Treatment of snot during pregnancy. Onion juice drops. Causes of a runny nose during pregnancy

Causes of runny nose in pregnant women

Pregnant women are not at all insured against the occurrence of a cold. There are many reasons for this. And you should not assume that all this is due to the fact that a woman's immunity is weakening at this time, and therefore you can catch a cold or acute respiratory infections very quickly. There are other factors that affect the appearance of nasal congestion in a pregnant woman. True, despite any reasons for the occurrence, a runny nose brings with it discomfort not only for the expectant mother, but also for the developing baby.

There are situations when a woman does not even know that she is pregnant, but she has already had a nasal congestion. Moreover, until the end of pregnancy, her runny nose does not go away. This condition is called by specialists a runny nose of pregnant women or vasomotor rhinitis. The reason for its appearance lies in hormonal changes in the whole body, which provokes edema of the nasopharynx. As a rule, a similar runny nose appears in a woman in the second trimester. And almost always completely disappears only after childbirth. It should be noted that it is not necessary to treat such a cold in a special way. But helping to breathe freely is necessary. Various methods are described below to reduce mucosal edema. But it must be emphasized that a pregnant woman should start only with the safest method for her.

It should not be ruled out that a runny nose and endless sneezing are the result of allergies. It manifests itself especially vividly at the height of the spring flowering of plants. If this is the case, then you need to urgently consult a specialist. And in the event that, in addition to a runny nose, a pregnant woman has a headache, a sore throat and a high temperature, then we can say with confidence that this is a viral disease. And it is necessary to start treatment urgently. After all, any infection can be very dangerous for both the expectant mother and her baby, especially if it develops in the early stages of pregnancy.

That is why you should not wait until the nose starts pouring continuously. You should begin to eliminate the cause as quickly as possible. Of course, the most ideal option would be if the doctor tells the reason. It is the doctor who must correctly explain how to properly be treated in such a state. And what can and should be done, and what is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. But in the event that it is not possible to get an appointment with a specialist, then you can use the recommendations and tips below.

Methods for treating a common cold during pregnancy

Today, there are quite a few different ways to cure a cold.

1 Pregnant women can be great help from ordinary vasoconstrictor drops, which are sold for the treatment of common rhinitis. This is really the most effective option. But at the same time, he is very dangerous. Many people know very well that the human body gets used to such drops rather quickly and therefore it is recommended to change them often. But since such drops really act almost instantly, so many mothers completely forget about the harm they can bring. And in vain, because now a woman should think not only about herself alone, but also about her future child. And such drops can harm him. After all, it is known that even the most common drops such as Naphthyzin or Galazolin affect not only the woman's body, but also the arteries that are in the formed placenta. And some part of the drug can enter the woman's esophagus, and from there into the mother's blood, and then into the blood of the placenta. And this means that there may be some kind of circulatory disorder in the placenta, and, as a result, in the fetus. Moreover, pregnant women get used to such drops much faster than non-pregnant women. The reason for this is again hormonal changes in the female body.

But you can also find alternative treatment for the common cold. These are the so-called "People's" drops. But it should be noted right away that almost any treatment (including folk remedies) has certain contraindications. It follows that before using folk remedies, you should still consult with your doctor. Some doctors give very good advice on the use of certain herbs during pregnancy.

2 The simplest and most proven method of dealing with a common cold is either onion juice diluted with water, or aloe juice (which must also be diluted). You can use this remedy quite often - 2 or even 3 times a day, 2 drops in each nostril. You can significantly alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman suffering from a cold with simple tea and soda drops. You can even use a rinse. To prepare such a medicine, add one teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of warm black tea. You can bury this remedy, two drops in each nostril, no more than three times a day.

3 Folk remedies involve use as medicines freshly squeezed juices... For a cold, for example, apple, carrot, beetroot or any citrus juice is very effective. But before using this remedy, it must be emphasized that freshly squeezed juices can cause an allergic reaction in a woman. And juices purchased in stores should not be instilled into the nose, as they have various additives that will not be useful in treatment. But in the event that the juice is prepared at home, then it is able to bring real relief to a pregnant woman. Juice should also not be dripped frequently. Traditional medicine recommends doing this three to four times a day, two to three drops in each nostril.

4 Can be used as nasal drops special oils... Sea buckthorn, peach and rosehip oils bring a noticeable effect. These oils have an excellent emollient effect. It is impossible to bury them in their pure form: before use, such oils should be diluted, for example, with vegetable oil. The most effective base oil is olive oil. It is diluted in the following proportion: 1 part of the medicinal oil accounts for 20 parts of the base oil. Moreover, at home, you can prepare such oil yourself. To do this, it is necessary to grind as much as possible the herb, on which the medicinal oil will be prepared, and mix it with olive oil in the proportion of two tablespoons of the crushed herb to one glass of oil. Previously, the oil is boiled over very low heat for 10 minutes. After that, the oil is filtered. You can instill such a medicinal oil from three to five drops in each nostril.

5 With a runny nose, you can use a simple warming up... But you need to know that such warming up procedures can be taken only if the woman does not have a fever. Indeed, in the process of warming up, blood flows to the currently inflamed mucous membrane. And as a result of such an influx, the temperature can rise. In this case, the mucus that is in the nose becomes noticeably thinner and, thanks to this, it is quickly removed from the nasal passages. As a result, nasal congestion is reduced. This is the simplest and most popular traditional medicine recipe to combat nasal congestion. The nose can be warmed up with a hard-boiled egg. Or you can warm up either salt or cereal, then pour them into a canvas bag and apply it to your nose. It is necessary to warm both nostrils. It is necessary to continue the procedure until the cereal or salt has cooled down.

6 Very effective in treating the common cold inhalation... They are recommended to be carried out using a special device called a nebulizer. But, nevertheless, many people use the old proven method, which consists in covering the patient with a thick towel over a bowl or saucepan with hot warming agent. And they breathe hot steam there. Pregnant women can breathe it for no more than five minutes. Immediately after the end of such a procedure, you cannot get into drafts or go outside for one hour.

What infusions for inhalation can be used by pregnant women? Traditional medicine offers a huge selection for these purposes. Still, pregnant women should still focus on calendula and chamomile flowers. You can also use the leaves of plantain, eucalyptus, as well as herbs of sage, St. John's wort or thyme. To prepare a medicinal tincture for inhalation, take one or two tablespoons of the desired herb and pour a glass of freshly boiled water. After that, you need to bend over the container with the resulting infusion and begin to inhale the steam. You should breathe through your nose, because the treatment is carried out in order to reduce the congestion of the nome. Such inhalations can be performed up to six times a day.

7 In the fight against a runny nose, it is necessary rinse the nose and often moisturize the nasal mucosa. This method is also suitable for pregnant women. For moisturizing, you can use an ordinary baby cream. If not, then petroleum jelly or any vegetable oil may also work. Today in pharmacies you can find moisturizing sprays that contain sterile sea water. These are Aqualor, Aquamaris and other sprays. These drugs are really completely safe for a pregnant woman. And at the same time they very well moisturize the mucous membrane of the nose and even the nasopharynx. Puffiness from this is noticeably reduced. Moreover, such sprays are not addictive and do not cause any allergic reactions. After all, by and large, it's just sea water.

8 In the event that there is a severe runny nose, then you can use herbal infusions and even medications. There are such recipes: licorice, mountaineer rhizomes, plantain leaves, clover flowers, calendula, and sage herb are taken. The herbs are taken in equal parts. Pour them into a container and pour a glass of boiling water. After that, bring the herbal infusion to a boil, cover and leave for two hours. After that, the infusion should be filtered and used warm for rinsing. Moreover, such a procedure can be performed no more than five times a day. And to rinse your nose more conveniently, you should use an ordinary syringe for this. If it is not possible to prepare an infusion of their herbs, then you can rinse your nose with a simple saline solution, to which a drop of iodine has been added.

9 It is necessary not to forget about the maximum humidifying the air in the room where the pregnant woman is with a runny nose. After all, it is too dry air in the room that can provoke not only nasal congestion, but even the runny nose itself. To make the air more humid, you can use special air humidifiers. If they are not there, then you can simply place containers with clean water around the room. And do not forget that indoor plants perfectly humidify the air in the room.

10 There is another way to effectively deal with the common cold. This is about acupressure... It should be carried out on the outer sides of each of the nostrils. And in order to enhance the obtained effect, it is necessary to anoint the bridge of the nose with a well-known to every modern person means before the massage - "Asterisk". But it is necessary to smear with a very thin layer.

11 Sometimes doctors in the fight against a cold recommend pregnant women to warm baths for hands or feet... But it is necessary to use this method very careful... Indeed, as practice has shown, very hot baths are harmful to a pregnant woman, especially in the first trimester. It is they who provoke abortion, that is, miscarriages. And in the event that a pregnant woman has varicose veins, then taking baths will be categorically contraindicated. And in order for the bath to bring a certain effect, it is necessary that the water in it does not exceed 40 degrees. Some pregnant women have a reasonable question: can such baths really help with a severe cold? Even if the runny nose does not completely go away, fatigue and heaviness in the legs will definitely go away. And so that the effect is still noticeable, you should immediately put on warm woolen socks on your feet after taking such a bath.

Prevention measures against a common cold during pregnancy

In order not to get into an unpleasant situation during pregnancy with a runny nose, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not overcool.
  • During a trip to any public place (office, pharmacy, store), you should thoroughly lubricate the nostrils with oxolinic ointment (it is necessary to smear it from the inside). This is especially important during a seasonal flu epidemic, for example.
  • In the event that a sick person appears in the family, a pregnant woman should try to limit communication with him as much as possible until the person recovers. A mask should be worn at all times in the house.
  • In the same case, if a cold does appear, it is necessary to start treating it as early as possible.
  • It is necessary to constantly take care of strengthening the immunity of the pregnant woman. In the event that the defenses of the female body are normal, he will not be afraid of any colds. It is necessary to seriously reconsider nutrition and lifestyle. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be on the table every day. You should forget about bad habits altogether.

But the most important advice is that you cannot self-medicate. In the event that a pregnant woman has a runny nose after 3-4 days, you should definitely contact a specialist - an ENT doctor.

Update: October 2018

Every person has come across a runny nose at least once in his life. This phenomenon is rather unpleasant, but easily portable. But what if a pregnant woman has rhinitis? It is believed that for the entire period of bearing the fetus, the expectant mother will surely face rhinitis to one degree or another. But during pregnancy, a runny nose should not be treated "with a grain of salt", as it threatens complications not only for the woman, but also for her unborn baby. Moreover, it is impossible to use various drugs for the common cold uncontrollably, because many of the usual remedies are contraindicated and even dangerous during gestation.

Runny nose: its essence and types

A runny nose or rhinitis is a condition of the nasal mucosa when it becomes inflamed, and copious mucus is released from the nasal cavity. As a result of this process, the nasal mucosa increases significantly (swells), which makes breathing difficult.

Distinguish between acute and chronic rhinitis. In turn, chronic rhinitis is divided into several types:

  • atrophic, when the nasal mucosa becomes thinner;
  • hypertrophic, with a thickening of the mucous membrane, which leads to a narrowing of the nasal passages;
  • allergic, the body responds to various stimuli with an inappropriate response, that is, allergic.

There are also other types of rhinitis:

  • medication - with prolonged and uncontrolled intake of vasoconstrictor agents for the nose;
  • traumatic - caused by any injury (burns, blows, etc.);
  • vasomotor - occurs after stress or due to hormonal changes, or after eating spicy food or external stimuli (smoke).


In expectant mothers, a runny nose appears as a result of the following factors:


During gestation, the level of estrogen increases significantly, due to which the production of mucus increases, and the mucous membranes swell, which naturally affects the nasal mucosa. This type of runny nose is called vasomotor rhinitis.


The existing allergy to various external irritants, such as plant pollen or animal hair, provokes the development of allergic rhinitis during pregnancy. Allergies may be absent before pregnancy and appear with its onset, which is facilitated by a decrease in immunity in a pregnant woman.


Various infections, whether viruses or bacteria, affect expectant mothers much more easily than ordinary people. This is facilitated by the weakening of the defenses during gestation.

In addition, the following circumstances can provoke the onset of rhinitis in pregnant women:

  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • predisposition to frequent colds;
  • taking birth control pills before pregnancy;
  • a number of endocrine diseases;
  • disturbed ecology;
  • excessively dry climate;
  • emotionally labile women with frequent mood swings;
  • polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • spicy dishes;
  • stress and strong emotional experiences;
  • various tumors.

Common causes of rhinitis in humans

In "ordinary" people, the causes of the common cold are as many and varied as in pregnant women. These include all the same factors:

  • bacterial and viral infections (various ARVI);
  • hypothermia;
  • an allergic reaction to various irritants;
  • nervous and endocrine pathology;
  • surgical interventions in the nasal cavity, trauma;
  • hobby for vasoconstrictor agents;
  • atrophy of the nasal mucosa (chemical production and other harmful working conditions);
  • displacement of the nasal septum;
  • "Special" climatic conditions (for example, increased dryness);
  • adenoids and polyps;
  • decrease in the body's defenses.

In its development, the disease goes through 3 stages. On the first - reflex nasal discharge is absent, and on examination, the mucous membrane is pale and dry. On the second - catarrhal, rhinorrhea appears - an abundant discharge of watery-transparent mucus, and the nasal mucosa is bright red. At the third - final stage, dense and thick discharge appears, the so-called "snot", which turns yellow or green.

Bloody discharge, or even bleeding, is characteristic of atrophic rhinitis. What is associated with drying and damage to the nasal mucosa.


The manifestations of the disease, as well as the causes, are very diverse. The main signs of rhinitis include (it is not at all necessary that everything will appear at once, a combination of two or three symptoms is possible, followed by the addition of the rest):

  • it is noted that the nose is stuffy, the voice becomes deaf, as if speaking through cotton wool;
  • constant puffing associated with nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, especially during physical exertion and in a horizontal position (usually characteristic of late pregnancy);
  • it becomes difficult to breathe, which only worsens the mood;
  • rhinorrhea (mucous or thick nasal discharge);
  • sudden rise in temperature
  • feeling of constant headache (due to difficulty breathing);
  • decreased sense of smell, that is, loss of "scent";
  • persistent and frequent sneezing (irritation and swelling of the nasal mucosa);
  • decreased appetite due to impaired breathing;
  • feeling of a foreign body in the nose, the nose itches constantly;
  • disturbed sleep.

Bacterial rhinitis, as a rule, is associated with colds, and begins with the characteristic signs of SARS. Suddenly, in addition to a runny nose, the temperature rises, and a cough appears, head and muscle pains are also possible. A runny nose is characterized by profuse discharge from the nose of watery discharge, which is transparent and mucous in consistency. Due to edema of the mucous membrane, difficulty breathing is added, which disrupts sleep. At the final stage, the "snot" becomes stringy and yellowish-green.

In addition, rhinitis caused by bacteria or viruses is very dangerous for the unborn child. In the early stages of pregnancy, he can cause her "freezing", and at later stages lead to intrauterine fetal malformations. In the third trimester, an infectious rhinitis is fraught with intrauterine infection of the fetus.

In any case, rhinitis, no matter what its origin, contributes to respiratory failure in a woman, which is fraught with the development of fetoplacental insufficiency, etc. In the future, these complications of pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortion or premature birth, or birth.

Treatment of rhinitis during gestation

You should not rely on "popular wisdom", which claims that during treatment, a runny nose disappears in a week, and in the absence of treatment, in just 7 days. A runny nose during pregnancy is not only possible, but also needs to be treated, since it does not cause much inconvenience to a woman, how much it is dangerous for a future baby. But in no case should you self-medicate, many of the usual drugs for rhinitis are contraindicated for pregnant women. Therefore, the solution to the problem should be started with a visit to the doctor, it is he who will determine the form of the rhinitis and recommend effective therapy.

Cold drops

When rhinitis appears, many rush to the "magic wand", that is, special drugs - nose drops. Before starting treatment for a runny nose during pregnancy, you need to consult your doctor about what drops you can, and how to use them. Drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect are strictly prohibited, especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The most common ones are:

  • naphthyzine;
  • naphazoline;
  • galazolin;
  • oxymetazoline and others.

Undoubtedly, vasoconstrictor drops have a good effect, and literally in a few minutes eliminate the "deluge" from the nose. But pregnant women cannot use them for several reasons:

  • the vasoconstrictor effect extends to the placental vessels, which means that the spasm of the blood vessels in the placenta inhibits the delivery of oxygen to the fetus, which will cause its hypoxia;
  • these drops are quickly addictive, therefore they become ineffective after a short time, which requires an increase in the dosage of the drug, which means that it aggravates fetal hypoxia;
  • drops can increase blood pressure, especially in pregnant women, whose pressure is labile and prone to increase (usually in 2 - 3 trimesters);
  • vasoconstrictor drops, due to vasospasm in the nose, dry out the mucous membrane of both the nose and the nasopharynx, which makes it susceptible to infections.

With a significantly pronounced rhinorrhea, the doctor can prescribe drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect, but only for a short time (no more than 3 days), at night (if necessary, up to 2 - 3 times a day). These are baby drops Nazol Baby or Nazol Kids, which include phenylephrine, which is less dangerous during gestation than the above drugs.

It is allowed to drip into the nose the drug Pinosol, consisting of pine oils, and. This drug facilitates breathing, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, accelerates the healing of the nasal mucosa and is absolutely safe during gestation.

Rinsing the nose

The procedure for rinsing the nasal passages has a very good effect. During this procedure, mucus, dust and other foreign particles, as well as microbial agents, are removed from the nose. For washing, you can use saline or preparations that include sea salt (Humer and Dolphin, Aquamaris and, Salin and Marimer). It is not recommended to prepare saline solutions for rinsing at home, as it is very difficult to comply with the dosage. But it is allowed to rinse the nose (brew 1 tablespoon in a liter of boiling water and insist for an hour, strain and cool to room temperature).

Thermal treatments

Of the thermal procedures, warming up the nose has worked well. On both sides of the wings of the nose, 2 boiled eggs wrapped in cloth, bags with heated stones, sand or salt are applied. This method increases blood circulation in the nasal mucosa, which improves blood flow and looses mucus. As a result, the nasal passages are cleared and breathing easier. But it is forbidden to warm your nose in case of an elevated temperature.

You can also warm your feet, but in a "dry" way. That is, in case of a runny nose, a pregnant woman should wear woolen socks.


Steam inhalation is no less effective, which should also be performed against a background of normal temperature. Add 10-15 drops of eucalyptus, peppermint, or tea tree oil to boiling water. Covering your head with a towel, you must breathe in steam for 5 to 7 minutes. You can use herbs (chamomile, wild rosemary, mint, or sage) or breathe over boiled potatoes or potato peels.

But it is advisable to carry out the procedure using a nebulizer (the composition of the solution will be prescribed by the doctor).

Drinking regime and nutrition

It is very important to observe the drinking regime for the described disease. A profuse nasal discharge is a loss of fluid, which is very dangerous during pregnancy. The volume of fluid you drink should be at least two liters per day. Preference should be given to herbal teas and infusions (chamomile tea), fruit drinks (cranberries, currants), still water and milk.

It is also necessary to reconsider nutrition. It is worth excluding spicy foods and seasonings, possible food allergens (honey, citrus fruits, nuts).

Folk remedies

Folk remedies that are safe during pregnancy and quite effective are widely used in the fight against the common cold:

Onion and garlic

You can simply chop a head of onion and a few cloves of garlic and inhale the vapors that contain anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial phytoncides. You can use these vegetables for steam inhalation (put onion and garlic in boiling water), or squeeze out the juice, dilute with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio and instill a few drops in each nostril three times a day.

Carrots and beets

Squeeze finely grated carrots or beets through cheesecloth or strain through a strainer, and dilute the resulting juice with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio. Bury the prepared drops in the nose up to 4 - 5 times a day (up to 6 - 8 drops).

Soda-tannin drops

To prepare these drops, add 1 teaspoon of black tea to a glass of boiling water, and then evaporate the resulting infusion over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Strain the broth, add a teaspoon of baking soda. The resulting product should be dripped into the nose, a few drops three times a day.

Horseradish root

On a fine grater, grate horseradish root and apple in a 1: 2 ratio, add a teaspoon of sugar and stir. Take the resulting vitamin mixture 1 teaspoon twice a day. The mixture has a decongestant effect, which means it improves breathing. In addition, this mixture stimulates the immune system.


It will help to cope with nasal congestion and self-massage of reflex zones. You should simultaneously massage (light circular pressure) the bridge of the nose and the area under the nose. It is also allowed to tap the nasal bone on both sides, massage the maxillary sinuses (infraorbital region) and the area above the eyebrows.

Vitamin infusion

To stimulate immunity, prepare a vitamin infusion. Mix in 2 tablespoons and, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strain and drink in several stages. The infusion is prepared several times, the general course is 5 - 7 days.

Viral rhinitis

In the treatment of viral rhinitis, all the methods described above are used. In addition, antiviral drugs should be used:

  • oxolinic ointment (lubricate the nasal passages 2-3 times a day);
  • Viferon ointment (applied to the nasal mucosa three times a day);
  • Derinat pills (consists of herbal extracts, has anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects), take 2 pills three times a day.

Allergic rhinitis treatment

In the case of allergic rhinitis, it is necessary, firstly, if possible, to eliminate allergens (food, flowering plants in the house, pets). Secondly, the methods described above are used (rinsing the nose, inhalation with essential oils). With significant rhinorrhea, the doctor may prescribe drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect. Taking antihistamines during gestation is contraindicated, but the use of third-generation antiallergic pills, for example, Telfast, is allowed. Or, non-aggressive drugs are prescribed, such as Nazalval spray (contains mint extract) or sodium cromoglycate in the form of a spray (contraindicated in the 1st trimester).

Other procedures

  • airing the room;
  • wet cleaning of housing;
  • indoor use of an aroma lamp with essential oils;
  • prevent overheating of the body (aggravates the course of rhinitis);
  • correct breathing (do shallow and long breaths and exhales, breathe smoothly and evenly);
  • while sleeping, put an extra pillow (sleeping half-sitting), which relieves nasal congestion:
  • avoid nasopharyngeal irritants (cigarette smoke and exhaust fumes);
  • apply on the wings of the nose balms "star" or "Doctor Mom" ​​(help relieve swelling and nasal congestion).

Question answer

Is it possible for a pregnant woman with a runny nose to warm her feet or put mustard plasters?

How is the nose rinsed?

Answer: In the first 2 - 3 days of the disease, washings are performed up to 5 - 6 times a day, then their number can be reduced to 3 - 4 times. You can flush the nasal passages with a syringe, a small teapot, or special devices that come with the preparations for flushing.

What are allergy tests and can they be done during pregnancy?

Answer: Allergy tests are the intradermal administration of allergens. After that, the local reaction is assessed and the allergen to which the subject is sensitive is established. During pregnancy, allergic tests should not be carried out, allergic rhinitis is diagnosed by a blood test (determination of specific immunoglobulins G to certain irritants).

The doctor says that my runny nose will disappear after giving birth. How soon after giving birth will it go away?

Answer: The doctor is right, the "pregnancy runny nose" goes away on its own after the birth of the baby, but, of course, this takes time. As a rule, rhinitis disappears on the 7-10th day of the postpartum period.

How can an infectious rhinitis be prevented?

Answer: Firstly, exclude visits to crowded places, especially during epidemics of flu and colds. Secondly, you should dress for the weather, do not overcool and do not get your feet wet. If possible, exclude contact with allergens and irritants. You should also adhere to a balanced diet rich in vitamins. And of course, take walks in the fresh air, avoiding gas-polluted places.

Pregnancy is a crucial period in the life of any woman, during which even minor health problems, for example, a runny nose, make you worry about the life of a future baby. Green snot during pregnancy may indicate the presence of an infection in the body. How can they be treated?

Causes of green nasal discharge

Rhinitis with greenish nasal discharge during pregnancy may be non-infectious in nature, so you should not immediately resort to medication.

Different types of snot are treated differently. What could be the reasons for their appearance?

  • Hormonal changes in the body. Pregnancy can provoke increased synthesis of mucus in the nose, while the nasal secretion will be transparent in color. This condition should not be treated. Colorless liquid discharge is the safest: over time, the hormonal background returns to normal, and they pass on their own. However, if within two days the mucus takes on a different color and becomes thick, specialist help is needed.
  • Allergic nature of mucus. Even if the pregnant woman was not previously prone to allergies, some women are hypersensitive to external factors. It also makes no sense to eliminate such snot: they can accompany the entire period of gestation. With intense discharge, the use of antihistamines is allowed.
  • Yellow snot during pregnancy is one of the probable symptoms of diseases of the ENT organs. Most often they are provoked by hypothermia, colds, SARS and flu. Weakening of immunity can lead to the transition of the disease into a chronic form, as well as the addition of a bacterial infection.
  • Thick greenish sputum often indicates the presence of a viral or bacterial infection: this is how the immune system reacts to the penetration of pathogens. Sometimes a runny nose with green snot during pregnancy is a sign of sinusitis. It is in this case that immediate treatment of the common cold is required.

Viral infections in pregnant women are especially dangerous at the initial stage of gestation, up to 16 weeks. Starting from the second trimester, the developed placenta protects the child from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

Viral infections are the most common cause of rhinitis, and a pregnant woman may experience concomitant symptoms:

  • heat;
  • sneezing;
  • pain in the head and throat;
  • general worsening of the condition.

Green nasal discharge in women in position usually indicates the presence of bacterial flora, which begins its active reproduction.

This condition often occurs when the immune system is weakened. If the mucus has an unpleasant odor and impurities of pus, an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses can be suspected.

The course of purulent processes in the body increases the likelihood of spreading the infection to neighboring organs, and threatens the life and health of the fetus. That is why self-medication during this period is unacceptable.

Green discharge with blood

Blood streaks in mucus can occur when mucous membranes are injured, as well as the abuse of nasal medications. The appearance of blood after washing the maxillary sinuses may indicate an exacerbation of inflammation.

However, if blood appears for no reason, you must immediately visit a medical facility.

Bleeding from the nasal cavity usually indicates weakness and fragility of the vessels. To strengthen the vascular walls, the doctor may prescribe the medicine Ascorutin, which will help reduce inflammation, relieve swelling, restore the elasticity of the walls, and prevent venous disorders.

Most often, bloody nasal discharge does not pose a particular danger to a pregnant woman. It is the inflammation of a purulent nature that is threatening.

When you need specialist help

A woman in a position needs to be attentive to her health and monitor all changes in the body. You should consult a doctor with a runny nose when the following symptoms appear:

  • deterioration in general health;
  • soreness in the forehead, dizziness;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the maxillary cavities;
  • high temperature;
  • sore throat and sore throat;
  • deterioration in appetite;
  • nausea;
  • copious greenish mucus in the nasopharynx;
  • the appearance of a rash.

These symptoms are signals of the presence of inflammation and general intoxication of the body. Such manifestations are especially dangerous at the early stage of bearing a child, when the internal organs of the fetus are laid.

How to treat snot during pregnancy

Green snot can be treated with antibiotic nasal products. However, most drugs are prohibited during childbearing, especially in the first trimester: they can penetrate the circulatory system, provoke complications of pregnancy and fetal abnormalities. In this case, resorting to self-medication is unacceptable.


The following antibacterial nasal drops and sprays will help to cope with green snot:

  • Bioparox;
  • Isofra;
  • Polydexa.

All funds are relatively harmless to pregnant women, but should be used in short courses, under the supervision of a specialist.

Before visiting your doctor, you can use nasal drops that are allowed during pregnancy:

  • Pinosol;
  • Sanorin;
  • Otrivin;
  • Galazolin;
  • Naphazoline.

Vasoconstrictor drugs can be used for 3-4 days. Some preparations based on sea water (Aqua Maris, Salin) can be used for a long time: they will help relieve puffiness, narrow blood vessels and restore breathing through the nose.

You can also use drugs that soften mucous surfaces and strengthen local immunity (Grippferon). To enhance the effectiveness of these drugs, the nasal cavity is pre-cleaned with rinsing.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods can be used in situations where it is not possible to consult a specialist. Otherwise, green snot is treated under the supervision of an otolaryngologist.

If a runny nose with thick green snot lasts more than 3-4 days, folk remedies may not help. In this case, medical attention is required.


It is better for the expectant mother to take care of preventive measures in advance in order to prevent the progression of an infectious disease, as well as allergic reactions that provoke green snot. To do this, the following rules must be followed:

  • regularly ventilate the room, perform daily wet cleaning;
  • use air humidifiers;
  • take walks in the fresh air;
  • less likely to visit public places - shops, metro, train stations;
  • dress for the weather;
  • do not contact exotic plants and animals that are potential sources of allergies;
  • use face masks when interacting with those infected with influenza or SARS.

Treatment of rhinitis during pregnancy should take place under the guidance of an otolaryngologist, as well as a gynecologist leading the pregnancy. Specialists will help prevent complications and select the necessary therapy depending on the duration of pregnancy and the patient's history.

In the event of an illness, it is important to know how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy. Taking any medications during these months is not desirable, but at the same time, unpleasant symptoms bring discomfort not only to the woman, but also to the unborn baby.

The usual vasomotor rhinitis of pregnant women does not need treatment, but measures must be taken to prevent infection. What to do to stop the symptoms and treatment, to stop the spread of the infection? It is enough to rinse the nose with saline solutions, ventilate the room, humidify the air, and eat foods rich in vitamins.

How to distinguish rhinitis of pregnant women from an infectious process, some manifestations will help. Rhinitis of pregnancy is manifested only by mild nasal congestion and minor mucous secretions. The symptoms of rhinitis during pregnancy do not include a rise in body temperature, weakness, and sleep disturbances. By the second trimester, he himself will pass.

Acute rhinitis during pregnancy is often caused by viruses. The pathogen enters the body by airborne droplets, so a pregnant woman should avoid mass gatherings of people, rinse her nose more often, and smear the cavity with Oxolinic ointment.

A runny nose in pregnant women can be accompanied not only by snot. Other signs include a rise in body temperature, cough, sore throat. Weakness is felt in the body. Treatment activities should be started as early as possible. Self-administration of drugs is prohibited, only after consulting the attending doctor.

What is the danger of a runny nose during pregnancy

The answer to the question of whether a runny nose is dangerous during pregnancy is unequivocally positive. No matter how long it appears, the symptoms lead to fetal hypoxia. Rhinitis increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and developmental abnormalities.

The body of a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester undergoes serious hormonal changes. The level of some hormones rises, due to the appearance of a new circle of blood circulation, the amount of circulating blood increases. All these changes affect the work of all internal organs. The work of the nasal structures is no exception, rhinitis of pregnant women appears.

The cavity becomes thinner, swells, dries up, nasal congestion develops. The defenses are reduced, and any adverse factors can cause a runny nose even during pregnancy. With impaired breathing through the nose, oxygen supply to the body is disrupted, a headache appears, all this has a bad effect on the development of the embryo.

A runny nose in early pregnancy can be caused not only by allergens, viruses, fungi and bacteria, but also by various tumors, polyps, overgrowth of adenoids, and frequent stress. Pregnancy provokes an exacerbation of chronic diseases associated not only with the nasopharynx, but for example, with the heart system, which also affects the decrease in immunity.

It is better to do with folk remedies that have practically no contraindications. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the child's organs are laid, therefore, treatment of rhinitis with medicines is highly discouraged.

The resulting runny nose during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester does not pose such a threat to the baby. The placenta at this time may already have a protective function. But this does not exclude the development of complications due to oxygen starvation. For rhinitis in the second trimester, you can rinse the nasal passage with a solution of sea salt or herbal decoctions. It is allowed to bury drops of Pinosol.

A runny nose in the second trimester of pregnancy causes oxygen starvation, which leads to the birth of a child with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system or brain structures. The supply of nutrients to the fetus is disrupted, as a result, it begins to lag behind in growth and development. At 4-5 months of pregnancy, the formation of the baby's endocrine system occurs, therefore, hypoxia from rhinitis during pregnancy can also affect its formation.

A runny nose during pregnancy 3 trimester can also occur. And the most dangerous consequence, as in the other two trimesters, remains oxygen deficiency. Pathogens that caused a runny nose at 39 weeks of gestation can enter the amniotic fluid, leading to the birth of an already infected baby.

The condition can cause aging of the placenta, and its defenses are significantly weakened. Components of drugs that negatively affect the development of a child can easily enter the child's body.

When a runny nose appears at 38 weeks of gestation, then you need to try to cure it as soon as possible. A cold in the last months is dangerous for the baby. You can treat a runny nose for pregnant women with inhalation, warm the bridge of the nose with dry heat. You can brew tea with raspberries, lemon or honey.

Often, rhinitis develops just before childbirth. And many patients note that immediately after giving birth, the snot disappeared. This may be due to abrupt changes in the hormonal background.

Protracted illness

If a runny nose does not go away during pregnancy, the symptoms last more than 10 days, then they speak of a protracted course of the disease. Perhaps the disease has taken on a chronic course, or the infection has spread to the paranasal sinuses.

A cold can be prolonged due to inflammation in the sinuses. Diseases such as frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis develop. The patient is worried about frequent headaches, the nose does not breathe, there is an unpleasant feeling of pressure and distention, purulent discharge can flow from the nose. Body temperature rises to high levels.

How sinusitis can be treated depends on the severity of the disease. Almost always, only antibiotics can fight unpleasant symptoms, which should be taken in a strictly defined dosage. A nasal lavage or a puncture of the affected sinus may be performed. After the acute symptoms have subsided, physiotherapy procedures can be carried out.

A lingering runny nose during pregnancy can be disturbing due to allergies (constant contact with an irritant), pathological changes associated with the vessels in the nasal cavity (vasomotor rhinitis). If the irritant is not eliminated, then the disease will drag on for a long time.

Chronic rhinitis during pregnancy develops against the background of frequent colds, untreated diseases of the nasopharynx or sinusitis, improper use of vasoconstrictor drugs.

Chronic rhinitis during pregnancy is manifested by the congestion of one nostril, then the other. The symptom is exacerbated during the adoption of a horizontal position of the body. Concerned about persistent discharge from the nose of a purulent or mucous nature.

How can a runny nose be treated during pregnancy?

There are many ways to treat a cold during pregnancy. When choosing a medicine, the doctor takes into account the reason for which pathogen the disease appeared. It is especially undesirable to treat a runny nose during early pregnancy with vasoconstrictor drugs.

Many nasal drops contain components that contribute to vasoconstriction, so they are harmful to use. How does their effect affect the fetus? They increase blood pressure, change the patency of the placenta capillaries, and reduce the flow of important components to the fetus. Their use is possible only in severe cases, strictly observing the dosage.

A runny nose in the first trimester of pregnancy can be cured with Pinosol drops, but their use should not last more than a week. The composition contains plant components that disinfect the surface, relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and thin viscous mucus.

How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester? From the 2nd trimester during pregnancy, treatment is carried out with drops or Nazivin spray. They eliminate swelling and make breathing through the nose easier. The duration of their use should not exceed three days. In case of illness in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester, you can use such vasoconstrictor drops as Tizin, Delufen, Nazaval.

A runny nose during the third trimester of pregnancy may be treated with corticosteroids. These drugs significantly reduce inflammation, improve breathing, and accelerate recovery. Less toxic drugs are: Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Nasonex.

During the treatment of a cold in pregnant women in the 2nd trimester, ointments, for example, Fleming's or Evamenol, can be used. These treatments reduce inflammation and stop germs from spreading. A severe runny nose disappears due to the drying effect. In the recommended dosage, the components do not penetrate the placental barrier.

Rhinitis of pregnant women in any of its manifestations is not complete without rinsing the nose with saline solutions. Such medicines for the common cold as Aquamaris, Aqualor, Humer are suitable. They allow you to bring out the waste products of bacteria, moisturize the mucous surface, reduce inflammation and prevent the formation of dry crusts.

Sinupret tablets can be taken in all three trimesters. This is a combined herbal remedy. Thins mucus, relieves inflammation, stimulates immunity.

In the 1st trimester, during pregnancy from a cold, the drug Salin can be used. Drops during the treatment of the common cold help relieve inflammation, thin mucus and facilitate breathing.

Antiseptic drug Miramistin does not have a toxic effect on the baby's body. A remedy for the common cold for pregnant women is able to fight against pathogens. Increases local immunity, stops the spread of inflammation, and prevents re-infection. A runny nose can be treated at 37 weeks of gestation.

Treatment for a cold after childbirth includes rinsing the nose (Aquamaris, No-salt), instilling aloe or Kalanchoe juice into the nose. You can use the vasoconstrictor drops Nazivin, Nazol. It is allowed to float legs, to carry out inhalations.

How to quickly cure a runny nose, compositions of folk recipes

Many of the ingredients that are found in folk remedies for the common cold during pregnancy do not harm the unborn baby. But some of them can cause allergic reactions and negatively affect pregnancy.

A person is exposed to colds at any time of the year. Not a single cold can go away without being accompanied by a runny nose. A runny nose can develop in a baby, as well as in a person in old age.

A runny nose during pregnancy is a very unpleasant phenomenon that will sadden such an exciting and important time in a woman's life. Complicating the situation is the fact that the treatment of this ailment differs significantly from that which is often prescribed. First you need to know the causes of a cold.

Causes of a runny nose during pregnancy

There may be several reasons for the appearance of a cold in a pregnant woman:

  • viruses and acute respiratory infections;
  • weakened immunity;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • allergy;
  • chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.

ARI. If, in addition to a runny nose, a woman has: sore throat, headache and fever, then we can conclude about the viral nature of rhinitis. In this case, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible in order to start treatment on time so as not to endanger the health of the unborn baby.

If the immune system is weak. It is important to note that during pregnancy, the immunity of the expectant mother is weakened, and this becomes the cause of respiratory diseases.

Hormonal adjustment. The cause of the disease can be a change in hormonal levels. Now, in an increased mode, the body produces estradiol and progesterone, which have several side effects leading to swelling of the nasal mucous membranes, which can cause a runny nose. It manifests itself more actively in the second trimester. Sometimes a change in the amount of hormones can lead to the so-called "pregnancy runny nose", which will disappear after childbirth, when the hormonal background stabilizes.

Allergic manifestations. Allergies also entail not very pleasant consequences, especially if the pregnancy coincided with the spring period of flowering plants in nature.

Chronic diseases. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that if the pregnant woman previously had chronic diseases associated with the nasopharynx, then during this period they may worsen.

In order to know which method is necessary to carry out the treatment, you need to consult a physician therapist.

How to cure a runny nose during pregnancy at home?

The slightest hypothermia can cause a runny nose of varying degrees. You cannot wait until the runny nose reaches its peak. It is necessary to take certain measures at a time until the runny nose begins to rapidly progress. If a runny nose was taken by surprise, and there is no way to visit a doctor in the near future, then a natural question arises: how and how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy at home? It is better to start treatment with the safest means, which include rinsing the nose with saline and herbal solutions, sprays, simple warming up and inhalation.

1. Rinsing the nose with herbal solutions. First you need to rinse your nose with chamomile, sage, calendula flowers, thyme, plantain leaves, St. John's wort, or saline. This procedure will make breathing easier and will definitely not harm either the mother or the unborn child. An infusion of one or more of these herbs must be brewed according to the recommendations written on the package. And for washing, you can use a small rubber syringe, which is sold at the pharmacy.

2. Sprays. A huge benefit can be the special sea salt sprays that can be found at any pharmacy. You can rinse your nose, for example, with sprays such as Aquamaris or Aqualor. Instructions for the use of these moisturizers, made with sterile seawater, can be found inside the manufacturer's packaging. Such sprays are safe for a pregnant woman, do not cause addiction and allergies.

Inhalations based on menthol and tea tree are great for treating a cold. For the procedure, you need only 3 drops of one of these essential oils, which you need to drop into a saucepan heated to 40 degrees with water and breathe over it with your nose. You can cover with a terry towel on top. These procedures must be carried out at least 3 times a day for 5-7 minutes.

Attention! Before starting treatment with essential oils, you need to test for individual intolerance: rub a drop of oil behind your ear or on your wrist. If there are no allergic manifestations for several hours, then this essential oil can be used for external use. It is also important to buy a quality product in order to have the effect of the treatment. Therefore, it is better to choose oils of Austrian production, they are cold pressed and contain all the useful components.

If you do not have essential oils on hand, then you can breathe over the fumes of freshly boiled potatoes, this is a well-known and completely safe folk remedy for colds. It is also suitable for treating the common cold for pregnant women. In addition, as a solution for inhalation, you can use the same herbal infusions as for rinsing the nose (see above).

Attention! Inhalation can be done if there is no high temperature. After all the warming up procedures, you need to beware of drafts and not go outside for the next hour.

4. Inhalation of essential aromas and topical application of aromatic oils. If you have a fever, then you can limit yourself to external lubrication of the wings of the nose with tea tree oil, as well as inhaling the aromas of essential oils, if the nose is not very stuffy. Aromatherapy sessions are carried out using 1-2 drops of eucalyptus or tea tree essential oils, adding them to the aroma lamp.

5. A solution of sea or table salt.

At the onset of the disease, it is recommended to dilute the salt in boiled water (1 tsp for 1 glass of water). Bury the nose with this solution (2-3 drops in each nostril). In fact, this method of treating the common cold for pregnant women is very effective.

6. A solution of honey. You can prepare another solution. To do this, you need:

  • chopped onions - 3 tablespoons;
  • boiled water - 300 ml;
  • honey - 1 tsp

Mix all this until a solution is obtained, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. The resulting solution must be dripped into the nose (2-3 drops in each nostril) several times a day, possibly in the morning and in the evening.

7. Warming up the nose. To help a runny nose go away faster, you can warm up the sinuses with salt or cereal, which should be placed inside a handkerchief. Such a bag can be heated, for example, on a hot battery. You can also boil 2 eggs and wrap them in a handkerchief and apply them to both sides of the nose. The heat emanating from the eggs will warm up the inflamed nasal mucosa and mucus will be easier to drain from the sinuses. Heating continues until the eggs have cooled.

Attention! Warming up the nose can be done only if there is no high temperature.

8. Hot shower or bath can also be taken if you do not have a high fever. The maximum temperature can be thirty-seven degrees, so that you can warm your feet or take a shower.

9. Eucalyptus oil It will significantly reduce nasal discharge if you apply a few drops to your handkerchief so that you can breathe in the scent every day if possible.

10. Warming tea with lemon.

To cure a cold, it is extremely useful to drink hot tea with the addition of a significant portion of lemon. It is recommended to take half a lemon at a time for colds.

11. Acupressure massage. Acupressure - the impact of the pads of the hands on certain points on the skin of the face will help to quickly cope with viral rhinitis. It only takes a few minutes a day, for example, in the morning and in the evening. You can read more about this.

In order to speed up the healing process, it is necessary to ventilate the room, and regularly do wet cleaning. At home, you need to keep your feet warm - put on warm socks and lubricate the irritated skin of the nose with baby cream or any vegetable oil. We must not forget to humidify the rooms, because dry air has a bad effect on the nasal mucosa, aggravating a runny nose. If you do not have a special humidifier, then the problem can be easily solved if you place vessels with water around the room, hang a squeezed towel on the battery, and also arrange flower pots with plants. It is good if you have an open aquarium at home.

A controversial issue in the treatment of a common cold in pregnant women is the use of nasal drops. Many doctors categorically prohibit the use of nasal drops, because they have a vasoconstrictor property, which can lead to narrowing of the placenta capillaries, as a result of which the child does not receive enough oxygen. But sometimes a runny nose is so strong that it causes severe discomfort, even insomnia. In this case, the attending physician may prescribe to a pregnant woman drops based on medicinal oils or homeopathic remedies, but only once, maximum twice a day and in a child's dosage.

How not to treat a runny nose during pregnancy: 5 serious mistakes?

Nasal congestion causes a lot of inconvenience, so you want to cope with a runny nose as quickly as possible. What mistakes do many of us make when treating a common cold?

  1. Vasoconstrictor drops. As soon as a runny nose appears, we immediately begin to drip the nose with vasoconstrictor drops. This cannot be done. The secret secreted by the nasal mucosa protects against infection and kills germs. Drops only dry out the mucous membrane and complicate the course of the disease.
  2. To carry the disease on the legs. For a runny nose to go away quickly, you need to drink plenty of warm liquid, be warm and humidify the air regularly.
  3. Using freshly squeezed onion and garlic juice. Drops of onion and garlic juice help to cope with a cold, but at the same time they are able to dry out the mucous membrane and leave a burn, depriving it of protection from infections. It is better to grate these vegetables on a fine grater, put in a small container and inhale the vapors through your nose.
  4. Warming the lower extremities. During a cold, it is recommended to do warm foot baths, the temperature of which should not exceed 37 degrees. You cannot wear socks soaked in warm water, and plastic bags on top. The legs start to sweat and the disease only gets worse. It is also categorically impossible to soar your feet in mustard, this can cause the activity of the uterus and provoke premature birth.
  5. Antibiotics If the cause of the runny nose is allergens or viruses, then taking antibacterial agents is useless. In addition, antibiotics negatively affect the intestinal microflora and weaken the body's defenses.

The main condition for the rapid treatment of a cold during pregnancy is a mandatory visit to a doctor, which must be done when the first symptoms of the disease appear.