Beautiful statuses about babies! Cool statuses about kids - beautiful quotes about kids

Beautiful statuses about children with meaning will interest both those who have already become parents and those who are just preparing to become them. Share with your friends the most interesting statuses on this topic.

Children are happiness, happiness, when you understand it ...

  1. In the eyes of your child, you can find both tears and laughter. But you will always see trust there.
  2. In fact, a baby doesn't need both parents at any cost. It is enough for him to have one, but happy and contented life.
  3. I do not want my child to be perfect, or even overly obedient. I just want him to be able to enjoy this life ...
  4. Children are like a continuation of your childhood: back to kindergarten, back to school, back to college ...
  5. As they say, my child is not a gift. He's a surprise ...
  6. Nothing smells as sweet as a baby sleeping in your arms!
  7. Parents know that the morning begins not with coffee, but with the stamping of two small feet.

Children's question - the question that makes the most sense

The child is your continuation, your love, your happiness. And if you agree with this, set statuses about children with a meaning in life.

  1. A woman smoking in front of her child should not become the norm in our eyes.
  2. Men come and go, children are much more important.
  3. It doesn't matter how much happiness you wish for your baby. Much more important is how happy you are.
  4. - Have you ever met the perfect man? - Yes, my son is growing!
  5. In order for a child to bring a glass of water in old age, he needs not only to give birth, but also to educate him.
  6. You understand that the baby grew up when he asks for his birthday not a gift, but money ...
  7. Never scold your children, but also - never be afraid to educate.

Talk to your child before it's too late!

Statuses about children with a meaning in life should remind all parents how happy they are. They are happy simply because their children will definitely remain on this Earth ...

  1. Sometimes she does me little dirty tricks, sometimes she does big ones. But I love her anyway, because she is my daughter ...
  2. I am a little sad that our children will not remember that once there was a time without mobile phones ...
  3. For some, thousands of dollars will not be enough for wealth, but for some an only child is already invaluable happiness.
  4. Dear mothers! The kid must make mistakes, fall and fill bumps in order to learn how to cope with difficulties now.
  5. I don’t know about you, but I’m glad that almost every weekend I wake up from the timid clatter of children's feet.
  6. A desirable child is when, more often than not, you read him a bedtime story, and do not turn on a new cartoon on the computer ...
  7. Many of us need to feel the difference between “helping” and “patronizing”.

Looking at a newborn child, it is difficult to imagine that life rushes so fast

Having given birth to a baby, many of us understand that they will never live the same way again. But statuses about children and happiness with meaning confirm that in this case you will definitely find the fullness of life.

  1. It's not that hard to get up at night trying to calm your crying baby. If you were ready for his birth ...
  2. Children's laughter captivates with its naivety. The trust in the whole world, which has not yet been lost, resounds in it.
  3. Teach children to clean up after themselves and treat people well. Let's build a friendly planet with our own hands.
  4. What's the first word. You would know how happy I was with the first smile!
  5. Of course, I want my baby to be successful. But I also want him to become a real person!
  6. Do not laugh at children's inventions, let them believe in miracles. And then, in adulthood, they will believe in themselves!
  7. A small child is not easy. But one of his slightest smile, and you understand what all this was for ...

Don't be afraid to be the imperfect parent and you will succeed.

Short statuses about children with a meaning in life are the perfect phrase for the status line of a mom or dad.

  1. At any age, a voice from childhood sounds in my head.
  2. Every former child wants to return to where he grew up.
  3. The most important thing is to teach your child to live without you.
  4. Remember, you are allowing your baby to be patient.
  5. Is your child small? Learn to have fun with him!
  6. None of the moms or dads have ever been able to avoid disappointment.
  7. The best tablet alternative for a child is communication.

Your child must be loved!

The existence of every baby on the planet is already a miracle. This will be confirmed by smart statuses about children with meaning.

  1. How tired of the phrase "children are the flowers of life." Children are children!
  2. You cannot change a man, except perhaps to raise him correctly from the very beginning.
  3. Parents, remember that an overly obedient child should also alert you!
  4. You still need to pamper the kids: you never know what kind of trials they will face in the future.
  5. I wish the crying of children sounded much less often ...
  6. If you think that raising a child is an important process, you should know that in fact it is much more important.
  7. Before you criticize, make sure you give the right example.

Beautiful statuses about children - Gentle face, every dash. Snub nose sniffs. Money, career - none of this is important ... The important is sleeping side by side.

A kitten will grow up to be a cat, a mouse will turn into a mouse, and only for a mother a native child is forever a baby !!!

Children are flowers of life. Got a bouquet - give it to your grandmother!

Thank you, Lord, for every moment In which my children are near, And I ask, You keep them, They are dearer than anyone else in the world, Only next to them life is important, Without them it is not worth a dime. Thank you that I am not alone, And my angels are with me.

All the joy of life fits into the smile of a child!

Everyone has their own performance of "Miracle". But only one "miracle" can call you mom and dad ...

A child is a creature that you carry within you for 9 months,
On hands - 3 years,
And in your heart - until you die yourself.

Our happiness is our children! Better there are none in the world, Like butterflies fly, We fill our life with meaning! Without children, not life, but boredom. There is no warmth and no comfort, No fun, no fire, There is no continuation of you ...

Children are the main joy in life !!! Everything else comes and goes

The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child ...

The most precious treasure is my beloved child !!! ... Everything else is little things in life !!

The greatest happiness in life is to see your child's smile!

Do not spare time for children,
See the adults in them,
Stop quarreling and getting angry,
Try to befriend them.

Children are happiness, children are fairy tales
Children are sleepy eyes in the morning
Children are legs on the parquet in the morning
And mom has warm palms on her cheeks
Children are sweet dreams, magic is everywhere
Fills the house with happiness - a small miracle !!!

Baby smiles are so cute!
So charmingly beautiful!
In this strange and dangerous world
Children are like the salvation of the soul!

A child does not look like a mother, a child does not look like a dad - an exact copy of an angel!

Children are happiness! Children are joy!
Children are a breeze in life ...
They cannot be earned, this is not a reward.
God gives them by grace to adults!

You are growing a little, - you are mother's happiness,
Palm to palm, five fingers in an embrace,
So what are you - mom's happiness !!!

What is happiness? Where can I buy it? - Happiness? .. No, you can't buy it! Happiness can only be born!

Children are the brightest and purest phenomenon ... They come to our world to give warmth and tenderness, a sea of ​​smiles, joy and happiness!

There are flowers and flowers in the world - no one can replace children in the world, they are our joy and happiness always, they work wonders for us adults.

There is no one more confident in the sincerity of his love than a child.

Nowhere, in any city in the world, do the stars shine as brightly as in the city of childhood.

What's the sweetest sweetness in the world? Sugar - I could once answer. Honey, marmalade, marshmallow and sherbet. Only now I understood the answer. Native baby smell of the top of the head that remains on our pillow, tender fingers and marigolds, ass, knees and elbows.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than gorging children with appetite.

Putting children to bed is very simple: you just need to give them a drink, eat, write and read books, sing a lullaby, say "Good night", kiss, stroke the back, tummy, lie in bed with them ... and sleep, nafig, before them !

Happiness is not money or wealth, happiness is small, with short legs, a squeaky voice, loud funny laughter and dear eyes.

Any mother asked the question: "How can I love another child so much, since the first one already takes all my heart?" When the second is born, you understand that the heart just gets bigger.

Children are an excellent cover to indulge in the unpretentious joys of life: jumping with a ball, splashing in the river, playing snowballs, sledding ... And all hope will grow up for grandchildren!

It has been proven by children that the posture of sleep does not affect its quality.

The children were put to sleep ... They are sitting in classmates, All mothers are sleepy, But they are happy. They want to talk to them, And there is work to do around the house. Nothing, let him wait - Soon my daughter will grow up!

Chelyabinsk kids are so harsh that Baba Yaga, Baba and Koschey the Immortal are afraid of them ...

Our government allocates the last money from the budget to raise pensions to pensioners ... so that they, in turn, give them to their unemployed grandchildren.

To the kindergarten. Children, years up to 3. - Hello, children. My name is Zhanna Gennadievna. Silence. And then quietly, someone's voice: - Greedy Beef?

When children appear, many men are carried away by storks ...)))))))))))

A child is the only creation of our own, which we strive to break, and with love ...

In the name of father and son and good upbringing. Belt.

Parents hold us in their arms with the first cry, and we hold them in our arms with the last groan ...

The difference between adults and children lies in the cost of their toys.

Love your grandchildren! They will take revenge on your children ...

The laughter of children is music, even an orchestra for my ears)))

Only children will help you find out how much patience you have.

But children also raise us ... in their own way ... and no one knows who is who - more.

Decree is the same job. Only there the boss is younger than me ...

I decided to sing to my 9-month-old son, - gagged his mouth with his palm

In kindergarten. Children three years old. - Hello children. My name is Zhanna Gennadievna. Silence. And then a little voice: - Greedy Beef?

- Children, what did you like the most about the museum?
- As Kolya from the steps @ bnulsya)))))))

Was on the DR with my girlfriend, I ask her little daughter: -What do you like to eat the most? -Ice cream!!! -What? -Kilogram !!! :))

Having asked small children what love is, they answered me: - These are two people who hold hands and smile at each other, no matter what happens.

We are sitting with our daughter in a cafe. I go to the toilet for a minute. Just came to the door, the petty one shouts in horror: "Mom! You are at the wrong door! For mothers, there is a toilet with the letter" M "!!! The man at the next table sarcastically asks: "Well, and with the letter" Ж "for whom?" Mine was not at a loss, she says: "For gentlemen")))

Today I pretended to be dead in front of my three-year-old nephew. He cried for 5 seconds, then grabbed my iPhone and ran away ...))

My daughter was then about 5 years old. I was in a hurry. And she sits and peels an egg. I say to my daughter: "Take an egg with you in the car and eat on the way!" and she told me: "let me put it in my ass right away!"

Today's children up to one year old think that their name is "UTILIZATION"!

People meet - life goes on! Children are born - life goes on! Dads quit - life goes on! Old age is coming - dads rush ... to look for abandoned children.

The regular payment of alimony is not a sign of paternal care and attention.

-Expensive! Gave birth? - Yes! - How many? - 3500 - Why are we such a crowd?

- Little Johnny, are you a schoolboy?
- I'm not a schoolboy, I'm a sadist. I go to kindergarten.

Energy is something that every child has in abundance ... until he is asked to do something.

- Mom, why did the stork bring my brother, and they found me in the cabbage?
- The stork dropped you.

If your child has disgusting handwriting, prepare him for the doctor ...

- Honey, today is Sunday. Take your child to the toilet at least!

- How did Little Red Riding Hood know that it was a wolf and not a grandmother?
- I counted my legs!

Men are weakness. Children are joy. Once I relaxed, then you rejoice all your life!

Teach your children kindness and compassion, and they will learn cruelty without you ...

Daughter (3.5 years old) saw gypsies for the first time and with such admiring eyes
-Mama, watch the princess ...

The mood has improved a lot. when I drove to work in the morning. A man with a beard enters the bus. Seeing him, a little boy shouts: "Mom, mom, look, uncle has a beard - how are you pissing!"

Quiet hour in kindergarten: One of the kids asks the newcomer - Slysy ti, what's your name? - Zenya! - And how old are you? “I don’t know, it’s aimed at the four.” - Are you attracted to women? - Not yet. - So you are not four, but aphids ...

On phone calls with a request to call one of the parents in their absence, the boy, the son of a lawyer father and a forensic expert mother, answered: - They are not at home ...
- Where are they?
- Dad is in jail, and mom is in the morgue.

The most attractive thing in the world for kids is a cat's tail!

The niece was explained where the children come from. Her dad arrives from the watch, she runs to meet and shouts:
- Hooray! Hooray! Dad has arrived! Spermatozoa brought!

A neuropathologist asks a four-year-old patient questions: - How many paws does a pussy have? - Four. - And how many ears does the pussy have? - Two. - And how many eyes does the pussy have? - Two. - How many ponytails does the pussy have? - Mom, has this * blanc never seen cats?

- Why is your child yelling? What does he want?
- SHOOT He wants to!

A boy is standing and looking out the window. Suddenly, his face changes, he runs to his mother and shouts:
- Mom, mom, dad goes there! What will we show him first -
my diary or your new dress?

My five-year-old son is standing in the bathroom, looking at his "household" and profoundly utters:
- I understood - here it is, the end of the spine ...

Children are the buds of life. And they bloom later. And they are so blooming that I will simply not save.

Cool statuses about kids

What can we say about our beloved children? They are the meaning of our life, and what pleases us regardless of the situation that surrounds us, they can also easily unite us. People are able to love not only their own, but also other people's children, because they are the happiness that comes nowhere. Each child, even if in his own way, is dear and valuable to his parents. Indeed, even in severity and in punishment, we still love our children very much, and this is so appreciated in the future by most children. This love manifests itself then. When we look at a photo and beautiful statuses about children we understand that this is our main meaning of this life. In general, it seems that cameras seem to "love" children, and only in children can you see that sincerity and real emotions that are absent in adults who have already learned to lie. And this is what is appreciated in every child. After all, how nice it is to notice a real sweet smile on a gentle face, to look into sincere eyes that give you several times more tenderness than you do.

We only understand childhood well when we grow up.

Today you breastfeed him and teach him to walk, and tomorrow he teaches you how to use a computer.

Children are flowers, they also need a pot.

When this angel sleeps, he sees everything that you did for him today.

Rejoice in the little things, because a child lives inside you.

Even if you have outgrown your mother, you will always be her child.

The world of children is special: carefree and bright!

All children on the planet laugh in the same language!

The most harmless and strongest love is childhood. Adults should learn ...

Think before committing a bad deed. You have a child behind you, who thinks that you are a hero for him!

Gentle face, every dash, snub nose sniffing - Money, career - it's unimportant, important - he is sleeping next to him.

The most expensive necklace for a woman is the arms of a hugging child!

A child smiles for the first time at four weeks of age. By this time, his eyes are focused enough to see your face well.

I believe in love at first sight - after all, I fell in love with my mother from the moment I opened my eyes-

Yesterday he lay in diapers, and today he asks for a car and a separate apartment.

Children are happiness! But it comes at a high price !!!

Let's believe in miracles from childhood? - have you already found your miracle?

Childhood is when we are very happy about a new bike, so in the future we will not even be happy about a cool car.

A newborn baby sucks the juices and energy from the mother's sissy, and when it matures - from the father's wallet.

A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit!

Children should be very indulgent towards adults.

A child can teach an adult three things: for no reason to rejoice, always find something to do for himself and insist on his own.

Your child has grown up, if the question: What to give you? answers: Give me money-

Adults are just old children.

Adults do not use foul language with children, and children do not use foul language with adults.

Nowhere do the stars shine so brightly as in the city of our childhood.

A family without children is a paradise without angels.

The goal of upbringing is to teach children to do without us.

In life, we always face one annoying thing - One fine day, a child becomes an adult.

Only children can help adults find out how much patience they have.

A little son asks his father: -Dad! And how much does it cost to get married? - Dad thought about it and answered: -you know, son, I don’t know, because I still pay off-.

Do you think the child grew up bad because he contacted a bad company? Don't defend yourself!

Who in childhood did not think that monsters live under the bed and that they can grab you?

Children are like life started over: First steps, first smiles, first successes and first disappointments. Children are our experience, children are us.

No matter how much you bring up your children, they still act like parents !!!

Previously, the children were frightened by Babka-Yozhka, but now they are disconnected from the Internet.

Children's imagination is broader than an adult, because it is free from the realities of life.

If the child does not feel that your home belongs to him, he will make the street his home.

Children, hug sincerely and tightly, and most importantly - loving and just like that-

Yesterday in -Good night, kids- the puppeteer hit his head on the table-. Kids have never heard such wishes for the night before-

Childhood is when you can show your age on your fingers.

If you want the children to listen to you carefully, speak to someone else in a low voice.

The best feeling in the world is with parents who come home, and they are hugged from the doorstep by babies with all their wonderful little arms and legs.

Childhood is when you think that an adult is already, and adults think that a child. And all at the same time are fundamentally mistaken.

Your children will definitely teach you how to regularly make repairs in the house.

When I was little, my parents moved a lot. But I always found them.

Recently, I made a small hint to my son and hung a sign on his door with the inscription - Reckoning time - 18 years old -.

Head down, butt up - this is how babies often sleep. This is amazing!

In some areas, children are not much different from adults. For example, both of them live their dreams of what they will do when they grow up.

Believing that all children are angelic creatures puts yourself in great danger.

In the first grade, the child is completely absorbed in new knowledge, therefore he does not take his eyes off the teacher's mouth. A little later, the gaze drops, and knowledge recedes into the background.

In childhood, parents teach their children so that they can learn from them later. This is the only way to keep pace with the times.

Best status:
Children are always older than their parents, because by passing on to them the knowledge we have acquired, we add our age to their years.

When a child is born, a child re-opens the world around him for his parents, as if the burden of past years does not exist.

Children have one extremely disgusting trait - they become adults one day.

Probably, nothing warms the soul so much as the reciprocal smile of a complete stranger to you. A feeling of one's own frankness and kindness immediately arises.

How little we needed in childhood for happiness! For example, so that no one eats us while we run out of the toilet at night!

Children are interested in the question: where does everything come from? Adults - where does it go?

The best part about kids is the process of making them.

It is curious: with each generation the children are getting worse, and the parents are getting better; from this it follows that more and more bad children grow into more and more good parents.

Is this heaven? -No, this is childhood, baby ...

An unbreakable toy is a toy that a child can use to break all his other toys.

A child is an eternal mystery for adults.

I want to be a child ... there the leaves were money ...

The first half of our life is poisoned by our parents, the second half by our children.

Call boys. Round the clock. Phone 02.

He was never his mother's favorite - and he was the only child in the family. Thomas Berger

All the children of the world cry in the same language

You can only give birth to an ideal man yourself ...

Each child should be given his or her own yardstick, encouraged to take on his own responsibility, and rewarded with his own well-deserved praise. Effort, not success, deserves a reward.

Whatever one may say, life is much easier for children. When a child needs to solve his problem, they immediately run to their dad and start sneaking around ... A couple of tears and the trick is in the bag.

First, parents interfere with our lives, then children, and only when grandchildren appear, we understand that we have not lived our lives in vain.

Good girls understand geographic maps, bad girls know playing cards, smart girls know credit)

The best necklace for a woman is a child's arms hugging her neck ...

The child gives birth to parents. (Stanislav Jerzy Lei)

If a man has a son, he becomes a father ... And if a daughter is born to him, he becomes a dad)

Oh, boys, I'm so drunk, just like you need!

The boy did not speak until he was five. And suddenly at breakfast he says: - Why didn't they put sugar in my tea? Delighted parents: - Why were you silent before? - And before they always put it.

Happiness for a mother is the smile of a baby that she wore under her heart for months ... The first word and the first step, when the son falls asleep in her arms. Her happiness cannot be measured in years ... Happiness for a woman is simply to be a MOM!

When the child has grown up, it is time for parents to learn to stand on their own two feet. Francis Hope

MEN, congratulate me !!! my son was born !!! only the wife does not know about it yet

There are two of us and that's great! We are together and life is good! What a happiness it is to carry a baby under your heart!

A child is the only thing in the house that has to be washed by hand.

Father and mother, father and mother are the first two authorities on which the world is based for a child, that belief in life, in a person, in everything honest, kind and holy is based.

In the lesson: “Children! What is a thing? " Petya: "Well, this is, for example, a book, a briefcase, a cap!" Little Johnny: "A can of beer with a hangover is this thing!"

My son is doing meditation - after all, it's better than sitting and writing statuses about babies.

If a boy loves work, the boy's name is "Dzhamshut"!

The child gives birth to parents. One awkward move and you are the father

The child gives birth to parents. One awkward move and you are the father.

Children listen most attentively when they are not talking to them.

Children have money more often than their parents, because children have parents, and parents, as a rule, no longer have parents. Henrik Jagodziński

The blonde gave birth to twins and sits roaring to her the nurse comes up and says Che revenge ... And the Blonde ... -And what will I tell my husband ... Where did I get my second child ..

Do you want your children to grow up obedient? Do not forget, sometimes, to give the children a "Belt"!

It's easy to become a father. By contrast, being a father is difficult.

Children are capable of experiencing strong feelings, but they are not able to understand them. And even if they understand partially, they do not know how to tell about it.

It's good when you are 4 years old. You can take the broken remote control and call your mom ...

Childhood ends when you stop hating your school teachers

A child is a rational creature, he knows well the needs, difficulties and obstacles of his life.

Children need to be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up.

If you don't know what your children are like, look at their friends. (Xun Tzu)

Session - that's what you need to scare children in childhood, and not all sorts of babai there!

In my childhood, friends were not online, but in the yard.

Big girls play too. Only teddy bears have grown, become a little unshaven, smelling like Lacoste and Kenzo, but we still take them to bed

A child, stroking a cat on the face, playing, says: "Musenka, you know, in the human world, women with mustaches are not very much appreciated!"

Before the birth of a child, I thought that the worst thing that can be dropped is a laptop!

Smiles, ringing laughter, joy in the eyes, sincere friendship, games in the yard ... the time when everything was so simple and carefree. But childhood cannot be returned.

The sexiest number is 21593, because when two (2) think about one (1), then in a maximum of five (5) weeks they will understand that in nine (9) months they will already be (3) ...

For a child with a hammer - all those around him are nails!

Every girl in her life must learn to jump over a goat ... As in physical education)

Go and tell your mom that you drank a liter of blood from the teacher!

Men are called children for a reason. The grown-up boys now only have different toys ... by several orders of magnitude more expensive ...

If the child is guilty, then his parents should be put in a corner.

Smile - and he will smile back.

Your child has matured, if the question: What to give? answers: Give me money.

The character of the child is a cast of the character of the parents; it develops in response to their character.

Dear Santa Claus! I've been a very good girl all year, so please give me a present to some bad boy ...)

Have you noticed how children meet and say goodbye? They meet for the first time as if they have known each other for eternity, say goodbye forever as if until tomorrow.

Each son belongs to the category of those boys with whom his mother forbids him to play.

The most expensive necklace on a woman's neck is the arms of a hugging child!

She is like a little girl waiting for the new year, snow and your call.

They are the same, but their own mother will never confuse them!

The famous traveler Fyodor Konyukhov heard the phrase "We will have a dear child" in 76 languages ​​of the world.

If you want your children to celebrate the New Year at home, go visit.

Teach your children to be silent. They will learn to speak on their own.

There is nothing better than babies

Spring has come: the boys are swelling, the girls are blooming.

Only children will help you find out how much patience you have

When everything around is amazing, nothing is surprising; this is childhood.

A child's imagination is wider than an adult's because it is still free from the realities of life.

Divorce statistics show that parents run away from home more often than children.

Today I decided to remember my childhood and jumped into a snowdrift ... who knew that there was a shop?

Children's wisdom: if mom laughs at dad's witticisms, then there are guests in the house.

Girls want sex too, we just call it romance.

Are you asking where I would like to go forever? You know, on page 14 of his passport.

Every girl has such a boy, entering whose page you think "and God forbid, some sheep wrote something to him there."

A child of sincere love will not be born due to anything, but in spite of everything!

I really want a child ... a girl ... 18 years old

No matter how much you teach your children good manners, they still naturally tend to imitate their parents.

Girls, and this happens to you, so you fall in love with a guy, and he bam and cut his hair?

- As a child, if you walked out of the store with bread, was it obligatory to bite the edges?

Abandoned children often live with their parents.

And remember girls, a good frying pan is the basis of your family happiness!

Children need the New Year for a fairy tale, losers - as a starting point for new hope and the rest - for fun.

(parents to children) 4th grade: "Have you done your homework?" 9th grade: "Have you collected a portfolio?" 11th grade: "Are you going to school?"

When in childhood, our parents swore at us, we considered it rudeness, now we ourselves swear at our children and consider it upbringing.

Modern children are not waiting for Santa Claus to come, but when their parents leave.

Too obedient sons never achieve much.

What would the child not amuse himself, if only he did not make his own

Think before you do a bad deed. You have a child behind you who thinks that you are a hero to him!

If a woman has a man whom she loves more than life ... then this man is her son!

There is happiness ... I know him ... I know the color of his eyes, his laughter ... And it calls me mom!

Gray mice are almost always happy: they get married successfully, they have a family and children. And I ... and I show off.

The children were going to school: they shaved, washed, hungover ...

Children are our tomorrow's judges.

The main tragedy of my life is that childhood is still playing in the priest, but I already have to live like an adult ...

- Dad, why can't children watch this film? - Sit quietly! Now you will see for yourself.

Probably, this is happiness: to wake up at night and hear how he comes up to the baby's bed and, taking him in his arms, says: "Hush, honey, don't cry, otherwise you will wake up your mother."

No two children are alike - especially if one of them is yours.

We are bored with childhood, we are in a hurry to grow up. And then, we dream of becoming children again ...

Where does happiness begin? From the strips on your test, from the ultrasound, what the child will show, from the fact that now you are THREE!

- She says to me, they say, give me a baby and they won't take you into the army ... It was then that I remembered that serving in the army is my sacred duty.

I went out onto the balcony, looked into the courtyard, and there the children were running, playing, riding bicycles. Happy, they haven't bought a computer yet.

Anyone who says, “It's easier than taking candy from a child,” never tried to take candy from a child.

A gentle face, every dash, snub-nosed nose sniffing ... Money, career - all this is unimportant, important - he sleeps side by side. ?

Mother's love is the most common and most understandable example of productive love; its very essence is care and responsibility.

These diapers absorb up to 30 liters of moisture! The baby always stays dry !!! Only from a place can not budge.