Pepi long stocking. Online reading of the book Pippi Longstocking Pippi Longstocking How Pippi settled in the villa “Chicken. Pippi is looking for different things and gets into a fight

Pippi Longstocking by Lindgren was written in 1944. This is a story about an amazing red-haired girl with a rich imagination, a hot head, a generous soul and a kind heart.

main characters

Pippi Longstocking- a nine-year-old girl, incredibly cheerful and mischievous, a great inventor.

Tommy and Annika Settergren- brother and sister, diligent, well-bred children, neighbors and best friends of Pippi.

Other characters

Mrs. Settergren- the mother of Tommy and Annika, an excellent hostess, a kind, understanding woman.

Ephraim Longstocking- Pippi's father, the captain, is a good-natured, cheerful and slightly extravagant man.

Freken Rosenblum- a rich, very strict and stingy old lady who tested the children for "diligence".

Part 1. Peppy settles in the villa "Chicken"

Chapter 1

"On the outskirts of a small Swedish town", in the middle of a neglected garden, stood an old house - Villa "Chicken", in which a nine-year-old red-haired girl named Pippi Longstocking settled. She lived all alone - the girl's mother died long ago, and the sailor's father was shipwrecked, and since then no one has heard anything about him. Peppy believed that her father was alive and, while waiting for him, settled in their old house, taking with her a horse, “a little monkey, whose name was Mr. Nilsson - she received it as a gift from dad, - and a large suitcase full of gold coins".

Next to the Villa "Chicken" lived a friendly family of Settergren. When the children of Annika and Tommy met Pippi, they happily realized that now they definitely won’t be bored.

Chapter 2

The Settergren got up early the next morning to meet their new girlfriend. Together they went for a walk, and soon saw how five boys "began to beat the girl." Pippi could not stay away and stood up for the baby. One of the boys pushed Peppy, and a fight ensued, during which the girl easily defeated all her opponents.

Chapter 3

Soon, all the inhabitants of the city knew that a girl lives all alone in an abandoned villa. Adults decided that this was unacceptable - "all children should have someone who brings them up." It was decided to send Pippi to an orphanage. When the police came for her, Peppy began to play tag with them, and then put them out the gate, treating them with buns. The policemen returned to the city and informed everyone that "Pippi is not suitable for an orphanage."

Chapter 4

Tommy and Annika persuaded Pippi to "go to school with them". The girl agreed, but at the lesson it turned out that she could not answer a single question asked by the teacher. Peppy quickly realized that studying is a boring activity, and refused to go to school.

Chapter 5

Once Pippi invited her friends to climb a mighty branched oak tree and have a tea party there. Annika and Tommy were completely delighted - "they never had a chance to climb trees in their lives." Pippi noticed a large hollow on the oak tree, into which she immediately decided to climb. The Settergren followed suit.

Chapter 6

One day, Pippi Longstocking invited her friends to go on an excursion. She took with her Mr. Nilsson, who disappeared during a picnic. The children began to look for him everywhere, and Tommy stumbled upon a huge angry bull, who "lifted Tommy on his horns and threw him very high." Pippi immediately hurried to help her friend, who so killed the bull that he fell asleep from fatigue. When the monkey was found, the children went home.

Chapter 7

When the circus came to town, Pippi bought the best seats for herself and her friends. Seeing the dexterous rider, she immediately jumped on the back of the horse behind the circus performer. The latter was so surprised, "that she almost fell to the ground." Then the restless girl performed better than a circus tightrope walker on the rope, and put the most important strongman on both shoulder blades. Calling the circus boring, Pippi sat in an armchair and fell asleep.

Chapter 8

Once upon a time, thieves climbed into the Villa "Chicken", believing that a lonely girl would not show them any resistance. They wanted to steal a chest of gold, but Peppy easily dealt with the robbers, making them dance the twist until they dropped. After that, she treated them to sandwiches and finally gave them a gold coin.

Chapter 9

The Settergren's mother baked a delicious cake while waiting for the guests. She allowed Annika and Tommy to bring Peppy too. However, the red-haired girl, who painted her face with colored crayons and dressed up “to the nines”, behaved at a party in the most disgusting way: she ate the whole cake, took sweets with her, scattered sugar on the floor, did not stop talking for a minute and clowned around. As a result, Tommy and Annika's mother could not stand it and put the naughty out the door.

Chapter 10

Once there was a fire in the city, and two kids were in the house on fire. The firemen could not reach them because the ladder was too short. Seeing this, Peppy was not at a loss and, thanks to her amazing strength and dexterity, saved the children.

Chapter 11

When Pippi was invited to the Settergren's birthday party, the children bought her a beautiful music box, " gutting their piggy bank for this". Pippi also made gifts for her guests. On this day, friends had a wonderful time: they played and had fun until late in the evening, until their dad came for Annika and Tommy.

Part 2. Peppy is going to go

Chapter 1

One day, "Tommy, Annika and Pippi with Mr. Nilsson on their shoulders" went shopping. She went to the candy store and bought "a hundred kilos of candy". Peppy began handing out caramels to the kids on the street, and "there began such a candy feast, which has never been in this small town."

Chapter 2

Peppy's friends, noticing what a monstrous number of mistakes she makes, decided that the girl still "should go to school and learn to write better." But Pippi could not force herself to study, and then the teacher suggested that she go on an excursion with the class.

Chapter 3

On the tour, Pippi noticed how one man was cruel to a horse. She could not look at it indifferently, and taught the man a lesson, forcing him to carry heavy bags on his own. At the tea party, Pippi again distinguished herself by bad manners, and the teacher told her how to behave at a party.

Chapter 4

Once a year, "in the small, quiet town where Pippi lived," a fair was held. It was a lot of fun that day: the hurdy-gurdy was playing, the carousel was spinning, the shooting gallery was working, everyone around was making noise and laughing. After all kinds of entertainment, the children went to the theater, where they were so imbued with the acting of the actors that they could not restrain their emotions and they were taken out into the street.

Chapter 5

Once Pippi invited her friends to go to a desert island in the lake. They got into the old boat and set off. The friends had a wonderful time on the island, but when it was time to return home, they realized that the boat had disappeared. However, the boat was soon found, and the guys got home safely.

Chapter 6

A year later, when Pippi settled in the villa, a very fat man appeared on the doorstep "with a red mustache, in a blue sailor's uniform." It turned out that it was Pippi's father - the captain who was shipwrecked off the island of Veselija. He told how he lived on the island, where the locals, amazed by his unprecedented strength, made him their king. Ephraim Longstocking replied that he had come for his daughter, and his wonderful schooner the Jumper was already anchored in the port. Tommy and Annika became very sad - obviously, they will have to say goodbye to their friend soon.

Chapter 7

The next day, Pippi told her friends that she would now surely be a "negro princess". She said that she would return here only when she became a "pensioner". However, "neither Tommy nor Annika was consoled by this promise." To cheer up her friends a little, Pippi arranged a farewell feast.

Chapter 8

The Settergren went to escort Pippi to the port. When she boarded the schooner, the children broke down and burst into tears. In turn, Pippi could not bear the tears of her friends - she decided to stay with them, having received from her father another weighty suitcase with gold.

Part 3. Peppy in the country of Veseliya

Chapter 1

Once an important gentleman appeared in the town, who, seeing an abandoned villa, decided to buy it. He spent a lot of time in the company of children, without waiting for the owner. As a result, the important gentleman entered into a squabble with Peppa, and she unceremoniously kicked him out into the street.

Chapter 2

One day, their old aunt Laura came to the Settergren and they could not leave the house. Then Peppy decided to visit friends and at the same time chat with her aunt. She reassured Annika and Tommy, saying that she knew how to communicate with her aunts - "Aunt needs to be encouraged, that's the whole secret." Upon learning that Aunt Laura did not feel well, the girl began to tell how one day a brick fell on her grandmother's head, and then she ran into a double bass. Peppy was “shut up all the time”, because she did not let anyone say a word.

Chapter 3

Neighborhood kids came to Pippi, who learned a new word - "kukaryamba", and tried to find this item. None of the children also knew what it was, and all together went in search of kukaryamba. When they met an unknown beetle, Pippi joyfully exclaimed that this was the kukaryamba.

Chapter 4

Every six months, a rich and very stingy lady, Freken Rosenblum, distributed gifts to the most “obedient and diligent” students. Pippi also appeared on the survey of students, to whom Miss Rosenblum began to ask insidious questions, and the girl answered her in her mischievous manner. She really enjoyed "this new sport: asking each other questions". She took aside the children who did not pass the survey of a strict lady, and distributed sweets to them.

Chapter 5

With the onset of winter, Pippi received a letter from her father in which he asked her to come to Veseliya, where all the subjects were looking forward to their princess.

Chapter 6

Pippi really wanted to visit Veseliya, because " being a Negro princess is not a bad thing for a girl who does not go to school." Annika and Tommy were completely sad, but Pippi managed to persuade their parents to let the children go swimming, and soon the friends in full force were on board the Jumper.

Chapter 7

When, after a long voyage, the ship approached the shores of Veseliya, "the crowd greeted him with loud cries." Ephraim immediately began his royal duties, and the children began to explore the picturesque island, which they liked very much.

Chapter 8

Peppy and Tommy, Annika and the local black kids often rested on the beach, where they frolicked with might and main in the azure water. But one day Tommy was attacked by a huge shark. Pippi arrived in time - she raised the shark above the water and began to scold it. The shark was very frightened and hurried to swim away.

Chapter 9

New friends showed Pippi and the Settergren a cave overlooking the sea. It was warm and cozy there, and besides, there was a large supply of provisions. From the cave, the children saw the ship on which the bandits Book and Jim were. They landed on the shore and demanded that the children give them all the pearls with which they played. A thunderstorm began, and the sailors were left to get wet in the rain.

Chapter 10

The next morning, the horse and Mr. Nilsson, worried about the long absence of the mistress, went in search of her. The bandits seized the horse, and began to threaten the children that I would kill her if they did not receive the pearls. Pippi could not stand it, went down and properly taught the villains a lesson. She then "grabbed Jim and Book by the scruff of the collar, dragged them into the boat, and pushed it away from the shore." More bandits did not appear on this island.

Chapter 11

The children were having a great time in Veseliya, but soon Annika and Tommy started to miss home. In addition, the rainy season was about to begin, and Ephraim was sure that the children would not be well here. The guys boarded the ship and went to their native places. Much to the Settergrens' surprise, Pippi also returned to the Hen Villa.

Chapter 12

Annika and Tommy were very happy to be home, but they were haunted by the thought that they were late for Christmas, which they always looked forward to. Imagine their surprise when the next day, having come to visit Peppy, they saw an elegant Christmas tree, a festive table and gifts. Making plans for the future, the children came to the conclusion that they did not want to become adults at all. Then Pippi showed them three peas - "wonderful pills" from growing up. Friends immediately devoured them, hoping that they would remain children forever and "everyone would play and play".


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Pippi Longstocking

Peppy settles in the villa "Chicken"

I. How Pippi settled in the Chicken Villa

On the outskirts of a small Swedish town you will see a very neglected garden. And in the garden stands a dilapidated house blackened by time. It is in this house that Pippi Longstocking lives. She was nine years old, but, imagine, she lives there all alone. She doesn't have a dad or a mom, and to be honest, this even has its advantages - no one drives her to sleep just in the middle of the game and no one forces her to drink fish oil when she wants to eat candy.
Before Pippi had a father, and she loved him very much. Of course, she also once had a mother, but Pippi no longer remembers her at all. Mom died a long time ago when Pippi was still a tiny girl, lying in a stroller and screaming so terribly that no one dared to approach her. Pippi is sure that her mother now lives in heaven and looks from there through a small hole at her daughter. Therefore, Peppy often waves her hand and every time says:
“Don’t be afraid, mom, I won’t be lost!”
But Pippi remembers her father very well. He was a sea captain, his ship plowed the seas and oceans, and Peppy was never separated from her father. But then one day, during a strong storm, a huge wave washed him into the sea, and he disappeared. But Pippi was sure that one day her dad would return, she could not imagine that he had drowned. She decided that her father ended up on an island where many, many blacks live, became king there and walks around with a golden crown on his head day and night.
“My dad is a Negro king!” Not every girl can boast of such an amazing dad, ”Pippi often repeated with visible pleasure. - When dad builds a boat, he will come for me, and I will become a Negro princess. Gay goop! That will be great!
This old house, surrounded by neglected gardens, was bought by my father many years ago. He was going to live here with Pippi when he was old and no longer able to drive ships. But after dad disappeared into the sea, Peppy went straight to her villa "Chicken" to wait for his return there. Villa "Chicken" - that was the name of this old house. There was furniture in the rooms, utensils hung in the kitchen - it seemed that everything was specially prepared so that Pippi could settle here. One quiet summer evening, Peppy said goodbye to the sailors on her father's ship. They all loved Pippi so much, and Pippi loved them all so much that it was very sad to part.
- Farewell, guys! - said Pippi and kissed each one in turn on the forehead. Don't be afraid, I won't disappear!
She took only two things with her: a little monkey, whose name was Mr. Nilson - she received it as a gift from her father - and a large suitcase full of gold coins. All the sailors lined up on deck and looked sadly after the girl until she was out of sight. But Peppy walked with a firm step and never looked back. Mr. Nilson sat on her shoulder, and in her hand she carried a suitcase.
- She left alone ... A strange girl ... But can you keep her! said the sailor Fridolf, when Pippi disappeared around the bend, and wiped away a tear.
He was right, Pippi is indeed a strange girl. Most striking is her extraordinary physical strength, and there is no policeman on earth who could handle it. She could jokingly pick up a horse if she wanted to - and you know, she often does that. After all, Pippi has a horse, which she bought on the very day she settled in her villa. Pippi has always dreamed of a horse. The horse lives on her terrace. And when Pippi wants to have a cup of coffee there after dinner, she, without hesitation, takes the horse out into the garden.
Next to Villa Hen there is another house, also surrounded by a garden. Dad, mom and two cute kids live in this house - a boy and a girl. The boy's name is Tommy and the girl's name is Annika. These are nice, well-bred and obedient children. Tommy never begs for anything from anyone and does all his mother's tasks without wrangling. Annika isn't naughty when she doesn't get what she wants, and she always looks so smart in her neat, starched calico dresses. Tommy and Annika played together in their garden, but still they lacked children's company, and they dreamed of finding a playmate for themselves. At a time when Pippi was still swimming with her father on the seas and oceans, Tommy and Annika sometimes climbed onto the fence separating the garden of the Chicken Villa from their garden, and each time they said:
What a pity that no one lives in this house. It would be great if someone with children settled here.
On that clear summer evening, when Pippi first crossed the threshold of her villa, Tommy and Annika were away. Mom sent them to visit their grandmother for a week. Therefore, they had no idea that someone settled in a neighboring house. They returned from their grandmother in the evening, and in the morning they stood at their gate, looked at the street, still not knowing anything, and discussed what they should do. And just at that moment, when it seemed to them that they would not be able to come up with anything funny and the day would pass tediously, just at that moment the gate of the neighboring house opened and a girl ran out into the street. She was the most amazing girl Tommy and Annika had ever seen.
Pippi Longstocking went for a morning walk. This is what she looked like: her carrot-colored hair was braided into two tight pigtails sticking out in different directions; his nose was like a tiny potato, and besides, it was speckled from freckles; white teeth glittered in a large wide mouth. She was wearing a blue dress, but since she apparently did not have enough blue material, she sewed red shreds into it here and there. On very thin and thin legs she pulled on long stockings of different colors: one is brown, and the other is black. And the huge black shoes looked like they were about to fall off. Papa bought them for her in South Africa to grow out, and Pippi would never want to wear others.
When Tommy and Annika saw that a monkey was sitting on the shoulder of a strange girl, they simply froze in amazement. The little monkey was wearing blue trousers, a yellow jacket, and a white straw hat.
Peppy walked along the street, with one foot on the sidewalk, the other on the pavement. Tommy and Annika kept their eyes on her, but she disappeared around the corner. However, the girl soon returned, but now she was walking backwards. And she walked like that only because she was too lazy to turn around when she decided to return home. As she drew level with Tommy and Annika's gate, she stopped. For a minute the children looked at each other in silence. Finally Tommy said:
“Why are you backing away like a cancer?”
Why am I hiding like a cancer? Pippi asked. We seem to live in a free country, right? Can't every man walk as he pleases? And in general, if you want to know, in Egypt everyone walks like that, and this does not surprise anyone in the least.
- How do you know? Tommy asked. You haven't been to Egypt.
- How?! I have not been to Egypt?! Peppy was outraged. - So, put it on your nose: I was in Egypt and generally traveled all over the world and saw enough of all sorts of miracles. I've seen funnier things than people who move backwards like crabs. I wonder what you would say if I walked down the street on my hands, as they walk in India? Pippi thought for a moment.
“Right, I’m lying,” she said sadly.
- A complete lie! Annika confirmed, finally deciding to put in a word too.
“Yeah, a complete lie,” Pippi agreed, becoming more and more sad. – But sometimes I start to forget what was and what was not. And how can you demand that a little girl, whose mother is an angel in heaven, and her father is a Negro king on an island in the ocean, always speaks only the truth. And besides,” she added, her freckled face lit up, “there is not a man in all the Belgian Congo who would say a single word of truth. All day long everyone lies there. They lie from seven in the morning until sunset. So if I ever accidentally lie to you, you should not be angry with me. After all, I lived in this very Belgian Congo for a very long time. But we can still make friends! Right?
- Still would! exclaimed Tommy, and suddenly he realized that this day would by no means be called boring.
“Why don’t you, for example, come and have breakfast with me now?” Pippi asked.
"Indeed," said Tommy, "why don't we do it?" Went!
- That's great! Annika screamed. - Come quickly! Come on!
“But first I must introduce you to Mr. Nilsson,” Pippi remembered.
At these words the little monkey took off his hat and bowed politely.
Pippi pushed open the dilapidated gate, and the children moved along the gravel path straight to the house. Huge old mossy trees grew in the garden, just made for climbing. All three went up to the terrace. There was a horse there. She dipped her head into the soup bowl and munched on oats.
- Listen, why do you have a horse on the terrace? Tommy wondered. All the horses he had ever seen lived in stables.
“You see,” Peppy began thoughtfully, “in the kitchen she would only get in the way, and in the living room she would be uncomfortable - there is too much furniture.
Tommy and Annika looked at the horse and entered the house. In addition to the kitchen, the house had two more rooms - a bedroom and a living room. But, apparently, Peppy did not remember cleaning for a whole week. Tommy and Annika looked around apprehensively to see if the negro king was sitting in some corner. After all, they had never seen a Negro king in their lives. But the children did not find any signs of either dad or mom.
Do you live here all alone? Annika asked with fear.
- Of course not! We live together: Mr. Nilsson, the horse and me.
“And you don’t have a mom or a dad?”
- Well, yes! Pippi exclaimed happily.
- And who tells you in the evenings: "It's time to go to bed?"
- I'm talking to myself. First, I say to myself in a very gentle voice: "Pippi, go to bed." And if I do not obey, then I repeat already strictly. When that doesn't help either, it flies off me great. Clear?
Tommy and Annika couldn't figure it out, but then they thought maybe it wasn't so bad.
The children entered the kitchen, and Pippi sang:

Get the frying pan on the stove!
We will bake pancakes.
There is flour, and salt, and butter,
We'll be eating soon!

Peppy took three eggs from the basket and, tossing them over her head, broke one after the other. The first egg flowed right on her head and blinded her eyes. But on the other hand, she managed to deftly catch the other two in a saucepan.
“I was always told that eggs are very good for hair,” she said, rubbing her eyes. You will now see how quickly my hair will begin to grow. Listen, they are already creaking. Here in Brazil, no one goes out into the street without smearing his head thickly with an egg. I remember there was an old man there, so stupid, he ate all the eggs instead of pouring them on his head. And he became so bald that when he left the house, a real commotion arose in the city, and he had to call police cars with loudspeakers to restore order ...
Pippi spoke and at the same time picked out the eggshells that had fallen into the saucepan. Then she took off a long-handled brush that hung on a nail and began to beat the dough with it so hard that she spattered all the walls. What was left in the saucepan, she poured into a frying pan that had been on fire for a long time. The pancake immediately browned on one side, and she tossed it in the pan, so deftly that it turned over in the air and flopped back down with the unfried side. When the pancake was baked, Pippi threw it across the kitchen onto a plate that was on the table.
– Eat! she called. - Eat quickly before it gets cold.
Tommy and Annika did not force themselves to beg and found that the pancake was very tasty. When the food was over, Pippi invited her new friends into the living room. Apart from a chest of drawers with a huge number of small drawers, there was no other furniture in the living room. Peppy took turns pulling out the drawers and showing Tommy and Annika all the treasures she kept. There were rare bird eggs, outlandish shells and colorful sea pebbles. There were also carved boxes, elegant mirrors in a silver frame, beads and many other little things that Pippi and her father bought during their travels around the world. Pippi immediately wanted to give her new friends something to remember. Tommy got a dagger with a mother-of-pearl handle, and Annika got a box with lots and lots of snails carved on the lid. In the box was a ring with a green stone.
“Now take your gifts and go home,” Pippi said suddenly. - After all, if you do not leave here, then tomorrow you will not be able to come to me again. And that would be very sad.
Tommy and Annika were of the same opinion and went home. They passed the horse, which had already eaten all the oats, and ran out of the garden through the gate. In parting, Mr. Nilsson waved his hat to them.

II. How Pippi gets into a fight

The next morning Annika woke up very early. She quickly jumped out of bed and crept up to her brother.
“Wake up, Tommy,” she whispered, and shook his arm. - Wake up, let's go to that strange girl in big shoes.
Tommy immediately woke up.
“You know, even in my sleep I felt that something very interesting was waiting for us today, although I didn’t remember what it was,” he said, taking off his pajama jacket.
They both ran to the bathroom, washed and brushed their teeth much faster than usual, dressed instantly and, to the surprise of my mother, an hour earlier than usual, went downstairs and sat down in the kitchen at the table, declaring that they wanted to immediately drink chocolate.
What are you going to do this early? Mom asked. - Why are you in such a hurry?
“We're going to the girl who lives next door,” Tommy replied.
“Maybe we can spend the whole day there!” Annika added.
Just that morning, Pippi was going to bake cakes. She kneaded a lot of dough and began to roll it out right on the floor.
“I think, Mr. Nilsson,” Pippi turned to the monkey, “that it’s not worth taking on the dough if you are going to bake less than five thousand cakes.
And, stretching out on the floor, she again began to work with a rolling pin with ardor.
“Come on, Mr. Nilsson, stop fiddling with the dough,” she said with irritation, and at that moment the bell rang.
Pippi, covered in flour like a miller, jumped up from the floor and rushed to open it. As she shook hands cordially with Tommy and Annika, a cloud of anguish enveloped them all.
“How nice of you to stop by to see me,” she said, and pulled back her apron, causing another cloud of flour to rise.
Tommy and Annika even coughed - so they swallowed flour.
- What are you doing? Tommy asked.
“If I tell you that I’m cleaning the pipe, you still won’t believe me, because you are such a cunning one,” Pippi answered. - Of course, I'm baking cakes. It will become even clearer soon. In the meantime, sit down on this chest.
And she picked up the rolling pin again.
Tommy and Annika sat on the chest and watched, as if in a movie, how Pippi rolled out the dough on the floor, how he threw the cakes on the baking sheets and how he put the baking sheets in the oven.
- All! Pippi exclaimed at last and slammed the oven door with a crash, pushing the last baking sheet into it.
– What are we going to do now? Tommy asked.
What are you going to do, I don't know. Anyway, I won't mess around. I'm a speaker... And a speaker doesn't have a single free minute.
- Who are you? Annika asked.
- Director!
What does "director" mean? asked Tommy.
– A director is someone who always puts things in order in everything. Everyone knows that, ”Pippi said, sweeping the flour left on the floor into a pile. - After all, the abyss of all sorts of different things is scattered on the earth. Someone has to keep order. That's what the director does!
- The abyss of what things? Annika asked.
“Yes, very different ones,” Pippi explained. - And gold bars, and ostrich feathers, and dead rats, and multi-colored candies, and small nuts, well, and all sorts of others.
Tommy and Annika thought tidying up was a lot of fun, and they wanted to become announcers too. Moreover, Tommy said that he hoped to find a gold bar, and not a small nut.
“We'll see how lucky we are,” said Pippi. “You always find something. But we need to hurry. And then, just look, all sorts of other announcers will run in and steal all the gold bars that are lying around in these places.
And three dilektory immediately set off. They decided first of all to put things in order near the houses, since Pippi said that the best things are always lying around near human habitation, although sometimes it happens to find a nut in the forest more often.
- As a rule, it is. - Pippi explained, - but it happens differently. I remember once during one trip I decided to clean up the jungle on the island of Borneo, and do you know what I found in the thicket itself, where no human foot has ever set foot? Do you know what I found there? .. A real artificial leg, and a completely new one. I later gave it to a one-legged old man, and he said that he would not buy such a beautiful piece of wood for any money.
Tommy and Annika looked at Pippi with all their eyes to learn how to act like real announcers. And Pippi rushed along the street from sidewalk to sidewalk, now and then putting her palm to her eyes with a visor to see better, and tirelessly searched. Suddenly she knelt down and put her hand between the rails of the fence.
“Strange,” she said disappointedly, “it seemed to me that a golden ingot sparkled here.
“Is it true that you can take whatever you find?” Annika asked.
“Well, yes, everything that lies on the ground,” Peppy confirmed.
On the lawn in front of the house, right on the grass, an elderly gentleman was lying and sleeping.
- Look here! Pippi exclaimed. “He lies on the ground, and we found him. Let's take it! Tommy and Annika were seriously scared.
“No, no, Pippi, what are you… You can’t take him away… It’s impossible,” said Tommy. “Yes, and what would we do with it?”
- What would you do with it? Pippi asked. Yes, it can be of great use. You can put him, for example, in a rabbit cage and feed him with dandelion leaves ... But if you don’t want to take him, then okay, let him lie. It's just a shame that other dilectors will come and pick up this uncle.
They went on. Suddenly Pippi let out a wild cry.
Now I actually found something! - and pointed to a rusty tin can lying in the grass. - This is a find! Blimey! This jar will always come in handy.
Tommy looked at the jar in bewilderment.
- What will it be useful for? - he asked.
- Whatever you want! Pippi replied. - Firstly, you can put gingerbread in it, and then it will turn into a beautiful Gingerbread Jar. Secondly, you can not put gingerbread cookies in it. And then it will be a Can Without Gingerbread, and, of course, it will not be so beautiful, but still not everyone comes across such cans, that's for sure.
Pippi carefully examined the rusty can she found, which also turned out to be full of holes. and thinking, she said:
“But this jar is more like a No Gingerbread Jar. You can also put it on your head. Like this! Look, she covered my whole face. How dark it has become! Now I will play in the night. How interesting!
With the jar on her head, Peppy began to run up and down the street until she sprawled on the ground, tripping over a piece of wire. The can rolled into the ditch with a crash.
“You see,” Pippi said, picking up the jar, “if I didn’t have this thing on me, I would break my nose.”
“But I think,” Annika remarked, “that if you hadn’t put a jar on your head, you would never have tripped over this wire ...
But Pippi interrupted her with a jubilant cry: she saw an empty reel on the road.
How lucky am I today! What a happy day! - she exclaimed. - What a small, small reel! Do you know how great it is to blow soap bubbles out of it! And if you thread a rope through the hole, then this coil can be worn around the neck like a necklace. In general, I went home for the rope.
Just at that moment, a gate in the fence surrounding one of the houses opened, and a girl ran out into the street. She looked extremely frightened, and this is not surprising - five boys were chasing her. The boys surrounded her and pressed her against the fence. They were in a very advantageous position to attack. All five immediately got into a boxing stance and began to beat the girl. She began to cry and raised her hands to protect her face.
- Beat her, guys! shouted the biggest and strongest of the boys. - So that she doesn’t show her nose to our street anymore.
- Ouch! Annika exclaimed. “Why, they are beating Ville!” Ugly boys!
“That big one over there is named Bengt,” Tommy said. - He always fights. Nasty guy. Yes, five attacked one girl!
Pippi went up to the boys and poked Bengt in the back with her index finger.
- Hey, listen, there is an opinion that if you fight with little Ville, then it's better to do it one on one, and not swoop in with five.
Bengt turned around and saw a girl he had never met here before. Yes, yes, a completely unfamiliar girl, who even dared to touch him with her finger! For a moment he froze in amazement, and then his face broke into a mocking smile.
“Hey, guys, drop Ville and look at this scarecrow!” He pointed to Pippi. - That's so kikimora!
He was directly twisted with laughter, he laughed, resting his hands on his knees. All the boys immediately surrounded Pippi, and Ville, wiping her tears, quietly stepped aside and stood next to Tommy.
No, just look at her hair! Bengt did not hesitate. - Red as fire. And shoes, shoes! Hey you, lend me one - I was just about to go boating and didn't know where to get one!
He grabbed Pippi by the scythe, but immediately pulled his hand away with a mock grimace:
- Oh, oh, I'm burned!
And all five boys began to jump around Pippi and yell in different voices:
- Redhead! Redhead!
And Pippi stood in the ring of raging children and laughed merrily.
Bengt expected the girl to get angry, or better yet, cry; and I certainly did not expect that she would look calmly and even friendly at them. Convinced that words could not catch her, Bengt pushed Pippi.
“I can’t say that you treat ladies politely,” Pippi noticed and, grabbing Bengt with her strong hands, threw him into the air so high that he hung on a branch of a birch growing nearby. Then she grabbed another boy and threw him onto another branch. The third she threw at the gate of the villa. The fourth one was thrown over the fence right into the flower bed. And the last, the fifth, she squeezed into a toy carriage that stood on the road. Pippi, Tommy, Annika and Ville silently looked at the boys, who seemed to be speechless with amazement.
- Hey you cowards! Pippi exclaimed at last. - Five of you attack one girl - this is meanness! And then you pull the scythe and push another small, defenseless girl ... Fu, how nasty you are ... Shame on you! Come on, let's go home,” she said, turning to Tommy and Annika. – And if they dare to lay a finger on you, Ville, tell me.
Pippi raised her eyes to Bengt, who, afraid to move, was still hanging on a branch, and said:
“Maybe you want to say something else about the color of my hair or the size of my shoes, go ahead and say it while I’m here.”
But Bengt lost all desire to speak out on any topic. Pippi waited a little, then took the tin can in one hand and the spool in the other and left, followed by Tommy and Annika.
When the children returned to Pippi's garden, she said:
- My dears, I am so annoyed: I found two such wonderful things, and you - nothing. You have to search a little more. Tommy, why don't you take a look in the hollow of that old tree over there? Speakers should not pass by such trees.
Tommy said that anyway neither he nor Annika would find anything good, but since Pippi asked him to look, he was ready. And he put his hand in the hole.
- Ouch! he exclaimed in astonishment, and pulled out of the hollow a small leather-bound notebook with a silver pencil. - Weird! Tommy said, looking at his find.
- Here you see! I told you that there is no better occupation in the world than being a broadcaster, and I just don’t know why so few people choose this profession for themselves. Joiners and chimney sweeps as much as you want, but go and look for announcers.
Then Pippi turned to Annika.
“Why don’t you rummage under that stump!” You often find the most wonderful things under old stumps. – Annika listened to Pippi's advice, and immediately she had a red coral necklace in her hands. The brother and sister even opened their mouths in surprise and decided that from now on they will always be announcers.
Suddenly, Peppy remembered that she had gone to bed only in the morning, because she played ball, and she immediately wanted to sleep.
“Please come with me and cover me well, and tuck in a blanket for me.
When Pippi, sitting on the edge of the bed, began to take off her shoes, she said thoughtfully:
This Bengt wanted to go boating. I also found a wheeler! she snorted contemptuously. - I'll teach him another time.
“Listen, Pippi,” Tommy asked politely, “but why do you have such hefty shoes?”
- Of course, for convenience. And for what else? Pippi said and lay down. She always slept with her feet on the pillow and her head under the covers.
- In Guatemala, absolutely everyone sleeps like this, and I think that this is the only correct and reasonable way to sleep. So much more convenient. Do you fall asleep without a lullaby? For example, I must sing a lullaby to myself, otherwise my eyes won't close.
And a second later Tommy and Annika heard some strange sounds from under the covers. It was Pippi singing a lullaby to herself. Then, so as not to disturb her, they tiptoed towards the exit. At the door they turned and glanced once more at the bed, but all they saw was Peppy's feet resting on the pillow. The children went home. Annika, clutching her coral beads tightly in her hand, asked:
“Tommy, don’t you think that Pippi put these things in the hollow and under the stump on purpose so that we could find them?”
“Nothing to guess,” Tommy replied. - With Pippi you never know what's what, that's already clear to me.

III. How Pippi plays tag with the police

Soon a rumor spread in the small town that a nine-year-old girl was living all alone in an abandoned villa. And the adults of this town believed that it could not continue like this. All children should have someone to raise them. All children should go to school and learn the multiplication table. Therefore, the adults decided that this little girl should be sent to an orphanage. One afternoon, Pippi invited Tommy and Annika for coffee and buns. She placed the cups right on the steps of the terrace. The sun was warm, and the scent of flowers wafted from the flower beds. Mr. Nilson climbed up and down the balustrade, and the horse pulled its muzzle from time to time to get a bun.
- How wonderful life is! Pippi said and stretched out her legs. Just at that moment, the gate swung open and two uniformed policemen entered the garden.
– Ah! Pippi exclaimed. - What a happy day! More than anything in the world—after rhubarb cream, of course—I love cops.
With a happy smile on her face, she moved towards the policemen.
“Are you the same girl who settled in this villa?” one of the policemen asked.
“No, no,” Pippi replied. “I'm a scrawny old lady and I live on the third floor of a mansion on the other side of town.
Pippi answered that because she wanted to joke. But the police did not find this joke funny, they strictly told her to stop fooling around, and then said that kind people decided to give her a place in the orphanage.
“And I already live in an orphanage,” Pippi answered.
"What nonsense are you talking about!" the policeman shouted. - Where is your orphanage located?
- Yes, right here. I am a child and this is my home. So this is the orphanage. And as you can see, there is plenty of room.
“Oh, sweet girl, you don’t understand this,” said the other policeman, and laughed. “You must go to a real orphanage where you will be brought up.
– Can I take a horse with me to this orphanage?
- Of course not! the policeman replied.
“That's what I thought,” Pippi said gloomily. - Well, what about the monkey?
- And the monkey is not allowed. You yourself understand this.
- In that case, let the others go to the orphanage, I'm not going there!
“But you have to go to school.
Why do I have to go to school?
– To learn different things.
- What kind of things? Pippi didn't let up.
- Well, very different. All sorts of useful things. For example, learn the multiplication table.
“For nine whole years now I have been doing fine without this table of respect,” Pippi answered, “which means I will continue to live without it.
- Well, think about it, it will be unpleasant for you if you remain an ignoramus for the rest of your life! Imagine, you grow up big, and suddenly someone asks you what the capital of Portugal is called. And you can't answer.
Why can't I answer? I’ll say this: “If it’s so important for you to know what the main city of Portugal is, then write directly to Portugal - the Portuguese will be happy to tell you what the name of their capital is.”
“And you won’t be ashamed that you couldn’t answer yourself?”
“Perhaps it will,” said Pippi. – And I won’t fall asleep for a long time that evening, I’ll lie down and remember everything: well, really, what is the name of the capital of Portugal? But I will soon console myself - then Peppy made a stand, walked on her hands and added: - Because I was in Lisbon with my dad.
Then the first policeman intervened in the conversation and said that Pippi should not imagine that she could do as she wanted - she was ordered to go to the orphanage and there was nothing more to talk about in vain. And he went up to Pippi and seized her by the hand. But Pippi immediately broke free and, lightly slapping the policeman on the back, shouted:
- I pissed you off! You to drive!
And before he had time to recover, she jumped onto the balustrade of the terrace, and from there quickly climbed to the balcony of the second floor.
The police did not want to climb up in this way. So they both rushed into the house and up the stairs. But when they found themselves on the balcony, Peppy was already sitting on the roof. She climbed the tiles with the agility of an ape. In an instant, she was on the ridge of the roof, and from there she jumped onto the pipe.
The policemen sat on the balcony and scratched their heads in confusion.
Tommy and Annika watched Pippi enthusiastically from the lawn.
What fun it is to play tag! Pippi called out to the police. “How nice of you to come and play with me. Today is my lucky day, that's for sure!
After some thought, the policemen went for the ladder, leaned it against the wall of the house, and one by one began to climb onto the roof. Slipping on the tiles and balancing with difficulty, they moved towards Pippi, but they looked very frightened.
- Be bolder! Bolder! Pippi encouraged them. - It's not scary at all.
But when the police almost crawled to Pippi, she, bursting into cheerful laughter, and even squealing with pleasure, jumped off the pipe and climbed onto another roof slope. There was a tree on the other side of the house.
- Look, I'm falling! - Peppy shouted and, jumping from the ledge, hung on a branch, swaying on it, and then deftly slid down the trunk. Finding herself on the ground, Pippi ran around the house and put aside the ladder along which the policemen climbed to the roof. The police got scared when Pippi jumped into the tree. But they were simply horrified to see that the girl had taken the ladder away. Finally furious, they yelled, threatened Pippi with terrible punishments and demanded that Pippi immediately put the ladder in its place, otherwise they would not talk to her like that.
- Why are you angry? Pippi asked them reproachfully. - We play tag, why be angry in vain?
The policemen were silent for a while, and finally one of them said in embarrassment:
“Listen, girl, please put back the ladder so we can go down.”
- With pleasure, Pippi answered and immediately set up a ladder. “And then we can, if you like, have coffee and generally have fun together.”
But the policemen turned out to be insidious people. As soon as they stepped on the ground, they rushed to Pippi, grabbed her and shouted:
"Now you've got it, you bad girl!"
I don't play with you anymore. I don’t mess around with those who cheat in the game, ”Pippi answered and, taking both policemen by their belts, dragged them out of the garden into the street. There she let them go, but they could not come to their senses for a long time.
- One minute! Pippi called to them and rushed to the kitchen as fast as she could. Soon she reappeared, holding a bun in her hands.
- Take it, please! True, they got a little burnt, but it does not matter.
Then Peppy went up to Tommy and Annika, who were standing with their mouths open, and only wondered. And the police hurried back to the city and told those who sent them that Pippi was not suitable for an orphanage. The police, of course, concealed the fact that they were sitting on the roof. And the adults decided: if so, let this girl live as she wants. The main thing is that she goes to school, but otherwise she is free to dispose of herself.
As for Pippi, Tommy and Annika, they had a great time for the rest of the day. First they finished their coffee, and Pippi, having successfully managed fourteen buns, said:
“After all, they weren’t real policemen - they were talking about the orphanage, about the table of respect and about Lisbon ...
Then Peppy took the horse out into the garden, and the children began to ride.
True, Annika was initially afraid of the horse. But when she saw Tommy and Peppy jumping around the garden merrily, she decided to try it too. Pippi deftly sat her down, the horse trotted along the road, and Tommy sang at the top of his voice:

The Swedes are rushing, rumbling.
The fight will be hot!

In the evening, when Tommy and Annika were already in their beds, Tommy said:
“It's great that Pippi has come to live here. Right, Annika?
- Well, of course, great!
“You know, I don’t even remember what we actually played before her.
We played skittles, croquet or just ball. But Pippi is much more fun! .. And then there's a horse and a monkey! Right?

IV. How Pippi goes to school

Of course both Tommy and Annika went to school. Every morning at exactly eight they, hand in hand, with textbooks in their bags, hit the road.
Just at this hour, Pippi loved most of all to ride a horse, or dress up Nilsson, or do exercises, which consisted in the fact that forty-three times in a row, without bending, she jumped on the spot. Then Peppy sat down at the kitchen table and drank a large cup of coffee and ate several cheese sandwiches in complete peace.
As they passed the Chicken Villa, Tommy and Annika looked longingly over the fence - they really wanted to turn here and lose all day with their new girlfriend. Now, if Peppy also went to school, they would not be so offended by spending so much time on teaching.
“What fun it is to run home after school, especially if there are three of us, huh, Pippi?” Tommy said once, vaguely hoping to seduce her.
“And we would go to school together too, huh?” Annika added pleadingly.
The more the guys thought about the fact that Peppy did not go to school, the sadder they became in their souls. And in the end, they decided at all costs to persuade her to go to school with them.
“You can’t even imagine what a wonderful teacher we have,” Tommy once said, looking slyly at Pippi. He and Annika ran over to her, having done their homework hastily.
- You don't know how interesting it is in our class! Annika picked up. “If they didn’t let me go to school, I would just go crazy with grief.
Pippi, sitting on a low bench, washed her feet in a huge basin. She did not say anything in response, only began to splash so much that she spilled almost all the water.
“And you don’t have to sit there for long, only until two hours,” Tommy began again.
- You see, only until two, and you won’t have time to look back, like a bell. And besides, there are holidays. Christmas, Easter, summer…” Annika went on matching his tone.
Pippi thought for a moment, but was still silent. Suddenly, with a determined look, she threw the rest of the water from the basin right onto the floor, although Mr. Nilsson was sitting there and playing with a mirror.
“This is unfair,” Pippi said sternly, not paying the slightest attention either to Mr. Nilsson's anger or to his wet trousers. This is terribly unfair and I will not put up with it!
– What is unfair? Tommy was surprised.
In four months it will be Christmas and you will have Christmas holidays. What will start for me? There were tears in Peppy's voice. I won't have any Christmas holidays, not even the short ones,” she went on plaintively. - This needs to be changed. Tomorrow I'm going to school.
Tommy and Annika clapped their hands for joy.
- Hooray! Hooray! So we'll be waiting for you tomorrow sharp, at eight at our gates.
“No,” said Peppy. “It's too early for me. And besides, I'll ride to school.
No sooner said than done. At ten o'clock Pippi took her horse out into the garden and set off.
A few minutes later, all the inhabitants of the town rushed to the windows, following with horror the little girl who was carried by the enraged horse. In fact, nothing terrible happened. Peppy was just in a hurry to go to school. She galloped into the yard, jumped to the ground and tied her horse to a tree. Approaching the classroom door, she flung it open with such a roar that all the children jumped in their seats in surprise, and, waving her wide-brimmed hat, shouted with all her might:
- Hi! I hope I'm not late for the table of respect?
Tommy and Annika warned the teacher that a new girl, named Pippi Longstocking, should be coming to the class. The teacher had already heard about Pippi - in a small town where everyone knows about everyone, there was a lot of talk about her. And since the teacher was sweet and kind, she decided to do everything to make Pippi like it at school.
Without waiting for an invitation, Peppy sat down at an empty desk. But the teacher did not make any remarks to her. On the contrary, she said very kindly:
“Welcome to our school, dear Pippi. I hope you enjoy your stay and learn a lot here.
“And I hope that I will soon have Christmas holidays,” Pippi answered. “That's why I came here. Justice first.
– Tell me, please, your full name. I will put you on the list of students.
“My name is Peppilotta Victualina Rollgardina, daughter of Captain Ephroim Longstocking, formerly the Storm of the Seas, and now the Negro King. Generally speaking, Pippi is my short name. Dad thought Peppilotta was too long to pronounce.
“Sure,” the teacher said. "Then we'll call you Pippi too." Now let's see what you know. You are already a big girl and probably know a lot. Let's start with arithmetic. Tell me, please, Pippi, how much will it be if you add five to seven?
Pippi looked at the teacher with bewilderment and displeasure.
“If you, so big, don’t know it yourself, then do you really think that I will count for you?” she answered the teacher.
All the students' eyes widened in surprise. And the teacher patiently explained that they don’t answer like that at school, that they say “you” to the teacher and, turning to her, they call her “freken”.
“Excuse me, please,” said Pippi, embarrassed. I didn't know that and I won't do it again.
“Hopefully,” said the teacher. “So you didn’t want to count for me, but I will gladly count for you: if you add five to seven, you get twelve.”
- Just think about it! Pippi exclaimed. Turns out you can figure it out yourself. Why did you ask me then?.. Oh, I said “you” again – forgive me, please.
And in punishment, Pippi pinched herself painfully on the ear.
The teacher decided not to pay any attention to it and asked the following question:
- Okay, Pippi, now tell me, what is eight and four?
“Sixty-seven, I think,” said Pippi.
“That’s not true,” the teacher said, “eight and four make twelve.”
- Well, old lady, this is too much! You just said yourself that five plus seven is twelve. Some kind of order is needed in the school! And if you really want to do all these calculations, then you would stand in a corner and count yourself to your health, and in the meantime we would go to the yard to play tag ... Oh, I seem to be saying “you” again! Forgive me for the last time. I will try to behave better.
The teacher said that she was ready to forgive Pippi this time too, but, apparently, it’s better not to ask her questions on arithmetic yet, it’s better to call other children.
– Tommy, please solve the following problem: Lisey had seven apples, and Axel had nine. How many apples did they have together?
- Yes, count it, Tommy, - Pippi suddenly intervened, - and, besides, tell me: why did Axel's stomach hurt more than Lisey's, and in whose garden did they pick apples?
Freken again pretended not to hear anything, and said, turning to Annika:
- Well, Annika, now you count. Gustav went on an excursion with his comrades. They gave him one crown with him, and he returned with seven öre. How much money did Gustav spend?
“And I want to know,” said Peppy, “why did this boy waste money so much?” And what did he buy with them: lemonade or something else? And did he wash his ears well when he was going on a tour?
The teacher decided not to do arithmetic anymore today. She thought that perhaps Pippi's reading would go better. So she took out a cardboard box with a picture of a hedgehog on it. Under the picture was a large letter "Yo".
- Well, Peppy, now I will show you an interesting thing. This is Yo-e-e-zhik. And the letter that is shown here is called "Yo".
- Well, yes? And I always thought that yo is a big stick with three small ones across and two fly specks at the top. Tell me, please, what does a hedgehog have in common with fly flecks?
The teacher didn't answer Pippi's question, but took out another card, on which a snake was drawn, and said that the letter under the picture was called Z.
- When people talk about snakes, I always remember how I fought a giant snake in India. You can’t even imagine what a terrible snake it was: fourteen meters long and angry like a wasp. Every day she ate at least five adult Indians, and for a snack she ate two small children. And then one day she decided to feast on me. She wrapped herself around me, but I did not lose my head and hit her on the head with all my might. Bach! Then she hisses like: f-f-f! And I once again - bam! And then she - wow! Yes, yes, that's exactly what it was. Very scary story!
Peppy took a breath, and the teacher, who by this time had finally realized that Peppy was a difficult child, suggested that the whole class draw something. “Probably, drawing will captivate Pippi and she will sit quietly for a little while,” thought the freken and handed out paper and colored pencils to the children.
“You can draw whatever you want,” she said, and sitting down at her table began to check her notebooks. After a minute she looked up to see how the children were painting, and found that no one was painting, but everyone was looking at Pippi, who, lying face down, was painting right on the floor.
“Listen, Pippi,” the teacher said with irritation, “why don’t you draw on paper?
- I painted it all over a long time ago. But the portrait of my horse did not fit on this tiny piece of paper. Now I'm drawing just the front legs, and when I get to the tail, I'll have to go out into the corridor.
The teacher thought for a moment, but decided not to give up.
“Now, children, stand up and we will sing a song,” she suggested.
All the children got up from their seats, all except Pippi, who continued to lie on the floor.
“Go ahead, sing, and I’ll rest a little,” she said, “otherwise if I sing, the glass will fly.”
But then the teacher's patience snapped, and she told the children to go for a walk in the schoolyard - she needs to talk to Pippi face to face. As soon as all the children left, Pippi got up from the floor and went to the teacher's table.
“You know what, Miss,” she said, “this is what I think: it was very interesting for me to come here and see what you are doing here. But I don't feel like going here anymore. And with the Christmas holidays, let it be, as it will be. There are too many apples, hedgehogs and snakes in your school for me. Head turned right around. You, freken, I hope you will not be upset by this?
But the teacher said that she was very upset, and most of all that Peppy did not want to behave properly.
“Any girl will be expelled from school if she behaves like you, Pippi.
How, did I misbehave? Pippi asked in surprise. “Honestly, I didn’t notice it,” she added sadly.
It was impossible not to feel sorry for her, because not a single girl in the world knew how to be so sincerely upset as she was.
Pippi was silent for a minute, and then she stammered:
“You see, freken, when your mother is an angel, and your father is a Negro king, and you yourself have sailed the seas all your life, you don’t know how to behave at school among all these apples, hedgehogs and snakes.
Freken told Pippi that she understands this, is no longer angry with her and Pippi will be able to come to school again when she grows up a little. Then Peppy beamed with happiness and said:
- You, freken, are surprisingly sweet. And here's a keepsake from me, freken.
Pippi took a small, elegant golden bell out of her pocket and placed it on the table in front of the teacher. The teacher said that she could not accept such an expensive gift from her.
- No, I beg you, Freken, you must accept my gift! Pippi exclaimed. “Otherwise I’ll come to school again tomorrow, and that won’t please anyone.”
Then Pippi ran out into the schoolyard and jumped on her horse. All the children surrounded Peppy, everyone wanted to stroke the horse and see how Peppy would lead out of the yard.
- I remember I went to school in Argentina, that was a school! - said Pippi and looked at the guys. - Oh, you should go there! After the Christmas holidays, the Easter holidays begin there in three days, and when the Easter holidays end, the summer holidays begin three days later. The summer holidays end on the first of November, and here, however, the guys have to work hard, because the Christmas holidays begin only on the eleventh. But in the end, you can come to terms with this, because in Argentina they don’t give lessons. True, sometimes it happens that some Argentinean boy climbs into the closet so that no one sees him, and secretly teaches a little lessons. But he flies great from his mother, if she notices it. They don’t go through arithmetic there at all, and if some boy accidentally knows how many five and seven will be, and even foolishly blurts out about this teacher, then she will put him in a corner for the whole day. Reading there is done only on free days, and then, if there are books to read, but no one has books there ...
What are they doing at school then? the little boy asked in astonishment.
“They eat sweets,” Pippi answered. There is a candy factory near the school. So, a special pipe was led from her directly to the classroom, and therefore the children do not have a minute of free time - just have time to chew.
- What does the teacher do? the little girl asked.
- Stupid! Pippi said. - Surely she didn’t guess: the teacher picks up candy papers and makes candy wrappers. Do you really think that the guys themselves are engaged in candy wrappers there? No, you bastards!
The guys there do not even go to school themselves, but send their younger brothers and sisters ... Well, hello! Pippi shouted joyfully and waved her big hat. “And you poor fellows will have to count how many apples Axel had. You won't see me here soon...
Peppy rode out the gate noisily. The horse galloped so fast that stones flew from under its hooves, and windowpanes rattled.

V. How Pippi climbs into the hollow

One warm and clear day, Pippi, Tommy and Annika were basking in the sun. Pippi climbed one of the gate posts, Annika climbed the other, and Tommy perched on the gate itself. A pear that grew nearby pulled its branches straight to the gate, and the children could, without moving, pick small golden-red pears. They chewed pear after pear and spit out the grains right into the street.
Villa "Chicken" was located, as you know, on the very outskirts of the city, where the street turned into the highway. The inhabitants of the town liked to go for a walk in this direction - there were the most picturesque places.
So, the guys were serenely basking in the sun and eating pears, when an unfamiliar girl appeared. Seeing the guys sitting at the gate, she stopped and asked:
- Tell me, my dad didn’t pass here?
What does he look like, your dad? Peppy asked. - He has blue eyes?
“Yes,” said the girl.
He is of average height, neither tall nor short...
“Yes, yes…” the girl confirmed.
- In a black hat and black shoes ...
- Yes Yes!
No, we didn't see him! The girl pouted and, without saying a word, went on.
– Oh you, wait! Pippi called after her. - Is he bald?
No, he's not bald.
"Then he's very lucky!" Pippi laughed and spat out the grains.
The girl was about to move on, but Peppy stopped her again:
“And his ears, like burdocks, hang down to his shoulders?”
“No,” the girl said, and turned around. “Have you seen a man with such ears?”
– No, we didn’t see, such people don’t exist. At least in our country,” Pippi added after a pause. “In China, it's a different matter. Once in Shanghai I saw a Chinese man with ears so big that they served as his cape. It used to be a downpour, a Chinese would cover his ears - and order: he was warm and dry. And when during the rain he met friends and acquaintances, he covered them with his ears. So they sat and sang their sad songs until the rain passed. This Chinese man's name was Hai-Shang. You should have seen how he rushed to work in the morning. He always flew in literally at the last minute, because he liked to sleep. He ran out into the street, spread his huge ears, the wind inflated them like sails, and drove Hai-Shang with incredible speed ...
The girl, with her mouth open, listened to Pippi, and Tommy and Annika even stopped chewing pears.
“Hai-Shang had so many children that he couldn’t even count them,” Pippi did not let up. The youngest was called Peter.
Is that a Chinese boy named Peter? Tommy doubted. - Can't be!
“That’s what Hai-Sang’s wife used to say. You can't call a Chinese baby Peter, she told her husband. But Hai-Shang was incredibly stubborn. He wanted his youngest son to be called Peter, and nothing else. He got so angry that he sat down in a corner, covered himself with his ears and sat there until his poor wife gave in and named the boy Peter...
- Blimey! Annika whispered.
“Peter was the most spoiled child in all of Shanghai and was so naughty during meals that his mother was in despair. You know that in China they eat swallow's nests. And then one day his mother served him a full plate of swallow nests and fed him with a spoon, saying: “Eat, Peterhen, we will eat this nest for dad!” But Peter pressed his lips tight and shook his head. And when Hai-Shang saw how his youngest son was eating, he became so furious that he ordered not to give Peter anything else until he ate this nest "for dad." And I already told you that Hai-Shang knew how to get his way. And so this nest began to be cooked for Peter every single day from May to October. On the fourteenth of July, Hai-Shang's mother asked Hai-Shang to give Peter two meatballs. But the father was relentless.
“It’s all nonsense,” the strange girl suddenly said.
“That's right, literally these words were spoken by Hai-Shang,” Pippi confirmed, not in the least embarrassed. “All this is nonsense,” he said, “a boy can eat this swallow’s nest, you just have to break his stubbornness.” But when Peter was offered a nest, he only pursed his lips.
- How did this boy live if he did not eat anything from May to October? Tommy was surprised.
And he didn't live. He died on the eighteenth of October - "out of sheer stubbornness," as his father said. They buried him on the nineteenth. And on October 20, a swallow flew in and laid the egg in the very nest that was still on the table. So this nest came in handy, and no trouble happened, ”Pippi finished happily.
She then looked suspiciously at the girl who was standing on the road in confusion.
“You have a strange look,” said Peppy. "Don't you think I'm lying?" Come on confess! And Peppy raised her hand menacingly.
“No, what are you…” the girl answered frightened. I don't mean to say that you're lying, but...
“So, in your opinion, I’m not lying ...” Pippi interrupted her, but in fact I’m lying, and how! I spit whatever comes into my head. Do you really think a boy can live without food from May to October? Well, another three or four months, all right, but from May to October - this is already nonsense. And you know perfectly well that I'm lying. So why are you allowing yourself to drive all sorts of rubbish into your head?
Then the girl quickly walked down the street and never looked back.
How gullible people are! said Pippi, turning to Tommy and Annika. - Do not eat from May to October! Just think how stupid!
And she called after the girl:
No, we haven't seen your dad. We didn't see a single baldhead all day. But yesterday, seventeen bald men walked past us ... holding hands!
Pippi's garden was indeed very beautiful. Of course, it cannot be said that it was well looked after, but it was decorated with beautiful lawns that had not been mowed for a long time, and old rose bushes bent under the weight of white, red and tea roses. They might not have been the most exquisite varieties of roses, but they smelled great. Fruit trees grew there, and, most valuable, a few old branchy oaks and elms that were so easy to climb.
But in Tommy and Annika's garden with climbing trees, things were very bad, and besides, mother was always afraid that the children would fall and break. Therefore, they never had a chance to climb trees in their lives. And suddenly Pippi said:
Let's climb this oak tree! Tommy was so delighted with this idea that he immediately jumped off the gate. Annika was at first somewhat embarrassed by Pippi's offer, but when she saw that there were a lot of knots on the tree that she could grab onto, she decided to try it too. At a height of several meters above the ground, the oak trunk forked, forming something like a hut. Soon the whole trinity was already sitting in this hut, and over their heads the oak spread its mighty crown with a green roof.
Let's have coffee here! I'm running to the kitchen now.
Tommy and Annika clapped their hands and shouted "Bravo!" A few minutes later Pippi brought a steaming coffee pot. She had baked the buns the day before. Pippi went up to the oak tree and started throwing coffee cups up. Tommy and Annika tried to catch them in the air. But out of three cups, two hit the barrel and broke. However, Pippi was not upset at all, but immediately rushed home for other cups. Then it was the turn of the buns - they flashed in the air, but there was nothing to be afraid of. And finally, Peppy climbed up the tree with a coffee pot in her hand. In one pocket of her dress was a bottle of cream, in the other a box of sugar.
It seemed to Tommy and Annika that they had never drunk such delicious coffee before. In general, they drank coffee very rarely, only at a party. But now they were visiting. Annika turned awkwardly and spilled some coffee on her dress. At first she was wet and warm, then it became wet and cold, but she said that it was nothing.
When the coffee was finished, Pippi, without getting off the oak, began to throw dishes on the grass.
“I want to check,” she explained, “whether cups are now made of good china.”
By some miracle, one cup and all three saucers survived. And the coffee pot only broke off the spout.
Pippi, meanwhile, wanted to climb higher on the oak.
- Look, look! she suddenly shouted. “There is a huge hollow in the tree!”
And in fact, in the trunk of an oak tree, a little higher than where they sat, there was a huge hole, hidden from them by the foliage.
"I'm going to go there too!" exclaimed Tommy. - All right, Peppy? But there was no answer.
- Peppy! Where are you? Tommy asked anxiously.
And suddenly Pippi's voice rang out. But not from above, as the guys expected, but for some reason from below, and it sounded so booming, as if it came from a dungeon.
- I'm in a tree! It is empty to the ground. But through this hole I see a coffee pot on the grass.
“How are you going to get out of there?” Annika was scared.
“I will never get out of here,” Pippi answered from the hollow. “I will stand here until I am retired. And you will carry food to me and lower it on a rope five or six times a day, no more ...
Annika began to cry.
“What are these tears for, what are the sobs for? Pippi suddenly sang and added: “Climb here to me, we will play prisoners who are languishing in the dungeon.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Annika yelled, and for greater safety, she immediately jumped from the tree.
– Hey, Annika, I see you through the hole… Don’t step on the coffee pot! This is a well-deserved old coffee pot that hasn't done anything wrong. It's not his fault he doesn't have a nose!
Annika walked close to the tree and saw the tip of Peppy's finger in a crack in the bark. This comforted her a little, but still she continued to worry.
“Pippi, can’t you really get out?” she asked.
Pippi's finger disappeared, and a minute later her laughing face appeared in the hole in the hollow.
Well, to be honest, I can. You just have to want to, ”Pippi said and, pulling herself up in her arms, got out to the waist.
“Oh, if it’s so easy to get out, then I’ll climb too!” shouted Tommy, still perched in the tree. “I’ll climb into the hollow and also wither a little.
“You know what,” said Peppy, “let's bring a ladder here.
She quickly got out of the hollow and jumped to the ground. The children ran after the ladder. Peppy dragged her with difficulty up to the oak and lowered her into the hollow.
Tommy couldn't wait to get in there. It turned out to be not so easy - the hole in the hollow was high, under the very crown. But Tommy courageously climbed up and then disappeared into a dark hole. Annika decided she would never see her brother again. She clung to the crack, trying to see what was going on inside the hollow.
- Annika! Tommy's voice came to her. You know how great it is here!.. Climb into the hollow! It's not scary in the slightest...
Here, inside, there is a ladder ... If you climb here, you won’t want to play anything else.
- Well, yes? Truth?
- Honestly!
Annika climbed the tree again and, with Pippi's help, got to the hole in the hollow, but, seeing how dark it was, she involuntarily recoiled. Pippi, grabbing Annika tightly by the arm, began to calm her down.
“Don’t be afraid, Annika,” came the brother’s voice in the hollow. "If you break, I'll catch you."
But Annika did not fall, but quite safely went down the stairs to Tommy. A minute later, Pippi was next to them.
- Well, isn't it great! exclaimed Tommy.
Annika couldn't help but agree with her brother. The hollow was not nearly as dark as she thought. Light penetrated through the cracks in the bark. Annika walked over to one of these cracks to see if the coffee pot could be seen from here.
“Now we have a real hiding place,” said Tommy.
“No one will ever know we are here. And if people come looking for us, we can watch them from here. That will be great!..
“And also,” Pippi interrupted him, “we will take a long twig, stick it in here and beat everyone who comes close to the tree.” And people will think that a ghost lives in the oak.
They liked this proposal so much that all three began to jump on the spot and hug each other. But then the gong sounded: Tommy and Annika were called to dinner.
"What a pity," said Tommy, "we must go home." But tomorrow, as soon as we get back from school, we'll climb in here.
"All right," said Peppy.
And they went up the stairs. First Pippi, followed by Annika and finally Tommy. And then they jumped out of the tree. First Pippi, followed by Annika and finally Tommy.

VI. How Pippi arranges a tour

“Today we don’t study,” Tommy said, “we have a cleaning day at school.
- How! Pippi exclaimed. - Another injustice. Why don't I have any sanitation day? And I really need him! Just look how dirty the kitchen floor is. However, I can wash it without a sanitary day. Now I'll take care of it! I would like to see who will prevent me from doing this. And you guys sit down on the kitchen table and don't get in the way.
Tommy and Annika obediently climbed onto the table. Mr. Nilson also jumped there - he liked to sleep curled up on Annika's knees. Peppy warmed up a large cauldron of water and without hesitation poured hot water directly onto the floor. Then she took off her shoes, and carefully placed her huge black shoes on the breadbasket. Tying a broom to each leg, she began to drive around the floor, sliding through the water, as if on water skis.
“When I mop the floor, I always feel like I'm a figure skating champion,” she said, and lifted her left leg so high that the brush tore off her leg and knocked off the edge of the glass shade of the hanging lamp. - Oh, something, but grace and grace I have more than enough! she added, and jumped over the back of the chair.
“That's all,” Pippi said a few minutes later and untied the second brush. Now the kitchen is clean.
- How, you do not wipe the floor with a rag? Annika asked in surprise.
- No, why, let him dry in the sun ... I think he will not catch a cold ...
Tommy and Annika jumped off the table and carefully walked out of the kitchen so as not to get their feet wet.
The sky was amazingly blue and the sun shone brightly even though September was in full swing. The day turned out to be extremely clear, and it was tempting to go into the forest. Suddenly Pippi suggested:
- Let's take Mr. Nilsson and go on a tour.
- Let's! Let's! shouted Tommy and Annika excitedly.
“Then run home as soon as possible and ask your mother for time off. In the meantime, I'll pack a basket of food for the road.
Tommy and Annika did just that. They ran home and soon returned. Peppy was already waiting for them at the gate. In one hand she held a hefty stick, in the other a basket of provisions, and Mr. Nilsson sat on her shoulder.
First, the guys walked along the highway. Then they turned into a meadow. Behind the meadow, among birches and hazel bushes, an inviting path wound. So without haste they reached the hedge, beyond which they could see an even more attractive lawn. But a cow was standing right at the gate, and it was clear from everything that she did not intend to move a single step from here. Annika, of course, was frightened, and then Tommy courageously approached the cow and tried to drive her away. But the cow did not even move and only stared at the guys with her big, bulging eyes. Pippi got tired of waiting, she put the basket on the grass, went up to the cow and pushed her so hard that the cow rushed off into the hazel without looking back.
- Just think - a cow, but stubborn, like a donkey! - said Pippi and jumped over the fence.
- Oh, what a beautiful lawn! Annika exclaimed, and ran hopping across the grass.
Tommy took out a penknife - Pippi's gift - and cut off a stick for himself and Annika. True, at the same time he injured his finger, but said that it was nothing.
“Let's pick mushrooms,” Pippi suggested and picked a beautiful red fly agaric. I don't know for sure if this mushroom is edible. But I think so, since you can’t drink it, then you can eat it. What else to do with it?
She bit off a large piece of the mushroom and began to chew it.
- It's really delicious! But let's better pick mushrooms another time, - she said cheerfully and threw the fly agaric high, high, even higher than the trees.
- What's in your basket, Peppy? Annika asked.
“But I won’t tell you this for anything in the world,” Pippi answered. First we must find a suitable place for a picnic.
They dispersed in search of a suitable place. Annika offered to sit by a large flat rock.
“It's very cozy here,” she said.
“But there are a lot of red ants here, and I don’t intend to eat with them, because I don’t know them,” Pippi objected.
“Besides, they bite pretty good,” Tommy added.
- Right! Pippi picked it up. “And I think it’s better to bite yourself than to be bitten.” No, there isn't enough sun for my freckles. And what could be better than freckles!
The guys went on and soon saw a fairly high hill, which they easily climbed. At the top of it was a small platform, like a terrace, as if specially made. There they decided to stay.
“Close your eyes while I play tablecloth.”
Tommy and Annika closed their eyes. They heard Pippi lift the lid of the basket and rustle the paper.
One, two, three - look! Pippi screamed.
Tommy and Annika opened their eyes and screamed with delight when they saw all the supplies that Pippi had laid out on the stone. Two huge sandwiches, one with meatballs, the other with ham, a whole mountain of sugared pancakes, a few slices of smoked sausage and three small pineapple puddings. After all, Pippi learned to cook from the cook on the ship.
“Oh, it’s beautiful when there is a sanitary day,” Tommy said with difficulty, since his mouth was full of pancakes. - If only every day were sanitary!
“No, I don’t agree to wash the floor so often,” said Peppy. - Of course, it's fun, I don't argue, but every day is still tiring.
In the end, they were so full that they were no longer able to move, and silently basked in the sun.
“I don’t think it’s so difficult to fly ...” Pippi suddenly said, looking thoughtfully from the hill into the hollow: the path ran steeply down the slope, and it was far from the lawn.
“I’m just sure that you can learn to fly,” Pippi continued. “Of course, it’s not sweet to plop down on the ground, but you don’t have to start right away from a great height. Honestly, I'll try now.
- No, Pippi, please don't! shouted Tommy and Annika in fright. “Pippi, dear, don’t do this!”
But Pippi was already standing at the edge of the cliff.
- "Geese, geese!" - "Ha-ha-ha!" - "Do you want to eat?" - "Yes Yes Yes!" "Well, fly as you wish!" And the geese flew.
When Pippi said: “And the geese flew!”, She waved her hands and jumped down the hill. Half a second later there was a dull bang - Pippi flopped to the ground. Tommy and Annika, lying on their stomachs, looked down in horror. But Pippi immediately jumped to her feet and rubbed her bruised knees.
I didn't flap my wings! I forgot! she explained cheerfully. “And besides, I’m getting heavy from the pancakes.
And only then did the guys realize that Mr. Nilson had disappeared. It was clear that he had decided to undertake a self-guided tour. A few minutes ago, he was sitting nearby and merrily fiddling with the twigs of the basket. And when Pippi decided to learn to fly, they forgot about him. And now Mr. Nilsson and the trace caught a cold. Peppy was so upset that she threw one shoe into a deep ditch with water.
“Don’t, never take a monkey with you if you’re going somewhere!” Why didn't I leave Mr. Nilsson at home? I would sit there with my horse. It would only be fair, ”Pippi said and climbed into the ditch for a shoe. The water was waist deep.
- Well, since such a thing, you have to plunge headlong. Pippi dived and sat under water for so long that bubbles began to appear. Finally she surfaced.
“Well, now you don’t have to go to the hairdresser to wash your hair,” she said with a snort. She looked very pleased.
Peppy climbed out of the ditch and put on her shoes. Then everyone went in search of Mr. Nilsson.
“Now I look like rain,” Peppy said suddenly. - It's dripping from the dress: drip-drip! Squishes in shoes: squelching, squelching ... How nice it is! And you, Annika, try diving!
Annika looked so elegant: she was wearing a pink dress that went very well with her golden curls, and on her feet were white leather shoes.
“Of course, only another time,” she answered slyly.
The guys went on.
- Well, how can I not be angry with Mr. Nilsson? It's always like that with him. Once in Sarabaia, he ran away from me in the same way and entered the service of an old widow ... Well, of course, I thought of a widow, ”Pippi added after a pause.
And then Tommy suggested that everyone disperse in different directions. Annika was afraid to go alone, but Tommy said:
- Oh, you coward!
Not wanting to be ridiculed any longer, Annika dutifully but reluctantly wandered alone along the path, while Tommy went through the meadow. He did not find Mr. Nilson, but he saw a huge bull - or rather, the bull saw Tommy. And the bull didn't like Tommy. It was an angry bull, and he could not stand children. The bull lowered its head and lunged at Tommy with a roar. Tommy yelled throughout the forest. Peppy and Annika heard the scream and ran to the rescue. And they saw the bull lift Tommy up on his horns and throw him very high.
“That stupid bastard,” said Pippi to Annika, who was crying bitterly. - Is that how they behave? Look, he's soiled Tommy's white sailor suit! I'll have to talk to him, teach him the mind-reason.
Peppy ran up to the bull and grabbed him by the tail.
“Sorry if I interrupted you,” she said. At first the bull did not pay any attention to her, but Pippi pulled harder. Then the bull turned around and saw a girl, whom he also wanted to hang up on his horns.
- I repeat, please forgive me if I interrupted. Forgive me so generously and for the fact that I am forced to hit you ... - with these words, Peppy hit the bull with her fist on the horn with all her might. – This season it is not fashionable to wear two horns. All the best bulls have already switched to one horn, and some have completely abandoned the horns, she finished and struck the other horn.
Since the horns of bulls do not feel pain, our bull did not know if he still had horns or not. Just in case, he nevertheless decided to wrestle, and if someone else had been in Peppy's place, a wet place would have remained from him.
– Ha-ha-ha! Stop tickling me! Peppy laughed. “You can't even imagine how ticklish I am. Ha ha ha! Stop it! Stop it, or I'm about to die of laughter.
But the bull did not heed her request, and Pippi had to jump on his back to rest for at least a minute. But there was no respite, because the bull did not like the fact that Peppy sat on him. He began to jump, kick, lift his head and twist his tail, trying in every possible way to free himself from his burden. But Pippi dug her heels into her sides and tenaciously held on to her withers. The bull rushed about the meadow like a mad one and bellowed. His nostrils flared, and Pippi laughed and screamed and waved to Tommy and Annika, who were trembling with fear. And the bull continued to rush about, still hoping to throw off Pippi.
- Oh, my dear, dance and knock with your hooves! sang Pippi, sitting firmly on the back of the bull.
Finally, the bull was so tired that he lay down on the grass, dreaming of only one thing: that all the children would disappear from the face of the earth. Before, he had never imagined that children were so difficult to handle.
“Ah, do you feel like taking a nap?” Pippi asked him amiably. “Well then, I won’t interfere.
She jumped off the back of the bull and walked towards Tommy and Annika, who were standing at a distance. Tommy stopped crying; falling, he tore off the skin on his arm, but Annika bandaged his wound with a handkerchief, and it no longer hurt.
“Oh Pippi!” Annika exclaimed hotly when Pippi approached them.
- Hush, - said Pippi in a whisper, - do not wake the bull, otherwise he will wake up and be capricious. Mr Nilsson! Mr Nilsson! she yelled at the top of her voice, not at all afraid to disturb the bull's sleep. - It's time for us to go home!
And suddenly the children saw Mr. Nilsson. He sat on the top of a pine and tried in vain to catch his tail. He looked very sad, And in fact, it is not very pleasant for such a little monkey to be alone in the forest. He instantly descended from the pine tree, sat down on Pippi's shoulder and, as always in a fit of joy, began to wave his straw hat.
“So this time you didn’t get hired to serve an elderly widow?” True, this is a lie. But the truth cannot be a lie, besides, Mr. Nilsson knows how to cook meatballs very well, to the surprise of everyone, ”Pippi suddenly said.
The children decided to return home. Water was still dripping from Pippi's dress - drip-drip, and her shoes were still squelching - squelch-slurp, Tommy and Annika believed that, despite the adventures with the bull, they had a great day, and sang the song that they learned in school. In fact, it was a summer song, and now it was autumn, but nevertheless it seemed to them that it was suitable for such an occasion. Pippi also sang, but since she did not know the words, she invented them herself.

VII. How Pippi goes to the circus

A circus came to the small town where Peppy, Tommy and Annika lived, and all the children began to ask their dads and moms for money for tickets. Tommy and Annika did the same; their dad immediately took out several shiny silver crowns from his purse.
Clutching the money into a fist, Tommy and Annika rushed to Pippi as fast as they could. They found her on the terrace near the horse.
The horse's tail was braided into many thin braids, which Peppy decorated with red roses.
“Today, if I’m not mistaken, is her birthday, and she has to dress up,” Pippi explained.
“Pippi,” said Tommy, out of breath from his fast run, “will you go to the circus with us?”
- With you, I'm ready to go even to the ends of the world, but it's hard for me to say whether I'll go to cheese, because I don't know what kind of thing this is - - cheese? They don't treat their teeth? If they are cured, I won't go.
- What are you, silly, they don’t treat any teeth there. This is the most beautiful place on earth. There are horses and clowns and beautiful ladies walking on a tightrope! ..
“But you have to pay money for this,” Annika said, and opened her fist to see if she had lost the shiny two-crown and two five-er pieces that her father had given her.
- I am rich, like Koschey the Immortal, and I can certainly buy myself this very cheese. True, if I keep a few more horses, then the house will probably become crowded. Somehow I will place clowns and ladies, but with horses it will be worse ...
“But don’t you understand,” Tommy interrupted her, “you won’t have to buy any circus. Paying money to watch...
- This is still not enough! Pippi was indignant and quickly closed her eyes. Do you have to pay money to watch? And all I do all day long is to stare around. I can never count how much money I have already seen enough.
But after a few seconds, Pippi cautiously opened her eyes - she closed her eyes so tightly that she felt dizzy.
- Okay! - she exclaimed. - Let it cost what it costs. I can't see anything!
Finally, Tommy and Annika somehow explained to Pippi what a circus was, and then Pippi took out several gold coins from her leather suitcase. Then she put on a hat the size of a mill wheel and went to the circus with her friends.
People were crowding at the entrance to the circus, and there were queues at the ticket offices. When Pippi approached the cash register, she stuck her head in the window and, seeing a nice old lady there, asked:
- How much does it cost to see you? But the lady was a foreigner, she did not understand what Pippi was asking her, and answered in broken language:
- Vevochka, the best place is five crowns, another place is three crowns, and one place is worth one crown.
“Good,” said Pippi, but you must promise me that you will walk the tightrope.
Over Pippi's shoulder, Tommy saw that she was taking a ticket for three crowns. Pippi handed the cashier a gold coin, and the elderly lady looked with disbelief, first at the girl, then at the coin. She even tried the coin on her tooth to see if it was counterfeit. After making sure that the coin was really gold, the cashier gave Pippi a ticket and change - a lot of nickel coins.
“What am I going to do with this pile of dull money?” Take them for yourself, then I can look at you twice, even if standing, said Pippi.
Since Pippi flatly refused to take any change, the cashier had to exchange her ticket for a five-crown ticket, and besides, give five-crown tickets to Tommy and Annika without charging them a single oera surcharge.
That's how it happened that Peppy and her friends sat down in the best places - on chairs upholstered in red velvet, just outside the arena barrier. Tommy and Annika twirled around, looking around and waving to their schoolmates, who were seated farther away.
What is this strange yurt? Pippi asked, looking at the circus with surprise. - And someone scattered sawdust on the floor. I'm not that neat, but, really, this is too much!
Tommy explained to Pippi that all the circuses in the world sprinkle the arena with sawdust to make it easier for the horses to run and jump.
Musicians were sitting on the balcony, who suddenly began to play a march loudly. Pippi clapped her hands furiously and even jumped up and down a few times for joy.
- Do you have to pay for music, or can you listen to it for free? she asked.
Just at that moment, the director of the circus appeared from behind the curtain covering the artistic entrance. He was wearing a black tailcoat, and in his hand he held a long whip. Following him, two white horses with a red plume on their heads ran into the arena. The headmaster snapped his whip and the horses placed their front feet on the barrier. One of the horses was next to the children. Annika did not like this proximity, and she pressed herself against the very back of her chair. And Pippi leaned forward and, clasping the horse's hoof with both hands, said:
- Hello, horse! I can send you greetings from my horse. She also has a birthday today, but I decorated her tail with roses, not her head ...
However, Pippi had to immediately let go of her hoof, because the director cracked his whip again, and the horses, having jumped off the barrier, again rushed in a circle.
When the number ended, the headmaster bowed politely, and the horses also bowed their plumed heads. And immediately the curtain at the exit trembled again, and a pitch-black horse jumped out into the arena, and on its back stood a beautiful girl in a green silk tights. Her name was Miss Carmencita, as it was written in the program. The horse raced along the barrier, and Miss Carmencita stood calmly and smiled. But suddenly, at the moment when the horse was rushing past the place where Pippi was sitting, something flashed in the air. That something was Pippi herself. She jumped on her horse's back and stood behind Miss Carmencita. Miss Carmencita was so surprised that she almost fell to the ground. Then she became angry and began to wave her arms, trying to push Pippi, but she did not succeed.
“No, no,” Pippi shouted to her, “now I’ll have a little fun too!” You think you're the only one who wants to ride. Everyone paid money, you are not alone!
Then Miss Carmencita herself decided to jump off the horse, but she did not succeed either, because Pippi held her tightly with both hands. And the audience rolled with laughter: Miss Carmencita looks very funny with this red-haired swirling creature in huge black shoes, apparently specially shod for performing in the circus! But the director of the circus did not laugh, he signaled to the attendants in red uniforms to stop the horse.
Is the number already over? Pippi asked. What a pity, we had so much fun!
- Nasty boy, get out of my sirk! the director gritted through his teeth. Pippi looked at him reproachfully.
- Why are you angry with me? .. I thought everyone came here to have fun. Is not it? she asked.
Pippi jumped off her horse and sat down in her seat, but two uniformed men approached her. They grabbed her by the hands and wanted to take her out of the circus, but nothing came of them. Pippi sat so firmly in the chair that there was no way to tear her away from the seat. The attendants tried to pick her up again, then shrugged their shoulders and stepped aside.
Meanwhile, the next number began. Miss Elvira appeared in the arena and walked towards the tightrope. She wore a pink dress and held an umbrella in her hand. With small graceful steps she walked along the rope, and then she began to perform various acrobatic tricks .. It was a very beautiful number. In conclusion, Miss Elvira surprised the audience by walking back, backing away like a cancer. When she finally found herself on a small platform, from which a rope was stretched, Pippi was already standing there.
- Well, now let me walk around, everyone should take turns, - the girl said firmly, noticing Miss Elvira's surprised look.
Miss Elvira did not answer, she jumped down and threw herself on the neck of the director of the circus, who, as it turned out, was her father. Again, the director of the circus sent attendants in red uniforms, this time five people, to expel Pippi from the circus. But then the audience began to shout: “Let this red-haired girl perform!” and everyone stamped their feet and clapped their hands.
Pippi walked on the tightrope. And everyone saw that Miss Elvira was nothing compared to her. When she reached the middle of the rope, she lifted her leg so that the toe of her shoe hung over her head like a canopy. Then she made a "gun" and began to spin on one leg.
But the director of the circus was not at all happy that Pippi was performing with him. He wanted only one thing: to get rid of her by any means. He went to the mechanism that tensions the rope and turned the lever. He expected Pippi to fall when the rope loosened. But this did not happen. The rope hung, but then Peppy began to swing on it, like on a swing. She flew higher and higher and suddenly jumped right on the headmaster's back. From surprise, he was so frightened that he spun around on the spot.
- That's a horse! Pippi shouted merrily. - Only for some reason without red feathers on his head!

End of free trial.

Pippi Longstocking. Pippi Longstocking boards the ship. Pippi Longstocking in the South Sea Trilogy (completed 1948)

Pippi Longstocking is one of Astrid Lindgren's most fantastic heroines. She does whatever she wants. She sleeps with her feet on the pillow and with her head under the covers, coming home, she walks backwards all the way, because she does not want to turn around and go straight. But the most amazing thing about her is that she is incredibly strong and agile, although she is only nine years old. She carries in her arms her own horse, which lives in her house on the veranda, defeats the famous circus strongman, scatters a whole company of hooligans who attacked a little girl, deftly pushes out of her own house a whole detachment of policemen who came to her to forcibly take her to orphanage, and with lightning speed throws two thieves who decided to rob her onto the closet. However, in the reprisals of P.D. there is neither malice nor cruelty. She is extremely generous with her defeated enemies. She treats disgraced policemen with freshly baked buns.

And for embarrassed thieves who work off their home invasion by dancing with the P.D. twist all night long, she generously rewards them with gold coins, this time honestly earned by them, and hospitably treats them with bread, cheese, ham, cold veal and milk. . Moreover, P.D. is not only extremely strong, she is also incredibly rich and powerful, because her mother is an angel in heaven, and her father is a Negro king. P. D. herself lives with a horse and a monkey, Mr. Nielsson, in an old dilapidated house, where she arranges truly royal feasts, rolling out dough with a rolling pin right on the floor. P.D. costs nothing to buy for all the children in the city "a hundred kilos of candy" and a whole toy store. In fact, P.D. is nothing more than a child's dream of strength and nobility, wealth and generosity, power and selflessness. But adults P.D. for some reason do not understand. The town apothecary becomes furious when P.D. asks him what to do when his stomach hurts: chew a hot rag or pour cold water on himself.

And Tommy and Annika's mom says that P.D. doesn't know how to behave when she is alone at a party swallowing a whole cream cake. But the most amazing thing about P.D. is her bright and violent fantasy / which manifests itself both in the games that she comes up with and in those amazing stories about different countries where she visited with her dad, a sea captain, which she now tells his friends.


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Lindgren A., "Pippi Longstocking"

Genre: fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking" and their characteristics

  1. Pippi Longstocking. Girl 9 years old. Redhead, freckled, pigtailed, mischievous and restless. Very strong, kind, extravagant. He is not afraid of anyone or anything, does not go to school, is an excellent cook, and loves adventure.
  2. Annika, Tommy's sister. Cheerful girl, very calm and obedient.
  3. Tommy, Annika's brother. Kind and generous boy. Often cowardly, but knows how to overcome his fear.
  4. Ephroim Longstocking. Captain and king, Pippi's father. Very fat, strong and funny.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. When Pippi's dad was washed away by a wave, Pippi moved into the Chicken Villa and befriended Tommy and Annika.
  2. Thanks to her strength, Peppy easily got out of different situations whole, helped the weak, and laughed at thieves.
  3. Peppy becomes the heroine of the city after she saves kids from a fire, saves a girl from a tiger, and punishes a local bully.
  4. When Pippi's father arrives, she is going to go with him to the island of Veseliya, but remains, unable to part with her friends.
  5. Pippi goes to the island of Veseliya with Tommy and Annika, talks to the shark and punishes two robbers.
  6. Pippi returns to the Chicken Villa, celebrates Christmas, and decides never to grow up.
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking"
Childhood is the best time in a person's life, and therefore it should be rich in adventure.

What does Pippi Longstocking teach?
The fairy tale teaches to live life to the fullest, to have fun, to play, to look for adventures. Teaches not to give up and not retreat, teaches not to be sad and understand humor. Teaches the benefits of knowledge and education.

Review of the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking"
I really enjoyed this wonderful story. Pippi is just a miracle, what a girl with whom you will never get bored and with whom you can not be afraid of anything. But I myself would not like to be like Pippi, because it seems to me that she was still too lonely.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking"
Free to be naughty, who is not a bit from youth.
Do not hang your little head, do not sadness comrades.
Who knows how to have fun, grief is afraid of that.
I would be glad to cry, but laughter overcame.
Childhood is a golden time.

Pippi settles in Villa "Chicken"

Chapter 1 How Pippi Settled in the Hen's Villa

Pippi's mother died a long time ago and the girl did not remember her, but she thought she was an angel. And her father was a sea captain, who was washed away by a wave during a storm. After that, Peppy took her monkey, a chest of gold and settled in the Chicken Villa. She immediately bought a horse and often took it out into the garden, because Peppy is very strong.
Opposite the villa lived Tommy and Annika, very obedient children. And they were very surprised when they saw how Pippi first left her house and walked normally, and returned back to front. Peppy explained to the guys that she walks as she likes, because she lives in a free country. Then she introduced the children to the monkey Nilson and invited them to her place for breakfast.
The children were very surprised that Pippi lived alone, and there was a big mess in the house. But they even liked it.

Chapter 2 How Pippi gets into a fight

The next morning, Tommy and Annika went straight to Pippi's, who was making tortillas. Then Pippi decided to clean up the streets and collect things that people lost or threw away.
The children went outside and Peppy found a tin can, and then an empty spool. But then a girl ran out into the street, followed by five boys. Peppy stood up for the girl and instantly scattered the boys, some in a flower bed, and some right on a tree.
Then the children returned to the villa, and Pippi went to bed with her feet on the pillow.

Chapter 3 How Pippi plays tag with the policemen

When they found out in the city that Peppy was living all alone, they decided to send her to an orphanage. And two policemen came to the villa, who began to convince Peppy that she needed to study.
But Peppy decided to play tag with the police, climbed onto the balcony, then onto the roof.
The policemen cautiously climbed after them, but Pippi jumped on a tree, climbed down and carried away the ladder.
Then, of course, she returned the ladder to its place when the police politely asked her to do so. But the police turned out to be insidious types and grabbed Peppy.
However, Pippi took them by the belts and put them out into the street.
The city decided to leave Pippi alone.

Chapter 4 How Pippi Goes to School

Tommy and Annika told Pippi about the Christmas holidays and Pippi also wanted to go to school. She came to school on a horse and behaved very loosely in the lesson. Peppy didn't answer the teacher's questions, drew on the floor, told funny stories.
And then she announced that she was bored at school and would not come there again. And at parting, she gave the teacher a golden bell.

Chapter 5 How Pippi climbs into the hollow

The day began with Pippi telling a story about a Chinese man with big ears who had a son, Peter, and then told the girl who was looking for her hairy dad that not a single bald man passed through here today.
Then Pippi invited her friends to climb an oak tree, where there was a very convenient place. The children settled in it like a hut, and Pippi brought a coffee pot and buns.
And then Pippi found a hollow in the tree and climbed into it. She liked it so much in the hollow that she lowered a ladder into it and told Tommy and Annick to climb into the hollow too.
The children decided that they would have a hiding place in the hollow.

Having learned that a sanitary day was announced at the school, Pippi also washed the floor in the villa, and then all the children went on an excursion.
They went out into a meadow, behind which they found an excellent lawn. Peppy pushed away the cow, which prevented her from passing, and plucked the fly agaric. Taking a bite, she threw the mushroom away and the children climbed up the hill.
There Pippi laid out her picnic supplies and the children had a great snack.
Then Peppy tried to fly, but fell down the hill and hurt her knees. And at this time Nilson ran away. The children went to look for him and Tommy ran into a bull.
The bull threw Tommy into the air, but then Pippi arrived to the rescue of a friend. First, she beat off the bull's horns, then saddled him and made him jump across the clearing until he dropped. Only when the bull fell down exhausted did Pippi leave him alone.
And Nilson climbed down from the tree and the children went back.

Chapter 7 How Pippi Goes to the Circus

Tommy and Annika invited Pippi to the circus, and the girl agreed to watch the show. She bought her friends the best and most expensive seats near the arena. When a horse jumped into the arena with an acrobat on its back, Pippi jumped on the horse and had a good time. Then she walked along the rope and jumped from it onto the back of the circus director.
He was in a panic, but no one managed to get Peppy out.
Then the most powerful man on the planet strongman Adolf entered the arena. But Pippi easily put it on her shoulder blades, then a second time, and in the end she simply carried it on one arm.
The audience was delighted, and Pippi fell asleep and overslept the rest of the performance.

Chapter 8 How Thieves Climb to Pippi

Once the thieves saw Pippi counting gold coins and decided to rob her. At night they climbed into the house, but Pippi did not sleep. She decided to play with the thieves and first threw them on the closet, then scattered them in the corners of the room.
Finally, she got the thieves to dance the twist with her until they dropped.
And then she fed the thieves and gave each a coin, saying that they honestly earned them.

Chapter 9 How Pippi is invited to a cup of coffee

Annika and Tommy's mother invited Peppy for a cup of coffee and the girl was very worried that she would behave badly. However, everything went great. Peppy ate all the sweets, scattered sugar on the floor, ate a huge cake alone, and when the mother of her friends put the children on the sidelines, she happily intervened in the adults' conversations about the servants, talking about her grandmother's servants.
Annika and Tommy's mother decided not to invite Pippi to visit anymore, telling the girl that she had behaved very badly.

Chapter 10 How Peppy Saves Two Babies

One day, when Pippi was out for a walk, there was a fire in the city. A high-rise building caught fire, in the attic of which two babies were crying. People were afraid that they might die, but they could not help them in any way.
But Pippi sent Nilsson to the tree with a rope, and then took a long board and also climbed to the top of the tree. She threw the board onto the attic balcony and easily pulled the kids out.
Then she danced on the board, shouting that the fire is simply magnificent. And the people below praised Peppy's heroic deed.

Chapter 11 How Pippi Celebrates Her Birthday

Once Tommy and Annika received an illiterately written invitation to a feast on the occasion of Pippi's birthday, and were very happy. They bought a present, dressed up and went to Pippi's.
Everything was ready there. The table was bursting with delicious food, the stove was heated hot, and there was a new carpet on the floor.
The children gave Pippi a music box, and she gave them small gifts in return. Then everyone ate Chinese cookies and played. In the end, Pippi suggested going to the attic to catch a ghost.
There were no ghosts in the attic, but the children found a sailor's chest, with a saber, gold and pistols. Peppy immediately fired her pistols and was delighted.
And when dad took Tommy and Annika away, Peppy shouted after them that she would definitely become a sea robber when she grew up.

Pippi is going to go.

Chapter 1 How Peppy Goes Shopping

One spring, Annika and Tommy came to Pippi, they did not know what to do, so there were no lessons at school. Peppy offered to go shopping and took a handful of gold coins from her suitcase.
Pippi decided to buy herself a piano, but the first thing she did was go to a store that sold freckle cream and asked for a cream that enlarges freckles. In the next store, Pippi broke off her hand from the mannequin and immediately bought the whole mannequin, but took only the torn off hand.
Then Pippi went into the confectionery and bought a hundred kilograms of candy, which she immediately began to distribute to children on the street. Then Pippi bought all the children around toys in the same way, and then she looked into the pharmacy and picked up various medicines.
Then Pippi loaded all the purchases into a wheelbarrow and went home.

Chapter 2 How Peppy writes a letter and goes to school

Tommy and Annika told that they wrote a letter to their grandmother, and Pippi decided to write a letter to herself. She wrote something for a long time, then sealed the envelope and gave it to the postman, who immediately threw the letter into her mailbox. Pippi took out the letter and read it with joy.
There were many mistakes in the letter and Tommy and Annika advised Pippi to go back to school. Saying that then she could go on a field trip with them.
The next day, Peppy came to the school, but refused to go into the classroom. She told how fun lessons are held in Australia and children jump out the window.
And the teacher allowed Pippi to go on an excursion with the class.

The guys went on an excursion to the Wonderful Forest on foot, and only Pippi was on her horse. In the Wonderful Forest, the children began to play the Beast and the monster, of course, was Pippi. She hid in a cave and hunted children. Everyone had a lot of fun.
Then a girl named Ulla took the guys to her house for compote. On the way they met a laden horse, the driver of which mercilessly whipped the animal.
The teacher was indignant and demanded to stop torturing the animal, but the driver threatened the teacher with a whip. Then Pippi came up to him and began to throw him into the air. Then she made the driver himself drag the sack of flour, and carried the horse to the stable.
The teacher praised Pippi.
But at dinner, Pippi again behaved terribly, grabbed everything without asking and ate more than all combined.
The teacher tried to explain to Pippi how a well-bred lady should behave, but Pippi's stomach growled so much that she again wanted to become a sea robber.

Chapter 4 How Pippi Goes to the Fair

A fair came to the city and Pippi decided to inspect it. The children walked along the counters, then entered the shooting gallery. The well-groomed gentleman hit the target only from the fifth time, and Pippi easily put five bullets in a row into the target.
Then the children circled on the carousel for more than an hour, and then they went to the booth to watch a theatrical performance. Pippi took the story of the unfortunate Countess Aurora to heart and when some guy was about to kill the Countess, she jumped onto the stage and threw the guy into the box.
After that, the children went to the menagerie. Peppy was interested in boas and she put one around her neck. He got angry and tried to strangle Pippi, but of course nothing came of it.
Suddenly there was a cry - the tigers escaped from the cage.
However, Peppy was not late either. She grabbed the tiger by the scruff of the neck and, like a kitten, carried him back to the cage.
At this time, the local hooligan Loban stuck to an old man who was selling sausages and began to juggle sausages. No one dared to say a word against, and only Pippi boldly stepped forward and began to juggle Loban.
After that, she made the bully pay for the sausage and sent him home. And people shouted that they did not need the police, since they had Peppy.

Chapter 5 How Pippi is Shipwrecked

Peppy often told Tommy and Annika about the sea, about storms and shipwreck, and the children decided to play shipwreck on an island in the local lake.
When the schoolchildren were dismissed for the holidays, Tommy and Annika's parents left, and the children went on a boat to a desert island.
They began to look for cannibals, but they were not on the island. Then they pitched a tent and lit a fire. After eating and playing, the children went to bed, and in the morning they had a good breakfast first thing.
Then Pippi tried to catch the cuttlefish, and when that didn't work, the children started swimming. Since the water was cold, they tied a rope to a tree that grew above the water and slipped down into the water.
The next morning, Tommy discovered that the boat was missing. The children were frightened, but Pippi did not lose heart. She made Tommy write a letter and threw the bottle with the note into the water.
Then she remembered that she herself hid the boat in the bushes and the children went home.

Chapter 6 How Pippi welcomes a dear guest

One evening a fat sailor came up to Pippi's house. It turned out to be Pope Efroim. He hugged Pippi and they immediately began to measure their strength. No one could take over, but Peppy promised that she would soon become stronger than her father.
Ephroim said that he was blown away by the wind from the ship, he ended up on the island of Veseliya and became its king. And now he returned for Pippi, because he promised his black subjects to bring a real princess.
Pippi arranged a festive dinner, then there were dances until you drop.
And in the evening, going to bed, Annika began to cry.

Chapter 7 How Pippi Makes a Farewell Feast

The next day, Pippi announced to her sad friends that she was going with her father to his island, and decided to have a farewell feast.
Children from all over the city were invited to the feast. Captain Efroim beat the drum, the children blew their pipes, and everyone had fun.
After dinner, everyone played fun games, and Ephroim and Pippi demonstrated their strength by breaking crowbars and dragging a lot of people. The day ended with a festive fireworks display.
Pippi invited Tommy and Annika to come to her villa to play when she sailed away, but the children were too upset to agree.

Chapter 8 How Pippi Goes to Swim

Peppy closed her house and went to the Jumper, her father's ship. Tommy and Annika saw her off, silent and sad.
When Pippi went up the ladder, Annika broke down and burst into tears. Peppy tried her best to cheer up her friends, but her eyes glittered treacherously.
When ten minutes remained before sailing, Pippi suddenly told her father that she could not leave her friends, who were so bad because she was leaving.
Efroim sadly supported his daughter's decision, and Pippi got off the ship and galloped on horseback towards the Chicken Villa.

Pippi in the country of Veselija.

Chapter 1 How Pippi's Villa is Purchased Hen

Once an important gentleman came to the city, and when he saw the sign to the villa "Chicken" he decided that the villa was for sale. He drove up to the villa and saw the neglected garden and the old house, which was easier to demolish.
The gentleman began to figure out where to start the repair and decided to cut down the old oak tree first. The master began to ask the owner and Pippi invited him to wait. The gentleman behaved arrogantly and defiantly, and Pippi began to tease him. The master became furious, and Peppy climbed up the oak. Then the master grabbed Annika to give her a thrashing.
But Peppy immediately went down and began to play the ball with the master, throwing it into the sky.
The gentleman left in a panic, and then learned from the policeman that Peppy is the owner of the Chicken Villa and she is the strongest girl in the world.
Then the gentleman started his car and left this town forever.

Chapter 2 How Pippi Encourages Aunt Laura

Aunt Laura came to visit Tommy and Annika's mother, and Pippi decided to cheer her up. She told about her grandmother, who was very nervous, but began to take fox poison and after that sat quietly and calmly for months.
Then Pippi told how a cow flew into a train compartment. Then Pippi told about two two-meter twins. Aunt Laura got up and decided to leave.

Chapter 3 How Pippi Looks for Cucaryamba

On that day, Pippi announced to her friends that she had found a new word - kukaryamba, but she herself did not know what it meant. Pippi really wanted to know what this word means, and the children went to the store. There was no kukaryamba in the grocery store, and there was none in the hardware store either.
Peppy decided that kukaryamba was some kind of illness and went to the doctor. But the doctor said that there is no such disease.
Then Pippi climbed onto the third floor of a house and looked for the cucaramba there. But there was no mystery word there either.
On the way back, Tommy almost crushed a bug with his foot and Pippi realized that this bug was the desired kukaryamba. Kukaryamba turned out to be very beautiful and Pippi fell in love with her very much.

Chapter 4 How Pippi Invents a New Sport

The summer holidays were over and Tommy and Annika invited Pippi to pick them up at school, because on that day Miss Rosenblum was handing out gifts to obedient children.
Freken Rosenblum, a dry old woman, lined up the children in order to conduct a survey and identify those who deserve gifts. And at that moment Pippi jumped up. Freken Rosenblum began to ask Pippi questions, and she answered with her usual humor and imagination. The old woman got angry and said that Pippi was the most ignorant and nasty girl in the world.
Then Pippi decided to play questions with those who had been weeded out by Miss Rosenblum. She asked the children funny questions, and then handed out coins and candy. And the children who did not receive gifts from Miss Rosenblum were more happy than those who received them.

Chapter 5 How Peppy Gets a Letter

In winter, Tommy and Annika fell ill with measles, but Pippi came to visit friends every day and entertained them in every possible way. Finally, the children recovered and Pippi began to feed them porridge, telling instructive stories on this topic from her life.
At this time, the postman brought Pippi a letter.
Tommy read the letter aloud, and it said that King Ephraim immediately demanded his daughter Penelotte, and had already sent a ship for her.
There was dead silence.

Chapter 6 How Pippi Goes to Swim

The next day, the Jumper entered the port and King Ephroim was greeted with great honors by the inhabitants of the city. Pippi was terribly glad that she would soon set sail, while Tommy and Annika, on the other hand, were sad and gloomy.
Pippi decided to take her friends with her, and her friends were amazed by the offer and were afraid that their mother would not let them go. But Pippi said that she had already agreed on everything with their mother.
In early spring, Pippi, and with her Annika and Tommy, went up on the deck of the Jumper. All the children in the city were terribly jealous of them, and mum and dad Tommy and Annika furtively wiped their eyes. But the doctor advised their children to change the climate after being sick, and the parents decided that this trip would be good for them.
The Jumper set sail, and Annika confessed to Pippi that when she grew up she would also become a pirate.

Chapter 7 How Pippi comes ashore

For many days the ship sailed on the sea. The children were tanned and strengthened. But then the shores of Veselia, a small cozy island, appeared.
All the inhabitants of the island poured ashore to meet their king Efroim, and he put Pippi on his shoulders and the islanders shouted loudly. And then Pippi put Efroim on her shoulders and the screams intensified.
Efroim showed the monument that had been erected on the spot where the waves had thrown it. Then he took his place on the throne, for Pippi there was a smaller throne nearby.
The islanders prostrated themselves in front of Pippi, and she was angry, she needed the throne only for the game.

Chapter 8 How Peppy Talks to the Shark

The next day, all the children went swimming, and the local Negro children asked Peppy how white children live in their country. Pippi explained that all white children love to learn and the worst punishment for them is the holidays.
King Efroim announced to his daughter that he was going with men to another island to hunt wild boars. And Peppy and the children went to the coral caves to look for pearls.
Tommy suddenly fell into the water and a shark rushed towards him. She managed to sink her teeth into the boy's leg when Peppy arrived.
Peppy lifted the shark out of the water, shamed it and threw it back into the sea. The shark hastened to swim away.
And Pippi, having come ashore, wept bitterly, she felt sorry for the shark, which was left without breakfast.

Chapter 9 How Peppy Talks to Jim and Book

The children found a wonderful cave in which coconuts were stacked and one could live for several weeks. They looked out to sea and spat when a ship appeared in the distance.
On it were two bandits, Jim and Book, who learned that there were a lot of pearls on the island of Veselija and wanted to get their hands on it.
They landed just near the cave where Peppy was hiding. And Pippi, of course, talked to them. She told the bandits about the sharks and her grandfather, who has a wooden leg and a long nose.
But the bandits did not believe Pippi and began to swim. Sharks have appeared. The bandits hurriedly got ashore and decided to go in for pearls. Having learned that the children kept a lot of pearls in the cave, they began to ask to sell it, and then climbed into the cave.
But the entrance to the cave was high, and the bandits constantly broke down and fell into the water. Sharks hurried towards them, which Pippi fired at with coconuts.
So the day passed, the bandits were tired and wet, and the children ate coconuts and went to bed.

Chapter 10 How Pippi taught the bandits a lesson

In the morning, the monkey Nilson and the horse went in search of Peppy. The bandits caught the horse and threatened to kill it. Then Pippi jumped down and began to throw the bandits into the sky. At the same time, she said that the bandits behave badly.
Then she carried them to the boat and pushed the boat away from the shore. The bandits hurried to sail away from the terrible island.
And when Pippi's father returned, the girl told him that nothing interesting had happened.

Chapter 11 How Pippi Leaves the Land of Veselia

Days passed. Children played in caves, played in a bamboo house, played bandits and went to the jungle. The rainy season was approaching. And one day Pippi asked Tommy and Annika if they would like to come home.
Pippi said goodbye to the islanders and the Jumper took the children back. Only at the beginning of January the children ended up in their hometown.
The lights were on in Annika and Tommy's house, and their parents were waiting for them. Villa "Chicken" was covered with snow. Tommy and Annika called Pippi to their place, but the girl stubbornly went to her villa, saying that a lot of work had accumulated there.

Chapter 12 How Pippi does not want to be an adult.

Tommy and Annika were very happy to meet their parents, but very sad that they missed Christmas.
The next morning they went to Pippi's and were astonished. The house was brightly lit, a candle was burning on the terrace, and Pippi herself wished her friends a Merry Christmas. She said that her villa was a little behind in time and the children exchanged gifts that Peppy had prepared.
Children began to talk about how they do not want to become adults, because adults do not know how to play. And Peppy took out three magic pills that could forever leave the guys children.
The children took the pea pills and Tommy and Annika went home. They thought it was so great that they would never grow up and would always play with Pippi.
And Peppy looked at the Christmas tree for a long time, and then blew out the candle.

Drawings and illustrations for fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking"

Summary: "Pippi Longstocking" - a modern fairy tale Astrid Lindgren composed a fairy tale night after evening about the girl Pippi for her daughter Karin, who was sick at the time. The name for the main character, long and difficult to pronounce for a Russian person, was invented by the daughter of the writer herself. Pippi longstocking summary This fairy tale turned sixty years old in 2015, and we present its summary. Pippi Longstocking, the heroine of this fantastic story, has been loved in our country since 1957. A little about the author Astrid Lindgren is the daughter of two Swedish farmers and grew up in a large and very close-knit family. She settled the heroine of the fairy tale in a small dull town, where life flows measuredly, and nothing changes. The writer herself was an extremely active person. The Swedish Parliament, at her request and the support of the majority of the population, passed a law according to which it is impossible to offend pets. Your attention below will be presented to the theme of the tale and its summary. Pippi Longstocking, the main characters, Annika and Tommy, will also be characterized. In addition to them, we also love Malysh and Carlson, who were invented by the world-famous writer. She received the most treasured award for every storyteller - the H.K. Andersen. What Pippi and her friends look like Pippi is only nine years old. She is tall, thin and very strong. Her hair is bright red and blazes in the sun. The nose is small, with potatoes, and all covered with freckles. summary of pippi long stocking head by head Pippi walks in stockings of different colors and huge black shoes, which she sometimes decorates. Annika and Tommy, who became friends with Pippi, are the most ordinary, neat and exemplary children who want adventure. At the Chicken Villa (Chapters I-XI), Brother and Sister Tommy and Annika Settergegen lived opposite an abandoned house that stood in a neglected garden. They went to school, and then, having done their homework, they played croquet in their yard. They were very bored, and they dreamed that they would have an interesting neighbor. And now their dream came true: a red-haired girl who had a monkey named Mr. Nilson settled in the Villa "Chicken". She was brought by a real sea ship. Her mother died a long time ago and looked at her daughter from the sky, and her father, a sea captain, was washed away by a wave during a storm, and, as Peppy thought, he became a Negro king on a lost island. A summary of Peppy's long stocking in chapters is very short , which the sailors gave her, and it was a heavy chest with gold coins, which the girl carried like a feather, she bought herself a horse, which she settled on the terrace. This is the very beginning of a wonderful story, its summary. Pippi Longstocking is a kind, fair and extraordinary girl. Acquaintance with Pippi The new girl walked down the street with her back forward. Annika and Tommy asked her why she was doing this. “This is how they walk in Egypt,” the strange girl lied. And she added that in India they generally walk on their hands. But Annika and Tommy were not at all embarrassed by such a lie, because it was a funny fiction, and they went to visit Pippi. Pippi long stocking summary main characters She baked pancakes for her new friends and treated them to glory, even though she broke one egg on your head. But she was not at a loss, and immediately came up with the idea that in Brazil everyone smears eggs on their heads so that their hair grows faster. The whole fairy tale consists of such harmless stories. We will only retell a few of them, since this is a summary. "Pippi Longstocking", a fairy tale full of various events, can be borrowed from the library. How Pippi surprises all the townspeople Pippi can not only tell, but also act very quickly and unexpectedly. The circus came to the city - this is a big event. Together with Tommy and Annika, she went to the performance. But during the performance, she did not sit still. Together with the circus performer, she jumped on the back of a horse racing around the arena, then climbed under the dome of the circus and walked along the rope, she also laid the strongest strongman in the world on the shoulder blades and even threw him several times into the air. They wrote about her in the newspapers, and the whole city found out what an unusual girl lives in it. Only the thieves who decided to rob her did not know about it. They had a bad time! Peppy also saved the kids who ended up on the top floor of a burning house. Many adventures happen to Pippi on the pages of the book. This is just a summary of them. Pippi Longstocking is the best girl in the world. Peppy is going on the road (chapters I - VIII) In this part of the book, Peppy managed to go to school, take part in a school trip, and punish a bully at the fair. This unscrupulous man scattered all his sausages at the old seller. But Peppy punished the bully and made him pay for everything. And in the same part, her dear and beloved dad returned to her. a summary of pippi long stocking reviews He invited her to travel the seas with him. This is a completely quick retelling of the story about Pippi and her friends, a summary of "Pippi Longstocking" chapter by chapter. But the girl will not leave Tommy and Annika in anguish, she will take them with her, with the consent of their mother, to hot countries. On the island of the country of Veseliya (chapters I - XII) Before leaving for warmer climes, Peppy's impudent and respectable gentleman wanted to buy her villa "Chicken" and destroy everything on it. Willa chicken Pippi quickly dealt with him. She also "planted in a puddle" the harmful Miss Rosenblum, who handed out gifts, by the way, boring, to the best, as she considered, children. Then Peppy gathered all the offended guys and gave each a large bag of caramel. All but the evil freken were satisfied. And then Peppy, Tommy and Anika went to the country of Veseliyu. There they swam, fished for pearls, dealt with the pirates and, full of impressions, returned home. This is a complete summary of "Pippi Longstocking" chapter by chapter. Very briefly, because it is much more interesting to read about all the adventures yourself. Reviews All parents who have children 4-5 years old assure that children listen with delight to stories about a girl who does everything the other way around. They almost memorize her adventures, many people like the illustrations and the quality of the publication. Everything is possible We hope that those who are not familiar with the fantastic girl who sleeps with her feet on the pillow will be interested in a summary of Pippi Longstocking. Reviews say that children ask to re-read the book again and again.