotes about cowboys and Indians. The host or a director chosen from the guests directs the shooting and selects the actors. A dresser chosen from the guests dresses the actors. The operator shoots with an amateur camera. The prompter suggests the lines. During the musical pause, the film is edited and shown on the screen. All guests are given commemorative posters of the most famous western, which has grossed millions of dollars at the box office. For the poster, a blank is used, where the names of the participants in the production are inserted.

Competition for the most accurate shooter.
The task is to show yourself as a real shooter and the fastest cowboy. You need to grab the Colt from the holster, twist it on your finger and neutralize the enemy. This must be done immediately after the signal and faster than your opponent. But first you need to practice well and take aim. The cowboys are given toy colts, with the help of which training is carried out, then they are presented with real weapons - water pistols. As an alternative - to shoot not at each other, but at the burning candles - who will put it out faster.

Miss Wild West and Mister Wild West contest.
Costume competition. Who is dressed like a true Wild West. Prize for the most original costume. The jury is selected from among the guests present. Each participant in the competition comes up with a name in the spirit of a western and demonstrates his costume to country music. The jury evaluates the contestants with applause.

The most active participants in all competitions are challenged to a friendly cowboy dance duel. The path to the mystery of the ancient Incas will open to the winner.
Cowboys compete in their hat dance skills. Prize for the most original dance. A horse can be prepared for the dance, which is passed on to the dancer as a relay. Horse - the head of a toy horse on a stick.

The path to the mystery of the ancient Incas looks like drawings on the skin of an animal. The guests help the winner solve a drawing that indicates the place where the sacred bundle with ancient stones is kept. Each ancient stone has 1 word written on it. You need to compose a phrase that is the key to endless happiness. You can choose one of the phrases: Happy is he who is happy at home. A home warmed by love makes a person happy. The whole family is together, and the soul is in place. Those. endless happiness in family and love.

The first dance of the newlyweds can be played in an interesting way. The guests stretch a star trail over the head of the newlyweds - a silk dark blue fabric with foil stars. The presenter reads out the words before the dance begins: The stars in the night ... big and bright ... let them light your way! Deep in your heart, may the music of love always sound ... your music ... the music of your first dance under the night sky of the endless prairie.

The kidnapping of the beautiful wife of a cowboy.
A rumor about beauty (name of the bride) reached the ears of the leader of the Indian tribe and he sent his people to kidnap the beautiful wife of a cowboy. The groom equips a team of trackers to search. The most experienced tracker will help to find the bride, who will distinguish all the footprints of animals, different vehicles. Traces of various animals, traces of a bicycle, a car, a carriage are laid out on the floor. The best tracker is the one who names everyone who left these tracks. Guests help to cope with the task. The host prompts: and only in the footsteps of the Indian carriage can you find the place where the Indian scout is hiding. He is a gambling lover of riddles and charades. And he is ready to tell the secret of the location of the beautiful (name of the bride) to the one who will guess his riddle.
The bride was found by a team of trackers, and the leader, as a sign of reconciliation, offers to smoke a pipe of peace - a fragrant hookah. The best tracker is awarded by the sheriff himself.
A cowboy runs into the saloon and orders a glass of water. The bartender puts a glass of water on the counter, picks up a pistol and fires. The cowboy refuses the water, thanks the bartender and exits the saloon. Why did he give up water?
The cowboy hiccuped, so he asked for water, and after the shot he stopped hiccuping!

Other entertainment for cowboys should be included in the program:
Beauties dancing incendiary cancan.
The Firewater Caster Show is a bartender show from Joe and Joe.

Western artists:
Gene autry
Wilf carter
Girls of the golden west
Patsy montana
Tex ritter
Roy rogers
Sons of the Pioneers
John I. White
Ray whitley
Marty robbins
Michael Martin Murphey
Riders in the Sky
Don edwards
Chris LeDoux
Bob nolan
Joe bethancourt
Lynn anderson
Paul Hendel
Belinda gail
Kip callahan
Jim wilson
Doc Stovall
Jon Messenger
Dave stamey
The Tumbling Tumbleweeds
Juni Fisher
Bill barwick
Trails and Rails
Ian Tyson
Allan chapman
The texas trailhands
Devon dawson
Diamond w wranglers
Riders of the Circle B
Roy Rogers, Jr. and the High Riders
Bar -J Wranglers
Circle b cowboys
Flying Wranglers
Bar -D Wranglers
Flying J Wranglers

Young people don't have to travel to the endless prairies of Texas to organize a cowboy-style wedding! A wedding can be arranged at any country club or restaurant.

The most important thing in organizing a Western wedding is close attention to the smallest details and the manifestation of not only fantasy, but also a sense of humor.

An unexpected opportunity to plunge into the exciting world of the Wild West and feel like prairie dwellers will give the newlyweds and their guests an abyss of vivid emotions!

Western Invitations

Cowboy style wedding invitations need to be styled appropriately. Postcards should show off the attributes of a real cowboy: cards, money, cowboy hats, colts, horses, horseshoes, etc.

Cowboy style wedding invitations must be done in the appropriate style

The text on the invitation cards must be adapted individually by adding cowboy equivalents to the last names and names of the invitees, or by inventing Native American names for them that would draw attention to the dignity of the guests. You can also add dress code descriptions to invitations, accompanied by graphic illustrations of cowboy suits.

Wedding dress code and cowboy attributes

Undoubtedly, the main attribute of a cowboy is a stylish cowboy hat. However, the set must go with it: a checkered shirt, a scarf, a massive buckle on the belt (the more the better), blue jeans, Cossack boots with curved noses, a colt in a leather holster and a lasso.

A model of femininity should be the girlfriend of a cowboy. She must certainly wear a light chintz dress and corset. In cool weather, the set can be complemented with a denim jacket.

The cowboy style also allows you to play the theme of the characters of the Wild West: the sheriff, the true ladies, the corps de ballet dancers and, of course, the Indians.

At the formal part of the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom may appear in 19th century outfits, and later change into costumes more suitable for a cowboy party. The groom can dress like a brave and brave cowboy, and the bride can turn into a delicate and beautiful spring flower, playing, for example, the role of the daughter of an Indian tribal leader.

Western wedding decor

The main thing is not to spare leather, wood, horses, cacti and whiskey - after all, these symbols are the main signs of cowboy style. At this preparatory stage, you will have to call on all your imagination for help.

Signs burned on wooden planks, cartwheels and horseshoes, horse harness and cacti on tables, replacing standard floristic compositions, will become excellent decorations.

The walls can be decorated with calf skins, paper targets shot from Colt, unique Indian arrows with colored feathers, etc., and as wedding favors for guests, you can order slippers, hand-sewn by Indian squaw hands.

For real cowboys, near the bar, you can install a cinematograph, in which fascinating black-and-white, artificially aged films will be shown, for example, about the story of newlywed dating. Also, guests will be entertained by showing interesting slides illustrating the life of the heroes of the occasion, as well as their relatives and close friends.

A good option would be to order a country band or show ballet with selected numbers in a cowboy style. Equestrian acrobatic performances using lassos and other cowboy accessories are also very popular.

Equestrian show performances are very popular

For strong alcoholic drinks and cocktails that will be served in the saloon bar, it is necessary to come up with exclusively cowboy names: "Cowboy Soul", "Hell's Swill", "Prairie Wind" and the like.

Themed anecdotes about cowboys, generously flavored with sharp words, will be very popular, especially after the guests have had their fill of "Water of Fire". The festive menu should include a wide variety of meat dishes, including well-done chops and succulent steaks.

Don't forget to be Western!

The wedding cortege can use both a classic retro car and an old horse-drawn carriage. Adventurers can ride horses.

Musical accompaniment of the "cowboy" wedding

In the musical field, for creative and inventive organizers of a cowboy wedding, music from everyone's favorite domestic musical westerns, such as "The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins" or "The True Hand is a friend of the Indians" will come in very handy, and country music will also be an excellent background for the celebration. The main instruments of this style are banjo, guitar and violin.

By the way, music performers on these instruments can be easily found for live musical accompaniment of the celebration.

Cowboy wedding etiquette

At a cowboy-style wedding, honeymooners should be addressed exclusively in the spirit of the Wild West. For example, Brave cowboy (name of the newlywed), thunderstorm of the Wild West, a native of the family (surname of the newlywed), or, to the bride - Gentle spring flower (name of the bride), the young daughter of the Great Leader of the Indian tribe (surname of the bride).

Newlyweds are appointed the most famous and beautiful couple in love in the entire Wild West, and their parents are revered no less than the sheriff or the leader of the Indian tribe.

Wishes for young people and guests made on this solemn day should be dressed in a stylish cowboy uniform. The wishes of fat bison and vast prairies, gold mines and rich trophies, rich ranches and hardy mustangs, green pastures and fertile lands, and wallets full of gold will be appropriate.

My name is Julia, and my husband is Lesha. We met in the bushes. Anticipating your surprise, I will tell you a little about the events that preceded this fateful meeting ...
At that time, I was experiencing mild depression due to the breakup of my previous relationship. Once a friend, seeing my depressed mood, offered to unwind and go to the away airsoft games. I agreed. Airsoft is a team game in which participants shoot at the enemy with special pneumatic weapons. The one who was hit by the bullet must retire to a special zone called the "ghoul". It was in this ghoul, surrounded by bushes on all sides, that we met my future husband))

And a week later we were already a couple.

A bagel instead of a ring

Lesha made a very funny proposal. It happened in St. Petersburg. I had to go there to study, and Lesha volunteered to accompany me. As it turned out, the future husband assigned this trip a special role - it was there that he was going to propose to me. I bought a ring in advance and ... forgot it at home. He got out as one of the heroes in the comedy "Kitchen". The scene looked something like this: night, romance, raised bridges, the lights of the night city are reflected in the quiet waters of the Neva ... Lesha kneels down, says beautiful words and hands me ... a bagel. True, we must pay tribute to him - he picked up the bagel very carefully, exactly in size, so he sat down like a glove))

Cowboy wedding idea. Preparation.

We started preparing for the wedding in about a month and a half. Lesha had a very busy schedule, frequent night shifts, so the preparation fell mainly on my shoulders. Although it was not easy for me either, since at that time I was taking exams for a certificate of a dentist. Here I would like to express my deep gratitude to my friend Masha. A dentist by profession, she has proven herself to be a top-notch wedding planner, helping us through all stages of preparation. I don’t know what I would do without her.
The main problem for us was buying a wedding dress. I visited all the salons of Voronezh. I tried dozens of options. Many dresses fit perfectly on me, but I absolutely did not like anything. The state was getting closer and closer to despair ...
During my next trip to St. Petersburg, I decided to walk through the salons there, but there, too, history repeated itself (and again a billion options, but it's not that). And so, in despair, I rush to go to the Mega shopping center, and I do not go to the salon, but to a regular clothing store. Please show me all light dresses. And finally it is! I really liked one of the options. It was a simple, light, openwork floor-length dress with a blue leather belt.

I asked to postpone it, and I myself took time to think. But the dress did not leave my head, and soon I returned for it.

Girls, remember that the main thing for the bride is the dress. Do not rush to buy, choose the one to which you will have a heart. If you find "your" dress, it will greatly inspire you and give a creative impetus to further preparation.

Actually, after buying the dress, we got the idea to make a wedding in a cowboy style. Lesha accepted this idea with joy, since he initially did not want to wear a classic wedding suit. For him, we bought brown trousers, a blue short-sleeved shirt and a vest. The vest, however, had to be sewn to order, since we could not find a suitable option in color and style anywhere. A neckerchief and a chic cowboy hat completed the look.

The witnesses also dressed in style. The witness was wearing a bright dress and a headband with feathers. She reminded me of a cabaret singer.

And the witness was very much like a judge, he seemed to come down to us from films about the Wild West. Particularly impressive was the lasso he fastened to a leather belt. In general, the images turned out to be very colorful.

Next, it was necessary to choose a wedding bouquet that would suit the theme. Opposite our house there is a floristic studio "Clover", and I decided to look there. Having crossed the threshold, I felt like in a magical dream. The girls listened to my wishes and offered a field-style bouquet with proteus. But I could not even imagine that such a beauty would turn out. There was so much in it: hot peppers, blackberries, thorns and much, much more. As the florists later said, they do not often have such orders and they came off in my bouquet in full. True, it was not easy to wear this miracle, the bouquet stretched out by two and a half kilograms, but it was worth it.

The florists from the Clover studio also decorated our tables with flowers,

Made a wreath for me, boutonnieres to the groom with a witness,

a bandage for the witness and a pillow for rings. The cushion was made of wood saw cut, stabilized moss and feathers.

Thanks to stabilization, the moss did not lose its appearance over time, and now this pillow is kept with us as a souvenir. Also, a wreath, which was previously dried by my mother, remained as a keepsake, which to this day is carefully kept in the parental home. By the way, we were also given a lasso for a witness in Clover.
Forgot to mention my cool leather sandals! We found them in Moskovsky Prospect. They fit me perfectly in style and color!

After purchasing wedding dresses, we finally approved our color palette: white, blue, brown.

For the banquet, we ordered a gazebo in the "Quiet Zavod". She perfectly matched the theme of our wedding. There was a river nearby, which we also really liked. Once, having arrived to the Zavod to settle some organizational issues, we saw a man sailing from the shore. We immediately had the idea of ​​taking a boat trip on our wedding day. The owner of the boat gladly agreed to give us a ride on the appointed day.
Our parents were engaged in decorating the hall (except for the flower arrangements that we ordered in Clover). They put Scandinavian tablecloths on the tables. They brought plates with the image of horses. We hung colorful ribbons with the guests. My mom came up with the idea to order a rustic cake.

In general, we must pay tribute to our parents - they fully supported the bold idea of ​​a cowboy wedding.

On the wedding day

In the morning, together with my mother and mother-in-law, we went to the beauty salon. The situation with my friend Masha made me a little nervous - she had to bring my flower wreath, time was running out, but she was not there. Finally, she appeared, and the hairdresser began to sculpt over me.

Masha put on my makeup. The main thing when creating the image was to preserve the lightness and naturalness inherent in the rustic style. And we seem to have succeeded.

Soon my cowboy showed up with a bouquet of flowers. After passing a series of tests, he was admitted to my room. Of course, Lesha did not expect this. On his face one could clearly read: “Wow! Is it really mine ?! "

After the ransom, we went with witnesses to Dynamo Park, where we had a photo session with horses planned.

It all started very nicely. The men mounted white horses and drove gracefully up to the ladies.

Then we made a small horse ride together. The female jockeys tried to accompany us and gave us hints. After making sure that we feel confident enough (both were once horseback riding) they relaxed a bit and entrusted the animals to us.

At some point, the biggest curiosity of our wedding happened - the horse ate Lesha's boutonniere. Moreover, we did not even notice how and when it happened. Later we laughed together at the photographs - there is a boutonniere in one frame, but a moment later it is gone ...

During the walk, the idea was born to bring the horses to our Cadillac. The result is a funny "overlap" of times - from the 18th century to the present.

It's time to go to the registry office. Some guests have already gathered there. We were pleased to note that many were in the style of our wedding.

Some girl-photographer ran up to us, asked permission to take some pictures, we agreed. She disappeared as unexpectedly as she appeared.
In the registry office, I framed my husband a little. Lesha does not like to dance, and he wanted to hold the ceremony without it, but when we were asked if we should include music for the dance, I answered in the affirmative. The poor fellow had to waltz ...

After leaving the registry office, an already familiar girl-photographer ran up to us and offered to buy magnets from her with ... our photographs! Of course, we, like everyone else, do not like imposed services, but it turned out so great that we could not refuse.
Then there was the Stone Bridge. There we remember one "chocolate" musician, who sang so incendiaryly to the guitar that I could not resist and started dancing. Other brides looked and envied - their corsets and crinolines did not allow repeating a similar trick.

Having hung the lock for luck, we decided to put the key in Lesha's pocket, so that there was a bow on top - it served as a temporary replacement for the boutonniere we had eaten.

We made "waves".

Denis (witness) tried to lasso frightened passers-by with his lasso.

And the photographer decided to reproduce the story of our acquaintance, photographing us against the background of bushes.

After the "Admiralty" we went to the Patriots Park - laid flowers at the eternal flame.

Then we went to the "Quiet Backwater". We went ashore and waited for the boat. When she showed up, we were delighted and began to actively wave our hands.

The boatman, apparently, thought that we were crazy, because it was not our boat ... They began to wait further ... The guys arranged a photo session in the Western style.

And Masha and I decided to walk barefoot on the sand.

Finally, the object of our expectations appeared, and we set sail. The boatman was in a great mood, he sang songs and compliments us.

In the gazebo, as usual, we were greeted with bread and salt. When it was time to bite off a loaf to find out who would be in charge of the house, Alex was in for an unpleasant surprise ...

Our uncle Garik played the role of toastmaster. He coped well with this task, considering that there were only twelve of us.
Towards evening we went ashore to catch the sunset. On this day, there were two more weddings in Zavod. I decided to gather all the brides and take a collective photo.

When it got dark, lanterns were lit on the territory of the complex. It has become very beautiful.

Of course, I didn't throw the bouquet that evening. We decided to identify the lucky woman using ribbons. The witness won. In this case, the garter, by a funny coincidence, went to the witness.
At the end, all the guests, with candles in their hands, formed a large circle, and the parents from their candles lit our big candle. So our family hearth caught fire. Later, my mother took off my wreath, and my mother-in-law put on a scarf. This symbolized the transition from single life to married. Well, that's probably all))

When planning your wedding, pay special attention to style and beauty. Choose your photographer carefully. Everything will be forgotten over time, and the photos will remain forever.

Clover is a floristic studio. The girls are virtuosos in their field, decorated the tables with flowers, made a wreath for me, boutonnieres for the groom with a witness, a bandage for the witness and a pillow for rings, as well as a lasso for the witness.
Max Shvyrev is a “magician” photographer.
Cafe "Monet" - there they baked a delicious wedding cake for us.
The Quiet Zavod Cafe is a wonderful place. Spacious and at the same time cozy gazebos, the kitchen is just a fairy tale, and the staff is diligent and responsive. We have never regretted that fate had brought us there.
TC "Moskovsky Prospekt"- everything you need to complete the image.
Atelier, SP Bobrova S.P- groom's vest.
Shopping center "Mega" St. Petersburg- the place where creative ideas are born.