Fashion accessories spring summer. Rigid laconic bracelet. Long necklace and earrings

The older a woman becomes, the more often thoughts about the imminent onset of menopause come to her head. When he will come? How will it go? What will happen after it? What can you expect?

Do not be afraid of this important stage, but you need to prepare.

In this article, you will be able to well imagine what menopause is, with what features it proceeds, what stages it goes through, how, and most importantly, how to maintain the state of your body in proper form.

Menopause and its phases

Menopause or menopause is a part of a woman's life when ovarian function declines, and the production of the female sex hormone, that is, estrogen, decreases. This period does not mean anything bad for a woman's sex life, the reproductive function simply comes to naught.

Someone refers to menopause as a disease, someone to reorganization of the body. The reasons are changes that occur with the central nervous system and with restructuring. Every woman has menopause at a different time. Someone will be affected by this problem at the age of 40, someone at 60.

Three phases of menopause should be distinguished:

  • premenopause... It is characterized by violation of the rhythm of the menstrual cycle among women. The interval between critical days can sharply increase or, conversely, decrease. The intensity of the discharge decreases. There are fluctuations in the content of estrogen in the blood. This leads to the appearance of severe and sharp pain in the lower abdomen, engorgement of the mammary glands. Some note the occurrence of painful sensations in the lumbar spine;
  • menopause... It is characterized by cessation of menstruation... The progesterone level drops sharply to the level of 0. Menopause occurs at the time when exactly one calendar year you have no menstruation. A woman during this period can no longer get pregnant naturally.
  • postmenopausal... This phase begins after menopause and continues until the end of a woman's life... It is accompanied by a change in the skin on the labia. Pubic hair thinns, and the shape of the mammary glands changes. The nipples become flat.


Menopause is a condition that occurs against the background of menopause. But its onset can be predicted by some of the symptoms.

These include:

  • excessive sweating;
  • headache;
  • increase or decrease in pressure;
  • weakness;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • chills;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • drowsiness;
  • forgetfulness;
  • depression;
  • carelessness.

Symptoms, depending on your body's susceptibility, can also include:

  • malaise;
  • pain in the bladder;
  • hair loss;
  • burning and dryness in the area of ​​intimate organs;
  • brittle nails;
  • essential.

Late menopausal symptoms include:

  • osteoarthritis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • decreased memory;
  • decreased vision;
  • hearing loss;
  • obesity.

How to alleviate the condition during this period

Some women painfully endure the onset of menopause. Few people accept the fact that the skin loses its smoothness and elasticity, a healthy tone, the mood is constantly changing, the body takes on a completely different shape, and even painful discomfort does not give rest.

In order to alleviate your condition, first of all you need to show all the strength of your character. Menopause must be accepted with dignity, as a necessary phase of life, to continue to enjoy and enjoy every day lived.

Here are some tips to follow:

  • do not be isolated in yourself, get depressed and apathetic;
  • start using lifting products for face. They will edit its outline and oval;
  • if finances allow, visit a beautician and do injection procedures;
  • necessarily monitor your health and at the slightest ailment, consult a doctor;
  • avoid stress;
  • experts advise to conduct tide diary, which will help you navigate in the time of their occurrence and duration;
  • psychologists say that for maximum relief you need relax and avoid stressful situations;
  • rest more, devote time to yourself and pleasant moments.

And nothing has such a positive effect on a woman's body at the time of menopause as a healthy lifestyle.

  • it is worth reducing consumption spices, sweets, alcohol, caffeine and nicotine;
  • try to consume as much as possible more plain water that will have a positive effect on your skin;
  • pay attention to herbal teas and decoctions... They should not be hotter than body temperature;
  • refuse from too hot drinks and dishes that will provoke hot flashes and exacerbate your poor health;
  • it is worth making a choice in your diet in favor of protein and minerals;
  • add as much as possible to your diet fruits, dairy products and vegetables;
  • in advance make up for the lack of calcium in organism;
  • replace regular vegetable oil olive or rapeseed;
  • supplement your nutrition a course of multivitamins that make up for the deficiency of elements;
  • try to do not active sports... For example, morning walks or short jogging;
  • go to fitness, pay attention to swimming;
  • get rid of synthetic clothing and wear things made of natural fabrics... The skin must breathe;
  • try to comply wakefulness and sleep mode;
  • arrange yourself daytime respite or rest and your full night's sleep should last at least 8 hours.

Folk remedies for menopause

The recipes that traditional medicine is rich in will help you facilitate the course of menopause and return to normal life faster.

Treatment for menopause and hot flashes with folk remedies involves the use of herbs, juices, fruits, as well as bee products.


Despite the simplicity of such remedies, they have literally miraculous effects. Therefore, many women deliberately refuse drugs and use traditional methods.

Peony tincture

Peony is not only a beautiful plant that will delight any woman, but also excellent folk remedy, which helps to fight menopause.

The medicinal properties of peony tincture include:

  • antispasmodic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antidepressant;
  • pain reliever;
  • sedative;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

You can also prepare peony tincture at home. For this you need collect leaves and petals of this plant.

Dry them in direct sunlight or in the oven. Place about 30 g of crushed dry leaves and petals in a glass container. Pour the composition with 100 ml of vodka or diluted alcohol. Close the container and leave in a dark, cool dry place for 6-8 days. Then apply 10 drops per glass of water.

You need to take it two to three times a day. When improving, you need to take a break for two weeks.


Licorice root contains a substance that is resembles the female hormone estrogen... That is why this plant is an effective remedy for the treatment of menopause and its symptoms.

The method for preparing a medicinal broth is simple. You need to boil three glasses of water and add one tablespoon of chopped licorice root to it. Boil the mixture for about 20 minutes, and then strain. You need to take the tincture in small portions, about one glass a day.

The course should last no more than 10 days. A break is taken.


There are a huge number of drugs and alternative medicine, which contains valerian. The main purpose of this herb is to alleviate the condition of a woman during menopause and to relieve fatigue, overexcitation, and nervous tension.

In case you are not very tired, you can make a soothing tea. To do this, you need valerian root, mint leaves, boiling water, and lemon balm leaves.

All of the listed ingredients must be dried.

Grind them and take one tablespoon of the mixture. Pour a glass of boiling water over and leave to infuse for half an hour.

Use ready-made tea 2-3 tablespoons no more than 3 times a day.

Tincture of red clover

Red clover has excellent characteristics:

  • helps to increase libido;
  • has a sedative effect;
  • moisturizes the walls of the vagina;
  • eliminates urinary problems;
  • improves mood;
  • slows down the process of hair loss.

Red clover with menopause is excellent remedy for noticeable symptoms and hot flashes... Red clover tincture can be made at home.

To do this, you need 200 ml of boiling water. You need to add 30 g of clover inflorescence or 30 g of leaves. The broth is infused for an hour, after which it is filtered. 200 ml is a daily dose that should be used three to four times.

Be sure to take before meals.


Useful properties of sage:

  • inhibits the process of decline in sex hormones;
  • eliminates heat and sweating;
  • relieves nervous tension and anxiety;
  • improves mood;
  • fights headache;
  • relieves spasms;
  • helps relieve inflammation in the urogenital area;
  • removes insomnia.

You can make tea with sage. To do this, one teaspoon of a dry plant is poured into 100 milliliters of boiling water and filtered.

But the infusion copes with the above problems most effectively. Pour 250 milliliters of boiling water over one tablespoon of the herb. Wait in a closed container for 30 minutes. The product is more concentrated, so it should be taken in the amount of 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Borovaya uterus

Borovaya uterus contains herbal progestins that act on the cardiovascular system and relieve premenstrual pain. It includes plant estrogens that normalize blood circulation.

Useful properties of the boron uterus:

  • has a rejuvenating and disinfecting effect;
  • thins the blood;
  • supports immunity;
  • enhances the secretory function;
  • relieves bleeding;
  • increases libido.

It is most effective to use alcoholic infusion. Half a tablespoon of the plant should be poured with 250 ml of alcohol. Leave on for 14 days. Take 30 drops diluted with water. The course lasts 14 days.

Herbal preparations

Herbal preparations contain more useful properties than specific types of dried flowers. Therefore, by mixing several types of herbs, you can get the perfect remedy to help you fight ailments.

Herbal remedies for menopause are the most effective way to regain good health.

You can prepare a collection from:

  • anise fruit;
  • licorice root;
  • violet leaves;
  • flowers of calendula.

The collection must be dry. Take 5 tablespoons and pour one liter of boiling water over it. Take half a glass for 21 days.

Another effective collection consists of:

  • hop cones;
  • rose hips;
  • lemon balm leaves;
  • horsetail.

4 tablespoons of the collection should be simmered in a steam bath for about 30 minutes. Cool the broth and take two spoons at a time.

Use of phytopreparations

Phytopreparations are considered an alternative to potent drugs for women who are prohibited from taking . Such preparations are of plant origin and do not contain, for the most part, chemical compounds. Treatment of menopause with such drugs has no contraindications, but their effectiveness is relatively low.

Hello, dear subscribers and guests of the blog. At a certain age, every woman is faced with the main symptoms of menopause, which cause a lot of inconvenience. Folk remedies for menopause will help smooth out discomfort, prolong youth, improve overall well-being and normalize the psycho-emotional state.


Before using non-traditional drugs, you need to consult with a gynecologist. Despite the mild impact, any herbs and fees have a number of contraindications.

Dill water is the simplest and most affordable remedy for hot flashes. You can order it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself:

  1. Pour 45 grams of dried seeds into a thermos, pour 500 milliliters of boiling water.
  2. Insist 1 hour.
  3. Add another 500 milliliters of water.
  4. Take 3-4 times a day, 100 milliliters, half an hour after a meal. The course lasts 1 month.

Dill seed tincture

Interesting. After 14 days of regular intake, the number of hot flashes is reduced by 2 times, and after the end of the course - by 10 times.

Red clover

Red clover contains plant estrogens and progesterone analogs, which reduce the symptoms caused by the extinction of ovarian function. The plant is capable of:

  • normalize the emotional state, relieve anxiety, irritability, mood swings;
  • eliminate;
  • restore the structure of the mucous membranes of intimate areas;
    increase libido;
  • relieve discomfort when urinating;
  • overcome chronic fatigue, improve memory and concentration;
  • relieve discomfort in the mammary glands;
  • relieve weakness, headache and dizziness, normalize the functioning of the vestibular apparatus;
    reduce sweating, frequency and intensity of hot flashes;
  • restore normal skin condition, stop hair loss, restore a healthy glow.

You can make your own red clover infusion. To do this, take dry flowers, leaves and stems, grind, measure 45 grams and pour 250 milliliters of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 8 hours, then strain. Take 50 milliliters three times a day, half an hour before the main meal. The duration of treatment is 30 days.

Advice. The therapy can be supplemented with douching. Take 45 grams of flowers, fill with a glass of water, steam for 10 minutes. Douching is carried out overnight with a warm solution. The procedures will relieve dryness of intimate areas and stop inflammation.

Clinical trials have confirmed that royal jelly is able to relieve the debilitating symptoms of menopause in 90% of cases. The bee product has a positive effect on the functions of the digestive, endocrine, genitourinary, cardiovascular and nervous systems:

  • helps to get rid of hot flashes;
  • eliminates dizziness;
  • restores proper function and normalizes blood pressure;
  • solves problems with digestion and excessive sweating;
  • improves vision, memory, metabolic processes;
  • relieves depression, mood swings, insomnia and other neuropsychiatric disorders.

When treating menopause, take 2 capsules in the morning and at bedtime for 2 months. Royal jelly can also be replaced with bee bread or pollen mixed with honey. Take 20 grams daily.

Folk remedies for menopause: herbal preparations

To reduce the symptoms of menopause, traditional healers recommend taking the following herbs:

  • in case of general malaise, mix in equal proportions hops, hyssop and wormwood. Separate 5 grams of the composition, pour 250 milliliters of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Drink 250 milliliters per day for a month;
  • the collection of thyme, lemon balm, blackberry leaves and berries helps from hot flashes and increased nervousness. The components must be taken in a ratio of 3: 4: 4. Pour a teaspoon of the collection with 250 milliliters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Take 1 glass 2 times a day;
  • to increase libido and eliminate discomfort in the intimate sphere, you need to grind 50 grams of dried hawthorn flowers, pour 500 milliliters of vodka. For 10 days, place the container with the infusion in a dark place and shake the vessel periodically. After straining, take 20-30 drops of the product mixed with water three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Advice. With frequent, intense hot flashes, uterine bleeding, depression of the psyche, it is recommended to drink tea with oregano. Pour 5 grams of grass with 250 milliliters of boiling water, strain after 15 minutes.

Unfortunately, many factors can trigger the onset of early menopause in 35-40 years. It can be a trigger for the development of many diseases. In addition to the fact that a woman will lose the ability to become pregnant, she may develop osteoporosis, arterial hypertension. The functions of the heart and bladder will be disrupted, vaginal dryness, itching of the genitals, urinary incontinence, the impossibility of intimate life will appear.

Important. With the onset of early menopause, I advise you to immediately contact your gynecologist, who will select an effective treatment regimen.

It can be supplemented with the following traditional medicine:

  • mix equal amounts of licorice root and aralia, measure out 30 grams, pour 400 milliliters of boiling water. Strain after 8 hours. Take 10 days, 250 milliliters per day;
  • Pour 5 grams of red clover with 250 milliliters of freshly boiled water, brew for 5 minutes. Drink three times a day for a month. After a two-week break, the course can be repeated. You can brew sage in the same way;
  • combine 10 grams of licorice, 20 grams of hops, sage, calamus root, yarrow, 30 grams of linden blossom, 40 grams of black currant and nettle leaves. Separate 30 grams of a mixture of herbs, pour 400 milliliters of boiling water, simmer for half an hour in a water bath. The filtered broth is drunk at 125 milliliters 4 times a day.

If, for any reason, you cannot take medications prescribed by your doctor, homeopathic remedies will help to delay the onset of menopause. They are able to stimulate the natural production of estrogen.

The gynecologist will tell you what to take to prevent early menopause based on the clinical picture, laboratory data, concomitant diseases and age. But be sure to revisit your menu and include foods rich in plant estrogens. These are legumes, corn, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, flaxseed oil and seeds.

How to get pregnant with menopause

Many women believe that it is impossible to become pregnant during menopause, therefore, they ignore contraceptive methods. In fact, there is a gradual extinction of fertility and it is quite possible to become a mother at the first stage of climacteric changes:

  1. Premenopause. It can last from 2 to 10 years. The duration of the cycle increases, general well-being worsens, hot flashes, sweating, insomnia, irritability and other symptoms of menopause appear.
  2. Menopause. Comes on the day the last menstrual bleeding ends and lasts 1 year. It is impossible to get pregnant.
  3. Postmenopause. The production of estrogen completely stops, hot flashes are practically absent, but the condition of the skin, hair and figure deteriorates significantly. The risk of the appearance of malignant neoplasms increases, there are malfunctions in the work of many organs and systems.

So, during the premenopausal period, it is quite possible to get pregnant. However, menstrual irregularities and a gradual increase in the interval between bleeding complicates the task. Therefore, a natural question arises, how to restore menstruation and prolong the childbearing period? This is a rather difficult task and in most cases only a specialist can help.

However, there are several popular ways to restore menstruation:

  • Pour 15 grams of mint with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Drink three times a day, 4 days in a row;
  • every day in the first half of the cycle, drink a cocktail of 200 milliliters of freshly squeezed carrot juice and 100 milliliters of cream;
  • Pour 30 grams of lungwort, licorice root, calamus or horsetail with 600 milliliters of boiling water. The filtered and cooled infusion should be taken in 1 glass, three times a day before meals.

To revive and preserve reproductive function, some experts advise taking decoctions of garden viburnum, female ginseng, false unicorn. The Abraham tree can also help restore the menstrual cycle.

Important. Pregnancy during menopause is fraught with serious complications for both the mother and the unborn baby. There is a risk of developing diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, renal failure, genetic abnormalities of the fetus.

If uterine bleeding occurs, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. They may indicate miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, malignant neoplasms of the reproductive organs. Do not experiment with traditional medicine and try to stop the bleeding. It is important to understand its reason. Therefore, you need to call an ambulance.

How not to age with menopause

Menopause is an inevitable process, but it does not mean at all that you can give up on yourself and stop monitoring your health and appearance. There are many ways to prolong your own youthfulness and slow down the natural aging process:

  1. Review your nutrition. Include in the menu protein foods, foods containing complex carbohydrates, Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, vegetable oils, wheat germ, and flaxseeds.
  2. Drink more purified water, freshly squeezed juice of carrots, beets, cucumbers, celery, spinach, kiwi.
  3. Brew tea with hops, flax seeds, red clover, shepherd's purse, yarrow, motherwort. They contain phytoestrogens that help relieve symptoms of menopause, lose weight and normalize metabolic processes.
  4. Go in for sports. Physical activity will help keep the body in good shape. You can improve your well-being with the help of yoga, Pilates, aqua aerobics, joint gymnastics, dancing, swimming, cycling.
  5. Sign up for a facial massage and thermolifting. They stimulate collagen production.
  6. Drink a course of vitamins A, E and C. 2-3 times a year.
  7. Give up bad habits.
  8. Rest more and take care of yourself from emotional stress, stress.

Folk remedies for menopause will help alleviate the condition, support the normal functioning of organs and systems.

Take good care of your health and continue to enjoy life. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates and recommend the article to your friends on social networks.

You can endlessly “decipher” a woman’s outfit, just as you can learn about her inner world. A woman is characterized not only by the elements of clothing that she likes to wear, but also shoes, bags, hats that she picks up for them, as well as her hairstyle: whether she wears her hair loose or gently styling and, finally, what accessories she chooses to complete the image ... Stylish accessories set the tone: just try to pick them up incorrectly or treat them as not so important components, and you ruin the whole ensemble. Conversely, if you have accessory skills, you can transform a simple dress at your disposal and go out to be the most stylish lady in town. We present to your attention the biggest trends in accessories of 2016, which roamed the labyrinths of the fashion world to take place in your dressing table and in your wardrobes.

Accessories trends 2016

1. Scarves in different styles

If for the fall-winter season, scarves are needed to keep warm and create comfort, then the warm seasons use these fashionable details only to complete the entire look. Keeping up with this trend, you will surely be inspired by the sheer number of styles of these little fabric pieces.

Have Anthony vaccarello, Jonathan Saunders and Gucci these are most often long scarves, tightly wrapped around the neck, and then tied in the center or at the side with loose, carelessly falling ends. Have Haider ackermann, Badgley mischka and Gucci, there is a trend for tulle scarves tied in a romantic soft knot. Emporio Armani and Karen Walker are more characterized by cool neckerchiefs in different colors and patterns.

V Giorgio armani we see a clear attempt to turn the neckerchief into a necklace. Greg lauren presented us with silver and gold scarves wrapped around the neck, we also see a scarf from Emilio pucci all in floral motifs, tied around the model's wrist in the form of a bracelet.

2. Men's ties

Accessory trends in 2016 did not pass men's ties either, usually in combination with formal suits, but in a completely new interpretation. Ties were presented Aganovich, Gucci and Jacquemus.

3. Fur stoles and feathers

Fashion designers have taken care of our body, creating stylish accessories that caress the body. Among them, the most common are fur stoles made of artificial or natural fur, monochromatic or multi-colored. We see blue, purple and yellow earth stoles from Miu Miu, diagonally thrown over the shoulders and, of course, the iconic carelessly swinging raccoon tails, as well as fur stoles from Marc jacobs that the models just held in their hands. Feathers were presented Valentino as a bracelet that gracefully encompasses the entire arm; and Balenciaga in the form of feathers suspended from long cords that adorn the neck.

4. Leather belts and other stylish belts

Belts are also among the 2016 accessory trends. Belts of various designs and from various materials are at the peak of popularity, now they are used not only with trousers and skirts, but also with dresses, shirts, blouses. Most often they were leather at the shows. We see a lot of skin from Valentino: Very wide leather corsage belts with animal motifs worn over knitted blouses, as well as two-layer tiny belts worn over dresses.

We see several colorful belts from Jonathan Saunders that go well with Japanese-style robe dresses. Leather cords from Paul smith with a center knot - an accessory on wrap dress-gowns, blazers and lace blouses. Lanvin introduced thin leather straps, sometimes wrapped twice around the figure over an elegant dress or a bohemian long dress.

Leather belts were presented Louis vuitton with buckles and intricate knot. Fabric belts and cords from Maison margiela were with romantic bows and dressed not only at the waist, but also passed around the chest. Silk belts from Manish arora were decorated with large embroidered butterflies, and leather belts from Marc jacobs- covered with thorns and stones. Also belts in their collections presented Michael kors, Moschino, Proenza schouler.

5. Opera gloves and half gloves

We are used to seeing knitted gloves in winter, but certainly not in spring. However, if you adapt thin fabrics for them and open your fingertips, such accessories will be good both day and night. Opera gloves are enchanting: yellow-black silk elongated gloves from Kenzo look spectacular with a black mini ball gown with a bow in the middle; opera gloves from Dries van noten decorated with purple ornamentation that looks like a tattoo on the body.

Mitts from Gucci presented in different styles, among them the most impressive are the golden mitts, but no less catchy are the black and cream mesh mitts. Have Chanel silver half-gloves predominate, but there are others - up to the elbow, over which metal bracelets and rings are worn.

6. Stylish socks and tights

Last but not least, the trend is socks and tights, which appear quite often on various shows that shape the 2016 accessory trends.

Socks and tights are worn with dresses and skirts, spreading extravagant vibes and a desire to touch them. Fishnet tights were presented Maison margiela, and Ashley williams that look like fishing nets.

Tights from Dries van noten pair with gloves, creating the illusion of a tattoo. Bronze socks from Antonio Marras pair with sandals. Chic black sheer knee socks, all adorned with tiny color details, and shorter floral embroidery socks from Dolce & gabbana look very exciting, breaking the usual rhythm of the day.

Since ancient times, women of fashion have paid special attention to accessories, so all kinds of hats, gloves, handbags, brooches and umbrellas have always delighted the fair sex with indescribable delight. Today, the number of fashion accessories has increased significantly, which cannot but please their fans. What accessories will be fashionable in the 2016 season, we suggest you figure this out with us.

Fashionable stylish accessories for women around the waist 2016 photo

Fashionable stylish accessories 2016 are necessarily replenished with new trendy solutions in the form of belts, belts and harnesses from famous design houses. Belts are no longer fastened in a classic style, but tied in beautiful leather knots. The trend of last season, when only one end of the belt remains falling, is still relevant, you can see an example of a neat knot at Michael Kors.

Wide leather belts with animal print, monochrome stripes and 3d prints are worn at the waist over blouses, shirts and dresses, like those of Versace and Gucci. It is also encouraged to replace the daughter belt of the coat with a new leather accessory of your choice in the tone of the base model. It can be encrusted with vibrant details such as faux stones, rhinestones or punk-style metal (Marc Jacobc).

Interesting and fantasy experiments can be done with very thin and long belts made of different materials: a light dress or blouse made of chiffon and tulle is belted with a strap in several turns around the waist in the shape of an X, like in Michael Kors.

Fashionable stylish accessories women's scarves 2016 photo

While scarves from the fall / winter collections should be warm and comfortable, during the warmer months, their main task is to emphasize the style of your outfit. Most often, long scarves are wrapped around the neck several times, tying the ends in the center or at the side, as we see in the collections of Anthony Vaccarello, Jonathan Saunders and Gucci. Triangular scarves tied with a bow will look fashionable in combination with a trouser suit, variations on this theme are presented in the collections of Giorgio Armani, Greg Lauren and other designers.

Fashionable stylish accessories men's ties 2016 photo

Among the trendy accessories of the 2016 season, men's ties were also seen, but in a completely new interpretation. The Aganovich collection features black lace ties that adorn the bare neck and match with jackets, while Gucci and Jacquemus suggest wearing ties over a turtleneck.

Fashion accessories women's watches 2016 photo

Initially, wristwatches were made exclusively for women. Fashion since the 16th century has dictated the production of miniature models with a graceful jewel-encrusted strap. Actually, they were called "bracelets", and were more a woman's jewelry than a full-fledged device for determining the time. With the passage of time, watches have become a necessary attribute of any fashionista. Depending on the model, they can emphasize the status or reflect the peculiarities of your style.

2016 fosters independence and consistency, which is especially noticeable in watch fashion. Grace and traditional femininity gives way to strength, freedom and immediacy. Regardless of the strap, the dial in 2016 should be large and eye-catching. The colors of the season also deviate from the classics. Indigo, turquoise, fuchsia, canary - the brighter the better. Well, what else to expect from the funny and mischievous Monkey 2016?

Fashion accessories women's gloves 2016 photo

A wide variety of fashionable women's gloves are offered to us today by well-known manufacturers of accessories. Of course, leather gloves are the most popular and demanded by all women in the world. After all, leather itself is an excellent material, it is quite durable, keeps the shape of the product well, has excellent thermal qualities, and besides, leather gloves look very elegant and stylish. A variety of colors allow you to choose fashionable women's gloves 2016 for almost any type of clothing, creating a single, harmonious ensemble.

Unusual fur inserts are also a bright addition to the style, and they can decorate the most beautiful fingers. In addition to leather accessories, very original and fashionable women's gloves made of suede or fabric. These stylish accessories look elegant and lightweight, allowing them to be added to the most sophisticated winter outfits. So, let's see some interesting models of the current season, women's fashion gloves 2016 photos. We hope you enjoy the accessories you see and want to add these elegant fashion gloves to your stylish, luxurious wardrobe.

Fashion accessories women's tights 2016 photo

If we talk about the main trends, then most of the world's designers have chosen colored tights as the main accents. In the spring of 2016, both restrained natural shades and bright flashy colors will become popular. Tights of the following colors will be relevant: purple, brown, gray, pale pink, blue. Thick white and black tights will also be incredibly popular as they go well with almost any outfit. Well, if you are not against fashionable experiments, then feel free to choose bright colors. Images with colored tights of the following shades will look especially stylish: yellow, orange, blue, green, red.

Another interesting trend of the spring season will be thin tights with prints. So, for example, models with imitation of snakeskin, tights, stockings, models with floral patterns will be fashionable. Among the trendy tights of the upcoming season, you can also highlight vintage models. So, the familiar to all polka-dot tights, models with a seam, fishnet tights will be relevant.

Fashion accessories women's glasses 2016 photo

What's the spring / summer season without glasses? This type of accessories has long begun to act not only as a reliable eye protection from ultraviolet radiation, but also as an individual fashion item. What glasses only did not meet at the shows. For example, 3.1 Phillip Lim and Gucci suggested wearing round models, Emilio Pucci opted for the dragonfly style, while Fendi and Nina Ricci opted for butterfly and cat-eye glasses.

Fashion accessories women's hats 2016 photo

Chances are, you've already purchased a trendy beanie or hat to flaunt this winter. Now it's time to think about the next new thing - what hats will be fashionable in 2016? Naturally, this will be a lighter version, because in warm weather you want to quickly remove all unnecessary things. Fashionable hats for girls and women for 2016 are presented in the photo of stylish novelties that will delight any fashionista.

That is why fashionable spring accessories will be a great addition to your new hairstyle and will give you absolute comfort both while walking on the street and if you have to be indoors for a long time, for example, in a shopping center. Choosing the current hat model and thinking over a stylish look for the next season right now! Look at the photo for examples of stylish hats.

To create a complete look, girls use fashion accessories. Designers are well aware of this, so every year they show bags, jewelry, glasses and other things on the catwalks. They help girls look spectacular and charming. Let's take a look at the 2016 fashion accessories.

In the new 2016 season, fashion trends do not have strict boundaries. Each woman will make the image harmonious and beautiful; you only need a successful combination of clothes, makeup, hairstyles and accessories. Fashion of 2016 does not prohibit bold experiments on appearance.

Hair accessories


The fairer sex will not be able to do in the new 2016 season without bracelets, which are ideal for perfecting the image. During the season, massive bracelets made of leather or knitwear, decorated with flowers, fringes or thorns, are very popular. Stylists say that to create the image of an elegant woman, it is enough to use several of these accessories.


Earrings of large size are considered an equally important element of a full-fledged image in 2016. Fashion does not prohibit wearing one earring. The main thing is the large size. With the help of dangling or massive earrings, women will draw attention to the face and neck.


In 2016, the popularity of brooches is growing rapidly. Leading designers offer products in the form of medals or flower bouquets. Brooches are worn on a scarf, scarf, jacket or coat lapels. For women seeking to be the center of attention, it is recommended to place the brooch in the waist area.


This season there is a clear trend towards the use of massive fashion accessories. The design does not play a special role. You can safely wear large gems, flowers and balls. Any of the listed accessories are perfect for an evening dress. Stylists recommend opting for amber jewelry. Necklaces made of amber will provide a certain zest to the style.

Let's summarize. At all times, women in pursuit of the perfect way use fashion accessories. The main fashion trend of 2016 is the large size of accessories. Jewelry made of amber has climbed to the top of fashion. They can make the image of a woman mysterious.

Video Chanel Fashion Show Spring-Summer 2016

Beachwear 2016

Girls already in winter are thinking about how to relax in the summer and what to wear to the beach. To look unbeatable, 2016 beach fashion has prepared a lot of stylish and fiercely beautiful things that will make your stay comfortable and enjoyable.

Fashion Swimwear

A swimsuit is the basis of a woman's beach outfit. The designers presented incredible models of fashionable swimwear, which are characterized by a sophisticated look. An undeniable hit of the season - an open-top swimsuit without ties, straps and shoulder straps, which shows the beauty of the female body to the beach community. One-piece swimwear with a decent depth of neckline, trimmed with ties, fringe, lacing and lace is in fashion.

Fashionable summer designs and prints

Fashionable drawings and prints of 2016 amaze with a variety of swimwear no less. Beachwear fashion welcomes soft, cheerful and delicate colors, the most relevant of which is pink. Gold, silver, lilac, beige and cream beach outfits are also trending. The themes of the drawings are varied: speck, stripes, abstraction, animals, exotic and tropical ornaments.

Trendy summer pareos

Every girl knows about pareo. But, not many young ladies buy this trendy beach accessory. Stylists advise purchasing a set for the beach from a swimsuit, tunic and pareo. The pareo is worn as a headscarf or skirt, and is used to construct a tops. This is not a complete list of functions that this fashionable thing performs.

Summer cotton clothes

In the summer of 2016, stylists advise girls to go to the seaside or river beach in a spacious tunic, sundress or dress made of cotton fabric with floral patterns. A beach dress made of lightweight material is considered an ideal option.

Fashionable summer shoes

Fashionable shoes also play an important role in creating a beach look. In the 2016 beach season, heeled or platform sandals are popular. You can safely wear flip flops and flip flops. Ideally, the pattern on the shoes should match the pattern on the swimsuit.

Beach Hats

Pay special attention to the headdress. A panama hat, a cap or a hat with wide brims, which perfectly protects the head and face from the sun, is suitable for the role of a fashionable beach headdress. Sunglasses with transparent glasses and a beach bag made of vine, genuine leather or transparent plastic will help to completely complete the look.

By carefully analyzing the 2016 beach fashion trends, you will update your wardrobe with stylish and trendy clothes that will help you look irresistible on any beach or resort. What to say about men who surround them with attention from all sides.

Summer fashion video from Dolce & Gabbana

Fashion glasses 2016

The sun is affectionate and insidious at the same time. In summer, it causes discomfort with excessive brightness, and in winter it dazzles with white light reflected from the snow. You need to protect your eyes at any time of the year. This means that the correct and trendy glasses are always relevant. What do the fashionable glasses of 2016 represent?

  • Round glasses ... For the 2016 summer season, fashion pushed round glasses out the door. Only Lennon-style frames will remain in trend. Perfectly round, inconspicuous and tiny glasses will gain immense popularity.
  • Non-standard forms ... Designers offer glasses of unusual shape and non-standard color palette. Thanks to such a fashionable accessory, you can make your look bright, mysterious and expressive, and your image can be charming.
  • Cat's eye ... Products of this shape have come into fashion since the middle of the last century, when they were at the peak of popularity. Stylish, flirty and cute glasses will create a graceful and confident look. The crown of primacy belongs to this form of the frame.
  • Mirrored lenses ... Such glasses still hold the leading position. They are characterized by a wide range of trendy colors. Both dark blue and pinkish-red models look great. The shape does not really matter, the emphasis is on glass with a mirror effect.
  • Large frame ... In 2016, oversized frames became a favorite of many key designers, including Prada and Gucci. Some models have openwork temples, others with decorative crystals, and others with an elegant design. The main thing is that glasses of a square, semicircular or oval shape are in harmony with the image and outfit in terms of colors.
  • Patterned glasses ... Designers offer all sorts of options, including animal prints, small flowers or crystal abstractions.
  • Strict geometry ... These glasses are not new to the fashion industry. Their popularity rises and falls. This season has seen another surge. Square and trapezoidal frames look right and stern. Bright colors are considered the main highlight.
  • Leopard motifs ... Any shape of the frame. The main thing is that the spotted pattern prevails everywhere. Such glasses will make the girl irresistible and fashionable.
  • Monotony ... For the 2016 season, fashion pays homage to solid frames, balanced and soothing colors. Rich colors are also popular - red, black, beige and burgundy. The first two shades are designed to emphasize the image and create an aura of mystery.
  • Oversize... This stylistic trend dominates the segment of fashionable dresses and accessories and eyewear. You can safely choose massive frames, regardless of color and shape. Lens shade matters a lot. It is better to choose the darkest glass possible.
  • Vanguard... The eyewear collections focused on the new 2016 season also have unusual models characterized by interesting, unique frames.

Whatever your preference, strive for the perfect look. To do this, timely listen to the recommendations of fashion designers and follow fashion trends in order to make an impeccable choice and purchase glasses that emphasize the image.

Fashion bags 2016

The bag is included in the list of fashion accessories that play an important role in the image of a girl. When choosing this element of the wardrobe, many nuances must be taken into account - the style of clothing, the position held, personal preferences and the size of the wallet.

Some people choose bags incorrectly, because they mistakenly believe that their main functional purpose is unloading their hands. If you analyze fashion trends, you will notice that fashionable bags 2016 are bright accessories that surprise with sophistication and simplicity.

  1. Fur... The bag made of fur will successfully accentuate the main outfit. It doesn't have to match the color of the shoe. This season, trendsetters have decided to give women more freedom to create their look.
  2. Short handles ... At the peak of popularity, small handbags, characterized by a classic shape and short handles, decorated with stones or fur tassels. Such a bag is a real modest luxury.
  3. Belt bag... Such a fashionable accessory will not hurt to take a closer look at girls who prefer a street or sporty style that combines such bags with elegant dresses, army boots and leather jackets. Such a handbag will become the final element of the image and give it a zest.
  4. Reptile skin ... The bags made of reptile skin have become bright. Designers offer raspberry, orange and turquoise pieces. Black has been used in decor. Handles and pockets made in this color scheme look great against the background of a bright bag.
  5. Western style ... Western-style bags have got different lengths of fringes. Paired with leather or suede shoes, this accessory creates a great everyday look, especially if you add a silk scarf.
  6. Echoes of the past ... In the middle of the last century, reticules were at the peak of their popularity. The stylists brought them back to the fashion industry and rewarded them with a rectangular shape, short handle and chain. The handbag in burgundy, flesh or brown shades is complemented by metal decor in the form of a wedge, buckle or horseshoe.
  7. Mosaic exotic ... Many fashionable bags are decorated with mosaics in the form of squares, rhombuses and other geometric shapes. The modest patterns have remained in the past season, as a result, the bags have become fanciful and have acquired a shine.
  8. Natural materials ... True fans of elegant style will surely love leather and suede bags. The correct shapes, combined with classic lines and elegant fittings, will make the bag a visiting card of the hostess and emphasize the taste.
  9. Chains and belts ... When creating collections of bags, fashion designers actively used chains and straps. Thanks to this practical design, the handbag models have become extremely comfortable to wear.
  10. Layering ... Designers delight fashionistas with multi-layered models of bags. The bag, the purse, and the cosmetic bag are made in the same style. This accessory will add extra charm to the wearer.

Preparing for the 2016 fashion season, leading fashion designers have paid attention to bags. A wide range of accessories is available to us. Each young lady will pick up a suitable little thing. If you want to know how much the fashion has changed since last season, check out the material.