Light natural makeup. Natural makeup: how to do it at home

A surplus of bright and catchy cosmetics can easily throw on the age of several years. After thirty it is very sad, and even very young girls do not want to look ten years older, and an inappropriate combination of shades of shadows, tonal and lipstick color will create just such an effect. Therefore, natural makeup is in vogue today. It makes the face literally glow, is suitable for work and evening out.

But it is not so easy to do it: actresses and models spend up to several hours in a make-up artist's chair, in order to get a good natural make-up in nude or nude style, they use not only mascara and shadows. At home, we do not have so much time, how can we achieve naturalness on our own? What advice do the professionals give?

Necessary cosmetics

When planning to start natural makeup, first of all, make sure that you have the right makeup. We need light textures in the style of nature, which do not roll or smear, and last long enough. Skin care products are most important.

  • Day and night creams, care masks. The natural make-up technique includes a clean and fresh complexion. Therefore, care and daily grooming is imperative.
  • Base makeup. Although there is little foundation, it too can run or smudge unexpectedly. High-quality cosmetics will save you unnecessary worries. It is also worth finding a base under the eyeshadow and mascara. Moreover, of these three positions, it is definitely worth putting the base under the shadows in the first place.
  • Day cream, as close as possible to the natural skin tone. Do not try to add a little tan to yourself or, on the contrary, hide it. Even with the highest quality products, this will be clearly visible.
  • The lightest powder consistency. In order not to be mistaken, read reviews on the Internet, look for video tutorials, which will contain detailed tips or instructions.
  • Blush with a touch of blush. When figuring out how to do natural makeup, pay attention to all kinds of colors, it is important to choose an individual one for your face.

When choosing eyeshadows, avoid crumbly and shiny ones. Such cosmetics will quickly lubricate and not only ruin the mascara, but can "slip" onto the cheeks. For lips, it is better to use liquid products: gloss and toners. Leave bright lipsticks for an evening event, they are in a different style, like multi-colored mascara.


Natural makeup implies a gentle and soft look, long eyelashes and calm shadows. Try to give preference to a palette in neutral shades:

  • beige tones;
  • milky, peach, light brown;
  • chocolate, coffee.

It is preferable to take two colors from the same range: dark and light. This way you can create a natural makeup with a gradient that will naturally make your eyes look bigger and more expressive, but at the same time it will not look too bright and catchy.

For a great natural make-up, apply a light daytime shade on the eyelid under the eyebrow. The secrets of makeup artists say that this will make the look clearer. Light shadows, for example, delicate purple, distribute evenly over the entire movable eyelid. Use the darkest one for the outer corner of the eye, modeling the cut. Asian girls are able to visually enlarge their eyes with a gamut of brown, the main thing is to competently shade the shadows so that the natural makeup is without abrupt transitions.

You shouldn't take black mascara - it's good for an evening make-up, but it's too fierce makeup for every day. The exception is burning brunettes. Brown mascara will be much more appropriate and calmer for the rest of the girls. Likewise with a pencil or eyeliner: match everything in the same style, like the shadows.

Try not to paint too much on the lower eyelid and do not actively use mascara here. This will visually reduce the eyes and make the look heavier, remember these simple rules to get a beautiful result.


Performing natural makeup step by step, it is important not to forget about the eyebrows. They complement the image, give it completeness. But you can easily overdo it in the pursuit of beauty, cosmetics should be used in moderation.

Refuse to extremes: it is difficult to do natural makeup with eyebrows with threads or dense thickets, they are in a completely different style. The shape should be in a suitable style to balance the size of the face. Watch the bend. For well-groomed brows, do not have frizzy hairs, find a mild daytime styling gel or laminating agent.

You should not do a bright eyebrow make-up every day. If he covers his eyes, his face will lose balance. When doing natural makeup, it is better to choose an eyebrow shade that is one tone darker than the natural color. You can paint them with special paint once and not touch them for several weeks at all. Or choose a quality pencil that matches the make-up.

Like any good makeup, natural daytime makeup has its own little secrets. One of them is the ability to play with light. Makeup artists have long figured out that light shadows and powders help highlight and accentuate parts of the face. Therefore, if you apply shadows of this color to the inner corner of the eye, the look will become clearer, in the style of nature. With a white pencil, you can draw your lower eyelid to open your eyes and get the best makeup.

But few people know that you can take a lighter tone for the wings of the nose in order to visually align them. These rules are constantly used by professional craftsmen. So the nose will be neater and nicer, which looks especially nice in the photo. At the same time, dark shadows will help to remove unwanted facial imperfections - these secrets are actively used by masters to get delicate makeup. You can look for a good master class that will step by step describe various useful tips and teach you how to make beautiful makeup at home.

When applying foundation on your face, use it on your neck every day. Then the problem of how to make natural makeup without color spots and borders will be solved by itself. The main thing is to blend the base well so that the daytime make-up is of the highest quality.

Makeup artists give persistent advice to give up glitter and mother-of-pearl in your face makeup. Such a supplemented natural makeup will look strange and inappropriate, reducing all naturalness to nothing. Also remember: daytime makeup isn't just about the face. Take care of your hair, have a light manicure, and wear neat and clean clothes.

In contact with

In fact, makeup is needed only to emphasize all the advantages of appearance. We will tell you how to do the "correct" natural muke up in our article.

Makeup artists argue that good makeup should be invisible, i.e. natural. Indeed, the main task of makeup is to emphasize the natural beauty and, if necessary, hide the existing imperfections.

Natural makeup is a classic that is relevant at all times. Despite the fact that manufacturers offer various decorative cosmetics in a wide range of colors, it should be borne in mind that in order to emphasize your beauty, you need a minimum of cosmetics.

After all, nothing spoils the appearance like unnecessary cosmetics. This is especially true for young girls. Their pretty face is so beautiful, the skin is not touched by wrinkles, The only thing that can be recommended to girls is natural makeup.

There are certain rules that should be adhered to when caring for the skin of the face, so that subsequently a minimum of cosmetics is needed for make-up.

How to take care of yourself so that your natural makeup looks beautiful?

  • Be sure to cleanse your skin every night.

  • Exfoliate once every three weeks. Although once or twice a week, take a break from decorative cosmetics.

  • Be sure to monitor the condition of your eyebrows and maintain their shape.

We will reveal to you the secrets of natural make-up

Color your eyebrows evenly. Using eyeliner, draw a thin line along the lash line. In order to "open up" the eyes, the line must be drawn either on the upper eyelid or on the lower one. (An exception is the pearlescent pencil). For blondes, it is recommended to use a brown pencil for natural make-up. This step will make your eyes look younger and shine.

To make your makeup look more natural, try to match the color of your hair to the color of your eyebrows.

Use foundation only when necessary. You can apply the tone to specific areas of the skin, for example, under the eyes. However, you only need to use a quality product. Distribute the tone carefully using your fingertips to create a more even complexion.

Do not overuse blush!

Remember the golden rule of makeup. Or you focus on the eyes, or on the lips. Natural make-up assumes harmonious emphasis on the eyes and lips.

How to do natural makeup

The most important thing in natural makeup is an even skin tone. Makeup should be very light. There should be a feeling of its complete absence.

So, preparation. The main condition that cannot be neglected in natural makeup is flawless skin. Beauty is, first of all, health. For healthy skin, you need to drink plenty of water every day, cleanse your skin regularly, and use a moisturizer.

Subject to these conditions, you can make perfect makeup without much effort. In addition, having enough fluid and proper care will prolong your skin's youthfulness.

Makeup base

If your skin is far from ideal, you will need a foundation. For oily skin, a mattifying foundation is best. For a radiant complexion, you can use a shimmery makeup base (with the exception of the T-zone, this area should be matte). All products should be applied in a thin layer after the moisturizer is completely absorbed.

Today there are a large number of makeup bases (creamy ones containing herbal extracts). For combination to oily skin, a Balancing Foundation is ideal. Again, a matte product must be applied to the T zone.

For dry skin, before applying makeup, you need to use a quality moisturizer, as well as a base marked "satin", "silk", "creamy" (satin, silk, soft). If the base is very thick, it can be mixed with a moisturizer until the desired consistency is achieved.

For sensitive skin, cosmetics with minerals are the best choice. It should be purchased at pharmacies. For best results, apply foundation only in daylight and only on areas of skin where necessary. The product needs to be shaded well.

To create a natural look, do not use foundation with a dense texture, with which you can create a light effect. Makeup artists recommend using a wet sponge to apply the foundation.

Use a corrector if necessary. With high-quality application of the base, most likely, you can do without it.

Apply powder and blush

Then apply a light loose powder to the skin using a large brush. To create a natural make-up, the following condition must be observed - the powder must be without a bronze effect and shine. Apply a sheer blush to the cheekbones in a natural shade.

A natural light blush will refresh the face. It is important to choose the exact shade so that the applied blush does not look like spots on the face. It is better to choose delicate pink or peach tones. For tanned skin, makeup artists recommend using a bronzer.

And finally, the final touches.

Eyebrows and eyes

Eyebrows can significantly transform the face, and therefore the correct application of makeup on them is very important. Wide beautiful eyebrows (not tattooed) can become the main accent of everyday natural make up... A regular pencil or eyebrow shadow will help to create it.

Bring your eyes using a light brown pencil or brown eyeshadow, blend the lines with a brush. Apply brown or clear mascara to your lashes. In natural makeup, shadows on the eyelids are not required. However, if you wish, choose your eyeshadow from a pale pink or beige palette.


To complete the look and, the so-called "cherry on the cake", will be a calm lipstick or luxurious lip gloss pink or peach shade ... You can also use a balm with a light touch-up effect.

Evening natural makeup

If you want to create an evening make-up close to natural, use a dark-colored eyeliner or pencil, mascara, pearlescent lipstick and glittering eyeshadow. Natural makeup has its own flavor. It will be appropriate always and everywhere, the main thing is to add a zest to it that will emphasize your beauty!

Natural makeup. Photo

Natural beauty - healthy glow, red lips, radiant skin - has been appreciated at all times and eras. And today one of the most fashionable and popular trends is natural makeup, or nude look - “naked face”, which, without taking a lot of time from a woman, emphasizes her natural beauty and helps to look perfect every day. In this style, there are no bright contrasting colors, the emphasis is on calm natural tones.

Natural makeup: the rules of good form

The main rule of beautiful makeup is the ability to emphasize the natural feminine beauty. It doesn't matter how old you are, whether you are a young girl or a lady of Balzac's age - appearance always remains in the first place. High quality natural makeup is designed to help you look your best every day. Whatever trends are promoting fashion, natural makeup is always a reflection of personality and character.

To enable makeup to highlight all your advantages, you must follow the rules of skin care - it must be healthy and radiant. Otherwise, all efforts to make a beautiful natural makeup can be nullified.

  • cleanse the skin daily at night;
  • arrange peeling cleanings several times a week;
  • use cosmetics only when necessary, giving the skin a rest.

Features of natural makeup

To get a "naked face", it is necessary to emphasize the freshness of the skin. This is the main charm of natural make-up - a minimum of cosmetics for maximum results.

As in wedding makeup, the most important thing is to choose the right color tones, which will not only support the natural skin color, but hide some of its imperfections. All cosmetics used for natural makeup should aim to deepen the natural tones of the skin, eyebrows and lips. To make sure that the choice is correct, cosmetics must be tested not on the outside of the palm, but on the area where this product will be used.

How to do natural makeup?

Natural makeup consists of several stages, performed in a specific sequence:

Skin toning for make-up "nude look"

Before applying natural makeup, after a little massage and thorough cleansing of the skin, apply a moisturizer. This should be done with light massaging movements. On darker areas of the face (wings of the nose, inner corners of the eyes, areas under the lower eyelashes), apply a corrector, which should be a shade lighter than the skin color. Dense in consistency, it will hide various cosmetic defects and redness.

After that, a thin layer of foundation or tinting emulsion is applied. Thoroughly shade the foundation so that it is not visible. Finish toning the skin with a thin layer of colorless loose powder using a large brush.

Natural eyebrow makeup

So that the eyebrows do not spoil all efforts, and the natural make-up is a success, they must be perfectly groomed, where necessary - pinched and styled using a special gel. For dark eyebrows, it is enough to emphasize the shape with a special brush, light eyebrows should be slightly tinted with a pencil to match the eyebrows. If the eyebrows have heterogeneous zones, then with a pencil one shade lighter, fill in these zones with intermittent lines. Movements should be light, otherwise the lines will be sloppy and rough.

Paint eyes

To emphasize the natural beauty of brown eyes, their owners only need a soft pencil or shadows from the cocoa palette, which are shaded with fingers or a brush until translucent.

To keep your eyes open, blend a drop of ivory shadow over the upper lid. For green and blue eyes, a peach shade is enough. For a deep and expressive look, draw a thin line along the upper eyelid with a coffee-colored pencil or gray shadows, and blend it.

Natural makeup does not accept unnaturally voluminous eyelashes, so it is better to tint the eyelashes in the salon or use lengthening mascara in gray-black or brown. The lower eyelashes do not need to be dyed so as not to spoil the natural look of a beautiful female face.

Natural lips

Lips should also not fall out of the overall "composition" and maintain a natural note. There are two options for this:

The first is the natural lip color, which is enhanced with fruity lipsticks. If you apply lipstick with your finger, then your lips will not only have a natural look, but also sexy. The main thing is not to bother with the saturation of the shade, otherwise the image will be vulgar and defiant. If you need an evening natural make-up under a red dress, blend bright lipstick with your finger, and you will be irresistible!

The second option is suitable for tanned skin where the lips are paler than the skin. In this case, the pastel pink lipstick or flesh-colored lipstick is covered with a gloss or balm on top, which is applied with two or three dots on the lips and shaded with your fingers.

Finishing the "nude look"

If your skin is not dark, but light, with a porcelain shade, light dusting, use a brush to apply a light "whiff" of apricot blush. If it is possible to do without blush, then it is better to refrain from artificial blush, and stand out natural.

Remember! Beauty should be natural and harmonious. Be wonderful!

Girls, hello! Today I would like to talk about simple and natural makeup. For me, this topic is very relevant, as well as for other girls. Natural makeup has always been popular. After all, with him you can go both to work and for a morning jog in the park. And you will always look fresh and well-groomed. In this article I will try to discover some of the secrets of step-by-step natural makeup.

How to make natural makeup step by step

Below I have posted a few photo tutorials on natural makeup. I hope you all understand in what sequence to make the make-up. This is how I create my everyday look. I love!

Step-by-step natural makeup Everyday face makeup step by step

Natural face makeup step by step Natural eye makeup Step by step natural eye makeup

Now comes the fun part. First of all, you need to prepare the skin, and the Asia SPA golden mask is a great help in this. You can read about it at the link below.

Secrets of step-by-step natural makeup

1. Leather. The main secret of natural make-up is perfect and flawless skin. A variety of pencils, foundations, powders and make-up bases can be matched to absolutely any skin type, and you can easily hide all your imperfections with the help of these correctly selected products.

  • Apply first. If you have oily skin, then a mattifying foundation will do; if you have dry skin, you will need a moisturizer.
  • Next is the turn of the foundation. Choose a foundation that is natural in color.
  • The final step will be the application of powder and liquid or dry blush in a natural shade.

3. Brows. First, tidy up your eyebrows. Remove excess hairs and shape. If you have dark eyebrows, you just need to tidy them up with a special brush. Owners of light eyebrows should dye them and give them a darker shade. It is also possible to highlight the brows with a simple black eyeliner.

4. Lips. If you have dark or reddish hair, try a neutral or pale pink lipstick, or just use lip gloss. For blondes, a light brown or chocolate lipstick is more suitable.

These are the basic rules for applying. And there is nothing easier to turn an everyday neutral image into a brighter and more evening one. Tint lashes with voluminous black mascara, apply a bright blush and use lipstick more intensely.

Natural makeup will never go out of style. It will be relevant always and at all times, as it is a kind of classic in the art of visage. To fulfill it, you need: a minimum of cosmetics and your ability and talent to apply these funds.

The success of any make-up lies in well-prepared skin. Natural makeup is no exception. There are a number of simple rules, adhering to which you can perform makeup of any complexity. Be sure to thoroughly cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin every night. Exfoliate once every three weeks or a month. At least 1-2 times a week, give your skin a "fasting day", letting it breathe and take a break from decorative cosmetics. Pay close attention to the shape and condition of your eyebrows. Actually, these are all the rules. Next - the very algorithm for performing makeup in a natural style.

The most important thing is an even and light skin tone. Aerobatics - to achieve the effect of its complete absence on the face. If your skin is less than ideal, you will need a foundation and a make-up base to smooth the skin surface before applying it. Many brands, having studied the demand, release very light and weightless makeup bases. Makeup lovers liked them so much that many girls and women prefer to apply only this light makeup base. Then everything is individual - someone is limited only to the base, and someone applies a light layer of foundation on top of it, and someone only powders the face.

For oily skin, mattifying foundations and foundations are best. For combination skin, a balancing foundation that mattes the T-zone and moisturizes the cheeks, cheekbones and temples is the right choice. Owners of dry skin, before applying makeup, it is better to use a good moisturizer, as well as a base with hint words - "satin", "silk", "creamy" (satin, silk, cream).

It is recommended to use a shimmery makeup base for a radiant complexion. True, owners of oily skin should apply it only to the cheekbones and temples, avoiding the T-zone. All products must be applied evenly in a very thin layer after applying the moisturizer. Many makeup artists recommend using a wet sponge to apply foundation and foundations.

To correct local imperfections - bruises and circles under the eyes, disguise pimples, use masking pencils, correctors, concealers. It is also recommended to apply them in a light layer, with gentle application movements, slightly melting the funds on the fingertips.

Then, if desired, you can apply a light loose powder or fixing powder. It is recommended to do this with a large brush. The powder will keep your make-up lasting, and you will rarely have to tweak it throughout the day. Do not forget that for a natural look, you should not choose powders with a bronze effect and pearlescent shine.

Using eyeliner, draw a thin line along the lash line. The shade of the pencil can be any, the main thing is a calm and soft pastel scale. Brown, dark gray, dark blue, smoky ash, graphite, quartz, chocolate, dark green - any shade will do. To achieve the effect of "wide eyes", the pencil line should be drawn either on the upper eyelid or on the lower one. It all depends on the structural features of your face.

Apply a transparent blush to the cheekbones, opting for a natural shade. Do not forget - do not overuse blush. Take them to a minimum, each time adding intensity with light, sweeping movements, carefully blending them along the cheekbone line. Blush is an important part of any makeup. They are like "sculptors" of your face oval - they make the lines correct and smooth.

Always remember the golden rule of makeup - focus on either the eyes or the lips. This rule is violated only in some techniques of evening, event, creative and other types of bright makeup. Natural make-up assumes harmonious emphasis on the eyes and lips.

The final touches are: the application of mascara (usually brown, gray or black, but without the volumizing and lengthening effects of theatrical eyelashes); transparent and light shadows; weightless and delicate shades of lipstick and lip gloss. Everything is very individual and depends on what kind of event you are about.