Barbie doll - history of creation and photo of dolls. Barbie cartoons: full list by year

Barbie ... Everyone's favorite doll. When did she appear this little person, who are her parents? Professor Lord, a great connoisseur of dolls, claims that before Barbie there was a Lilly doll and it was intended ... for adult men. It was sold at tobacco stalls as a joke gift for men. Why is it so? It all started with a German newspaper. The fact is that in the rather low-grade newspaper Bild Zeitung various comics were printed in the post-war period. So Lilly was one of the characters in these comics - a blonde of a purely Aryan race with regular German features. For the first time, Lilly appeared in the newspaper on July 24, 1952 (she will soon have an anniversary - 60 years). This character was so popular that toy designer Max Weissbrodt decided to transform her into a real doll, but not for children, but for adults.

A few years later, Lilly began a second life, but under a different name - Barbie. Ruth Handler, seeing a charming doll - a woman, thought about trying to make an American blonde out of a German doll. She bought some dolls and Lilly went to America. Here Ruth Handler and designer Jack Ryan successfully Americanized the German doll and named it Barbie, after Ruth's daughter. But now, the female doll, was intended as a toy for children. This was in 1959.

It was then that Barbie first appeared at a toy fair in New York. But, however, no one wanted to buy, not even for three dollars. Newspapers and critics shouted indignantly about her excessive sexuality and insisted that fathers and mothers would not buy such a toy for their children. But soon enough it was these fathers and mothers who decided that they could play with this doll too. It was a triumph for Ruth Handler! Five years later, the number of dolls was in the millions. And orders continued to increase so that it was difficult to meet demand. she found admirers not only in the United States, but also in Europe and even in many Muslim countries, where she was smuggled, since strict morals did not allow playing in such sexy dolls. Ruth Handler's business flourished. And then many realized that Barbie also needs a wardrobe, furniture, dishes, a car, and ... much, much more.

So Barbie helped to earn extra money not only one Ruth Handler, but also many others. There are luxurious outfits, cottages, cars, bicycles and even a wedding dress - everything for Barbie. The entire collection is priced at $ 1,000, and the wedding dress is priced at $ 35. Well, who can resist not to buy such a doll for his beloved daughter, or maybe for himself. And then Barbie had a friend named Ken, and then a friend, and sisters, and a whole string of relatives. Why are there relatives and friends, she has dogs, cats, and horses, all pets live in Barbie's mansion.

Throughout its existence, it has changed many houses and cars, not to mention luxurious outfits. The popularity of the doll grew day by day, especially since it appeared in an era when the social position of a woman was revised, when external brilliance and possession were put in the first place. Disputes about its merits and demerits, about the negative consequences that can occur in the psyche of children playing with Barbie, have been and continue to this day. But the girls appreciated Barbie in their own way. These dolls that can do their hair, whose arms and legs are so mobile that Barbie can even ride a bicycle. And in 1964, the new Barbie model could already open and close her eyes. Of course, since birth, Barbie has changed many times and got better and more interesting. However, there were also quite unpleasant moments that could form the wrong way of thinking in children. In 1993, a new Barbie model was released that spoke several phrases, such as, for example: "Math is too difficult" or "Will I have a lot of clothes?" etc. This Barbie taught not the best life aspirations for girls. Therefore, buyers were outraged, followed by a negative reaction. The same thing happened when the pregnant Barbie model was released. Here you yourself think, what could have been the reaction from the parents, future buyers of Barbie? Most likely, the desire to diversify Barbie models, to make these dolls for all tastes, led to some negative models.

Mattel has produced Barbies and different nationalities since 1959, and speaking different languages, and different in their professional merits: Barbie stewardess, Barbie - singer, Barbie - nurse, Barbie - astronaut, etc. Particularly popular were and continue to enjoy Barbies, whose appearance reminds us of recognized Hollywood stars: Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor and others. Computer games about Barbie have appeared, and in Russia we have a children's magazine "Playing with Barbie!", And cartoons about Barbie have been shot. Fiat has produced a special model of the Fiat 500 for the 50th anniversary of the Barbie doll. The interior of the car is pink and some parts are decorated with rhinestones.

Fashionable Barbie doll and her wardrobe on video.

Barbie and world-famous fashion houses did not leave without attention. In 1985, an international exhibition of collections of Barbie outfits from famous couturiers was held: Pierre Cardin, Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Jean-Paul Gaultier and others. Fashion designers and jewelers work for it. The cost of one "haute couture" outfit is estimated at up to $ 850. And the most interesting thing is that many fashion designers consider making a dress for Barbie no less prestigious than for a Hollywood star. So adults also love this doll and seriously play with it. For some, this doll is the embodiment of beauty and encourages creativity, but for someone Barbie is the personification of consumption, thirst for a luxurious life, etc.

It turns out that for its entire existence, the Barbie doll has been sold more than all toys, it already has more than a billion sales ..., that is. one Barbie is being sold every second.

In the twentieth century, the Barbie doll, a work of the era, has become a symbol of twentieth century America.

Yes, indeed, in America, the passion for Barbie is so strong that with each appearance of a new model, there were either public protests if the doll did not like it, or delight of admiration.

But that's not all - the Americans placed the doll in a capsule and solemnly buried it in the ground with a mandate to descendants - to extract it in 200 years. Worshiping a Barbie is a bit like a maniacal one. got into the Guinness Book of Records, became one of the exhibits of the Museum of Wax Figures. Barbie worship has provoked a disease called "Barbie syndrome" - this disease, which is characterized by a constant fear in women and girls that they are not like Barbies, that we should lose weight or have plastic surgery. Thus, a young woman named Cindy Jackson entered the Guinness Book of Records along with Barbie, who, in order to be like her idol in everything, underwent more than 20 plastic surgeries. That's it - a seemingly harmless doll brought so many unforeseen consequences.

Here is such an interesting story about a little plastic Barbie doll. There is hardly another doll or toy that can repeat her phenomenal ascent.

In 1959, this story began and continues to this day, or maybe its attractive power is eternal?

Some time ago, I was selling clothes for Barbies in an online store, mostly blue mink fur coats, but I will talk about this in the next publication.

Fashionable Barbie doll - history and photos of dolls from different years

The history of the Barbie doll - who invented the Barbie doll?

Nowadays, every girl knows who Barbie is. This is the girls' favorite toy - an elegant doll a little less than 30 cm tall, with long hair and a beautiful figure.

She loves clothes and cars, always smiles and is happy with life. With her, you can play family, home, work, sports - whatever you want.

Barbie was born in 1959 in America. Her "parents" are spouses Ruth and Elliot Handler, founders of the Mattel toy company. Together with Japanese designers, they came up with the very Barbie that can be seen in all stores today. And her name, a diminutive of Barbara, she received in honor of their own daughter.

American girls, seeing this doll at the New York trade show, immediately wanted to have it at home. After all, she was, unlike other toys, at once an adult. In the first year, 351,000 dolls were sold at $ 3 each.

Gradually, Barbie began to have a variety of outfits, furniture, a house, cars, rollers, bicycles. In 1961, Barbie ceased to be lonely - she had a friend Ken. Barbie has become so popular that many famous women wanted to see themselves in the form of this doll. So copies of real people began to be produced. The popular singer Madonna, for example, ordered as many as five dolls that look like herself.

Outfits for Barbie today are sewn by the most famous fashion designers. There are also jewelry (including very expensive ones) for her. Barbie has a luxurious home, a family with a small child, many cars and even an airplane. She recently acquired a cell phone and a computer - after all, Barbie is a modern girl. For Americans, she has become a national symbol.

Eighteen times Barbie flew into space with American astronauts, and all flights were successful. Many girls dream of becoming like her - beautiful and happy.

In many countries (including Russia) contests for the best dress for Barbie are held. The girls design and sew these dresses themselves, and the winners are given the opportunity to learn from famous fashion designers. Every minute two Barbies are sold in the world.

Nurses will tell you about children's toys, safety devices for babies, early child development, and advice from children's doctors.


The fictional life of Barbie

Barbie - Barbara Millicent Roberts - was born in Willows, Wisconsin to George and Margaret Roberts. Barbie and Ken met in 1961. The full name of Barbie's boyfriend is Ken Carson. In 2004, Barbie and Ken broke up, but not for long, only for two years. Despite the fact that more than fifty years have passed since their first meeting, they have never been married.

This is such an ordinary biography of an ordinary girl, except that all this is fiction from beginning to end, and Barbie is a doll. Barbie's life was even tweaked in the nineties, making Barbara a native of New York.

Why invent a biography for a doll? But Barbie has long been more than just a doll, Barbie is a star, and for many girls she is the most real character. But, in addition to the fictional story, Barbie also has a real biography.

The real biography of the Barbie doll

The Barbie doll was born in 1959 in Wisconsin (fictional and real biographies are the same here). The doll was officially introduced on March 9, 1959 at the American International Toy Fair. The creator of Barbie was Ruth Handler, many sources name, along with Ruth, the name of her husband Elliot. So we can say that the Barbie family is Ruth and Elliot Handler. Moreover, it is Elliot Handler who is the founder of Mattel, the largest toy company at the moment. The idea for the Barbie doll came to Ruth while she was watching her daughter Barbara and her friends play. Girls preferred to play not with dolls that looked like children, but with paper dolls depicting adult female models. These dolls could be dressed up in beautiful dresses and used to act out scenes from adult life. This is exactly what the official version sounds like.

This is what the first models of Barbie and Ken looked like.

Barbie myths

Barbie "Mattel" was not the first

The basis of the image of Barbie was the heroine of comics, and then the doll Build Lilly. Many articles refer to Lilly as an adult doll, but this name can be interpreted in two ways. This led to the fact that later, without really going into the essence, in some articles Lilly began to be called a sex doll and a doll for men, and the developers of Barbie "Mattel" were accused of making a doll based on a sex toy. Therefore, it is more correct to call Lilly a souvenir doll, like those that are put on the glove compartment of a car (by the way, there were rumors about Lilly that she helps on the road) or bought in memory of her favorite comics. In 1957, a film was even released about this character - "Lilly - a girl from the big city." The first Barbie looks very much like Lilly, the difference is only in the structure. The elastic bands were removed, the hair was sewn to the head, the shoes were removed from the feet and the material of the doll is completely different from that of Lilly. Also, the body parts of the Mattel Barbie doll have complex rotary mechanisms. But the look remained so much like Lilly that Mattel and Greiner & Hausser have been suing for copyright infringement more than once.

It is also incorrect to say that Lilly and Barbie were the first dolls with adult forms. The article has already mentioned paper model dolls, and it is also necessary to recall a folk toy, where dolls were presented in the form of adult women, sometimes with babies in their hands, antique dolls, clothes for which were sewn according to the latest fashion trends, as well as those released shortly before the release of Barbie Cissy dolls from Madame Alexander and Little Miss Revlon. All of them were far from bobbleheads, but Barbie became popular because its creators were able to catch the right direction and take a step forward - openly declaring that children need such a toy. And, as a result, the Barbie doll aroused the indignation of adults, who came off the toy vulgar, but the children took it with great enthusiasm.

There is no denying some similarities between Build Lilly and Barbie

Pregnant barbie

In fact, Barbie herself has never been pregnant. The pregnant doll was indeed produced by Mattel, but this doll was Barbie's friend, Midge. The Midge doll was produced with a large pregnant belly, in which there was a tiny baby. According to legend, Midge is married, and such a natural development of the plot seemed quite logical to the creators. But many adults believed that such toys would lead to an increase in early pregnancies, and Barbie's pregnant girlfriend was discontinued in 2002. So the rumors that Barbie is giving birth were just rumors. Although who knows what the owners of Mattel will come up with, perhaps soon we will see a pregnant Barbie on sale and in fact see a cartoon in which Barbie gives birth.

Funeral Barbie Set

A photo of a Barbie set for a funeral is circulating on the web. This photo was overgrown with a mass of negative comments, articles are devoted to it, but in fact this is just someone's joke, skillfully executed in Photoshop.

The very first Barbie doll

The first Barbie looked rather unassuming: from the outfit she was wearing only a striped swimsuit and sandals, and from accessories - glasses and earrings. The doll's hair is tied up in a ponytail. The features of the first model were emphasized by adults.

How much does a barbie doll cost? In 1959, it cost only $ 3, now the cost of the first copy has increased to several tens of dollars. The most expensive specimen of the first Barbie, preserved in perfect condition, was sold at auction for $ 25,500.

Clothes for the first dolls were sold separately, ready-made, or they were sewn by themselves. Today, some copies of such Barbie clothes are much more expensive than dolls, because very few of them have survived.

This begs the question - how much does the most expensive Barbie doll cost at the moment? The world's most expensive Barbie doll was sold for $ 302,500 in 2010 in New York at Christie's. This price was primarily set for the necklace around the neck of the toy. The necklace was made by Australian jeweler Stefano Canturi and includes over 15 white diamonds. The money received for this doll was donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

The cost of one doll can be an astronomical amount.

Barbie professions

Initially, the Barbie doll was presented as a Teenage Fashion Model - a teenage model, but in the future she had to master many professions.

It turned out that Barbie is a successful career woman. She has achieved success in eighty professions, even being a rock star and a presidential candidate in the United States.

Here are some of the professions of a successful blonde:

  • stewardess
  • astronaut
  • rescuer
  • dance coach
  • Barbie ballerina
  • dentist
  • Cook
  • racer
  • Superhero barbie
  • paleontologist
  • architect
  • painter
  • Barbie rock star
  • veterinarian
  • programmer
  • pilot
  • biker
  • waitress
  • sportswoman (several models were released in different directions in sports).

Interiors for Barbie professions are thought out in the same detail as the doll itself

Especially it is worth paying attention to the Barbie gymnasts and swimmers. The floating Barbie can even be run free in the bathroom.

And the Barbie doll managed to serve in the army, swim with scuba diving, play baseball and perform in the circus.

Fairy princess barbie

The Barbie doll has been repeatedly released in the role of fairy princesses and creatures. Particularly popular are doll models:

  • Barbie mermaid
  • Barbie mermaid with glowing tail
  • Fairy barbie
  • Princess barbie
  • Barbie Rapunzel
  • Barbie Elsa.

Barbie doll as a celebrity

The first celebrity whose face Barbie tried on was the famous model Twiggy. It happened in 1967.

Models were also released:

  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • Diana Ross
  • Cindy Lauper
  • Farrah Fawcett
  • Grace Kelly
  • Rosie O'Donnell
  • Elizabeth Taylor

And this list is constantly growing.

Collectible Barbie Dolls & Movies

Mattel produces collectible Barbie dolls dedicated to popular movie characters. The most striking were the heroes from the films "The Hunger Games", "Divergent", "Twilight" and "Cinderella". These toys are incredibly similar to the characters they represent, making them very popular with collectors.

A character from the movie is easily guessed behind each of the dolls.

Barbie doll in national costumes

You can buy a Barbie doll in stores in over 150 countries. And this popularity is based on the fact that the developers of Barbie "Mattel" have released a doll of many nationalities. This collection is dedicated to different countries, and the collectible Barbie in it wears national costumes that are worked out to the smallest detail. On sale you can find an Indian Barbie, Argentinean, Australian, Irish, Polish, French, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and many others.

Barbie bride

Despite the fact that Barbie and Ken never got married, although they have been together for more than fifty years, the doll was repeatedly released by the bride dressed in a dress. Barbie Bride has changed many looks, but two collectible Barbies are worth noting separately. The first of them, "The Princess and the Bride Grace Kelly", depicts a real character - the Princess of Monaco and one of the most popular actresses of her time. The doll was released in 2011 and immediately overshadowed all toy brides with its splendor. The toy is specially created for Grace Kelly's 55th wedding anniversary and wears a replica of her wedding dress. The second Barbie Bride is more exotic, but no less beautiful. We're talking about the Zombie Bride Barbie model. The doll was created in 2015 with a circulation of only 6,600 copies and was a resounding success. Despite her bloody lips and an earthy complexion, she is incredibly beautiful.

Barbie Collections

The largest private collection of Barbie was in the Guinness Book of Records 2013. The collection includes 15,000 dolls. The owner of the collection is German Bettine Dorfmann. She began collecting Barbie dolls in 1993.

Despite the diminutiveness of each doll, such a large collection takes up several rooms at once.

Dolls are collected not only by women: for example, American Stanley Colorite has collected 3,000 models, and Singaporean Jiang Yang has 6,000 Barbie dolls.

There are Barbie museums in the USA, China and Holland. The most stunning collection of Barbie dolls is in the California Museum, with 21,000 items.

History is silent on how many Barbie models have been released by Mattel, because in addition to game and collectible (and collectible, in turn, are divided into different types - you can get confused even in series, not just in characters), there are dolls made in just one copy. So it is almost impossible to count all the issues of Barbie. Probably, the real figure is stored somewhere in the archives of the Mattel company.

Barbie toys

House for Barbie

The Mattel company, in addition to various models of the famous blonde and her family members, produces various toys that create the Barbie lifestyle. The most desirable such toy is a Barbie house. There are quite a lot of Barbie house models, for any request - from a small portable Barbie house to a giant one. There are even fabulous castles on sale. Barbie Homes have a lot of elaborate details, such as the nifty Barbie furniture and the kitchen. Barbie vans and cars are also popular. For example, a van in which a horse can be transported. By the way, animals have always accompanied this toy. Barbie with a dog, Barbie on and a pegasus, Barbie on a farm are some of the most popular sets.

Barbie Clothes

Clothes for Barbie dolls can not only be bought ready-made, but also sewn to order. Many girls, and not only girls, but also quite adults, have made making dresses for Barbies their hobby. On the Web, you can find entire collections of clothes for Barbie dolls and find all kinds of patterns. Many of these outfits are quite expensive despite their diminutive size.

Coming up with an evening outfit for a doll is no easier than for a living person

Collectible Barbies wear dresses from the most famous designers. Barbie has dressed in dresses and accessories from Versace, Christian Dior, Escada, Carolina Herrera, Juicy Couture, Givanchy, Vera Wang, Calvin Klein, Chanel and many other famous fashion houses. Not every top model has received this honor, so Barbie can be called the most famous top model of our time.

Barbie Cartoons

Barbie is a very popular character in animation, with her participation more than thirty cartoons have been produced. But first of all, Barbie is a toy. Therefore, the plots of most cartoons do not show the heroine as herself, but are a kind of game, where the doll is presented to us in the role of other characters. Just as if she were a real actress. This allows not only to captivate children, but also to promote new Barbie dolls: cartoons specifically allow you to create models for a particular plot. So, you can remember such famous models as the Barbie-mermaid and the Barbie-fairy ... And what girl does not want to buy the Barbie house, which we see in the TV series "Barbie: Living in a Dream House"? Cartoons about Barbie cool interest in this toy, especially when sales begin to decline, because the blonde has serious competitors - Monsters High and Winx.

Every year there are Barbie cartoons, new stories, new heroes. For example, the 2015 Barbie cartoons have served as the theme for the release of new popular dolls such as the Rock Princess Barbie and the Super Princess Barbie. Barbie Rock Princess is a singing doll that can be both a Barbie princess and a rock star, plus the Star Stage set is also available separately. A 2015 cartoon about Barbie, telling the story of a super princess, made it possible for several dolls to appear at once, including wonderful super pets. In 2016, we will see new roles for the Barbie doll: cartoons with her participation are already being filmed.

Barbie in the Nutcracker (2001)

Directed by Owen Hurley.

The heart of a real prince is hidden in the ugly figure of the Nutcracker. Clara, the girl who was given the Nutcracker, is in danger from the Mouse King, and the prince rushes to her aid without hesitation. But the Mouse King manages to cast a spell on Clara. The girl becomes as tiny as the prince, and now Barbie and the Nutcracker together need to break the spells laid on them.

Barbie as Rapunzel (2002)

Directed by Owen Hurley.

The final slogan of the film: "Love and imagination can change the world"

Rapunzel has the longest and most adorable hair in the world, but that doesn't make her happy. The girl is imprisoned in a tower, and the evil sorceress put her to guard the very real dragon. One day Rapunzel finds a magic brush, and her life changes. The girl will have to reconcile two warring kingdoms, meet Prince Stephen and the dragon Penelope. Barbie and the dragon Penelope will become real friends.

Barbie of Swan Lake (2003)

Directed by Owen Hurley.

The beautiful Odette, the baker's daughter, follows the unicorn into the enchanted forest. An evil wizard turns Odette into a swan. The fairy manages to soften the spell. Now Odette turns into a swan only during the day, and at night he becomes himself again. The girl understands that in order to change her fate, she needs to save not only herself, but the entire enchanted forest from an evil sorcerer. In the cartoon "Barbie: Swan Lake" famous music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky sounds. Barbie movies are always filled with great music.

Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper (2004)

Directed by William Lau.

Princess Anneliese and poor Erica are incredibly similar. And therefore, when they change places, no one notices the substitution. Anneliese falls into a trap and Erica needs to not only pretend to be a princess, but also save Anneliese, as well as figure out who Prince Dominic really loves. "Barbie: The Princess and the Beggar" is the first animated musical featuring our heroine.

Barbie And the Magic of Pegasus (2005)

Directed by Greg Richardson.

Princess Annika meets the magical Pegasus Britta. The sorcerer Wenlock turns Annika's entire family to stone, and the girl has only three days to create a magic wand and break the spell. The cartoon "Barbie: The Magic of Pegasus" will introduce its viewer to the incredible Kingdom of the Clouds.

Barbie: Fairytopia (2004)

Elina is a flower fairy, her house is on the Magic Meadow. Once upon a time misfortune befalls the Magic Meadow. To fix everything, you need to find the guardian fairy Azura. And Elina goes on a dangerous journey. In the cartoon "Barbie in Fairyland" Barbie tries on the image of a fairy for the first time.

Barbie & Friends ih Hollywood (2005)

Directed by Eric Vogel.

Barbie and her girlfriends have a lucky chance to make a movie. But, playing in Hollywood, it's so easy to catch star fever. Will the girlfriends be able to cope with this? The cartoon "Barbie and Girlfriends in Hollywood" will tell viewers how important it is to maintain true friendship.

Barbie Fairytopia: Mermaidia (2006)

Directed by William Lau, Walter P. Marticius.

Barbie Elina will definitely make new friends in the fabulous country of Mermedia

Mermedia is the land of mermaids. Fairy Elina goes in search of the mermaid prince Nalu, who was kidnapped by an evil sorceress. To free her friend, Elina will have to sacrifice the most precious thing - her wings. "Barbie: Fairyland Mermedia" is a sequel to the cartoon "Barbie in Fairyland".

Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses (2006)

Directed by Greg Richardson and Terry Klassen.

The widow king has twelve daughters. Girls love to dance, so much so that the shoes are enough for exactly a week. To make the daughters more serious, the king invites them to a teacher - his cousin. But the cousin does not want to play such a secondary role at all, but wants to become a queen. Interestingly, in the cartoon "Barbie: 12 Dancing Princesses" the names of the heroines correspond to the first twelve letters of the English alphabet.

The Barbie Diaries (2006)

Directed by Eric Vogel.

In this film, Barbie will appear before the audience not in the usual image of a princess, but as an ordinary teenager. The beginning of a new school year as the beginning of a new life. Barbie plays the guitar, participates in the work of the school television studio, meets with friends, falls in love with the prettiest boy in school, and a diary and a magic bracelet help her achieve her goals. Barbie Diaries will help girls take a detached perspective and learn how to be successful with their peers.

Barbie: Fairy Land. Magic of the Rainbow (Barbie Fairytopia: Magic of the Rainbow, 2006)

Directed by William Lau.

Fairy Elina studies at the School of Magic. Here she makes new friends, together with whom she fights against the evil Laverna, who is going to stop the coming of spring and destroy the Magic Rainbow. “Barbie: Fairy Land. The Magic Rainbow ”is the third Barbie cartoon about the fairy Elina.

Barbie as the Island Princess (2007)

Directed by Greg Richardson.

The ship on which little Rosella is traveling is shipwrecked. And the girl finds herself alone on a desert island. The animals of the island help her to survive, learn to speak and sing. Little Rosella loves most of all the peacock Isal, the elephant Tiki and the red panda Saga. Once Prince Antonio sails to the island, he invites Rosella to his castle, and she accepts the invitation. But, returning to civilization, the heroes fall into the web of intricately woven intrigue. Based on the cartoon "Barbie as the Princess of the Island", several models of dolls were released, including a singing one.

Barbie Mariposa and Her Butterfly Fairy Friends (2007)

Directed by Konrad Helten.

Fairy Mariposa is very fond of young spectators

In the Barbie cartoon for girls, the butterfly fairy Mariposa loves to dream and reads a lot. She's hoping to get out of Fairy Land and see the world. But when the dream comes true, it turns out that the most important thing is home, and the world is not as good as it seemed. Mariposa will have to overcome many difficulties before she, bypassing the dangerous Underwater Kingdom, obtains an antidote for the Queen in the Lost Land. Barbie Toy: Mariposa has adorable butterfly wings.

Barbie & The Diamond Castle (2008)

Directed by Gino Nikele.

Best friends Liana and Alex are always together, one of their common attractions is music. Barbie and her friend meet an unusual girl who is imprisoned inside a magic mirror. The friends decide that the girl needs help and set off with two cute puppies on a long dangerous journey to the Crystal Castle. This journey will test the strength of the friendship between Liana and Alexa, but it will only benefit them. Liana doll, created based on the cartoon "Barbie and the Crystal Castle", is endowed with sound and light effects.

Barbie In A Christmas Carol (2008)

Directed by William Lau.

The extravagant Eden makes everyone rehearse on Christmas night. She doesn't even listen to her friend and dresser Katherine. But on Christmas Day miracles happen. Three Christmas spirits will arrange a magical journey for Eden, in which the girl realizes that she was wrong. Eden will understand how important it is to celebrate Christmas with an open heart in the circle of family and loved ones. Barbie A Christmas Carol is a wonderful Christmas tale.

Barbie Presents: Thumbelina (2009)

Directed by Konrad Helten.

If you thought you would see a familiar fairy tale about Thumbelina, you were very mistaken. Barbie Thumbelina from this fairy tale lives in the magical world of Twilerbiz. Due to the whim of the girl Makena, Thumbelina's house ends up in a city apartment, where our heroine learns that her magical world is in danger. Despite her small stature, Barbie Thumbelina must prevent this.

Barbie and the Three Musketeers (2009)

Director: William Lau.

Like the original Musketeers, the heroines remained loyal to the crown and kingdom.

In a cartoon for girls, Barbie-Catherine D'Artagnan travels to Paris to become a Musketeer. This is her dream. But everyone laughs at the girl, because there are no women musketeers. And Catherine has to get a job as a servant in the palace. There she meets three friends who also dream of becoming musketeers. By chance, they learn that a conspiracy is brewing against the prince, and his life is in danger. "Barbie and the Three Musketeers" is a cartoon about how a dream, even the most incredible, is achievable if you believe in it.

Barbie in a Mermaid Tale (2010)

Directed by Adam L. Wood.

In the sea kingdom, everything is ready for the holiday, and the magical shell fills the underwater world with its light. But suddenly this radiance dries up, and only three rainbow dolphins, filling the magic shell with their colors, can return this light. Barbie mermaid goes in search of them, she makes new friends and finds the most real hidden treasures. You can recreate the episodes of the cartoon "Barbie: A Little Mermaid Adventure" with the help of numerous variations of the Barbie Mermaid doll.

Barbie Fashion Fairytale (2010)

Directed by William Lau.

Barbie arrives in the fashion capital Paris. Her aunt has a real fashion house, but alas, it is about to close. Barbie doesn't want to put up with it. She finds three fairies and persuades the shy fashion designer Alice to put on a fashionable and truly magical fashion show. Paris has never seen anything like it. The cartoon "Barbie: Fashion Fairyland" is very popular among girls, because who does not dream of their own fashion house?

Barbie: A Fairy Secret (2011)

Directed by William Lau.

The fairies kidnap Ken and take him to the Magic Land. Barbie and her rival Raquel are going to bring Ken back. But on a dangerous and difficult journey, Barbie and Raquel have to help and rescue each other, and they become real friends.

Barbie: Princess Charm School (2011)

Directed by Maestro Harrell.

Graduation from the academy means one thing - a gorgeous graduation!

In this cartoon, Barbie plays the role of the girl Blair, who is sent to study at the Princess Academy. Blair has a very kind heart, she quickly makes friends, always accepts the help of a magic fairy with gratitude, and she is easy to learn. Gradually it turns out that Blair is not just a girl, but the missing heiress of the kingdom, and then she has an enemy in the person of her mentor, who does everything to prevent Blair from taking the throne. But the girl already has friends who will not allow her to be treated unfairly. The doll based on "Barbie: Princess Academy" has two options for clothes - for the princess and the student.

Barbie: A Perfect Christmas (2011)

Directed by Mark Baldo, Terry Klassen.

The plane, in which Barbie and her three sisters are flying, is deviating from the course due to heavy snow. Christmas is in jeopardy! But if you believe in him, even in a small hotel on the edge of the remote town of Tannebaum, a miracle can happen. Adventure and good friends are the best gift for Barbie. A wonderful Christmas is going well, and the girls put on a musical show for their new friends.

Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 2 (2011)

Directed by William Lau.

The little mermaid we already know turns into the surfing champion Merlia. She goes to the World Surfing Championship in Australia. But the villainess Eris spoils all plans, planning to capture Oceania. The little mermaid has to remember that she is a princess, and together with her friends, prevent insidious intrigues. The heroine of the cartoon “Barbie. Merlia-surfer ”presents an unusual doll: from a surfer girl she easily turns into a beautiful mermaid.

Barbie: Live in the dreamhouse (TV series since 2012)

In 2012, the animated series about Barbie "Living in a Dream House" began to be filmed. The Barbie world has everything you need to be happy: a beautiful home, adorable dresses, good friends, Ken willing to do anything for his beauty, and loyal fans. In her world, Barbie performs with fashion shows, goes shopping, communicates with friends. In the series, the heroine finds herself in situations that her kind heart helps her solve, she will always support those who are in trouble. At the moment, 82 episodes have been filmed and the series is not finished yet.

Barbie: The Princess & The Popstar (2012)

Directed by Isequil Norton.

One of the main advantages of the film was a great soundtrack

Princess Tory dreams of an ordinary life, for example, such as her favorite pop star Kira lives. But Kira, on the contrary, dreams of leaving the noisy show business, constant concerts, rehearsals, trips and living like a princess. And one day, having met by chance in a magic shop, the girls get to know each other and change lives. But is someone else's life so attractive? Barbie princess and pop star Kira come to the conclusion that it is best to be yourself.

Barbie in The Pink Shoes (2013)

Directed by Owen Hurley.

In this film, Barbie plays the role of a ballerina. She is a very diligent student, she trains tirelessly every day, honing her skills and inventing new movements. But innovations in ballet are not too encouraged by her teachers, and the heroine is left to immerse herself in the music. Barbie hopes for the best while vegetating on the sidelines. One day in a store, Barbie the ballerina buys pink pointe shoes, which turn out to be magical, and this changes her life.

Barbie & Her Sisters in A Pony Tale (2013)

Directed by Kiran Kelly.

In a pony tale, Barbie and her sisters go on vacation to a riding school in the Swiss Alps. Each of the girls finds something to do to their liking and the holidays are great, but the magic appears in them when Barbie meets a wild horse in the forest.

Barbie Mariposa & The Fairy Princess (2013)

Directed by William Lau.

We have already met with the fairy Mariposa, this time we see how she works as an ambassador of the Fairy-tale country. Her responsibilities include maintaining good relations with neighboring countries. Her new assignment is to mend peaceful relations with the Crystal Fairies of the Glowing Valley. Barbie Mariposa meets the Fairy Princess from Glowing Valley and they become friends. Returning to his country, Mariposa learns that the evil sorceress wants to destroy the Glowing Valley. Mariposa rushes to the aid of her friend the fairy princess.

Barbie and The Secret Door (2014)

Directed by Karen J. Lloyd.

Together with new friends, Barbie will embark on a magical adventure

Princess Alexa is very fond of reading. One day she discovers the story of the secret door and finds the exact same door in the garden. Through it you can get into the magical world. But was this door so easy to find, or does the wizarding world need Alexa's help? The princess will have to help the inhabitants of the magical world. "Barbie and the Secret Door" is a striking unusual musical.

Barbie: The Pearl Princess (2014)

Directed by Isequil Norton.

Lumina lives a very ordinary life and works as a stylist in a beauty salon. She herself is unaware that in fact she is a princess mermaid. Lumina needs to become herself and overcome all adversity on her way. Mattel has released several versions of the Pearl Princess Barbie dolls, the brightest of which is the Little Mermaid with a Magic Tail. A magic comb is hidden in the tail, and the tail itself changes color and appearance.

Barbie: Superprincess (2015)

Directed by Zeke Norton.

In this movie, Barbie plays Princess Kara. The magic butterfly gives Kara a magical gift. Now she can become a superhero and go on the most dangerous adventures, Barbie can handle them. Barbie is a super princess who can fly and defeats any evil in her kingdom. But her cousin also becomes the Dark Princess with the help of the butterfly. And only an external enemy makes the princesses come to their senses and remember about friendship.

Barbie in Rock "N Royals (2015)

Directed by Isequil Norton.

The princess and the rock singer switch places. Princess Courtney, due to a misunderstanding, goes on vacation to a camp for singers, and rock star Erica goes to a camp for royalty. The girls have a lot to learn about each other's lives. This helps them to make friends and save both camps from closing.

Barbie & her sisters in The Great Puppy Adventure (2015)

Directed by Andrew Tan.

Will ordinary girls be able to find ancient treasures?

Barbie's adventures begin when she and her three sisters come to visit their grandmother. And then an unexpected gift awaits them - puppies were born to the grandmother's dog. Now every girl can take one of them. And then another surprise - an old map was found, on which it was noted where the treasures were hidden. Barbie and the puppies go on a treasure hunt.

Barbie video games

Barbie video games can be roughly divided into four categories: dress up, sports, Barbie family and others. Barbie video games are created not only for girls: there are toys for boys as well, for example, a game called “Barbie for Boys”, where players are invited to become instructors with a famous blonde and teach her how to operate a jet ski.

Barbie Dress Up

Dress Up is the largest category of Barbie video games. And there is nothing strange here: all girls know that Barbie is the greatest fashionista, no doll has so many outfits. Therefore, the creators of the games first of all paid attention to the topic of fashion. There are a great many so-called dress-up games for Barbie girls, for every taste. They resemble the same games with paper dolls that Barbara, Ruth Handler's daughter, was fond of, and thanks to which Ruth decided to come up with a doll that conquered the whole world. The only difference is that video games are much more colorful and varied.

The most popular dress-ups are: Barbie: Shop Fashion Show, Barbie in Japan, Mermaid Barbie, Pregnant Barbie, Barbie and Ken Dress Up.

And although the meaning of these games is very similar - the selection of the most beautiful clothes for Barbie, as well as hairstyles, makeup and accessories - there are a great many options for this fun and, most importantly, girls never get bored of such dress-up games. It is not a pity to devote the whole day to choosing an outfit, especially since such toys have a positive effect on the development of the taste of small, and sometimes quite adult fashionistas. Choosing clothes for a Barbie is a very exciting experience.

Barbie sportswoman

If Barbie were a real girl, she would have to keep fit and play sports. Video games invite us to play with Barbie all kinds of sports, for example, as in the games "Ice Skating Barbie" and "Barbie on a Motorcycle", or to take part in races - "Barbie on a Bike", "Barbie Racing", "Barbie in a Car" ...

Barbie and her family

The love story of a famous blonde is no less popular than dress-up Barbie. Here, game developers delight us with all sorts of variations of the Barbie and Ken wedding, dating of the famous couple, kissing, Barbie pregnancy and caring for the kids of Barbie and Ken dolls.

You should start your acquaintance with games about Barbie and Ken dolls with toys: "Barbie Bride", "Barbie and Ken's Wedding", "Barbie and Ken Kissing", "Barbie Family".

Other games

Music and songs

In many cartoons, Barbie does not just sing, but goes on stage professionally, like a rock or pop star. And some cartoons about Barbie were already initially announced as musicals. We are talking about "Barbie: The Princess and the Pauper" and "Barbie and the Secret Door". In other films about Barbie music plays a major role - for example, the melodies of PI Tchaikovsky in the cartoon "Barbie: Swan Lake".

Songs from Barbie cartoons have become very popular and are sung by girls all over the world.

Here are the lyrics for two of these Barbie songs:

Barbie song lyrics from "Barbie: The Princess and the Pop Star"

Words came from the void
What are they about, you do not know,
But only now the door has opened
The bridges of my dreams came together.

Like a star has risen
And burned the darkness.

The voice is pouring up
Reality sparkles.
Like a light I rush like a star
New faces are here.

I ascend to the sky
My orbit, giving birth to rhythms
I go out and in unison
Light streams from other planets.

Here's the answer - the pulse is beating again
The voice is pouring up
Reality sparkles.
Like a light I rush like a star
I go upstairs.

More more
And again, and again up!

After all, the star lurks in you
So open the way for her
What is dreaming will come true.
Don't wait - that's the answer!

Here's the answer - the pulse is beating again
The voice is pouring up
Reality sparkles.
Like a light I rush like a star,
I'm going upstairs

Here's the answer - let the pulse beat
The voice is pouring up
Reality sparkles.
Like a light I rush like a star,
I go upstairs.

More more
And again, and again up!

More more
And over and over and over again
Success again!

Barbie song from the cartoon "Barbie: Princess Academy".

A real princess
No need for a crown
In a real princess
There is a measure of beauty

You can see it in the eyes
It can be seen all over
And through light hair
And by one look

Curls ...
It is pouring ...
Light ...

For real princesses
No crowns needed
In real princesses
There is a measure of depth

Like a string (na, na, na)
Her back is slim (on, on, on)
And it's not about posture (no, no, no)
It matters who she is (on, on, on)

In a real princess
Beauty and become
A real princess
It's not easy to become

But her highness's secret
Comes from kindness
Will save you from loneliness
Just a measure of simplicity.

And of course, we must not forget about the cartoon "Barbie: Rock Princess", the songs from which have become the most popular.

I want to make a decision
About who I want to be.
Leave your advice with you
How should I live.
I walk modestly in full view
Out of sight
I will hide from you
Whoever does not see me will not understand.

If fear rolls over
Just before going on stage
Or friends will run away
When they find out the truth about me.
You can forget the words

Closing the doors behind him.
But let it go, let it go
I need a chance.
Should be bolder
I'm among friends.
Spotlight spreads light.
And on the invisible stage there is no place for fear.

What if I go astray
And they won't believe in me anymore.
What if, without hiding, I open
Tell the truth about yourself.
My name sounds
And so I open the doors.
After all now, yes, now
I need a chance, a chance, a chance ...
I want to make a decision
About who I want to be.

If fear rolls over
Just before going on stage
Or friends will run away
When they find out the truth about me.
My name sounds
And so I open the doors.
After all now, yes, now
Give me a chance, a chance, a chance ...

Parents' opinion

No other toy in the world has been criticized as fiercely as a Barbie doll. Here are just a few of the more blatant accusations.

The appearance of the doll is too beautiful

Most of the attacks are directed, oddly enough, at the doll's too beautiful appearance. Despite the fact that the toy looks perfect, it has too unrealistic proportions. If the real Barbie really existed, she would be a woman 175 cm tall, and at the same time weighed only 49 kg, which is simply life threatening. This woman's waist would be 45cm and, with a height of 175cm, there would not be enough room for internal organs. Barbie's head would be 5 cm larger than that of a normal woman, and her too long and very thin neck simply would not withstand such a load. A real Barbie would have a very tiny foot - 21 cm, add to this thin little ankles and we get that she would not be able to walk normally, but would crawl on all fours. We combine the picture and we get a sick woman who is unable not only to move and hold her head, but also to live in general. And on a toy, such a figure looks very beautiful and proportional, which makes girls want to correspond to this ideal. According to critics, trying to follow such unreal beauty can lead to dangerous diseases such as anorexia and bulimia.

Parents are also warned that a too beautiful and successful Barbie doll can cause an inferiority complex or low self-esteem in a child. All this will lead to the fact that in the future this child will be unlucky and unhappy in life.

2016 saw the release of realistic versions of Barbie

In connection with such allegations, Mattel has developed models of dolls with a wider waist and smaller bust. In the same series, dolls are produced with different heights, skin color, all kinds of shades of eyes and hair. Such realistic Barbies look very believable, and parents can buy their child a toy that matches their notions of the norm. The first batch of natural dolls was released on January 28, 2016. Interestingly, as soon as realistic Barbies appeared, protests broke out among men who demand the release of a now more natural Ken.

Doll hate stage

Many mothers today also played with a Barbie doll in their childhood, because it has been produced since 1959, and such aggressive criticism may be based on their personal experience. It is not for nothing that psychologists say that most girls go through a stage of hatred for this doll. “Children humiliate Barbie in a variety of ways and in subtle ways,” says Dr. Nairn. “They can cut the doll's hair. Or they can cut off their heads, burn them, break them and even fry them in the microwave. " Such awakened aggression can seriously harm the child's psyche and leave trauma for life.

Imposed stereotypes

The doll is accused of imposing wrong stereotypes on girls - unwillingness to learn, love of shopping and a consumer lifestyle. Moreover, this behavior is formed not only by the game, but also by the fact that girls are constantly taught to buy clothes for Barbies and new models of dolls, as well as related products. As a consequence, this is transferred to real life, and girls join the ranks of the consumer society.

Excessive sexuality

A more serious charge is the development of early sexuality in girls. The doll makers have been repeatedly accused of creating a Barbie based on a sex doll, and although this is not the case, the doll still looks overly sexy. This is her main purpose - to please. And the pregnant girlfriend Barbie, released by the Mattel company, has caused a wave of protests, warning against early pregnancy, which such toys can provoke. And Ken's friendship with Barbie is not considered by many parents to be innocent fun, believing that such a role-playing game sets up a child's fantasy in a sexual way.

Family values

Outwardly, the relationship between Barbie and Ken resembles a beautiful fairy tale.

They also question the relationship of Barbie and Ken dolls as a family. On the surface, this is the perfect American dream couple. But Ken for Barbie is something like a tool that is necessary for a great pastime, and nothing more. After all, Ken is neither Barbie's husband, nor her friend, nor her colleague. He just accompanies his girlfriend in her entertainment and admires her beauty. In fact, Ken is the same accessory as a Barbie house. According to psychologists, this teaches girls a consumerist attitude towards men and incorrectly forms their notion of a family.

Maid for barbie

Critics of the Barbie doll point out that when playing with this toy, the girls seem to serve it: they dress it in fashionable dresses, invent new entertainments for it, comb their hair, bathe, and beg their parents for new accessories for their pet. This behavior teaches girls to serve and further influences their choice of life path. The other extreme is when girls associate themselves with Barbies, and here the opposite is already happening. Such children want to be indulged in everything, given the best and the most precious and worshiped. Such a star fever can greatly distort the psyche of even an adult, not to mention children.

Barbie doll protectors

You might think that the whole world is up in arms against the Barbie doll, but this is far from the case, and this toy has devoted defenders. Their arguments are that Barbie develops in children a love of a healthy lifestyle, instills in them a sense of style and love for fashion, and sets them up to achieve their goals. Various Barbie models dedicated to the choice of profession are also an argument in favor of the doll - they help the child to decide in life. The release of a doll in a wheelchair evokes compassion in children and a desire to help people with disabilities. And the athlete Barbie popularizes all kinds of sports. Barbie music, sounding in cartoons, as well as models of musical dolls form a sense of beauty in girls. For example, the music of Barbie in the cartoon "Barbie: Swan Lake" instills a love for the classics, because this is the great Tchaikovsky. Also, the music and songs of Barbie make children want to express themselves creatively.

Another of the main arguments in defense of Barbie is that many girls sew outfits for this doll. While creating clothes for Barbies, girls learn to sew and design dresses, which can be very useful for them in the future or even become a profession.

So the doll has many virtues. And perhaps the advocates of Barbie are right when they say that how the toy will affect the child depends not on the doll itself, but on the upbringing given to the baby by the parents.

There are people on whom the Barbie doll has had such an influence that they not only do not want to forget their favorite toy, but strive to become it. Some of them are saved by the resemblance to a doll, others, in order to compare with the ideal, spend a lot of money on plastic surgery. Living Barbie dolls have become a world hobby, they are in many countries - let's name the most famous of them.

The very first living Barbie doll was Sarah Badge. And in 2016 she turns 57 years old. The desire to become a Barbie appeared in her childhood. To achieve a similarity, Sarah underwent a dozen plastic surgeries and spent $ 500,000. This gave her the right to wear the title of the world's only Real Life Barbie. Now she dreams that her daughter will follow in her footsteps.

It's hard to believe that a person can achieve this resemblance to a doll.

One of the most famous living Barbies at the moment is a native of Brazil. Her advantage over the others is that she was born with a doll-like appearance and did not perform any operations or even starve herself. Well, at least she says so. Name of the Brazilian Barbie Andressa Damiane. She looks so much like a doll that people on the street are even afraid of her. Andressa's waist is only 50 cm. “I want to show the world that every girl can look like a doll. That being said, you don't have to be skinny or blonde. You just have to create your own image to be happy, ”says Andressa.

The most famous living Barbie dolls in Russia are Tatyana Tuzova and Angelica Kenova.

Tatiana Tuzova not only strives to be like Barbie, but also surrounds herself with pink things. Her Barbie world is like a dollhouse. Even her car has a picture of a Barbie and, naturally, it is also pink. Here is what Tatiana says about her hobby: “The first Barbie doll was presented to me at the age of twelve. I immediately saw in her the ideal of a woman. And I wanted to become this ideal. I dyed my hair, bought similar clothes, accessories, lost weight. Now I weigh less than fifteen. My room was always filled with pink houses, cars, furniture and clothes, shoes and handbags, stuffed animals like Barbie's. My whole apartment is an enlarged Barbie house. I surrounded myself with a fabulous world, which I share with others through my work. "

Angelica Kenova decided to turn into a Barbie doll when she was only four years old. “The nickname Barbie has stuck to me since childhood. It was very similar. Parents dressed like a doll, not denying anything. So she grew up without changing her style! "

When talking about living Barbies, it's worth mentioning the Kens.

The most famous Ken - Justin Jedlika - lives in America. To be like Ken, he performed 100 surgeries and spent over $ 150,000 on them.

What girl hasn't played with a Barbie doll as a child? This toy, distributed all over the world, has won the hearts of little girls for decades. Barbie is the most popular doll in the world; more and more generations of girls dream of her and ask their parents for the coveted doll in bright packaging. Barbie is a real beauty ideal that her little customers want to be equal to. However, Barbie is popular not only among children - there are many quite adult collectors in the world who are chasing rare dolls; and sometimes you can find a barbie worth a fortune.

In Russian, the name Barbie is a common noun; this is usually ironically called surprisingly beautiful, but, as a rule, narrow-minded girls.

In general, Barbie is a phenomenon unique in its popularity. And today we would like to talk about where it came from.

The Barbie brand is today owned by Mattel, one of the largest toy manufacturers in the world. They are represented in 150 countries around the world and produce themed toys based on Harry Potter, Batman, Superman and other Warner Brothers characters, as well as the popular today series of dolls "Monster High", "Max Steel" and others.

How did it all begin?

The first Barbie doll was released 57 years ago, in 1959, in the United States. Its creator was the American entrepreneur Ruth Hendler. Her husband, Eliot, helped her promote the novelty. Together they came up with the full name of the doll that everyone knows as Barbie - in fact, her name is Barbara Millicent Roberts - the first name was given to the doll in honor of Ruth and Eliot's daughter. Moreover, she even has a fictional biography, but more on that later.

According to Ruth, the idea to create such a doll came to her when she was watching the games of her daughter and her friends. At that time, the dolls were mostly baby dolls, which, in theory, usually just needed to be nursed. But the girls were not interested in this: they cut out "adult" dolls from paper and played with them, leaving the "dolls" unattended. However, I think you all have a good idea of ​​such paper dolls: these are the same dolls that could be “put on” in various cut out outfits.

Ruth realized that the little ones needed a doll with which they could simulate situations from adult life and, thus, prepare themselves for it.

It should be noted that at that time the Mattel company already existed and produced photo frames and musical toys. The company was headed by Ruth's husband, who at first was rather skeptical about the idea of ​​creating a new doll.

The predecessor of the future most popular doll in the world was the plastic Lilly (released in 1955), the prototype of which was a comic book heroine from the German newspaper Die Bild Zeitung. Here she was portrayed in a pin-up style, and comic plots were often built around her relationships with various young people, of whom there were obscenely many.

However, this story remained with Lilly, whose image was significantly redesigned before she became a Barbie. By the way, later Mattel bought the rights to Lilly - so the production of this doll has sunk into oblivion forever.

The legend of Barbara

According to the legend invented by the creators of the doll, Barbara was born in Wisconsin in the family of George and Margaret Roberts. Later, Barbie's birthplace was changed to New York - this was facilitated by the release of an urban series of dolls.

Soon she meets her boyfriend, Ken Carson (they have been produced in pairs for over forty years). In 2004, the manufacturing company announced the separation of Barbie and Ken, but two years later, the relationship was renewed. Barbie and Ken are not married.

History of success

In 1959 Mattel presented a new doll that was first shown at the International Toy Fair in America. Initially, Barbie was presented in two versions - blonde and dark-haired. They both wore a ponytail, were sold in monochrome swimsuits and white heeled sandals, and cost three dollars each. At first, Barbie was not very popular: the parents were skeptical of the doll with frank adult forms and bright makeup; but very soon Barbie gained unprecedented fame.

Initially, Barbie was positioned as a teenager ( Teenage Fashion Model), but, as we already know, she looked little like a teenager. In the early 60s, the doll underwent numerous changes in order to be more like a teenager. In 1961, Barbie had a young man, Ken, in 1963, Midge's "best friend," and in 1964, a younger sister, Skiper. Countless outfits and accessories for dolls have been designed by Charlotte Johnson, a renowned American fashion designer.

New friends and relatives were constantly invented for Barbie. In 1967, the first African-American doll, Barbie's "cousin", Francie, went into production. In 1969, the black doll was already released as an independent not limited model, and her name was Christie.

Many dolls were a puppet image of famous people at that time: for example, Twiggy became a friend of Barbie, made in the image and likeness of the famous British supermodel; another of the characters in the world of Barbie portrayed the main character of the television series "Julia". By 2002, Barbie already had six brothers and sisters and more than 30 girlfriends, most of whom had their own friends and young people.

Since 1960, Barbie has appeared in a series of "professions": first, she and her friends become a fashion designer, then a singer, later - a ballerina and nurse, nanny, teacher, flight attendant, firefighter.

In 1965, in connection with the beginning of human space exploration, Barbie became an astronaut - by the way, this happened twenty years before the first American woman went into space. And in 1991, the doll became a presidential candidate. A number of Barbies have also been released for different countries in ethnic costumes and with different racial characteristics.

In addition to the dolls themselves, Mattel produced and manufactures clothing and accessories for them (doll houses, pets, and so on). In 2001, Barbie became the heroine of the feature film ("Barbie and the Nutcracker"), which today has many sequels and prequels. In addition, in a number of countries, including Russia, a magazine for girls from 3 to 14 years old dedicated to Barbie is being published or published.

In 1980 Mattel began to produce the Barbie collectible series. These dolls are just not made for children: the most famous designers come up with the outfits, and the dolls themselves are often made according to individual original templates. So, fashion houses of Yves Saint Laurent, Jean-Paul Gaultier and Pierre Cardin sewed for Barbie. The price of such Barbies sometimes reaches unimaginable heights.

So, a Barbie doll from Stefano Canturi costs 302.5 thousand dollars: Australian designer Stefano Conturi dressed her in a magnificent black dress and hung a necklace around her neck, in the center of which a unique pink diamond flaunts; on the doll's right hand there is a ring, also equipped with a diamond. This Barbie was sold at the legendary Christie’s New York auction, and the money from her sale went to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.


For decades, Barbie was the most popular doll in the world (it is believed that it sold about three dolls per second), but over the past few years, Barbie sales have dropped dramatically. This is because many new dolls have been thrown onto the market and have gained popularity. So, in 2001, Bratz appeared - dolls depicting teenage girls with prohibitively large heads. Incidentally, it was with Bratz that Mattel waged a protracted legal battle: in 2006, the latter sued the former for allegedly stealing their idea. Bratz dolls were discontinued, but in 2011 the decision was revised, and already Mattel had to pay a fine of $ 88 million for spreading false accusations.

In 2015, ToyTalk startups developing so-called "smart toys" created a Barbie doll (called Hello Barbie), which has a built-in camera, microphone, speaker and wi-fi module for transmitting information. With the help of her equipment, Barbie can talk with the child, record his voice and, through the cloud technology, improve the dialogue algorithms. However, many parents fear that such a toy could become an easy target for hackers, and could teach their children something bad. However, these fears are not unfounded: from the very beginning of sales, the company's servers were repeatedly subjected to large-scale hacker attacks.

Mattel has gone through a change of leadership and has been in crisis for a long time. Only later, turning to the production of video games, she came out of this crisis. But still, most often her activities are associated with the production of the legendary Barbie doll.


Often the doll is criticized for its too thin forms: girls, striving to resemble their ideal, fall ill with anorexia and bulimia. There is even such a thing as "Barbie syndrome", which manifests itself in an obsessive desire to follow the ideals of beauty that are imposed by the media. about Valeria Lukyanova, who did everything possible to resemble her beloved ideal since childhood.

Also, Barbie is accused of imposing outdated stereotypes about female behavior on girls. For example, a series of talking Barbies released in 1992 pronounced, among other things, the words "Mathematics is difficult", which is true

A doll, mainly for girls from 3 to 14 years old. Released in 1959 in the USA in Wisconsin. Its creators are Ruth and Elliot Handlers. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts... Since the appearance of the doll, many of its varieties and accessories have been released, Barbie has achieved worldwide popularity, has become a brand and a pop idol.


Barbie was created by Ruth Handler, wife of Mattel founder Elliot Handler. According to her, the idea of ​​creating a doll depicting an adult woman came to her while watching the games of her daughter and her friends. At that time, most of the dolls were baby dolls that should be cared for like babies, but ten-year-old Barbara and her friends preferred to play with paper dolls - "adults". Such dolls - they were cut out of a sheet of cardboard, to which removable paper outfits were attached or made independently - were at one time very popular due to their compactness and cheapness; they usually portrayed adult women - beauties - "models". According to Ruth, she felt that the girls lacked a doll with which they could act out a variety of situations from adulthood and thus prepare themselves for the future. The Mattel management was skeptical about Ruth's idea, but in the end the new doll was put into production.

Barbie's predecessor is Bild Lilly, an adult comic book heroine from a German newspaper Die Bild-Zeitung... Blonde Lilly looked like a typical pin-up girl, and humorous situations in comics were built mainly around her relationship with numerous boyfriends, whose attention she did not hesitate to use. In 1955, a plastic Lilly doll was released - Ruth chose her as a sample. Together with engineer Jack Ryan, she redesigned the doll and gave it the name "Barbie" in honor of her daughter Barbara. The first Barbie was presented at the American International Toy Fair (English)Russian in 1959: it was released in two versions - a brunette and a blonde, both models were sold in black and white bathing suits (outfits for the doll had to be purchased separately) for $ 3. At first, the parents reacted to the new product with distrust, but soon Barbie became one of the most popular toys in America. Mattel bought the rights to the Bild Lilly doll in 1964, since then Lilly dolls have not been produced.

Although Barbie advertised under the slogan Teenage fashion model(literally "Teenage Model"), the first dolls of the series were distinguished by emphasized "adult" facial features and bright, heavy makeup. In the early 1960s, Barbie was redesigned several times to make her look more like a teenager. In 1961 she had a "boyfriend" Ken, in - "best friend" Midge, in - "little sister" Skipper. Under the guidance of fashion designer Charlotte Johnson, new costumes and accessories were continuously created for Barbie and her friends. From time to time she had new "friends" and "relatives". The first black doll in the series appeared in 1967 - it was a version of Francie, Barbie's "cousin"; the first "independent" African American heroine was released two years later under the name Christie. Some of the dolls were copies of real people or characters from movies and television films: for example, Barbie's "friend" Twiggy was modeled on the famous model, Julia portrayed the main character of the series of the same name with Diane Carroll in the title role. In 2002, Barbie had 6 "siblings" and 31 "girlfriends" (including discontinued characters), many of whom had "friends" or "boyfriends" of their own.

In parallel with dolls and accessories for them, Mattel produces many related products, including stationery, clothing, etc. A series of cartoons with Barbie in the "lead role" was released, magazines and book series dedicated to Barbara are officially published in many countries.

For several decades, Barbie has remained one of the best-selling toys in the world. It was claimed that there were three Barbies on sale every second in the world. However, over the past decade, the popularity of Barbie has declined dramatically, while other series of toys for girls - such as Bratz - are on the contrary enjoying notable success. In 2006, Mattel sued Carter Bryant, the creator of Bratz, claiming that he invented Bratz while working for Mattel and actually stole it from the firm. The court found Mattel's claims valid and Bratz was discontinued; subsequently, however, the court hearings resumed, and in 2011 Mattel was ordered to pay Bratz's MGA Entertainment $ 88.5 million for stealing trade secrets and spreading false accusations. Barbie sales, meanwhile, continue to fall.

In 2015, startup ToyTalk announced a Barbie doll equipped with a camera, microphone, speaker and Wi-Fi data transmission module. The doll is able to talk to the child, records his voice and sends information to the cloud server to improve the dialogue algorithms. In 2015-2016, Mattel creates new body types for Barbie dolls: tall, petite and curvy.

The Hijab Barbie was released in November 2017. The prototype of the doll was the American fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad.

Fictional biography

Barbie's "real name" is Barbara Millicent Roberts. In the 1960s, her personal legend said that she came from Willows, Wisconsin, and grew up in the family of George and Margaret Roberts. In the 1990s, Barbie's biography changed: with the release of the new "urban" series Generation Girls, Barbie was declared a native of New York.

In addition, Barbie is often accused of imposing outdated and even harmful stereotypes about women and female behavior on girls. One of the loudest was the scandal around the "Talking Barbie", which hit store shelves in 1992. Among the phrases that the talking doll uttered were such as "Do we have enough clothes?", "I love shopping!" Let's have a party! and "Math is hard!" ... The appearance of this doll angered the parents, who believed that the new doll promotes a consumer lifestyle and disrespect for learning, and also reinforces the stereotype that mathematics is "not a woman's business."

In Russia, Barbie was criticized by patriotic public figures and publicists, who accused the doll of imposing an "American way of life" on Russian children and awakening "early sexuality" in them.

In addition, there is research proving that girls go through the stage of hating Barbies. Then they begin to decapitate and microwave their dolls.

Barbie Cartoons

  1. Barbie in the Nutcracker (2001)
  2. Barbie as Rapunzel (2002)
  3. Barbie of Swan Lake (2003)
  4. Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper (2004)
  5. Barbie: Fairytopia (2004)
  6. Barbie And the Magic of Pegasus (2005)
  7. Barbie & friends in Hollywood (2005)
  8. Barbie Fairytopia: Mermaidia (2006)
  9. Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses (2006)
  10. The Barbie diaries (2006)
  11. Barbie: Fairy Land. Barbie Fairytopia: Magic of the Rainbow (2006)
  12. Barbie as the Island Princess (2007)
  13. Barbie Mariposa and Her Butterfly Fairy Friends (2007)
  14. Barbie & The Diamond Castle (2008)
  15. Barbie In A Christmas Carol (2008)
  16. Barbie Presents: Thumbelina (2009)
  17. Barbie and the Three Musketeers (2009)
  18. Barbie in a Mermaid Tale (2010)
  19. Barbie Fashion Fairytale (2010)
  20. Barbie: A Fairy Secret (2011)
  21. Barbie: Princess Charm School (2011)
  22. Barbie: A Perfect Christmas (2011)
  23. Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 2 (2011)
  24. Barbie: The Princess & The Popstar (2012)
  25. Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse (serial) (2012)
  26. Barbie in The Pink Shoes (2013)
  27. Barbie & Her Sisters in A Pony Tale (2013)
  28. Barbie Mariposa & The Fairy Princess (2013)
  29. Barbie and the Secret Door (2014)
  30. Barbie: The Pearl Princess (2014)
  31. Barbie: Superprincess (2015)
  32. Barbie in Rock'N Royals (2015)
  33. Barbie & her sisters in The Great Puppy Adventure (2015)
  34. Barbie: Spy Squad (2016)
  35. Barbie: Star Light Adventure (2016)
  36. Barbie: Dreamtopia (2016)
  37. Barbie & her sisters in a Puppy Chase (2016)
  38. Barbie: Video Game Hero (2017)
  39. Barbie vlog (2017)
  40. Barbie: Dolphin Magic (2017)
  41. Barbie: Dreamhouse adventures (2018)

see also

  • Super Dolphy (en: Super Dollfie / ja: ス ー パ ー ド ル フ ィ ー)

Notes (edit)

  1. Barbie: The Encyclopedia of Fashion... Courtesy of Mattel. Dorling Kindersley / Astrel / AST: Moscow, 2002 ISBN 5-17-012156-3
  2. Barbie's Secret Past as Cartoon Lilli
  3. Goralik, Linor. Hollow woman. Barbie world inside and out New Literary Review, 2005. ISBN 5-86793-418-7
  4. Vintage Barbie struts her stuff. BBC news, 22 September 2006.
  5. Mattel must pay MGA $ 310 million in Bratz case. LA Times, August 05, 2011
  6. As sales plunge, can Barbie stay relevant?, February 3, 2014
  7. (unspecified) .
  8. Barbie presents the first doll wearing a hijab (unspecified) ... RIA News.
  9. Madeover Ken hopes to win back Barbie CNN February 10, 2006