Beautiful phrases to communicate with a girl. How to meet a girl by SMS, on the Internet and in real life

Time passes, but, as practice shows, people do not become more liberated that way. There are always very nice young men who have a set of all the qualities that girls look for in every guy.

But that's not the problem: guys are so shy that they can't approach a girl on the street or even write to them on the Internet first.

And such timidity is not at all due to low self-esteem (although this happens, too), it is due to the fact that guys often do not know where to start.

How to write so that the girl does not consider him obsessive, so that she becomes interested or even pays attention?

So, we will analyze further how to start a SUCCESSFUL (and this is very important) communication.

Profile completion

It is not enough just to register your page. It is necessary that she breathes trust and the girl who visits her has a desire to get to know you.


Cats, cars and other crap will not inspire a girl's true confidence.

You can save it all in your albums, post it on the wall, but Your profile photo must be your own photo.(The avatar should also be carefully selected: blurry pictures will not go, or where you are during any work in the sweat of your face and with dirt, wherever you are).

Reference! Post photos that you like, that are interesting. Create collections.

It will be easier for perception, and the girl will be able to easily figure out your tastes and will be incredibly happy, noticing that you have common interests with her.

basic information

If you are set up for a serious acquaintance, then your profile should be appropriate. Everything should be filled out informatively, briefly, and most importantly, honestly.

Family status

The best option is "not married", since girls on a psychological level believe that a guy with an “active search” is not serious and even a little infantile.

"Page Life"

Do not forget to publish something periodically, upload new photos. This will inflame the girl's interest and trust in your person.

What to write about yourself on a dating site is described in the video:

Where to begin?

The first correspondence is very important - it is for the first time that a person gets the impression of his interlocutor:

  • At about 30%, your ability to choose beautiful words will determine whether she will answer or not.
  • The remaining 70% will depend on your profile.

Therefore, do not be lazy in filling out the questionnaire as completely as possible, choosing and uploading good photographs.

Did you find the right girl? And now is the time to decide what to write to the lady in the first message, with the goal of kindling the fire of love in her heart from the very beginning of communication, or at least curiosity.

The first message should contain answers to the following possible questions from the girl:

  1. Who you are?
  2. How did you find it?
  3. What is the purpose of dating?

Important! Do not forget about politeness and say hello, avoiding familiar and vulgar phrases.

It is worth studying in detail the hobbies, preferences of the girl, as well as what she is proud of. This will help you better understand what you can talk to her about further, or it will lead you to the idea that you should not start talking with a girl.

By the way, do not forget that the desire to communicate is a wonderful excuse for the first message.

How to interest a girl from the first phrase is described in the video:

Examples and phrases

Now let's take a look at a few phrases as examples:

Hello! I saw your page in the feed, and I really liked you. How are you?

Classics of the genre, but also effective.

Hi, Olya! My name is Vadim. I stumbled across your page by accident and wanted to get to know you. Painfully charming smile on the avatar.

Compliment, this is brilliant! What girl doesn’t love it when nice words are said in her direction!

Hello Sveta! I was looking for posts on the hashtag Baikal in the news, and accidentally landed on your page. I saw that we are both from the same city, and that you went there this summer. Wouldn't it take me a long time to ask a couple of questions about the trip? By the way, I forgot to introduce myself - my name is Grisha.

There is nothing better than general passion for something like travel!

Hi dear! We are meeting tomorrow! What time are you free?

One example of the so-called directive message.

pros- minimal waste of time, efficiency. Minuses- a girl may not agree to a meeting so immediately, in this case, you should not put pressure on the girl, but offer to start communicating online.

- Hello! I know something about you! What are you? I didn't even believe it at first! I liked that you combine 2 qualities that are basically incompatible, many men don’t like them, but I consider it even a “+” for a girl.

The intrigue message is good because modern young ladies are curious creatures and will immediately want to know what exactly you know about them. But a smart young man will not immediately reveal all the cards!

Examples of the first phrases when meeting a girl are shown in the video:

Basic rules in communication on a dating site and VKontakte

The main thesis areas regarding the first communication with girls:

  • Be arrogant and self-confident, but in a good way, a young man.
  • You should never communicate with a girl, putting her in a dialogue from below, the dialogue should take place, at least, on an equal footing.
  • Come up with more non-standard situations and intrigues in communication, throw out all the stereotyped phrases.
  • Do not drag out for a long correspondence, pick up the phone and start calling.

Reference! Definitely the girl will be initially suspicious of you.

Do not be afraid of this and abruptly interrupt communication. On the contrary, it is worth trying to predispose the girl to yourself and show that you are not a maniac-killer by offering to meet her, for example, during the day in a public place.

Do not forget about the constant mistakes, due to which communication, alas, will not go beyond the starting point:

  1. Banal and formulaic phrases. Are you really interested in long-term communication with this girl? Then forget about templates! It's boring, and interest fades in seconds.
  2. Illiteracy. It's not that girls like too smart, but a well-placed comma will help to understand the essence of the message without distortion, and a well-written word will create a good impression. So check your messages carefully before sending.
  3. Profanity. Swearing and scolding in the very first place will cause hostility and disgust of the girl.
  4. obsession. You should not constantly remind the girl of your presence with the phrases “where are you?” , “why didn’t you answer for so long?”, “what’s taking so long?”, if the girl stopped answering / reading messages, it’s best to stop communicating.
  5. About sex. At the beginning of communication there should not be a word about your physiological and intimate needs. To a girl, this will seem too rude.
  6. A lot of terms and abstruse "words". You should not load a girl with a lot of definitions and complex terminology. If you are a child prodigy, this does not mean that everyone around you is just as smart.

How to choose a topic for conversation?

Having studied the girl’s profile, looking at her profile, photos, hobbies, subscriptions to groups (if these are social networks), you can already quite accurately determine the starting point in choosing the first topic and further developing the conversation.

Let's say she answered, so you managed to interest her. Well, let's move on.

What was the purpose of your acquaintance? What do you want to do next: continue virtual communication or meet?

If the first, then you are all set, the girl is interested - chat and enjoy, but in the second case, you should not wait long with an invitation to a first date and an exchange of phone numbers.

It happens that a girl does not want to maintain communication through messages and does not want to meet in life.

  • In this case, you should not immediately reject it, try a pickup truck in communication and seduction with the fairer sex.
  • Perhaps, after one or two messages, she will be able to interest her, gain confidence, and the young lady will still change her decision about going on a date with you.

However, if you have really serious intentions, and not just a weekly pickup truck for the purpose of having fun, then there is no strict time frame for meeting and communicating in the virtual world with the girl you like.

Important! The first message is the most important key on which further communication and the subsequent development of relations with the opposite sex will depend.

Do not use platitudes, use original and interesting phrases and do not forget to write compliments to girls. Perhaps this is exactly what will happen - an ordinary conversation on the network will be the beginning of a stormy romance and love!

It is worth remembering that there is no 100% method “how to win a girl”, but if it didn’t work out with one, don’t despair and look for the next one!

Be less shy about your interests, don't be grumblings and bores, always show the girl what you are capable of not only online, but also in life. Young ladies now love conquering princes, so stay that way for them for a while.

Good luck in dating and finding your passion!

The first phrase is the key to a pleasant acquaintance!

If you want to make a good impression on the person you like, then you should know that first phrases are always the most decisive. Here, for example, you see your favorite girl or guy and write a banal "hello", but believe me, this word in itself is uninteresting and banal. You need to write in such a way that the person is “hooked” and led to the idea that you are a cool guy or girl. Words affect a person like a magnet. And do not neglect such a special "weapon" that will help you find happiness in love. Open your true feelings to another person with the help of enticing statements, and you will get exactly what you are counting on!

Simple and understandable words are the key to longevity of acquaintance!

Good afternoon I have been looking for you (ala) on the Internet for so long, and you are here ...

Always dreamed (ala) to meet such a wonderful person like you.

You are unique!

Good afternoon. I would like (ala) to get to know you better, watch a movie or have a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe. What do you think about that?

Hello, it seems to me or have you really starred in some movie?

It's a beautiful day, isn't it?

You know, when I saw you (la) I immediately wanted to live happily ever after!

Hello! I dreamed about you today...

Hi. Today is such a wonderful day. When I saw (la) you, I could not (la) resist not to write!

I wish you a wonderful and pleasant day!

If you want, I'll give you happiness!

Hello. I am (name) and I really want to meet you! To be honest, I have never met such a person before. I really liked your profile and your photo is so cute. How do you like my suggestion to go somewhere and just chat?

Hello. Can you tell me how to get to the library? It's a joke, of course)) You are just so sweet that I was confused (was) and didn't know (la) what to say. Let's be friends?

Hi Hello). You have such beautiful eyes (legs, hair, dress, suit, biceps, mustache, beard, handbag)!

Good afternoon. How is your mood?

I knew (la) that the most beautiful girls (guys) are here!

Hello. You have such a thoughtful look (mysterious, bewitching, striking, captivating, striking on the spot, sweet, gentle, wonderful, maddening, unsurpassed, unpredictable, insanely beautiful, surprised, attractive, sunny, fabulous, in love with life).

Hello, I really liked you, let's get acquainted, I am (name), are you looking for your destiny?

Good afternoon If you are tired of the same type of days, then I propose to spend a wonderful day in a cafe, cinema or wherever you wish! How do you look at it, and when will it be convenient for you to meet?

Greetings! Can I entertain you on this site or even in reality?

Greetings to you. Please advise me how to please a girl (guy)?

Hello, do you need a funny (th) and witty (th) husband (wife)?

Good afternoon, what are you doing tonight?

Hello, do you think I'm cute?

Hello! I have been looking for you (ala) for many years, days, hours, minutes, seconds! And now I found (found)! Let's meet tonight, shall we?

Folded letters into the correct phrase - knock down anyone at once!

If you are between 18 and 70 years old and you often do not know what and how to write to a person, then welcome to our Garden of Eden with such simple and understandable phrases for the first communication on the Internet using the site.
Never be discouraged if you don't get a response to your first email on the internet. This is not a person who does not want to communicate with you, but you have not written to him. You can always try to re-write something that will open his eyes to your attention. This is a regularity: all the most serious arises from the frivolous.

Rather, even the first stupid joke can make the other person fall in love with you. If you really want love and a lot of attention, look at the person’s profile and, guided by it, write those phrases for dating a girl or a guy that we offer to you. All people are different, but one thing unites everyone, and also the desire to be happy.

Read the phrases and look for among them exactly those that, in your opinion, will win the heart of your sympathy. It's so easy and simple. In fact, everything in our life is easy and simple. You just need to understand this and find those methods of communication that will attract to you only those who you need. And we assure you that it will work with you, and after a while you will no longer do anything, and people will write to you and write to you. And already you will think to answer them with a mutual answer or not.

The benefits of online dating are obvious. First of all, saving time, because nothing prevents you from communicating with several candidates at once. In addition, you can communicate without leaving your apartment. No material costs are required from you, which is an obvious plus.

This form of dating great for shy guys experiencing embarrassment when talking with female representatives. If a girl asks a tricky question, you will have enough time to find a decent answer and even get some valuable advice from more experienced friends or Internet users.

Online dating can bring you together with residents of other cities and countries. But the most important thing is that the Internet conversation does not oblige you to anything, and if communication has gone in the wrong direction, you can easily stop the correspondence without explaining anything.


The rivalry for the attention of a beauty is no less, and maybe even more, than in real life. When meeting another charmer, remember that other men are probably writing to her, so you should try hard to stand out from the crowd of other fans.

But the main disadvantage of this form of dating with girls is that it is possible to reliably assess the appearance of a girl only after a personal meeting, because the existence of special programs for editing photos is not a secret.

Not only the appearance can differ, but also the behavior itself.

Usually, in life, people behave more constrainedly. In addition, the new “girlfriend” may turn out to be a fake or a troll joker who mocked you.

Where to start or preparation

The first step is to clearly define the goals of dating before you meet a girl on the Internet. Dreaming of finding your soul mate? Looking for a girl for sex? Maybe you just want to hone your communication skills with the opposite sex? Think about what qualities of a girl you prefer. Understanding what exactly you expect from new acquaintances will allow you to narrow the circle of searches and save time.

Carefully study the reviews of real people on numerous dating sites. So you can determine which sites deserve attention, and which are better not to waste time. When filling out the questionnaire, try to give it individuality. When choosing photos for a profile, it is better to listen to the opinion of your friends.

Appearance of a page in a social network

Before you get to know girls on the Internet, it is not necessary to register on special sites; an existing page on Odnoklassniki or Facebook will be enough. But make sure the page is right. Firstly, your photos must be on the page.

Otherwise, all your messages will remain unanswered. Wouldn't the appearance of a girl who exposes only pictures from the Internet cause fear in you? But photos of drinking parties with friends and walks with ex-girlfriends are better to be deleted or at least hidden.

Post interesting photos(travel, cultural events, etc.), they can be additional reasons to start a conversation. Don't post dirty jokes. But also avoid highly moral abstruse quotes - you run the risk of seeming a hypocrite and a bore.

How to write the first message?

Before writing a message, carefully study the profile of the girl. After learning about her interests, you can find an excuse to start communication. Have you noticed that the girl's page is full of photos of dogs? So, a topic for conversation has been found! Now the main task is to correctly use the information received. So, what to write to a girl when meeting?

You should not write "What cute dogs." And here is the message “I noticed that you have 3 Yorkies (husky / spitz / labrador). I have long wanted to start, but I heard that they are very difficult to care for. Could you give me some advice?" has a chance to attract attention. Have you seen photos of a girl from a recent vacation?

Ask what a wonderful hotel in her photos, because you are also planning a trip to this city. Pay attention to her playlist on a social network or information about your favorite music in the profile and write that you have the same musical tastes, attribute a little-known fact about a musical group, ask if the girl is going to the next concert.

The topic for the first message can be her favorite films and books. Just don’t limit yourself to a mean message “I see that you like such and such a movie / book, I do too”, write why exactly you like it (write emotionally, the girl must believe that this is your favorite work), what she thinks about some or the actions of the main character, create your own options for an alternative ending and ask her opinion.

Write to a stranger that you noticed her sense of style, maybe she, as the owner of refined taste, will help you choose a gift for your mother or sister, otherwise you just can’t decide on the choice of any thing. Here's another thing to write to a girl when meeting, an example:

Awaken her curiosity. On the most ordinary day, write "Happy Holidays!". With which? That's what she wants to know. Your subsequent response could be the start of a conversation. For example, congratulations on the holiday of snow, and she will say that this year it is all gone. To increase the likelihood of a response, list a few unusual options.

And after the intriguing message “You are the second beauty in the world,” the girl will certainly want to know who is the first. Write that you noticed an unusual trait in a girl that guys usually don't like. And here's what you like about it. The girl, of course, will be interested in what kind of trait this is.

You can already use ready-made phrases what to write to a girl to get acquainted. For example, “Could you help? I'm writing a book about that?, Do you believe in love at first letter? Or should I write the second?”, “Tell me, but I couldn’t see you in Rome (any other place)?”, “I have an important question for you. How would you say no to a guy who wrote "let's get to know each other"?

However, there is a possibility that these phrases have already been addressed to her.

Don't be shy, but don't be too pushy either. Use your strengths. Joke more, tell interesting facts, intrigue your interlocutor. Be original when thinking about how to meet a girl on the Internet, what to write.

Beautiful and original dating methods

Apply your talents. If you draw well, then make a pencil sketch of a portrait of a girl and send her a photo of the result of your creativity. The answer will not keep you waiting long. You can send a message with a photo explaining what motivated you to do such an act, but avoid formulaic phrases about muses and inspiration.

Do you have a literary talent? Great! Dedicate a little poem to the girl. Just do not praise her beauty. It’s better to come up with a humorous work about dating on the Internet, and at the end ask if she still wants to take a chance.

Write to the young lady you like every day at the same time a small compliment. It's okay if she doesn't answer. Don't stop writing for 14-20 days. But one day, leave her alone. The girl will want to know what happened to the persistent admirer today.

Approach the matter with humor. As a template for the first message, you can use, for example, a job application. It will look something like this: “Please hire me for the position of an attentive friend and interesting interlocutor from November 10, 2015 with a full-time work schedule from Monday to Friday from 18.00 to 02.00”

How to start dating a girl on the Internet?

How to meet a girl on the Internet - what to write, when and how?

  • You should not start communication with the banal “Hello. How are you?”, “You are beautiful. Let's meet?" You will not receive a response to such a message. Write original, but do not overdo it, otherwise it will give the impression that you are intoxicated or have mental problems.
  • Do not try to get acquainted using vulgar compliments. Don't hint at intimacy.
  • Don't praise yourself.

    No need to write how smart, beautiful and wonderful you are and how lucky she is that she receives a message from you. Excessive self-confidence only scares away.

What to write to a girl when meeting - an example in the video:

Different approaches and features of starting online dating

Conventionally, all approaches to the beginning of dating can be divided into two categories - active and passive.

With an active approach, You immediately send a message and wait for a response. Everything is simple.

Passive Approach consists in putting down hearts and leaving comments under the photos of the girl you like. But it’s not worth hoping that the girl will write first after that. The reception may have worked 5 years ago, but now it is hopelessly outdated. At best, you will receive a courtesy in return.

There is a smarter option. Examine the list of groups in which the girl is a member, find her comments and leave your own in response to her. Do not expect a response to a comment in the style: “I agree with the author who unsubscribed above”. But the method of provocation will work perfectly. Challenge the girl's opinion - and immediately get her answer (everyone wants to prove their case). The main thing is not to be rude, be polite. A couple of comments in the group - and you can safely send private messages.

How to continue to communicate after dating? Topics for communication

Discuss everyday affairs or world news. If the girl has shown herself to be an educated interlocutor, discuss history, art, philosophical questions, of course, if you understand this too.

The main rule is not to get hung up on yourself, but more often be interested in the opinion of a new girlfriend.

What should not be said?

No need to share unnecessary details about your personal life. Topics about ex-girlfriends and sexual experiences are banned!

Avoid masculine topics. A rare girl will be interested in a story about tuning the nine, suggestions about why Arshavin “blew off” in the Arsenal, or tips on how to quickly pump up the deltoid muscle.

Beware of talking about religion and politics, do not even raise national issues.

  • It should be remembered that not all girls are positive about the idea of ​​dating on the Internet, unless, of course, we are talking about users of special dating sites. Therefore, do not be very upset if your messages are ignored.
  • If you have nothing to answer, it is better to remain silent than send "clear" or an emoticon. Wait until you come up with a decent topic.
  • Don't try to look like someone you are not. Do not embellish information about yourself.
  • Do not delay with a personal meeting for a long time, otherwise, there is a chance that you will forever remain only a “pen pal”.

We hope that our advice will help you avoid failures and achieve success beautifully. Know how to properly meet a girl on the Internet! Be original, and girls will definitely notice you!

Dating is always difficult. After all, you want to please a person at first sight. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible. Today, young people prefer to make friends and comrades in social networks or using mobile phones. What is the correct correspondence with a girl? How to make an acquaintance? What questions should be asked of the fair sex, so as not to scare her away? These are the topics we will discuss next.

Choice of communication style

At the very beginning, it should be noted that the main thing is to choose the right style of communication with the lady you like. But how to do that? Everything is extremely simple. If you are going to meet on social networks, you just need to carefully study the girl’s page. She has a lot to say. So, you can see the photos, pictures uploaded by her, listen to the playlist. It is easy to draw certain conclusions from this. Consider what styles of communication you can choose:

  1. Sweet, vanilla. Girls who prefer such communication love when they are “lisped” with them, when they are complimented and even flattered.
  2. Literary. This is how you should communicate with girls who love to be addressed with a beautiful literary speech, without the usual expressions, not in surzhik.
  3. Ordinary. Here you can just write to a girl without thinking about who she really wants to present herself to.
  4. Special. In this case, you need to carefully study the terminology of the subculture to which the lady belongs. This is easy to recognize from photos and a playlist on social networks.

First word/phrase

It is very important that the beginning of the correspondence with the girl is the most correct. Why is that? The fact is that ladies, especially beautiful ones, receive a lot of offers to get to know each other a day. And most of them are simply ignored. That is why it is necessary to initially interest the girl, to attract the necessary attention to herself. So, the first word or phrase written in the message is important. The usual "Hi!" few will be surprised. The first proposal must be approached creatively. So, consider successful correspondence with girls. Examples of the first phrases will help you build communication with the representative of the weaker sex you like:

  1. "Hello! Tell me, what will happen to our planet if all butterflies (cats, dogs) disappear? That is, you need to ask about what the lady herself likes.
  2. “I wonder what can make such a beautiful girl happy?”
  3. "Hello! I am addressing a business question: tell me, in which modeling agency do you work? Want to send my little sister (niece) there?” So you can start a conversation with beautiful ladies.

Story about yourself

We understand further how to start a correspondence with a girl. So, if an acquaintance has already begun, you need to know how to keep the conversation going. To do this, you need to tell about yourself and find out all the most interesting and important about the life of the lady you like. In this case, you need to review your completed questionnaire. In some cases, it can be slightly edited by correcting the information in the direction of the interests of the lady you like. What do you need to tell about yourself? Correspondence with a girl will be very successful if there are no boring stories like “born-grew-studied-work”. First of all, you need to talk about those aspects of life where you can find similar interests:

  1. Hobbies, hobbies.
  2. Favorite films, music.
  3. Leisure preferences (club visits, nature trips, gatherings with friends at home or in a quiet place, etc.).

However, it is also important to talk about the place of study or work. After all, there may be certain lines of intersection. At the same time, it is necessary not only to tell. After your speech, you need to ask the appropriate question, for example: “I love cars and everything connected with them. And how do you feel about such a hobby? If something does not interest the lady, you should not stop there, you need to move on to the next object of attention.

Topics that will appeal to many young ladies

In order for the correspondence with the girl to be very successful, you definitely need to interest the lady. In this case, you need to choose an appropriate topic for the conversation. So, let's consider questions to a girl during correspondence, which you should definitely ask:

  1. Questions about her personality. All people like to talk about themselves, their achievements. Therefore, almost after each of your stories, it’s good to ask a question, as they say, in the topic. Thus, you can chat for hours, learning more and more information about each other.
  2. Preferences. Be sure to ask the girl about her preferences in various areas of life. You can talk not only about music, movies or books. So, you can find out about your favorite style of clothing, weather, season, food, drinks, etc.
  3. Future plans. This path is very risky (especially if the guy is afraid of commitment), but sometimes you can ask about the girl's plans for the future. If the answers she gave are ambiguous and not to your liking, you need to quickly move the topic in a different direction. However, you should not choose a radically opposite topic, so that the girl does not have the feeling that the guy is deliberately ignoring this or that issue. For example, if a lady wrote: “I dream of getting married and having five children,” you can answer: “That's good. Here I have a sister (brother) - family, there are children, they are so happy. And then move on to the topic of relatives.

If the correspondence "stalled"

What questions can you ask a girl during correspondence if communication does not add up or is it rather difficult to progress?

  • Tell me about your happiest day.
  • Ask in which country (city) the girl would like to live and why.
  • Take an interest in who the young lady dreamed of becoming as a child.
  • Ask about what made the girl choose this particular profession (direction of study, work).
  • Ask what the interlocutor dreams about.
  • Ask a question about what kind of fairy-tale hero the girl would like to become if possible.

There are actually many such questions. You just need to turn on your imagination.

About men

If a correspondence has begun with a girl, it is also necessary to clarify how the lady relates to members of the opposite sex and whether she is thinking of starting close communication with guys in the near future. The answer is important, because the future of the correspondence itself will depend on it. If a girl is hostile to people of the opposite sex, then you should not waste your time on her. Consider what kind of correspondence with girls can be in this case. Examples of possible questions from your side are given below.

  1. What character traits do you want to see in a young man? Which ones, in your opinion, do not paint a man?
  2. Are you ready to visit some interesting place in the near future (hint of a date)?
  3. How ready are you to change your life in the near future (hint of a serious relationship)?
  4. What is the perfect couple?

It is important to remember here that if a lady leaves the topic, she must also retreat from her for a while. Otherwise, it is easy to scare the girl away with her pressure.

Taboos and forbidden topics

So, we figured out how to start a correspondence with a girl. However, it is worth remembering that it is still very important to maintain communication correctly. So, you can not make various mistakes:

  1. You should never criticize a lady's shortcomings. This will offend her.
  2. You can not make fun of her choice (in music, films, books, etc.).
  3. You can't be mean to a lady. The conversation must be equal.
  4. Do not boast or flaunt your advantages. It's not beautiful.
  5. In a conversation with a lady, you can not be rude, swear, call names. Even if the girl behaves inappropriately. It’s better to just “turn on ignore” and stop communicating.
  6. It is impossible at first to ask too frank or even intimate questions.
  7. It is impossible to promise or offer something without the desire to bring it all to life. Men don't do that.

It is worth noting that correspondence with a girl on Vkontakte or another social network is completely different. Sometimes it happens that, even observing all the rules of decency, it is not possible to make an acquaintance with a girl. No problem! No need to get upset. You just need to continue to seek your destiny, not dwelling on failures.

Chatting with a girl you just met can be a fun way to get to know someone better. To interest a girl, you should treat her with respect and ask questions that will allow you to have long and deep conversations. If everything is done correctly, she will want to meet with you again, and you can arrange new meetings or even a date.


Etiquette for virtual communication

    Take your time. You may want to write as soon as you have her number, but it's best not to rush. If you start texting her while she is still around, she may start to worry that you don't trust her or that you are pushy or intrusive.

    • If you really want to make sure you wrote down the number correctly, you can show it to her so she can check.
    • Text immediately only if she asks you to write to her so she can write down your number, or if she texts you herself to give her number.
    • There are no hard and fast rules about how long it takes before the first message, but it's usually best to wait until the next day or evening if you met in the afternoon or morning. If you do it earlier, you will seem too intrusive, and if later, the girl may decide that you do not attach much importance to this acquaintance.
  1. Text a girl at a time when she is most likely to be free. If you want a girl to happily answer your messages and wait for them, write when she can be free. For example, if you know she works until 5 pm, text her at 7 when she gets home.

    • Remember what the girl said about her schedule. For example, if she mentioned that she gets very tired between rotating shifts, don't call her between 3 p.m. and 11 p.m.
    • If you do not know anything about her schedule, you can assume that she works according to her usual schedule. For the first time, it is best to write in the evening, between 7 and 9 o'clock. Pay attention to when she answers you, and take this into account in further correspondence.
  2. Don't write long messages. Short messages will allow you to interest the girl and keep the conversation going. If the messages are short, the girl will not have to wait long for your answers. Do not send her long and detailed descriptions of life stories - this way the girl may decide that you are in dire need of communication.

    • This is extremely important at the very beginning, however, further correspondence should be guided by this principle. Correspondence is the exchange of short messages. More complex topics that require lengthy statements are better left until the moment when you get to know each other better or when you can talk on the phone.
  3. Watch spelling and grammar. Good messages will make a good impression. The girl will be pleased to receive thoughtful and coherent messages.

    • Don't use too many acronyms and abbreviations. They can cause misunderstandings, and the conversation will end if the girl does not understand what you mean. Write whole words, even if you feel like abbreviating them, and use only a small number of common acronyms.
  4. Don't use too many emoticons. Emoticons may be appropriate at certain times, but when used too often or incorrectly, they become annoying. For example, if a girl told you a story that actually made you laugh, send her a laughing emoji so she can see that you like it.

    • Use emoticons only if you want to emphasize a specific emotion. Many people perceive emoticons as real facial expressions, so emoticons help you understand what you are feeling: happy, sad, or something else.
    • At the same time, a person's face does not reflect a new emotion every second, so if you clog your messages with a large number of different emoticons, the girl may consider you an insincere person who should not be trusted.
  5. Text the girl as often as she texts you. If you text too often, or more often than she texts you, she may think you're desperate for attention, which will turn her off. To maintain interest, text her at about the same frequency as she texts you.

    Flirt, but don't cross the line. If you flirted when you met, don't be afraid to flirt in text. But be polite and watch the reaction.

    How to find topics for conversation

    1. Start by mentioning how you met. This will allow you to connect and remind her who you are. In addition, this will let the girl know that you remember the details of your acquaintance. For example, if you met in class, ask her if she's ready for an upcoming test.

      Use what you know about her. Since you just met, you still don't know much about the girl. On the other hand, if you have her number, you probably already know at least something. Scroll through your conversation in your head and think about how you can start a correspondence. Since most people like to talk about themselves, ask her questions about her. This will be a good conversation starter.

      • For example, if she mentioned that she likes to run in the park, ask how far she can run and how she usually does.
      • If she said that she works with children, ask what exactly she does, if she likes it, and so on.
    2. Choose a neutral theme. If you've been scrolling through your conversation in your head but haven't been able to hook on to anything, you can choose a neutral question that might be of interest to her. Choose an interesting and light theme.

      Send her intriguing messages. Come up with something that will make her respond to you instantly. For example, write that she dreamed about you at night. It is possible that she will quickly answer you and ask what exactly you saw.

      • But at the same time, it is important to remember what you talked about at the first meeting. If you didn't meet under romantic circumstances, or if she wasn't sure if she should give you her number, take your time telling her about your dream and wait for a more appropriate context.
    3. Send her messages that will make her laugh. Humor builds rapport, and the girl you like is no exception. If you don't know what to say, send her a harmless joke or a funny picture that will make her laugh.

    Meeting scheduling

    1. Treat texting as an opportunity to get closer. All the most important communication should take place in person, not virtually. Try to write to the girl not very often - it's better to just make appointments or find common interests.

      • You are probably very glad that she gave you her number, but do not get carried away with texting too much. Correspondence is a way to keep in touch and arrange further meetings.
    2. Strike while the iron is hot. Do not pull - invite her on a date or just meet you. You may not know this girl well yet, but since she gave you her number, she is probably interested in meeting you again.

      • If you talked a lot in your first meeting, she most likely wants to meet you herself. You can start the conversation with a suggestion to see you again: "I had a great time with you. Maybe we can meet again? How about next Saturday?"
      • If you haven't talked much, or if you want to get to know her better before seeing her again, you can chat a little. But you should still offer to meet within a few days, otherwise she may decide that you are not interested in personal communication or still think you want it.
    3. Choose a place and time based on what you know. Place and time rarely play a decisive role, but these factors also need to be taken into account. This is quite difficult since you don't know much about your new acquaintance, but you can use what you already know.

      • For example, if you met at a bar or at some event, it is possible that this time she usually has free time from work and other activities. Try to invite her at the same time next week.
      • If you were talking about sports, ask her if she would like to go to a game with you. If you met at a volunteer event, invite her to attend the next event together. If you met at school, ask if she would like to work in the library with you.
    4. Speak straight. Whenever you ask a girl out on a date, the proposal should be clear, understandable, and polite. Don't make her pry details from you or wonder what's in store for her.

      • Suggest a specific day and time. If she says it doesn't work for her, ask if another time would work. If she says she's not sure, don't push.
      • Don't be rude if she refuses. She may not have free time right now, in which case being rude will ruin your chances of meeting her when she has time. Even if she doesn't want to go on a date with you, don't get angry or take rejection to heart.
    5. Try calling her. In many cases, it's perfectly fine to arrange a date by text instead of by phone. It may be more convenient for both of you. However, if you are not afraid of difficulties, try calling her and asking her out on a phone date. This will let the girl know that you sincerely want to get to know her better.

      • You can specify the date and time in the correspondence if you want her to have this information in writing.
    • Try to make your first posts interesting and casual. This way you won't come across as too serious, pushy, or weird to a girl, all of which can turn her off. Postpone serious topics until a phone call or face-to-face meeting.


    • You should not send a girl your candid photos immediately after meeting. Such pictures should only be sent to people you know and trust. So the pictures will not get on the Internet or other people.