Material on the topic: Environmental education in kindergarten. Forms of work with parents. The system of work to educate the ecological culture of preschool children

Report on the topic "Environmental education in kindergarten."

Preschool age- an intrinsically valuable stage in the development of human ecological culture. During this period, the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the world around. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, an emotional-value attitude towards the environment develops, the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual are formed, which are manifested in the child's interactions with nature, in the awareness of inseparability with it. Thanks to this, it is possible for children to form ecological knowledge, norms and rules for interacting with nature, foster empathy for it, and be active in solving some environmental problems. At the same time, the accumulation of knowledge in preschool children is not an end in itself. They are a necessary condition for developing an emotional, moral and effective attitude towards the world.
Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, so it is no coincidence that teachers are faced with the task of forming the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management in preschoolers.
Fostering a caring attitude towards the natural environment in young children is laid in the family and continues to form in the preschool years in kindergarten. In the “Kindergarten Upbringing Program”, the upbringing of love and respect for nature in preschoolers is provided for in a special section.
Environmental education is carried out in kindergarten through the entire pedagogical process - in everyday life and in the classroom. In the implementation of the tasks of ecological education, the natural environment in kindergarten is of great importance. These are corners of nature in all groups, a nature room, a winter garden, a properly designed and cultivated area, which provide the opportunity for constant direct communication with nature; organization of systematic observations of natural phenomena and objects, introduction of children to regular work.

Formation of elementary ecological ideas in the middle group of the kindergarten.

Children of the fifth year of life should maintain an interest in natural phenomena, develop the ability to interact with the world around them.
Children are taught to draw elementary conclusions, share their impressions of communication with nature, express their attitude to the natural world in stories and productive activities.
Acquaintance of children with nature and environmental education continue in the classroom, during excursions, observations, experimental activities, active, didactic and role-playing games. In the process of games - dramatizations, children learn to imitate the movements of animals, to evaluate the behavior of animals - fairy-tale characters.
When organizing the activities of children, it is necessary to indicate the need to follow certain rules in relation to peers and adults. It is important to help children see the dependence of the organization of the whole life of the whole group on the behavior of each child.
It is necessary to teach children to listen and hear the speech of others, to use the volume correctly, taking into account the conditions of communication, to use polite words. The caregiver should encourage the child's benevolent tone when communicating with the people around him.
While accustoming children to order, bringing up a respectful attitude to things, you should pay their attention to the fact that the work of people is invested in the creation of each thing. (For example, if a child did not wash his hands well, leaving dirty stains on the towel, this is disrespect for the work of the washerwoman, etc.).
In the process of eating, airing the group room, developing cultural and hygienic skills, children should be explained the expediency of procedures, taught to independently draw elementary conclusions.
During classes and play activities, explain to the children how important nutrition is to human health; lead them to the understanding that there is needed not only what they like, but also what is useful for growth and development.


At this age, children continue to learn to name such natural phenomena as snowfall, rainbow, leaf fall, etc., to distinguish and name trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. It is necessary to clarify and enrich their ideas about the diversity of flora and fauna.
It is necessary to consolidate the knowledge of children about pets, to clarify what benefits they bring to humans; form a desire to take care of animals, take care of them.
It is necessary to observe animals with children, teach them to admire their beauty, strength and dexterity; tell that pets are loyal to their owners, a person should be able to keep animals at home. Continue teaching children to recognize and name animals and their babies correctly. A child of the fifth year of life is able to highlight the structure of the animal's body and name the color of the color (for example, a horse has a head, four legs, a tail; on the head - ears, eyes; body is covered with wool; color - gray).
On walks, draw the attention of children to the behavior of pets - the dog jumps and wags its tail during a meeting with the owner, the cat caresses.
It is necessary to form a desire to admire nature and protect it, daily exercising children in this.
Continue teaching children to notice changes in the appearance of trees depending on the season; to consolidate ideas about seasonal changes in nature. To continue to form in children elementary ideas about changes in nature (it gets colder, the sky has turned gray, the wind is warm, clear blue sky ...). to consolidate the ability of children to see the beauty of nature, to expand their vocabulary (falling leaves, golden, crimson). Clarify ideas about how animals winter (hare, fox, bear).
Learn to observe the behavior of birds at different times of the year. While walking, look at the tracks of birds in the snow, talk with the children about how a person can help animals and birds in difficult times for them. Thus, to form in children a desire to help animals and birds in the winter cold.
It is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to take an active part in walks and excursions, create beautiful bouquets from autumn leaves, crafts from natural materials. Offer to collect cones, roots, seeds of plants for making crafts. To consolidate knowledge about animals, you can invite children to play the game "Draw an animal." Children form a circle. An adult stands in the center of the circle. Shows some animal with facial expressions and movements. Children have to guess this animal and repeat the movements. Then, in the center of the circle, you can invite a wishing child who will show his animal.
You can offer children a game - dramatization to emphasize the general and different in the behavior of animals.
The didactic exercise "Yes and no" contributes to the expansion of knowledge about natural phenomena. The teacher asks the children questions: “Are there many leaves on the trees in winter? Does it snow in the summer? In summer, do the kids sled down the ice slide? Do butterflies arrive in winter? Is the river covered with ice in the summer? ". Children should quickly answer “yes” or “no”.
Have the children play with the wind using the turntables; lead them to the understanding that the stronger the wind, the faster the turntable moves, and in the room the turntable does not spin, since there is no wind.
To consolidate the ability to classify vegetables and fruits according to certain criteria, you can play the game "What is planted in the garden?" The teacher asks: “Do you children know what they plant in the garden? Let's play this game: I will name different words, and you listen carefully. If I name something that is planted in the garden, you answer “yes”, if I name that, then it does not grow in the garden, you say “no”. The one who makes a mistake, he loses. " The teacher mixedly names vegetables and fruits: apple, carrot, tomato, cucumber ...
To clarify and deepen knowledge about the seasons, you can organize the game "When does it happen?"
To consolidate knowledge about the phenomena of the surrounding reality, organize outdoor games "Summer", "Sparrows and a cat" and others for a walk.

Conversations. Classes.

In classes and conversations, an adult should help children understand that animals should not be treated like people should be fed sweets, wrapped in a diaper, like small children, etc .; to explain the peculiarities of the habitation of animals in nature (animals - on the ground, birds - in the air, fish in water, worms in the ground). It is necessary to teach children to compare mammals, birds, fish and insects.
The teacher needs to explain to the children that animals give birth to cubs alive and feed them with milk, the body, as a rule, is covered with hair, a mouth with teeth and four legs. In birds, the body is covered with feathers, there are two wings and two legs, a mouth in the form of a beak, cubs appear from eggs. In fish, the body is elongated, usually flattened at the sides, covered with scales; they move in water with the help of their tail and fins; fry emerge from eggs or are born (in viviparous fish). In insects, the body consists of three parts: head, chest, abdomen; it is covered with chitin (thin skin); has six legs, the offspring emerges from the testes.
It is necessary to clarify the ideas of children about insects (ant, butterfly, beetle, ladybug), learn to highlight the features of their appearance and movements (a butterfly, a beetle have wings; a butterfly flies, an ant crawls, a beetle flies and crawls).
Children of this age should recognize the frog and know the main features of its appearance (green skin, large eyes on the head, four legs), movements (not only jumping, but also swimming), sounds made (croaks); to recognize and name representatives of the class of reptiles (lizard and turtle), to know some features of their appearance, movement (lizards have an oblong body, a long tail is also short, a turtle crawls slowly).

Environmental education is also carried out through -
reading fiction. Artistic creation, viewing illustrations.

In the process of acquainting children with the works of folklore, teach to notice and compare the features of the behavior of animals in fairy tales and the habits of animals in nature, show the relationship of living organisms with the environment. Make riddles to children, read poems to children.
If the children saw a guessed animal, ask them to share their impressions, describe the appearance. Offer to remember poems and riddles that emphasize a particular feature of the animal.
You can show children how to draw an animal and offer to draw a fabulous and real animal.
Continue to acquaint children with the animal and plant world while looking at illustrations and paintings.
In the process of getting to know nature, it is necessary to teach children to draw elementary conclusions about the relationships and interdependencies in nature. The specificity of literature makes it possible to form love for nature on the basis of the content of works of art. Works by such writers as V. Bianchi, M. Prishvin, K. I. Chukovsky, S. Ya. Marshak, A. L. Barto, S. Mikhalkov and others are suitable for children. The book for children contains a lot of interesting, beautiful, mysterious, because they really want to learn how to read, but have not yet learned how to listen to the reading of their elders.

A corner of nature.

In everyday life, the teacher organizes observations of plants in a corner of nature, involves children in fulfilling individual assignments, organizes a watch for children in a corner of nature.
In a corner of nature, children participate in the feasible work of caring for plants and fish; learn to water plants, wipe large leathery leaves, spray them, cut dry leaves. Together with the teacher, feed the plants with fertilizers. To do this, you need to have inventory in a corner of nature - watering cans for watering indoor plants, sticks for loosening, a spray bottle, etc. In a corner of nature, you can place sets of pictures by themes: "Animals", "Birds", "Plants"; didactic games; natural materials (cones, acorns, twigs, pebbles, shells).

Development of labor skills and abilities in acquaintance with natural phenomena.

Children of the fifth year of life should have a positive attitude towards work, a desire to work; to consolidate the ability to carry out individual and collective assignments, agree with the help of a teacher on the distribution of work, takes care of the timely completion of a joint task.
In the autumn, involve children in harvesting leaves. Continue to acquaint with work equipment: rakes, shovels, etc.
In winter, it is necessary to teach how to remove snow from the paths; sculpt snowmen, showing independence and creativity (decorate snow buildings with colored ice, supplement with natural material). Children should be involved in feeding wintering birds; teach to help the teacher; put in order the equipment used in labor activity (clean, dry, take to the designated place), treat it with care.
At the end of April, you can invite the children to sow pea seeds, and at the beginning of May - plant onions (children make holes and put seeds). It is necessary to form in them a sense of satisfaction from the work done. Together with the teacher, children can perform simple actions in the city and in the flower garden (sowing seeds, watering). It is necessary to show children how to loosen the soil so as not to damage the root system of plants. In summer, invite the children to weed the onions (supervised by an adult) and take part in caring for the vegetables.
It is necessary to encourage the desire of children to help each other, to learn to accept help from their comrades. Children should be taught to observe their surroundings and understand when to water the plant, feed the birds, and wipe the dust. Form a desire to care for plants and animals. It should be remembered that children of the fifth year of life are more interested in the process of activity than in its result.


It is necessary to tell the children that the whole natural environment can be divided into two parts - living and inanimate nature. Let the guys themselves give examples of animate and inanimate nature.
In the process of carrying out elementary experiments, bring children to the understanding that light, air and heat are needed for the growth of plants; show how indoor plants can turn towards light.
You can observe a plant that receives more light than it needs (in this case, the plant will acquire a light color). Lead children to understand that the lack of light also badly affects the growth of plants.
Show children the importance of water in human life; to clarify their knowledge about the properties of water (odorless, colorless; takes the form of a vessel in which it is located; water can turn into ice and steam; when melting, snow turns into water). To form the notion that water is an invaluable gift of nature that must be carefully preserved. Tell that people are doing special work to cleanse reservoirs and rivers. Remember the proverbs and sayings about water.
In winter, while sculpting a variety of snow structures, continue to acquaint children with the properties of snow. Explain that particles of exhaust gases and industrial waste emitted into the atmosphere are deposited on the snow. As a result, the snow becomes muddy. Show children how melted snow turns into dirty water; lead them to understand: snow cannot be eaten - it is dirty, cold (you can catch a cold).
Snow and ice are inexhaustible material for creative play. Children willingly play with snow as with sand. The more varied the snow is used in combination with other materials, the more interesting and meaningful the games, observing the properties of natural materials, the richer their creativity. You can invite children to pour colored water into various molds and freeze on the street. Explain that frozen pieces of ice are taken out by heating the molds in hot water or by thawing them in a warm room.
Invite children to draw with sticks on lightly packed snow; look at the snowflakes, and then invite the children to draw them.
It is necessary to explain to children: in order not to get sick, on the street you need to breathe correctly. It is best to inhale air through the nose and exhale through the mouth. This contributes to a greater saturation of the body with oxygen and warming of the air in the nose (already warm air enters the human lungs).
When examining stones, offer to determine their properties (large - small, smooth - rough, light - dark), warm - cold). Invite the children to find a beautiful stone and make a fairy tale about it. You can organize various games with stones: "Hit the target", "Throw and catch".
Continue to expand children's knowledge about the properties of sand and clay; give them the opportunity to independently verify the qualities and properties of these materials.

By introducing a child to the natural world, an adult consciously develops various aspects of his personality, awakens interest and a desire to learn about the natural environment (the sphere of a bizarre form, the need to preserve it, respectfully and carefully treats it (the sphere of morality).
A child can and should be shown various manifestations of beauty in the natural world: flowering plants, shrubs and trees in autumn dress, contrasts of chiaroscuro, landscapes at different times of the year and much, much more. At the same time, an adult must remember that absolutely everything in nature is beautiful that lives in full (unspoiled, not poisoned, unlimited) conditions - this is the sphere of aesthetic feelings, aesthetic perception of a child.
So, raising children to love nature, the ability to perceive its beauty is one of the important tasks of a kindergarten.

For many centuries, man in relation to nature behaved like a consumer: he cut down forests, mined minerals, engaged in agriculture, not thinking about the future. This led to a reduction in the area of ​​forests, depletion of land resources and mineral resources.

There comes a turning point in the history of the planet's development, when a person begins to think about the consequences of his consumer attitude to the earth. It has become urgent to educate a new person who is able to assess the scale of the problem.

Environmental education in kindergarten

Already at a young age, the baby begins to interact with peers, with adults, with objects of nature. The child shows curiosity, asks questions, why, adopts the values ​​and traditions of elders.

Ages 3 to 6 are the most susceptible. The preschooler learns the experience of adults based on trust in them. From an early age, he learns to actively cooperate with nature, to empathize with it.

Environmental education is established in the family and continues in the nursery. Each preschool institution draws up its own program for the formation of environmental knowledge, covering the entire educational process, from a walk to educational sessions.

Environmental education problems

The main problem in this area is the low equipment of the gardens. Necessary conditions for the creation of a winter garden, mini-laboratories. To carry out play activities, you need didactic materials, maps, manuals, models, toys.

The second problem is the viability of the developed upbringing system. The program for and the entire methodology of environmental education of preschoolers will be implemented in the case when each stage of work is thought out, the result of the work: how we want to see the pupil at the time of admission to school.

Criteria for the ecological education of older preschoolers

The famous teacher and scientist T.A. Markova believes that the main criteria can be:

  • the benevolence of children to all living things;
  • degree of interest in animate and inanimate nature;
  • desire to contact with natural subjects;
  • ability to care for plants and animals.

Ecological culture allows you to live in harmony with the surrounding nature, feel responsible for your steps and understand the consequences of a destructive attitude towards the land.

How does the formation of an ecological representation in preschoolers begin at a preschool educational institution?

The first step is to create conditions for this work: a corner of nature with an aquarium, small animals in a group, a small winter garden, a nature museum. The living area can contain birds, fish, reptiles, small animals.

The guys feed them, clean, observe, study their features. Walks are also important, when children observe and draw conclusions about certain phenomena in animate and inanimate nature.

The role of parents in environmental education cannot be belittled. Now the families contain cats, dogs, parrots, turtles. There are aquariums, indoor plants. Adults should daily familiarize children with the natural world, comprehending its secrets, so that from early childhood a sense of unity with the surrounding world arises.

Goals and objectives of environmental education of preschoolers

Environmental education in kindergarten and the very method of environmental education of preschoolers is a set of activities aimed at performing several tasks:

  1. To give an idea of ​​the interconnectedness of the subjects of nature.
  2. To cultivate a respectful and thrifty attitude towards the "common home".
  3. To teach how to properly interact with the subjects of the surrounding world.

Purpose: to form the ecological culture of the child.

Environmental education conditions

The formation of knowledge and skills in ecology requires compliance with certain conditions in preschool institutions. The process itself implies the upbringing of the ecological culture of older preschool children by the following approaches:

  • an integrated approach, i.e. the implementation of the process of environmental education through various types of activities: musical, theatrical, artistic, physical, play, labor;
  • organization of an ecological developmental environment in kindergarten;
  • the use of the surrounding nature as the development of ecological culture;
  • monitoring to identify the level of environmental education of preschoolers.

The system of work to educate the ecological culture of preschool children

Forms of environmental education


The main form of environmental education in kindergarten is occupation. On them, the intuitive ideas of children are transformed, deepened, expanded. The process of environmental education of preschoolers takes place in several types of classes:

  1. At the initial introductory classes, children get acquainted with plants and animals, their habitat and growth, and living conditions. This refers to those objects of nature that cannot be observed around them. The teacher talks about plants and animals, shows their appearance, introduces them to the manners, habits of animals, and the characteristics of plant growth. Pictures, videos, conversation, reading excerpts from works of art, for example, the stories of V. Bianchi, are used as visual aids. Orientation sessions are held in all groups.
  2. In-depth cognitive classes are designed to form an idea of ​​preschoolers about the relationships between plants and animals, the relationship between plant growth and weather conditions in a particular area, the dependence of animals on environmental factors, the adaptability of animals, reptiles, birds to natural conditions. Demonstration of models of natural complexes, targeted conversation, primitive experiments can be visual tools here.
  3. In the lessons of a generalizing type, knowledge is systematized, a single picture of a particular natural environment is formed, conclusions are drawn about the relationship between flora and fauna, climatic conditions, and soil. For example, generalizing lessons on the topics "Autumn", "Winter", "Spring", "Summer".
  4. Complex classes are based on the interaction of different types of activity: creative, play, artistic. They often go beyond the scope of one lesson. The alternation of play and drawing, reading and watching does not tire preschoolers. If this happens, physical exercises or physical minutes come to the rescue.


This is one of the most interesting forms of work. The advantage of the excursion is that the preschoolers can directly contemplate the inhabitants of the zoo, park, meadow, and public garden. They can listen to birdsong, smell flowers, pet animals and reptiles, examine their appearance, observe their behavior and nutrition. These are nature excursions.

You can take your children on excursions to agricultural enterprises: greenhouses, gardens, greenhouses, vegetable garden. Such trips are arranged to get acquainted with the work of people at different enterprises. Conducting excursions requires a lot of preparation: the educator himself needs to familiarize himself with the method of conducting it, think over the main stages, types of activities, techniques that may interest preschool children.

Search activity

Primary search activity is organized for older preschoolers. In the course of joint work, a problematic question is formulated, which requires a search for an answer: why do birds fly south? Why does the snow melt? Why do leaves fall?

Search activity is either heuristic conversation, observation, or experiment.

Methods and techniques of environmental education

The methodology of ecological education of preschoolers implies 3 groups of methods:

  1. Visual: viewing pictures, modeling, watching films, observing.
  2. Practical: play, experiments, physical labor.
  3. Verbal: story, reading.

Visual methods

Formation of adequate ideas about the environment is possible when using visual aids in the classroom. Keeping weather calendars, getting to know the paintings of famous landscape painters, watching documentaries about a forest, meadow, mountains expand, deepen the understanding of preschoolers about nature, consolidate knowledge about the interaction of representatives of animate and inanimate nature.

Observation makes it possible to understand the relationship between animals and plants, their adaptability to the conditions of the natural environment. It develops imaginative thinking, increases interest in the observed objects. Examples of topics in the younger group: acquaintance with the bird, its appearance, its feeding, behavior, in the older group: the living conditions of the bird, its hearing, rest, sleep.

Modeling models of a forest, meadow, lake, field can become a common project of children, educators and parents. Joint activities will strengthen the positive outlook of the project participants.

Practical methods

In older preschool age, children begin to show curiosity, and in this period, practical methods such as primitive experience and experiment are effective.

It is interesting to put on small experiments with water, sand, clay, stone. All these materials make up the natural landscape. Educators suggest freezing water, giving it different colors, comparing the strength of wood and stone, watching how sand and clay pass through the water. These are small experiences that arouse interest in a five-year-old child.

Verbal methods

It all depends on the teacher's ability to tell interestingly about the life of plants and animals. Diction, intonation, tone of voice also play a big role in awakening the interest of babies in life around them. The story can be accompanied by a conversation between the teacher and the children.

Reading excerpts from cognitive and fictional literature develops imagination, enhances mental activity, engenders curiosity, gives rise to curiosity, the desire to know the natural world.

Organization of a game environment in the process of environmental education of preschoolers

In the kindergarten, a subject-play environment is organized with the aim of awakening the cognitive interest of children in an unknown surrounding space. The main activity in preschool age is play. This includes excursions, and the care of indoor plants, and keeping a weather calendar. Thanks to the skillful approach of the educator through play, children learn about the world, begin to feel like a part of it, and begin to think about how to behave with nature.

Effective environmental education through play

Through the game, the understanding of the life of plants and animals, obtained during excursions, direct contact with the inhabitants of the meadow, forest, pond, is consolidated.

Environmental game technology:

  1. Choosing a theme from the program.
  2. Determination of the goal and conditions of the game.
  3. Thinking through the phased moves of the game.
  4. Distribution of roles.
  5. Acquaintance with the rules.

The method of teaching such games depends on the characteristics of the age of the preschooler. There are different types of games: subject, board, verbal, creative. When creating creative game situations, you can use fairy-tale characters.

For example, Little Red Riding Hood goes to his grandmother through the forest and can meet its different inhabitants, collect the leaves of forest trees. Toys are important for the games: dolls, fish, animals. They should be aesthetic, vibrant and realistic. In this case, the game stimulates the activity of children, increases their emotional mood.

Creation of a favorable ecological environment

The process will be successful when a favorable, positive ecological environment is created around the child.

The presence of experimental plots in the garden, an ecological path, a winter garden, an aquarium, a living corner makes it possible to increase the efficiency of all forms and methods of work in this direction.

Problematic tasks in environmental education

The teacher can begin the experiment with a problem task, for example: what will happen to the plants if all the water dries up? What will happen to the plants if the eternal night comes? ... After such questions-assumptions, children should be drawn directly to the experience. Another option is possible: the children perform the experiment, and the question is posed as a conclusion from it.

However, in the reserve of the educator there is also a demonstration experience, which is often used in practical classes. But you shouldn't identify it with the educational one. A prerequisite before demonstrating such an experience is a clear explanation to the children of its purpose and the content of the assignment, and at the end of it, the children make their own conclusions and arguments.

The teacher only corrects the knowledge just received, encourages children to independently select thematic similar experiences. In all cases, the educator should remember that the main condition for the effectiveness of children's research work is their active active position.

Actions with objects of nature are an indispensable component of cognition. In this case, the actions of children should be clearly adequate to the knowledge, skills and abilities that are being mastered. And the material environment for conducting the experiment should allow its variability and problematic nature, stimulate children to further cognition.

The nature of the actions of older preschoolers is determined by:

  • level of development, the possibility of creating microgroups with differentiated tasks, adapted content, means for them;
  • the level of speech development, the ability to argue their own assumptions, reasoning;
  • the level of development of verbal and conceptual thinking, the ability to generalize by comparison, highlighting the common in a number of features, objects, as well as abstraction;
  • the content of a specific task, which, depending on the situation, must be completed in stages or in full.

MBDOU "Kindergarten combined type number 1" Joy "

Environmental education in kindergarten.

Senior educator

Dear friends! I want to start my speech with poetry.

So that you can feel the joy of tomorrow

The earth must be clean and the sky must be clean.

And this Earth has been tormented without mercy for centuries

And it was not only for himself that the "reasonable" person took it.

Now they rushed to save the natural environment

But why did we sense trouble so late?

Through factories and factories, smoke is hard for us to see

All the suffering that the earth has to endure.

How long will there be enough water for us if the poison is dissolved in it?

How long will the forests be enough for us where the axes knock?

Save fields, forests, meadows and clear rivers

The whole earth

Only you, a reasonable person, can!

Preschool childhood is the initial stage in the formation of a person's personality, his value orientation in the world around him. During this period, a positive attitude towards nature, towards the man-made world, towards oneself, towards the environment is laid.

Our kindergarten conducts an educational process according to the "Childhood" program. The authors are the developers of this program, teachers and psychologists of St. Petersburg University. The environmental education program does not play a significant role. We do not think so and therefore have expanded the content of this section and begin our work with a younger preschool age.

You can see the tasks for each age group on the slide.

By organizing environmentally friendly activities for children, we create conditions for the accumulation of personal experience of preschoolers in their interaction with nature.

Educators have studied and are successfully working on environmental education: "Young ecologist", "We", "Our home is nature", "Welcome to ecology", "Kindergarten - a house of joy" and others.

Each age group has center of nature. Its main feature is close proximity to children, which allows educators to organize various activities throughout the school year. There are indoor plants, various exhibitions are organized ("Unusual vegetables", "Vitamin pantry", "Flowers of our garden", etc.), mini-museums "From what bread is baked", "How a shirt grew in a field", etc. photo albums with plants and animals, illustrations, fiction, tools for experimental activities, for the care of plants. In each age group, various contests are held in which children and parents take part: "For the best composition of vegetables", "The most beautiful bouquet", "For the best craft made from natural material", "Herringbone is a beauty, etc.

On the territory of the kindergarten there are organized flower beds with various flowers, trees and shrubs are planted, there is a vegetable garden with beds where onions, dill, parsley are grown. Fresh greens are served to children for dinner

Children get acquainted with living objects: pets, birds, insects, flora, objects of inanimate nature, natural phenomena in specially organized classes, during walks, excursions, they look at paintings, illustrations, conduct experiments, while playing games, watching videos, watching , sketch what they saw .. are engaged in project activities together with adults,

"Zemelyushka - black earth", where children and parents, under the guidance of a teacher, collected various types of soil, and then there was a conversation about what could grow on this soil. Antonina Nikolaevna has developed an ecological path within the kindergarten and up to the Pesterevskaya grove.

· Is the author of the "Water Around Us" project, where the main bias was made to respect fresh water. Within the framework of the project, children drew various reservoirs, did experiments with water, got acquainted with the water cycle in nature .. During the water procedures, the teacher reminded and explained to the children why you don't need to pour a lot of water in vain, why you need to save fresh water.

· Developed and put into practice the project "Miracles of Coca - Cola", where she focused on the harmfulness of this product. As part of the project, she invited a medical worker to a joint lesson for parents and children, who told and showed empirically the harmfulness of a popular drink, and also told what healthy drinks are obtained from berries and fruits, and then everyone together prepared and tasted berry and fruit drinks

· Together with children and parents worked on the project

" Houseplants". Together, they created a handwritten book of houseplants, put in order the flowers in their group. Thanks to the work done, children know how to care for different types of flowers. and help in caring for them.

· With parents and children engaged in the manufacture of handwritten books, including those on ecology. These are "Berries", "Vegetables from the garden", "Animals of our land", etc.

Children enjoy looking at handwritten books and learning from them.

Theatrical activities are very popular in kindergarten.

The teachers of the speech therapy group staged with the children a theatrical performance "Visiting an old man - a forest man", where the children went to visit a fabulous forest dweller and learned a lot of interesting things about forest dwellers, fixed the rules of behavior in the forest.

On the stage of the regional House of Culture, the children of the senior group, under the guidance, showed a literary and musical composition "How a ladybug looked for friends." Children learned interesting facts about insects and their benefits in nature.

Together with the children, we carry out the campaign "Let's Help the Wintering Birds" (they made feeders, collected bread crumbs, grains, children and educators put food in the feeder every day in winter and observe the behavior of the birds.

Before the New Year, the campaign “Save the Christmas tree” was held. The children each drew their own Christmas tree, made collective work from the drawings. They spoke to their parents with poems about caring for trees, and urged their parents to buy an artificial Christmas tree at home, and not chop down a live one in the forest. The action was a success. After some time, the children reported that they had an artificial spruce for the New Year.

Teachers of the senior and preparatory groups for school tell children about the Red Book, about endangered plants and animals.

· Developed and conducted a lesson "Forest is our wealth" with children. Children learned not only about the plants of our forest, but also about the park, its value, about the history of the Pesterevskaya grove, its historical, cultural and ecological value. We talked about who leaves garbage in the forest, good or bad, about the rules of conduct in the forest.

· Developed and taught the children a lesson about the reservoirs of the Verkhovazhsky Territory: introduced them to the lakes and rivers in the region, their economic and ecological value. The children, together with the teacher, discussed the problem of the cleanliness of the surrounding water bodies and came to the conclusion: water bodies and rivers need to be protected: after swimming and relaxing by the river, pick up garbage after you, do not throw it into the river. Cars should not be washed in the river, since gasoline remains on the surface of the water and fish and other animals and plants die.

Such classes form in children an understanding of the unity of human life and nature, form respect and respect for their native nature.

· The teachers of the preschool educational institution developed the project "We are the leaders", which consists of 4 blocks, the first "The nature and ecology of the Verkhovazhye"

Here we consider issues such as

- flora and fauna of the village,

- aesthetics of nature,

- weather, seasonal changes in Verkhovazhye,

- use of natural resources in Verkhovazhye (water, wood, soil, sand, clay, etc.)

- rules of behavior in nature

Within the framework of this project, teachers have developed various activities for children and parents, holidays, entertainment, excursions to nature and other activities.

Kindergarten is not able to solve this problem without interaction with parents. Therefore, we involve parents in participating in project activities, organizing and conducting classes, and other activities. Educators raise issues of environmental education at parent-teacher meetings. In the dressing rooms there is information on the seasons: tasks for parents and children: “Observe with the children”, “Learn with the children”, “Repeat with the children”, etc. We talk with parents about how they should involve their children in the feasible work in nature , carried out simple assignments: feed pets: a cat, fish, a hamster, put food on the trough, remove garbage, do not throw, do not leave garbage in public places, after outdoor recreation,

When leaving the walls of the kindergarten, children show a generally positive selective focus, attitude to nature. They treat carefully, take care of specific living objects that are directly related to them, are attractive to them. With pleasure, on their own initiative, they communicate with friends, pleasant animals and plants, show interest in their life and condition. Children notice violations of the rules of behavior in nature, motivate the need to comply with them.

Since preschool children are characterized by a discrepancy between verbal and real attitudes towards nature, teachers systematically monitor the behavior and activities of children.

The aggravation of the environmental problem in the country dictates the need for intensive educational work to form people's environmental awareness, a culture of environmental management. This work begins in kindergarten - the first link in the continuing education system.

Let's protect nature, people

We shouldn't forget about her not for a minute.

After all, flowers, forests, fields and rivers

All this is not eternal for us!

Environmental education is officially recognized today as one of the priority areas for improving the performance of educational systems. Ecology is currently the basis for the formation of a new way of life. The leading activity in preschool age is the play activity of children. At the same time, more and more doubts are accumulating as to the correctness of this assumption. For many years, science has been looking for a truly childish activity that would develop richly in preschool childhood without the help of adults and even thanks to their actions. Such an activity, according to modern researchers, turned out to be children's experimentation.

Therefore, the problem of the formation of cognitive interest in children through experimentation is relevant. It is especially important for children of middle preschool age. Today's children live and are brought up in the era of informatization, in connection with situations of rapidly changing life, when a person is required not only to possess knowledge, but also, in the main order, the ability to obtain this knowledge on his own, operate with it, think independently and creatively. We want to see our children inquiring, sociable, able not to get lost in the environment, to solve emerging problems, independent and creative individuals.




by discipline: preschool psychology



1. Environmental education of a preschooler as an important factor in the development of preschool children 5-9

2. Environmental education in kindergarten in the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard 10-15




Modern society needs a constructive personality capable of cognitive and activity self-realization, to the manifestation of initiative and creativity in solving urgent problems... The fundamental principles of such a personality must be laid already in preschool age. The main problem of the work of preschool teachers is the development of the personality of the preschooler, his readiness for schooling.

Environmental education is officially recognized today as one of the priority areas for improving the performance of educational systems. Ecology is currently the basis for the formation of a new way of life.

With the passing of the law Russian Federation"On Education" and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection" formed the prerequisites for the legal framework for the formation of a system of continuous environmental education and education of the population.

The problem of the development of a preschooler, preparing him for school, is complex and relevant, its development is inextricably linked with the process of the formation of cognitive interest in preschoolers.

Cognitive interest is a person's consumer attitude to the world, realized in cognitive activity to familiarize oneself with the surrounding world, characterized by the presence of interest in the task at hand and its solution, the ability to mobilize one's knowledge and reasonably use it in practice.

Studies of teachers and psychologists show that in the presence of interest, cognitive activity in children of middle preschool age proceeds more intensively and productively. Preschoolers get tired less, cognition becomes an exciting activity.

It is known that the leading activity in preschool age is the play activity of children. At the same time, more and more doubts are accumulating as to the correctness of this assumption. For many years, science has been looking for a truly childish activity that would develop richly in preschool childhood without the help of adults and even thanks to their actions. Such an activity, according to modern researchers, turned out to be children's experimentation.

Therefore, the problem of the formation of cognitive interest in children through experimentation is relevant. It is especially important for children of middle preschool age. Today's children live and are brought up in the era of informatization, in connection with situations of rapidly changing life, when a person is required not only to possess knowledge, but also, in the main order, the ability to obtain this knowledge on his own, operate with it, think independently and creatively. We want to see our children inquiring, sociable, able not to get lost in the environment, to solve emerging problems, independent and creative individuals.

1. Environmental education of a preschooler as an important factor in the development of preschool children

The word "ecology" and its derivatives have firmly entered our daily vocabulary. In the formation of a personality's worldview, an essential role is played by the preschooler's environment, social and cultural environment, as well as his special point of view on everything from an early age.

The ecological crisis has pushed humanity towards understanding its activities, revising the significance of the results of scientific and technological progress, rethinking its role in the "man-nature-society" system. The attitude of a person to himself, his role in this world, understanding of his essence have changed over the course of centuries of history. The twentieth century is the culmination of the negativity built by human civilization. This negative is manifested in the fact that a person considers himself “the king of nature,” the pinnacle of all that is true. Leading domestic and foreign scientists (N.N. Moiseev, N.F. Reimers, A. Pechchei and others) believe that the sources of the ecological crisis are in the person himself - in the problem of the absence or insufficient formation of his morality. The words of the Russian philosopher N.A. Berdyaeva: "A person has ceased to understand why he lives, and does not have time to reflect on the meaning of life, which have become an end in itself." A spiritual crisis is even more serious than an environmental crisis, for its fruit is an intellect that has gotten out of the control of ethical norms.

The need for morality, its understanding, development is a sign of today. There has been a tendency to equate morality with religiosity, but this, from our point of view, is inappropriate - ethical norms can also be secular, outside the church. From these positions, the pedagogical studies that have appeared recently (ND Nikandrov, A.S. Novobrantsev, N.M. Romanenko and others), devoted to the upbringing of morality in children, have been written.

Morality is a person's gravitation towards knowing the world, knowing himself and his place in this world, it is the study of the highest values, the desire for harmony in relationships with people, culture, nature, science, it is creation and creativity in any field of activity.

Scientist N.M. Romanenko, in his study of spiritual culture, claims that its indicators are such manifestations of personality as a high degree of emotionally positive attitude towards others and oneself (love); internal regulator of the emotional state (optimism, hope); a person's ability to realize moral self-control - to develop moral obligations for oneself, to evaluate the actions performed (conscience); spiritual practice - the creation of spiritual and material values ​​that carry novelty, originality (spiritual self-realization, creativity).

The formation of the personality, its socialization are associated with social education. This is the concern of society about its own growing generation. Upbringing should provide such a person's behavior that will comply with the rules and norms of behavior adopted in a given society.

The biological beginning of cognitive interest is an orientation-research reflex, indicated by I.P. Pavlov as a reflex "What is it?" Bozovic conquers a theoretical character, ceases to satisfy organic needs and is directed towards an object not given directly to perception. From the 2nd month of life, the child has sensorimotor activity and a recipient interest in the form of caring for the perception of various impressions from the external environment. L.S. Vygotsky believes that at the age of 5-6 months. the newest forms of the child's behavior are observed (the first lively outbursts of joy, the search for lost toys); these forms indicate a manifestation of initiative that goes beyond the response to irritation.

The intrinsic value of preschool childhood is obvious: the first seven years in a child's life are a period of his rapid maturation and enhanced development, a time of continuous improvement of mental and physical capabilities, the beginning of the formation of a personality.

The achievement of the first seven years is the formation of self-awareness: the preschooler distinguishes himself from the objective world, begins to understand his place in the circle of friends and relatives, to meaningfully understand the surrounding objective natural world, to highlight its values.

During this period, the beginnings of interaction with nature are laid, with the help of older ones, the preschooler begins to realize it as a common value for all people.

All outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past attached great importance to nature as a means of raising children: Ya. A. Komensky saw in nature a source of knowledge, a means for the development of will, feelings and mind.

K. D. Ushinsky was in favor of "leading children into nature", in order to express to them everything accessible and useful for their mental and verbal development.

Studies that began to be carried out in the 1950s at the departments of preschool pedagogy of pedagogical institutes played a huge role in the scientific substantiation of the methodology for acquaintance with nature. One of the first studies by E. I. Zalkind, which is devoted to familiarizing preschool children with birds, showed how important the correct organization of sensory perception of natural objects is: balanced supervision of observations gives preschoolers a lot of impressions that are converted into specific and generalized ideas, contribute to the development speech.

In the early 1970s, pedagogical research began to be carried out, which later entered the core of the theoretical and experimental substantiation of the methodology of environmental education for preschool children. This was due to new ideas initiated by the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. Child psychologists (VV Davydov, D.B. Elkonin, etc.) proclaimed the need to: 1) complicate the content of education - to introduce into it theoretical knowledge that reflects the laws of the surrounding reality; 2) building a system of knowledge, the assimilation of which would ensure the effective mental development of children.

The implementation of this idea in the field of preschool education, which was supposed to ensure the proper preparation of children for school, was carried out by A.V. Zaporozhets, N.N. Poddyakov, L. A. Venger (Research Institute of Preschool Education, APN). Psychologists have proved the position that preschool children can master a system of interrelated knowledge that reflects the patterns of a particular area of ​​reality, if this system is available to visual-figurative thinking, which dominates at a given age.

In preschool pedagogy, research began on the selection and systematization of natural history knowledge, reflecting the leading patterns of living (I. A. Khaidurova, S. N. Nikolaev, E. F. Terentyev, and others) and inanimate (I. S. Freidkin and others) nature ... In studies devoted to living nature, the law was chosen as the leading one, which obeys the life of every organism, namely, the dependence of the existence of plants and animals on the external environment.

Currently, the system of continuous environmental education has reached the highest level of development in its initial link - the field of upbringing of preschoolers. There are many programs (“Our home is nature” by N. Ryzhova, “We are earthlings” by N. Veresov, “Young ecologist” by S. Nikolaeva and others), which give teachers the opportunity to implement this direction in any preschool institution. Leading integrated programs ("Rainbow", "Origins", "Childhood", "Baby" and others) also include sections that allow children to familiarize themselves with the correct - from an environmental point of view - forms of interaction with nature.

The fundamental meaning of ecological education is as follows: "During preschool childhood, in the process of purposeful pedagogical influence in children, it is possible to form the beginnings of ecological culture - a consciously correct attitude to phenomena, objects of animate and inanimate nature, which constitute their continuous environment during this period of life." This is noted by S.N. Nikolaeva, author of many environmental programs. An ecological attitude to the world develops and develops throughout a person's life. The ability to live with nature and the environment should be developed as early as possible. After all, it is known that real beauty is inherent in nature, and the task is to help the child see it, learn to appreciate it. As a result, when acquainting children with nature, vast opportunities open up for moral education.

2. Environmental education in kindergarten within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard

One of the main tasks of education, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", is the formation of a spiritual and moral personality. Spiritual and moral education of children is multifaceted in content. This is love for their native places, pride in their people, and the feeling of their inseparability with the world around them, and the desire to preserve and increase the wealth of their country.

The ecological state of our planet requires from the human society an understanding of the current situation and a conscious attitude towards it. The initial stage of preschool upbringing and education is very important in environmental education. It is in preschool age that the foundations of a person's worldview are laid, his attitude to the world around him is formed.

Ecological education in preschool age is just beginning, grains of ecological knowledge acquired in childhood will help the child to navigate in the surrounding reality, to understand it correctly. But most importantly, they will lay the foundation for a conscious attitude towards nature, the determination of their place in it in the future. The teaching staff of our preschool educational institution believes that an important side of environmental education is the development of a humane feeling, an effective attitude to the world around us, the development of a willingness to work with joy, create, and help others. Independent deeds and actions of children are already a criterion of ecological culture.
Our kindergarten has been working on the problem of environmental education for a long time. It is based on the main educational program of the preschool educational institution, and we also use the technologies of the N.N. Kondratyeva "We".

Purpose of the program: to form the ecological education of preschoolers.


  • - ra to instill in preschool children ecological ideas, knowledge about the value of nature and the rules of behavior in it;
  • - to form the skills of various activities in nature and the formation of environmentally oriented interaction with its objects;
  • - to help children accumulate emotionally positive experience of communication with nature.
  • The success of the program is ensured by several prerequisites:
  • - the teacher's readiness to carry out environmental education of children;
  • - personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child in the process of mastering the program;
  • - constant communication of children with the nature of the immediate environment;
  • - building an ecologically developing environment in a preschool institution;
  • - active participation of parents in the educational process;
  • - the establishment by the teacher of the preschool educational institution of relations with the school, public organizations, institutions of additional education.
  • When building a system of environmental work, we paid special attention to the following main areas:
  1. The cognitive area of ​​work includes a cycle of cognitive activities (the following forms are used: didactic games, conversations, travels, performances, quizzes), which contribute to a deeper expansion of the ecological knowledge of pupils.
  2. The educational and entertaining direction of work aims to familiarize children with the components of animate and inanimate nature, the influence of human activity on these components in a playful and entertaining form: these are theatrical performances on an environmental theme, holidays, matinees, environmental games, travel games.
  3. The study of flora and fauna, landscapes of the native land, related to practical matters (practical direction of work) - joint actions with parents on greening group rooms, the territory of a preschool educational institution, working in the garden, planting trees and shrubs, decorating flower beds, actions to protect rare flowers, feeding birds, making and hanging feeders and birdhouses, contributed to instilling a careful attitude of pupils to their native nature.
  4. The research direction of the work is carried out within the framework of the following activities: project activities, excursions to nature, tourist walks, phenological observations, experiments that contribute to the development of thinking, analysis of the results obtained.

    Ways to implement a system of environmental work in a preschool educational institution:
    - creating conditions (greening the developing environment, software and methodological support);
    - increasing the environmental literacy of teachers;
    - updating the content, forms and methods of working with children;
    -ecological education of parents.

    Systematic work with personnel, understanding the significance of environmental problems - all this allows us to carry out extensive targeted activities with children in this direction. The problems of environmental education are regularly discussed at consultations, seminars, teachers' councils.

    Ecological education of preschoolers can be viewed as a process of continuous upbringing and education of parents, aimed at the formation of the ecological culture of all family members. Working with parents is just as important and more difficult than working with children. We pay special attention to the joint activity of children and parents, since it is through activity that a person influences the world around him. In addition, it promotes cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement between a child and an adult, makes it possible for a child to feel like an "adult" (during a hike or nature conservation action), and an adult to better understand a child. We hold exhibitions of joint drawings of posters, mock-ups, handicrafts from waste material, photographs, we attract parents to participate in the design of nature centers, laboratories, libraries, in environmental actions (cleaning the territory of the kindergarten and around it, planting trees, making birdhouses and feeders, etc.). etc.)
    Preschoolers are very curious, they look closely at the surrounding reality, strive to penetrate its secrets, therefore we use active forms and methods of teaching - experimentation, experimental work, walks, excursions, etc.

    The system of working with children includes:
    -seasonal thematic planning of direct educational activities;
    - creation of an ecological - developing environment (nature centers, nature laboratories, ecological path);
    -organization of joint activities (holidays, observations, ecological path, pharmaceutical garden, vegetable garden, labor in nature);
    - reading fiction;
    -growing greenery in the winter-spring period ("garden on the window");
    -game activity, as the main form of children's activity;
    -ecology of health (breathing exercises, music therapy, physical activity, hardening, ecological and psychological training);
    - creation of a system of environmental work (author's development of classes, work with parents, with public organizations, methodological and informational support, etc.).

    1. The creation of an ecological developmental environment, conditions for a healthy lifestyle for children is the most important condition for the effectiveness of our work. The ecological development environment consists of a variety of elements, each of which fulfills its own functional role: