Beautiful oriental costumes with your own hands. Names of oriental costumes. We sew an oriental costume

In order for belly dancing to succeed a little to be able to perform it, the costume and the image of the performer play a huge role in the dance. This requires an appropriate image, the application of special bright makeup, beautifully styled hair. And, of course, do not skimp on a charming oriental beauty costume.

What it will be depends on your imagination, financial capabilities and desires. The easiest option is to buy a ready-made costume specially designed for belly dancing. Glory be to Allah! today this good is enough - thousands of shops and shops offer a wide variety of outfits to choose from.

But no one will give a guarantee that there will not be three dancers next to you, exactly the same dancers. And if you want to be the one and only and unique oriental beauty, then you can spend a couple of evenings and make a costume with your own hands. No no! Just don't be afraid - it's completely easy! But the result can be truly masterpiece!

If you are ready to spend your time preparing the costume, then read and see below.

Beads, decorative braids, sequins, etc. give a special charm to a belly dance costume made of weightless transparent fabrics.

The set of the suit includes a short top as an obligatory detail that does not hide the movements of the hips and abdomen. You can do it yourself in the form of a luxurious sconce. We select a bra of a suitable color, preferably with foam cups and generously decorate it with sequins, beads, brooches, various jewelry and rhinestones, multi-colored edges and beads, ribbons, decorative braid, sparkling pendants, fringes, etc. etc.

Initially, the costume of an oriental dancer involves pants made of light chiffon and an airy knee-length skirt. The purpose of the panties is to hide the dancer's legs, focusing the audience's attention on the hips and stomach and creating a special aura of mystery around the dancer.

But now, as you know, the costume for an oriental beauty is acquiring more and more open styles and seductive cutouts.

Belly dance belt on a wide dense basis. It should keep its shape well and, like the top, is abundantly strewn with various beauties.

Instead of a belt, you can use a beautiful scarf. A scarf tied at the hips is trimmed with an elegant fringe or coins along the very edge. During the dance, the coins ring melodiously to the beat of the music, emphasizing the rhythm of the movement.

A belly dance costume should not hinder your movements or cause inconvenience. Belly dance is performed barefoot, but during rehearsals it is permissible to wear ballet flats or semi-ballet flats for the correct position of the foot.

Belly dance is performed to oriental tunes that delight the ear, kindle passion, leading to the depths of love whirlpools. It will fill your life with flowers and bright colors, beautiful oriental melodies and dazzling art of belly dance.

And most importantly - it will give you health, beauty and good mood, which is what I wish you! Dance, move, live from the heart!

If you know how to sew costumes for dancing, festive kids, then you can create something special, an apparel that you can't buy in any store.

Bunny pattern for the matinee

This outfit is designed for a child whose height is 90 cm. Of course, you can use the service of a professional and sew such a suit to order. But they take a lot of money for the work. Follow the detailed step-by-step description, and over time you will be able to make not only this, but other outfits as well. After all, such a hobby is very interesting and exciting.

The photo shows a detailed pattern. In order to redraw it, you need to prepare large sheets of paper, newspaper or tracing paper.

If you only have small sheets of paper, glue a few with tape, but skip it from the back side, since it is difficult to draw and write with a pencil on a smooth tape.

Let's start with the back. Draw her pattern using the digital clues. You can make it easier if you like. Enlarge the pattern so that 1 cm of the pattern is 1 cm on the monitor, redraw it from top to bottom, gradually scrolling the image up.

If this is not possible, first draw the base of the back - a large vertical line. It consists of segments: 14; 12; 16; ten; 27 cm. At the bottom, you need to leave 2 cm on the drawstring and 3 cm on the fold.

Now pass the horizontal lines through this vertical segment. Here's how to make the pattern further:

  1. Mark the rest of the values ​​shown on the back diagram with a solid pencil line, connect the marks into a single piece.
  2. Mark where the lightning will be.
  3. In the same way, you need to make a pattern for the rest of the parts, not forgetting to transfer it to each legend.
Before we sew the bunny costume, we start cutting. Fold the fabric in half to cut 2 pieces at once. Pin the back here with pins, stepping slightly to the side (if the fabric is wide) or down (if it is narrow), attach and attach in front, and then the sleeve. You can place smaller details between larger ones to save fabric. Cut out, leaving 3 cm for the hem of the bottom, and 7 mm on all sides.

Leave 2.7 cm at the hem where the hood drawstring will be. Please note that this piece is one-piece, where it says "fold", with this side attach the pattern to the fold of the fabric.

Each ear is also one-piece, but this is in case you have it in one color. If you want to make a two-color one, as in the photo, then cut out two of its back sides from gray fabric, and two inner sides from pink.

How to sew an animal costume for a matinee?

After you have cut out all the necessary parts, we proceed to the main work. Stitch on the wrong side of the back and front sides. In the photo, these lines are indicated by a green line. Now you need to make the step seams. Also, without turning the workpieces out onto your face, sew the front to the back of the leg, first one, then the other.

Sew the zipper into the back, first stitching with a basting stitch with a needle. Sew the back section from the buttocks to the zipper. Now you can sew on this snake also on a sewing machine, as well as shoulder seams.

Stitch the inner sides of each sleeve. Sew them to the armhole using the basting first. For a better fit on the shoulder, you can tuck them up a little. Try on the suit for the child, if everything suits you, sew on the sleeves on a typewriter. Decide on the length during the same fitting. Fold the bottom of the legs, sew, turning the fabric inward 2 cm, then to thread the elastic here.

Do the same with the hood, tucking it up, stitch it. Sew it to the neck of the front and back.

Measure out the elastic for the trousers, insert them into the two legs. In the drawstring of the hood too.

Thus, you can make not only carnival costumes, but also home costumes. In such a robe made of soft fabric, the child will be comfortable walking around the apartment.

For dancing, costumes are made of thinner fabrics. If your daughter or you want to do oriental, read how to make such an outfit.

We make oriental costumes ourselves

To practice belly dancing, you need bloomers or a skirt - preferably a fluffy one.

The first two models are the easiest to create. Measure your hips, add 5-10 cm for a free fit (this value depends on how fluffy you want to make harem pants).

Divide the resulting figure by 4 - this is the width of each of the four legs (dimension A). Now you need to find out the length. To do this, place the beginning of the measuring tape at a point just below the navel, and the end at the bottom of the ankles (value B).

Draw a rectangle. Its width is A, and its length is B. Attach it to the fabric folded in half, cut it out, leaving 7 mm seam allowances on the sides, and 2.5 cm at the bottom and top. gum.

Stitch the sidewalls from the sides, but not with a continuous seam, but with this one.

Oriental dancewear is made from lightweight materials, often from translucent materials. When choosing fabric, pay attention to the fact that it hardly wrinkles.

Process the seams on the side cuts, you can decorate them with metallic jewelry.

A skirt for oriental dances is another option for such clothing. The semi-sun model is comfortable to wear and is suitable for various figures.

The half-sun skirt will fit perfectly on the figure, since all the necessary calculations have already been made.

The pattern here is universal, suitable for sizes 40 to 60. Find your own in the table and determine the values ​​of the radii R1 and R2. The last column is the length of the belt, you will cut it out along the length so that you can fold it in half and stitch it to the top of the skirt.

To sew it, use a crepe fabric with a width of 1.5 meters. The length of the blade, depending on the size, is 2.05 m - 2.45 m.

Here is a list of what you need to get started:

  • paper or cellophane film for patterns;
  • pins;
  • scissors;
  • pen, crayon;
  • crepe fabric;
  • corsage tape;
  • zip fastener 20 cm.
Lay the pattern out on the fabric as shown. Cut with seam and hem allowances. If the zipper is concealed, then first stitch it to the top of the front and rear sidewalls, and then join these parts with a seam.

If the zipper is not hidden, then first sew the front and back of the skirt on the left, leave a gap of 20 cm at the top, and sew in the zipper. Sew the right side. Iron the seams.

To sew the skirt further, put the bodice tape inside the belt, iron its ends, directing them to the seal. Lay the workpiece so that the top of the skirt is inside the belt - between its two sides. Connect these parts with a stitch.

How to sew a belly dance top and belt?

For a complete oriental dance costume, craft these 2 last pieces of clothing. For beginner tailors, the following top model is suitable. If you want to sew an oriental costume with your own hands for your daughter, who needs it for classes or matinees at school, kindergarten, then this option will also be ideal.

Let the top also be in crepe fabric. Take a T-shirt or T-shirt, this clothing should be the size of the dancer. Fold any of these garments in half lengthways, fold over the bottom. Place the shirt on the fabric, folded in half, and trace the outlines onto the canvas.

If the top is sleeveless, don't cut it out. Sew the shoulder straps to hold the garment.

If a belly dance costume is made for an adult girl, then you can cut out the top in the shape of a butterfly. Do not forget to decorate it with sparkles, stones, sequins.

The belt also needs to be decorated, then during the performance of the belly dance, the jewelry will look beautiful, shine and tap each other in time with the movements.

Here's how to do it: measure your waist, cut a strip out of the fabric so wide that it covers your hips and you can tie a belt so that the ends of the fabric hang down. By the way, they should already be the main part. Strengthen the belt from the wrong side with a corsage ribbon, and decorate the front part as you like using beads, bugles, beads, etc.

National costumes for the matinee

It is also not difficult to sew them, the main thing is to know what things each consists of and how it is decorated. So, the Russian folk costume for a woman includes:
  • shirt;
  • sundress;
  • scarf or kokoshnik;
  • bast shoes or boots.
Nowadays, such shoes can be replaced with shoes with a small wide heel.

If you want to quickly sew a sundress, then measure the line of the hips, add 10-30 cm, depending on the desired splendor of the product. Let's denote the resulting number as P - this is the width of the product. Measure the length to the top of the chest to the middle of the ankle or to the heels. This will be the value of E.

Now fold the fabric in half so that the fold is on the left. Set aside horizontally from it to the right? P, and down - vertically - E. Cut with a margin for the lower and upper gates, as well as for the side seams.

Sew on this top of the sundress with a wide braid, at the same time attaching folds. Then tuck the bottom up, hem it up. It remains to sew the straps to size, and the sundress is ready.

Sew a shirt long, but shorter than a sundress. It is created from light-colored canvas and decorated with embroidery. The product is slightly flared from the armpits, the sleeves are straight, the wrist is intercepted with elastic bands.

In conclusion, it remains to tie a scarf or kerchief, and the Russian women's costume is ready. But if you want to decorate your head in a different way, then read the next section of the article.

How to make a kokoshnik?

This idea will also be useful to you if your daughter needs to present a Russian folk costume or play the Snow Maiden at a holiday. In such an outfit, a woman can, for example, perform in a choir or shine at a themed party dedicated to national costumes.

The pattern shows the sizes of the child's and adult's product.

As you can see, to make a kokoshnik out of cardboard, you must first redraw its pattern on paper. The height of the child is 10.4 cm, and the height of the adult is 13.3 cm, and their width is 26 and 36 cm, respectively.

Please note that the pattern shows the width of half of the product; when transferred to fabric, this value will be twice as large.

Based on the measurements presented, draw one cutout of the headdress, which will be located on the head, and on top - several small ones, they will decorate the top of the kokoshnik.

Now you need to prepare materials, namely:

  • guipure and crepe satin;
  • non-woven thread-stitched;
  • the cloth;
  • pearls, artificial flowers;
  • bindweed braid (light green, dark green, gold);
  • gum;
  • satin ribbon (4 cm wide for a child and 5 - for an adult).

According to the pattern drawn, cut out 3 parts: two from the fabric with seam allowances, from cardboard - without an allowance. Stitch the fabric with braid, decorate with pearls, flowers. Fold 3 blanks in this order: fabric wrong side down, cardboard, second, undecorated fabric, wrong side up.

Stitch on the wrong side along the ribbed edge and on the sides, then turn inside out. This is what you should get on the front, front side,

but what is on the reverse.

Here's how to make a kokoshnik out of cardboard and fabric further. For the headband, cut 2 pieces of fabric and one piece of non-woven fabric. The size is given for an adult kokoshnik. For a baby, do according to the volume of the baby's head, plus an allowance for the tie.

Attach these details on both sides of the bottom of the kokoshnik, putting the non-woven inside, pin with needles, stitch from the inside out. Turn right side out, iron.

Overlock the edge or fold the fabric inward and sew.

It remains to sew the strings,

and the kokoshnik is ready. It is a pleasure to create such a beautiful thing with your own hands!

If you want to sew not only a women's folk costume, but also a men's one, then it will be interesting for you to watch the next video. It tells how to make a blouse. It remains to tie it up with a sash (belt), complement the dress with pants, boots, a cap, and the man's suit is ready.

You can learn more about how to decorate a costume for oriental dances by reading the following visual aid:

Page content

In recent years, oriental dances have gained high popularity among the female population of Russia. Belly dancing helps not only to lose weight and form a beautiful figure, but also to learn how to move beautifully, keep your posture, feel yourself and your body - in general, help to reveal your femininity. Of course, oriental dance can only be danced in a special costume. It is not always possible to find a wide range of outfits in stores, so the best option is to sew a costume of an oriental beauty with your own hands. Sewing a suit is quite simple, just sew a bodice and a skirt. The bodice can be remodeled from an old bra, or a light, flowy fabric like satin or chiffon will work for the skirt.

If you have a daughter, then an oriental costume will be an excellent option for going to a matinee or other fancy-dress holiday. Your child can practice oriental dances - there is nothing better than to sew an oriental beauty costume for a girl with his own hands. This lesson should be approached with special trepidation and patience - a costume for a girl should be richly decorated and trimmed.

Any costume for oriental dances is based on at least two wardrobe items - a bodice and a skirt. More interesting will be the option of three parts - bodice, skirt and trousers. This master class will help you sew a very beautiful oriental costume with your own hands.

Let's start making the upper part of the suit - the bodice. You will need:

  • bra of the right color;
  • doublerin;
  • non-woven fabric;
  • satin fabric to match the bra color;
  • pieces of unnecessary fabric;
  • iron;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • needle and thread;
  • sequins and beads for decoration.

We draw on paper patterns of future missing parts (straps).

We make a rigid base for the straps - we apply dublerin to the fabric and seal it using heat treatment with an iron.

We apply PVA glue and glue another layer of cotton fabric.

And one more layer of non-woven fabric.

We transfer both patterns from paper to fabric.

Cut out and sew the blanks to the bra.

Sew the satin fabric very carefully, process the edges with a zigzag stitch.

Here's a bodice turned out. The only thing left to do is to decorate it to your liking.

As a decoration, you can use not only beads and sequins, but also embroidery with multi-colored threads. It all depends on your imagination and imagination!

The next very important item, without which it is impossible to sew a costume for oriental dances with your own hands, is a fluffy sun skirt that flutters beautifully during dance movements.

For a girl of average height about 170 cm for sewing, you will need to purchase a satin fabric 3 meters of fabric 150 cm wide. The skirt is sewn according to the pattern attached below in just three seams.

For harem pants, you will need about 2 meters of fabric 150 cm wide. It is recommended that you use a thin, lightweight fabric such as chiffon.

The fabric is cut into two equal pieces that are folded in half. In the corner of the fold on both halves of the fabric, cut a semicircle as shown in the picture.

Then you need to attach both pieces of fabric close to each other with the wrong side out. The trousers can be sewn at your discretion: either completely, or leaving flirty holes on the sides of the trousers, so that bare legs can be seen in the dance.

Pants will not hold without elastic - its diameter should be approximately equal to the volume of your thighs. It is also necessary to insert elastic bands of such a diameter into the lower parts of the trousers so that the foot can be passed through them without problems. According to the proposed patterns, you can also sew an oriental costume for a girl with your own hands.

A belt tied to the hips is of great importance in oriental costume. Fringe, flowing beaded threads focus on the movements of the hips and abdomen of the dancing girl, emphasize the smoothness and grace of her body curves. So the final touch in making a costume for an oriental dance with your own hands will be the belt.

First you need to prepare all the materials.

As a pattern and a sample of how the future belt will look like, you can use the following sketch, which must be printed in the actual size of the future product.

On the doublerin we try on and estimate how the front and back sides of the belt will look like. After making sure that everything is fine, we cut it out.

We apply patterns to the non-woven fabric, cut along the contour and attach with pins. Then we apply a cotton cloth to the resulting workpiece and fasten them together. Cut out.

We glue the non-woven onto the fabric with an iron. To make the belt more durable, it is recommended to lay the cotton fabric in two layers. All layers are sewn with a zigzag seam, the edges must also be processed.

We put aside the back of the future belt, now we only need the front side. Place the blank on the wrong side of the satin fabric.

Cut out carefully with a slight allowance, as shown in the photo.

We cut the fabric as shown in the picture. Wrap and pin to the workpiece. We process the edges on a sewing machine with a zigzag seam of about 0.5 cm.

This is how the future decoration looks from the front side.

We take in our hands the postponed back part, we begin to work on it. Carefully make darts as shown in the picture.

Sew the edges of the undercuts with a zigzag seam.

Place the blank on the wrong side of the satin fabric.

We wrap the edges, make cuts in the right places. We pin it with pins, and then we sew it by analogy.

This is what the front side of the belt looks like.

Finally, you can move on to decorating the product. Embroidery with beads, stringing sequins and rhinestones is the longest and most painstaking work that will require perseverance and high concentration of attention from you. But in the end you will receive an original costume for oriental dance with your own hands, there is no second such thing in the whole world!

Another simple version of an oriental costume for a girl with your own hands, which can be sewn according to patterns.

The mysterious and sensual culture of the East has always attracted many fans. Relatively recently - only from the end of the 19th century - Europe, and then other continents, began to reveal its secrets. The rhythmic music and graceful movements of oriental dances have made them popular all over the world. Find out more about one of their important parts - outfits for their execution.

Costumes for oriental dances

Most often they consist of an embroidered bodice, skirt or trousers. But in fact, ethnic oriental costumes look much more modest. Sometimes it was enough for the dancer to simply tie a scarf around her hips over the rest of her clothing to emphasize her movements.

Dance costumes from different countries have significant differences.

So, the outfit of a Turkish woman includes:

  • gemlek - a thin shirt;
  • harem pants - wide trousers tied at the ankles;
  • entari - a fitted caftan, dressed over a gemlek;
  • zhelek - a fitted jacket to the thighs.

A dancer from the Levant (Eastern Mediterranean countries - Syria, Lebanon, Israel) wears a loose robe called toba. This type of clothing corresponds to the hot climate of these countries. Made from fine cotton, it protects the skin from and keeps you cool. Such stage oriental costumes are abundantly decorated with coins. They have long, wide sleeves that can be used in some dance moves. In this purpose, toba is often associated with abaya, but the latter is an element of outerwear. Her classic color is black, but dance costumes often work around this limitation.

The hot climate of Egypt also suggested clothing that was similar to that of you. Therefore, a common type of costume is a long one called galabeya. Most often it was white or striped. But for the stage, oriental costumes are decorated with voluminous lace embroidery around the neckline, on the cuffs and hem. Abaya is sometimes worn over the galabea.

Melaya is another traditional Egyptian garment, which is a wide black shawl that all Egyptian women wrap around them before leaving the house. Today it has lost its strict traditional purpose, but it has become the basis of a new style of oriental dances - Eskandarani or Alexandria. It plays up movements with a shawl worn over a bright short dress with an asymmetrical hem. Melaya is richly decorated with various decorative elements.

Show belly dance

Oriental costumes familiar today, which are most often found at performances and sold in specialized stores, are not traditional. They appeared as a result of the popularization of belly dancing in Hollywood films of the 30s and 40s and created the image of an exotic seducer. This direction got its name - show belly dance. For an oriental woman in real life, such clothes would be unacceptable. Therefore, such costumes are exclusively stage costumes.

Good manners

Luxurious costumes for oriental dances are needed, as a rule, for performances. But before you get an expensive outfit, check what style the other participants will have. If folk dances in ethnic costumes are supposed, a show-belly dance outfit will be extremely inappropriate. This will be a manifestation of disrespect for the organizers of the event, other participants and spectators.

In any case, excessively revealing clothes or repetition of images of heroines from popular films are considered bad form.

DIY costume for dancers of different ages

It is said that many dancers prefer to make their own costumes - taking into account not only personal aesthetic preferences, but also making the decoration more practical.

And for beginners or hobbyists, buying an expensive stage outfit (prices for which range from $ 50 to $ 500) may seem unreasonable. The same goes for children - they and an expensive kit will soon be out of size. Do-it-yourself oriental costume can be made with minimal cost, but you will have to devote several evenings to painstaking work.

You should start by defining the color scheme and style of the outfit. The easiest one for a girl or an adult woman consists of three elements: a bodice, a belt and a skirt. Let's dwell on each in more detail.


This is the most difficult element. An ordinary bra is taken as a basis. The color does not matter, since it must be covered with fabric to match the suit. The main thing is that it fits perfectly. It is advisable that the straps come unfastened so you can experiment with different types of their arrangement.

Choose a full or closed cup with good support to avoid looking vulgar. It's easier with the youngest dancers: a tank top or a cropped blouse is enough.

Try on the bodice while working. If you have pulled the fabric somewhere, it can cause discomfort during wear, and you will have to redo everything. You can decorate it with coins, sequins, rhinestones, small artificial flowers, ready-made decorative elements with embroidery, etc. The main thing is to fix everything conscientiously. You will move a lot, and the flying beads are unlikely to add charm to you.


The simplest solution would be a ready-made shawl with matching coins that you can tie around your hips. But if you are ready to work hard and make an almost professional oriental costume for a girl or woman, then do this:

  1. Take 4-5 sheets of A4 paper, glue their short edges together.
  2. Wrap them around your waist and pin them with sewing needles (help from another person will make the task much easier).
  3. Use dots to mark the desired belt depth and width.
  4. Remove the sheets, draw a pattern. As a rule, the belt is made of two separate parts - front and back, and only then they are connected.
  5. Cut the required amount of fabric according to the pattern, not forgetting about the seam allowances.
  6. The belt will fit well if you make darts. To get an idea of ​​how many and where you need them, place the fabric against your thighs and see where it doesn't fit.
  7. Finish the edges of the belt and decorate it.
  8. For fastening, attach Velcro or hooks.


Here we will have to remember the school labor lessons. Namely, sewing a skirt-sun. She is best suited for different dance styles. Most often, two types of fabric are used:

Supplex is a stretch material that stretches well in both directions. It is quite expensive, at least 1-3 m for a skirt for an adult.

Chiffon is perhaps the most popular choice. It has a variety of colors and a magical flying texture. It is much cheaper than supplex, but we must not forget that in order for the skirt not to shine through, several layers of fabric will be required. Therefore, the skirt takes about 20 m of material.

For inspiration, look at professional dancers and their oriental costumes. Photos of some of them are presented in this article.

If the dance event will take place in the open air, then consider this when creating a costume. Fully synthetic fabrics keep the skin from breathing, and large metal elements can become very hot in the sun and cause discomfort. The slightest stains will be noticeable on a light suit, so choose fabrics and accessories that will calmly survive at least a hand wash.

Also, don't forget about upskirt shorts. You don't want the audience to wonder if you are wearing underwear. Choose nude dance shorts or make them from the same fabric as the bottom of the outfit.

When you make an oriental beauty costume for a girl, do not forget about convenience. The child should be comfortable if the fabric will prick and irritate the skin, this will only add stress before the performance.

Oriental dances are liked by everyone - both those who dance and those who watch them. A special impression is made by the dancer's costume: colorful, charming, it arouses admiration among the audience and a desire to put on it as soon as possible from its happy owner.
Good news for those who want to make such an outfit with their own hands - it is not at all difficult to accomplish this. In addition, the process of choosing all kinds of jewelry will bring additional pleasure. Such a mysterious oriental costume captivates and amazes with its beauty. It is not at all difficult to sew it yourself! Let's do it today.

To work you will need:

The fabric directly from which the costume will be made;
- lining material;
- non-woven fabric;
- cotton fabric;
- a suitable bra;
- tracing paper or transparent polyethylene (for patterns);
- pins with comfortable heads;
- threads of the corresponding color;
- beads or beads, sequins.

It is more convenient to start work with sewing a bodice. As a basis, you can take the cups of any bra that has the desired shape and size.
1. Draw two intersecting lines through the center of the cup: horizontal and vertical. Then attach tracing paper or polyethylene to the cup and pin it with pins along a horizontal line. Wrap the cup with polyethylene so that "undercuts" are formed along the vertical lines, pin along the edge of the cup with pins. All lines: contour, horizontal, vertical (on two parts of the folds-grooves), apply with a felt-tip pen on the polyethylene.
2. Remove the polyethylene and transfer the pattern to paper: cut along the contour, cut along the center line, close the undercuts. Transfer the resulting paper pattern from two parts to the fabric.
3. Cut out the elements from the fabric and sew along the center line.
4. Place the workpiece with the wrong side to the convex surface of the cup. Bend the edges to the wrong side, grabbing the cup. Blend and sew all together.
5. You can sew two cups together in different ways:
- connect with a ring;
- use several narrow strips;
- or one wide strip of dense fabric.

6. You can also show your imagination about the design of the side part: use lacing, elastic bands. Now, the most interesting thing is the decoration of the bodice. Embroider side straps, cups with knots or placers of beads, beads, sequins and other shiny decor elements.

Oriental costume belt

The belt consists of two parts: front and back.
1. Make patterns for both parts on paper (according to the measurements taken). Cut out the belt details from the lining fabric. Then pin the resulting elements with pins to the non-woven fabric and cut out. Stick the resulting two-layer parts to the cotton fabric, removing the pins on two layers. Sew all together with a seam: "zigzag" in the center and along the edges.
2. Front part. Cut out a detail from the main fabric with an indent along the edge of 2 cm in relation to the lining blank. Tuck the edges to the wrong side and sew in a zigzag pattern, creating a beautiful figure in the center of the belt.
3. Rear part. Make grooves on the back of the belt, close them, sew grooves. Sew a zigzag seam around the edge. You should get a convex part.
4. As for the front, cut out an element from the main fabric with a margin around the edges. Fold over the edges and sew, forming a neat shape in the middle of the line.
5. Belt decoration. Sew on a beaded fringe from the inside (ready-made, or made by yourself).

Finishing touch
You need to sew on a skirt. It can be formed from specially cut pieces of fabric or scarves.