Masks for problem skin at home. Homemade recipes for the best effective masks for oily and problem skin

Problematic skin causes a lot of inconvenience to its owner. Oily sheen an hour after washing and the regular appearance of acne and comedones spoil the appearance of a woman. With improper care, all these symptoms are accompanied by peeling, which is completely baffling. And how do you figure out what to use?

If the problems on the face are not very advanced, you can choose natural products for treatment, from which you can make face masks at home. They are prepared quickly, have a minimum of contraindications, and the result can sometimes give odds to purchased cosmetics.

Why you should try:

  1. Cheap.
  2. Quickly.
  3. Naturally.
  4. Effective.

For many girls, these arguments become enough to make a choice in favor of homemade cosmetics.

Indications and contraindications

Before carrying out cosmetic procedures at home, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the contraindications to them. Sometimes, with improper use of funds, the skin begins to become even more covered with acne, and the woman abandons care, believing that all homemade masks work this way. But this is the wrong approach.

Indications for the use of home masks

A dermatologist can most correctly assess the condition of the skin, as he is a specialist in his field.

If visiting a cosmetologist for some reason is impossible, you should try to do it yourself.

Masks will benefit if:

  • oily sheen appears on the epidermis an hour after washing;
  • black dots, inflamed comedones, acne are observed on the face;
  • the skin is oily, but peeling began to appear due to aggressive overdrying;
  • there is an allergy during the use of purchased cosmetics;
  • use them for prevention, without waiting for the appearance of problems.

It must be remembered that the sooner the epidermis begins to receive proper nutrition, the less likely it is that alarm signals in the form of acne will begin to appear. Therefore, prevention is the best way to deal with it.


The use of masks in the presence of contraindications is fraught with the fact that the effect will not occur at best, and time will be wasted. At worst, more acne, dry skin, or allergic reactions may occur.

No masks should be used if:

  • on the face there are open wounds after squeezing out acne, abrasions;
  • the skin is more than 30% covered with purulent rashes;
  • the patient has skin cancer, eczema and other serious diseases;
  • there is a tendency to allergic reactions (in this case, it is worth initially passing an allergy test);
  • after 2 weeks of use, there is no improvement or the number of acne has increased.

If there are any contraindications, the effectiveness of home masks should be consulted with a doctor. Sometimes the rashes are bacteriological in nature and you can’t do without special creams with an antibiotic.

General cooking rules

In order for the mask for problem skin to not only lie on its surface, but also work, you should follow the rules for preparing and storing such products. This will help not to waste time and see the result after a couple of weeks.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing. The same should be done with those products that will go into the composition (of course, if it is not honey or powder form).
  2. Special dishes should be allocated for the preparation of the mask, in which food products will not be stored.
  3. All ingredients should be fresh, with good expiration dates, natural and, if possible, homemade.
  4. The mask should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than two days. Since the procedure should be carried out twice a week, it is better to prepare a new portion of the product each time, designed for one application.
  5. You should adhere to the indicated amount of all ingredients, try not to cook by eye.

The effect on the skin depends on how the mask is prepared. Violation of the rules can lead to the spread of infection throughout the face with the appearance of new acne, or lack of action in principle.

Recipes for popular masks for problem skin

There are many mask recipes that promise miraculous results after the first use. You shouldn't believe this.

Natural ingredients act gently and gently, so it is impossible to achieve smooth skin in one day. Only with regular use will the result be noticeable.

At the first signs of improvement, do not stop home procedures, it is enough to halve their number and carry out once a week.


This mask is used to normalize lipid metabolism, good functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevent the first signs of aging.

The fungi found in yeast are composed of many:

  1. vitamins,
  2. antioxidants,
  3. phospholipids, which favorably affect the condition of cells.

Yeast is added to many store-bought creams for its beneficial effects. An inexpensive component allows you to reduce the cost of the product, and also finds successful use in the preparation of home care products.

Suitable for:

  • oily and problematic skin prone to rashes;
  • dry, with the first signs of wrinkles.

The yeast mask mattifies the epidermis without overdrying. Such a component is most effective if you combine external agents with the use of yeast inside in tablet form.


In order to prepare a yeast mask, you should take:

  • 3 tablets of pressed yeast or 15-20 gr. finished powder;
  • a tablespoon of white clay;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice (if there is an allergy, this component should be removed).

Mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. More water can be added if needed. Apply to face for 15 minutes, then rinse. Use twice a week. The course is 2-3 months.

From gelatin

Gelatin masks are excellent substitutes for collagen products. They help to get rid of imperfections on the skin, slightly matting it. A nice bonus is a slight lifting effect.

With gelatin, you can:

  • smooth out the epidermis
  • even out complexion
  • rid the skin of dead skin particles.

The result is noticeable after the first procedure, but for the full effect it is necessary to take a course.


To make a gelatin mask, you will need to prepare:

  • a tablespoon of gelatin;
  • 5 tablespoons of milk or water.

Pour the liquid over the gelatin and leave to swell slightly. After that, it is necessary to heat the composition in a water bath to room temperature and apply immediately.

With regular use, the skin becomes clearer, acne disappears, the first wrinkles are smoothed out.


An oatmeal face mask for problem skin is just right. The cost of this tool is three kopecks, and the result exceeds all expectations. This happens due to the viscosity of the slurry, which dries on the face, slightly tightening the skin.

After consumption:

  1. pores are noticeably narrowed,
  2. complexion is healthy and even,
  3. shine does not bother for a long time.

If no beauty product helps, you should definitely try the oatmeal mask.


For cooking you will need:

  • a tablespoon of oatmeal;
  • three tablespoons of water or milk;
  • 4-5 crushed aspirin tablets (if inflammation is present).

Rinse the cereal thoroughly before cooking. Then pour it with warm milk or water. Add aspirin. Apply the resulting slurry in a thick layer on the face. Keep until completely dry, then rinse.


Kefir does an excellent job of cleansing the skin, reduces the pigmentation of freckles and post-acne, whitening them. Fights acne, significantly reducing their number.

Vitamin pyridoxine, which is part of the dairy product, is used in many products that care for problem skin.

If there is no time for home procedures, you can regularly wipe your face with kefir, and the result will also not be long in coming.


For the mask you should prepare:

  • 50-100 gr. kefir;
  • 1 tablespoon of white clay.

Mix the ingredients until smooth, then immediately apply to the face. You should use it regularly, otherwise the result will not be noticeable.

In any face masks, if there are black dots, it is better to add white clay. Black can clog pores even more, although it also successfully fights inflammation and oily sheen.

Alginate mask

Such a product is obtained from alginic acid, which is found in brown algae. The mask can be bought at a pharmacy in the form of a ready-made powder, which you just need to dilute with water and apply on your face.

Sometimes blue clay is added to the composition, which helps to enhance the effect of smoothed skin, fights rashes and other imperfections of the problematic epidermis.

It is better to use an alginate mask in the salon due to some complexity of its preparation. But you can learn this skill at home.

It is necessary to carefully study the instructions on the package, use the components in exact proportions. The result from the application is observed no worse than the salon.

How to apply and rinse

50% of the success of the entire procedure depends on how the product is applied to the skin. The components simply will not work if the epidermis is not prepared for application of the product.

What should be done before the moisturizing procedure?

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the face, use a scrub. This procedure will help remove excess fat and dead cells that prevent the penetration of active substances into the deeper layers of the epidermis.
  2. It is advisable to steam the face. This step will open the pores and help the mask to penetrate deep into the skin.
  3. Apply the mask with clean hands or with a brush, not very thick, unless a specific recipe requires it.
  4. Wash off the care product under running water, without the use of soap. If one of the components of the mask is oil, you can use a special washing gel that will help wash off the greasy film.
  5. After all procedures, the skin should be moisturized with a cream or serum.

If you ignore all the preparatory steps, applying a caring mask simply does not make sense. It will not be able to penetrate inside, it will settle on the surface and will not have any positive result.

Cosmetologists around the world are trying to convey to girls a number of unspoken rules that will help owners of problem skin look attractive.

There is nothing complicated in them, and, if desired, every female representative will be able to remember them.

  • You can not touch your face with dirty hands, outerwear, go to bed on stale pillowcases.
  • Do not overdry problematic skin with aggressive acne treatments. If there are any, it is better to apply the alcohol composition pointwise to the problem area.
  • Even oily skin needs to be thoroughly moisturized. This will help to avoid the release of excess fat by the epidermis for its protection.
  • Avoid direct sunlight on the face, protect it from cold wind, rain, snow.
  • It is worth regularly using masks, scrubs, doing exfoliating peels with acids. After these procedures, the epidermis also needs to be thoroughly moisturized.
  • Do not use expired decorative cosmetics, avoid daily use of foundation.

If you do not provoke problematic skin to secrete excess fat, moisturizing and nourishing it, then, perhaps, it will no longer be problematic. Regular care will eliminate imperfections, help the owner gain self-confidence. At worst, there are always cosmetologists who in our time are able to solve any problems with the epidermis.

An even complexion and velvety skin are the best decoration. To achieve the effect of "natural" beauty, makeup artists spend more time than creating the most fashionable fantasy makeup. Unfortunately, a lot of internal and external problems affect the condition of the skin, and most women have to hide their shortcomings with tonal creams, powder and blush. It must be understood that masking the problem is not its solution, and at the first signs of the appearance of skin defects, it is necessary to start taking action. Self-prepared remedies can also help eradicate the problem. Making an effective and at the same time inexpensive mask for problem skin at home does not take much time and effort, and a visually noticeable result can be assessed in a few weeks.

What is problem skin

On the packaging of factory-made facials, you can often see the label "for problem skin." Cosmetologists only sigh sadly, realizing the unreasonableness of such an average approach. Any skin that has problems can be called problematic, and the defects themselves can be very diverse and directly opposite both in terms of causes and methods of elimination.

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The skin can be classified as problematic if it is characterized by at least one group of signs of pathologies. The easiest way to highlight excessively dry and excessively oily skin. Owners of the first are constantly faced with peeling and a feeling of tightness, the second with a feeling of greasiness and rapid pollution. Dry skin does not survive the period of low temperatures, for protection from which it lacks greasiness, and for oily skin, summer is problematic. In the hot season, this type of skin is constantly slightly moistened, so it simply attracts dust and exhaust from megacities, which results in acne, inflammation and black spots.

Excessively sensitive skin, which can also be classified as problematic, gives its owners a lot of anxiety. It reacts to changes in the composition of water, when using decorative cosmetics or a face mask for problem skin, it can begin to peel or tighten, become blotchy and itchy. Allergic reactions for such skin are common.

Pathological dryness develops into premature aging. Flabbiness, lack of tone and the early appearance of wrinkles, for example, in the area around the eyes, are also signs of a problem.

Most often, problematic skin is called acne, blackheads and red spots. Such signs, traditionally characteristic of adolescents, may not go away with the stabilization of the hormonal background, but pursue them all their lives. The appearance of such troubles can be both periodic and almost constant. In the second case, when the chance is already unlikely that the problem will go away by itself, masks for problematic facial skin should receive a permanent residence permit on the dressing table.

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The causes of problematic skin can be called a lot of external and internal factors. It is not worth blaming heredity for everything, despite the fact that skin type is often transmitted from parents, living conditions, environmental conditions and habits have a huge impact.

Dry skin can repeat the type of mother's skin, but living in an ecologically unfavorable area, earlier starting to use low-quality decorative cosmetics, and not being in the habit of protecting the skin will exacerbate the problem many times over.
The hereditary tendency to oily skin is fixed and intensified by the abuse of fatty and spicy foods, the wrong selection of hygiene products.

Poor hygiene and delayed treatment will make it difficult to get rid of teenage acne and blackheads. Of the internal causes of skin problems, two main ones can be noted: hormonal changes and eating habits.

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Problem skin care

Problematic skin requires special attention. This is not only about a periodic visit to a beautician for cleaning or a weekly use of a mask for problem skin, but also about everyday care.

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Cleansing is an essential step in the daily care of problem skin. Depending on the specific type of problem, milk or foam for washing are different. Moisturizing - for dry, matting - for oily, but they are always necessary. Washing is best done with water at room temperature or even cooler, as steaming and opening the pores will only exacerbate the problem.

For dry skin, a day cream is needed, for oily skin, a tonic is important. Their use before makeup will not only protect the skin from dyes, but also compensate for the effects of temperature changes.

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Therapeutic and preventive procedures

The cosmetologist will tell you in detail about skin problems and the causes of specific deviations, he can also choose a treatment program. True, this applies only to certified services in a legal institution that has a license to provide such services. It is not worth listening to the recommendations of the so-called consultants of cosmetic companies, who boldly declare that their face mask for problem skin is the most effective, is not worth it, since their attention is based on a banal desire to sell their products.

Effective face masks for problem skin can be prepared independently. Such a procedure can be both independent and in addition to salon cleaning, but in this case, the composition and ingredients should be consulted with the cosmetologist conducting the procedure.

A mask for problem skin at home is prepared from the simplest ingredients available at the grocery store or the nearest pharmacy.

The most popular mask ingredients for problematic dry skin:

  • oils;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • vegetable juices;
  • non-acidic berry and fruit purees;
  • egg yolk.

Drying ingredients are often included in masks for oily skin:

  • dairy products;
  • berries and fruits;
  • yeast;
  • cereals;
  • powder clay.

A prerequisite: to purchase the components of a clay mask for problem skin, you should contact a pharmacy, and not a hobby store, since all the ingredients of the composition must be specially purified.

An individually suitable recipe can be selected by observing the skin reaction to each procedure and adjusting the composition, however, regular change of composition is a prerequisite for use. The procedure is carried out no more than once a week.

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Recipes for effective home masks

  • Clay mask for problematic oily skin

A couple of spoons of powdered clay is thoroughly mixed with water until the consistency of sour cream. Hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of tea tree essential oil are added as active ingredients. The composition is applied to the skin in a thick layer and washed off after 30 minutes.

  • Protein pore thinner

The basis of the mask is egg white, which is thoroughly beaten until foam appears. Ten drops of pharmacy camphor alcohol are added to the protein. The composition is washed off with water at room temperature after 20 minutes.

  • A purifying & soothing sheet mask

A small piece of clean gauze is wetted in calendula tincture. The face is covered with this compress for 15 minutes, then the skin is rinsed with cool water. By the same principle, procedures can be carried out with a decoction of chamomile, celandine or cucumber juice. From inflamed spots, a mixture of cabbage juice and aloe is effective.

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Milk mask video recipe

A huge number of recipes for masks for problem skin can be found on the Internet. When experimenting, it is important to remember about safety. Having created a cosmetic masterpiece, it is better to carry out the first test not on the skin of the face, but on the bend of the elbow, this test will save you from possible allergic reactions.

We welcome you, readers, guests of our site. If you have come to our page, then you know firsthand what unhealthy skin is, and you want to know how a face mask is made for problem skin.

If you do not take care of the skin, then in the near future, it will add a couple of years to your appearance. Do you like to look younger? Then stay with us and learn the secrets of beauty.

It would be nice to understand first what are skin problems? The skin that has at least some kind of rash is already recognized as problematic.

Oily sheen is also considered a problem. The causes of the disease are completely different. The first one is transitional age.

According to dermatologists, this period in life can last up to 25 years. Then why do we often observe various imperfections on the face at the age of 30? We will look further.

Causes of facial problems

Most often - violations of the sebaceous glands, the nervous state of a person. In such cases, all the accumulated fat, dead cells, bacteria clog the pores. In the risk zone is the face, chest, back.

There are more follicles here than anywhere else. There are also cases when diseases of the digestive system or hormonal failure can be blamed for the appearance of acne. What is your reason?

Treatment at home

You need to remove not acne, but their cause. While you are healing from the inside, you can make masks to make it easier for your skin to breathe. And you don't need to spend a lot of money on it.

Everything can be done at home. And we will show you recipes for masks that are easy to prepare.

Kefir-curd mask

Want to give your face clear skin? Make a kefir-curd mass, which will include 3 tablespoons of kefir and a spoonful of cottage cheese.

Rub the cottage cheese, add kefir, put the finished mixture on your face. Wash off with lukewarm water after 15 minutes. After cottage cheese and kefir, you will feel fresh.

Clay is beauty's best friend

This is a panacea for many ailments: acne, fatty areas on the face as well. To make a clay-based mask for problem skin, mix a couple of large spoons of black clay and water.

Bring the mixture to a homogeneous slurry and spread evenly over the face. After 20 minutes have passed, wash with warm water.

Do you have an oily sheen? And here clay is your assistant. Release gases from the mineral water and slowly pour it into two tablespoons of white or black clay.

The mixture should look like porridge. Add a small spoonful of fresh lemon juice and one drop of tea oil.

Leave the resulting mask on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. If desired, replace the water with herbal decoctions of yarrow, sage, St. John's wort. Clay refreshes, removes shine, tones.

Oatmeal mask

Did you know that oatmeal is good for more than just digestive health? They are also good for the skin.

Crush the cereal into flour, add a spoonful of baking soda. Dilute the prepared mixture with cold water until porridge is obtained.

Massaging, distribute it over the face and rest for 10 minutes. The mask is washed off with a cotton swab moistened with water. For results, do this procedure 2 times a week. It cleans accumulated dirt from open pores and narrows them.

Universal mask

Acne and oily skin are a double problem, but you shouldn't apply two masks at once. It is enough to write down the recipe for a universal lining.

For its manufacture, pre-shredded, cilantro and mint are needed. Grass, each one large spoon, mix, to a thick consistency, with cold water.

Add zinc powder. Leave the mass on the face for about 15 minutes, and rinse only with warm water.

Gelatin mask

Did you find old sour milk or old kefir in the refrigerator? Do not rush to pour it out, but hurry up to make a gelatin face mask. First, make the base.

To do this, dissolve gelatin in warm water, in a ratio of 1/8. When the gelatin swells, which will be about half an hour later, put it on a slow fire so that it melts.

This will be the basis for all gelatin masks. Then, add one tablespoon of crushed oatmeal and a glass of sour milk.

Subject to all proportions, a mass will be obtained in the form of liquid sour cream. Apply it and leave for 15 minutes.

Rinse off the mask with a swab that can be soaked in kefir. After, apply your day cream. This simple recipe is effective for mature oily skin.

For younger and oily skin, with wide open pores, a gelatin mask with an egg is suitable. Take an egg and separate the white and yolk. The protein must be whipped, and then added to the gelatin base.

Mixture, place on face and leave for 20 minutes. After, remove the remnants of the mask with a warm damp cloth.

Silver water mask

Do you love silver jewelry? As it turned out, the skin loves various masks based on silver water. Today, getting it is not a problem.

You can do it yourself if you have an ionizing device, or you can buy it at a pharmacy. You can also buy another component of the mask there - badyagu in powder.

To remove oily sheen, dilute the powder with silver water until a slurry forms. Apply the mixture on your face and rinse with water after 10 minutes.

Finished products

To make our lives easier with you, Russian cosmetics manufacturers Planet spa altai produces ready-made masks for problem skin.

They are made on the basis of colloidal silver, decoction of herbs. All you have to do is apply and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then wash off with cool water.

This composition of the mixture will eliminate inflammation, pollution. Its versatility in use allows you to treat problem areas and leave the mask on all night.

You need to do it no more than 1 time per week. In daily use, apply mask every 2 days.

Like ready-made masks? Then, we present you the mask of the company DNC , the composition includes clay, seaweed extract and orange peel, tea and grape oils.

It is applied once a week, for only 10 minutes, and washed off with slightly warm water. After three weeks, take a break for a week, and if necessary, start treatment again.

Masks can be both creamy and fabric. Mask for problem skin Korean company Cettua is a tissue base with tea tree oil, rice grain extract and mango seeds.

Just spread it on a clean, dry face. After 30 minutes, remove it and massage your face with light point movements.

What recipe will you choose? As soon as you are convinced of its result, tell about it, and about us to your family and friends. See you soon!

“I have problematic skin on my face. How to deal with it? Which face mask to choose? - perhaps, many people asked this question. After all, flawless, well-groomed skin on the face has always been an indicator of the well-being and success of a person.

Masks will help problematic facial skin keep it in shape, because the first impression is one of the strongest, and an untidy looking face will not cause positive emotions. Yes, and looking at yourself in the mirror is much more pleasant when you see a neat and well-groomed face in the reflection, isn't it?
But, unfortunately, often we see in the mirror not what we would like. Acne, enlarged pores, boils. And there is? It means that you have greasy skin on your face and without a mask - you can’t do without the control of caring for oily skin. Because an aesthetically ugly looking face not only suppresses mood, but even causes depression in some. Do not rush to get upset, the correct selection of masks caring for a problematic appearance will help to minimize all problems. The main thing is not to give up and not give up. It is necessary to deal with problem areas of oily skin of the face.
Do not postpone the start of treatment until later - until the situation worsens, treatment with masks that control problem areas of the face should be started as early as possible. Get ready for the fact that you will have to make a lot of effort - the struggle will be fierce. And such products as masks for problem areas of the skin of the face of homemade recipes will help you in this fight.
Dermatologists believe that problem skin becomes due to the hormone testosterone, which is present in the body in excess, stimulating the work of the sebaceous glands, masks that control the work of the sebaceous glands on problem skin will help remove oily sheen. But this is not the only problem that causes skin problems. This is influenced by many factors: malnutrition; negative environmental situation; bad habits; lack of various vitamins and microelements containing vitamin A, which is responsible for skin nutrition.
The problem of the skin on the face is sometimes wide pores, they become inflamed and clogged. More often inflamed areas on problem skin such as the forehead, cheeks and nose, remove dirt and secretions with special facial care products, such as masks for problem areas of the face.

Fighting sebaceous secretions on the face with just washing is not enough, even with hot water, which leads to the opposite effect - expansion of pores and the appearance of a greasy sheen. Various masks will help to control oiliness for problem areas of the skin of the face. Tip: after washing, do not rub your face with a towel, it would be much more correct to just blot your face. People with this type of face are not advised to squeeze pimples on their faces, it is better to entrust this procedure to professional cosmetologists. And for the face, one of the homemade mask recipes for problem areas of the skin of the face is useful.

Oily skin on the face

A face with oily skin - wide pores, blackheads, an unpleasant shine - these problems can be solved by using masks that care for oily skin on the face. These masks effectively and quickly narrow pores, dry out oily skin, rejuvenate aging skin, cleansing masks will get rid of excess greasiness, and restore health to the face. In addition, properly selected masks will relieve rashes and acne.
If you have oily skin on your face, you should not eat a large amount of fried, spicy, fatty foods, as the additional work of the sebaceous glands will aggravate the situation. It is better to lean on fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products. In addition, from these natural ingredients, which you can easily find in your refrigerator, you can prepare simple homemade recipes for face masks that care for oily skin. They perfectly dry oily problematic skin of the face, as well as whiten and remove excess fat on it, narrow pores, get rid of acne, in general, improve the condition of the face.

Homemade masks for problem skin areas

Mask for problematic skin area prone to redness
Grind a medium apple on a fine grater and add one tablespoon of warm milk and one yolk to the gruel. Put the resulting mass on the face and rinse with warm water after fifteen minutes. To thicken the mixture, you can add a little wheat flour to it.

Homemade face mask for puffiness

Soften two tablespoons of cut pumpkin in a frying pan, over low heat, with a small amount of liquid (put one dessert spoon of honey into the water). Once the pumpkin has softened, mash it to a puree. Apply the resulting solution to the face, covering the top with gauze. After 20 minutes, wipe your face with a damp cloth. It is recommended that after the mask, apply your nourishing cream to your face with a fat layer, and after 25 minutes, wash off the remaining cream and wipe your face with a cleansing tonic.

Mask for dry problem skin

You will need 6 - 8 dandelion leaves, grind and grind them so that they give juice. In the resulting composition, put three teaspoons of cottage cheese, apply the resulting solution on the face, stand for twenty minutes - rinse.
Gentle mask for problem skin areas with wide capillaries
Beat the yolk with a dessert spoon of olive oil. Then, in a thin stream, pour one tablespoon of chamomile tincture into the resulting mixture. Spread this mixture on the skin of the face, hold the mask for ten minutes, wipe the face with tea, and then apply the cream.

Facial mask for sensitive and irritated skin

Grind the persimmon into puree. Take one spoonful of this gruel and add one spoonful of butter, one yolk and half a spoonful of honey. Carefully grind this mixture and gently spread it on your face for a quarter of an hour and rinse your face.
Homemade tonic mask for problem skin with tonic, refreshing and mattifying effect
Take five teaspoons of chopped fresh sprigs of mint or three teaspoons of dry mint. A glass is poured halfway with boiling water and infused for half an hour. Then wheat (oat) flour or starch is added and stirred. The resulting gruel is applied to the skin and after twenty minutes it is rinsed with warm water.
Effective masks for acne and pimples on the face
- Tea tree oil will help get rid of acne. Squeeze a small amount of your face cream into the palm of your hand and stir in 2 drops of the beneficial tea tree oil. This mass is applied to the skin of the face until completely absorbed.
- a mask for problem areas of the facial skin, made from calendula infusion, with the addition of one tablespoon of baby powder, will help clear acne. We impose on the skin of the face and, after standing for 10 minutes, rinse the face.
- anti-inflammatory mask for problem areas of the skin on the face. Mix chopped dandelion sprigs with one protein. We put the resulting composition on the face and leave to dry for 20 minutes. Next, wipe the face with kefir or sour milk. Then wash off your face with a wet towel.
- egg-hercules mask effectively replaces the scrub. Stir half a spoonful of honey, two tablespoons of crushed oatmeal flakes and half a spoonful of lemon juice with one protein. Rub the mask for problem areas of the skin on the face with gentle massage movements, then leave for 15 minutes. Wipe off the mask with a wet towel.
- with the problem of acne formation, sage or chamomile does an excellent job. Pour two tsp with one glass of boiling water. sage flowers (or chamomile) and boil for 5 minutes. Next, cool the solution and dissolve half a spoon of honey in it. Lubricate the skin on the face with the resulting mixture three times a day.
- a homemade mask for problem areas of the skin, which helps prevent the appearance of acne on oily skin. Grind one tbsp. l. cilantro and one tbsp. l. mint, mix, dilute with water to a thick consistency, then add one tsp. zinc powder and stir. Spread the mixture on pronounced problematic facial areas, rinse your face with water after fifteen minutes.

Effective face masks for extremely oily skin

Masks for oily, greasy and problematic facial skin should be best clay and mud from dark clay and mud, as well as various masks - films that, when solidified on the face, are removed along with dust, dirt and excess sebum. Usually, the mask-films contain essences of medicinal herbs and astringents, but you should not go beyond the limits - applying twice a week is enough. Masks for oily problem skin with the effect of narrowing pores, soothing and moisturizing, are also perfect.

Homemade mask recipes for very oily skin

Gentle cleansing mask. Mix one spoonful of honey and half a spoonful of lemon juice, and put one spoonful of light yogurt in the same place. Apply the solution on the face, dry the mask for fifteen minutes and then wipe it off with a damp cloth.
- a protein mask that removes greasy shine from the face. One protein is whipped with the addition of lemon juice until foam is formed. Lubricate the face and part of the neck with the resulting protein. On the skin, the protein is converted into a film. After ten minutes, wash off the film with water.
- a powerful mask for very oily skin that narrows the pores. Mix one glass of crushed oatmeal and two tablespoons of soda - the resulting solution is enough for several uses. Two tablespoons of the solution are taken, diluted with cold water and distributed over the face with massage movements for a minute, especially stopping at places with enlarged pores. Leave the mask on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse with a damp towel.
- mask for extremely oily skin with tightening effect. One whipped yolk and two tablespoons of dry wine are mixed. The resulting mask is distributed over the face and left to dry for a period of 10 minutes, then washed off with water.
- mask for aging oily skin, with the effect of cleansing and drying. 1 protein is whipped, half a spoonful of honey is added to it, then the mixture is brought to a paste with wheat or potato flour. The mask is kept on the face for up to fifteen minutes and rinsed with water.
- whitening and drying mask for very oily problem skin. In equal quantities, take kefir and parsley, add freshly squeezed cucumber juice (lemon or pomegranate is also suitable) and distribute this mass on the face and leave, and after ten minutes wash.
- a homemade mask for the care of oily, pronounced problem skin, which improves blood circulation and narrows the pores of the face. Mix half a tablespoon of dried medicinal herbs: linden, black elderberry flowers and chamomile. Pour this mixture with boiling water, boil for ten minutes, and then strain. Add a spoonful of honey and oatmeal to the cooled infusion until the mass begins to thicken. Apply to the face in a thick layer, hold for twenty minutes and wash.
- Yeast cleansing and drying face mask for oily skin. It will take two tablespoons of brewer's yeast granules to stir with a small amount of sour milk, until a thick mixture. Add a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide 4 drops and wipe the skin on the face with this solution, then rinse the face with water.
- natural mask - scrub cleansing oily problem skin. Grind two large spoons of small oatmeal, stir with ground almond kernels in a coffee grinder (one tablespoon), then add half a spoon of powdered milk and water to a puree state. Apply the gruel on the face with intense massage movements for 3 minutes, then rinse the skin.
- mask perfectly suitable for the care of oily pronounced problem skin on the face and enlarged pores. Mix two tablespoons of potato flour with three tablespoons of light yogurt. Apply the resulting mass on the face, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Fruit homemade masks for very oily problem skin

Apple fruit mask perfectly cleanses, moisturizes, refreshes and fortifies the delicate skin of the face. We rub the apple on a fine grater, apply it on the skin of the face, leave it for ten minutes and remove it with a cotton swab dipped in water. The mask cares for problem areas of the facial skin, perfectly moisturizes, refreshes and fortifies the skin.
- banana mask moisturizes the face, removes fine wrinkles, makes it more elastic. We rub the banana, put it on the face, stand for twenty minutes, wipe it off with a damp cloth. An excellent mask for very oily skin, with the help of bananas you can narrow pores, whiten your face and remove oily sheen.
- grape mask has a huge amount of useful substances. We grind the grapes into gruel, apply the mass on the face, and after 15 minutes have passed, it is removed with cool water. The resulting mask well nourishes and refreshes problematic skin on the face, and also smoothes fine wrinkles, making the face smooth and elastic.
- pear mask contains disinfectant components that effectively have an astringent and cleansing effect on the skin. The pear crushed to a state of puree is applied to the face, and after 15 minutes it is removed with a damp swab. A pear mask is suitable for oily and problematic facial skin, narrowing the pores, making it supple and smooth. An excellent helper in the fight against pigmentation.
- Kiwi mask is rich in organic acids and vitamins. Grind the kiwi, spread this mass on the face, leave for twenty minutes, and then wash off the mask. This mask for problem areas of the skin has tonic properties, makes the skin on the face more elastic and outwardly healthy.
- pomegranate mask perfectly cares for oily skin. Squeeze out the juice and wipe the face with a moistened cotton swab. Pomegranate juice has whitening properties, as well as tightens pores and fights acne. We use pomegranate seeds to make scrubs.
- lemon mask for very oily problem skin. Whitens the skin of the face, perfectly narrows the pores. Use lemon juice diluted with other fruit juices. We wipe the face, removing oily sheen and preventing the formation of blackheads.
- orange mask for problematic areas of facial skin perfectly tones and refreshes. We rub the orange on a fine grater along with the zest, which contains many useful vitamins and essential oils. The resulting slurry is distributed on the face, left for fifteen minutes, and washed face with water. And immediately after this mask, the face becomes fresh and velvety.
- grapefruit mask, or rather the pulp of this fruit helps fight freckles, and also brightens age spots. And wiping your face with grapefruit juice can achieve a refreshing and whitening effect.
- tangerine mask perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and fortifies problem skin. We leave the pounded tangerine mass on the face for fifteen minutes and then rinse with water.
- their persimmon mask perfectly nourishes, tones and refreshes withering, aging facial skin. We distribute the gruel from the persimmon on the face, leave it for up to twenty minutes, and after that we remove the remnants of the mask with water. In addition, a persimmon mask is an assistant for oily skin, it helps to narrow the pores with its astringent effect.
- an avocado mask for problem areas of the skin of the face. Distribute the nourishing, rejuvenating pulp of the fruit on the face, leave for fifteen minutes and then remove the mask with a damp cloth. This fruit is especially recommended for aging skin.
- pineapple mask is an excellent assistant for the care of problem areas of the skin, it helps to dissolve and separate dead cells on the face. Apply the pulp of pineapple on the face, leave for ten minutes, and wash off the face mask with water. After applying such a mask, the skin on the face is smoothed, saturated with moisture, and small wrinkles disappear. But if you have sensitive skin on your face, it is better not to experiment with pineapple, as this fruit is the most allergenic.
- cherry mask for oily skin. Cherry fruits are rich in vitamin C. Cherry pulp tightens pores, cleanses and exfoliates the skin. But for oily skin, you need to choose sour berries. Apply the pulp and leave on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
- cherry mask is suitable for very oily skin with wide pores. The pulp nourishes, cleanses, exfoliates, tightens pores, fights acne. Grind the berries to the state of gruel, put the resulting mass on the face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. In addition, you can wipe your face with cherry juice, it eliminates excess fat.
- a mask of melon caring for problem areas of the skin on the face. The pulp of this fruit whitens, gently cleanses the skin of the face, makes it younger, and also makes age spots less noticeable. Rub a small amount, apply the mass on the skin and leave for ten minutes and wipe off the mask with a damp cloth.
- watermelon mask has a rejuvenating and cleansing effect, improves the appearance of the face. Watermelon mask is suitable for all skin types. We apply the crushed gruel and leave it on the face for twenty minutes, and rinse the face.
- fresh peach mask for problem skin softens, cleanses, refreshes and smoothes the face. - Peaches are recommended for all skin types. They smooth the skin of the face, soften, refresh and cleanse it. To relieve skin fatigue, wipe your face with a piece of peach, by the way, they are often found in tonics and peels.
- apricot mask cares for very oily problem skin. Has a calming and refreshing effect. Apricot puree restores tired, wrinkled skin, apply it for 10 minutes on the face, and then rinse with water.
- An effective plum mask for problematic areas of the skin of the face makes it velvety, gives the skin youth, and also smoothes out some fine wrinkles. It also tightens pores. An excellent remedy for aging and fading skin.
Vegetable masks for oily problematic skin on the face
Vegetable masks refresh the complexion, nourish the skin, increase its elasticity, revitalize blood circulation, make the skin smooth, shiny and elastic. With the help of vegetables, you can prepare a huge number of homemade face masks.
Vegetable masks are best applied to the face with a brush or on gauze with holes cut out for the mouth and eyes. Wash off the mask with cool water.

We will tell you the recipes for vegetable face masks that have received the most reviews.

Vitamin mask for problem areas of facial skin with spinach and sorrel. Take one tablespoon of fresh spinach juice, two tablespoons of fat-free cottage cheese and half a spoonful of fresh sorrel juice and low-fat milk. Mix cottage cheese with milk until puree, add sorrel and spinach, the mask is ready. Apply to a clean face, wait fifteen minutes and rinse your face.
- honey-yolk mask with celery for the care of problematic, aging skin. Take one yolk, two tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of celery. Honey is rubbed with yolk and celery juice is added, the resulting solution is distributed on the face. After fifteen minutes, rinse your face. The mask improves facial elasticity, tones and regenerates the skin.
- a mask with parsley juice for problem areas on the skin of the face. Mix half a spoonful of juice, fresh parsley, two tablespoons of orange juice, half a spoonful of fish oil and two tablespoons of fat-free cottage cheese. We mix the second and parsley juice, add orange juice and fish oil. We keep the resulting mixture on the face for twenty minutes, and gently rinse with a damp cloth dipped in fresh parsley broth, apply a rich nourishing cream on top.
- a mask with fresh beetroot juice is recommended for teenage problematic skin, a mixture of honey, sour cream and beetroot juice makes the skin on the face soft, supple and soft. You will need: one spoon of beet juice, one spoon of honey, one spoon of sour cream. We mix thick sour cream with beet juice and honey. Let the mask dry for twenty minutes and wash off.
- mask with fresh radish juice caring for very oily skin. Ingredients for cooking: one spoonful of radish juice, one protein, one spoonful of sour milk and half a spoonful of flour. Mix radish juice with sour milk, then add egg white and beat with a little flour to thicken. The resulting mass is applied to a clean face and left for fifteen minutes, rinse with a napkin.
- a mask for very oily skin with carrot juice, effectively tightens pores and fortifies the skin. Required: one egg white, one-fourth cup of carrot juice, one tablespoon of vegetable oil, half a spoonful of starch. Mix egg white with carrot juice, add starch and vegetable oil. This solution is applied to the face, left for twenty minutes and washed.
- an effective mask with boric acid for oily skin, in addition, it has a whitening property. We mix half a spoonful of boric acid and one spoonful of cucumber juice, keep the resulting composition in a water bath for two minutes. We wipe the face with a cooled mixture with a damp cloth, then apply a mask from grated cucumber on top, leave for fifteen minutes, and then wash off the mask.
Popular industrial cosmetic masks for problem areas of facial skin
Cosmetics of industrial production have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. They act intensively, penetrate deep into the pores of the skin, effectively smooth fine wrinkles, soothe the skin, make it more elastic. The main thing is to choose the right product for your skin. Otherwise, you can only hurt yourself.
Steaming face mask from Garnier. When applying the mask on the face, it warms up and deeply cleans the pores from excess fat secretions and various impurities. Clay and zinc contained in the mask tighten pores, eliminate uneven skin and improve the appearance of the face. Cost 20 gr. 3$.
Face mask Chinese lemongrass and Ussuri hops from Green mama. Smoothes fine wrinkles, strengthens and nourishes the delicate skin of the face, improves skin tone, eliminates sagging. The mask relieves inflammation and irritation, and also renews skin cells. Cost of 170 ml 6 - 7 $
Mud face mask Doctor Nature. Contains minerals from the famous Dead Sea. This mask deeply cleanses, tightens pores, and fortifies the skin. Perfectly removes all types of impurities, gives the skin radiance and improves elasticity. The cost of 75 ml is $13.
Nivea Visage purifying mask. Gently exfoliates and refreshes the skin, removes dead cells from the face, restores the natural moisture level of the skin, and has a cooling effect. Applying a mask, the skin on the face becomes well-groomed and looks fresh. The cost of 15 ml is $ 3.
Film face mask from Yves Rocher. Mask-film "Vegetable Purity" evens out the skin of the face, removes excess sebum. Contained in the composition of mint and green tea will give the face a magnificent look. The skin will become incredibly clean and matte, the pores will noticeably narrow. The cost of 75 ml is $16 - $20.
Mask - control fat from Clinique. Clay-based purifying mask will help the skin to be clean, fresh and beautiful. Exfoliates dead cells, cleanses pores, eliminates redness and irritation of the skin. Controls the production of excess sebum and does not tighten or dry the skin. Reduces the size and number of pimples and prevents their reappearance. The cost of 100 ml is 30 - 40 $.
Mary Kay oily skin mask. The mask effectively removes excess sebum, and also controls its subsequent appearance. The mask contains a complex of antioxidants, the skin is fresh. The mask is hypoallergenic, does not contain dyes and fragrances. Excellent product for sensitive skin. Cost 113 gr. 23$.
Purifying skin mineral mask by Lumene. The mask gently removes dirt, tightens pores, deeply cleanses the skin. After application, the face becomes radiant and fresh. Contains unique peat from Finland to strengthen & nourish skin. The cost of 100 ml is $10.

Purifying mask from Givenchy. The mask easily and gently cleanses, moisturizes the face, evens out the skin. The mushroom extract in the mask tightens pores and controls the functioning of the glands. And the content of antioxidants in the mask gives health to the face. After applying the mask, the oily sheen will disappear, the face will become radiant, and the skin will be soft and smooth. The cost of 100 ml is 50 - 60 $.

Oh, what kind of masks I have not tried in my life! I share my personal top masks for problem skin.

1st place - Himalaya Herbals cleansing mask with neem

I will never get tired of singing her praises, probably never. I have been using it for 6 years already. The main active ingredients are clay, neem and turmeric. Clay is a natural sorbent; neem and turmeric have a strong antibacterial effect. This mask for me is not only a general care product, but also an express method to quickly relieve inflammation, reduce large acne and almost completely destroy small ones, and also reduce sebum production for almost 12 hours, making the skin fresh.

Mechanism of action- adsorption of sebum, regulation of the activity of the sebaceous glands, destruction of bacteria.

The mask is dark, green-brown, with a specific smell that many do not like. But to my heart, he is incredibly sweet, like the mask itself. Tried different Himalaya Herbals products, neem mask is the best this brand has.

5th place - cosmetic clay masks

Reader, do not grumble! I'll prove you right. After all, it is not for nothing that absolutely everyone advises clay, even cosmetologists.

Clay as a cosmetic product appeared in my everyday life from the age of 13, not later. Now I'm 28, and during this time in the use of clays there were successes and fiascos, ups and downs, but thanks to them I found out the following:

Clays work! they absorb excess sebum, regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands

It doesn't matter what kind of clay - black, pink, blue, yellow or whatever ... They, in my experience, differ only in that some girls prefer one, while others prefer the other. And on what basis, it does not matter.

Clay is a huge scope for imagination and exactly the method of application that suits you and your face. It can be mixed with water, mineral water, herbal decoction, kefir, etc., add drops of essential and base oils, dry chopped herbs, etc. etc. You just need to google well and understand what suits a particular skin. And you have to try.

Clay does not need to be used often and to achieve the effect of drying the skin

I found that white and blue clay suits me best. I dilute a couple of teaspoons of clay with boiled water to the consistency of sour cream, add a few drops of Pellesana anti-acne composition (there, judging by the packaging, extracts of celandine, nettle, rosehip and almond essential oil), stir, apply for 10-15 minutes. If possible, I try not to allow the clay to dry completely on my face. To do this, it can be covered with a film, or you can lightly sprinkle with thermal or ordinary water.

After clay, the skin is always very fresh, and the cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect is not much worse than after a mask with neem. It's just not as wow and instant. Once a week a clay mask is enough, and no one has come up with anything better, cheaper and meaner.

Mechanism of action- adsorption of sebum, regulation of the activity of the sebaceous glands, mild anti-inflammatory effect.

So, my top is over. As you can see, there are essentially only two directions in it - either acids that dissolve the top layer of the skin and thereby cleanse the pores (no clogged pores - no acne), or clays that draw sebum out of the pores and reduce its production (clean pores again - clean face), + antibacterial components. Therefore, my list is very conditional, and you can pick up masks of the same direction, but of completely different brands. One acid and one clay mask in the arsenal is enough to achieve clean and beautiful skin with regular care.

I also want to warn you that all of the above masks have an exfoliating and drying effect (of varying degrees of severity), and you need to be prepared for thorough moisturizing. Moisturizer should be light, not clogging pores, so as not to negate the effect of masks. It can be applied not to the whole face, but only to problem areas. For me, the best way to moisturize the skin with intensive exfoliation has become clean jojoba oil, which I apply at night with a thin layer all over my face, and in the morning I see smooth healthy skin without flakes and clogged pores.

By the way, in the season of chapped lips, it also moisturizes, soothes and heals lips better than any balms and lipsticks.

Be happy and beautiful! All healthy skin!

I will answer questions about problematic skin in the comments, do not hesitate to ask.