An original surprise for a brother for a wedding. Extreme gifts from friends are always in vogue

Holidays give you a taste of life and make it happier.

They are like a window into the space of pleasant emotions and vivid impressions, which saves and distracts from mechanical everyday life, bad mood and a load of worries.

In this article, we will tell you what you can give your sister for a wedding and how to congratulate a young family on the beginning of family life.

The pre-holiday time is not only a time of troubles that take a lot of time and effort. This time is filled with special meaning.

Holidays instill joy in the heart and remain in the memory of a bright and inspiring event. One of the memorable holiday celebrations is the wedding of a brother or sister.

There are options for a wedding gift that are also suitable when you need to choose a present for your brother-groom from your sister.

How to impress a loved one? You can add a touch of extreme.

Choosing a wedding gift for your sister

Gift with engraving

A wedding is a landmark holiday that can be called an epoch-making one. He seems to divide life into two parts - before and after.

A wedding celebration is a whole milestone in the destinies of both newlyweds and their families. Gifts add splendor to the holiday, especially from close relatives of the bride and groom.

You have to think carefully about what kind of gift you can give your sister for the wedding. In such cases, it is not customary to be limited to a banal trinket. When a sister gets married, you need to make an original and memorable wedding gift for the couple.

Gifts to bride and groom vary widely. Obligatory attribute of the celebration - flower bridal bouquet.

Can be presented to your sister for a wedding jewelry or quality watches.

It is also necessary to think about what will be useful to the new family in everyday life. As a gift for an older sister for a wedding or for a younger sister, you can present something from household appliances or some a piece of interior.

Not sure how to add originality to a traditional present? It is worth putting on a thing original engraving, and an unusual and often inexpensive gift for a sister for a wedding from a sister is ready.

An original gift from the store - coupons

What can you give your sister for a wedding? Look out for intangible gifts.

Free Skydiving Ticket for a wedding celebration - not the best present.

But coupon for a joint horse ride or sailing on a yacht would be an appropriate gift. He will delight the couple with his originality and give the young people positive emotions.

If you want to make an original gift for your sister for a wedding, present to her sightseeing tour ticket... If there is no way to pamper the bride and groom with a trip abroad, it doesn't matter, choose one:

  • mystical,
  • romantic,
  • an unusual tour of the city where the newlyweds live.

Also you can give them certificate for a joint visit to the spa salon, moreover, the procedures under the certificate can be exotic in nature - in the Old Russian or Turkish style.

Another option for an unusual gift for a sister for a wedding is subscription to the water park.

Sincere care for the newly minted spouses will be demonstrated by personalized gifts for a sister's wedding anniversary or on their wedding day.

Such gifts can be paired T-shirts, plates, mugs, a poster with a photograph of the bride and groom.

DIY wedding gift for sister

If you do not know what gift to give your sister for the wedding, you can make a present yourself.

Photo collage

Use a photo collage for this purpose. You can make a themed gift if your pictures reflect the love story of the young - from their first meeting to marriage.

Painting from photographs

Another option is to make a funny forecast of the spouses' future family life from photographs.

If you want, order a collage from a photo studio. To prepare a gift, you just need to provide the designers with the best photos of the couple.

Oil painting

If you are thinking of what to present to your sister for a wedding, order or make yourself an oil painting or a watercolor painting depicting the bride and groom.

Bright and musical gifts

If you want to celebrate the wedding on a grand scale, from the bottom of your heart, come up with a congratulation for your sister on the Wedding Day, which will not leave the bride indifferent. A manifestation of your sincere love can be a spectacular surprise in the form of a virtuoso dance, a soulful song or a brilliant fireworks display.


It is best if you perform a musical or dance composition yourself.

The lyrics of the song should be addressed to a specific person. It is necessary to rehearse the performance of the song or dance in advance and several times.


Well-delivered vocals, original lyrics will delight both newlyweds and guests. The composition, made with taste and soul, will become a decoration of the holiday and will receive a lot of applause. The original and to some extent bold gift will be pleasantly remembered by many, and especially by the young.

Congratulations can become even more interesting if you invite an ethnic ensemble with a colorful repertoire, for example, from gypsy songs and dances. If possible, invite a professional singer to the holiday.


Another great idea for a celebration is fireworks as a presentation.

How to give money for a wedding to a sister?

Money is a banal but always practical wedding gift that will certainly delight a brother or sister.

How to present a present and arrange it in an unusual way?

You can ask the designer for help and order from him bouquet of banknotes.

Another option is to issue money like a head of cabbage or in the form pillows with banknotes inside.

Brother or sister will be happy to receive as a present photo album with covered bills pages.

To present a cash gift in an original way, place bills in a photo frame.

You can decorate the surprise with a hammer and a note with playful text. Such decor will be a hint that in difficult times it will be possible to break the frame and extract significant financial benefits from it, that is, help.

Tops Wedding Gifts by Category

Original wedding gifts

Useful wedding gifts

Weddings in our culture are associated with large, "serious" gifts - money, household appliances, art objects. But what to do if the wedding of the closest person - the brother - is coming, and you want to go beyond the usual framework, sincerely surprising and delighting the newlyweds? A present for a young couple with a sense of humor does not have to be expensive: here are a few ideas of what to give your brother for a wedding.

Romantic gifts

When deciding what to give your brother for the wedding, do not forget that there is another important person on this holiday - the bride. If you want to express your warm attitude towards your new relative, prepare a pairing present - something intended for both newlyweds. Thus, a memorable statuette for the "Best Couple" will become a memorable gift. Having become the first joint "trophy" of the young, she will take an honorable place in their home.

What to give a brother for a wedding if he doesn't need anything but his beloved? As you know from the saying, happy lovers do not know much about time, so the old cuckoo clock will definitely not be useful on the farm. Please the young with funny "anti-clock" - they do not show the time, but will cheer you up at any difficult moment.

Since marriage is a kind of starting point in the history of a young family, one of the best options for a wedding gift is a luxurious pedigree book. Having inscribed their names on the first pages, the newlyweds will begin to write a happy story of life together.

If your brother and his beloved are ready to walk hand in hand through life and explore new horizons together, help them in this: a good option for what to give a traveling brother for a wedding is a kind of "plan to conquer the world." In appearance, this is an ordinary contour map, on which the spouses themselves will be able to mark the lands that they have already visited together, and plan further victories. Another type of such a gift is a pristine globe, on which you can also celebrate joint travels.

To the very best

Any important event for a person is an excellent occasion for loved ones to express their love and affection. When choosing what to give your brother for a wedding, remember this opportunity and tell your loved one how dear he is to you. One way to do this with a gift is to present your best brother in the world with a personalized order. Personal engraving will make such a gift especially touching. Instead of an order, you can also present a medal or statuette decorated with commemorative lines. Whichever you choose from this assortment, the gift will tell your brother that he has a special place in your heart.

A wedding is one of the most significant days in the life of every person. To make the holiday even more memorable, guests should think about gifts in advance. At first glance, a serious problem of what to give a brother for a wedding turns out to be not so insoluble if you connect your imagination and listen to your intuition.

Useful Tips

If you are invited to a wedding, or you yourself are the heroes of the occasion, or you want to celebrate your wedding anniversary, always want something special on this day.

What could be more original gift or decoration hand made.

Use tips and wedding gift ideas to create unique, interesting surprise.

There are a huge number of DIY gift ideas... You can find some of them in our articles:

Use your imagination and you will bring joy to those to whom your present is intended.

Gift to the bride for a wedding. Fabulous paper bouquet of roses.

You will need:

Corsage tape (several pieces, 10cm long)

Wire cut into 16 pieces of 38cm

Glue gun (or superglue)

Glue stick


Wire cutters

1. Prepare all materials. The main material is paper. You can use the pages of old magazines, books with poems and / or stories, etc., as long as the paper can be easily bent with your fingers.

You can find wire at a building or office supply store - also called annealed wire.

If you decide to use a glue gun, prepare a not very hot glue for it.

2. For one rose you need to cut 4 stacks of 5 petals of different widths - from 2 cm to 8 cm (see picture). It is not necessary to make all the petals absolutely even; slight sloppiness is encouraged. It is advisable to cut out a little more petals than you need.

3. Begin curling the edges of the paper petals, and squeeze them at the base.

4. For the middle of the flower, cut out one more piece with a round tip. Its length is about 6 cm. Roll this piece into a tube to shape, then unwind, apply glue and wrap the end of the wire with it.

5. Attach all the other petals. Start with the smallest petals. To glue them to the "stem", apply a drop of glue to the tip of each petal. Each next petal should slightly cover the previous one. Continue glueing the petals until you have roses.

Remember to squeeze the petals at the base.

6. Make a sepal from the tape, which will also cover some irregularities. For each rose you need a ribbon (in this example, their length is 10 cm). Wrap it around the stem and secure the bottom of the petals. Make a V cut at the end.

Wedding anniversary gift. Wedding commemorative capsule from the New Year's ball.

For this craft, you will need dry rose petals. You can use the flower petals that were used to decorate the wedding, thus this balloon will remind you of it. You can use the petals of the flowers you had at your wedding.

1. Prepare a transparent Christmas ball and remove the hat from it.

2. Pour the petals inside, you can add some other little things that remind you of the holiday.

3. Cover the ball with a cap.

* You can make such a memorable present for any holiday, so that in the future this craft will remind you of the bright moments of your life.

An original wedding gift. Enamored birds.

You will need:

Large glass bowl with a wide mouth

2 fake birds or small toy birds (can be found in craft stores, stationery stores, or kids' world)

Small pieces of fabric (color should match the birds)

Sewing thread

Artificial grass (can be found in the craft store)

Elastic band (rubber ring)


Glue gun

Fine sandpaper


1. Find a twig and break off a piece that would fit a glass container. Sand the edges of the branch and check if it is the correct size and whether it will stick inside the container across the walls.

2. Use glue to attach the birds to the branch.

3. Cut triangles out of the pieces of fabric - these will be the flags for the garland.

4. Using a needle, slide the flags over the thread to make a garland. Tie the ends of the garland to the branch.

5. Apply glue to the ends of the branch and quickly but carefully insert the branch into the container. For a start, you can make markers with a marker where the ends of the branch will be in contact with the wall of the container.

6. Add artificial grass to the bottom.

7. If there is a lid, close the container.

8. On a large piece of fabric, mark with a pencil a circle that is 2 times the diameter of the neck of your glass container. Cut out a circle and wrap it around the neck of the container.

9. Fix the circle with an elastic band and tie the neck of the container with a tape, making a beautiful bow.

An original wedding gift. A pillow for good luck.

This handmade gift not only looks beautiful, but will also remind the newlyweds of a happy celebration.

It is not at all difficult to make such a cozy sofa cushion with felt applique.

You will need:

Pillowcase fabric and what to stuff it with (you can use a ready-made pillow)

Pieces of felt in several colors

Thread floss

Coins (Chinese in this example, but you can use other coins or jewelry)


Thread and needle or glue

1. Prepare paper and make patterns for trees, leaves and birds.

2. Prepare felt patches of the desired size, fix paper templates on them, and then cut out the details of the appliqué.

3. Sew all the details cut out of felt and sew to the pillow using a thread and a needle. You can use glue instead of thread and needles (but be aware that the applique may not withstand washing).

4. If you have Chinese coins, it's time to decorate your present with them. According to legend, such decorations bring prosperity and well-being to the house.

As a bonus, you can embroider a warm wish for the newlyweds on the pillow, and decorate the edges of the pillow with a ribbon.

DIY gift for wedding anniversary. Time capsule.

A great idea for those who want to remember all the bright moments of life together - this is especially true for newlyweds.

You can start with a box large enough to hold a regular envelope.

Decorate the box by wrapping it in colored paper, wrapping paper, or brightly colored cloth (use glue to attach it).

You can also decorate the box with various other elements such as glitter, stickers, colorful buttons, etc.

Newlyweds can write love letters to each other and put them in a box. On each envelope, write the date the letter was written.

Each year, filling the time capsule with letters, the husband and wife will remember the pleasant moments of their life together. Throughout the year, while the capsule is filled with letters with pleasant words, no one from the young family reads them, and only at the end of the year, everyone takes out the letters intended for him (her) and reads them.

You can start the tradition any day, but it would be nice to do it on your wedding day.

Wedding gift for newlyweds. Love card.

You will need:

PVA glue

Double-sided foam tape (can be replaced with PVA glue)


Colored cardboard


Old map or printout from Google Maps

1. Cut 3 (or more) hearts out of cardboard - these will be templates.

2. Select on the map the places that are dear to the newlyweds - the place of the first meeting, the first date, the first kiss, the place of the wedding, the place where the house is. Put the hearts on the card (in those very expensive places) and circle them, then cut the hearts out of the card.

3. Attach the double-sided foam tape to the hearts and then to a sheet of colored cardboard - this will create voluminous hearts. If there is no tape, then just apply glue to the hearts and glue it to the cardboard.

4. On the colored side, write short notes for the places on the map that are indicated on the hearts. Cut out the notes and glue them to the cardboard.

5. Insert the sheet with hearts into the photo frame.

An original gift for a wedding anniversary

You will need:

Sheet with printed words of your favorite song or song for the first dance


Stationery (optional)


Duct tape


1. Prepare a sheet with the text of the song or favorite story printed on it. It is desirable that the entire text be written in one paragraph, so that as many words as possible are used in the craft.

2. Draw hearts on the printed text. You can make several hearts of different sizes, or you can cut out a heart template from cardboard and make all hearts with text of the same size.

3. Cut out paper hearts and arrange them on paper or glass of the photo frame as you like. You can add one red heart (for beauty).

4. Use duct tape to attach the hearts to glass or white background. You can stick everything evenly or choose a certain style. If you want to do everything smoothly, then use a ruler to help.

5. It remains to insert into the frame and that's it.

You can also make such a project: a photo frame with a photograph on the background of your favorite words from a song, story or wishes.

Cool gifts for the wedding. Woven names.

You will need:


Pencil (to write the names of the bride and groom on the plywood)

Eraser (after nailing down the nails, you can erase the pencil marks with it - optional)

Thread (you can have several threads of different colors)

Unusual wedding gifts. Funny vase.

Here is one example of a DIY vase that can be gifted to a young couple. Making such a vase is very simple.

You will need:

Plain glass or porcelain vase

White spray paint


Double-sided foam tape


1. From double-sided foam tape, cut any shapes (in this example, triangles and circles).

2. Wash / clean your vase, wipe it with a clean cloth and glue the cut-out shapes to it.

* You can cut out the details of the face of a man and a woman, and attach them to two vases - you get a gift for the bride and groom.

3. Start applying white spray paint - apply several coats, but leave to dry after each coat of paint. You should have a completely white vase.

* It should be noted that it is better to paint with such paint outdoors (in the yard or on the balcony).

* You can add some sparkles if you like.

Comic gifts, congratulations on the wedding. Who gets the cake.

There is such fun, it is called "Who gets the cake."

Two glasses are placed on the table of the newlyweds, each with the name of the bride and groom.

A wedding gift is always a gift for two. Whoever you make a present - relatives or friends, it should be designed for both lucky people who decided to combine two lives into one. Naturally, you always choose a wedding gift with love, and she will tell you how to surprise the young. After all, you know their financial situation better, you know where they will live, and what you would like to receive as a gift from you.

If parents of young people try to provide them with everything necessary for life, then a gift to a brother from a sister may not be so much practical as original and romantic. Let the parents think about material gifts, and you make sure that your brother's wedding and congratulations to the young people are bright, colorful, and leave an unforgettable experience for the young people and guests. In addition, various wedding shows are also a great opportunity to make an unforgettable gift to people who have everything and who are not interested in the material side of the issue.

There are a great many opportunities for an original gift from your sister: a video about the young, a song performed by yourself, a song to order, or all kinds of shows that you can order as a wedding gift for your brother.

If you have excellent vocal abilities, you can perform your song for your brother and his young wife right at the wedding, or record it on video. The latter option will be especially convenient if you live very far from each other and cannot come to your brother's wedding. You can send the video by regular or e-mail, as well as upload the video to YouTube. The same can be said for dancing.

Well, if you are not Celine Dion, and not Alla Pugacheva, let your favorite song sound for young people on the air of a local radio station or regional television that provide such services. Just order the song in advance and agree on a time when you can hear it.

And yet - there are many cool, dancing and singing toys on sale - they can also perform their song for young people. This gift can be made as an addition to the main present, or to an envelope with money. Choose the toy that performs the most appropriate vocal piece for the moment, and present it to your brother and his wife for a wedding. The toy will amuse both the newlyweds and the guests, and after the wedding it will live in a new family, and after a while it will sing for a child who is sure to be born here. They will definitely like these two cute cows performing their lyrical romantic "Mu-mu" song:

Now let's look at examples of shows that a sister can order a brother for a wedding.

Soap bubbles show. This is a very beautiful, mesmerizing sight, and excellent entertainment for guests and for newlyweds who will remember their childhood for a moment. Professional artists not only release a great variety of multi-colored, shining, rainbow bubbles into the hall, they make whole compositions and images from this light material, and can unite the young in one large ephemeral shell.

The Gypsy Song Ensemble is a great gift for a brother's wedding from a sister. It is not for nothing that people wish each other gypsy fun: live music, incendiary rhythmic melodies, songs and dances will become a real decoration of the wedding. Gypsy ensembles charge for their services by the hour, you can easily pay 2-3 hours of their work, so that they presented young people with glasses of champagne and congratulated them on their wedding day. This is an original congratulation from a sister, especially convenient if she herself, for some reason, cannot come to her brother's wedding.

Sand animation is a form of fine art and a technology for creating animated films. The animator performs his paintings right in front of the wedding guests from sand, salt or coffee. What pictures to show the newlyweds and guests? Of course, a unique love story of young people from dating to wedding, and all this is accompanied by a lyrical melody or song. You can film everything that happens and later give the young people another memorable gift. Equipment for the sand show is delivered to the venue in advance.

A fire show, or a fire show, is a wonderful wedding gift from your sister. Its holding is coordinated in advance with the administration of the institution where the wedding is taking place. In order to avoid trouble, most of the fire show is held in an open area, on the street, or on the terrace of a cafe or restaurant. As a rule, a fire show is an action that has its own libretto - with the help of acrobatic and dance movements, artists tell the audience a story. And in this case, of course, it is also a love story.

Launching pigeons into the sky - Give your brother and his young wife the opportunity to launch pigeons into the sky. Also, trained pigeons will perform their tricks and numbers on openwork hoops for young people and guests for young people, right in the premises of a cafe or restaurant. Order this service in advance, and if there are no such services in your area, buy biogoves for newlyweds - these are balloons for weddings and other celebrations.

The bartender show is another original gift idea for a brother from a sister. This is great entertainment for both newlyweds and guests. With their working tools - knives, forks, glasses, glasses, bottles, bartenders get up such tricks and tricks, so deftly and skillfully juggle them - just a feast for the eyes!

The neon show is dancing in glowing neon costumes. The artists will perform their original numbers, raising the spirits of the guests, engaging them more and more in fun and dancing every minute.

Often at a wedding, guests feel constrained, embarrassed by new relatives - a dance show will help to overcome this problem. It can be Russian folk dances, if the wedding is held in ethnic style, as well as Indian, Brazilian, Oriental, Latin American, and modern ballroom dances. After such congratulations to the young, performed by friends or professional artists, all problems with "warming up" the guests will disappear by themselves.

Launch of colorful balls. A good substitute for pigeons can be glowing balls, which are also launched into the sky in the evening - the spectacle turns out to be exciting and amazingly beautiful. This is a silent fireworks display that guests and young people themselves arrange in honor of their wedding. Young people and guests write their wishes on the balloons and on command, at the same time release balloons into the air. And you can also make two rings out of balloons, and release them into the sky.

A laser show is the creation of pictures, symbols, shapes or inscriptions with laser beams emanating from projectors. The action takes place accompanied by lyrical music, a beautiful song sounds, and guests and young people are fascinated by what is happening. A laser show can be projected directly into the sky, onto a large screen in a restaurant, or recorded on video in advance and presented to young people. The laser show is another wonderful wedding gift for a brother from a sister and an excellent end to a wedding celebration.

As you can see, there are many opportunities to congratulate your beloved brother and his soul mate on your wedding day. Such gifts will remain in their memory for a long time, and guests will definitely like them. And you don't have to get knocked off your feet in search of the best gift ever.

Events taking place in life are certain points that are marked on the map as memorable. They always stay with us and don't go anywhere. Marriage is the very day that is forever engraved in memory. Therefore, we will talk today about a gift for a brother's wedding.

I always want to surprise with presents. The main thing is the meaning put into them. It's nice when it is presented from the bottom of my heart and from a pure heart.

The last pre-wedding days are usually spent in turmoil and excitement. Therefore, organizing a bachelor party will be a good gift for a loved one.

Bachelor party

Renting a hall in a restaurant or sauna will be a classic of the genre. It is worth considering holding this event outdoors. Paintball is a game that everyone will enjoy. It will allow you to leave all the accumulated fatigue on the site and acquire a lot of positive emotions.

A wine party at home will be a great option for a person who does not like to walk in noisy public places. Such an event must be supplemented with a couple of board games. The floor game “Twister” is also suitable, which will cheer up even the most gloomy guests.

During a bachelor party, you can donate a glossy magazine or a memorable album dedicated to the life and interests of a relative. Perhaps such a surprise will take pride of place on the shelf in the apartment of the newlyweds. You also need to prepare a funny video congratulation, shot with your friends.

At the end of the bachelor party, it would be good to arrange a fireworks display in honor of the hero of the occasion.

Interest-based presentation

When choosing a present, it is best to take into account the interests of both spouses, but if the present is intended only for the brother, then it is better to present it separately and it is better to do this before the wedding.

Gift set for a connoisseur

What could be better than good, quality tea or coffee? Only a set of these components. The tea room can also include a mug or a beautiful teapot, and the coffee one can include a manual coffee grinder made of wood or ceramics, grain coffee and a Turk.

There are also alcohol sets. For example, you will definitely like wine wine. These sets are sold in wooden cases covered with leather and look very elegant and presentable.

A bottle of elite alcohol will be an excellent option, and the connoisseur will keep it for more than one year.

For the gourmet and the chef

It is popularly believed that men are the best cooks. Of course, in everyday life, this phenomenon is quite rare, but there are also such craftsmen. I would like to note that the range of products for cooking is quite large, but among them I would like to highlight:

  • fondue set;
  • a suitcase with professional knives;
  • raclette holder;
  • silver cutlery;
  • spaghetti making machine;
  • a machine for making homemade sausages;
  • home grill.

Fondue set

The options for kitchen appliances can be listed endlessly, but they will always take pride of place in the house.

A ticket to a concert of your favorite band or artist

If you buy tickets, you will hit the bull's eye. The opportunity to see your favorite artist on stage will delight him. It is worth making sure that the concert pass is for the best seats.

Business accessory

Anyone who is puzzled by career growth or business development needs to be presented with a thing that is directly related to work. For this, the following are suitable:

  • nib pen with engraving;
  • leather briefcase for documents;
  • leather-bound diary;
  • handmade business card holder;
  • expensive classic watches.

Business card holder

Do not forget that appearance also plays a big role for a businessman. It is worth looking at a set of cufflinks and tie pins made of precious metals.


Favorite gifts of all men. When choosing a specific model of phone, tablet or other smart device, you need to pay attention to the latest models.

For outdoor enthusiasts

There is nothing like traveling or being outdoors. A ticket for two with an open number will be an excellent presentation. It is best to choose places where the newlyweds can find entertainment to their liking.

Traveling on a balloon will become unforgettable. The panoramic view from the hot air balloon will be remembered for many years.

There are also many river cruises in Russia and Europe, which will help newlyweds relax and be alone.

For a hiker family member, consider:

  • spacious tent;
  • collapsible kitchen;
  • portable gas burner;
  • sleeping bag designed for low temperatures;
  • camping backpack;
  • gift Certificate.

Portable heating pad


For a brother's wedding from his sister, you can present a handmade item. A dear person, there will always be such a surprise, because it is made with a soul. With certain skills and talents, the sister can embroider or paint a portrait. You can also present painted glasses or a set.

What can you give for a wedding

I would like to remind you that a wedding is a celebration of two people. And don't forget about your wife. At a wedding banquet, you can present the young people with an album of photographs, which is divided into three parts. One of them tells about the life of a husband, another about a wife, and the third part is intended for the story of their love. In such an album, it is also required to leave blank pages so that when children appear in the new family, the newly-made parents can fill in the blank sheets on their own.

What to give an older brother for a wedding? Well, of course, money. This is a universal present. But it can be presented not only in a beautiful envelope, but also in the form:

  • money tree;
  • carpet;
  • pillows filled with bills;
  • pirate treasure;
  • stolen wealth;
  • cake, etc.

Money is most often given to a man on his wedding day, but, as a rule, the question arises: how much money to give a brother for a wedding? Usually it all depends on the city in which the event takes place. In order not to be mistaken, there is an easy way to calculate the gift amount. To do this, you need to take the total amount of money spent on the banquet. Divide them by the number of seats and multiply the resulting number by two. This will be the amount of money that needs to be put in the envelope.

A gift for a brother for a wedding is a crucial moment for a sister or brother. It should be special, making it clear how important this person played in the life of every household.