Epiphany rituals to raise money. Baptism plots. Conspiracy to improve the financial situation

This Orthodox holiday has its own special traditions. Conspiracies and rituals for Epiphany on January 19 are associated with the use of Epiphany water. On this day, water acquires wonderful properties, and any request becomes closer to the Creator and therefore will be heard by him.

The water collected from the holiday can retain its life-giving properties for a very long time, up to the next year.

Bathing in a consecrated font for health is an indisputable tradition on this bright holiday. The life-giving effect of Epiphany water on the body has been noticed since ancient times. Even after swimming in an ice hole, a person does not catch a cold or get sick, but gains vitality, as if being reborn.

A few rules about holy water:

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Holy water conspiracies for health

A few examples of what conspiracies for baptismal water are for health to read in order to protect themselves from diseases for a whole year.

Option 1

You need to fully defend the church service in the temple. Leaving, take holy water from there and, having come home, read three main prayers over it: "Our Father", "I believe", "May God rise again." The sequence should be in this order and not otherwise. Each should be read three times. Then one should whisper sincere words from the heart over the water:

“Lord, grant healing to my bodies and my soul, for I am sinful (sinful), and for this reason I am sick. Heal, I pray you, Lord, son of the Heavenly Father, my body from sores, from blood and pain, from dryness and aches. Open heaven to us sinners. Give health and strength to my body and fill my soul with peace and tranquility. Amen!"

Take 3 sips of water, and the one that remains, wash your body. Such a ritual will save your body from diseases for a long time.

Option 2

To acquire peace of mind and health, you need to perform the following steps on Epiphany night:

  1. Fill the bathroom with warm water, pour in a little holy church water, and lower the pectoral cross that was previously removed from you.
  2. Go to the bathroom and lower yourself so that your body is completely in the water, stay in this position for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Get out of the bathroom, let the water drain from you. In this case, you do not need to wipe yourself with a towel, the water should dry itself.

In this case, you need to read conspiracies for baptismal water from diseases, for example, the conspiracy given above.

Option 3

People who have some kind of problems with their health, on the days of the Epiphany holiday, can read conspiracies for Epiphany water from diseases. What is needed for this? No matter how hard it may be, it is necessary to defend the entire church service to the very end. Then, leaving, take holy water from a special bowl. Don't talk to anyone on the way home. When you have come home, read the prayer "Our Father" three times over the water. Then utter a healing conspiracy in a whisper:

“Heal, Jesus Christ, me and my soul, for I am a man and a sinner, that is why I am sick. Take away from me various ailments and mental illness. Out of anger and envy. Fill my soul with peace and my body with health. Amen!"

Drink exactly 3 sips of the charmed water, and wash your body with the one that remains.

Conspiracies for money and wealth

If you read the conspiracies for baptismal water for wealth, you can significantly improve your material well-being during the coming year.

On the festive Epiphany night, visit the church and take consecrated water there. Then go around, holding a vessel of water in front of you, in order all the rooms of your house in the direction of the sun and at the same time utter the following holy conspiracy:

“Baptized water, you came to my house and brought prosperity with you by the hand.

This house will avoid losses, and money and wealth will constantly come.

Luck will now accompany, and failures will not remind of themselves!

Love conspiracies from loneliness

This ritual is difficult to perform, but very powerful.

This ritual has been tested by many girls. To fulfill it, you need to collect the consecrated water from seven churches and mix in one bowl. A crucifix must also be prepared.

In the morning of January 19, get up early, take off all your clothes, go to the bath, pour about a liter of consecrated water on your head. All this action is accompanied by such a conspiracy:

“Don't touch you, your blood, don't touch you, someone else's blood. Servant of God (your name), cleanse yourself. Amen!"

Holding a previously prepared crucifix in your hands, turning it to face you, repeat the conspiracy. After completing the ceremony, thank the saints for helping, for which put candles in the temple and donate any amount of money for the glory of the Lord.

Good luck conspiracies

On Epiphany, wash yourself with blessed water with the following conspiracy:

“Jesus was baptized in Jordan - they gave light to the whole world.

How true it is that the Lord is the Son of God,
just as true that I have enough strength for all.

The Lord reigns over all of us and commands, he is also my helper in my affairs. Amen."

This conspiracy must be pronounced three times and then luck will not leave you and will become your constant companion.

On the eve of the Epiphany (January 18), all household members should count money with the words:

The Lord God will appear to the world,

And money will appear in my wallet.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen."


On Epiphany, at midnight, a full glass of holy water is poured and walked around their house with it. Care should be taken to ensure that not a single drop splashes when walking. Otherwise, everything will be in vain. After entering the house, you need to say:

Like holy water is full, full, whole, whole,

so that my house may be a full cup of all good, gold and silver.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen."

In the morning you need to drink all the charmed water to a drop.


Take holy water and sprinkle it on the corners of every room in the house, asking to take away losses from you and send financial well-being and prosperity.

Perform the ceremony on the evening of Epiphany (January 19). Leave the water until morning in the place where you usually keep money and jewelry.


, I'm home with holy water,

And you, money and luck, follow me.

All the troubles and losses

Take the other side.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen."


Do a forgiveness meditation on Epiphany night. Remember everyone who, willingly or unwillingly, offended: in deed, in a word, in thoughts.

From a pure heart, forgive everyone, destroy the negative blocks in relation to these people.

The more positive emotions and thoughts will accompany the manipulations, the more effective, and most importantly, the faster the rite will work and the conceived will come true.

In the morning, prepare a glass of holy water and a slice of black bread. Light a church candle.

Holding a slice in your left hand, and a glass of water in your right, looking at a candle, read the plot three times:

How true is it that the Lord gave five loaves, and that,that Jesus Christ is God's Son, so it is true that the Lord is merciful.

Turn, Lord, my luck from west to east, from north to south.

Give her not three roads, but one - to my doorstep.

And you, grief - misfortune, find your way into the serpent's womb.

There you belong. There is your life. There is your being.

And I am wearing a talisman, I will tie myself with gold and silver.

I close the lock with the key. I throw the key into the sea.

Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Eat bread, drink water. Use your fingers to extinguish the candle (do not blow out).

Until 12 noon, visit the church, light the stub that you brought with you and put it in front of the icon of the Savior.

With your words from a pure heart, ask the Lord God for help.

When you come home, do not take any food until sunset. Try to remain silent and calm.

Do not tell anyone about your actions.

MONEY Plot of Baptism on the Holy Water of the Baptism.

A conspiracy is made for money on the night of Epiphany - Epiphany (from 18 to 19 January).

Exactly at 12 o'clock in the morning, you need to collect a can of water for a conspiracy for Epiphany on the river, in a well or in an ordinary water tap. The can must be made of unpainted metal (aluminum or steel).

At the edge of the can, you need to strengthen a wooden cross made of coniferous wood - a Christmas tree, pine, cypress or juniper. You can make a cross yourself by cutting out with a knife or tying two branches crosswise.

Also, three church candles must be strengthened along the edges of the can. Throw three coins of different denominations and, preferably, different metals into the water. In the old days, they threw copper, silver and gold. If you cannot find three coins of different metals, you can take coins of two metals (but not one).

, In the night I get up, I take holy water.

Holy water, holy night, sanctify soul and body,

come on, angels, overshadow with quiet wings, Bring the peace of God, bring God into my house.

I greet God, I put God at the table, I pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and John the Baptist:

Baptist of Christ, honest Forerunner, extreme prophet, first martyr, a mentor for fasting and hermit-dwellers,

purity to the teacher and the close friend of Christ!

I pray to you, and running to you do not take me away from your intercession, do not leave me fallen in many sins;

renew my soul with repentance, like a second baptism;

cleanse me, the sins of the defiled one, and compel me to bring in, and perhaps nothing badly enters into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After that, the prayer to the Theophany of the Lord is read over the water and coins:

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages, Light from Light, enlighten everyone, in the last years from the Most Holy Virgin Mary incorruptible incarnate and into this world for our salvation!

Thou didst not tolerate seeing the tormented human race from the devil, and for this reason, on the bright day of Thy Theophany, Thou art come to Jordan to be a sinner and a publican to be baptized by John, you sinless, but fulfill all righteousness and take in the waters of Jordan the sins of the whole world, like the Lamb God, in a hedgehog I carry on Me and redeem with the Baptism of the Cross, Thy most pure Blood.

For this reason, I plunged into Thee in the waters, the heavens were opened to You by Adam imprisoned and the Holy Spirit descended on You in the form of a dove, carry enlightenment and deification to our nature, and Thy Divine Father to elevate Your good pleasure to You with a heavenly voice, you did not create His will and man accepted sin and you have already prepared yourself for the slaughter, as if you yourself advertised: "For this sake the Father loves Me, as I believe my soul, and I will receive it," ...

For this, for the sake of all the powers of heaven rejoice and all creation rejoices, I feel their freedom from the work of corruption, saying: Come enlightenment, grace appears, deliverance of the crust, the world is enlightened and people are filled with joy.

Let heaven and earth rejoice now, and let the whole world play; let the rivers splash; springs and lakes, abysses and seas, let them rejoice, as if their nature would be sanctified by Divine Baptism today. May the people also rejoice today, as their nature is now ascending to the first nobility, and all with joy may sing: The time of the Epiphany.

Come mentally to Jordan, we will see a vision of greatness in it: Christ is coming to Baptism. Christ comes to Jordan. Our Christ bury our sins in the water.

Christ the Sheep of the abducted and deluded comes to seek and finds and leads him into paradise.

The remembrance of this Divine Sacrament is celebrated, we earnestly pray to Thee, O Lord of mankind: grant that we thirst for Thy voice to come to Thee, the Source of the everlasting water, so that we draw the water of Thy grace and forgiveness of our sins, and let us reject ungodliness and worldly lusts; chastely and virgin, and righteously and piously, let us live in the present day, waiting for the blessed hope and manifestation of Thy glory, our Great God and Savior, but save us not from our works, but by Thy mercy and by the renewal of Thy Holy Spirit by the bathhouse of the pack, He is abundant Thou didst pour out, that, justified by His grace, we will be heiresses of eternal life in Thy Kingdom, where, with all the saints, enable us to glorify Thy all-holy Name with Thy Originless Father and with Thy Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and ever and ever.



On the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, willows (willow twigs that remained from Easter) are sprayed on their home and all outbuildings and even property. This protects everything from trouble, theft and fire.


With the help of the candle left over from the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, you can start talking to a child who has not yet turned one year into an easy life. To do this, stick a piece of candle to the diaper, while reading this conspiracy:

Lord, the Child lives the first year,

Send him in life Many easy roads.

Savior Angel, Guardian Angel

Give the very best, with your holy hand

Servant of God (name) Bless

Good hour, Good time.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Magic time

Epiphany rites and conspiracies

On January 19, a special conspiracy is read from for good luck and prosperity. When you take holy water in the church, leaving the temple, say:

"I am home with holy water, and you, money and luck, health, peace of mind, family well-being, etc., follow me. All grief, losses, lack of money, gossip, resentment, bitterness, sorrow, go the other side. Key, lock, tongue . Amen. Amen. Amen. "

The Lord God will appear to the world,

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.


Comb your hair with a fine comb, each time you run it through your hair, say:

So that the money comes in, does not go away,

Gathered, did not end.

Locking, installing, predicting.

Forever and ever. Amen.

Another "watery" Epiphany conspiracy is designed to protect you from losses and bring financial well-being. To do this, you need to take holy water from the church, bring it home and, sequentially bypassing all the rooms and premises, say:

“Holy water came to the house, brought me prosperity.

There will be losses this house will pass, there will be prosperity every day.

I will be lucky in everything, I will not know failure in anything ”.

Leave this water overnight in the place of the house that you think is most important, and wash with it in the morning.

Signs for Baptism

On the very day of Epiphany, January 19, water was sanctified in the church, then each head of the family took a few sips from a jug, and then sprinkled all his property and home with holy water to protect him from troubles and the evil eye.

If a person was baptized on the very feast of Epiphany, then it was believed that he would receive a long and happy life.

It was also a good sign to appoint on Epiphany the day of the future wedding between the young - family life for such a family will be peaceful and harmonious.

Immediately after Epiphany, it is time for weddings. Those wishing to tie the knot are better off hurrying up, since this is the period considered the most successful for newlyweds.

You can't cry on this day, otherwise you will shed tears all year.

In the evening before Epiphany, the hostess of the house should draw crosses over the doors and windows in order to protect her house from evil forces.

The bird knocking on the window for Epiphany gives a sign that the souls of deceased ancestors need prayers.

Baptism Plots

On January 19, a special conspiracy is read from for good luck and prosperity. When you leave the temple with consecrated water, you need to say:

"I am home with holy water, And you, money and luck, follow me. All troubles and losses, Go to the other side. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

An infant under the age of one year at Epiphany can speak of an easy life. To do this, you need to attach a part of the candle to the diaper with which you have sanctified water today, while reading this conspiracy:

"Lord, the child lives for the first year, give him many easy roads in life. Give the Savior Angel, the Guardian Angel of the very best, with your holy hand the Servant of God (name) bless for a good hour, for a good time. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

Hide the charmed diaper so that it does not catch the eye of anyone.

At Epiphany, with the help of the miraculous Epiphany water, the most severe damage was removed, using the miraculous Epiphany water in the treatment. To do this, you need to bring water from the temple (or better from 7 temples) and, standing in the bath, pour yourself from head to toe with the words:

The Lord was born

I was baptized into Baptism,

Famous for the name

Jesus Christ.

Like this water

Flowing off me

So that

And all the corruption

She left me.

Now and ever

If you wash yourself with this water, the most terrible diseases will go away from a person.

If there are problems in the house, take water at night, leave it open at the doorstep, and in the morning wipe the shoes of each family member with this water. Then pour the water into the latrine with the words:

"An evil spirit is under the ground, a good spirit is on the ground."

Conspiracy for Epiphany, on Epiphany night for the whole year

Done from 18 to 19 January. Exactly at 12 o'clock in the morning, you need to collect a can of water on the river, in a well or in an ordinary water tap. The can must be made of unpainted metal (aluminum or steel) or glass.

At the edge of the can, you need to strengthen a wooden cross made of coniferous wood - a Christmas tree, pine, cypress or juniper. You can make a cross yourself by cutting out with a knife or tying two branches crosswise. Also, three church candles need to be strengthened along the edges of the can. Throw three coins of different denominations and, preferably, different metals into the water. In the old days, they threw copper, silver and gold. It is difficult for a modern person to get them, especially gold. If you cannot find three coins of different metals, you can take coins of two metals (but not one). Read the conspiracy twelve times over this water:

"In the night I get up, I take holy water. Holy water, holy night, sanctify soul and body, come, angels, overshadow with quiet wings, bring God's peace, bring God to my house. I greet God, I sit God at the table, the Most Holy Theotokos and John I pray to the Forerunner: the Baptist of Christ, the honest Forerunner, the extreme prophet, the first martyr, the fasting and hermit-dwellers, the mentor, purity to the teacher and the close friend of Christ! repentance, like a second baptism; cleanse me, the sins of the defiled one, and compel me to bring in, and perhaps nothing badly enters the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen. "

Who dreams not to grow old for a long time, must bring a basin of pure snow into the house, melt it,

wash with this water with the words:

"Water from the sky will fix everything. And (name) will add beauty to my white face. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

"The Lord God will appear to the world, And money will appear in my wallet.Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

On January 19, they read a special conspiracy for good luck and prosperity. When you take holy water from the church, leaving the temple, say:

"I am home with holy water, and you, money and luck, follow me. All troubles and losses, go the other side. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Signs for Baptism

It is believed that one cannot cry on this day, otherwise you will shed tears throughout the year.

In the evening before Epiphany, the hostess of the house should draw crosses over the doors and windows in order to protect her house from evil spirits and other evil forces.

On Epiphany Eve, it is worth stocking up on Epiphany water, for which they go at midnight to the river or to the springs. This water has amazing healing power.

Before the feast of Epiphany, you can not take anything out of the house and lend money, so that you do not feel the need for the whole year.

On Epiphany Eve, the eldest woman in the family counts the tablecloths. Whoever does this will always have many guests in the house.

The bird that knocked on the window for Epiphany informs you that the souls of the dead ask for themselves prayers and all sorts of godly deeds for their forgiveness.

On January 19, if someone from the family leaves the house, they do not rake the ash from the blower before his return, otherwise a disaster will happen to the person on the way.

Whoever is bridled for Baptism will have a happy married life.

Whoever is the first to take water from a well or an ice hole for Epiphany will never get sick all year.

If a person who took baptized water from the church falls or spills water, then he will not live long in this world.

If there is a snowstorm on Epiphany, the year will be rich and fruitful.

Whoever was born on Christmastide must certainly swim in the Jordan for Epiphany, gain strength and strength from the Epiphany water.

On January 19, Orthodox Christians annually celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, and on January 18 in the evening - Epiphany Christmas Eve.
This evening gives us the opportunity to get rid of quarrels and conflicts, from energy "infections" wandering around the house.

For this, ritual actions are carried out to clean the apartment.

To perform the ceremony, you need to collect some snow in the vessel, and when the snow melts, sprinkle this water in all corners of each room. Let's not forget to sprinkle all the windows and doors of the apartment.

Moving around the apartment, performing the ceremony, follows clockwise.

After sprinkling with water, crosses are drawn with chalk on all windows and doors. It is especially important to carry out these moments of cleansing in the case when you have been guessing a lot during Christmas time.

At midnight, all Christians believe, living water comes to our home, which has unique, miraculous properties.

Epiphany water washes away sickness and sorrow.

Make a supply of such water, even if it is in a closed vessel, you can use it to treat any ailments.

And besides, Epiphany water will serve as an indicator: if you or someone from your family members are jinxed, then a sediment will appear in this water.

On Epiphany Eve, it is customary to cook hungry kutya

On Epiphany Eve, it was customary to clean and wash the entire house, remove Christmas decorations and prepare ritual dishes. Water plays the main role in this holiday. Water is a symbol of new life, purification, health. As early as the evening of January 18, water began to be sanctified in churches. After that, the owners hurried home and, with the help of spikelets and dried herbs, sanctified all the corners of the house and the barn so that the house was a full bowl, and loved ones did not get sick. In addition, it was customary to draw crosses with chalk over door and window openings, as well as in the corners of rooms, in order to drive away evil spirits.

Epiphany Eve is also called Hungry or Poor (second) kutya. This name can be explained in different ways: on this day, until the first star, a very strict fast was observed, that is, they abstained from food and drank quite a bit, after the first star they sat down at the table and ate lean or otherwise hungry dishes. It was also believed that on this night various unclean forces want to enter the house, therefore they called the kutya hungry, so that all the evil spirits would remain hungry.

There were always traditional ones on the table: uzvar, kutia (lean, seasoned with vegetable, most often hemp oil, poppy seed or nut milk and honey) and, of course, blessed water, with which the meal began. For hungry kutya, all the dishes were lean, and their number was 7, 9, 12, like on Christmas Eve, although they were more modest.

The meal began with holy water. Then they ate kutya and washed down with uzvar. After that, they proceeded to the rest of the meal: liver in the form of crosses, lean pies and donuts, oat and wheat pancakes, dumplings, cabbage, cabbage rolls, less often fish dishes and lean borsch with beans were served.

In the western regions of Ukraine, ritual loaves were also baked - karachuns. They treated both pets and livestock with festive food to keep them healthy. Sometimes the hostesses left a little bit of kutya from different holidays: Christmas, New Year and Epiphany - they mixed these remnants with flour and fed the living creatures.

By the way, an interesting custom is associated with kutya, which goes back to pagan antiquity: after the ceremonial porridge was eaten, the children knocked on empty dishes with spoons, kicked out kutya with the words: "Get out, kutya, from the pokutia!" There was even a custom - after dinner, go out into the street, knock and shout to chase away the kutya. Thus, our ancestors said goodbye to happy holidays until next year. In western Ukraine, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, they were generous.

On the day of Epiphany, it was customary to wash and sprinkle each other with water, and later plunge into the waters of various rivers and reservoirs. At the beginning of the day, holy water was drunk on an empty stomach as a medicine, because it was believed that holy water can heal not only bodily illnesses, but also help heal mental wounds. Epiphany water was kept all year round, because it had healing powers.

For the Epiphany dinner, lean and light meals were served equally. They started the meal with kutya and uzvar, then tried the lean dishes in turn, and only then moved on to the meager ones: porridge, seasoned with butter and cream, sweet pies and juices, knyshi, as well as rich borscht, seasoned with lard, and baked pork, jellied meat, sausages ... They ate that day and pancakes, patches, and pancakes with honey. It was believed that the more you eat them, the more generous the new year will be.

At the table, all those present exchanged wishes for health and happiness. As early as January 20, the winter meat-eater began, which lasted until Maslenitsa.

On the night from 18th to 19th, all the water in taps and reservoirs is considered holy.

When washing yourself with water at night, you should say:
"From the street voditsa, from me likhovitsa".

Epiphany water treatment

On the night of January 18-19, Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate one of their most revered holidays - the Baptism of the Lord, also called Epiphany.


So, if you are tortured by ailments, stock up on healing Epiphany water. This water, collected on the night of January 18-19, from 0 hours 10 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes or a little later, from time immemorial was considered miraculous. At this time, "heaven opens" and the prayer addressed to God will be heard.

Our grandparents used it to heal, purify, drive out evil spirits and bad thoughts, sprinkle 8 a person's face or in the corners of a house.

Want to check it out? It is not hard. Just try to do everything exactly according to the rules carefully preserved in the people's memory.


On Christmas Eve, January 18, you cannot eat anything until the first stars appear in the sky. Drink only clean water, try to spend the whole day quietly and calmly, without getting irritated, without getting into conflicts, clean and tidy the house. In the evening, after the first star, you can dine. Prepare glassware with lids, such as 3 liter jars or bottles. Sterilize them thoroughly.

After 0 hours and 10 minutes, fill this dish with water from a well, spring, or other clean source. You can and just from the tap. It is advisable to pass it through a cleaning filter, but this is not a prerequisite. Draw at least 3 liters and close the jars with lids.

It is better to store Epiphany water in a cool dark place. And if in the future for some reason you want to pour this water, then in no case pour it into the toilet or sink.

Dilute with plain water and then pour or water the plants (by the way, it has been noticed that undiluted Epiphany water affects plants in different ways: some bloom, others, on the contrary, die.Therefore, it is better not to risk it and act prudently).


On this night, pour yourself three times with Epiphany water or take a bath. Fill the tub with cold tap water between 0 hours 10 minutes and 1 hour 30 minutes. Cross the water and yourself three times, recite the prayer and bang your right fist on your chest three times to vibrate your body in harmony with the vibrations of the water.

Then, without yelling or noise, sit in the bathtub and plunge headlong three times, hitting your chest each time.

Silently get out of the bath (if someone else from your household wants to bathe in Epiphany water, fill up the bath with new water).

Do not dry off immediately; let the water absorb into the skin. During this time, self-massage or tap vigorously all over your body from crown to heels. Then put on warm clothes, underwear, socks, everything new and must have been washed and ironed. Drink herbal tea with honey.


Does cold water scare you? Are you afraid of a cold? There, dilute the cold Epiphany water hot to the temperature that you can withstand. Children and the elderly can take a warm bath not at night, but during the day, but you still need to draw water from 0 hours 10 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes.

When bathing, pay attention to how the water in the bathroom behaves. If, when immersed in it, the water "boils" or bubbles go, it means that the cleansing process is very active, the evil eye is removed, negative energy comes out.


Epiphany water, stored in glassware, can be used throughout the year or even. This is a very strong energetic water, therefore it is not recommended to drink it constantly. But to take it as medicine, if you are unwell, add to the bath (from one teaspoon to one glass per bath), rinse your mouth, wash your face, spray your face, eyes, the whole body - it is very useful.

I remind you: you don't need to dry yourself. To cleanse the dwelling, baptismal water is sprayed in the corners of the rooms, and then a small part of the water is poured into a glass vessel, without closing the lid, and left in the room.

Do not leave your shoes outside the threshold on Epiphany night, otherwise you will get sick.

"Evil spirit under the ground, good on the ground".

Ritual for health

Held at Epiphany and Old New Year.

At midnight, take off your thing and burn it with the words:
" I burn the thing ... and remove the disease from myself forever. "

The Lord God will appear to the world,
And money will appear in my wallet.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

On the night from 18th to 19th, all the water in taps and reservoirs is considered holy.

If you wash yourself with this water, the most terrible diseases will go away from a person.

When washing yourself with water at night, you should say:
"From the street voditsa, from me a likhovitsa."

Do not leave your shoes outside the threshold on Epiphany night, otherwise you will get sick.

If there are problems in the house, take water at night, leave it open at the doorstep, and in the morning wipe the shoes of each family member with this water. Then pour the water into a latrine with the words:
"An evil spirit under the earth, kind on the earth."

On the eve of Epiphany, you cannot eat until the blessing of water.

On the eve of Epiphany, the hostess should draw crosses over doors and windows with chalk or pencil in order to protect her house from Satan.

Whoever dreams of not growing old for a long time should bring a basin of pure snow into the house, melt it, wash with this water with the words:
“Nebushka water will fix everything.
And (name) will add beauty to my white face.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

On the eve of the Epiphany (January 18), all household members should count money with the words:
“The Lord God will appear to the world,
And money will appear in my wallet.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Properties of Epiphany water. Epiphany water treatment

She eats it on an empty stomach, spoonfully, little by little. The man got up, crossed himself, asked for the blessing of the Lord for the day that had begun, washed himself, prayed and accepted the great hagiasma. If a fasting medication is prescribed, then first take holy water, followed by the medicine. And then breakfast and other things. Ascetics of Christian piety call consecrated water the best medicine for all spiritual and bodily ailments. Often, confessors "prescribe" Epiphany water to their children who are ill - every hour a spoonful, with faith, of course, and without faith, drink at least half a canister. You can wash the patient with it, and sprinkle the bed with it. True, women on critical days are not blessed to receive baptismal water. But this is if the woman is otherwise healthy. And if she is sick, then even this circumstance does not matter. Let the Epiphany water help her!

There is a pious tradition to sprinkle baptismal water on your dwelling on this day with the singing of the troparion of the Epiphany. Baptismal water is consumed all year on an empty stomach in small quantities, usually together with a piece of prosphora "so that we might receive from God the strength that strengthens health, heals diseases, drives away demons and repels all hostility."

At the same time, a prayer is read:
"O Lord my God, may Thy holy gift and Thy holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my soul and body, for the health of my soul and body, for the conquest of my passions and weaknesses, through Thy infinite mercy, through Thy prayers Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen. "

With ailments or attacks of evil forces, you can and should drink water without hesitation, at any time.

A special property of holy water is that, added even in small amounts to ordinary water, it imparts beneficial properties to it, therefore, in case of a shortage of holy water, it can be diluted with plain water.

It is believed that holy water does not deteriorate, so there is no need to put it in the refrigerator. The Orthodox keep it in the Red Corner, next to the icons. In addition, a drop of the shrine sanctifies the sea. You can take ordinary, unconsecrated water and add a drop of Epiphany water there, and it will all be sanctified.

It is categorically forbidden, taking holy water or taking it, quarreling, swearing, allowing impious acts or thoughts. From this, holy water loses its sanctity, and often simply spills.

We must not forget that consecrated water is a church relic, which has been touched by the grace of God, and which requires a reverent attitude towards itself. With a reverent attitude, holy water does not deteriorate for many years. It should be stored in a separate place, preferably next to the home iconostasis.

"Water" conspiracy for Baptism is designed to protect you from losses and bring financial well-being. To do this, you need to take holy water from the church, bring it home and, consistently bypassing all the rooms and premises, say: “Holy water has come into the house, brought me well-being.

There will be losses this house will pass, there will be prosperity every day.

I will be lucky in everything, I will not know failure in anything ”. Leave this water overnight in the place of the house that you think is most important, and wash with it in the morning.

Healing for Epiphany completely defend the baptismal service, take holy water in the church.
Arriving home, read over it (three times in turn) prayers in the sequence: "Our Father", "I believe", "May God rise again."

Then on the Epiphany water three times (sincerely, with warmth in your heart) whisper the conspiracy:
Heal, O Lord, my body and soul, for I am sinful, and in sin my soul and body ache. Please, heal, Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of our Eternal Heavenly Father, my body from diseases, from aches, dryness, pain, blood. Heal my soul from envy, anger, hatred. On this day, heaven opens on us, sinners, please, Lord Jesus Christ, fill my body with health and strength, and my soul with peace. To the glory of Your Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

drink three sips of water, and wash the rest of the body.

Since ancient times, the most severe damage was removed for Epiphany, using the miraculous Epiphany water in treatment. To do this, you need to bring water from the temple and, standing in the bath, pour yourself from head to toe with the words:

The Lord was born
I was baptized into Baptism,
Famous for the name
Jesus Christ.
Like this water
Flowing off me
So that
And all the corruption
She left me.
Now and ever
And forever and ever. Amen.

I'm home with holy water
And you, money and luck, follow me.
All the troubles and losses
Take the other side.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.


On the night of baptism, you need to read a strong money conspiracy for wealth, so that the money in your wallet is always and never ends. The ritual of white magic of money performed on the night of January 19 at the Baptism of the Lord will very quickly relieve those in need from poverty and make those people who live in abundance even richer.... In the old days, on the night of baptism, this conspiracy was read by all the people who knew it - it has been in effect for exactly a year and therefore requires its constant repetition at each Baptism. With the help of this conspiracy, even the merchants 'trade went better and brought more profit, and the peasants' harvest was richer and richer with each new year increasing the wealth and well-being of the person conspired with big money and wealth. Anyone can independently perform the monetary ceremony on the night of baptism, because to read the conspiracy you do not need to go anywhere and no special preparation is required. At midnight on January 19th when all the water on earth is holy, you need to stand under the flowing water (you can warm it under the shower or pour yourself from a ladle or mug - as you like) and repeat three times Epiphany money conspiracy for money and wealth in the house, so that the wallet is always full :

The servant of God (name) desires wealth.
Let the house be full like a golden cup,
He does not know the needs, playing with fate.
May luxury always surround him
He will not waste the wealth of everything!
Years will end with a cornucopia
The spell is mine, the execution is nature!
You, earthly forces, forest forces and spirits,

Fulfill my will without old women and holes!

Now wipe yourself off and take your wallet and open it over it, say a conspiracy of wealth and prosperity :

I put a coin - there will be two,
Bills don't spend everything.
He is always fat, always solid,
You can't see it in your pocket
But I'm rich in his gut
Always with gold and silver!

Close the wallet conspired for wealth and money and put it in its place. On this money conspiracy for the baptism of the lord is over and you will live the whole year in prosperity and wealth, and the money in your wallet will always be in the amount you need.

© Copyright: Maginya

  • Special money conspiracies are a very simple money ritual. At 7 o'clock in the evening, take a coin with the number 5 and spin it on the table say this conspiracy for money attracting wealth. The ritual with a coin to attract money, good luck and wealth is considered over after you sew the charmed coin into the lining of your wallet. After this conspiracy done

  • A good conspiracy to attract money should be read about wealth and prosperity. Having carried out a monetary rite, money will always be found in your wallet, and there will always be abundance in the house. In the morning, take a sieve, put a handful of small coins in it, as much as your hand hooks from a wallet. I must say right away that you need to read a conspiracy for money all year long attracting wealth and good luck to the house so that no one

  • Knowing the conspiracy for money that you need to read before Easter all year you can live in wealth. Prepare a handful of little things, putting aside a few coins in a pile every day in preparation for the ritual that brings wealth and attracts money to the house. The conspiracy will make you a rich person, you will not know the needs, living in full prosperity and wealth. At the time of reading the conspiracy on

  • A money conspiracy to raise money is the best way to attract wealth in order to live in abundance without knowing the need. A strong conspiracy for money must be read on your own by taking a silver spoon, if there is no silver spoon in the house, any new tablespoon will do to attract money. Very soon after reading the conspiracy, the house and your wallet will begin to be attracted -

  • It is customary to read strong conspiracies to attract money to the moon. If you read the money conspiracy that attracts money. A conspiracy helping to get rid of lack of money and poverty has helped people from ancient times, when the very concept of money appeared, people worshiped the gods of the moon and sun. The most powerful magical effect of a money conspiracy occurs if you read a conspiracy for money on

  • Conspiracies that attract money and wealth are the most popular monetary rituals and ceremonies that our ancestors read. To carry out a ritual that attracts wealth so that you always have money, you need to find a body of stagnant water (pond, lake or well). Collect a full bucket of water in it and take it home. To start talking water for money, you need to put two bills

  • You can quickly start talking money for good luck in life and all the things you will undertake after reading this old conspiracy, you will always be lucky. A simple conspiracy that you can read on your own at home will help you become more successful and help stabilize your life, attracting fortune and luck in all your endeavors, and told a good and very old conspiracy

  • It is customary for magicians to read a money conspiracy to 12 guardian spirits that will attract money and wealth into your house. You need to read the conspiracy that brings money at home, independently performing a magical ceremony to attract a lot of money and good luck, and now I will tell you what needs to be done. A special annual talisman will help you throughout the year in all financial matters, protecting and attracting

  • You can win a big win in the lottery and get a lot of money if you read the conspiracy that helps to win the lottery. You need to very accurately perform a magical ritual ritual to attract a lot of money into your life, first you need to buy a lottery ticket, which will definitely be winning and there is a high probability of winning a million or more rubles in the very next drawing

  • A money conspiracy for water helps to attract money and become rich, which is designed to attract money so that they are always found in the house. Wanga shared the conspiracy during her lifetime, telling it to a woman so that she could get rid of poverty and feed her children. A conspiracy helps to fulfill any desire, but most often it is customary to read it for money and wealth at the moment

  • A very good conspiracy for wealth that attracts money to read in church at Christmas. If you carry out a monetary ceremony, then you will always have money and your family will live in full prosperity, knowing nothing of the need. Magicians call the Christmas conspiracy "money magnet for the year" with which you can completely get rid of the poor and have a lot all year

Conspiracies for money to read on the baptism of the Lord REVIEWS WHO DID:

Before reading the conspiracy for money on the night of Epiphany on my own, I read all the reviews about the Epiphany monetary rite for a long time, but I did not find any bad one. Epiphany night is coming, and in order to improve my financial situation, I will independently do this monetary ceremony for money and wealth.

Quote: Guest

I read this conspiracy for money on the night of the Baptism of the Lord. A month has passed and I can say that it works. In my family, money increased, in a month we were able to pay off debts and I will not say that we began to save. The thing is that my husband found a lottery ticket near the store and the ticket was for this week. We were waiting for the drawing, deciding that it was fate and the ticket won over 247,000. Further more interesting. We got into the excitement and on this site there is a conspiracy to win the lottery, we did as it was said and won again !!! Thank you for such a good site that really helps people with the help of magic to restore their financial situation and get easy money.

Quote: Guest

I feel that soon I will become the richest man in our village. Old people say that the magic is the strongest for baptism, and if you know good conspiracies for money and wealth, then you can immediately get rich and instantly become a rich and wealthy oligarch. I found this conspiracy and I will definitely read it for baptism so that I always have money and be attracted to me.

Yes, the Epiphany conspiracy to attract money and good luck in all matters really works and helps to heal much richer! I read this conspiracy every year on the night of baptism for money and all my money problems and failures are gone. If you do not know what kind of conspiracy and ceremony you need to do for baptism so that the money is all year round, read this money conspiracy on Epiphany night and you will be happy and money with good luck will be in your house all year round.

Quote: Guest

I will definitely read baptism conspiracies for big money and let them work for sure!

I will definitely read the conspiracy on Epiphany water under the shower together with my husband. Thanks.

At the decision, the magic of abundance helping to become richer will help me instantly get rich and money will go into my hands by itself

The conspiracy to baptize on January 19 for money will make me richer. Everyone who needs money needs to read conspiracies for money in baptism and may good luck accompany you in all matters in your life. Good luck.

Good baptism rituals for wealth on this day for baptism, you must definitely make a conspiracy for money and wealth, but rather read the money conspiracy on the night of January 18-19

Quote: Guest

I did it myself and forced my husband to attract wealth for baptism on January 19. Now, in our family, money will definitely always be found.

Conspiracies for money on Epiphany night really help to get rich and I have been reading this conspiracy for 4 years now and have never experienced a lack of money, money comes by itself!

The Yule period, which lasts from January 6 to January 19, is associated in Christian culture with the birth of Christ and subsequent events that have given rise to traditions that are still relevant to this day. On the night of January 19, it is customary to attend a church service and baptize water, which can be used as a healing one throughout the next year. The rite of swimming in an ice-hole is popular - such a procedure contributes not only to physical, but also to spiritual cleansing of the body. The last Christmas day is the most important one. Many signs and customs are associated with it among the people.

On Christmas Eve, unmarried girls arrange fortune-telling for the betrothed, for love, but older people know that this is the most fertile period to ask the Almighty for happiness for their home and loved ones, for healing all diseases and getting rid of troubles. Baptism (Epiphany) conspiracies have special strength and power, provided, of course, that your actions are supported by true faith.

Traditional conspiracy

Epiphany conspiracy - what is it? It is believed that any water on this night is endowed with miraculous power, therefore most of the conspiracies and rituals for Epiphany on January 19 are associated with it. Fill in an iron or copper gray can of water - well, spring or running water. A wooden cross, preferably spruce, and three candles from the church should be attached to the lid of the can. Throw three coins of different values ​​into the container.

Say the following Baptismal conspiracy seven times in a row:

“Late at night I will get up, not dawn. I will go to the holy water source - to draw closer to God. I will listen to the church singing and remember all the grace that the past year has brought me. I will thank the Supreme Lord for this. May my coming house sanctify the year with peace, peace and warmth, may your God be in it, for we are pure before it. Healthy so that everyone is happy. I will light a candle, help the hungry, stand in silence. I will not grumble about anything - that is a great sin: I will thank you for what I have. On the holy night, I appeal to the Lord and ask for blessings for myself and the hearth of the family, for all household members! Conspiracies for January 19 to save the soul have a magical effect, wonderful. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!".

Wash yourself with three times charmed water. Attend church and light a candle within the next week.

Holy washing

On the morning of January 19, instead of the usual washing procedure, perform the ritual. It is recommended to use sacred water for this purpose, but in principle, ordinary water will do.

First, cross yourself three times with wet fingers. Speak:

"The conception is laid for the action of the saint." When washing, think about the good, about the good, relax. Repeat the words: “I take off all filth from myself, I cleanse my soul with the water of God. If the bad goes away, it won't come back. And only joy remains for me. Amen!".

Important! Do not wipe your face with a towel, let it dry naturally.

Melted snow

Among the conspiracies in Epiphany on January 19, a rite is popular, which was often used by our wise ancestors. It consists of the following:

  • on the evening before the holiday, bring a handful of snow into the house;
  • in the stove preheated the day before, you melt it (the ideal option is a Russian stove, but today a small number of the population owns such a relic);
  • while the snow melts, read the text of the spell: "Holy fire turns ordinary snow into the water of the Jordan, and John the Baptist sanctifies by grace";
  • rubbing your face with melted snow, say in a whisper: "Save and save, wonderful Jordanian water!"

All family members should wash in this way. To protect your home for the whole next year from evil, wipe the glass surfaces in the house with charmed water.

A wet conspiracy for financial well-being

There are many conspiracies for baptismal water, they differ in the way they are carried out and the nature of the goal pursued. The Stepanova method described below is aimed at eliminating money problems and further financial well-being.

You will need church water, which you will use to sanctify the corners of the rooms, saying the prayer:

“I invite stability to our house, save us from rash decisions, from holes in the financial budget, from other material sins. Let all the conspiracies of the Epiphany night reach the ears of God. Let everything be in abundance so that the father's eye rejoices. Amen!".

After completing the ritual, place the container with holy water in a safe place, dark and hidden from prying eyes.

Protection from spoilage

Epiphany rites and conspiracies are aimed not only at calling and healing, but also at eliminating the consequences of the evil eye of the ill-wisher and the envious. After filling a bottle of holy water on Christmas Eve, go to the shower and pour it over yourself as slowly as possible from head to toe.

In this case, the following words should be said:

“Christ who was born on earth was reborn in Baptism. And I cleanse myself of filth, and I breathe in my chest full of air of new life. Give me the message you need for success to be charged, so that you can heal both soul and body. Amen!".

Please note that the "shower" should not be too warm: the maximum is room temperature.

Baby's blessing

There are conspiracies and rituals for Baptism, in which the leading role is assigned to candles - necessarily church ones. Parents of young children are advised to conduct a ritual of protection from evil and bless the child for happiness. On Christmas Eve, on the eve of Epiphany morning, January 18, break off a piece of wax from the holy candle and stick it to the crib.

Fast money baptism plots


Baptismal money spells and spells

Epiphany. Epiphany. Prayers.

Read the prayer:

“Jesus Christ baptized blessed the whole white world. One thing I ask! Let a part of his good word fall on the lot of my child (name), so that he does not know troubles, he does not know blasphemy, so that according to the laws of God he would live and his path would illuminate with light. I reinforce the request with amulets and my prayers. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!".

Let the candle wax stick to the crib for a while. Make sure that the baby does not tear it off.

Epiphany love spell

Fortune telling on Christmastide has been popular among girls since time immemorial. What did they not do to recognize the face of the very person whom they were destined to marry! The girls did not pass by the love spells. One of the most effective for its conduct requires two long and thin candles and photographs - a girl and a guy. Keep in mind - the moon phase must be waxing! If on Epiphany night she is in a different state, it is impossible to carry out rituals for attraction at all - your beloved can turn away from you forever.

  1. Retire to a secluded place, turn off communications.
  2. Set your photos in front of each other, face to face.
  3. Gently rub the candles in your palms, thus slightly warming them up.
  4. Weave them carefully, and the more turns you make, the more effective the effect of the love spell ritual will be. The ideal number is 10 or 12.
  5. Read the spell:

“On the Epiphany night, a quiet candle intertwined with another candle - for ever and ever, their destinies are now glued together into one. So the servant of God (name) with the slave (name) will converge, and the angels will bless them. Amen".

Wrap the candles in a scarlet cloth and hide from prying eyes. Do not under any circumstances separate them! Conspiracies and ceremonies for the feast of Epiphany on January 19 should be filled with white magic, aimed at goodness and light. If after the ritual you feel a heaviness in your soul, it is recommended to go to the temple.