Moonstone mascot. The magical properties of different colors. How to distinguish a real stone from a fake

Among the semi-precious stones, the moonstone is very popular. The earth's crust is rich in this mineral, but microcline (amazonite) and labradorite are used to make jewelry. The unusual glow when rotating is mesmerizing and eye-catching.


The crystal is identified with the Moon. It is believed that the stone belongs to people born on the full moon. It brings love to its owners, favors the duration of the relationship. There is an opinion that the owners of the crystal are able to express their thoughts beautifully, to compose poetry.

Place of Birth

For the first time a nugget was discovered in India. The brilliance and overflow of flowers so fascinated those around them that to this day the Hindus consider the moonstone sacred.

The richest deposit is located in Sri Lanka. There are also active production in Brazil, Australia, India, Karelia (Russia) and other countries.

Who suits

The crystal will be no less useful for those whose activities are related to management, leadership. The nugget will calm and balance the character, extinguish outbursts of rage, and give confidence in decision-making.

Most of all, the mineral is suitable for lovers. According to legend, the stone shines with an unusual shine and overflow when a couple have the most tender feelings for each other. If the relationship is exhausted, the surface of the crystal fades.

Moonstone is able to correct human emotions and feelings, which is important for people working in law enforcement and jurisprudence.

The gem protects the names:

  • Gleb;
  • Igor;
  • Avdotya;
  • Evdokia.

Moonstone properties


The mineral, also called adularia, belongs to the group of feldspars with a characteristic glow. In composition, it is potassium aluminosilicate (K). A distinctive quality is the effect of irisation, that is, overflow during rotation.

Other physical indicators include:

  • adularia hardness 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale;
  • density 2.56-2.62 g / cm³;
  • break - uneven, stepped.


The magical properties include the ability to influence a person's character. The stone soothes, softens the ardor, stimulates brain activity. Helping to achieve harmony with the environment, the crystal awakens dreaminess, tenderness, sensitivity.

Such a stone is not suitable for a weak spirit, and may even be dangerous.

Magicians and esotericists often use paraphernalia from the lunar mineral. This is due to the ability of the crystal to develop intuition, a necessary quality in extrasensory perception.

A talisman made of a nugget will help to change attitudes for the better, to get closer to a loved one, to achieve complete mutual understanding. It should be worn closer to the heart (matters of the heart are decided). But there is no need to keep it with you all the time.


The healing properties include:

  • stabilizes the psycho-emotional mood;
  • relieves insomnia;
  • reduces the frequency of epileptic seizures;
  • beneficial effect on the genitourinary system;
  • promotes the removal of kidney stones.

Women in labor who left for the hospital were given a nugget with them so that the childbirth was successful, and the baby was born healthy. If a person has exacerbated chronic diseases or acute pain in the abdomen, a mineral was applied to the sore spot and the attack soon stopped.

What zodiac signs are suitable for the moonstone

Most of all, the crystal is suitable for Cancers and Aquarius. It promotes the disclosure of hidden talents, helps to better understand the world around us. To attract the positive energy of the stone, it is recommended to wear it in the form of an amulet or talisman. Bioenergy scientists claim that an untreated nugget is effective.

The mineral is not favorable to representatives of the fire element: Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. He can bring them disappointment and spiritual contradictions.

The rest of the zodiac signs can safely wear jewelry and paraphernalia, since this does not contradict their astrological characteristics.

Types and colors

Natural crystal is mainly milky in color with an iridescent effect. Some varieties have a gray, blue, greenish tint. But the rarest specimen is considered a yellowish color, similar to gold.

The value of such a crystal is high. Until now, scientists cannot explain the manifestation of iridescence, otherwise they could use the technique when growing artificial stones.

Some attribute the following rocks to the moonstone: belomorite, amazonite, selenite, labradorite. In fact, apart from a partial similarity, they have nothing to do with the mineral.

Moonstone amulets and talismans

For the manufacture of amulets and talismans, nuggets of various types and sizes are used. It is believed that the lunar mineral protects people from the negative influence of the moon. To overcome the disease, you need to carry a pebble or at least a shard of it closer to the body.

A ring with a crystal insert, worn on the left hand, helps to control emotions, to become more tolerant of others. It is better to use silver for the frames. In combination with it, the energetic effect of the crystal is enhanced.

Mystics and magicians often use ritual paraphernalia to conduct their sessions. They give charmed pebbles to those who need protection. The talisman for ordinary people clears the energy field and purifies it. An untreated gem is able to relieve insomnia, just put it under your pillow.


Several factors influence price formation at once:

  • nugget size;
  • Colour;
  • transparency.

Blue crystals are an order of magnitude more expensive than white crystals, their beauty is revealed when rotated. The blue tone appears in three-dimensional depth. Hence the price is between $ 60 and $ 80 per carat. A medium-sized, good quality stone will cost between $ 30 and $ 50.


The attractive appearance of the moon mineral motivates unscrupulous sellers to pass off as an original a product made of glass, plastic, synthetic stone, and other natural crystals similar to the moon.

Along with imitation materials, the latest technologies are used to achieve the processing of synthetic spinel. Under the influence of high temperatures, microcracks are formed on the surface of the fake, very similar to the original. Amethyst and white opal can also be used as raw materials for processing.

Tinted chalcedony, some varieties of scapolite and labradorite skillfully imitate the moon mineral.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Despite the fact that the moonstone belongs to the semiprecious group of minerals, products with fakes made of glass and plastic are common. Most of the jewelry is encrusted with synthetic crystals, which at first glance are indistinguishable from nuggets.

When purchasing a natural stone, you need to make sure that it is natural. To do this, experts have shared some signs that can be used when choosing:

  • The first thing to look at is the price. Natural crystal will never cost equal or lower than its synthetic counterpart.
  • If you lower a stone in a glass of water for an hour and look at its surface after removing, then you can see the increased brilliance and brightness of the crystal. The fake won't change.
  • The place of purchase cannot be a street shop or unfamiliar vendors from the Internet. You can only find a nugget in specialized stores. There, a certificate is attached to the product, which confirms the naturalness of the mineral.
  • The structure of the original copy cannot be perfectly flat. Most often, small defects are observed on the surface. This is fine, as long as it is not a good fake. Only an expert will help to deal with it.
  • Moonstone, like all natural crystals, is cold to the touch. You can warm it up in your hand and see how long it takes for it to return to its previous temperature. The original will take a few seconds (5 to 20).


It is better to store moonstone jewelry separately from other jewelry, especially if it is an amulet or talisman. The density of the mineral is inferior to other crystals, so the surface can be scratched or deformed.

Chemical compositions cannot be used for cleaning. It is better to do with ordinary soapy water. Drying is recommended with a flannel cloth. Hair dryers and the sun's rays can tarnish the surface of the mineral.

When applying cosmetics, you should try to avoid getting the composition on the moonstone.

If you are planning an active holiday, it is better to leave the jewelry at home or put it in your purse so as not to damage it.

Already at the time of the first people, Adam and Eve, man's craving for beauty awakened. They admired the full moon and flowers in the gardens of Eden. Satan noticed this and decided to awaken greed in the souls of people, seducing with a crystal that will surpass the moon in beauty. He scattered gems on the ground and people looked at and sorted them with pleasure. But they liked the crescent moon better and soon the interest cooled down. Satan got angry and cursed his creation. Since then, it is believed that the moonstone is cursed and brings only misfortunes, tears and disappointments to its owner.

The legend was found in ancient Persian treatises. Since then, ideas about the stone and the attitude towards it have changed. He is no longer considered damned, although they are treated with a mixture of admiration and distrust.

  1. The moonstone became the subject of study by medieval alchemists. It was believed that any mineral could begin to shine if kept under moonlight for a long time. In addition to luminescence, it acquires other properties: it becomes smooth without polishing, absorbs the night moon cold. The extreme degree of exposure is the ability of the crystal to instantly cool boiling water.
  2. The Chaldean magicians argued that the power of the moonstone depends on the phases of the crescent. On the full moon, he has the greatest strength. By this time, clairvoyance sessions were timed. On a full moon, the magician put this stone under his tongue. This opened the door for him to parallel worlds and he began to predict the future.
  3. The yellow moonstone is called witch. It is believed that a dying witch must pass on her witchcraft knowledge. When there were no willing to adopt the skills, the witches sealed the power in stone.
  4. The Hindus saw in the moonstone the frozen and split light of the moon. Such a mineral gives the gift of divination. In India, there are still worshipers of the moon who worship adularia.
  5. The Arabs considered the moonstone a symbol of abundance, so they sewed it on their clothes.
  6. For the Romans, he became a symbol of femininity and romance.

Modern science has studied the origin of the moonstone and the nature of its glow. It is not related to the moon or extraterrestrial occurrence. But the impact of the stone on people remains a mystery.

Physicochemical properties

The moonstone has a second name - adularia. This is feldspar, which has an internal glow - iridescence. The stones are transparent and milky white with white or blue tints. Flickering occurs due to albite plates that have grown in the thickness of the spar. Light is reflected from them, interference is created, which causes the appearance of blue and golden reflections. Sometimes there are stones with the effect of a cat's eye. The reason is the plates, but of an even smaller size.

Adularia is not the only stone with iridescence. The following minerals are often confused with it:

  • Belomorite is also feldspar, but plagioclase. It has a more intense color with blue and green reflections, which is not typical for adularia;
  • labradorite also belongs to plagioclases, but contains impurities that color the stone in different colors;
  • some types of chalcedony resemble moonstone in color and transparency, but do not have a glow.

Natural adularia is rarely found in nature, therefore it is highly valued. The best stones are mined in Sri Lanka, but the reserves are running out, so the value will rise. A flawless gem-quality moonstone can cost anywhere from $ 100 to $ 500

Magical properties

Beautiful, rare, luminous, personifies the moon - this stone originally had all the makings to become a magical talisman. Opinion. That the moonstone brings misfortune is already out of date. He can harm only people who are overly dreamy and capricious, enhancing these features. He will have a beneficial effect on the rest. The moonstone must be worn with caution, first carefully listen to your feelings and relationships with people around you. In case of any changes for the worse, it is better to refuse to wear a stone.

The moonstone will show great power in the hands of lunar people - born on Monday or full moon. He will become an assistant for them on the path to happiness. It will help to overcome obstacles and quickly achieve the goal, with the slightest doubt, you need to turn to him for help in order to choose the right direction.

An amazing magical property of the moonstone is to help in gambling and any other business where luck is required. For example, business. But at the same time, it attracts good luck in love, providing the attention of the opposite sex, although usually love and good luck do not coexist. This made the moonstone an object of desire among sharpshooters and avid gamblers. They were ready to kill for him.

Magical properties:

  1. Enhances the gift of eloquence and persuasion.
  2. Treats melancholy and depression.
  3. Keeps you from committing suicide.
  4. It generates in the soul an attraction to the great, therefore, it will lead a noble and strong person to victories.
  5. Warns of danger by discoloration.
  6. Dims if love has passed.
  7. Protects from witchcraft.
  8. Protects from quarrels. Empowers people with prudence and wisdom to help resolve disputes and disagreements peacefully.
  9. Does not allow passion to flare up in a young girl's soul, contributes to the preservation of honor.
  10. Keeps marriage from betrayal. The husband is not allowed to look at others, and the woman is kept from the encroachments of other men.
  11. Helps to see the future, enhances psychic abilities.
  12. It evokes tenderness and passion between spouses.
  13. Singles will find a mate.
  14. Amulet for travelers.
  15. Calms, relieves anger.
  16. Helps find inspiration and uncover hidden talents.

The energy of the moonstone depends on the moon. The closer to the full moon, the stronger the influence of the stone. On the new moon, it is not recommended to wear a moonstone. He has nowhere to draw energy, except from the owner, so he will drain the strength of the owner.

When choosing a talisman, it is better to choose a silver frame.

The decision to buy a charm with a moonstone is worth looking at the horoscope. The moonstone affects each zodiac sign in its own way.

  • brings peace to calves, relieves stress and nervous tension;
  • relieves of sudden mood swings;
  • softens character, relieves anxiety;
  • helps virgins to sort out feelings and improve family relationships;
  • in scorpions will reveal creative talent;
  • Aquarius will relieve stubbornness and protect from envious people;
  • with its help they will develop intuition

The moonstone does not affect the signs of a lion and a Sagittarius, therefore it will only serve as an ornament. It is better for the zodiac sign to beware of it.

Moonstone healing properties

Moonstone amulets are used as a remedy. To enhance the effect, it is better to wear the moonstone with you at all times, close to your skin. If it is not possible to wear it under clothes, then you will often need to touch and iron the surface of the mineral.

  1. May help the nervous system.
  2. Contemplation of the mineral relaxes and soothes, heals anxiety and depression.
  3. Eliminates nightmares, normalizes sleep, relieves stress.
  4. Helps with diets. Adularia improves metabolism, helps to absorb nutrients, removes toxins and excess water.
  5. The mineral normalizes the liver and pancreas.
  6. Promotes rapid recovery from inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  7. Dulls pain, therefore, in ancient times, this mineral was used during childbirth.
  8. Affects the emotional sphere, exciting, but without irritability.
  9. Helps focus attention.
  10. Eliminates salt deposits.

The main property of the adularia stone is to soothe all types of nervous disorders, regardless of the nature of their occurrence. Also moonstone is a mineral that can restore hormones. Thanks to this, it rejuvenates the body.

How to distinguish a fake

Most of the moonstones commercially available are fake. This is a low-quality pressed adularia chips or glass. At first glance, they are identical. If you use it only as an everyday decoration, then you can buy imitation. But such a stone does not have the magical properties of a natural mineral and can even harm. Esotericists claim that long-term wearing of a fake changes the biofield and aura of a person.

It is better to buy jewelry in stores that value their reputation and sell only certified products. In this case, the origin of the mineral will be indicated on the tag. If in doubt, you can ask for certification documents.

Pay attention to the price. Natural stones are expensive. If a large moonstone is offered at a price of $ 10, then most often it is a fake.

Ways to calculate a fake:

  1. Natural moonstone casts blue reflections when the stone is turned.
  2. Synthetic material has the same shimmer no matter what angle you look at it. In naturals, the intensity of the glare changes with a change in the angle of inclination.
  3. The stone does not conduct heat well, therefore, when touched, it remains cold for some time.
  4. Natural minerals are not perfect, there may be defects inside.
  5. Natural crystal in water becomes brighter. Artificial does not react to water in any way.

Buying good quality natural moonstone is a great fortune. The market is filled with synthetics or low-grade small stones of Asian origin.

Moonstone care

Moonstone is susceptible to the formation of scratches and dents, from bright sunlight, high temperatures and chemicals, it can fade and lose its shine.

Storage and use rules:

  • it must be stored separately from other jewelry in a box with soft walls or a bag;
  • avoid falls and bumps;
  • do not expose to chemical cleaning agents;
  • do not keep in the sun;
  • avoid sudden temperature changes;
  • clean with special products.

Jewelers advise against wearing moonstone jewelry all the time, so as not to expose it to aggressive environmental influences, not to create scratches on the surface of the stone. This is contrary to the opinion of the magicians. In this case, it is necessary to decide what is more important: the appearance of the stone or its magical influence. In any case, even if the moonstone is stored in a box and is waiting to be released, it is worth taking it out more often, peering into the play of light, admiring and trying on.

Mystical, unhappy, or revealing the secrets of the universe and soothing? Everyone will decide for himself what a moonstone is for him. Only there is no doubt about one thing - he is handsome and involuntarily attracts glances to himself. It is impossible to stay in the shade with such a decoration.

The fascinating world of stones has always been attractive to people. Since ancient times, each colored pebble has been attributed to individual characteristics: magical, medicinal or protective. However, people are ready to pay money for the properties of gems, without thinking that they must be selected individually. The search for an individual amulet can take a long time, because they are selected by date of birth and according to the horoscope.

Moonstone magical properties

The mineral belongs to the group of feldspars, and got its name from the wonderful mystical radiance. The internal glow, which is enhanced by additional lighting, has made it a favorite of jewelers. The rarest and most expensive stones are considered to have a bluish glow. The gem is particularly fragile, subject to temperature changes and can crack at the slightest impact.

The Moonstone, of course, has nothing to do with the Moon. But experts say that its magical properties are enhanced during the full moon. At such moments, the surface of the stone becomes cold to the touch, and it is believed that in this state it is most suitable for performing rituals. But too much accumulation of gems or figurines made of this mineral can work the other way around - not share energy, but take it away like a vampire. So during the full moon period, it is better to hide large figures or figurines.

The most famous magical property of the moonstone is its ability to develop intuition in the owner. If your intuition is silent, you can put a pebble under your tongue and mentally say a desire or a question. But on a full moon, when the magical properties of the crystal are best manifested, it is enough just to take it in the palm of your hand and think only about the problem of interest for a few minutes.

The mineral attracts love, so it is recommended to be worn by single people as a talisman. Ring or necklace with this gem will serve as a talisman for loving couples, especially for those who are facing separation. In addition to love, the magic of a pebble provides an attraction for money and prosperity. All means are good for attracting wealth. The magical properties of topaz not only attract money, but also the patronage of the powerful.

The lunar talisman is able not only to enhance good energy, but also to weaken the bad. For people with excessive pride, this talisman helps to restrain themselves in communicating with others. He makes the arrogant kinder, and the self-confident - attentive. For restless people, a gem, placed under the pillow, helps to quickly fall asleep and sleep without unpleasant dreams. Small children were tied to the cradle with talismans from, its magical and medicinal properties were known to our distant ancestors.

Moonstone labrador and its magical properties

Labradorite was found on the territory of the island of Labrador, after which it was named. The high content of volcanic magma in the rocks provided the crystals with black veins. The reserves of the mineral are limited, so it will no longer be possible to buy a trinket with such a stone. Labradorite shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, thanks to which it has long been used to decorate temples and tombs.

Even the ancient Greeks endowed labradorite with magical properties. It was believed that he is able to enhance the natural qualities of a person. He endowed good people with even greater piety, and made evil people even more aggressive. It was believed that a bad person could be killed by labradorite.

The black moonstone is so unique that not a single photo is able to convey its beauty, and its properties and significance for humans have not yet been fully studied. Some specimens have a greenish tint and are called "lynx eyes". Dark colored minerals are considered more powerful amulets than light colored ones. They serve as a barrier to negative thoughts from the outside, cleanse the wearer's aura and increase spiritual strength.

For people who have not decided on a vocation, dark minerals help to fully reveal their talent. A person who has lost faith in himself while constantly wearing an amulet able to rethink his life and develop an inner awareness of what is happening. Black (andradite or schorlomite), due to its magical and medicinal properties, was also used by ancestors to find the right solutions in life.

Moonstone: useful and medicinal properties

Official medicine does not recognize the healing properties of this mineral. But in folk healing methods, the amulet under the auspices of the Moon has been featured for many centuries. He is able to strengthen the immune system, improve the general condition: physical and mental. But it can also act purposefully, acting on individual organs.

Constant wearing of the talisman helps:

Moonstone is suitable for many women, because with its wondrous radiance and fragility reminds of female beauty... The gem helps to get rid of infertility, and during pregnancy painlessly endure the symptoms of toxicosis. He is able to improve the shine in the eyes of a lady who has lost faith in her own attractiveness. A woman literally transforms, becomes attractive in her own eyes and the eyes of others.

For men, such a talisman is no less useful. It has a beneficial effect on male sexual function, especially after 40 years, and helps to get rid of premature baldness. It has long been considered a symbol of masculine strength, the properties of which contribute to an increase in masculine yang energy.

Moonstone: who suits according to the properties and sign of the zodiac

A highly versatile mineral that suits many zodiac signs. Moonstone specifically directs its magical properties to Rakov, because it is the representatives of this zodiac sign who were born under the auspices of the Moon. It is especially recommended to be worn by people born in the period from June 22 to July 1. Too active Cancers will be able to channel their irrepressible energy into a creative channel. And for businessmen, the talisman will serve as a real money magnet.

Benevolent nature Libra most of all subject to the influence of minerals, so that a mineral talisman under the auspices of the Moon will help them to reveal their creative abilities in full force. Natures, especially sensitive to the opinions of others, are more suitable for jasper, and its —properties — will guard the peace of mind.

Lions moonstone will help you realize your ambitions and become more attentive to your family. Single virgins will be able to solve personal issues, especially at a young age. For mature Dev more suitable, the properties of which contribute to the fulfillment of desires. Healing Scorpions will especially appreciate the labradorite's help. After all, it is the dark crystals that can enhance the psychic abilities of the emotional Scorpio.

Capricorn The mascot will help you succeed in business affairs. But in love endeavors, magic ones can help. Aries and Taurus will be able to get rid of excessive amorousness, because the moonstone is able to lower not only blood pressure, but also love. And this mineral can turn the life of Pisces into a real adventure.

Gemini, Sagittarius and Aquarius the moonstone will not be able to convey power to the same extent as other signs of the zodiac. Fortunately, there are many gems with characteristics that are ideal for these signs.

Moonstone is particularly fragile and subject to temperature and weather extremes.

The second name of the stone - adularia - is not entirely correct, since adularia is colorless orthoclase, and the moonstone includes both orthoclase and albite. However, the overflow of color characteristic of a moonstone under illumination is usually called adularization.

The legend of the moonstone

One of the rarest varieties of adularia is a yellowish stone. According to legend, it is in such a mineral that a witch on her deathbed can enclose all her strength and thus deceive death. If you own a yellowish moonstone, then you should take a closer look at it on a full moon. If it contains witch power, then the stone on this night will acquire a yellowish-red or even bloody hue.

Deposits and cost of moonstone

The richest and most famous moonstone mining site is located on the Indian island of Sri Lanka. In the second half of the 20th century, several more deposits were discovered. Among them are the island of Madagascar, Virginia in the United States and Tanzania.

The moonstone is quite popular and in demand among jewelers. Prices for it can vary significantly, and the most expensive ones are those with an intense blue color, a bright inner glow and the greatest color depth. Such stones are rare and expensive. The least demand in the jewelry industry is for multicolor stones and their prices are not high. On average, the cost of small and not the best quality stones starts from $ 1 per 1 carat, larger adularia (from 3-4 carats) subject to high purity and ideal color can cost from $ 70 per carat.

Mining and production of moonstone in Sri Lanka. Photo: Gunther Deichmann

Moonstone healing properties

This mineral has the ability to "draw" negative energy from the owner and stabilize the energy field. Also, adularia can heal minor skin damage: scratches, burns, abrasions. Experts are sure that it has a beneficial effect on patients with epilepsy: it weakens and shortens the time of attacks of this disease.

There is an opinion that even a small stone can facilitate childbirth and stabilize the work of the pelvic organs, as well as save its owner from uncontrolled outbursts of aggression and fear. Moonstone cures insomnia, promotes the restoration of the digestive tract.

With constant contact, the moonstone controls the movement of fluids in the body, gets rid of stones in the organs, and with its help it is possible to cure cancer in the last stages.

Moonstone magical properties

As the name implies, the stone is directly related to the Moon. Very often you can see a dull white speck in it, the size of which depends on the phase of this patron planet. On a full moon, the stone becomes icy to the touch, and it is believed that it is in this state that it is most suitable for performing magical actions.

The moonstone is able to enhance the wearer's intuition, especially in those born during the full moon. If there is a quarrel in the family, then the stone is able to extinguish it, provided that both spouses have it.

If there are figurines made of this mineral in the house, during the waning of the Moon, they must be removed further away so as not to become a victim of the "vampirism" of the stone during this period.

Who is the moonstone suitable for?

This amazing stone is recommended to be worn by people with a strong character who tend to be able to dream and fantasize. The moonstone will bring them good luck in business and slightly soften their character. But if a suspicious and capricious person becomes its owner, then the adularia, having strengthened these character traits, will turn the owner into a parody of himself.

It was believed that adularia is able to help the owner find his soul mate and keep the mutual feeling that has arisen for life. That is why it is advisable to wear jewelry with it for unmarried girls.

As an amulet, it should be constantly worn by people of creative professions: artists, poets, musicians, etc. Since one of the many properties of this mineral is the disclosure of a person's potential, and the expansion of his consciousness.

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention which of the zodiac signs suits. Jewelry with a moonstone is truly contraindicated only for Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. Representatives of other signs can wear jewelry with a moonstone without fear of consequences.

Moonstone (adularia) is a bluish-silvery mineral, belongs to the group of feldspars. It got its name for the shining blue tints. This stone is endowed with mystical properties, has the magical power of the moon.

Moonstone meaning

It is associated with the Moon and was once the stone of the goddess Diana. In India, the moonstone is considered sacred. The most powerful time for him is the full moon. It is worn as an amulet so that it instills positive emotions in the owner, protects those who have a sensitive character. He helps loving reunite when they have a falling out. Although considered by many to be a feminine stone, it can be useful for men to open up the emotional sphere.

The moonstone embodies the positive qualities of the moon and brings happiness to everyone and everyone. Its cold and at the same time soft shine symbolizes acceptance and tenderness. These crystals have a calming and softening effect on emotions, relieve outbursts of anger, and transform rude behavior into a softer and more flexible one. Its gentle light eliminates the feeling of fear, helps to cope with stressful situations. He protects the family, revives love, favors all good endeavors. Modern astrologers believe that the moonstone helps to lose weight.

Zodiac signs

In astrology, he is associated with the Moon and the element of Water, and therefore is the stone of the zodiac signs Cancer, Pisces, Taurus. Wearing a stone sharpens the intuition of people of these signs, attracts love and success to them. Most suitable for those born on the full moon.

Moonstone magical properties

It is a very personal stone, a reflection of the person who owns it. He does not add or subtract anything, he only shows. That is why the moonstone allows you to experience what is. Great for meditation, helps you understand yourself and promotes spiritual growth. To bring it back to life, place it on the moonlight on a full moon (you can look at the dates of the full moons). It is especially good for women and teenagers.

There is a belief that if you give your loved one a moonstone on a full moon, you will always have a passion for each other. It is highly regarded for its magical properties:

Brings good luck

Helps to anticipate the future

Strengthens intuition

Promotes inspiration

Brings success in love as well as in business

Provides protection to travelers on land and at sea

Talismans and amulets

A moonstone ring is a good talisman for lovers, especially if they are far from each other. As a talisman, it suits doctors and nurses, helping them cope with their emotions, because they see human suffering every day.

Moonstone healing properties

It is used by healers to stimulate the pineal gland and balance the body's internal cycle with the rhythms of nature. It is a stone of inner growth and stamina. It is known for its medicinal properties:

It is used as an aid in the treatment of renal colic, epilepsy, depression, hormonal disorders and diseases of the endocrine system.

It has a positive effect on the activity of the stomach, as well as the spleen, pancreas and pituitary gland. Improves lymph circulation.

Set in silver, moonstone is useful for diseases of the nervous system and for insomnia. It makes dreams clear, vivid and easy to remember. Place it under your pillow for a deep, relaxing sleep. It also helps with somnambulism.

The contemplation of the moonstone cures eye diseases and calms the psyche.