DIY dragon mask: great for parties. DIY dragon mask

Your New Year's look would not be complete without a great dragon mask. Of course, it can be purchased in a store or ordered online. Excellent new year dragon mask it will also work if you do it yourself. The Land of the Soviets will give you some recommendations on how to make great New Year's masks.

The New Year's mask is a great addition to your look... Very often, themed celebrations are arranged, which necessarily require a mask. And now the New Year's dragon mask will not only complete your look, but also become an excellent occasion to show off your handmade product and show your imagination.

There are several ways to make your own Christmas masks. The easiest way is to cut it out of hard cardboard.... First you need to choose a pattern that you will use for the mask. Take a piece of cardboard and mark the dimensions of the mask on it. Also be sure to note where the eyes will be. Now you can paint on the cardboard. If you are not very good at drawing, you can print any dragon mask drawing you like. It should be glued onto cardboard. In this case, you should carefully select the size of the picture.

When the drawing on the New Year's mask is ready, it should be carefully cut and then decorated. Cut out holes for the eyes and small holes on the sides... Insert a thin rubber band into the holes on the sides so that you can wear this mask in peace. Your New Year's mask is ready.

But you don't have to stop at this version of the dragon mask. New Year's mask can be decorated... The easiest way is to cut out long enough paper stripes of different colors and glue them to the mask. Girls can be invited to decorate their dragon mask with sparkles, beads, rhinestones or multi-colored feathers.

For those who have already encountered the art of papier-mâché, you can suggest make a volume mask... Such a mask will take much more time, but it will look much more spectacular.

DIY papier-mâché Christmas dragon mask

To make such a mask, you will need:

  • 2 balloons
  • Scotch
  • newsprint
  • flour for glue
  • scissors

Papier-mâché masks are good because they turn out to be very beautiful and voluminous. But here papier-mâché technique requires a certain skill... So, let's start making the New Year's dragon mask.

Inflate two balloons: one - more, the second - less. The big ball is the head, the small one is the nose of the dragon. Tie the balls well so they don't deflate. Using tape, attach the balls to each other. Make two small cones from the newspaper. that will be the horns of the dragon. To shape the horns, you can wet the newspaper. Be careful not to tear the paper. Give the horns the desired shape. You can fix the form with glue made from flour. Dry paper horns are attached to a large balloon with tape.

To make regular flour-based glue, mix 2 cups water and 4 cups flour... This mixture is heated over a fire until bubbles begin to form. Then the glue can be removed from the heat. Stir the glue constantly to prevent the flour from boiling in lumps!

In the prepared glue, small pieces of newspaper are moistened and pasted over balls... Thus, you will give your New Year's mask a certain structure and shape. To make the New Year's mask tough enough, make 5-6 layers of newspaper. Now let the mask dry completely.

At the bottom of the mask, cut a hole for your head with scissors. To remove the balls, it is enough to pierce them with a pin and pull out their remnants. The finished mask is painted in a certain color and allowed to dry. This mask can also be decorated with cardboard cut scales.... Of course, it will take much longer, but the result will be simply excellent.

Costumed balls have become part of modern life. At least once a year, a child needs a costume of this or that character. It is not necessary to resort to standard solutions to such a question. If you want your child to stand out at a costume ball, you can build a characteristic dragon mask for him. The unusual image of an outlandish beast will surprise others and provide attention to the child himself. A dragon mask is made with your own hands from various types of materials.

A selection of master classes on the manufacture of masks will help to determine the technique of product execution and the choice of material.

Paper beast

A flat paper mask is an elementary and quick way to please your child with your craft.

In work on the product you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • paints;
  • thin elastic band;
  • scissors;
  • pieces of fabric, buttons, multi-colored threads (optional).

A template of the dragon's face you like is printed on a sheet of paper. If you have a talent for drawing, you can draw a dragon yourself.

The drawing is transferred to cardboard and then cut out. The work is painted with bright colors. You need to let it dry a little.

An elastic band is fixed on the sides of the mask. Slits for the eyes are made. If the mask seems a little boring, you can add decorative elements to it in the form of rhinestones, buttons or multi-colored circles cut out of fabric.

Since a paper mask is a rather fragile invention, you can make it using colored felt. The rich colors of felt look attractive. And it will take no more time to make such a mask than to make its paper counterpart.

Paper can be used in many different ways. The creation of a voluminous mask will attract attention with its uniqueness. It is done in paper form, but the principle of operation is completely different.

Head in volume

This dragon mask is worn on the head. At the same time, the child's face is visible through the toothy jaw of the made animal.

To implement the plan you need:

  • cardboard or thick paper;
  • black marker;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • stapler with large staples.

The mask includes two parts: the dragon's face and its lower jaw.

Note! It is advisable to make all the details from cardboard. This will keep them in shape better.

An oval is outlined on the cardboard, imitating the face of a dragon with its ears. The workpiece is cut out. The expressive eyes of the dragon are drawn on the details with a marker.

Symmetrical darts are made in the center of the lower part of the part, which are inserted onto the inner side of the product and fixed with glue. The lower jaw of the dragon is cut out separately. It is a triangular shape with a concave base and a widened apex of the opposite corner.

From the concave side of the jaw, in the center, jaws are made in the form of a triangle. The upper part of the part is supplied with central darts, which are folded inward and glued together.

Thus, both blanks have acquired the required volume. The upper and lower jaw arches of the dragon are formed by rows of sharp "teeth".

The lower part of the mask is inserted into the upper one and is connected to the sides with a stapler with large staples.

When the dragon mask is ready, you can decorate it in all known ways. The most difficult and time-consuming way to make a mask is to form it using the papier-mâché technique.

This method can be puzzling if there are a couple of days and a lot of free time before the carnival.

In its own image and likeness

This type of mask is more suitable for an adult for a costume party.

What you need to work:

  • oily face cream;
  • flour;
  • newspaper, white napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints.

At the first stage, the paste is made.

For this, the water is brought to a boil. In separately taken cold water, flour is diluted and all this is poured into boiling water. Add 10% glue to the cooled mixture.

A layer of oily cream is applied to your own face. The newspaper, torn into small pieces, is dipped in water and glued to the face, as shown in the photo.

The second layer of work is carried out with a newspaper, pre-treated with paste. Layers of napkins and newspapers alternate with each other. This method makes 5-7 paper layers.

The last layer should be napkins.

The workpiece is dried with a hair dryer. The mask should be removed from the face and allowed to dry completely.

Further work completely depends on the imagination of the craftswoman. The conceived shape of the mask is cut out and is subject to painting and decoration with the help of small decorative elements.

If the mask is for a girl, the decoration can be done with gold paint and sparkles.

Or supplement the half mask with the figure of a fiery dragon.

The image of an elegant dragon is ready.

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Is coming mom's or grandmother's birthday(although it is not March 8, but a gift is still needed).

What a child can give to grandmotheror for mom's birthday (oron March 8) - This question is always relevant.

The topic of today's post is a simple answer to this question.

To kid it is proposed to make an application - dragon.

To kid younger ( from 2 to 4 years old) can be printed on a white sheet below in black and white sampledragon and use it like coloring.

To kid older ( from 4 to 8 years old)as a gift for mom or grandmother you can print a black and white template on colored paper and make an applique according to the given color sample dragon.

To kid aged ( from 8 to 13 years old)as a gift for mom or grandmother the printed black and white template must be transferred through tracing paper onto fabric (for example, fleece) and, together with someone from the adults, using a sewing machine, make appliquedragon shown in the figure.

The resulting masterpiece can be immortalized in the form masksdragon.

Adults are better off turning dragon mask making v developing game... This will help you: a printer, possibly acrylic pearlescent paints with glitter effects, a laminator (if you have one, if you don't have one, you can attach the product to thick cardboard) and an elastic band or a piece of rope.

So, together with the children with their own hands let's do dragon mask.

2. Paste the saved mask template into a text editor (for example, Word) and stretch it onto an A4 sheet.

3. Print the template on the printer masks dragon.

4. Allow the child to color creatively dragon mask(it is better to use professional acrylic pearlescent paints with glitter effects, silver or gold effects (they can be found in an art salon), as well as special gels with glitter elements (sold in stationery stores)).

In the case of colored paper applique, let your child do everything himself!

5. After mask dragon it will dry better to laminate and cut along the contour.

If your dragon mask fleece, it's even better - just attach a rope to it to fit the child's head.

Below are the mask templates dragon and samples of applique design from colored paper and fleece.

We make an application - a mask with our own hands together with the children. Application - dragon mask. Gift for grandmother, gift for mom

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The new year has come - the year dragon... In kindergartens, regular children's matinees are being prepared with fancy dress.

Parents need to prepare an original mask to the matinee. The process is creative and better done. with kids.

The topic of today's post is a master class that answers the question of how to solve the problem of manufacturing masks together with children and.

Manufacturing masks best turned into developing and interesting the game.

If mask manufacture together with baby, then she will undoubtedly turn out to be the most beautiful and classy in the group. To do this, parents need to be smart and resourceful.

Today, together with the children, we will make dragon and dinosaur masks with our own hands.

Below are the pictures that you need to print, laminate, cut along the contour and thread a string or elastic band to fit the head baby.

To mask it turned out to be original, you need to print the black and white templates given here masks, color them together with children gouache or watercolors and, also, laminate, after which you need to thread a string or elastic to fit the head baby.

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We make with our own hands, together with the children, a children's carnival mask of a dragon - a girl. Mask cute dragon (girl)

You are preparing for a theme party and want to surprise everyone with the image of a dragon, but for this you need to make a costume. At first glance, it seems that the simplest option would be an ordinary dragon mask, made with a description with your own hands. But it is not so easy to make a mask of a hero out of paper so that he is recognizable. We will try to do this together in this article.

The dragon image has no specific gender. A boy in the form of a dragon can be strong, angry, even fire-breathing. For fire, you can use ribbons, it is worth making both large eyebrows and sharp scales. The girl should be graceful and beautiful. For this, various ribbons, bows can also be suitable, and instead of harsh eyebrows, long eyelashes. Or you can make a general funny and cute image. Minimized and bright masks are suitable for children's costumes; for older ones, full detail is needed. Also, the image of a dragon from a famous work will be very original.

Trying to make a dragon mask with our own hands in a master class

So, what exactly do you need to collect for a high-quality and memorable look? In our master class, we are going to make a completely budget paper mask.

Materials for creation:
  • a set of colored paper,
  • thick cardboard
  • scissors
  • glue,
  • elastic band or ribbons of the required length,
  • pencils or markers.

A good and dense base should be made of cardboard, because it is quite strong, not bulky and lightweight. When you have collected everything suitable for creation, you can proceed.

Manufacturing process:
  1. If you are not very good at crafts, you can print out the base of the dragon and then cut it out. But, if you have good artistic ability, try to draw it. Try it on plain paper first. When you start to like your layout, transfer it to heavy cardboard and cut it out. You need to cut it very carefully and carefully. To simplify the task in the future, it is worth measuring the diameter of the face from the very beginning and making a mask based on these measurements.
  1. Now you need to try on this foundation. If everything suits you, you can cut holes for the elastic. If not, tweak and trim.

The elastic can be exchanged for a beautiful ribbon, which will be more suitable for the image and color scheme. To make this a brighter mask, thread several ribbons of different colors. This will generate a lot of interest in your costume.

  1. Once the ribbons are secured, you can start painting. To make the dragon mask rather beautiful and eye-catching, you need to use the brightest colors: red, green, yellow, orange or blue. This coloring can also be used when you want to show the peculiarity and originality of your dragon-hero, because he must be bright and outstanding. When choosing the color of the mask, it is worth checking whether it fits the rest of the costume. You can trace around the edges of the dragon's head and around the eyes with felt-tip pens for greater clarity. Felt pens and markers can also be used to draw scales or other patterns.
  1. And here is advice to those who would like to decorate their image with tongues of flame. One has only to cut bright red and red stripes of different lengths from colored paper. The mane, ears and other volumetric elements are also made separately from paper.
  1. Decorations can be made from other materials and textures as well. Iridescent scales made of sequins, beads or beads are probably suitable for girls. The overflow of the male mask should be done with the help of sequins, because they look more like real reptile scales. All of these materials are easy to find in ordinary dry goods or handicraft stores. All these elements can be either glued or sewn onto the mask itself. In addition, you can buy more ribbons or braids to stick it on the mane or just decorate the base of the mask. Turn on your full imagination, try to use whatever you find at home. Even buttons, foil, scraps of paper, appropriately selected for decoration, will be an excellent decoration.
Helpful hints.

Of course, you don't have to spend so much effort, you can just print a picture from the Internet and stick it on cardboard. But if you're really short on time and money for a mask, just print a real photo of the dragon-like creature. It will be a very funny and original joke that everyone will support.

If you have a lot of money, try making a papier-mâché mask, or a large and voluminous cardboard mask. Of course, she is quite impractical, but she looks very catchy and effective.

All the recommendations given in this article will help you create an amazing, striking, bright and unusual funny and cute image of a dragon based on your means. Your masks should have a piece of your passion, a spark of your imagination and a lot, a lot of love for what you have done!

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