Outline of a lesson in application, modeling (middle group) on the topic: "Snail, snail, release the horns." Organization of cognitive activities with children of the middle group "smile for a snail"

(children 5-7 years old) from the series
"Transformations of Magic Spirals"
"Snails in the Grass"

Compiled and conducted:
teacher GBOU d / s No. 1330
combined type
Southern Administrative District of Moscow L. N. Semina

Program tasks: to teach how to make volumetric applications from paper spirals. Improve the technique of working with scissors; develop imagination, memory, creativity, eye. Cultivate perseverance, develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Preliminary work: reading V. Berestov's fairy tale "How to find a path", V. Bianchi "Tails", memorizing T. Sobakin's poem "The Snail", an excerpt from "Who wears his house on?" G. Ganeizer. Examining snails on slides, in illustrations in books.

Equipment and materials: trays, oilcloths, PVA glue, brushes, A4 colored cardboard according to the number of children, scissors; colored paper of various shades; squares of colored paper 4 cm x 4 cm for snail shells; cotton wool; felt-tip pens; napkins; slides with snails.

Course of the lesson:
The teacher asks the children a riddle:
He drags his house on himself,
Knows little grief in the rain
There are no handles and no legs!
That's her whole secret.
Who is this?
First child: Snail.
Educator: Right. Who else knows riddles or poems about the snail?
Second child: I know a saying: The snail goes - someday it will be.
Third child:
Two antennas at the top of the head
And she herself sits in a hut,
She carries her on herself,
Crawls very slowly.
Fourth child: Poem by T. Sobakin "Snail":
A snail wants to get into the garden,
But the gate hinders her.
I'm glad to open the gate -
Let the snail crawl into the garden!
I kept the gate for half an hour -
Hastened the snail!
The teacher praises the children. Shows a slide with a picture of a snail. She says that today the children will be making a volumetric application "Snails in the Grass". Then he shows the finished work with snails.
Questions for children:
- What body parts does a snail have?
Children: The snail has a shell and a body, on the body is a head with horns.
The teacher shows the stages of work:
1. The bodies of large and small snails are cut out of colored paper, after having drawn them on paper.

2. Circles are cut out of squares of colored paper, in which spirals are cut along the contour on snail shells.

3. Cut strips of green paper (grass).

4. Lay out the elements of the snails on a sheet of cardboard; they put round pieces of cotton wool under the sinks, glue everything with glue, remove the excess glue with a napkin.

5. Eyes and mouths are glued to the finished snails; you can draw them with a felt-tip pen; glue the grass, pushing the strips apart.

The teacher during the lesson, if necessary, helps the children; reminds of safety precautions when working with scissors.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher invites the children to consider all the work, notes that all the children are great, praises all the children for their invention, imagination, independence.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in native nature and modeling in the middle group, the topic "Snail"
Lesson objectives:
Expand and clarify the knowledge of children about the snail. Continue to teach children to expressly and loudly recite a nursery rhyme. Vocabulary: shell, herbivorous, hygrophilous. To consolidate the ability to sculpt familiar objects using mastered modeling techniques. To develop memory, hand motor skills. To cultivate curiosity, an ecological worldview.
Pictures depicting a snail, a model of a tree of knowledge with fruits, a file, a piece of 1.5 cm long drawn or cut out of paper, equipment for sculpting.

Course of the lesson:
Guess the riddle and find out who will be the hero of our lesson.
Snail riddle
Two antennas on the top of her head, And she sits in a hut, Carries her on herself, Crawls very slowly. (Snail)
That's right, it's a snail. Have you ever seen live snails? Can you tell? What do you know about snails?
When you were kids, when you saw a snail, you said these words to it:
Snail, snail, (demonstrating a snail)
Pull out the horns, (show two fingers on the head)
I'll give you, snail, a Piece of cake! Crawl along the path (we demonstrate how a snail crawls)
I'll give you some cakes.
Let's remember this nursery rhyme, tell it and show it. (Telling children a nursery rhyme with elements of finger gymnastics).
Now you are no longer kids, you know that snails do not understand your words and do not eat cakes and pies. Today we will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the snail, which you do not know yet. And the magic tree of knowledge will help us in this. Questions are written on its fruits. And you will find out the answers to them.
What does a snail eat?
The snail is a herbivore. What does it mean? How do you understand the meaning of the word "herbivore"? Herbivore means one that feeds on grass and other plants. The snail eats the green foliage of various plants. The snail's tongue resembles a file. Take a look at this tool. (File display). On the tongue of the snail, as on this file, there are hundreds of small teeth, with which the snail cuts and grinds food.
How does a snail live?
The snail is hygrophilous. What does hygrophilous mean? Listen carefully to this word, and it will tell you its meaning. Moisture-loving - loves moisture. In dry weather, a snail hides under stones, in the shade of plants or in damp moss. Usually he spends the day, hiding in his shell, and goes out to feed at night. The snail is most active during the night and after a shower.
In hot, dry summers, the snail becomes lethargic, inactive, falls into a daze. During this period, the snail climbs into the shell, pastes over the exit from it with a thin transparent film. As soon as the rains fall, she comes out of hibernation.
How does a snail winter?
In autumn, when it gets cool outside, snails are buried in the soil for the winter. In the spring, when it gets warmer, they wake up and leave their winter refuge.
Why does a snail need horns?
The snail has not only antennae horns, but two pairs - two and two. One small pair is the antennae used by the snail to sniff. The second big pair is the eyes. The antennae of snails are very sensitive: if they accidentally touch any object, the snail instantly removes them inside. Remember this. Some kids like to poke a snail and watch it hide the horns. Never do that! Nobody likes to be poked in the eye.
How does a snail move?
You have had to watch a snail more than once, do you think the snail moves quickly or slowly? Indeed, the snail moves very slowly. Let's all say these words together: "Snail, crawl a little on your leg!" (Children pronounce these words in chorus). While we were talking, the snail managed to crawl this distance. (Shown as a segment with a length of 1.5 cm).
Snail-snail, You walk quickly: From the gate to me You crawl for four days.
Here is a poem written about the snail by Ya. Akim.
You may have wondered how a snail manages to crawl if no legs are visible. The fact is that the entire lower part of the snail's body is a solid "leg"! When the snail crawls, a sticky liquid flows out of the leg, which helps the snail to move and stay on the surface:
Snails can crawl upside down, because they are surprisingly sticky.
Is a snail's shell safe?
If disturbed, the snail hides in the shell. Although the shell of the snail is quite strong - it can withstand if a toddler who has just learned to walk steps on it, try not to step on the snails. After all, you are no longer kids: you are both bigger and smarter, you know that small animals do not always know how to protect themselves. If they are destroyed, we will be left alone on the planet.
Do snails have enemies?
Snails have a lot of enemies even without a person: hedgehogs, mice, predatory insects (beetles, beetles, crickets, flies, millipedes), frogs and toads, weasels, birds, lizards, predatory snails. In some countries, people eat snails.
How are snails born?
The snail lays its eggs in a specially prepared hole. Then this hole falls asleep. The eggs hatch into adult-like snails. Young snails have a small, smooth, transparent shell. After a few days, young snails crawl out of the hole to the surface in search of food.
Today we are blindfolding a snail. But first, let's get our fingers ready for work.
Finger game "Snail"
The snail in the house, she sits, sticking out her horns, is silent.
One of the hands is a "flower". She stands on the table, resting on her elbow. The toes are bent and spread out. The palm is the calyx of a flower. The second hand is a snail. The thumb, middle, and ring fingers touch at the tips. The index and little fingers are extended forward (snail horns).
Here is a snail crawling ("Snail" swings from side to side).
Slowly forward (creeps forward on the table).
It will crawl onto a flower ("Snail" crawls onto a "flower").
The petals will gnaw. ("The snail" alternately grasps the fingers ("petals") of the second hand ("flower"). She pulled the horns into her head, (The hand ("Snail") curls up into a fist ("pulls the horns"). She hid in the house, fell asleep (The second hand ("flower") closes, hiding the "Snail" in the "bud").
Modeling "Snail"
Children are invited to divide a piece of plasticine into two equal parts. Sausages are rolled out of both pieces in straight movements. One of them is thin and long, which then coils into a spiral - the shell of a snail. From the other - shorter and thicker, a head stands out in it, from which the horns are pulled out (needles can be used) and the "eyes" are squeezed out, the opposite end of the sausage narrows (tail). Then both parts are connected.
1. Why is the snail called herbivore? 2. Why does a snail need a shell? 3. What kind of weather does a snail like? Why is the snail considered moisture-loving? 4. How does a snail winter? 5. How are snails born? 6. How does the snail move? 7. What are the enemies of snails? 8. How many antennae do snails have and why does it need them?

Ecological project "Can a snail live in the home conditions created for it?"

Author: Getmanskaya Elena Viktorovna, educator of MBDOU d / s No. 28 of the village Temizhbekskaya, Caucasian region of Krasnodar Territory
Material calculated for children 4-5 years old.

Purpose: evoke an emotional positive attitude towards animals, a desire to observe them in everyday life.
Project goals: to expand and clarify the knowledge of children about the snail, to foster curiosity, ecological worldview, caring for snails, to form the skills of research activities.
Problem"Will the snail be able to live in the home conditions created for it?"
- to form the skills of research activities;
-to develop thinking, attention;
-to cultivate a desire to learn and be interested in the life of snails.
Project type:
-medium (2 weeks),
- group (within one group of children 5 years old).
Project participants- pupils of the middle group "Bear" (5 years old)
View- search activity.
Expected result: obtaining versatile knowledge about snails, habitat conditions, care.

Stages of implementation:


(collection of information about snails):
- examination of illustrations, pictures with the image of snails;

Educator's story;
- reading sayings, proverbs, riddles about snails;
- search for information about snails in the encyclopedias available in the preschool educational institution;
- watching the video "Snail" on the site /www.yotube.com/watch?/;
- Creation of conditions for the emergence of questions, the advancement of hypotheses;
- joint work planning.

2 Description of the main stage:

1. Find
On 04/16/2014, going for a walk in a group, the pupils saw a snail crawling across the path. She immediately aroused the interest of the children, their eyes lit up and everyone wanted to hold her in his hands, to examine her closer. But when one of the pupils took her in hand, she disappeared into the sink. We decided to leave the snail alone, but the children periodically looked to see if the snail got out of its house. During the observation, questions arose: “Why did she hide from us? Will she leave the house soon? " The walk was coming to an end, but the snail never left the house.
The guys offered to temporarily shelter her in our kindergarten in our group "Bear". When brought to the group, the question arose "Where will she live?" Paying attention to the size of the snail, they began to offer different options: a jar, a glass, a box. We decided together that a plastic cup would be a temporary shelter for our snail. Our task is to observe whether it is comfortable for a snail in this house?

They noticed that during the day the snail did not move, did not look out of the shell, did not eat, the children assumed that she was sleeping.
Every day, coming in the morning, the children were surprised not to find a snail in the house. The whole group of pupils looked for her and found her either on the wall, then on a branch, then she was sucked upside down.
The guys concluded that the snail is awake at night and sleeps during the day. One of the children suggested that maybe the snail doesn't like our house, or it's too small, cramped. The children supported him, as they brought treats for the snail, and there was no place to put it, and suggested looking for a bigger house.
2. House of the snail.
Together we picked up a rectangular container 20 * 7 cm, into which pebbles were first poured,

the earth, which was mixed with sand, was picked up by green grass.

All children took an active part in the improvement of the snail house, each made his own contribution. In the process of work, the children were interested to know “Will the snail like our house? Will she hide from us now? Will she now taste the delicacies brought by the children? "
Two days later, the snail decided to get to know us, she crawled out of the shell and showed the children her horns. The children were delighted because they decided that the snail liked their house. We received an offer to name our guest "Beehive". Everyone liked this name. So Ulya slowly began to get used to the conditions that were created for her.
3. Pet care
On the sixth day of being in the group, the snail got used to it and, during the day without being afraid of children, crawled along the branches, we will bring it in a group to a corner of nature.

The children noticed that at last the snail began to eat. They brought her gifts: an apple, a cucumber, a cabbage. It was noticeable that the snail is very fond of eating cucumbers, biting the top layer with its teeth.

On the 7th - 8th day, the snail hid from us, clogging the shell with a film. We decided not to touch the snail, leave it alone and watch how long it will hide from us.
On the 10th day, she woke up, and the guys decided to take her out into the fresh air for a walk with them.

Imagine the surprise of the children when they saw that the snail was no longer afraid of them, crawling on the ground, grass, eating, wiggling its antennae. During the walk she got tired and hid again.
When we entered the group, the guys noticed that Ulya got dirty while climbing on the ground. And they offered to redeem her. Bathing caused a lot of positive emotions in the children, in front of their eyes the snail began to crawl out of the shell, at first it showed its horns, twisted its head to the right and left, as if enjoying the bath, and then it got out completely, climbed the shell for a long time.

The pupils had the opportunity to take a closer look at the structure of the snail. The children were also surprised that the snail's lower body is a solid leg. It crawls slowly, and when it crawls, a sticky liquid flows out of the leg, which helps to stay on the surface.
The children concluded that the snail is very fond of swimming and remembered that they found it after the last rain.
On the 12th day, we decided to once again bathe the snail and observe its behavior. After bathing, the snail actively walked around its house in search of food. Children watched with great pleasure the snail's wakefulness.

Conclusion: Our observation, which lasted 2 weeks, came to an end. As a result of observations, we found out that the snail can live in the home conditions created for it, caring for it is simple, does not require much time. It is interesting to watch the snails. As a result, we set the snail free, they live better there.

With kids

middle group "Smile for a snail"


1. To acquaint children with the structural features of the snail, to give an idea of ​​feeding and caring for a snail.

2. Continue to select simultaneously two or three properties (shape, color, size).

3. Fix:

Direct and ordinal counting, the ability to compare objects by quantity,

Children's knowledge of geometric shapes: a circle, an oval, a triangle, a square, a rhombus - a quadrangle.

Exercise in orientation in space (upper right corner, lower left ...)

Ability to sculpt details (horns) from a whole piece.

4. To develop dexterity, speed of reaction, mental processes: logical thinking, attention, memory.

5. Strengthen the health of children through physical activity and prevention of flat feet.

7. Deliver joy to children, evoke an emotional response.

8. To cultivate a love of nature.

Vocabulary work:

Activate words denoting actions (verbs), behind, between, before, upper right corner, rhombus.

Individual work:


Snail, vegetables, fruits, plasticine, planks, napkins, arches, benches, snail cap, scheme - a strip with glued figures and a snail in color.

Preliminary work:

Making riddles, viewing illustrations, games.

The teacher makes a riddle:

Who is it, in fact,

Walks barely, barely,

Wears the house twisted-

Behind the back. (Snail)

Children, and you want to see a real live snail? I invite you on an extraordinary journey. Ready? Went.

To the music "Smile" children follow the teacher in a column, performing exercises: walking on toes, deep squatting, jumping, running.

Lining up around the table, holding hands.

Here we are.

The teacher removes the napkin and the children examine the snail.

This snail is called a grape snail. How many guessed why it is called that?

Right. The homeland of the grape snail is the south of France and Italy.

Not only children love to travel, but animals and plants also travel from one country to another, all over the world. So our snail has moved to the south of our Motherland.

Examining a snail:

What is the name of the snail's house? Where do they wear it? Why does a snail need a shell? What do you see on the sink? What else is interesting about the snail? (horns, mouth, leg?) How does she move?

1-2-3- you snails. Crawling on the bench.

She's bored alone, come on blind her girlfriends.

Choose any piece of plasticine. Listen to me carefully, when you blind the snails, then try to put them as shown in the diagram: guess how? All red snails ... on a square, all yellow ... on an oval, all green ... on a triangle, all blue ... on a rhombus, a circle. Find the number that represents the number of shapes. I myself sculpt from a large piece of plasticine.

Independent work. Children place snails on figures. Checking the completion of the task.

How many and what kind of snail girlfriends did our guys get on the triangle? Oval? Square? Which figure has the most? Let's count and compare. Individual work.

What is the 3rd shape on the left?

What is the shape between the triangle and the rhombus?(a circle).

Which figures is the triangle between?

Where is the oval?

What is the second figure?

Find the snail with the longest horns? I think it's a real grape snail. With the shortest ones?

Children compare.

Fizminutka- the game "Snail". (Mask).

The snail is chosen by a counting rhyme:

1-2-3, snail - you!

Snail, snail, show the horns-

I'll give you a piece of cake, crumpets, cheesecakes,

Butter tortillas - stick your horns out!

(the snail is catching up with the children). Caught are counted. Compare who caught the most?

Children, do you know what a snail eats?

Children's answers. The snail is very fond of grapes, as well as apples, carrots, cabbage.

Let's treat a snail. Take any chip with a number, memorize it, collect the same amount of vegetables or fruits with your toes.

Children collect dummies of vegetables and fruits, come to treat - a survey.

Outcome: our unusual journey has come to an end. Did you enjoy the trip? What new things have you learned on this journey?

I wish you many new interesting trips.

The minute of farewell has come. How can you say goodbye to a snail?

Farewell game for the prevention of flat feet (children take handkerchiefs with their toes and wave to the snail).

Lesson objectives:

Expand and clarify children's knowledge about the snail.
Continue to teach children to recite a nursery rhyme expressively and loudly.
Dictionary: shell, herbivore, hygrophilous.
To consolidate the ability to sculpt familiar objects using the mastered sculpting techniques.
Develop memory, hand motility.
Foster curiosity, ecological worldview.


Pictures depicting a snail, a model of a tree of knowledge with fruits, a file, a piece of 1.5 cm long drawn or cut out of paper, equipment for sculpting.


Course of the lesson:

Guess the riddle and find out who will be the hero of our lesson.

Snail riddle

Two antennas at the top of the head
And she herself sits in a hut,
She carries her on herself,
Crawls very slowly.

That's right, it's a snail. Have you ever seen live snails? Can you tell? What do you know about snails?

When you were kids, when you saw a snail, you said these words to it:

Snail, snail
(demonstrating a snail)

Pull your horns out
(showing two fingers on the head)

I'll give you a snail
Piece of cake!
Crawl down the path
(we demonstrate how a snail crawls)

I'll give you some cakes.

Let's remember this nursery rhyme, tell it and show it. (Telling children a nursery rhyme with elements of finger gymnastics).

Now you are no longer kids, you know that snails do not understand your words and do not eat cakes and pies. Today we will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the snail, which you do not know yet. And the magic tree of knowledge will help us in this. Questions are written on its fruits. And you will find out the answers to them.

What does a snail eat?

The snail is a herbivore. What does it mean? How do you understand the meaning of the word "herbivore"? Herbivore means one that feeds on grass and other plants. The snail eats the green foliage of various plants. The snail's tongue resembles a file. Take a look at this tool. (File display). On the tongue of the snail, as on this file, there are hundreds of small teeth, with which the snail cuts and grinds food.

How does a snail live?

The snail is hygrophilous. What does hygrophilous mean? Listen carefully to this word, and it will tell you its meaning. Moisture-loving - loves moisture. In dry weather, a snail hides under stones, in the shade of plants or in damp moss. Usually he spends the day, hiding in his shell, and goes out to feed at night. The snail is most active during the night and after a shower.

In hot, dry summers, the snail becomes lethargic, inactive, falls into a daze. During this period, the snail climbs into the shell, pastes over the exit from it with a thin transparent film. As soon as the rains fall, she comes out of hibernation.

How does a snail winter?

In autumn, when it gets cool outside, snails are buried in the soil for the winter. In the spring, when it gets warmer, they wake up and leave their winter refuge.

Why does a snail need horns?

The snail has not only antennae horns, but two pairs - two and two. One small pair is the antennae used by the snail to sniff. The second big pair is the eyes. The antennae of snails are very sensitive: if they accidentally touch any object, the snail instantly removes them inside. Remember this. Some kids like to poke a snail and watch it hide the horns. Never do that! Nobody likes to be poked in the eye.

How does a snail move?

You have had to watch a snail more than once, do you think the snail moves quickly or slowly? Indeed, the snail moves very slowly. Let's all say these words together: "Snail, crawl a little on your leg!" (Children pronounce these words in chorus). While we were talking, the snail managed to crawl this distance. (Shown as a segment with a length of 1.5 cm).

Snail snail,
You walk quickly:
From the gate to me
You've been crawling for four days.

Here is a poem written about the snail by Ya. Akim.

You may have wondered how a snail manages to crawl if no legs are visible. The fact is that the entire lower part of the snail's body is a solid "leg"! When the snail crawls, a sticky liquid flows out of the leg, which helps the snail to move and stay on the surface:

Snails can crawl upside down
Because they are surprisingly sticky.

Is a snail's shell safe?

If disturbed, the snail hides in the shell. Although the shell of the snail is quite strong - it can withstand if a toddler who has just learned to walk steps on it, try not to step on the snails. After all, you are no longer kids: you are both bigger and smarter, you know that small animals do not always know how to protect themselves. If they are destroyed, we will be left alone on the planet.

Do snails have enemies?

Snails have a lot of enemies even without a person: hedgehogs, mice, predatory insects (beetles, beetles, crickets, flies, millipedes), frogs and toads, weasels, birds, lizards, predatory snails. In some countries, people eat snails.

How are snails born?

The snail lays its eggs in a specially prepared hole. Then this hole falls asleep. The eggs hatch into adult-like snails. Young snails have a small, smooth, transparent shell.
A few days later, young snails crawl out of the hole to the surface in search of food.

Today we are blindfolding a snail. But first, let's get our fingers ready for work.

Finger game "Snail"

The snail in the house, she sits, sticking out her horns, is silent.

One of the hands is a "flower". She stands on the table, resting on her elbow. The toes are bent and spread out. The palm is the calyx of a flower. The second hand is a snail. The thumb, middle, and ring fingers touch at the tips. The index and little fingers are extended forward (snail horns).

Here is a snail crawling
(The "snail" swings from side to side).

Slowly forward.
(Crawls forward on the table).

It will crawl onto a flower
(The "snail" crawls onto the "flower").

She will gnaw the petals.
(The "snail" alternately grasps the fingers ("petals") of the second hand ("flower").

She pulled her horns into my head,
(The hand ("Snail") curls up into a fist ("pulls in the horns").

She hid in the house and fell asleep.
(The second hand ("flower") closes, hiding the "Snail" in the "bud").

Modeling "Snail"

Children are invited to divide a piece of plasticine into two equal parts. Sausages are rolled out of both pieces in straight movements. One of them is thin and long, which then coils into a spiral - the shell of a snail. From the other - shorter and thicker, a head stands out in it, from which the horns are pulled out (needles can be used) and the "eyes" are squeezed out, the opposite end of the sausage narrows (tail). Then both parts are connected.


1. Why is the snail called herbivore?
2. Why does a snail need a shell?
3. What kind of weather does the snail like? Why is the snail considered moisture-loving?
4. How does a snail winter?
5. How are snails born?
6. How does the snail move?
7. What are the enemies of snails?
8. How many antennae do snails have and why does it need them?