LPG facial massage: gentle effect, noticeable result? What is LPG facial massage

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Today LPG facial massage is one of the most popular methods of hardware cosmetology. LPG procedures help to preserve youthful facial skin for men and women. This is a unique non-surgical procedure of non-radiation and non-injection effects on the skin. It is based on the stimulation of different areas of the skin surface through a technology that is similar to a massage effect.

Features of LPG facial massage

LPG (lpji) facial massage has several synonyms - lift massage, cosmic mechanics, endermolift. All of them involve the technique of hardware massage, carried out with the help of special equipment. The technique is based on vacuum-pinch effect on all layers of the skin, as well as underlying tissues.

The LPG method was developed by the French inventor Louis Paul Gutou. Having had an accident, he was bedridden for a long time. The masseurs who massaged him, in his opinion, did not do their job properly, and the patient himself developed a massager, which was later called the abbreviation of his name - LPG.

Initially, the LPG massager was used to restore patients after various injuries, resorption of surgical scars. The results of his work significantly surpassed the results of manual mechanical action on the skin. In this case, the effect was much more stable. After some time, the LPG method began to be used to improve the condition of the skin of the face, strengthen flabby skin, fight cellulite, stretch marks, and body fat. The scope of LPG massager is very wide.

With the help of LPG massage, you can effectively model the contours of the face due to the vacuum-roller effect on the tissue. Massage is carried out by means of a special apparatus, which, as a rule, has a pair of maniples - for the face and body. The principle of operation of each maniple has its own characteristics. The manipula for the face has a design, due to which a portion of the skin, as well as subcutaneous fat, is drawn into its cavity by means of a vacuum. Retractions occur at a specific frequency - 4-16 per second. With this procedure, all skin layers are stimulated.

This type of hardware massage can be done in aesthetic clinics. The LPG device works automatically in a program that the cosmetologist has individually selected to solve certain problems with the client's facial skin. All manipulations are absolutely painless.

Benefits and effects of LPG facial massage

The LPG massage method, adopted by cosmetologists around the world, has undergone repeated clinical trials. As a result, it was found that this type of massage is several times superior to manual massage in a number of ways:
  1. The volume of subcutaneous fat decreases by 48% and continues to decrease after the course of hardware massage is over.
  2. Skin density increases by 53% on average.
  3. The lifting effect is more noticeable by 20% (the skin area in the treated area is reduced by more than 20%).
  4. Collagen fibers are renewed on average by 27-120%. The content of collagen increases in the skin of the face, the structure of the fibers is restored.
In addition, clinical studies confirm that already after one session of LPLJI massage, you can feel a certain effect, which is associated with such factors:
  • The flow of arterial blood, which carries oxygen to the tissues, increases 5-6 times.
  • The outflow of venous blood, which carries away harmful metabolic products from the tissues, increases 4-5 times.
  • The outflow of lymph is increased by 2-3 times.

To date, LPG massage is the only method of hardware-assisted mechanical action on the skin of the face, the effectiveness of which in non-surgical lifting, skin tightening has been confirmed by the FDA, the most authoritative certification system for medical technologies and products.

Indications for taking a course of LPG massage for the face

The smoothness and attractiveness of the skin of the face depends on the work of the so-called "cells of youth" - fibroblasts. After reaching the age of 25, these cells reduce the production of collagen and elastin fibers, their activity decreases.

On the delicate skin of the face, the first signs of aging appear: wrinkles, dull color, flabbiness, displacement of contours. LPG massage is aimed at stimulating the activity of fibroblasts in order to restore the density of skin tissues.

Contraindications for LPG facial massage

Before deciding to take a course of LPG massage, you should definitely consult a dermatologist. He will be able to identify areas that need massage. In addition, the specialist will check you for general or special contraindications for hardware massage. Contraindications for LPG facial massage are exactly the same as for manual facial massage.

Local contraindications:

  • The integrity of the skin is broken. Mechanical impact can further injure these areas, slow down the healing process.
  • Bacterial, fungal, viral skin diseases, acute stage of acne, active phase of herpes (vesicles, crusts). LPG massage enhances blood circulation and lymph flow, and this contributes to the spread of microbes.
  • Inflammation of lymph nodes, blood vessels, phlegmon, abscesses, osteomyelitis. It is possible to carry out massage only after the acute inflammatory phenomena are stopped.
  • Tumors on the skin of the face: hemangiomas, lipomas, etc. Tumor cells under the influence of massage can receive an additional stimulus for enhanced division.
  • Pronounced vascular network (rosacea). LPG massage has a stimulating effect on the growth of new capillaries. This can provoke more pronounced manifestations of rosacea.
  • Vitiligo on the face. Activation of metabolic processes can provoke the growth of foci of vitiligo.
  • Facial neuralgia, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. In the acute stage of inflammation, massage can cause pain. After the acute inflammation has ended, LPG massage is recommended.
  • Increased hair growth (hypertrichosis). Hardware massage enhances blood circulation, which means it accelerates cell division. This stimulates hair growth.
General contraindications:
  • Epilepsy, as well as other diseases that are accompanied by convulsions;
  • Diseases of the blood coagulation system;
  • High blood pressure;
  • General diseases that are accompanied by fever (ARVI, influenza and others);
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Varieties of LPG facial massage

There are several types of LPG massage techniques. They are aimed at combating a specific problem and differ in their characteristics. Let's get to know them better.

LPG skin lifting massage

Facial skin lifting is carried out in different ways, and LPG massage is one of them. At the same time, the effect on the skin is only mechanical: the delicate tissues of the face, neck and decollete are restored “on their own”, without the participation of fillers, botulinum toxin, or surgical interventions. That is, LPJI facial massage has an effect on the cause, and not on the consequence of age-related skin changes, releases hidden tissue reserves, “makes” fibroblasts work.

Thus, it is possible to achieve a long-term rejuvenating effect in a short time:

  1. The contours of the face are corrected, the chin and cheeks are tightened.
  2. Age-related lethargy of the skin of the face, "gravitational ptosis" is eliminated.
  3. Fat deposits in the chin and cheeks are effectively eliminated.
  4. The process of metabolism in tissues is accelerated.
  5. Excess fluid is removed, swelling is reduced.
  6. The skin becomes more dense and elastic.
Note that the effect of LPG massage has a beneficial effect not only on the local area, but also on the body as a whole. After the lift massage procedures, the patient feels rested and pleasantly relaxed.

After the hardware LPG massage procedure, there is no need for a rehabilitation period or any special restrictions.

LPG anti-wrinkle facial massage

The LPG massage procedure is recommended for women and men of any age to get rid of wrinkles. This is a kind of "fitness" for the skin, which helps prevent age-related changes, and also gives a good tightening effect.

Wrinkles, which the LPG massager helps to fight, are divided into the following groups:

  • Superficial (epidermal). They look like a small mesh on the face. If there are many such wrinkles, the skin takes on a look similar to parchment. As a rule, the cause of these wrinkles is dehydration of the skin.
  • Medium-deep (dermal). They affect the middle layer of facial skin - the dermis. They arise as a consequence of the further development of superficial wrinkles. Dermal wrinkles appear when collagen fibers are damaged by free radicals. At the same time, the synthesis of fibroblasts slows down.
  • Deep. Subcutaneous fat is involved in the formation of these wrinkles. Such wrinkles, first of all, appear in places of natural skin folds (nasolabial, for example).
After completing the LPG massage course, superficial wrinkles disappear almost completely. The number of medium-deep and deep wrinkles is reduced by 34% on average. Their depth decreases by 23%, length - by 15%.

In addition, the LPG massage procedure helps to strengthen the muscles of the face, improve blood circulation in the skin. It is useful for the prevention of static (gravity) wrinkles. The work of fibroblasts is also activated, they intensively begin to produce collagen and elastin. But dynamic wrinkles arise due to facial movements. Therefore, it is important to choose the right course and intensity of LPG massage in order to deal with them as effectively as possible and not aggravate the condition.

LPG massage for sagging skin

Flabby skin has reduced tone and elasticity. The medical name for such skin is "atonic". External manifestations of sagging skin on the face are wrinkling, a tendency to sag, dryness, pallor or yellowness. As a rule, such factors as insufficient facial muscle tone, natural aging, a hereditary factor, sudden weight loss, the presence of internal diseases, and frequent stress lead to its appearance.

As a rule, signs of sagging skin appear at the age of 40 years. During this period, the synthesis of elastin and collagen worsens, so the best option is preventive courses of LPG massage at the age of 25 years. After all, any problem with appearance is easier to prevent than to solve.

If you decide to undergo a course of hardware massage, having obvious signs of skin laxity, then LPG is able to reduce the skin area by an average of 20%.

Skin is a living tissue and will take some time to regain its elasticity. Therefore, do not despair if after the first session of LPG massage you did not notice obvious results.

LPG massage to combat the signs of post-acne

Post-acne is the consequences of acne. Signs of post-acne include seals, scars, changes in skin color in some areas, enlargement of pores, the appearance of rosacea (vascular "pattern"). Post-acne has a pronounced unaesthetic character.

It is no longer possible to restore the changed skin of the face - it needs to be updated. In the treatment of post-acne, superficial, smoothing and exfoliating peels are ineffective. The only way to solve the problem is regeneration, skin renewal.

LPG massage is also capable of fighting post-acne. It is he who launches and stimulates the processes of skin regeneration, actively influencing fibroblasts. Those, in turn, produce collagen and elastin, which are involved in skin renewal.

Collagen is "responsible" for the youthfulness of the skin - elasticity, firmness, density, turgor. With a local effect of the LPG device on problem areas, stimulation of collagen production helps to combat the effects of acne.

LPG facial massage procedure: before and after the procedure

No special preparations for the LPG massage procedure are required from the patient. It is recommended to drink a couple of glasses of clean water before the massage, as well as cleanse the skin of the face from cosmetics and excess sebum.

Liftmassage is performed on cleansed dry skin. Only sometimes, in certain cases, specialists use cosmetics that enhance the effectiveness of massage. The patient is placed on a couch or chair face up, head slightly raised. The cosmetologist treats all 3 areas of the face in turn for 12-15 minutes. The cosmetologist works out more problematic areas of the skin more carefully.

After the massage is over, the patient may experience a slight swelling of the face, as well as hyperemia. This is not to be feared, this is a normal reaction. Unusual symptoms disappear, as a rule, on the same day, sometimes after 1-2 days.

The effect of the procedure may be noticeable after the first session or several - this is individual. After the first session, it remains for about 2-3 days. To achieve a lasting effect, hardware massage is prescribed by a specialist in a course of 10-12 sessions.

Usually it is recommended to carry out 2 procedures weekly. The duration of the course, as well as one procedure, the massage techniques used depend on what problems the lift massage should solve, on their severity, the age of the patient and the individual characteristics of the skin.

After a course of LPG massage, the effect persists for about a year. To maintain it, as a rule, one control procedure is prescribed per month.

Compatibility of LPG massage with other cosmetic procedures

LPG facial massage is used to solve various skin problems. It also combines well with many professional cosmetic procedures, mesotherapy, Beautytek therapy and other methods. The combination of procedures allows you to achieve the desired effect in the shortest possible time and solve almost any cosmetic problem.

However, there are certain methods of medical cosmetology with which it is not recommended to combine LPG massage. These include contour plastic. The LPG massage procedure should be prescribed no earlier than two weeks after Botox injections or fillers.

This time is necessary for the adaptation of substances in soft tissues. Otherwise, the mechanical massage effect will contribute to the absorption of drugs that have been injected under the skin.

How to do LPG massage - look at the video:

Hardware LPG massage is significantly superior to any known manual massage techniques. Liftmassage allows you to solve the problems of correction of local small areas of the skin (for example, the area around the eyes, eyebrows, nasolabial folds). With manual massage, not every specialist will be able to process them efficiently. 154 206 0 Hello! Today we reveal the secrets of hardware massage and talk in detail about lpg massage. In this article, you will learn about the benefits and varieties of this cosmetic procedure, its effectiveness and recommendations for use.

What is lpg massage

Lpg-massage is a method of hardware massage. This method was developed in the 70s of the twentieth century by the French researcher Louis Paul Guitel. The method is named after his initials.

The principle of operation of lpg-massage is based on a mechanical effect on the body or face with the help of special nozzles of the device in two directions - vacuum and vibration massage.

The device for this procedure is a chamber with special nozzles (handles). The maniples have rollers for vibromassage at the end. The maniples capture or pinch a part of the skin at a speed of 4 to 16 times per second, and the vacuum has an additional effect.

Lpg-massage is carried out through an individual special suit (endermological overalls) for a hygienic and painless effect of the maniple and a better grip on the skin.

Recently, the so-called lpg integral massage has become popular, which is carried out by the latest generation of devices - lpg integral. It implemented the latest development in the field of hardware massage - Ergodrive, which allows to achieve high rates of efficiency in weight loss and weight loss, anti-cellulite prevention. Ergodrive technology is nothing more than a special handpiece that is more efficient, captures a large area of ​​the treated area of ​​the body, and acts deeper than previous generations of maniples. The fixing effect at the end of the procedure for skin elasticity is also important.

Lpg massage is also called endermological massage, lipomassage, cosmic mechanics, enermolifting. It is actively used in cosmetology and medicine. In medicine, it is used for treatment after surgery, in the postpartum period for recovery, to reduce keloid scars, to treat joints and initial varicose veins, and back pain. In sports, lpg massage has also found application as an excellent recovery method after injury and as a relaxing method during heavy loads.

Hardware lpg-massage has an effect on the subcutaneous tissues and muscles, forcing them to get rid of excess fluid, toxins, stimulating cell regeneration and the production of collagen with elastin. Blood circulation increases and lymphatic drainage massage occurs, fats are broken down.

Lpg-massage is applied on any part of the body, suitable for any age and gender. Due to physiological characteristics, lpg massage for women and men will differ in impact zones and other characteristics. Distinguish lpg-massage of the face and lpg-massage of the body.

With the help of lpg-massage, the following results are achieved:

  • weight loss;
  • contour tightening;
  • getting rid of cellulite and sagging skin;
  • removal of the fat layer;
  • getting rid of scars and stretch marks;
  • elimination of wrinkles;
  • relaxing effect for the body;
  • skin tightening.

Advantages and disadvantages of lpg massage

The main advantages of this procedure:

  • deep effect on the skin, tissues and muscles;
  • safety;
  • fast efficiency and noticeable visual result;
  • multi-purpose focus - improving the condition of the skin, tightening the muscle structure, splitting fats, removing fluid and toxins;
  • Complex effect - cosmetic (aesthetic, health);
  • versatility of the procedure - lpg-massage can be performed on any part of the body and face;
  • persistent and long lasting effect.

The disadvantages include the presence of contraindications and the need for preliminary diagnostics to detect contraindications, the relative high cost of sessions.

Varieties of lpg massage

  • Vacuum lpg massage — resembles a cupping massage procedure, but gives a different result. With the help of vacuum lpg-massage, you can get rid of loose skin and its sagging, eliminate a double chin.
  • Vacuum-roller lpg-massage — affects both rollers and vacuum. At the same time, after capturing a certain part of the body, the rollers begin to work in different directions. It is very effective for weight loss, tightening contours and leveling reliefs.
  • Anti-cellulite lpg massage- the most complex type of procedures, requiring highly qualified specialist and high-quality lpg-massage apparatus. Allows you to get rid of the "orange peel" on any part of the body - arms, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, chest.

Indications and contraindications

Lpg massage is indicated for the following problems:

  • Availability ;
  • puffiness, haggard face;
  • "double chin;
  • fuzzy contours of the face and figure;
  • cellulite;
  • the effect of "riding breeches";
  • scars, scars and stretch marks;
  • uneven skin relief;
  • flabbiness and sagging of the skin;
  • fatty layers on the body.


  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • wounds and lesions on the skin;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • hernia;
  • conditions with fever and enlarged lymph nodes;
  • colds and viral diseases;
  • epilepsy and other lesions of the nervous system;

With caution, lpg massage is used for menstruation, rosacea and herpes on the face. After the surgical operation, a period of recovery and healing must pass, and only after that you can do an lpg massage.

An individual approach is also observed in the presence of varicose veins, taking certain medications.

How to do lpg massage: mechanism of action and steps

Procedure steps:

Step 1. Training.

  • At this stage, the body is diagnosed and examined by a specialist to identify contraindications to lpg massage. If none are found, then problem areas are identified, a procedural scheme and the duration of the course are developed. Often, a photo is taken before the procedure, and then after the completion of the course, in order to visually evaluate the results.
  • To perform an lpg body massage, you need to purchase an individual suit, on which a specialist can immediately graphically mark problem areas and areas of impact.
  • Before the procedure, it is not recommended to eat, about three hours before it. Make-up should be removed from the skin, the skin should be dry.
  • You can drink at least 250 ml of pure water before the session to speed up the cleansing of the body.
  • Sometimes it may be necessary to apply a special lipoburning or anti-cellulite cream for mechanical procedures. They are used only by appointment of a specialist.

Step 2. Carrying out the procedure.

Having put on a special suit, the patient is located on a massage chair, the specialist begins the procedure, while influencing the problem areas in different ways. This is done to achieve the maximum effect, depending on the state of the problem: twisting, smoothing, grinding, rocking.

Twisting helps more with cellulite, grinding for skin problems, rocking helps break down fats, smoothing gives definition to contours.

It is also provided by a specialist and set to the apparatus the movement of rollers in certain zones of influence. There are three modes: Roll In, roll up, roll out. Each mode works differently and produces different results.

For some areas during lpg massage, it is required to change the position of the body or make a certain physical movement recommended by the specialist during the procedure.

In modern devices, there are ready-made programs for influencing certain areas, setting the intensity of manipulations and speed or program parameters depending on the desired result.

The duration of the procedure takes from 30 minutes to 50 minutes. After the session, no additional restorative manipulations are required. Minor swelling and redness may occur, which disappear on their own.

The maximum result and durability of lpg-massage help to achieve physical training, a balanced diet.

The rehabilitation period is not required and it is possible immediately after the sessions to do the usual things, to lead a daily lifestyle. Immediately after the session, a heavy meal is not recommended, it is better to do this after three hours.

When lpg-massage of the face and body, different nozzles are used.

Lpg facial massage

The technique of lpg-massage on the face has an effect on blood circulation, lymphatic drainage of the skin and subcutaneous layers, promotes cell regeneration, activates collagen production, evens tone and color, lifts contours.

With the help of lpg-massage on the face, problems are solved:

  • mimic wrinkles;
  • bryley and the impending century;
  • contour tightening;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • equalization of tone and irregularities;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • uniformity of complexion;
  • getting rid of a double chin;
  • scar reduction.

To contraindications to lpg facial massage, you can add the presence of open wounds, pustules, tumors.

Lpg body massage for weight loss

For the body, lpg-massage acts in such problem areas as thighs, legs, arms, buttocks, abdomen, neck and décolleté. The procedure has an anti-cellulite, lifting character, lipoburning and aesthetic effects. For each zone and problem, different maniples are used with different intensity of hardware exposure.

  • Lpg-massage of legs and buttocks allows you to get rid of cellulite in this area, reduce volumes, tighten muscles and skin, get rid of "breeches" and "ears".
  • L pg belly massage will strengthen the muscles of the press, get rid of extra pounds of fat on it, reduce volume, tighten the contours of the sides, eliminate or minimize stretch marks, scars.
  • On hands lpg massage makes it possible to reduce cellulite, sagging and flabbiness of the skin, strengthen muscles, even out the relief.
  • In the décolleté and on the neck lpg-massage eliminate wrinkles, sagging skin, removes fat.

Possible side effects and complications

As with any procedure, lpg massage can have side effects:

  • swelling and redness- disappear on their own in a short time;
  • bruising and bruising- rarely observed and may indicate an incorrect procedure mode;
  • pain- usually observed in the first minutes and then pass. But if pain persists throughout the session and from procedure to procedure, you must immediately inform the specialist. A possible reason lies either in the high intensity of mechanical action, or in the increased sensitivity of the body to mechanical action;
  • slight chills, feeling of fever in the first hours after the session- this can be observed with vegetative-vascular dystonia and it is enough to take a soothing tea and relax.

With any manifestation of side effects, it is necessary to immediately inform the specialist to adjust the program of the procedure and the course scheme.

Frequently asked Questions

Many are wondering if lpg massage can be used after childbirth and cesarean section, and other surgical interventions. Experts say that lpg massage is also useful in these cases with the only condition that there should be a recovery period after the operation within a year. And only after that lpg-massage will become effective and useful in removing scars, stretch marks, tightening muscles and skin on the body.

To the question of whether lpg massage is effective or harmful for varicose veins, phlebologists do not have a definite answer. It has been noticed that lpg-massage is able to get rid of edema in varicose veins of the initial stage, while in other stages of varicose veins it is ineffective and even dangerous. In any case, it is necessary to initially consult with a phlebologist.

How often to do lpg massage

The duration of the course is developed strictly individually, based on the problem and the state of the body, the desired effect.

For the body and face, there are also differences in duration and frequency.

On average, at least 10 procedures are needed, the optimal is from 10 to 20 sessions, including the main, corrective and supporting courses.

  • For lpg face massage 8-10 procedures of the main course are needed, then 4-5 procedures of the intermediate course and, according to individual indicators, several sessions of supporting procedures. The frequency is 2 times a week, in the intermediate period - 1 time in two to three weeks, at the maintenance stage - 1 time per month.
  • For lpg body massage the optimal number of sessions is 6-8 procedures with a frequency of three times a week, at the next stage the frequency is reduced to 1 time per week or less often by 4-6 procedures, the supporting stage includes an individual schedule according to indications.

The durability of the result of lpg-massage is maintained for six months, 8 months. This indicator is relative, since the preservation of the result also depends on the lifestyle, the presence or absence of supporting procedures, physical activity, diet, and personal characteristics of the body.

Compatibility and compatibility with other cosmetic procedures

Lpg-massage can be combined with the following procedures:

  • ozone therapy;
  • Elos-therapy;
  • mesotherapy;
  • cavitation (ultrasound therapy).

These procedures perfectly complement lpg massage and are fully compatible with it, subject to contraindications and recommendations of a specialist.

Lpg or manual massage

How to choose the most suitable procedure, the beautician will also tell you. When choosing between lpg or manual massage, one should be guided by the presence of contraindications, individual characteristics and problems. Numerous reviews and recommendations of experts tend to choose lpg massage because of the greater efficiency and quick results, as well as the durability of the effect. Lpg-massage is more physiological and affects the deep layers of tissues and muscles. Manual massage is inferior to lpg in terms of the durability of the effect and the speed of achieving the result.

Cavitation or lpg massage

It's up to you and your beautician to decide. These procedures have a fundamental difference in the method of exposure and hardware device.

Cavitation is a method of hardware cosmetology based on the effect of ultrasound on tissues. In terms of the achievable effect, these two procedures are very similar. The most optimal effect is achieved through the complex (joint) use of both lpg-massage and cavitation.

Only a specialist will determine the compatibility of procedures and the most suitable one for you.

When choosing between procedures or their compatibility, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the state of your health, the presence of individual characteristics of the body. And in order to develop and recommend an effective set of procedures in combination with lpg massage, you need to completely trust the cosmetologist, undergo a thorough diagnosis and not hide the presence of health problems.

When your body gets tired from the slightest physical activity, and the thought of exercising is disheartening, it's time to visit a physiotherapist and get a massage. But what to do if the skin gets tired, but not just anywhere, but in the most visible place - on the face? The answer is almost identical to the previous one - sign up for an lpg facial massage with a beautician.

Definition and principle of action of LPG massage

LPG massage has many synonyms - cosmechanics, endermolift, liftmassage, but they all imply one of the hardware massage techniques, which is carried out with the help of special equipment and is based on mechanical action (vacuum-pinch) on all layers of the skin and underlying tissues.

This method of influencing the skin was invented by the Frenchman - Louis Paul Gute - and was intended to smooth out postoperative and post-traumatic scars. The effectiveness of the method was so high that the liftmassage was adopted by cosmetologists all over the world.

LPG massage is carried out using a special device with two maniples - and for the face. These nozzles are not interchangeable, because the principle of operation of each of them has its own characteristics. The LPG handpiece for the face is designed in such a way that a certain area of ​​the skin and subcutaneous fat is drawn into its cavity with the help of a vacuum. Retractions are made with a certain frequency - from 4 to 16 in 1 second. During this manipulation, all layers of the skin are stimulated, which leads to the activation of the following processes:

  1. Mechanical damage to fat cells triggers the processes of lipolysis, which leads to a decrease in the amount of fat on the face, neck and décolleté.
  2. The cells responsible for the synthesis of collagen, glycosaminoglycans and elastin are activated, which leads to an improvement in the appearance of the skin, its elasticity and firmness.
  3. Massage movements of the apparatus improve microcirculation in the treated area: the inflow of arterial blood and the outflow of lymph and venous blood increase. Thus, there is a faster release of tissues from metabolic products and swelling on the face decreases.
  4. Like any other massage, LPG facial massage has an anti-stress effect on the client's body, increasing the production of endorphins and enkephalins.
  5. By acting on various receptors, lift massage improves the functioning of facial muscles.

Indications and Procedure for Cosmechanics

You already know what lpg facial massage is, it remains to study the indications for this procedure and the massage process itself. Lift massage is carried out for clients of various age groups in order to achieve the following effects:

  1. Lifting and acquisition of a clearer facial contour.
  2. Reduce the severity of "gravitational ptosis" - omission of tissues.
  3. Make skin firmer and more elastic.
  4. Reduce the appearance of mimic wrinkles.
  5. Significantly reduce the amount of fat deposits on the face.
  6. Double chin fight.
  7. Regulation of the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  8. Treatment of hematomas (bruises) and infiltrates.
  9. Reduce swelling.

Before the liftmassage procedure, the client must drink at least 2 glasses of clean water and cleanse the face of excess sebum and cosmetics. LPG Endermolift is carried out on clean and dry skin, only in some cases, experts recommend using cosmetics that enhance the effectiveness of massage.

The patient is placed on the couch face up with a slightly raised head. The cosmetologist alternately treats each of the 3 areas of the face for 10-15 minutes. The delimitation of zones occurs due to two imaginary lines:

  1. The first passes through the bridge of the nose and under the eyes.
  2. The second passes through the line of the mouth (between the lips).

If one area is more problematic than the others, the specialist pays more attention to it. The maniple moves mainly along standard massage lines.

After the end of the procedure, you can observe a slight swelling and hyperemia (redness) - this is a normal reaction of the body to lpg massage. Symptoms disappear on the same day, sometimes after 1-2 days. There are no special recommendations for caring for the treated area after a lift massage. You can use the usual creams and lotions, sunbathe and play sports.

The endermolift course consists of 15-20 sessions, which is divided into 3 parts:

  1. The first stage - 9-10 procedures 2 times in 7 days.
  2. The second stage - 6-7 sessions 1 time in 7 days.
  3. The third stage - 3-4 procedures once every 14 days.

Maintenance therapy - 1-2 sessions per month.

About the procedure in the video

Contraindications for lift massage

Before you decide on lpg massage, you must consult with a specialist - a dermatologist. He will determine those areas that need a hardware massage procedure. Also, the doctor will check you for contraindications to cosmechanics. The main ones are listed below:

  1. Malignant and benign neoplasms on the skin of the face and body.
  2. Pathological changes in the vascular wall.
  3. Diseases of the blood coagulation system.
  4. Increased blood pressure.
  5. The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  6. Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  7. SARS or flu.

If the client has no contraindications and the massage was performed correctly, the effect will be noticeable after a few sessions. After completing the entire course of lift massage, you will look at the age that corresponds to the state of your soul, and not the numbers in your passport.

A modern woman is happy in her own way, because she is offered a huge number of products and procedures to slow down the aging process. In particular, many have already tried lpg facial massage, which allows you to hide your real age and look much fresher. Solving a variety of cosmetic problems, this procedure has a pronounced rejuvenating character. Its popularity is due to painlessness, high efficiency and the unique opportunity to conduct sessions at home.

LPG decryption

The LPG massage service originated in the cosmetology market thanks to a Frenchman named Louis Paul Goutoy (his initials are an abbreviation for the name of the procedure). He had an accident that left him bedridden for a long time. The disease involved daily exercise and massage, and Louis thought about creating a special apparatus that would be used to treat and restore the body after injuries. At the same time, it is actively used to combat stretch marks and cellulite, as well as to improve the condition of the skin of the face.

For your information. LPG massage has other names as well. In the price lists of various salons, you can find it as a liftmassage, cosmechanics, endermolift or endermological lipomassage.

Mechanism of action

According to the effect on the skin, lpg massage is a vacuum-pinch procedure. The epidermis is treated with hardware rollers: first, one of them gently grabs, slightly pulling, part of the skin, then the other smooths it out. The whole process is accompanied by a continuous supply of vacuum, the power of which is regulated by a specialist who controls this apparatus. The principle of operation resembles the usual manipulation of the hands, but here there is a clear and very fast effect. LPG massage activates the following processes:

  • restoration of damaged tissues;
  • cell rejuvenation due to increased collagen synthesis;
  • damage to fat cells;
  • activation of the lipolysis process;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • removal of excess subcutaneous fluid;
  • intense ;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • relaxation of mimic muscles;
  • release of tissues from decay products;
  • anti-stress effect.

Muscles, tendons and adipose tissue are also under the influence of the vacuum-roller apparatus, so that the effect is complex and quite powerful. Having figured out what kind of procedure it is, it is worth deciding on the lists of indications and contraindications for LPG facial massage both in salon and at home.

What is the price? The lpg facial massage procedure in a beauty salon will cost from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles per session.

  • age and facial wrinkles (it is additionally desirable to use special ones);
  • flew;
  • double chin;
  • eyelid ptosis;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • fat deposits on the face and in the décolleté area;
  • well-defined nasolabial fold;
  • post-traumatic scars, scars, stretch marks, hematomas (bruises), infiltrates;
  • improper functioning of the sebaceous glands.

To understand whether you need LPG massage for facial rejuvenation, consultation with a specialist helps. And certainly you can’t do without it if it comes to identifying contraindications for this procedure.

List of contraindications

Since the LPG vacuum-roller facial massage involves the most intense effect on various subcutaneous systems, it can worsen the state of health in the presence of certain diseases. Therefore, this procedure has the following contraindications:

  • age up to 16 years;
  • oncology;
  • problems with the circulatory system;
  • recent surgery;
  • hypertension;
  • exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • colds and infections;
  • elevated temperature;
  • pregnancy;
  • any neoplasms (warts, papillomas, moles).

If there are these contraindications, you must first get rid of them and only then resort to the help of LPG facial rejuvenation technologies.

Features of LPG rejuvenation

It is best to do LPG massage in the salon. They will conduct a preliminary examination, consult, explain incomprehensible, doubtful points. Some people prefer to purchase a vacuum roller machine for home use and organize the procedure themselves.

  1. The course of treatment is determined by the beautician. If the skin is mature, wrinkled, flabby, and the patient's age is already over 50, at least 15 (sometimes all 25) procedures will be needed. If LP-massage is performed as a preventive measure for age-related changes or for a slight tightening, the number of sessions can be reduced to 10.
  2. The frequency is assigned individually, on average - 1 or 2 times a week.
  3. The duration of 1 massage session is about half an hour.
  4. After 5 or 6 sessions of LPG, a “critical period” of the procedure begins, which not all patients can withstand. By this time, almost all the liquid has already been removed from under the skin, and it sags in folds, presenting a not very pleasant sight. However, after 7 sessions, the first results are finally visible.
  5. Feelings are different for everyone, they depend on the pain threshold of the patient and the selected mode of the device.
  6. During the LPG massage, the head should be slightly raised.
  7. After the procedure, no cosmetics should be applied to the face for 3-4 hours.
  8. To maintain the results, it is recommended to do 1-2 maintenance sessions of LPG massage per month for the next six months.

Please note that certain skills are required to operate the LPG vacuum roller machine. If you set the wrong mode or use the wrong nozzle, the procedure may result in the formation of hematomas. Therefore, to begin with, it is better to undergo appropriate training, consult a specialist. If you are not confident in your skills, it is better not to start a home facial massage using this technique.

You need to know! Half an hour before the LPG facial procedure, it is recommended to drink at least 2 glasses of pure (filtered, mineral) water, as the massage intensively removes liquid.

Step by step technique

If you still become the owner of a compact LPG facial massage machine, watch a few training videos, get acquainted with the technique of its implementation. And only after that proceed to active actions.

  1. Remove makeup.
  2. Treat the skin with cosmetic milk.
  3. Apply tonic.
  4. On the LPG device, select a program (there are several of them), the intensity of the impact of the nozzle.
  5. In circular motions without pressing, you slowly need to drive the nozzle along the massage lines, treating 3 zones: forehead, cheeks and lower part of the face.
  6. For the area around the eyes, the LPG device comes with a special nozzle. Massage in this area should be as soft and progressive as possible.
  7. Apply tonic.
  8. Moisturize your face with cream.

With a minimum of actions required to perform LPG massage, it should be noted the enormous responsibility that women take on when they decide to independently carry out the procedure at home. Before that, it is still strongly recommended to consult a specialist, weigh the pros and cons.

Expectations and reality

With a full course of rejuvenating facial massage using the LPG technique, you can count on the following results:

  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • brow lift;
  • elimination of double chin;
  • eyelid lifting;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • getting rid of edema;
  • the acquisition of beautiful embossed outlines by the cheekbones;
  • the nasolabial fold becomes less noticeable;
  • post-traumatic scars, scars, stretch marks turn pale.

The effectiveness of a full course of LPG facial massage sessions, according to cosmetologists, can last up to six months with maintenance therapy. So if there are serious, large-scale age-related changes, you should use this salon service or learn how to do it at home. Perhaps this will allow you to stop the aging process at least for a while and look stunning, no matter how old you are.

The procedure of hardware LPG-massage (other names - cosmechanics, endermolift) refers to vacuum massages that are used in cosmetology, therapeutic and sports endermology.

The technique was developed about 40 years ago, but has already proven itself in the treatment of burns, injuries, in the fight against cellulite, in the correction of body and face contours.

Let's figure it out together - how this technique works, what are the pros and cons, and how to do LPG massage correctly.

The LPG-massage method is a non-surgical hardware procedure that combines 2 types of effects on the skin - vacuum (read also about pneumomassage) and deep. The design of the device includes automatic nozzles (maniples). Special rolls are installed on the nozzles:

  • RollUp - smoothes out the appearance of cellulite, models the contours;
  • RollOut - helps to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • RollIn - used to reduce volume in a problem area.

During the massage, one roll captures the skin, and the second breaks the fat cells.

Thanks to the resulting vacuum, problem areas begin to fill with blood, and hence oxygen. There is an increased outflow of lymph, and along with it, destroyed fat cells, poisons, toxins and their decay products depart. The process of renewal of the subcutaneous layer and the production of collagen with elastin are stimulated.

In cosmetology, the method is used to remove cellulite, to correct the contours of the face and body, to reduce the fat layer, as well as to increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. In sports and therapeutic endometrium - to relieve pain, muscle tension, swelling, fatigue, improve overall well-being.

Facial sessions: effectiveness and results

The nozzle, designed for the face and neck, does not have mechanical rollers that knead the fabric. While one roller gently grips the skin and pulls it back slightly, the second one smooths out the retracted area. Depending on the individual case, the frequency of exposure is adjustable within 4-16 contractions per minute.

The whole process resembles a regular hand massage, the difference lies in the quick effect. Using this method, the following body processes are activated:

  • due to increased collagen synthesis, cells are rejuvenated;
  • fat cells are damaged, damaged tissues are restored;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated, blood circulation improves;
  • excess subcutaneous fluid and decay products come out;
  • mimic muscles relax.

After completing the full course of LPG massage, the patient can expect the following results:

  • wrinkles are smoothed;
  • the second chin disappears;
  • eyelid lifting, brow lift;
  • color improvement;
  • elimination of edema;
  • less noticeable nasolabial fold;
  • existing stretch marks, scars or scars (also help to eliminate this) become more elastic, turn pale.

The result obtained is stored for six months.

The procedure takes place in the following sequence:

  1. Removes existing makeup.
  2. The skin is treated with a special cosmetic milk, after which a tonic is applied.
  3. The specialist selects the desired program on the device, depending on the skin problems and the age of the patient.
  4. With circular, light movements, the nozzle is guided along the massage lines. Thus, all 3 zones are massaged in turn - cheeks, forehead, lower part of the face.

The area around the eyes is affected by another special nozzle, which allows the procedure to be carried out with softer progressive movements.

Apparatus for LPG massage can be used at home, but still, before using it yourself, it is better to get qualified advice from a specialist.

See the results of the LPG facial massage procedure:

Body treatments: how it goes and the effect

For the body, LPG massage is divided into 4 types, depending on the solution of existing problems. Eliminate cellulite, overcome persistent fat deposits will help lipomassage. Also, its use is relevant for severe deformations in body fat and asymmetric folds that form under the buttocks.

Therapeutic endermology - burnt areas, scars formed on the body, frequent muscle spasms, pain in the joints and spine.

Sports endermology - heals, restores tendons and muscles, helps relieve swelling, as well as pain. The procedure has found its frequent use after performances and competitions.

Step by step procedures:

  1. The general condition of the patient is assessed. Characteristics of his figure, selection of key points (problem areas). A full-length photograph is taken.
  2. The patient is put on a special suit. The whole massage procedure is performed on a special table.
  3. Before starting the massage, the doctor examines the localization of fat lumps and highlights specific problem areas. To do this, he may ask to bend or raise one or another limb.
  4. Having decided, the specialist puts a graphic mark of the zones on the suit.
  5. Rolls are selected (RollUp, RollOut or RollIn).

In addition to the correct selection of the roll, the specialist determines the type of movements during massage. Each of them has its own direction. Types of movements and their features:

  • enhances anti-cellulite action - twisting;
  • rocking works well on the problem of body fat;
  • gliding helps to model and restore the contours of the body;
  • polishing - will improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Cosmetic firming agents, lipolytics, activator gels help to improve the effect of the procedure.

At the end of the procedure, abstinence from food for 3 hours is required. It is also worth observing the water regime. The norm of the drunk liquid is 2.5-3 liters / day.

Advantages and weaknesses

In addition to obtaining a quick effect, the procedure has other advantages:

  • no discomfort during the procedure;
  • light massage movements relax and soothe;
  • harmful substances are removed from the body;
  • after the procedure, the formation of scars, scars or bruises is excluded;
  • a positive result can be observed after the first session;
  • with the help of this procedure, not only excess weight is removed, but also the consequences of it - cellulite and stretch marks;
  • the possibility of application for any age category;
  • for each patient on the apparatus an individual program is selected;
  • improves not only the condition of the skin, but also the general well-being.

Of course, there are also negative aspects to this type of massage. These include the high cost of procedures, a large number of contraindications and the mandatory purchase of a special suit.

and much more read in a separate article on our website.

Indications and contraindications

The indication for the procedure may be:

  • reduced skin tone;
  • folds and fat deposits on the buttocks, abdomen or hips (it can help in solving this problem);
  • the second chin (RF-lifting will also cope with this problem), deep nasolabial folds, lowered corners of the mouth or flabbiness of the skin on the face;
  • obesity, in any degree and cellulite;
  • flabbiness of the skin in the décolleté, neck;
  • wrinkles - facial, age, medium and deep;
  • hematomas, subcutaneous infiltrates;
  • puffiness - both on the face and on the body;
  • earthy, dull or gray complexion;
  • asymmetry of tissues and their possible sagging due to pregnancy or sudden weight loss.

A contraindication to LPG massage can be:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • fatty or vascular tumors in the skin;
  • hemophilia, epilepsy;
  • infected skin;
  • with inflammation of the lymph nodes or abscesses;
  • oncology diseases or a tendency to thrombophlebitis;
  • chronic diseases (with their exacerbation);
  • the presence of rashes, abscesses, wounds, scratches, ulcers on the skin;
  • epilepsy;
  • a significant amount of hair on the neck or face.

Also, a contraindication may be the period of menstruation and fever.

We offer you to watch a video of how the LPG facial massage procedure takes place:

What is combined with

You can get the stability of the result with the help of active sports and dieting. And you can improve the result by combining LPG massage with other cosmetic procedures, such as:

  • Ozone therapy
  • Ultrasound (see) and microcurrent therapy
  • Anti-cellulite wraps
  • pressotherapy
  • Injection and mesotherapy
  • Elos technology
  • Myostimulation and.

The effectiveness of the procedure greatly depends on the specialist, how qualified he will be in this method.

Duration, number of procedures and average prices

Before the procedures, you must definitely decide whether you have any contraindications for hardware LPG massage of the face or body, how often you can do it and how many sessions you need to go through to solve your problem. All this will be explained and recommended by your specialist.

But usually the duration of one session lasts 20-40 minutes. It depends on the presence of the problem, its neglect.

The entire course consists of 10 or 20 sessions of mandatory procedures (also depending on the complexity of the case).

Many are interested in the question - how much does an LPG massage session cost? Prices are set depending on the type of LPG massage, for example:

  • aesthetics - 1000-2000 rubles;
  • lymphatic drainage - 1200-1400 rubles;
  • anti-cellulite massage - 1100-1600 rubles.

In addition to the cost of the procedure itself, the patient himself buys a suit for LPG massage, which costs between 800-1500 rubles.

Prices are approximate and correspond to one session. Much depends on the popularity of the salon, the professionalism of the specialists that work in it, the cost of renting the premises. Some salons, in order to lure customers, provide discount systems, hold promotions, which helps to save a lot.

What is darsonvalization of the face, the pros and cons and how the session goes, you can find out on our website.

You can find out about the indications and contraindications of lymphatic drainage massage, as well as what this procedure is combined with.

You can find out about the benefits and dangers of hydromassage, how many sessions you need to go through and what is the effectiveness of water treatment.

Customer opinion

Read testimonials from women who have completed LPG full body massage:

  • Inna:

    “I have been wanting to try LPG for a long time.

    Having learned about the cost of the procedure, at first I refused, but the cellulite acquired very large volumes and I took a chance.

    Passed 10 procedures. Didn't notice the effect. The result is unsatisfactory."

  • Elena:

    “For me, manual massage is a familiar thing, but I went to LPG for the first time. The effect was satisfied. The skin is tightened and the difference is immediately visible.

    Flabbiness on the legs and hips disappeared. In parallel with the procedures, I used LPG cream to reduce volume. ”

  • Lesya:

    “So far I have gone through 5 procedures, but I already note a positive result. The skin becomes velvety, the volume decreases (I determine by the pants). I look forward to completing the course."

  • Ilona:

    “The result was not satisfied. The whole effect disappeared after 6 months. For the money I expected more. During the procedure, it was painful, there were bruises. And now the problems with the veins have begun, some bumps have wound up. Legs are swollen. The doctor said, quite possibly from the massage. I took a course of lymphatic drainage massage LPG.

And in conclusion, watch a video about the effect LPG massage has on the body: